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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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Honestly, I'm sick of Trump already. He's just been going around, ordering the drilling of oil (aka destroying the fucking planet) and making a bunch of useless changes – none of which make America better. I'm a democratic socialist, and I believe that Trump needs to be IMPEACHED. Except that would leave Vance, who I'm not too fond of either. Trump has been ABUSING EXECUTIVE POWER, and I just wish he would fucking stop. What do you think about this?


Lol did you just come out of 2017 or something?
The US ruling class have been using their global influence to back a genocide. America is collapsing, and the new administration is first thing up there approving annexation of the West Bank, vowing to keep suppressing opposition at home to the billions of dollars the gov't is shipping overseas while American cities are literally on fire on one coast and under water on the other coast. You don't like Trump? You don't like Vance? Then shoot 'em, shoot any of them, they're murderers. I'd say the same thing to someone who doesn't like Biden. Put your money where your mouth is!


He's a mass media creation

that's what I think of him


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We didn't have to vote for him though. We didn't have to have him in office but retard leftists like yourself will just justify not voting to yourself as "ineffectual" while you sit around covered in soviet USSR memorabilia your mother bought for you on ebay jerking yourself off on leftytrron.org.

It didn't currently have to be this way, but, congrats on destroying gaza.


>not voting
I voted for Stein actually.
And in 2020 I voted for Hawkins because both Biden and Trump have credible rape allegations and I don't trust guys like that.

>congrats on destroying gaza.

Actually Biden did that. Left pic is from July of last year, right pic is post-Trump election.
I don't trust Trump, but that's why I didn't vote for him. For now he has a way better claim to pushing for a ceasefire than Biden does, given he actually appears to have gotten results. Personally, I think it's smoke and mirrors, but you can't blame the bottomless bombs Biden gave to Israel, in violation of both US & international law, on Trump. Almost all of the destruction and genocide was carried out under Biden, and upon Trump sending his team to, allegedly, threaten Netanyahu it very quickly slowed to a crawl.

If I had seen this sheer depraved destruction Biden supported going on and on and on, and voted for Harris, who had promised to continue supporting it, in some misguided hope that she would do the opposite of what she said and become the "lesser evil" suddenly after the election, then all that would have been accomplished is I would have voted for a genocidal monster and the "greater evil" genocidal monster would have won anyway. Instead, I voted for Stein, who actually opposes the genocide. Had I deceived myself into thinking Harris was a "lesser evil" (she is not, both Harris & Trump are just evil, and Biden was even worse than Trump term 1 was) and voted for her, Trump still would have won because supporting genocide from a sitting administration & being VP to the most senile president in US history is bad politics. Harris not only promised to govern like Biden had, she had also gone around lying about Biden's mental capacity for at least 4 years, and had done nothing to remove this brain damaged guy from office.

All that's actually necessary to oppose evil is for people like you to stop supporting it. Instead, you support evil, get evil, and then blame others for the sense of guilt and shame you feel when the unfathomable evil you supported doesn't fool enough others. A better world is possible, but it requires you fighting for a better world, not fighting for a shittier one.


>I voted for Stein actually.

No one cares you self serving retard

><Actually Biden did that.

And trump is going to literally remove everyone completely from the area and turn it into a pure isreali ethno state but keep clinging to your dogmatic little faggot beliefs you are a gay uyghur and I will no be participating in conversation with a retard like you.


>It's neccesary to oppose evil even if a much greater evil is on the horizon because it makes us feel good personally because we like to larp like hamas fighters!!

Literally sub i1 behavior.
It's not hard to understand the status quo > fascism and retards like you hold the blame partially for what is going to come. I seriously hope your moral puritanism and grand standing was worth it because "GRANDPA HECKIN EBIL" Holy fuck the more I think about how dumb you are the more I feel like the need assault you.


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>No one cares you self serving retard
Then why are you obsessed with who others voted for?

>Ok, so Biden did a genocide

>But Trump, hypothetically, would be worse!
See, this is why no one takes this rhetoric seriously. I don't think you even take what you're saying seriously. Biden tried to do the thing you're claiming Trump would do early on, and he was basically only thwarted by Egypt being unwilling to take 2 million war refugees just to serve Biden's ethnic cleansing ambition. El-Sisi basically bent over backwards for his American financiers, but even he has limits, unlike Biden & Harris who clearly had no red line whatsoever.

>dogmatic little faggot beliefs

"Genocide is bad"

>It's not hard to understand the status quo > fascism

Status quo = Fascism
Like if Biden/Harris wanted to run a winning campaign, they literally could have just stopped the genocide. Polls supported this at the time, and more polls have come since which demonstrate, very publicly, that it would have been a winning strategy. Instead, they suppressed protests, lied to their voters, lied about what was going on, and took active effort to break the law and keep the genocide going until Trump was in office, knowing that it would hurt their chances of re-election and hand Trump easy wins by setting the bar as low as possible. It's completely obvious that Trump and Biden are on the same team. They have the same donors, agree on many of the same (deeply unpopular points!), and a lot of Biden's policy was either the same as Trump's or did little to oppose the Trump agenda. Under Biden, abortion rights got worse, trans rights were suppressed with little resistance, the corporate raider who Trump had put in charge of the post office stayed in, deportations went way up… it took Biden like 2 years to even appoint a new FCC to undo Trump's attack on net neutrality.

Meanwhile, Trump, who could easily have been prevented from running again over the fraud in Georgia and the January 6th riot, was basically thrown softballs. The sense of urgency was not there. For all their talk, the DNC "opposition" did next-to-nothing to prevent a second Trump term. They put it all in the election, where they put a senile mass murderer in charge of their entire image, and then half-way replaced him with an insane lady with the exact same policy positions. If they really thought politics was gonna prevent this, they'd have run a good campaign, but instead they ran a horrible campaign and told their followers to blame everyone except for them for their failure.


explain what would have been better under Harris

I fail to see any meaningful difference btw Harris and Trump


>It's not hard to understand the status quo -> fascism
I agree anon, fascism is exactly what the status quo leads to in a time of crisis. Glad to see you're starting to develop a materialist understanding of crisis under capitalism.


Trump isn't relevant. He's not in charge. He's not worse or better than any of the other kid rapists that have governed America. You have turnips for brains if you care about him.


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