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File (hide): 1608608621350.gif ( 2.28 MB , 224x240 , overmind.gif )


 No.903[View All][Watch Thread]

This thread is only for feedback related to technical issues(bug reports, suggestions). Otherwise use >>30356
Public Repo: https://github.com/towards-a-new-leftypol/leftypol_lainchan
If you have any grievances you can make a PR.

Mobile Support: https://github.com/PietroCarrara/Clover/releases/latest
Thread For Mobile Feedback: >>>/tech/6316

Onion Link: http://wz6bnwwtwckltvkvji6vvgmjrfspr3lstz66rusvtczhsgvwdcixgbyd.onion
Cytube: https://tv.leftypol.org/
Matrix: https://app.element.io/#/room/!RQxdjfGouwsFHwUzwL:matrix.org

We are currently working on improvements to the site, subject to the need of the tech team to sleep and go to their day jobs. If you need more immediate feedback please join the matrix room[s] and ask around. Feel free to leave comments, concerns, and suggestions about the tech side of the site here and we will try to get to it as soon as possible
886 posts and 168 image replies omitted. Click to expand.


Why have you still not disabled youtube embed?


Have we not? Do you not want people to be able to embed it at all?


File (hide): 1611600397091.png ( 72.97 KB , 451x658 , constantly-leaking-for-you….png )

Is the error message not showing 24/7 on overboard and/or catalog when using Firefox? I'm using Tor Browser and the "connection not secure" (youtube embed breaking the TLS and onion connection open by leaking data directly to Google's servers) message is there whenever a youtube clip, embedded, is displayed on whatever page I'm on (so basically 24/7 for most people, as they're using catalog / overboard like sensible people).
It's easily reproducible (and I've explained this before): go to Catalog of /leftypol/ and click on the 'site info' button left of the URL box. If you're using Firefox please screenshot and share what you see on your end like I did. Chrome doesn't display this type of thing IIRC, as it would go against Google's economic self-interest (Google breaks your security for you, after all).


I'm using a hardened version of firefox and it doesn't display this error for me. I encountered this once on the tor browser, but, only once. Did you post a fix already? Also, I know this is an issue we need to fix and we will, but, I always have to recommend using tor in conjunction with a VPN, or, even Lokinet. There's apparently a fix already in this thread.


Vanilla Tor browser, also getting it.
e.g. >>57652

I know some sites like kddit are able to embed the video instead of using the YouTube frame, resulting in a secure connection.


>I'm using a hardened version of firefox and it doesn't display this error for me.
I'm assuming you're using some addons that heavily restricts Google trackers or their functionality.
>I know some sites like kddit are able to embed the video instead of using the YouTube frame, resulting in a secure connection.
Good tip. Until something like this is implemented please turn it off mods.


you did make sure to set up ssl_reject_handshake on nginx to prevent ip leak, right?



fix the favicon so its not that anime chick


File (hide): 1611628583110.webm ( 6.68 MB , 640x360 , LEAVE CATGIRLS ALONE YOU ….webm ) [play once] [loop]



This word erroneously implies the current favicon choice is broken and not excellent.


The quick reply spoiler >>1789 problem is due to this bit:
> $postForm.find('input[type="file"]').parent()
> .removeAttr('colspan')
> .after($('<td class="spoiler"></td>').append(this, ' ', $('<label for="q-spoiler-image">').text(_('Spoiler Image'))));

Without file-selector.js this works, but with file-selector.js there is no input[type="file"] in $postForm, so the spoiler is reparented to the new td.spoiler which is then added to nothing. The lack of input[type="file"] can be detected and the spoiler put somewhere else in that case.

>site with default dark theme
>brightly lit 404 image


File (hide): 1611704456505.jpg ( 2.58 MB , 3000x3900 , 3d77e16dd11524a37b564821d8….jpg )

The quick reply spoiler #213 >>1800 can be fixed for the file-selector.js case by replacing the unconditional use of input[type="file"]:

$postFormFile = $postForm.find('input[type="file"]');
if ($postFormFile.length) {
.after($('<td class="spoiler"></td>').append(this, ' ', $('<label for="q-spoiler-image">').text(_('Spoiler Image'))));
} else {
$postForm.find('div.banner').append(' ', $('<span></span>').attr("title", _('Spoiler Image')).append(this, $('<label for="q-spoiler-image">').text("SI")));

Someone willing to fiddle with the #quick-reply CSS is welcome to place the spoiler in a different location. Until a backend fix the following can be added to Options -> User JS, since quick reply needs JS anyway:

(() => {
const addspoiler = () => {
$qr = $('#quick-reply')
if (($qr.length == 0) || ($qr.find('input[name="spoiler"]').length != 0)) return;
$qr.find('div.banner').append(' ', $('<span></span>').attr("title", _('Spoiler Image')).append($('<input id="q-spoiler-image" name="spoiler" type="checkbox">'), $('<label for="q-spoiler-image">').text("SI")))
$(window).on('quick-reply', addspoiler)

+ zombie threads in catalog >>1691
+ post quote ending an orange quote >>1722
+ ICC profile error >>1787
in issues but not resolved yet:
+ pdf and txt thumbnails #110 #129 >>1593 >>1673 >>1675
+ original file name downloads for non-JS users #128 >>1499
+ track order #63 webm error 2 >>1337
+ arabic characters #125 >>1517
+ UTF-8 troubles #193 >>1738 >>1744
+ posts below the line and related #207 >>1759
+ reply limit nobump markers in index and thread view #147 >>1775


we're literally working on a fix like this, lol.


Catalog links >>1088 >>1449 in div.boardlist, client-side JS version:

Array.from (document.querySelectorAll ("div.boardlist a")).filter (a => a.hasAttribute ("href")).forEach (a => {
href = a.getAttribute ("href")
ma = href.match (/^(\/[^\/]+\/)index.html$/)
if (ma != null) {
cata = ma [1] + "catalog.html"
} else if (href == "/overboard/") {
cata = "/overboard/catalog.html"
} else {
cata = null
if (cata != null) {
e = document.createElement ("a")
e.setAttribute ("href", cata)
e.innerText = "+"
a.insertAdjacentElement ("afterend", e)


What's the current situation with the sync/cytube and hosting from non-embed sources? IIRC there's supposed to be a function where you upload a file or use a file on cloud storage like google drive. How do you do that? With the Movie Night and Lecture channels we've run into age restrictions and copyright nonsense stopping the video from embedding, and we want to find workarounds to it.

Also in general it would be tight to be able to play stuff that's not publicly available.


I noticed "Hide Post" doesn't work. Also, hiding a thread still shows its replies.


Catalog links >>1088 >>1449 in div.boardlist, backend version, regular boards:

Replace https://github.com/towards-a-new-leftypol/leftypol_lainchan/blob/53769d8f3a966db48b4c8f562203187053e5fe59/inc/display.php#L40
$body .= ' <a href="' . $root . $actual_board . '/' . $config['file_index'] . '"'.$title.'>' . $board . '</a>' . ($config['catalog_link'] ? ('<a href="' . $root . $actual_board . '/' . $config['catalog_link'] . '">+</a>') : '') . ' /';

Replace https://github.com/towards-a-new-leftypol/leftypol_lainchan/blob/53769d8f3a966db48b4c8f562203187053e5fe59/inc/display.php#L48
$body .= ' <a href="' . $root . $board . '/' . $config['file_index'] . '"'.$title.'>' . $board . '</a>' . ($config['catalog_link'] ? ('<a href="' . $root . $board . '/' . $config['catalog_link'] . '">+</a>') : '') . ' /';

For /overboard/ append https://github.com/towards-a-new-leftypol/leftypol_lainchan/blob/53769d8f3a966db48b4c8f562203187053e5fe59/inc/display.php#L78
$body = preg_replace('!<a href="/overboard/">overboard</a>!', '$0<a href="/overboard/catalog.html">+</a>', $body);

Options -> User JS version until a backend fix: >>1803


>(instead of index links)
You just made that up, mate. The index links aren't touched.


>>1805 >>1806 #215
>I noticed "Hide Post" doesn't work.
The unhide branch has a show(ele) call after blacklist.remove.post:
but the hide branch is missing a hide(ele) call after blacklist.add.post:

>Also, hiding a thread still shows its replies.

This appears to be the intended behavior:
> $ele.parent().find('.body, .files, .video-container').not($ele.children('.reply').children()).hide();
The code deliberately exempts the children, otherwise you couldn't hide the OP alone.


The onion address is currently unreachable.
>The most likely cause is that the onionsite is offline. Contact the onionsite administrator.


File (hide): 1611802338232.pdf ( 1.65 MB , 200x300 , John Rees - The Algebra of….pdf )

This issue seems fixed? We didn't actually change anything to this. Not sure what the problem was but apparently it's working now.
In PR now. We've made basic tests and appears to be working.




> #63 PR + #110
Thanks. >>>/anime/5920




Bunkerchan’s captchas refuse to load or even work. I am questioning whether this is intentional.


