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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Thread mostly for disasters, but also some good things. What happened this year?
I can think of a few things:
Genocide and regional war in the middle east
Fall of Damascus
War in Ukraine continues to escalate (and US starts arming Azov again)
BioLab explodes in Georgia (AGAIN)
Coup attempt in South Korea
Arrest warrants for Israeli leaders (and US president sued for complicity!)
That CEO got shot
Police states in western "democracies" brutally crack down on anti-genocide protests
Leftist coalition wins in France, Macron refuses to acknowledge it (and some shit happens in Germany, too)
Telegram guy arrested by France
Julian Assange let off (on the condition that he plead guilty to journalism)
TikTok ban
Evo Morales was almost assassinated (and some sort of coup attempt or false flag also happened with the current president?)
Biden extended FISA (https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2024/04/22/wyrz-a22.html)
A bunch of countries joined BRICS I think?
DNC finally admits Biden is senile after a disastrous debate
Two Trump assassination attempts and at least one false flag entrapment operation
President of Iran (probably) assassinated
Boeing whistleblower assassinations
US abducts Haiti's president
ISIS attacks: Iran, Moscow, Oman, Syria
Longshoremen strike

What am I missing?


what a fucking awful year and 2025 looks like itll be even worse. holy fuck. i hope not but know better.
Pessimism of the Intellect, Optimism of the Will is the best i can do for this year


Coup in Bangladesh - following the coup in Pakistan last year
Color Revolution attempt in Georgia - just defeated
Something resembling a coup in Romania - NATO-aligned authorities threw out the results of an election just because they didn't like the winners

The CIA has been incredibly busy trying to overthrow governments this year.


God damn so much shit happened I didn't even remember to include those!

This is something I think of a lot. I did a lonely post in the graveyard about it: >>>/dead/2748
But alas, no one has laid roses upon my doomstone. T.T


Robert Fico of Slovakia was almost assassinated for opposing the Ukraine proxy war.


I think this was a government psyop. They just needed a good reason to go hard against the liberals


>TikTok ban

>considered good things


So the man was shot multiple times and almost died out of some sneaky scheme to give himself more power?


That wasn't my thinking when I wrote the OP but I guess it's subjective.


>OP text:
>Thread mostly for disasters

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