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 No.1840[View All][Watch Thread]

This thread is for the discussion of infrared and their heterodox view of Marxism-Leninism.
Infrared is a collective group, with Haz being the leader(? or atleast the one in control of their youtube/twitter/etc.)
From my observation they draw a lot of influences from Martin Heidegger, Aleksandr Dugin, Alexandre Kojève, Jacques Lacan, Nick Land, Slavoj Zizek and so on and so on.
>What's this guys deal?
-Anglo man bad
-Marxism is NOT a western ideology
-Merkel is a based anti-imperialist
-socialism is when china does stuff
-we already live in socialism
-socialism is actually like feudalism
-O N T O L O G I C A L

Youtube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCl63ZOm_bepvwoKjw24rogA
Twitter - https://twitter.com/ShowInfrared
717 posts and 194 image replies omitted. Click to expand.


Haz, did you guys ever read some Baudrillard? What do you think about him?




and? just because some vaguely philosophically related concepts and ideas which are sorta adjacent to Marxism reject ideas like dialectics doesn't mean that marxism must also in turn because of a vague philosophical relation. hell, 99% of marxists don't engage in real philosophy.



visit this thread, streamline the gulag system


You've seen those Prolekult documentaries? What do you think about them?


Why are the haters so vocal here but too shy to come on stream and talk to Haz?


>he is going on other threads now


Now that Haz is done replying to you attention whores, come watch a movie with us

We have been watching some Chinese movies the past week, and we have a lot more lined up.

Tonight at 6pm EST / 11pm UTC
Red Sorghum (1988) - Zhang Yimou
>Young Jiu'er (Gong Li) is sent by her parents to marry an old leper who owns a distillery. As she is being carried over the sorghum fields, bandits attack and she is rescued by a laborer (Wen Jiang), with whom she has a son – the narrator. After the old leper dies, Jiu'er takes control of the distillery and invites the workers into a collective arrangement. But as the Sino-Japanese War peaks, barbarous Japanese troops storm onto the property determined to destroy the sorghum fields.


Language is contextual. Words and their meanings change as time goes on, alot of people here expect that language remains the same at all points in time forever.


thanks for saying things we've already known since we were like 8


Who was the autist who kept pushing him to read your insane wall of text in a thread all the way down the catalog?


haz the gulags weren't built from scratch they were appropriated from Tsarist Russia




>Now that Haz is done replying to you attention whores, come watch a movie with us



yeah that’s another problem. many western marxists still take empiricist positive angles in their arguments showing they don’t know what dialectical materialism even is.


Find a night to stream Pulgasari (1985); then I'll join


Of fucking course. There are actual effort post on this website instead you link him this retarded rant saying mentally insane shit like "communism is the society of the gulag". Fuck you for your autism


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>chinese movies


I'm not talking about Haz. I'm talking about you people saying NOTICE ME SENPAI. Haz is cool. I was lukewarm on him but he got a lot better especially after eudaimania talked to him.

Come post a link and I'll add it.



Or do a Pasolini night; Trilogy of Life


many "Western" marxists generally don't know shit because the left in a lot of these countries are only emerging out of a longtime destruction of the left in their countries and are like, under a decade old. people never get their shit right on the first attempt, nor will your prattling really help. they can only learn by trying and failing themselves, and itterating with our guidance.


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based kaiju movie night?


Movie nights don't have to be about any specific topic. It's for entertainment and culture. We have /r/lectures for informative shit (although we've only used it like once). It would be cool in Infrared would allow embedding and we could have people restream their livestreams there.


>Haz is done replying to you attention whores


Kek, seething


Cannot handle the truth


So can anyone explain to me why there is a thread dedicated to this instead of this being art of /IG/?


Jannies are trying to spur a beef between us and infrared to mutually boost us.


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(I’m replying to you directly on here since youtube decided to automatically remove my comments)

As a German, why are you opposed to eurasianism? Creating links with Russia and China is in Germany’s interest, plus this is objectively contributing to the weakening of US global hegemony by creating a new multipolar imperialist world-order.
It’s important to remember that the more the imperialists are divided between themselves, the more likely is the chance of socialism arising. Each world war led to the expansion of socialism. Moreover, an imperialist can and will support a socialist country if it means weakening their rival’s interest, we shouldn’t have any remorse about asking for the support of an imperialist world power to gives us support, as long as it empowers socialism in the long term.

This happened in Ukraine for instance, where Russia supported the Donetsk People's Republic as well as the Luhansk People's Republic against the fascists in Ukraine, despite Russia being led by an oligarch's cock-sleeve.
Another more controversial case among Marxist-Leninist is when the US supported the quasi-socialist state of Rojava in Syria to maintain its imperialist presence in the region, showing that even the US, the most ruthless imperialist warmonger, is capable of supporting a socialist state just to further its strategic interests.
Today the People's Republic of China (which I consider to be state-capitalist) supports the DPRK and Cuba against the US, their role as defender of socialist countries cannot be understated, even if you disagree with their bizarre "Socialism with Chinese characteristics" policy.

