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 No.9122[Last 50 Posts][Watch Thread]>>9152>>9247>>9297>>9320>>9390>>9484>>9625>>9858>>9878

"‘Bunkerchan’ Is Trying to Deradicalize Online Nazis"
(fucking paywalled so just use the Outline link)

WOW! I'm glad those Bunkerchan people are around to put a bullet in anything radical! Oh wait, not anymore.






Thanks curr3ncy


i thought we were trying to radicalize people


I think we need a "no normies" sign on the door to the clubhouse. Plural though. We can only have one normie at a time, but no more than that.




Holy fucking shit dollars is a little bitch.

I literally argued constantly to be able to use the place to deradicalise people and I wasn’t fucking allowed.

I am so fucking angry

Also the fact his shithole site will get attention and press while the actual community (here) will not makes me so fucking angry how do we contact the writer of this article to tell them the truth about dollars the fucking attention cuck. Fuck that guy honestly we should beat him with metal rods


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We aren't dead, we just relocated!



calm down sage, bunkerchan redirects to here. the website has been taken over


Quite gay.


There is literally no worse type of person than an image board owner. Owning an image board is basically admitting that you are empty and dead inside. It’s even worse than being a janny.


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Oh.. well that’s cool.. but still, the fact dollars even is presented as the voice of the community makes me so fucking angry and this journalist must be some kind of hack who did fuck all research to write this article and this is what they write. We deserve so much more


I have plenty inside. Mostly rage I am so fucking angry


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>Bunkerchan tld redirects to leftypol.org
>The next day the article drops, any traffiic that tries to go to Bunkerchan will be redirected to .org
d011ars could literally be giving you dollars to fuck his wife and you would still not be cucking him as hard as he's just been cucked, holy fucking shit lol.


>a user claiming to be black and on the autism spectrum


They [d0llars] made us into his personal army.


the site is dead, their tld redirects here and the only posts on the site in the past 24 hours have been spam by anti-d011ars people. ("dollars fucks dogs" spam on /tech/ was on the frontpage all day)


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>Dollars, who runs Bunkerchan, and his comrades raise an interesting possibility: Can online radicalization be prevented by old-fashioned political debate?


This part is pretty cool I will admit.


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Wasn't this part of his plan to launch us into internet superstardom? And this is what it is? An interview at Foreign Policy magazine? Maybe we could get Samuel P. Huntington to write a book about the Clash of Imageboards. Is Francis Fukuyama available?


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>Is Francis Fukuyama available?


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Holy fuck that article is so faggy. Kill yourself dollars.


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Holy shit this article is like several thousand words long.

How did he even get this interview, is he the journalist's brother or something?


Hope you're ready for 4chan immigration bros


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Thank you dollars. We will continue working with contrapoints to deradicalize the workers


>>9122 (OP)
>literally half of the article is about contrapoints
I want to die


That little shit hotwheels got a journalist inside to do it for him.


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Comrades… brace for the tourists impact…


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I've got the dude on speed dial. I'll call him up. Hey, Frank, it's me… Corn Pop… I've got an idea for an article about the meme wars: "The Drive for Dignity: It's hard power that often makes a meme, but never underestimate the simple power of respect"


Wait, for reals? Could Hotwheels get any more BASED?


Yeah when you click on the old link, it just goes here now. In fact, there were two links, one ending in .net and one in .xyz and both work as redirects.
"Taken over". It's really mostly the same mods and users.

It's always a bit cringe to be the voice of an online community I guess, but I don't think d011ars has less claim to that than you. He isn't a mod anymore, but he can still post here of course.


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Welcome newfags!
Wear this to be one of us.


Also I'm loving the idea of a curious neoliberal stopping by to see how we "deradicalize" the Nazis and the first thing they see is a giant Stalin or Lenin picture plastered across the top of the site lmao


This a truly bizarre turn of events. Is this site ran by the CIA now? Why is Foreign Policy, the glowiest mag on the planet, sognal boosting us? Is Henry Kissenger one of the Dengist posters?


>"Taken over". It's really mostly the same mods and users.
right, didn't mean that we got "taken over" by bunkerchan users or something. just that we mods took over the bunkerchan website and started redirecting it here


Any journalist worth shit could have asked the board at large and got an array of opinions, made an article that wasn’t half contrapoints. How much of a turbo normie do you have to be to want to know about an image board so you ask one guy and it’s a BO. It’s like writing an article about Amazon and only interviewing bezos. Fucking Stalin was absolute right to censor these talentless pieces of shit.


The communist movement in America is so fucking pathetic that the capitalist class views us as significantly less of a threat than fascism.
Yes, that's embarrassing and we should be ashamed of ourselves.


I will never deradicalize a single person as long as I live


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>This a truly bizarre turn of events. Is this site ran by the CIA now? Why is Foreign Policy, the glowiest mag on the planet, sognal boosting us?


Grande si a ser verdad


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'Ey Frankie, I've got a title for ya!
The End of Bunkerchan and The Last Spam


1. Lib journos have a neurotic obsession with "QAnon" and "deradicalizing Nazis" (which can apparently be done with revolutionary Marxism and insurrecitonary anarchism)
2. Hotwheels gives them interviews about Q
3. Hotwheels sided with Space/d011ars (Bunkerchan staff)
4. Hotwheels hooked d011ars up with an interview


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>article about bunkerchan
>half of it is about a trans radlib
>published on the day they get cucked out of their domain


I thought hotwheels was cool right up until this very moment.


>Total posts last hour: 1


He probably doesn't browse very often, and he was a site admin himself, so I can imagine he sympathized with Space getting cucked by what was basically a mod rebellion


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Well it is Foreign Policy magazine so I think we should wear something that matches when their readers show up to say hi.


Haha SEO line go up


The author of this trash has a Twitter…. it is time




there’s a guy spamming a bunch of race realism threads Sage. where are you and what happened to being “hungry”?


Holy fuck this thread is tragic
Literally nobody in it is having a good time laughing at the situation and finding out the story, they're just ranting about the imaginary /leftypol/ that lives in their heads.
They're not even doing something like "haha stupid commies think we'll all work together but they're infighting" kind of thing where it's bent to fit an ideological worldview, but they're still laughing at the actual event. no, they're totally missing it, and they don't even know that they're missing out on a good story.


4chan (and especially /pol/) stopped being a place to laugh and have fun years ago. It's just an angry, isolated shadow of what it once was, populated mainly by people who never had any familiarity with imageboard culture before the 2016 election.


Holy shit, the reiteration of /leftypol/'s history is such fucking shit that you could only describe it as a blatant misrepresentation of the boards history as a whole. We didn't fucking leave 8chan because bunkerchan existed, we left because the site got fucking shutdown and replaced by FedKun. This isn't a site that bans "offensive" posts, only low quality shit that practically qualifies as spam. Fuck you dollars, this shit makes us look like reddit in imageboard form, what exactly was your fucking plan?


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This site literally improved on its own without 8tards shitting it up constantly


Jannies have fixed that by importing a load of retarded boomers and bunkerschizos


Exactly. Dollars has fucked us over.
Fuck off


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“There’s always gonna be forums for these people, they’ll find a way, and censoring them just feeds into their oppression narrative,” Dollars said. “What we try to do is show that there really is another way, and it comes from being principled.”


God that image is so depressing. I think of how much time I've wasted on places like /r9k/ and how it prevented me from maturing into a functional human being.
/leftypol/ is different, right It feels different but I can't tell if I'm just deluding myself


>we should beat him with metal rods
sage are you still gonna fedpost with the glowies here?


We shall kill him with bbc


It's not, I'm here by force of habit and boredom alone. i really should stop though, but it isn't different to other boards and subreddits on the whole. Posts might be smarter but it functions the exact same way, a terribly vacuous place either way.


Ditto. I’m about to outgrow this place very soon. It’s going to be nothing but a bunch of anarchists and 12 year old gulag meme tankies very soon.


Goddamn it, now I'm miserable. On May Day of all days





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Mods should change the title of the homepage to BUNKERCHAN leftypol and keep that for a week.


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Preceding reply:
>They've been here for years and made absolutely zero impact
I love the shitposters stirring the schizo pot constantly. The whole board still has an element of trolls trolling trolls to it, but now the masses there are credulous retards getting taken for a ride by a handful of people giving them schizophrenia, including some true believers who are too stupid to realize that's probably how they got dragged in.


