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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 No.486172[Watch Thread]>>486179

Why is no one talking about HR.4359? The "Crucial communism teaching act" Which is basically a bill that is being pushed to force anti communist teachings in public schools? This is such a disgusting fucking joke. Are we are to witness another red scare in this country?


Wait a minute anon, are you implying schools aren't already full of anti-communist propaganda?


Not OP but they've switched to state mandated anti-communist propaganda, which is explicit. At least that's how I interpret it.

Let's hope it works out worse than D.A.R.E and the war on drugs.


While this is surely an escalation, we have to realize that teaching can only ever go so far in informing people. The problem is that schools are a dependent institution funded by the government. And the moment you start giving students ideas that the system might not be the best possible system we can come up with is when you run into vested interests prepared to pull your funding. In Marxist terms they are a "subsumed class process". Leftists honestly need to do a better job communicating the class character of schools.


You can't actually use ideology to trick people that way. People who live in a broken system, know it, propaganda can't out-compete lived reality.

The goal of this shit, is to get everybody to pretend the system works.



Schooling has always been anti-worldly. Teachers have always pathologised students who express non-liberal opinions, use new tech, or adopt new slang.
Or homemade academic methods of solving math problems.
Teachers like to talk about how they love teaching and want students to learn critical thinking but they get offended when kids do t conform to the presumed role of wide eyed innocence.


>>486172 (OP)
>Are we are to witness another red scare in this country?
We're heading rapidly into an era of outright dictatorship in the US. It's the long-term result/goal of the neoliberal project: remove functions of state from any semblance of democratic control through privatization and deregulation, and then use those privatized functions to do things which the government would come under fire for if it did directly, all while increasing control over national wealth and increasing capture over the political state itself.
It doesn't matter that the US really has no major united socialist movement to speak of. America's rentier capitalist elites know that a crisis is coming and are acting preemptively to protect their control over wealth and power. Meanwhile, workers are not acting and organizing quickly enough.

This year, we are going to see the next major recession… it will most likely begin within the next 6 months. This will be before or after the start of WWIII with a major war on Iran. Trump might be a dotard, but he is still intended as the "bad cop" of the American oligarchic state, although it's possible that he dies and they replace him with Thiel's Vance. What we're looking at is so much worse than most people comprehend, and they've been working on this shit since the '80s, and working even harder since the '00s. This insane red scare shit is the tip of the fucking iceberg.

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