It's not about "campism" or whatever buzzword you prefer, it's about creating fractures inside the current global capitalist world order to weaken its power over the extra long-term. Global liberalism depends on political stability, capitalist property rights and social-relations, human capital supremacy, free movement of capital and people, international cooperation as well as the flow of information. To destroy capitalism, you must first weaken the foundations of liberalism to ensure that the capitalists can't form a united front against socialism, and believe me, they will do when a socialist country will actually start to threaten their power.
For the moment, the capitalist countries are too much integrated with each other for revolution to be possible, as like I mentioned before they would not only form a united front to crush socialism, the working class in a revolutionary country would have to fight its entire army apparatus to establish socialism. This task is made significantly easier when the army is disorganized and weakened by a rival imperialist power during a war.
Unfortunately, socialism is not around the corner, the world is just way to inter-connected for a single isolated socialist country to survive (unless you want to become like the DPRK or Cuba). Sad but this is the truth.

Eurasianism in the Russian and post-soviet context represents a way to fight Western imperialist hegemony while furthering the people's need for social reforms. Putin is not really an Eurasianist, he is a Russian nationalist, he supports private monopolies and reactionary Russian imperial myths. Eurasianism is not only the fruit of Dugin's idea, but the manifestation of multiple movements across the post-soviet zone to counter the influence of global capitalist hegemony.
Then there is this new implicit “greater-eurasianism” which is still in an embryonic stage and represent the economic and political convergence of Europe, Russia and China toward a form of proto-socialist state-capitalist model. In order to maintain its supremacy, it’s absolutely essential for the US to stop this convergence by fomenting fractures between these countries so they can’t unite.
This is explicitly said by American geopolitical analysts and it’s also the guiding US foreign policy since WW2. I still don’t understand why brainlets deny it or continue to think America’s actions are guided by neoconservatives’ ideas while these are merely the justifications of the superstructure to meet the needs of the base’s imperialistic interests.

Geopolitics is harsh, it's sterile, sociopathic and devoid of humanity. But they are essential if you want to keep up in this world. You can't think in an ideological manner anymore, idealism in international relation is over, embrace realism. No revolution will survive without having an understanding of modern international relations theory.

Now to reply directly to your accusations:

>Caleb and the Grayzone are puppets of foreign governments. Caleb is obviously funded by the Russian state, the Grayzone has better ways to disguise their sponsors.

I wouldn't even care if this was true, their work (especially the Grayzone) has been essential in fighting the current zeitgeist regarding China and other non-liberal nations.

>Hakim was spouting nonsense, when he praised the RAF and I just felt the need, to call him out for this.

Sounds like you're just a triggered West-Germanoid.

>Wait, you are in defence of Pol Pot??

No and I don't care about having this debate.

And no, I’m not Red Dundonian, I’m another guy.


The levels of based are off the chart


Is there nobody from /leftypol/ who wants to call in and talk to these guys?


They are going to stream like every day. There will be time for that. Also we're trying to organize a reading group to actually get people educated on the shit they're talking about. >>2440


I will not reply to everything, but this is my main point:

>As a German, why are you opposed to eurasianism?

I'm not per se opposed to eurasianism, but I'm not convinced that it is inherently better than atlanticism.
>Creating links with Russia and China is in Germany’s interest
Is it? Before Merkel, we had a staunch eurasianist chancellor - Gerhard Schröder - and he did a great job at destroying the welfare state and creating "the best low-income sector in Europe". Now he lives in Russia and is Putin's BFF.
>this is objectively contributing to the weakening of US global hegemony by creating a new multipolar imperialist world-order.
Wow, and how will this bring me a decent wage and affordable housing?

I don't give a shit, if this world is becoming multipolar. At this point just want to survive. I distrust China the same way I distrust Russia and the US. All this theorizing about "breaking the imperialist order" is fun and games, but in the end I have to pay my bills. Would it objectively help the global anti-imperialist movement, if my country would be suddenly nuked? Maybe. But I personally wouldn't benefit from it. This is certain.


This thread is full, make a new one.


Nah, I don't think we should clutter the catalog with Infrared threads. They left their mark, we can discuss them in /IG/. They said they're gonna make a discord at 500 subs, and are active on twitter. I think it's better to discuss the theory and the thinkers they are influenced by.


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IG will be flooded every stream. Just make a thread.


Only if he opens this site on stream again


Why is this board being over-run by an army of parasocial streamer simps?


cause of covid lockdowns


Plenty of people here will watch their stream regardless.
Could it be that Infrared have something interesting to say?


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What does he mean with this?


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>communism will never mean the same thing after INfrared


Make him make a fucking AMA thread or whatever faggoty ass bullshit if he wants to browse the website.


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>doesn't deny being Neon


based and anti-anglo pilled


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Haz, what is the material reason the Anglos are so cancer


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A blessing upon your' house. Thank you for this image

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