I can't quite decide what group is more detestable, jannies, BO's, or journalists


Always "journalists", just so long as by journalist you mean the types of people who write these articles and not people who do actual journalism.


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Yeah you got me bro, sorry.


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the jannies are unambiguously based today, if they planned things to play out this way then they are geniuses and if they didn't then they've pretty clearly demonstrated that they possess nothing short of the mandate of heaven


Crossposter here. Despite tons of shitflinging and angry reeeeees from partisans on Bunkerchan, it was Dollars himself who reached out to leftypol.org regarding a merger after it was evident there was a more active userbase and higher quality post output here. There was a big thread of people supporting or being pissed that Bunkerchan was "caving" but it is pretty evident that Dollars intentions were in good faith to prevent a similar situation to leftpol by the fact that HE reached out to merge. Dollars will be vindicated like Old BO inshallah.


At least some of them understand us…


This is the best may day ever


Remember when "tankie" meant "People who supported the Soviet intervention in Czechoslovakia" and not "people to the left of Bernie Sanders?"


>/leftypol/ being compared to contrapoints
I want to die.


>old BO
singlehandedly almost killed /leftypol/ with partisan nonsense lmao


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Old BO is even worse than dollars .


I don't think there is any actual journalism, and if there is they don't call themselves journalists. It's like cops, they aren't all LITERALLY bad, as in they all do evil things, they volunteer to perpetuate the system and shit out absolute garbage until they die.


Nice one Afroplasm


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We should organize a parade for the jannies


if d011ars put the best interest of leftypol first he would've folded before January was out.

his "good faith" actions included massive censorship of discussion of the split, right up until he could leverage his position as captain of the RMS Titanic to try and negotiate for a post on the bridge of our MS Taras Shevchenko


yet it wasn't him who made /leftpol/


>it was Dollars himself who reached out to leftypol.org regarding a merger
>it is pretty evident that Dollars intentions were in good faith
That's true.


Autistic retard, who are you even trying to convince with such a brain dead response?


Is this that paper owned by Nathan Robinson?


>ban a very large fragment of your userbase from discussing a very significant world event
>act like they're the traitors when they proceed to leave usional
you're fucking del




god fucking damn it i hate laptops, i keep bumping the fucking trackpad and it fucks up the formatting of my posts


it's okay anon I'll suck your cock


Clean up on isle 3 janny! Stop slacking!


>create /leftpol/ because you're "oppressed" and split the board
>yet Old BO is 100% responsible for this
Yes I know Old BO behaved like a retard, but it was /leftpol/ being made that caused an exodus with half of the userbase dropping.


>but it was /leftpol/ being made that caused an exodus with half of the userbase dropping.

>ban half the userbase

<be surprised when they make their own board


Thank you comrade, I appreciate it
What were people supposed to do? They had a major ideological disagreement that should have been tolerated, BO refused to budge, so they left.
I personally didn't care very much abut the issue, so I used both boards, but I understand why they left.


you'll be cleaning your dogs coat for hours pussy


>pontificating about how much this or that person is a backstabber
>socdem flag
⛏️ come over here


if they just wanted to hang out with unironic nazbols, terfs and incels, they could have just gone back to /pol/


On top of that, I tried to provide an outlet for both sets of posters to come together, and he even agreeed it was a good idea, but then his mod team repeatedly deleted the thread.

He’s a bastard, the fact he let this article be the way it is also means he’s stupid.

He’s a stupid fucking bastard.

They left because the most autistic poster on the whole board was allowed to channel discourse. Old BO is the worst poster to have ever posted on these boards. Followed by dollars


The purges didn't kill the board, that's my point, activity didn't drop significantly until /leftpol/ was made.
I just think people who helped kill the board now use BO as scapegoat. Space proved to be worse than Old BO in the end.


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>Bunkerchan users still use 8chan and 4chan on occasion—sometimes for mischief, like one user who managed to become the moderator of a QAnon board, using their power to ban swastikas and set up word filters to eliminate racial slurs.
When did this happen?


Are you forgetting how bad things were? Anarchists were basically de facto banned from posting because the anarchist position on imperialism necessarily contradicts the hardline ML position.


Imagine how much of an attention whoring little bitch you would have to be to do this article knowing full well the community you talk about decided you didn’t represent them and left


>activity didn't drop significantly until /leftpol/ was made.
cause everyone that was banned was oldfags and knew how to ban evade lmao
they moved to a new board because it was tiring to wage a constant war against the janny diktat


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what did they mean by this?


to be so direct in our praise may have negative effects, but a parade is quite an idea.




We need that now more than ever


Leftpol was created because of the purges holy shit

>oldBO cucks can’t into dialectics

Not at all shocked really.


I'm black and autistic and I posted that thread


Under no circumstances, all jannies are bastards. Dollars being the prime example.


>the left is more powerless than ever in an era of global capitalist decline and multipolar imperialism
>so the correct thing to do is to divide ourselves into insular sects
I'm genuinely trying to comprehend how you can arrive at this position and I just can't


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Are they just making shit up? I wonder…is anyone going to be pissed off that the article they just published came out right when the site was felled?


It’s a glowing position or one made by somebody who wants a secret club rather than a mass movement


>Mass movement will come from an obscure website of like a hundred people split around the globe


We will contribute more to a mass movement if we don’t ban half of those 100 people


I remember a thread kind of like this, but it was only popular for about a day.


clap your hands, cause an avalanche.
(pretend this is a mao-era slogan)


>>9122 (OP)
> If we’re going to combat online radicalization, we need to find a way to break these chains of self-victimization.
>And Bunkerchan and its allies might just be it.

What do they mean with this? Do they want to turn leftypol into a glowie-hotspot?


"d011ars fucks dogs" poster has a point - he's really screwed the pooch on this one!


Bet you lads recycle too


Really? That stupid mumming about for this?


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I'm actually unhappy that they did this because bunkerchan as a filter is gone now and the people who are gonna be coming here (because it redirects here) are all either gonna be glowies or 4channers from that /pol/ thread


Recycling in Glasgow has a worse carbon footprint than not recycling cos it gets shipped to south east Asia so no.


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i aggressively recycle my own OC wherever possible


>/leftpol/ is a peaceful anti-radical contrapoints fan board.
This is almost comical


Exactly. Both are based in their own way, although I'm more concerned about the attention we're gonna get from glowies.


I meant both are bad lmao


Beyond based
Sad! Hopefully they fall hard and realise how fragile their existence is


It’s kind of hard to tell what the point was.


i think they post on a /leftycel/ board on one of the 8chan honeypot spinoffs but i never bothered to memorize the url


Who the fuck is Sage and why do his posts warrant using a tripcode


Yeah. The people who read Marx (or pretend to) without a far-right background vastly outnumber the ex nazis.


Yeah right here >>203059


I've posted the article on Infrared's reddit. Haz is going to scream, when he sees, that we are getting attention from mainstream media :D


Bri'ish people get special privileges on leftypol.org


a retard with percecution complex and narcissism that you should filter like everyone else does


There's a thead on /leftcel/ which was where Bexgia advertised before the May Day involuntary incident.

They seem to think that mods of this site are racist hardline MLs from Something Awful

Here's the link https://9chan.tw/leftcel/thread/378 (scroll down to the bottom for their reaction)


>I've posted the article on Infrared's reddit. Haz is going to scream, when he sees, that we are getting attention from mainstream media :D
Kek, when does haz start streaming?


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articles by the same author, see anything that glows bright?


75 percent of this article is just about contrapoints what the fuck lmao


We should reconcile with Infrared THOUGH


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>this board still exists


I don’t even think Haz knows of us as bunkerchan, he only came here after the split.


A very sexy man who almost steered bunker towards greatness against all odds (with peng dick)


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We aren't even on the top stories. Boooo


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>dollars got a glowy hack from a glowy mag to write about how much we're like contrapoints


Contrapoints filter suggestions?


Master plan. Paywall BTFO. Same author wrote this hitpiece against Bernie, Chapo and the Grayzone


Yes, but /leftypol/ is being mentioned multiple times in the article. So he might realize, that bunkerchan and leftypol are related to each other.


lmao and by Foreign Policy standards this is a fairly left wing article because it at least acknowledges that imperialism exists in Latin America and that it is, indeed, a bad thing.
What a fucking rag, we couldn't have gotten published somewhere better?


