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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 No.487883[Watch Thread]>>487887

What will happen to this site and leftypol if there is an actual revolution


Probably depends on whether internet infrastructure gets damaged or not. If anything sites like this will be shut down before a revolution happens.


>>487883 (OP)
Not sure what you mean ?

Do you think that shitposting is merely a symptom of capitalist alienation ? and once socialism is installed that goes away ?

I doubt that very much.


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It would have to be a global rev of some sort to shut this place down. The server aren't in burgerland. But burger fags need to be on the look out because the burger gov is talking about reppealing S230 and has tried before. They were talking about it in the D.O.G.E oversight comity hearing when musks bullshit got started.

If you guys are not familiar with radio. Now is a good time to get into shortwave and ham radio because that is the way to get news and information in when you live in regime dictator-ships.


IDK OP, let's find out. Arm, organize, help others do the same. Help with agitprop, do OC, let's build the community and gain power and then see what happens to the site.

I've said for years, but socialists desperately need to fucking be working on alternative internet infrastructure… whether it's mesh internet (which I don't fully understand) or something more conventional, it's extremely fucking worrying that I don't think we have even the slightest fucking handle on this or funding for it.

>>487888 is also a good post though.


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I think that radio is the most intuitive. I don't think we will get the internet full shut down, or, something. Maybe….a firewall like china? Idfk with the reactionaries at the helm anything is possible. I deff know that if section 230 got repealed though it would vreak a lot of the internet as it exists today and data degradation is already is a huge problem. AKA "Link rott"

Mesh nets are a cool idea, but, it's a lot easier to pick up a 100W CB Radio off ebay and shoot skip. The major problem is infrastructure. The modern internet already has the infrastructure for the modern internet. Mesh nets don't have anywhere near the same infrastructural hegemony as the internet.

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