[–]▶ No.487363[Watch Thread]>>487374>>487418
Mankind now wrestles between the dogma of tradition and the techno-feudalist dominance of the modern age, and now our very struggles; wars are capitalized and induced by seemingly ordinary men with dead eyes and a forced grim.
Widespread industrialism annihilating millions in the courses of history, our planet seethes with unrest, the frames of reel the ordinary man is too familiar with: the skeletonization of cities and the tons of broken bottles and used tissues that bob on the surface of our freshwater—a mirroring of a larger vision; a grand flock of black swans, that of gas masks and pale steeds.
The metropolis and its machines have no match against primal wrath, the supreme weapon—an envoy of writhing hurricanes, and volcanic spew, forging the soil we march over. From magma; the father of structure, new life and order arises, a testament to the transformative qualities of fury.
The world is constantly in a state of instability, although It may predictably orbit, our world is in a constant state of adaptable chaos and the only way to destabilize our current systems global is to induce them in speeds that rival our orbit.
The difficult task is crafting the metaphorical bolt of lighting needed to disorientate and what exactly will induce the most change, societal arrest, a global—screeching halt to industrialism and the rapidly consuming forces of which make up techno-feudalism, allowing us to return to a more simpler age.
Unpredictability and uncertainty is the very essence of systemic collapse, and such we must embrace these forces as they carry us onto a new age, where only the most sinister survive, this will only purge the most useless breeds; allowing for the ones who tend towards savagery to thrive in their newer existence. Misanthropy often arises and is bred out of the weakest aspects of human nature, the anti-human sentiments of the modern age arise out of the frustrations of how members of our species could be so underwhelming or horrid beyond our wildest fantasies; however, it is crucial to note that the strong reactions that we give to those who tend towards savagery such as mercenaries and serial killers are almost entirely crafted by dogmatic institutions such as the church and the state, and inflicted onto us on very young ages to pressure us into following orders.
Even some of the wildest and chaotic of our species can become like second brothers and sisters to you, if you gave them a chance, they could even become like a mentor or a teacher if you hop over the barbed wires of morality and they could even condition you into the radical warrior you ought to be in order to enact vicious change to rival the tyranny of this age. By taking undercover roles of insight, by immersing yourself in intellectual catacombs and tunnels that lead you towards unexpected wisdom and resilience, you can become a force to be reckoned with, a child of kali, an ubermensch.
Even to those who rise to the ceilings of capitalism, or to the elites of the greater movement will face hardship and even succumb to the effects of it all, embracing the sinister makes no animal invincible, it grants them the power needed to embrace their demons and make a legacy that survives longer than their short life, it inspires others to commit and embrace acts of terror, or the propaganda of the deed to induce radical change.
History may be written by the victor, but often times, the radical are sensationalized, examined and questioned, leaving those who didn't have the strength to survive in the distant dustbins and sands of time. The violated are forgotten with no memorials to call their own, but the hatred that may be directed towards you is the flame that'll keep the fire going within the radical environmentalist or accelerationist scene. You'll become the saint who bit down on the petals of the datura, the one who tended towards savagery and embraced a stronger more ambitious self who climbed over slothfulness and became a beacon on their own. True victims are only confined to a sheet of data, martyrs live forever. Our victory lies within the praxis of radical istishhad-esque eco-defenders, and such they must be trained or bred, they must confront their darker selves, they must tend to the wild, embracing savagery in the process.
▶ No.487364
The idea that ancient, or savage, human societies functioned on pure brutality is a colonial delusion. It isn't actually accurate, and so striving to emulate primitive society by being 'sinister' wouldn't actually revive what was good about primitive society, nor would it pave a way to a better society than what currently exists.
The trajectory charted by examples like mercenaries and serial killers is not promising. The former are tools of states, and typically reliant on a state for structure; without it, they become volatile because what they do does not imbue them with particular inherent skill in harnessing mass-power for most purposes. In the case of the latter example, there is even less to show; you're correct in suggesting that serial killers are only noted because we find them ethically repulsive. Only in a world in which serial killers are relatively rare can serial killers be considered noteworthy at all; otherwise, they're just atomized, weak individuals in a sea of generic atomized, weak individuals. Their defining trait today is that they are violent in a way which is taboo, they lash out feebly and, because the general public in the west struggles to imagine any way to lash out which isn't feeble, the atomized taboo-breaking becomes fascinating purely for its rarity.
Seeking a legacy in pointless violence is the most futile kind of legacy-seeking. If you want something which lasts, your best bet is to have children, teach knowledge and skills, and work with others to build something which you could not build yourself.
▶ No.487365
how is this lefty chan tho
it sounds like a boring morale
▶ No.487366
i sort of feel like Maoism is in a way primitivism
primitive doesn't mean bad it is translated from greek as original (or ancient)
▶ No.487379>>487420
>>487374Honestly, unironically, this. eople need to really get over their fear of nuclear energy.