Good work bois


We are here in this thread. Boogaboogabooga!
There are classics such as Hontrapoints and Contrabenis, but I think a good filter name would refer to the lame politics of that person – which means you have to watch Contrapoints to come up with a good fit, and who wants to do that.


Sans point.


Contra has the markings of an oversocialized academic liberal, if that gives you anything.


That's Current Affairs. Foreign Policy was founded by Samuel P. Huntington back in the day.


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We are 8th right now, not too bad to bug out some neolib boomer that comes here



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wow foreign policy's SEO is way better than any of the /leftypol/ instances
(meanwhile "leftypol" doesn't actually appear on the first page of "leftypol" for me, unofficial leftypol discord is highest ranked. fixing this should be the next grand project tbh.)


>SEO autism


having "leftypol" appear when you google "leftypol" is not unhelpful.
(you can go back and forth on whether it should be the #1 result or not, it's helpful to have a /pol/ mong catcher, but literally not being on the page is dismal.)


Contra is the trans girl that puts on make up and talks about stuff?




I'll actually vouch for that being almost true. Except I remember it more like he was using wordfilters to confuse Q Boomers, not to "ban swastikas" and "eliminate racial slurs". What a gay fucking article overall


Great day for leftypol. Dollars completely cucked and humiliated, /pol/ furious, the board united, and a bunch of liberals fooled. Everything under heaven etc. etc.


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>leftypol is getting raided hard again
Wow I love deradicalizing right-wingers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You're thinking of Foreign Affairs. Foreign Policy is small time.


>>9122 (OP)
Oh wow they actually destroyed bunkerchan and now only this amerimutt radlib shithole exists. That's sad.


Don't be a pussy, this is just like the good old days, batten down the hatches and man the guns. Dollars might be a faggot but he's not wrong when he says that a fraction of poltards that come here will end up getting despoiled because of it.


This is the one


I meant despooked. Fucking mobile. But many will get despoiled too :^)




bruh why they talking about "finding" leftypol wtf how hard can it be to use google lmao


Lmao, enjoy the horde of retards there, buds.


Is this supposed to be that guy who got slapped by a nazi?


/pol/ already regularly raid here


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It'll be a good reason to close the browser and read


honestly, this is all hotwheels' fault.


I’m okay with it. Why go to the circus if it can come to us?




this is not what happens
just read in any of these "how did you come to leftypol" threads, the story of every /pol/ack is that they keep carrying on with their "spooks" as you call them and just shit up the place and you faggots embracing them because you have no spine
you can cry and bitch about this being wrong but it's the case with 100 % of these faggots and you always jump in front of them and will cry about how "reactionary socialism is actually real socialism, radlib SJW REEEE"
go fuck yourself, /pol/ cocksock




I bet you are new here and are just making up shit. If you aren't: Tell me what was the wordfilter for S t r a s s e r i s t?


If hotwheels didn't give the site away to Jim like a retard we would still be on 8ch and probably the top board by now


been posting since 2015 and i don't remember, was it asserist or something? what does that have to do with anything, cunt? look at these threads, it's always the same shit with you fags
wouldn't even give a fuck if i was a newfag, i would actually feel lucky not to have been part of this shithole with dumb fags like you around

how does that disprove the fact that you are too fucking retarded to convert your own fucking mom to even say "yes, you are such a grown up big boy now, have your tendies"


>been posting since 2015 and i don't remember, was it asserist or something?
I couldn't remember until you said it


IIRC, he had to move the site onto Jim's servers because it was getting assraped by DDoS attacks constantly and the site would've been swiss cheese if he hadn't


De-radicalize me.
My body is ready.


>My body is ready.
You do not know what you're talking about westoid


>>9122 (OP)
Does Foreign Affairs realize we're communists?


It's Foreign Policy, dude. I'm sure they wish they were Foreign Affairs.


The media lied about North Korea:


Are you actually trying to de-radicalize me, a nazi, about the Lügenpresse?
That's cute.


Tbf that was a major revelation for me in early 2020 and a big reason why I'm now a commie.


Apparently, you're willing to believe it regardless when it talks of the USSR and communists.


Yes I am deradicalizing you by turning you to a North Korea supporter


What do you even know about my beliefs?

The USSR is not that bad, especially when it invaded Poland alongside the Nazis. That was heckin based and they must have had a blast. Things turned sour a bit after that.

I already support North Korea and Pol Pot.


I remember that thread too, it was a few months ago IIRC.


The only issue I have with commies is that central planning doesn't work.

But I like the hats, the tanks, the guns, the Soviet space shit, Pol Pot killing journalists, etc.


> and Pol Pot.
Please anon I can't burst out laughing in my current situation don't pull stuff like that on me here


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We do not do that here.


what makes pol pot any different to you from someone like Castro or Chavez?


National Socialism pretends to be a “third way” between communism and capitalism, but, prior to WWII (and even well into it, in some cases) it actually had major backing from international companies, including, but not limited to, Ford, IBM, Coca Cola, Chase, Standard Oil, and Nestle. Additionally, the Nazis privatized large swaths of state industry and the English word “privatization’, in fact, originated directly from the Nazis’ economic policies.


>corporations like Amazon today plan centrally
>works fine
>Soviets planned centrally
>defeated Nazi Germany
>"But it doesn't twerk!" -some literal who retard


They're different.

Castro is semi-based. At the end of the day he was just interested in being the king of Cuba, though, more than a real revolutionary.

Chavez was a legit retard who bankrupted his nation. It's one thing to give TVs and fridges to poor people, but it was completely retarded to destroy his fucking oil industry, the country's main source of income.


>>corporations like Amazon today plan centrally

It does not. It's a marketplace full of third-party vendors and logistics providers.
Same as their cloud shit, which is priced on-demand.
It's pure capitalism.

>>Soviets planned centrally
>defeated Nazi Germany

By throwing Russian bodies and American equipment at the problem. Hardly an efficient use of resources.


If the staff have any bit of doubt and don't just seek to farm conflict, they should redirect the old url to goatse until the problem has passed by and regular activity can continue.


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>What do you even know about my beliefs?
Safe guess.
>The USSR is not that bad, especially when it invaded Poland alongside the Nazis. That was heckin based and they must have had a blast. Things turned sour a bit after that.
The were sour before that anon. The only reason the USSR accepted the pact in the first place was because no western power at the time wanted to assist in preventing Germany in its expansion in the time before Poland was invaded, so the USSR decided that it may as well take back from Poland the land it took from the Belorussians and also hold the oil fields in Poland that Germany wanted for itself. After the pact, the west freaked out because it was expecting Germany to fight the USSR and thus solve the issue of both of them, which made it so they had to be the ones to actually intervene regarding Britain's agreement with Poland that dealt primarily with German expansion (which had previously been ignored until the pact had become a thing).
>North Korea
North Korea anti-racialist.
>The only issue I have with commies is that central planning doesn't work.
But it does. Hell, corporations practically centrally plan themselves now.


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>It does not. It's a marketplace full of third-party vendors and logistics providers. Same as their cloud shit, which is priced on-demand. It's pure capitalism.
That's still central planning. Its capitalist central planning, but its central planning.
>By throwing Russian bodies and American equipment at the problem. Hardly an efficient use of resources.
<Repeating the reddit meme view of WW2
Anon, you should know better then now then to repeat the "muh red hordes, muh human waves" myth.


>By throwing Russian bodies and American equipment at the problem.
"human waves" is a myth propagated by butthurt German generals after the war.


And pol pot invaded our comrades in Vietnam
I figured the common factor between your favorite gommies would be how detrimental they are to gommunism as a whole






How come, imbecile?


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This is the result of the ebin invisible hand

Now cope


>It's the Jews fault that Southern Whites came up with a weird sexual stereotype about black men hundreds of years ago


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>The only issue I have with commies is that central planning doesn't work.


Centrally planned organizations and countries has worked out better than laissez-faire ones.


Everything is free except when you don't like it huh?


Ah yes, without jews people would watch some nazi friendly porn, I thought you were against degeneracy, cuck

And le ebin invisible hand allows them to have a massive porn empire

Keep coping


Hey fellow minded people. I heard you guys are going to help deralizalize those peskies Neo Nazis and Trump supporters! Anything we can do to Unite this country and re educate those MAGA scum will be great. I'm sure you guys are going to help bring back things to normal!


