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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 No.485776[Watch Thread]>>485783>>485790>>485819

Yep, I live in that chaotic land

I'm not ncessarily a zionist, I'm questioning a lot of stuff about the conflict myself because I was brainwashed since age 0, but I can't be open about it for obvious reasos.


Why are you still there? The economy is collapsing and everything is blowing up around you.


>>485776 (OP)
>I'm not ncessarily a zionist
ok, so what is your ideology? or if you don't have one what are your political opinions?


>>485776 (OP)
>I can't be open about it
Why even make the thread?


kill yourself, but don't forget to take out other settlers with you


If OP is indeed an Israeli with the means to emigrate, that's probably sound advice. Lots of Israeli went to Cyprus, as a wait and see midway-station, depending how things turn out they might go back or enter the diaspora.

Most western countries should be safe for OP except the ones that have the gag-laws that ban criticism of Israel. That will be used to politically persecute insufficiently Zionist Jews. It's basically the "inverted totalitarianism" version of something like ethnic expulsions.

Com-on be civil, everybody knows that society went to shit, but individual people from there can still be decent.


>but individual people from there can still be decent
I doubt it tbqh, just look at OP's wording of "not necessarily being a zionist". As if they're still on the fence a little bit.


>>485776 (OP)
Hello Op,
First, I want to express my gratitude for sharing your perspective on the situation. I completely understand your concerns about revealing your story. As part of my volunteer efforts, I assist individuals like you in sharing their experiences safely and comfortably. While I may not have the full context of your situation, I'd like to offer some advice. You're welcome to email me for further assistance—I've provided my contact details in the /edu/ thread.
I can see that you're apprehensive about your safety, especially considering your location in Israel. It’s essential to keep that in mind when you consider what to share. Israel has a robust surveillance system, so caution is key if you're discussing sensitive matters online. Here are some steps you can take to communicate more securely:
1. Avoid using your cellphone for any sensitive communications, as your government may monitor it.
2. If possible, use the TOR network with a dedicated Linux distribution like Tails, Qubes, or Whonix.
◦ Make sure to disable JavaScript in the TOR settings when feasible.
◦ You can also access Leftychan through a TOR address for added security.
3. If TOR isn't an option, select a strong and reputable VPN service running on a stable Linux distro.
◦ When obtaining the VPN, do it anonymously and consider using a public Wi-Fi network for an extra layer of privacy. ProtonVPN is a good choice, as they offer a free version.
If you need further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to me via email as mentioned in the edu thread or the link above.
Best of luck, and thank you!
– Commie-tech –


What do you think of this? Does it contradict the narrative you were raised with?
Do you actually believe in negation of the diaspora and all the other Zionist ubermench sabra bullshit?
Is it well known in Israel that Masada was literally the result of Sicarii literally murdering and pillaging the wider Jewish community? It's bizarre that Israel's foundational historical heroes in Zionist mythology were literally mass murdering, criminal psychopaths in reality right?


Das right, brotha. ϟemiteϟ of all sorts shall be cleansed from th@ shithole marxallah. Communism aint free & shiet uygha


>Why even make the thread?
I think he means to other Israelis.

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