Don't attribute to simple malice what can be explained by opportunistic sycophantic fiat incompetent malice :P


I've seen too many people use [spoiler][/spoiler] instead of **.
So could you guys maybe make it so you can also spoiler text with[spoiler][/spoiler]


Individual post hiding can be fixed >>1809 in Options -> User JS by adding the missing hide(ele) call:

(() => {
function hide(ele) {
var $ele = $(ele);
if ($(ele).data('hidden'))
$(ele).data('hidden', true);
if ($ele.hasClass('op')) {
$ele.parent().find('.body, .files, .video-container').not($ele.children('.reply').children()).hide();
// hide thread replies on index view
if (active_page 'index' || active_page 'ukko') $ele.parent().find('.omitted, .reply:not(.hidden), post_no, .mentioned, br').hide();
} else {
// normal posts
$ele.children('.body, .files, .video-container').hide();
Menu.onclick(function (e, $buffer) {
var ele = e.target.parentElement.parentElement;
var $ele = $(ele);
if ($ele.data('hidden')) {
// pass
} else {
$buffer.find('#filter-menu-hide').click(function () {

However post-filter.js seems to have other bugs as well. For example hiding a post occasionally unhides previously hidden posts.

Options -> User JS catalog links in div.boardlist >>1803
Options -> User JS quick reply spoiler fix >>1801


red fix

(() => {
function hide(ele) {
var $ele = $(ele);
if ($(ele).data('hidden'))
$(ele).data('hidden', true);
if ($ele.hasClass('op')) {
$ele.parent().find('.body, .files, .video-container').not($ele.children('.reply').children()).hide();
// hide thread replies on index view
if (active_page == 'index' || active_page == 'ukko') $ele.parent().find('.omitted, .reply:not(.hidden), post_no, .mentioned, br').hide();
} else {
// normal posts
$ele.children('.body, .files, .video-container').hide();
Menu.onclick(function (e, $buffer) {
var ele = e.target.parentElement.parentElement;
var $ele = $(ele);
if ($ele.data('hidden')) {
// pass
} else {
$buffer.find('#filter-menu-hide').click(function () {


reposting from meta. the feature is in PR. it won;t mirror thumbnails. thats too much trouble. it'll switch to a bunker-style [Embed] button.

>Can admins mirror thumbnails so lurkers don't get their IP leaked to youtube thumbnail hosters everytime some glowie embeds a vid from there?

Better yet, don't do embeds at all so YT has a hard time detecting referral data.
Keeping this anti-feature is almost as bad as putting analytics on here.
Having cloudflare babycrush the site is bad already, especially when you let them handle https (since they now also have data on which threads people are looking at) but this is just gross


does the hide post function not work?


File (hide): 1611881552184.jpg ( 3.53 MB , 2471x3467 , 56c6c625b13464802a9ab56505….jpg )

For post-filter.js post hiding #215 >>1818 adding the missing hide(ele) call is not necessary because both blacklist.remove.post and blacklist.add.post call setList, which triggers filter_page which results in filterPage which refilters the entire page. In fact for individual post hiding it's the show(ele) call on the unhide branch that is superfluous. The bug is this line:
> var threadId = $ele.parent().attr('id').replace('thread_', '');
which gets the wrong id. This can be verified in localStorage.postFilter where boards will get subkeys that are pcN ids of postcontainer divs instead of thread ids.

The correct way of getting the thread id in that situation is already present on this line:
> threadId = $(post).parents('.thread').attr('id').replace('thread_', '');
which works for menus in either replies or OPs.

The bugfix is to replace the bug line with:
> var threadId = $ele.parents('.thread').attr('id').replace('thread_', '');
after which individual post hiding works correctly.

Also, for whatever reason, you have a script tag with src="/js/multi-image.js" but you respond to that request with a 404. With file-selector.js, which you already serve, you don't need multi-image.js to post multiple files, regardless of the 404.

+ zombie threads in catalog >>1691
+ post quote ending an orange quote >>1722
+ ICC profile error >>1787
in issues but not resolved yet:
+ txt thumbnails #129 >>1593 >>1673
+ original file name downloads for non-JS users #128 >>1499
+ track order #63 webm error 2 >>1337 [in PR]
+ arabic characters #125 >>1517
+ UTF-8 troubles #193 >>1738 >>1744
+ posts below the line and related #207 >>1759
+ reply limit nobump markers in index and thread view #147 >>1775
+ quick reply spoiler #213 >>1801
+ catalog links in div.boardlist #216 >>1807


Thanks, mate. As a small note, I think it would be useful to link anon's video >>1685 in #219, both as a demonstration of the bug and because anon went to the trouble of making it for the bug report.