Don’t worry, I watched enough Contrapoints to have the whole situation under control!


If by "normal" you mean "international proletarian revolution" then yes.


Nazi-friendly porn is mass produced.


I don't know what that means sister but sure you go girl. Hopefully when we are done with re-education of those Trump supporters we can all go back to chill back at Starbucks while I read what's on Twitter. You girls seem great!


awesome sauce!


To add to this, the vast majority of the major battles carried out by the Axis during their offensive were done with a numerical advantage against the Soviets, which they only lost during the counter offensive. This is also with the Germans (not even counting any of the other Axis) having a larger labour population at both the beginning and the end of the war, and the Soviets losing theirs over the war to an extreme degree (total labour at the beginning in 1941 is 11,000,000 German workers vs 16,400,000 Soviet Workers, and in 1944 its 18,000,000 vs 9,000,000), while also having to pick up production and move it all the way to the Urals and Siberia.


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Haha very funny. You will be going to gulag.


d0llars… is CIA


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Is this the best /pol/ has to offer? At least make some effort to blend in.


It’s satire bruh.


I think those are our anons and they're just fooling around


For next time we need to get an article in the new york times thats only this video and nothing else


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Can't tell anymore tbh. There were those faggots during the whole polface meltdown that made those really obvious falseflags that everyone on /pol/ bought, so I'd rather be cautious then anything else.


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The fact that you could state all this and halfchan /pol/fags would still conflate you with twitter libs who say the exact opposite is honestly pretty infuriating.


Lol I remember they constantly spammed sneed because they thought we didn't know what it was because of some retarded falseflag


OK I now believe you have been online all your life and are a self-hating tendies enthusiast. Reactionary socialism isn't a thing that actually exists out there in real-world burgerland or yurop.

Capitalism isn't when there are prices and quantities reacting to demand. If all companies were state-owned, would you call that capitalism? And yet it's possible for production facilities owned by the public to react to consumer demand.


Halfchan /pol/ flaseflags itself more often then any other board I know, either on halfchan or an altchan. I think at some point users just do it to keep the pph up, you can see it with "made for bbc" spam which get shit tons of replies by easily baited even more then here surprisingly retards.


i am talking about leftypol you mong


Dollars is such a fucking attention whore lmao, he probably has BPD


Food, medicine, housing, and bbc interracial transgender porn for all.


I like that nobody, including the Nazi, pointed out that this is obviously fake lmao
/pol/tards really will believe ANYTHING if you put it in the form of an infographic


This is what joe biden's fema camps will be like.


Dammit, Trot.


Sorry friend, I didn't know the joke was still going kek


Well you are wrong about that.


I prefer cock to dick.


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I was a leftist before then I was a libertarian for a while because I didn't like idpol. I just through up my arms I guess but still didn't have the heart to knowingly harm anyone. Now I'm back to being a leftist. Libertarian political economy is bull shit. However, I was never a Nazi, but I see the libertarian to alt right pipeline and it is disturbing.


t. Sizelet


We already have a thread about this you attention whore


>guy in the pic is huwhite
>author of that article's last name is Ling
I think you got the wrong guy




Also the article is still there


Interesting theory, I could use a QRD


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No, it's him.


How does the quote go? Turn radical socialist figures and speech into harmless shit palpable for libs?


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There is one thing worse: being a tripfaggot on an anonymous discussion forum.


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Nice, always appreciate a dose of historical disinformation in my mainstream image board coverage. We didn't leave 8ch because a bloo bloo the mean old righties drove us out, we left because the site fucking died.


We must follow in Mao's footsteps and destroy once and for all the four olds
space_, d0llars, bunkerchan and jannies


>>9122 (OP)
Hey guys, new here (he/him)
just wanted to know how we can get these transphobic and racist Trumpkins to see how great and epic Biden and Kamala are, especially after the great insurrection earlier this year
what sorts of secret strategies did you guys have planned? I was thinking we could try to show them to see how cool the queer community really is, like some cool memes you know? I saw one earlier with Trump with an Ushanka and thought it could really work, what do you guys think :)


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>i heard you guys want to deradicalize me
Not us, does that url read Bunkerchan to you? You're looking for D0llars, "deradicalization" is not this boards focus.


>you are wrong, something that happens regularly every couple weeks available to anyone who bothers to actually look at it is not really happening because it insults my feelings towards this place i am attached to as i'm lacking the ability to distance myself from it


what do you have to gain here?
all there is for you is getting laughed at and then putting it in a screencap and crying about it with your /pol/ack friends.

You have coped before and you shall cope again.


holy fuck go outside


The zionists can keep you, we don't need neocon Israel bootlickers here


funny enough, exactly what i said is happening happens right here again >>206512
not challening on anything, just opening arms to the nazi to "own the libs"
not only are you retarded, you don't even own up to it
/pol/acks that got their spine removed


now this is epic!


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Kill yourself
>should have the ability to start business and do their own thing if they want but have it be watched by the government so they dont hurt the worker
Businesses and capitalists in general are unnecessary in their existence and their very perpetuation necessitates the exploitation of the worker. They "hurt" the worker by operating as a capitalist.


>whose voice is this? my jewdar is going nuts i can tell its a jew just from the voice am i correct in that?
It's an Italian you retarded nonce.


Its fucking Parenti you faggot. He's Italian and raised Christian to my knowledge.


italian-american dumbass


Thats a new york accent. Get outside more


Retarded /pol/yp hears NYC accent and assumes Jewish. Bet if a Jewish person was speaking AAVE you'd assume they were black. Retarded faggot, kys


Some screencap this shit lol


go back


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>so how do things get made? how do people innovate if there is no incentive to do so? so i couldn't make a clothing line or design a better vacuum cleaner in your society?
You centrally plan production and simulate competition if needed, while providing incentive for innovation.


This isn't bunkerchan, get out


You stimulate innovation by stimulating innovation.

Give this man a Nobel prize.


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>Doesn't understand the difference between the word simulate and stimulate
Give this man the Darwin award.


Come on m8, you know why I'm here
you're the libs' darling of the hour, how fucking embarrassing for you


Who is best at deradicalization?
Contrepoints, Caleb Klein or Leftypol?


>i hate israel and i hate the jewish people
Not the first or last time a zionist bootlicker has said this, go back to your neocon puppets and be a good ziocuck will you?


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which website has more gay porn, 4chan or leftypol?


Please stop calling western art gay.


>so government controls all aspects of all production of everything? seems inefficient and full of corruption as we know government services can be quite shit in alot of aspects. wouldn't it be easier for government to control important shit and let the people figure out less important stuff on there own while the government watches them and regulates them?
No, at least not in any capitalist fashion due to the TRPF making that unsustainable. Proper cybernetically planned economies are more efficient then capitalist economies as well due to cutting out the middle man in production and streamlining the process in a way not weighed down by internal and external bureaucracy. Comparing capitalist governments to this is unapt.


>you're the libs' darling of the hour
Its literally just d0llars having payed off someone to shill his site.


>Not getting the point of the meme
Are you autistic?


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I'm just an ordinary guy posting on leftypol


don't think that's how they'll see it


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>i dont understand what any of that means im not well versed on theory but thank you for trying to explain to me. i think i would be perfectly fine with communists if they support removing non europeans from european nations and maintaining european supremacy in those nations and excluding non europeans from its societies
Define European and European nations in this context.


no but you can jump into the pit, reactionary


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>there is nothing sexual about that first meme, thats the normal natural human form if you see something sexual with it your a deviant and pervert plus freud was a jewish hack
>deviant and pervert
I'm not the one who published Der Sturmer anon


LMFAO, sucks when the media works against you, huh bunkercucks?


