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File: 1623076672229.png ( 2.14 MB , 2048x1360 , PeruElections041321-2048x1….png )

 No.16499[View All]

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This thread is for discussion of the 2021 Peruvian Election. Looks like it's keeps beign a close one, and either one could win this. The Peruvian Left has gone far, however, and has united under a pretty based candidate. Let's watch

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627 posts and 160 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


The US literally allowed Pinochet to be in power.
And Reagan tried to persuade Thatcher not to invade his buddies in Argentina.


Please, does Castillo even acknowledge the quota of blood that must be spilt for the scientific and universally valid ppw?


You see, Lima is filled by Venezuelan expats there, creating a toxic ambiance, poisoning their population, and the politicians have used Llosa, Pastrana, the grupo de Lima, and other liberals, neoliberals, rightoids figures to unite against Castillo. They are all doing the best they can to subvert the petite bourgeoisie and middle class in Peru. They are already poisoned, and they will sabotage Peru's economy, so Castillo will have it very difficult.


That's another monster, with their imperialism and exceptionalism, they have become something very weird.


Velasco Alvarado at 2:38 here too. It has been interesting learning about Peru in the past few days.


I didn't know a young Hugo Chavez traveled to Peru. Ah, lmao, the rightoids accusing las brisas bolivarianas castrochavistas and we have all the right to say that Peru was all along meddling in Venezuela ideologically training Chavez LMAO

Rightoids and their eternal cope of being wrong.




with a Peruvian characteristics


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That's how you look like


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Mariategui owns too btw. I've been reading him. He's like the Lenin of Latin America.



>voting with your dick


So, is the voot finally ogre?


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>Yeah, I follow MLMC with Peruvian characteristics


I bet the evil commies took his granddaddy's Jew slave operated factory too.


kinda slaps tho


Does a new thread need toe made?


Yeah until the Jannies decide to cycle one.


This update is taking longer than normal



CIA frantically scrambling ballots to 'find'


It does slap. I don't know if those Quechua musicians endorsed Castillo but if they're putting Velasco Alvarado in their music videos I'm sure they're huge supporters. Those are Castillo's people in Peru.




Langley and the boys are just doing their finishing touches. Please be patient.


NEW >>302811 >>302811




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It's literally genocide dude. 'Gone wrong' lmao sure.


Unless you want to use retarded terms like auto-genocide, or claim that any country that's ever had campaigns like this has commit genocide on their own people somehow, then sure, it is "literally" genocide in the most reductive sense possible lmao
Race relations aren't like they are in the US, Peru is rather multicultural and is generally thought to have had rather decent race relations when compared to their neighbors, it's also pretty diverse. You can argue the definitions all you want, but it is silly to equate a sterilization campaign for population control to combat poverty to a premeditated, systematic erasure of said ethnic groups.



>Unless you want to use retarded terms like auto-genocide

Fujimori also sterilized all Japanese-Peruvians during his campaign?


>Moves to Cuba
>Votes Fujimori


Not all indigenous people were sterilized you tard, they were the largest target because they've historically been the most subject to living in feudal conditions for the past 500 odd years (along with African imports), it's amazing how little you know of the country you're speaking of in that you believe that ethnicity is in any way tied to nationality in Peru lmao, it's not like Bolivia where there are the clearly European porkies and then the 2/3rds of indigenous peasants
By the 70s/80s less than 1/3rd of the population lived in the countryside, there was a large exodus due to the armed conflict


Not all Jews were killed in the holocaust. Is this really your argument?


Furthermore, Japanese are a relative minority that largely resided in the cities and were usually transplants, only having been there for a couple of generations and usually having family in Japan itself, which was already in a pretty good position given that the USA propped them up to be a satellite state


strawman, and sterilization isn't the same as mass murder lmao, nor was it motivated by the same race/conspiratorial spooky autism that the Nazis had


>strawman, and sterilization isn't the same as mass murder lmao

Lolnope, you are strawmanning here. We are talking about genocide and not mass murder and forced sterilizations are included in the definition of genocide.


Keiko ganó y ganara, negros de mierda


To clarify, it was still terrible and victims should be compensated, but it's not some sort of America-style eugenics campaign to wipe out the injuns because they're racially inferior, it was a retarded strategy to attempt to curtail poverty via population control (much like China or India's 1 child policies), I'm not trying to justify it, merely providing the truth because Sendero cultists attempt to make Fujimori out to be this Tojo/Hitler "light skin supremacist" fascist when he was in actuality just your run of the mill crooked authoritarian neolib who rode a populist wave into power because people didn't take a liking to getting carbombed or village-massacred by a group that is a borderline caricature of what a guerilla movement is supposed to be


>muh semantics
>faggot doesn't understand the gravity between two very different things because he doesn't understand that a word can have multiple meanings and there is a scale of severity to what a "genocide" is


To put it into perspective, what you're arguing is akin to dipshits who's line of logic is as follows
>person rapes another person
>17 year, 364 day old person voluntarily fucks someone who is freshly 18



> there is a scale of severity to what a "genocide"

A scale of severity that has been immense considering that over 300 000 people have been directly affected and many more by extension, lmao.

Are you even aware that there are recognized genocides that involved way fewer people?

>17 year, 364 day old person voluntarily fucks someone who is freshly 18

Lmao, weird age of consent strawmen out of nowhere. Genocide apologist who unironically thinks that a mass forced sterilization campaign that specifically targeted a certain ethnic minority does not constitute genocide (it does) is also obsessed by age of consent debate and probably a fucking pedo right-winger. Not surprised at all.


Your point being?
You couldn't name a specific ethnicity from Peru to save your life yt bitch, there was not specific targeting beyond that of class, you will never do anything of worth in your worthless 1st world life lmao


<not a strawman, that's an analogy
Get your 16 year old ass off the internet burger fuck, there's a reason why no one likes your kind


>Your point being?

Lmao, that's your comeback? Like, not even a weak-ass denial or something? Seems like I hit the bull's eye. You actually are just a Right-wing pedophile genocide denier then.




>still no denial


Dilate travesti, I never denied nothing, you called me an "apologist" yourself


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BREAKING NEWS: Due to election uncertainty in Peru Juan Guaidó has declared himself president of Peru.






You guys are raiding the wrong thread


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Kek-o you have lost face for the fuji clan. you know what must be done.


What's the latest numbers?

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