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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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u wut m8


The state is currently doing more than you are to bring about communism btw


Terrorism charge is INSANE!


Employee stabs company president during staff meeting


I would consider this a partially correct analysis. Or on the way towards a correct analysis. Perhaps we should begin with: you ought not conceptualize the state as a unitary thing. There are lots of different parts to a state/law. Modern states are suppressing clan-society bullshit like honor-killings and blood-feuds. That's a good thing.
But modern states are also getting infiltrated by mafia organizations that are trying to legitimize their thuggery and make the state do what used to be done by goon-squats.

Think about copyright and patents in the context of the health-care industry. It's basically an ideological veneer for big and powerful mafia organizations declaring healing with medicines as their turf and taking a cut. But unlike street-mafias they're not fighting these turf wars with gang-violence, they are manipulating the state apparatus to do it with state violence.

The street-mafias also manipulate the state, usually via bribery and blackmail directed against functionaries of the state. So even in the embryonic stages the pattern already exists in some forms. Many small time mafiosi have aspirations to "go legit" and that can mean conforming their mafia-activities to what is considered "reputable business practices". However quite often they don't mean to change what they do, they mean to change the state and the law. They seek to conform the conception of legitimacy not their activities. When they succeed you get these absurd situations where what used to be a crime is redefined into enforcement.

When for example a street-gang raids/destroys the make-shift laboratory for "biologically active substances" of a rival gang, we call that gang-wars and talk about crime-syndicates. But when the exact same turf-struggle happens on a larger scale all the words change. It will get described as pharmaceutical company "suing one another one for patent infringement" and it's law enforcement shutting down the production of infringerínos or what ever the "correct" jargon is.

Obviously many people are harmed and killed because of what those gangs do and that's why it's considered organized crime. But the body count of the corporate sector dwarfs that by an order of magnitude, but somehow they're not considered organized crime. The difference is a mafia that got big enough to manipulate the state and the law.

By the way the economic mechanisms that produce the mafia structures are the same for copyright/patents and prohibited narcotics. Artificial scarcity increases the profit margins a lot and like always there's people willing to do terrible things to take a cut. To bring this full circle. Delaying or denying health-care is also a way for creating this artificial scarcity, that causes all this crime.

So perhaps a better way to look at this is to consider a dichotomy between
<legal crimes and illegal crimes

and add some new categories like:
<legislative crimes
meaning powerful groups manipulating the state/law in ways that legalizes inflicting harm on powerless people.

Copyrights/patents ought to be considered legislative crimes since it leads to people not getting medications causing preventable harm or death. Those laws that enables the delay and deny schemes probably are another candidate for a legislative crime.

this time it's in the correct thread




>when you don't know who max stirner is.



The state's violence is against the entire working class, not just the individual. This is why individual instances of violence do nothing.


I will be accepting apologies on behalf of all left communists in this thread.


Holy fuck lmao

Look at the fucking nerd. Being a pedant is fucking GAY.


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The law enforcement are criminals defending racketeering schemes to rob the population. They should be in jail.

Even just finding a clear definition of what a "racket" is is hard on google search, because they're burying it and someone's shutting down pages that give a clear definition.

>Racketeering originally got its name in 1927 from the Employers’ Association of Chicago. It defined a “racket” as a business that creates its own demand–something that would not be needed otherwise, such as the classic “protection racket,” in which gangsters coerce payment from business owners to keep their businesses safe from crime.


Banks (loan sharks in the modern era, not real banks that securely store things) create demand for loans by giving loans for necessary and scarce commodities, which removes the purchaser from price negotiation since they have to buy it no matter the cost. After the prices have inflated beyond what people can afford, they are forced to get a loan to acquire necessities. So "banks", loan sharks, manipulate prices with loans to force everyone to get loans from them.

Landlords purchase housing in areas with housing scarcity (or orchestrate mass immigration to create housing scarcity) which then forces people to pay for their service. You can take any city people need to live in for work and create housing scarcity through your purchases and force them to rent from you. Landlording is a racket. Temporary housing is called a hotel, and it doesn't take residential properties off the market.

Health insurers demand a 90% discount from doctors and hospitals (using mafia and threats) to raise prices 1,000% on everyone else, forcing everyone to buy health insurance from them. They create the demand for the service they're providing.

These are all really obvious fake businesses, rackets, that coerce people to pay someone for nothing, they create demand for the service that otherwise wouldn't be needed.

All the law enforcement that have been carrying out evictions for landlords and defending them have been engaging in racketeering schemes to rob the entire country. Instead of arresting the criminals, they terrorize the population into paying the criminals. The law enforcement in the USA defending the racketeers are the criminals that need to be arrested, they're criminals that infiltrated law enforcement and subverted it for criminal activity.

Where possible, the racketeers have changed the laws to make them toothless and make racketeering "legal", despite their way of changing the laws being illegal. R.I.C.O. law for instance has become mostly toothless, because the FBI waited to arrest the racketeers so long they were able to change the laws to defend themselves from prosecution. But the economy still collapsed, the people are still dying, and humorously all these criminals in law enforcement are getting ripped off and having their families ruined by the very racketeers they've been keeping out of jail.

Is it worth it to defend criminal trash and then lose your life savings or die from some simple ailment when the con man health insurer YOU KEPT OUT OF JAIL denies your claims?


Well said!

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