>nations considered europe where ethnic european are native to like western/south/north/east europe and nations founded by europeans like america/canada/australia/new zealand. not south africa whites dont belong there let the blacks have it. basically anywhere that white people are the native people or the majority ethnic group when the nation was founded
You didn't answer the question anon. Define "European". Should a Pole be allowed to live in France? Or a Brit in Germany?
>nations founded by europeans like america/canada/australia/new zealand
Let me guess, you're a burger?


our line on transhumanist shit should just be "they are humans and deserve basic rights" idk why people on either side feel the need to constantly bring up transhumanists (polcels/redditors and twitter types do this in equal amounts)


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the (((media))) has been working against actual leftists for longer than you guys faggot, people like picrel even admired Hitler and published shit favorable to him


>Not wanting people beat in the street means you're a transhumanist
If they work and do their day job while following the same rules as everyone else in a socialist society, I don't very much care. By your metrics, we may as well let people beat non-trans ugly men and woman as well.


>Justin Ling is a mod here
what the fuck are you talking about

The rest of 4chan, the big brained centrists, would just say it's the same as Nazi Holocaust denial.


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Agreed, they should have interviewed me at least.


>oh i forgot to define european as racially european you know "white" people its not that hard to define. would you ask someone to define what an african is? we all know what an african is its a "black" person
Anon, that means your definition has very little basis to it other then the phenotype of the person.


yeah it does suck when they bring more glowies newfags and low IQ polyps here


Based Che, how's it doing?


post actual sources and statistics and not just your feelings and some anecdote-based "evidence"


It's nazi agitprop


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>Sure if thats what the nation wants. european people are racially compatible and as long as immigration is small and controlled these people would be assimilated where "french" people in germany would be fully assimilated and basically indistinguishable from germans who have been there for hundreds of years. there might be small phenotype differences that are not important as long as immigration is kept small to allow assimilation and assimilation would be enforced
So is your definition based on genotype and haplogroupings, or is it based on just appearance (phenotype). What the hell does "racially compatible" mean in this context? Are you talking about genetics or how well people get along? The last few hundred years should tell you how much Europeans "get along" by your own metrics.


most social conventions are spooks so going against them is pretty based if you ask me


>they make the majority uncomfortable so their comfort is not important and not a human right
This argument doesn't make a lot of sense anon.


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>One of Streicher's constant themes was the sexual violation of ethnically German women by Jews, a subject which he used to publish semi-pornographic tracts and images detailing degrading sexual acts.[33][34] The fascination with the pornographic aspects of the propaganda in Der Stürmer was an important feature for many antisemites.[35] With the help of his cartoonist Phillip "Fips" Rupprecht, Streicher published image after image of Jewish stereotypes and sexually-charged encounters.[36] His portrayal of Jews as subhuman and evil is considered to have played a critical role in the dehumanization and marginalization of the Jewish minority in the eyes of common Germans – creating the necessary conditions for the later perpetration of the Holocaust.[37][38][d] To protect himself from accountability, Streicher relied on Hitler's protection. Hitler declared that Der Stürmer was his favorite newspaper, and saw to it that each weekly issue was posted for public reading in special glassed-in display cases known as "Stürmerkasten". The newspaper reached a peak circulation of 600,000 in 1935.[40] One of the possible solutions to the Nazi's perceived problem Streicher mentioned in the pages of Der Stürmer was transporting Jews to Madagascar.[41]


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Hey, how you doin'?


>hurr durr let's piss into an ocean of piss and complain when our shoes get piss on them rrreeeeeeee
You retards really are something else. Also supporting mass media and monopolized corporate whoredom isn't "communism," daddy Stalin would have you up against the wall with a 7.62 in the back of your head for being a champagne socialist fȧggot.


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race isn't real
read this book


>feels over reals
every time
>nazi concerns about sexual degen are projection
also every time


damn i personally wrote this article cause I thought Stalin would be proud of me :/ sorry guys


Where does race start and end? Surely not at "European" or "African".


File (hide): 1619932960834.pdf ( 14.31 MB , 67x118 , How the Irish Became White….pdf )

And this


Does anyone here actually like the article being posted? Back when the first thread about the merge was at the top it seemed like the idea was being shitted on if the person even thought it was real and not do11ars making shit up. Although it hasnt really brought any foreign policy reader types just a handful of polyps spouting the same old shit


Back when it was still an accepted field of study, didn't race scientists modify the racial categorization system multiple times to revise how many different races there were anyway?


the people who actually read foreign policy probably just read the article, said "neat" and then moved on with their lives lmao


Yeah, the Indian race was very confusing to them back then


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>i dont know what you people dont understand about europeans being a race just like asians or blacks. this shit is easy to tell by eye and if you need more then DNA tests can tell you what race someone is. if you had 10 asians 10 europeans and 10 africans in a room you could sort them by race with 100% accuracy 100% of the time,
The point is that "race" is an insufficient categorization in regards to genetics and fails to be one in any clinical setting. All you've done in your scenario was arbitrarily sort people by phenotype, not their actual underlying genetic composition. DNA tests when specified also don't give you "race", they give you haplogroupings. Sorting people purely by phenotype is largely a culturally determined thing (like with colonial based race categorizations). Grouping people like you stated is moronic, and is in no way clinical.


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> the societies only started to have real tension in them once non european immigrants


>We deserve so much more
He who does not work, nor shall he eat; now get in the salt mine for 14 hours so high ranking party officials can drink the nice vodka, you starving peasant.


>being precise is semantics
you must not read a lot


You don't actually give a fuck about women or their sports


No, I don't think a single regular user liked the idea of an article written about our communities in a glowing magazine. I don't know what the fuck the mods were thinking.
>using anecdote as "evidence" again
retard, are you aware that everyone has had a different experience from yours? I'm the opposite, almost no one I know has expressed disgust at trans people, instead showing concern about their health and solidarity. And yes I know at least one trans person. Now use actual fucking evidence to back up your claims and justify your fee-fees that trans people don't deserve the same rights as everyone else.


failing at tagging


>replace white with european. everyone knows what a european means in the modern context historical definitions or ideas or shit like "the irish weren't considered white" have no relevance to the modern world
I understand that Turkey is European.


>just pretend history doesn’t exist!


You could always get that fat pedophile Vaush to "debate" the evil nazis by saying rape is fine when brown men do it. I'm sure that'll work.


>he seems like a retard though
<i dont know what a spook is.
< i never read it
presented without comment.


We don’t like Vaush here


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I don't got time for cookie cutters


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going prety gud, my life is improving immensely since resigning and I'm slowly working on a new project that may resolve the problems I had with /leftypol/ (as well as the other gatherings of communists such as on twitter).

fuck Dollars.


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>none of that matters in the present day all kinds of europeans get along just fine in places like america and canada the societies only started to have real tension in them once non european immigrants started to come there.
That's just a fucking lie, and it makes me think you believe Europe ends at Germany's eastern border.
>why are you breaking this down in to fucking semantics we all know what a european person is just by looking at them with the exception for mixed race and some border regions like greece turkey southern italy you can tell someones race by looking at them. in america and canada there are all kinds of europeans and you cannot tell which kind just by looking at them they are able to assimilate into a mother culture easily because they are racially compatible why are these concepts so hard for you people to understand. we live in the modern information technological age now past european conflicts and other shit is NOT RELEVANT to the modern era
<Except for all of these listed exceptions, we know what a European looks like
Anon, I'm being clinical in my view of genetics. You on the other hand are just arbitrarily throwing people together into non-descriptive and primarily phenotypical categorizations because it "feels" right.


> roiding for that


>what trans people want is not important as they are a tiny abnormal minority
No wonder you people are terrified of ever being a "minority", you project how you would treat such a people on everyone else.


how does it feel to know youll never be european mutt


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ok illiterate retard. If you're not gonna read a book at least watch these.


Definitely insulin


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>Nazi supports interracial cuck porn to get men "anxious"


>Caucusoid -> European
The absolute state of racial psuedo science


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I wonder what the hell that "new project" could be.


>just ignore reality and it will all make sense!




yeah I'm interested.


>different groups of people exist on the planet that are easy to sort by looking at them they look different have different predisposition to different diseases and have different behavior profiles they have different markers in their genes where DNA tests can tell you which part of the world they come from. what would you call this if not race?
Anon, you based your view of "race" on phenotype, not on any actual clinical genetic categorization. "Race" as a term is largely insufficient, and mostly culturally informed. There are haplogroupings and other genetic information like autosomal dna, but none of this could be described as "race".
>white race is not an invention nor is it a modern thing its just a different word for european. white and european mean the same thing and are synonyms
No, because who and who wasn't white was a thing barely, if at all, informed by genetics and failed to relate to Europeans as a whole in the past. For example, you had "Europeans" who barely saw either the Germans or the Greeks as "white", and the term "white" as a racial categorization was itself not even a categorization to describe any European in antiquity.


and what inherent racial characteristics separate those white Albanians or Greeks from the middle eastern countries just south of them?


