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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 No.487801[Watch Thread]>>487806

how do you stop boomers from calling everything they don't like communism?


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>everything i don't like is communism


I can't take this idiot seriously any time she opens her mouth about economics or politics. What is it with physicists/engineers who always seem to think that just because they're good at math they are now entitled to give their expert opinion on fields they hopelessly out of their depth in?


>>487801 (OP)
She is so fucking dumb and she makes the whole scientific community look bad. She thinks she's being edgy but she just looks like a dumb fuck. At least Tyson is famous.


Academia is another tool of the bourgeois.


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>What is it with physicists/engineers who always seem to think that just because they're good at math they are now entitled to give their expert opinion on fields they hopelessly out of their depth in?


Because they're adults over the age of thirty.


Actually their political economy is always childish.


>muh free market
Sowell sounds like an idiot from the two seconds I spent reading up on his ideas.


It's not childish. It's sophomoric adultish

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