▶ No.487406
>>487374im skeptical that people can understand that
like pakistani have that but just by magic
▶ No.487418
>>487363 (OP)>Mankind now wrestles between the dogma of tradition and the techno-feudalist dominance of the modern age,false dichotomy
▶ No.487420>>487453
>>487379>people need to really get over their fear of nuclear energyYou don't think it's just oil companies spreading FUD and lobbying?
But you're right. There was no need for Germany to shut down it's nuclear power for one.
▶ No.487453>>487456
>>487420>You don't think it's just oil companies spreading FUD and lobbying?There has been a lot of FUD, for example the TV show about the Chernobyl accident made the ludicrous claim that nuclear power-plants could explode like atomic warheads. And then it won awards for scientific accuracy. That had to be a conspiracy, nobody with an even superficial understanding how fission reactors work thinks that's possible, because none of the fuels in reactors have anywhere near weapons grade enrichment.
It was also a bad PR strategy by the nuclear power sector, they should have retaliated by launching their own fearmongering campaign.
Then there is the historic development, that could have gone better, instead of building like 50000 nukes, it could have been loads of power reactors, and then everybody would be associating the word nuclear with free electricity rather than destroyed Japanese cities.
>There was no need for Germany to shut down it's nuclear power for one.Yeah in retrospect that one was a blunder.
▶ No.487456>>487463>>487467
>>487453>And then it won awards for scientific accuracy.lol, source? The stupidest thing by far in that show was how it treated radiation victims. It acted like you had to bury their bodies in a ton of concrete, just in case they try to come back to life and crave human flesh.
If we're talking real historical PR problems, the real issue is that an inherently safe technology that was demonstrated to work was sidelined in favor of inherently dangerous pressurized water reactors because their industrial processes are more favorable to weapons production.
▶ No.487463>>487464>>487467
>>487456many of early reactors were experiment sl I eavtprs that could be used for weapons too
▶ No.487464>>487467
>>487463>>487463*we're experimental reactors that could be used for weapons too
▶ No.487467>>487926
>>487456>The stupidest thing by far in that show was how it treated radiation victims. It acted like you had to bury their bodies in a ton of concrete, just in case they try to come back to life and crave human flesh.I didn't watch the show, but lol at the nuclear zombies.
>If we're talking real historical PR problems, the real issue is that an inherently safe technology that was demonstrated to work was sidelined in favor of inherently dangerous pressurized water reactors because their industrial processes are more favorable to weapons production.You are correct molten salt reactors are inherently safe because they can't have a core-meltdown. On account of already having a molten core and a system designed for that. However it's not like the light water reactors with solid fuel pellets were particularly unsafe, they are less safe than molten salt, but we're comparing
really good with
excellent at this point. The biggest downside with the power generation reactors derived from the nuclear weapon program was the cost, molten salt reactors can do a lot cheaper electricity.
>>487463>>487464There definitely are 2 tracks, some reactors designs are more favorable for weapons production while others are more favorable for energy generation.
Some reactors, like the thorium ones, make it virtually impossible to produce weapons. Those are very desirable because you can do these without the "military security monkey" on your back. It's also super economical, and very scalable, you can do a tiny SMR or a ginormous mega plant.
To be fair, I think the Russians recently build a plutonium reactor that is both very economical while still being reasonable effective for weapons production, but that one definitely comes with the "military security monkey" on your back keeping tabs on what you do with the fuel. It's a long time that i looked into that, but i think plutonium reactors are like a higher difficulty setting, not suitable for newbies in the nuclear power game.
▶ No.487471>>487560
there ara few designs with passive reservior of water just above the reactor (just enough to flood it all, just by gravity)
it is relavively simple and it wont melt basically
▶ No.487560>>487563
>>487471Water cooling reactors did have some problems in the past. If the core gets extremely hot, it can thermalize water, meaning it gets split into hydrogen gas and oxygen gas. That can potentially cause detonations that could damage the containment vessel.
It's not a huge problem, most reactors are water cooled and operate without any safety issues. But if you design a new reactor, there's better options now.
▶ No.487563>>487564
>>487560The other issue is that water has a narrow temperature range where it remains a liquid. When dealing with very high temperatures, water has explosive potential simply from the phase change from liquid to gas.
▶ No.487564>>487565
>>487563if theres' alot of water it can be no problem
you can build such a reactor slightly underwater for instance
▶ No.487565>>487926
>>487564chinese create 'heating' small reactors at north
pool type reactors
they use them for district heating
and they naturally have more safety features
they're constantly flooded or underwater
they're also more simple and cost less
▶ No.487926>>487928
>>487565>constantly flooded or underwaterAnd because of the small size, no risk of thermalising water into combustible gas?
>>487467>molten saltWhat about thorium?
▶ No.487928
>>487926Generally molten salt is the kind of reactor you want to use with thorium, yes.