>irish were always white
The eternal Hibernian strikes again!
>this author talked alot about eradicating "whiteness" which is just collective european idenity his books are fuled by ethnic hatred against my people so no i dont think ill read his garbage and im glad he is dead
No he's not you idiot. Europeans were describing themselves by their own separate "identities" before the term white was ever used, he doesn't want to kill off every existing European culture or population. Its only you who wants to group up all these populations under the category of "white" and then claim anyone against this to be filled with "ethnic hatred".


>ethnic europeans
you can't give a clear definition of this idea that doesn't essentially mean the same thing as the concept of "whiteness" which as people have pointed out has been flexible throughout recent history. like i said before you are probably a mutt who thinks he is european


> fuled by ethnic hatred against my people
bruh have you watched braveheart, the English literally stole your land and then made you work on it as a slave and youre raging against a random author


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>>9122 (OP)
>a horde of normies is going to descend upon here with their NPC anti-communist talking points

i'm going to prepare to dab on them


Rightoids really base their entire world view on aesthetics, huh.


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wasnt the point that looking at a mutt and saying its a pure bred is literally retarded.


no just polyps. itd honestly be more interesting if foreign policy boomers and libs raided hearing the same few arguments from /pol/tards gets kind of old fast


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I don't really want it to be associated with my history as leftypol BO since there's not a great reason to maintain a persistent identity and plenty of reasons not to.

In several respects other people have already made attempts at it but their success has been pretty low imo. It's unlikely my approach would be much more successful. I would make some minor changes to the existing approach, try to contribute a lot of OC, and try to organically form a "party line" in the organization from a mix of my own views and those that any contributors hold. This would be contrary to the existing approaches. A key feature is that it should be extremely easy to split and merge, to handle ideological differences. But should also place heavy emphasis on citations and evidence to avoid the kind of "ephemeral" churn you get here where debates are endlessly revived even though they should be dead and buried according to the evidence.


Watch these


And Finngoloids?


You dont understand how these 23&me "tests" are done.
Think of them as surveys, trying to match your American dna to a pool of faceless "europeans".
It's all a big scam desu.


I'm European.
From a bit of spit they could tell where I'm from with a few hundred km's of accuracy.

Make of that what you want.


Eastern Europeans have an equal if not greater genetic closeness to northern indians as to the rest of Europe.


>sure lets go with that then. people who have the phenotype where any non disingenuous person would label them "european/white" would be allowed to live in european or european founded nations. we will call this new sorting method sorting by "race" some italians or darker greeks will be decided on a case by case basis
This sounds retarded and not at all clinical. In fact, this sounds extremely culturally and emotionally based, and all you're going to get is certain people claiming to be white by the color of their skin, and others claiming they aren't because of the shape of their face. Is a swarthy Greek less "white" then a pale Turk? ldk, lets spin the wheel of public opinion and find out! Surely this won't turn into a circus like every /pol/ thread that tries to do this.

Ironically enough, the anons here arguing against the categorization of "race" are more clinically discussing the genetic differences between populations then you.


even though Europe has had thousands of years of warfare with other Europeans, you still believe ethnically homogenous societies would somehow bring prosperity and utopia to the world?
Where does capitalism fit into this?


Race doesn't exist when it's about debating race realism.
But it does exist when it's about whitey paying for stuff.

Funny, isn't it.


No they can't, life isn't CSI


Go to the balkans and tell them that they are actually all the exact same and see how it works out for you


Lol what do you mean they can't.
They did. And I took the test 10 years ago, it's getting more accurate now.


Then there’s no reason to be here apart from your shitty posturing.

With that said: the feeling’s mutual. Although I do think that we’d have the decency to give you one (1) chance to either get down or lay down.


>yea bro, it totally happened bro


>Literal idealism
What about the Indians. They have whitoid DNA.


a good number of arabs (esp levantines who made up a good % of refugees) persians and turks are not very distinguishable from certain europeans.
fair enough we have the same in mind for people like you.
Reparations aren't a good idea for this exact reason.


are you a mutt answer honestly


Are you just denying it?

We can figure out shit about dead people that have been kept in ice 40,000 years, why are you surprised that modern DNA can figure out where someone is from?


>what your arguing is just complicating things for the sake of complicating things.
No, its called looking at genetics from a clinical perspective and not being a sentimental fag about it.
>its like saying "thats a cat" well how do you know its a cat? well by looking at it dude. well define cat, cats dont actually exist the concept of "cats" is a social construct. its just retarded lol
What? Its nothing like that at all. If anything, its like you trying to say all white cats belong to the same population because of appearance, and me saying you are wrong as not only is it an insufficient and sentimental categorization, but not even accurate when you analyze their genes. And even this is not a good example, because humans are not at all comparable to animal subspecies due to an ice age bottleneck.


did your ancestors never leave their incestuous village


What can we figure out, anon?


>deradicalizing the nazis by pretending DNA is not real

You'll have to try a bit harder comrades.


Populations were relatively stable until the mid 20th century, before capitalists decided to move everyone around like cattle.

So indeed my ancestors were from the same place in Europe for generations and generations. Same thing about most populations, really.

Do you think maoris travelled to fucking Switzerland and Colombia?


Get Lysenkopilled


just a reminder that the 1D hungry hippo strategists caballo and watermelon redirected all these /pol/acks shitting up the place right now by taking over bunkerchan, instead of leaving it to go to shit as it has been and get shit up some more
all these liberals will get you is more /pol/acks to "convert"
instead of … i don't know, people actually interested in leftism or already part of it who want to just kick the shit on an imageboard with likeminded posters


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the destruction of bunkerchan by the leftypol.org mods has never been more justified than now, holy shit d0llars is really haunting us from the grave with this one

for you retard visitors: we are not trying to "deradicalize" fascists, this website only ever existed because we wanted a place to talk about socialism and left politics away from insane left-liberal virtue signalling. an old mod that split the old site (bunkerchan) was a fucking narcissist that manuevered into getting an article written under that angle without consulting anyone. thankfully he ded now


Anon, my arguments were literally based on genetic testing. What you get are haplogroupings, and an approximation from the make up of those groupings as to where your ancestry is (generally made with additional info provided about your parents so as to whittle it down). It doesn't literally say "You European, test say you part of the European". How would we delineate then ancestry like you being Finnish or French? If all the test said was "European", how would we get this information?


>Race is arbitrary, fluid, and obsoleted since last century.

What do people mean when they say "Black lives matter"?


>Conflating DNA with race
Theorylet in science and theory it seems.




hello fellow soon to be comrade, i am caballo, i want to have a good faith discussion with you lol
you can hate uyghurs and transhumanists here, just accept planned economy =) ♥


Imagine being this mad at a Turkic ethnic minority in China and people with cybernetics


>as a whole i would exclude turkish people they align more with the arab/muslim world then the european one. so they would not be welcome in my ideal europe
How does this make nay fucking sense? How would them being Muslim make them not "white"?


A historical/social relation, because the US actually still believes 'one drop' = Black


i am sure spammers really care about your explanation and they will go away now



If that's true then I'm sorry for coming here to be de-radicalized.

But in some sense you get to experience what a commune without property rights is.


ask me how i know that you're watermelon, faggot


>When you think that material inequalities have no ontological inertia.
Money isn’t real in the natural sense, but you still need to worry about it, don’r you?


it is 100% true


People in the US still use "Black" and "White" as categories due to their history. That's why it's almost entirely focused on issues affecting African Americans. I would agree that BLM is a movement that doesn't really translate well outside of American politics, and even then there are flaws in the movement that get criticized by other leftists. See Adolph Reed for example


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well best of luck lad





i just heard on the matrix. he hasn't been around anywhere, rumour is that this whole debacle broke him.


well some of them might be curious even if theyre mostly just here for a laff


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no he just got reassigned to scrubbing toilets in alphabet soup HQ cause he fucked up so bad


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We need another split tbh, there always must be two.