Did you guys update the server software yet to apply this merge from yesterday?:

I still get warning messages on pages with youtube thumbnail loaded (using Tor Browser with Security Level: Safest (NoScript blocking))


I don't think so comrade. I'll look into it later today. I'm not sure if it will work retroactively.


>I'm not sure if it will work retroactively.
Oh, okay.
Thank you either way, was happy to read that it had merged






Can someone tell me the PPH of the site plz?


Go to the front page, there's a PPH counter now, lol


Are you guys gonna work on getting the up/down and catalog button on a floating taskbar? Right now it's pretty annoying to have them on fixed separate task bars. Makes navigating annoying.


To make the catalog post form accessible to non-JS users with the same hide/unhide functionality, the four lines holding the center and div can be replaced:
<details id="post-form-details">
<center>[ {% trans 'Create new thread' %} ]</center>
{% include 'post_form.html' %}

The click handler for #post-form-opener can go.

To preview the result on the current a+div version of the catalog:
(() => {
pfo = document.getElementById ("post-form-opener")
pfc = document.getElementById ("post-form-container")
if ((pfo == null) || (pfc == null)) { return; }
text = pfo.innerText
form = pfc.children [0]
det = document.createElement ("details")
sum = document.createElement ("summary")
cen = document.createElement ("center")
text = document.createTextNode (text)
pfo.remove ()
cen.appendChild (text)
sum.appendChild (cen)
det.appendChild (sum)
det.appendChild (form)
pfc.parentNode.replaceChild (det, pfc)


File (hide): 1612044449137.png ( 12.19 KB , 712x183 , arithmetic.png )

is this the power of php?


If someone posts in /leftypol/ and /b/ with the same IP, they will increment the IP count for both boards but obviously they will be counted only once for the total. In conclusion, you can't just add the IPs from each board to get the total unique recent IPs for the whole site, you have to subtract too the IPs appearing multiple times in different boards.


I apologize for my autism. can we get post deletion implemented soon pretty please


What do you mean? You can already delete your own posts (you have to wait a little bit after you posted to delete it in order to avoid triggering flood detection).


how long? I thought we were only allowed to unlink file


File (hide): 1612052953502.jpg ( 4.32 MB , 4116x2742 , 68e38616d90d7343233a4a27dd….jpg )

> Error when trying to move threads. #225
> https://leftypol.org/leftypol/res/48558.html
You can see from the thread that you moved every image up to the spoiler >>49585 then died on this line:

See this comment in mod_move_reply:
> if ($file['thumb'] != 'spoiler') { //trying to move/copy the spoiler thumb raises an error

The $replies foreach $clone block:
must take all the care already taken by the OP foreach $clone block:
with the mention that constructing array('spoiler', 'deleted', 'file') anew at every step is ridiculous, and should be constructed only once, earlier in the function.

For a good chuckle check out vichan's "fix"
which uses || between the != tests, making the 'if' always true, and which would otherwise not move the file behind a spoiler thumb.

Back to leftypol, the mod_move function trailer starting from listBoards:
needs to be on the else branch of isset($_POST['board']), as you can see in mod_move_reply:

The rebuildThemes on $targetBoard uses the wrong event:
The correct event there is 'post-thread', as you can see when posting:

The unshadowed $originBoard branch is missing a
> rebuildThemes('post-delete', $originBoard);
call and is one source of zombie #219 >>1691 threads.

Note that this is only for mod_move and there could easily be more bugs lurking elsewhere. Also note that the thread in #225 is now in an inconsistent state due to the partial file move. To be able to move it you can temporarily @ suppress the $clone errors. Afterwards the @s should be removed, as leaving them in for the long term is a bad idea.

+ catalog post form for non-JS users >>1833
in issues but not resolved yet:
+ txt thumbnails #129 >>1593 >>1673
+ original file name downloads for non-JS users #128 >>1499
+ track order #63 webm error 2 >>1337 [in PR]
+ arabic characters #125 >>1517
+ UTF-8 troubles #193 >>1738 >>1744
+ posts below the line and related #207 >>1759
+ reply limit nobump markers in index and thread view #147 >>1775
+ quick reply spoiler #213 >>1801
+ catalog links in div.boardlist #216 >>1807
+ zombie threads in catalog #219 >>1691
+ post quote ending an orange quote #220 >>1722
+ ICC profile error #221 >>1787

Unique IPs: 19
Replies: Files: Page:

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