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>Be more genetically closer to what is typically considered European
>Have somewhat lighter tan skin
>Have facial features that one might consider to be akin to some western Europeans
>Walk into /pol/ anon's evaluation chamber
>"Sorry, you've been denied"
>Ask the person at the counter why
>"Oh, well you look a bit Asiatic in my opinion, and your skin is a tone too dark, and your from a muslim country to boot
>I ask what got him in the door
>"Oh, 100% pure European genes, they could tell the minute I walked in!"
Pic related, the man at the counter


Hope it works out. Well whatever you do, remember to take a chill pill when people disagree with you.

t. mod.


Mod went too far removing all the post, it should have been just the spam. Seeing the /pol/yps try and wiggle around his definitions of race was funny to watch.


sorry, he had a lot of spam OPs going and I thought I was literally the only mod on at the time


you aren't deleting enough. CLEAN IT UP JANNIES, ALL OF IT


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>I don't want to change your mind because I don't care what you think
We're showing you evidence and sources and after claiming that your logic is superior (despite not having concrete proof) you refuse to back it up. You're a cowardly hypocrite lmao
>if people like me get our way we will enforce our worldview onto you with extreme violence. simple as
And you think that's shocking or scary? Into the pit you'll go.
>well define cat, cats dont actually exist the concept of "cats" is a social construct. its just retarded lol
First off, watch these >>9471 unless you're afraid of knowing that you're wrong.
Second, domestic cats (Felis catus) are a "sub-species" of the African wildcat (Felis lybica), but sometimes they're considered different species. Meanwhile, the African wildcat used to be considered a subspecies of the European wildcat (Felis silvestris). The Chinese mountain cat (Felis bieti) is also sometimes considered a subspecies of the European wildcat. Do the very small differences even matter that much? Despite these disagreements, scientists agree that they're all "cats", just like any person of any "race" is a "human". Taxonomy isn't perfect when it comes to classifying species, contrary to what you might think.
The point is that if the lines between animal "species" and "subspecies" are so blurry and sometimes even arbitrary, why would human "races" be this clear-cut concept that you're so adamant exists, and why should humanity fight to preserve it? Just because? And if you're gonna say that white people are the only ones capable of developing and maintaining a civilization or a working society, just lemme tell you beforehand that your own existence proves you wrong.
Yes, sex is real while gender is arbitrary. So why should we enforce it a certain way like you implied here >>206697 ? lmao you're fucking retarded.


where is the other white juche
the one with the power metal


why dont you just go organize irl instead


whoops left on my shitpost flag


1) Set the alt text for every image to "leftypol the communist imageboard"
2) Go to the top of google
3) SEO achieved


hey this place isn't half bad

I fully expected to see transhumanist appreciation thread and anti-white/BLM stuff


yeah now do us a favor and don't fuck it up


that kind of shitposting can be found on >>>/b/ except for BLM stuff


I mean, femboy pics always welcome, BLM riots are based.


fuck you, anglo.


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I might get back into IRL stuff but the region I'm in is pretty barren of communists. Best I'll likely be able to do is join or create a reading group. One of my goals is to gather the means to move to a place with a much higher population, where organization is more feasible.


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why not do some kind of food drive or something and stealth-convert people to communism via it


this, absolutely pathetic to see anyone licking /pol/ taint by pretending like we dont have threads cheering on every BLM riot. of course the "#BLM" branding and all the associated liberal cooptation is bullshit but youre a spineless faggot if you try to adjust optics for fucking /pol/lacks


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maybe try browsing first


(of course you gotta delineate between the mass movement and the retarded liberal org)


this, 100%



The association is not completely unwarranted though, is it?

Plenty in your ranks have decided to take up the banner of woke ideology and make common cause with all sorts of degenerates


noone gives a fuck, you're irrelevant. take off your trip, you're not a celebrity. you destroyed /leftypol/ in its heyday because, by your oen fucking admission, you started reading leftist theory and like a fucking child identified with hard-line MLism and then went around banning and purging everyone who didn't pray to Stalin or didn't think Iran was the vanguard of international revolution.

go fuck yourself you retarded American. you're not gonna survive the next few decades.


I support BLM


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we have no will to follow liberal "wokeness". a trans prole is as much of a prole as some southern white prole, we aren't exclusionary in our practices so long as they put the material cause above all else.


If by Degeneracy you mean being non-racist and accepting LGBT people then we are degenerate, if you mean non-idpol then you are correct.


you missed the point, anti-idpol means reactionary idpol and screeching "woke radlib" when being called out like the faggot you respond to does
this is what leftypol has become and what the mods want it to be


anti-idpol didn't develop out of any practical political application, it developed as a pragmatic measure against /pol/ to stop diverting conversations into endless idpol rabbitholes. we would have loved to talk about materialism but they constantly whinge about muh uyghurs and muh transhumanists like they are doing now, so anti-idpol was a pragmatic way to ban them all for being retarded while knowing that the core underlying theory of all proles being united under the material cause regardless of their personal identity remained true.


Once more with a bit more coherence


it developed out of /pol/acks being completely captured by /pol/ framing and not wanting to be the bogeyman of a SJW and bending back over backwards to appease the /pol/ack, both inside themselves and those who stayed back on /pol/
nothing else behind it


Do you want this place to be like that, Anon?


I can't say I "support BLM" because it's half liberal idpol, but I support the part of it that's based


its true that there are some who have not challenged their reactionary views but I earnestly doubt that any large part of /leftypol/ is made up of /pol/ converts. its more of an urban myth than anything. regardless if they ever decide to express their reactionary views they can expect a ban for it, like everyone else who decides to be retarded.


riddle me this: will the mods ever say "trans comrades are comrades" and put it anywhere in a sticky that explains the basics of this sites deal?
no, because they want to appeal to /pol/acks and are scared shitless of looking bad to them
i can't imagine you are dumb enough not to know this to be true


You know full well that radlibs would trash the place just as much as /pol/.


yes, look at all these threads who go on about how transhumanists must lead their own revolution first and that class is bad
this constantly happens
however nobody ever covered "muh transhumanist bad" under the guise of "anti idpol"
who are you trying to be kidding there? only yourself


>riddle me this: will the mods ever say "trans comrades are comrades" and put it anywhere in a sticky that explains the basics of this sites deal?
Thank god you'll never be pandered to here tbh


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All trans comrades are comrades, the material cause unites everyone under its banner. Should there be any potential "comrades" that want to exclude people from the cause based on their fee-fees, dumb idealism, or any other measure, they are failing on the most basic principles of being a leftist.


see what >>9563
he pretends that this is the standard take here, not me
i fully acknowledge that you are a bunch of screeching anti lgbt faggot larpers


>yes, look at all these threads who go on about how transhumanists must lead their own revolution first and that class is bad
>this constantly happens
You mean like how every single leftist place was when leftypol was created, bucking the trend? Yeah I did look at all that.
Go back to chapo.chat, that sites a ringing endorsement of your identity autism.


see >>9575
this screencap is nothing but cope that you can and will hide away and not have any consequences for the board for
you know you are just too hungry for that reactionary dick to suck off and appease


Okay Tomokofag, take your diazepam and go back to GET.


i have never talked with internet leftists outside of dedicated ML study forums, so i have no idea what the fuck you're talking about, i am talking about leftypol specifically you terminally online SJW bogeyman hunting retard


and who is the obsessed faggot that cares about who is posting rather than what is said because you know all you can come up with is poor cope?


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No you newfags, anti-idpol was and is strictly anti-idpol, in the most complete sense. It did and does apply to both /pol/ and reddit radlibs, and always has. Even in the days of 8chan, the policy was one born from multiple anons having been expelled from other existing leftist spaces which had become radlib infested, and our boards proximity to /pol/. A few bad apples poisoning the well of this doesn't change it.


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what the hell are you even talking about anon


you suck /pol/ cock
simple enough now, retard?


that is exactly incorrect, the anti-idpol rule didn't cohesively exist during fucking 8chan and only conceptually existed towards its end


Okay, see you for your scheduled whine next week Tomoko


>still no argument
do you like your /pol/ dick with smegma or do you prefer it cut?


Prefer it attached to your average girl on /GET/ tbh ;)


i am also in this thread calling the anti-BLM anon a little bitch posturing for /pol/ cock but i dont see why the mods would be expected to come out in explicit support of particular groups of people when unilateral support for proles of all kinds is implied by their general anti-idpol stance, as vague and imperfect as that stance might be its the best weve had compared to other forums and venues where explicit acknowledging of supporting one group just snowballs into endless webs of virtue signalling qualifiers



The material cause is important, but its not the full picture anon. Of course saying that on this board is anathema, but lefties figured this out over a century ago.

That's the entire reason critical theory was conjured


oh, it is implied
that's why you keep running into self proclaimed "reactionary socialist" retards who at every turn in any random thread screech about "muh transhumanist"
come the fuck on, the rule is a joke and a cop-out


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The people unaffiliated with the actual organization itself. Also,
One founder saying she's a "Marxist" and "uses Marxism" during a ramble because she thinks it sounds cool, despite knowing nothing of Marx, does not make her Marxist. All it does is put her on the same level as someone who says they're a black panther in "spirit", besides knowing nothing of them outside of that they exited and they wore cool clothes.


I think that its a bit obvious that any social manifestations of idpol based oppression will inevitably bleed through to a material basis due to the nature of how the superstructure does modify the base as per Lenin's construction of it - and as a consequence it is in the material interest of all communists to persecute reactionary social norms so as to not have imperfections in their classless society caused by such manifestations.

well that and basic human empathy but no fool would appeal to that on an imageboard, of all things.


>that is exactly incorrect, the anti-idpol rule didn't cohesively exist during fucking 8chan and only conceptually existed towards its end
No, mods absolutely acted upon it as a policy and I can remember multiple threads being removed or banned because of it, even the low-tier anfem bait.


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I think it might actually be more productive to just volunteer at a soup kitchen rather than engage in much of the fruitless, self-defeating, burnout-prone radlib nonsense of the left in my region, or to engage in this kind of charity adventurism I have observed in micro radical groups here.

Sometimes, communists should try to evaluate their actions in terms of labor value.
For example: a number of times, tiny radlib groups where I live have done "food drives" where they'd bake some food and then sell it (with some claim that the money would go towards XYZ cause or the organization) or give it away to the hungry. To determine how successful they were, we can ask some simple questions:
- what were the material costs of the ingredients?
- how much time did they spend cooking and selling the food or giving it away?
- what is the actual SNLT of their output?
- how much money could they make working for an hour at their job (if they have one)?
If you don't have the same MOP to produce food as an industrial kitchen has, then you will likely be giving less SNLT to your organization or the hungry than the actual labor time you spend cooking. Sometimes this could be OK, other times this is such an extreme disparity that your org will be better off just outright buying food in bulk or from some restaurant with their own wages and giving that away instead. On the other hand, if your charity/volunteering is at a comparable rate of productivity to the rest of industry, by volunteering for an hour, you are actually giving more value to the org or the hungry than you would be able to do by outright donating an hour of your wages, since your wages will by definition be worth less than your total labor value.
If your donation drive nets less revenue per hour than the average wage in your org, it might be a big farce (what I have observed).

Of course this doesn't take into account the propaganda or recruiting aspects of such activities. But wasting your efforts and being inefficient is going to hurt those aspects as well, as workers are less likely to take you seriously if you aren't being smart about your approach to things.

Leaving all of that aside, if you are trying to organize for a communist revolution, you have different obligations from just engaging in charity, which take precedence. We need communists who are really serious, are educated in Marxist theory (old and new), and have the necessary skills. If you don't have even a small group of people like that, you should not be wandering around individually trying to recruit random strangers (to what organization? with what process to bring recruits up to speed? with what activities and aims? etc). I think history shows that communist study groups are an effective way to form groups of really capable communists who can proceed to test themselves in more practical ways.


>when you're so politically incorrect you wont make a committed statement and act on it because "it is implied" and this faggot >>9575
will have a stroke and you wouldn't want to upset conservative feewees
if you didn't give a shit then >>9578 would not be your main userbase




you remember a bunch of low-effort /pol/ b8 being banned sure, but there were entire generals dedicated to discussing idpol like the gender crit containment bunker


>Proles were the urban industrial workers of Europe. You guys should call yourselves something else.
Anon, read Marx. Prole (or I suppose the term "workers", which is many times used synonymously with the proletariat in general) refers to an objective relation to capitalist production, it doesn't actually matter if a person operates in an industrial urban environment or not.


Stop with the avatarfagging for sympathy as if you're some haggard warrior who fought the good fight, it's fucking pathetic. You did no such thing.


>gender crit containment bunker
Yeah, a containment thread. One which was utter garbage and constantly leaked the inevitable transhumanist discussion it would birth.


>I think history shows that communist study groups are an effective way to form groups of really capable communists who can proceed to test themselves in more practical ways.
how does history show it? what successful revolution or movement started as a reading group? people are united by a common cause, not by literary preferences.


Study groups are nice but there needs to be the incentive to be communist to begin with in order to attract people into such ideas - having more forwards-facing charity orgs can be good PR and bring people into the movement out of self-interest if nothing else, at which point you can start laying on the materialism. That is essentially what the Zapatistas and the Naxalites have done by providing services to the region which the main government has failed to do (like healthcare, infrastructure, food security, ect) and then using that as justification for their presence as a political movement, acting as a draw to bring people in and radicalize them. I guess the more general point is that there needs to be a material draw for people to become communist and without a pre-existing left org with a mass movement behind it which is winning material concessions for proles, this is the next best alternative.

It was a containment bunker in the same way fucking the internet trash general or the COVID-19 general is, it is an aggregate of posts which would otherwise clog up the catalog with shitty one-line OPs and hot takes.


Weirdly enough, I think communists should start providing more pirated material to people, just like internet anarchists used to back in the day. Its something which is becoming more and more prevalent given people being paywalled out of simple things like books, and it costs nothing.


I'm not conservative, you're just a whiny cretin assblasted 0.01% of leftist space isn't focused on kissing your ass.
Do you complain about the racism against literally everyone? The misogyny and homophobia? No, every time you whine it's about trans issues because what you're actually upset about is not having your ass kissed.


>that is exactly incorrect, the anti-idpol rule didn't cohesively exist during fucking 8chan and only conceptually existed towards its end
>there were entire generals dedicated to discussing idpol like the gender crit containment bunker
Actual retard, the containment thread existed towards the end of 8chan with the rule counter to that being the majority of time before it.




>sakai thread in the catalog
>entire gender crit containment bunker
hell, look at the FAQ thread throughout its history
literally almost any mention of idpol is from /pol/, or is mocking liberal idpol. there is nothing about the explicit ban of lib idpol or anything of the sort.

like, its just not true that there was some kind of total idpol ban, not until like mid-bunkerchan even.


the capitalist relation extends beyond those immediately employed. The Reserve Army as well as the unwaged are just as subsumed as the proletariat by capitalist production.


>-attempt to cloak reactionary politics in left-wing rhetoric (Strasserism, "Nazbol" Strasserism, National "Socialism," Zionism, "Die cis scum"/"Kill all white men" SJW shit)
>Pretending to be an SJW or Zionist will very likely get you banned.
Uh uh
>>sakai thread in the catalog
>>entire gender crit containment bunker
>it was totally like that in the early days tho!!
Love how even if this was true you think this is in any way an endorsement. When Sakai/Incels/idpol were allowed it was pure fucking cancer and resulted in the rule becoming firmer on bunkerchan as every other thread was derailed with
>muh sexual free market
>muh settlers


>they constantly whinge about muh uyghurs and muh transhumanists like they are doing now

its unbelievable we haven't talked about either in weeks and half of /pol/ is nothing but. they are obsessed


>being incredibly easily identified /pol/ b8 will get you banned
>Love how even if this was true you think this is in any way an endorsement
It was not an endorsement of idpol it was allowing idpol discussion - aka not having an anti-idpol rule
at most it was a general ban against /pol/ idpol and all the ways they would try to manifest it and/or false-flag, not the more generalized ban of idpol we have now.
/pol/ are pretty bad at being petite-bouj cause we get so much headspace completely rent-free


>Marx specifically identified proles as the urban industrial workers who would form the base of the revolution. Do you think he chose them out of thin air as the singular class which embodied the virtue he was looking for? No. Unemployed neets wouldn't have been welcomed in Marx and Engels struggle. They would of had no use for them, as they can't fight, they have no work experience, and they're generally a petty bourgeois class today.
Anon, you stated "urban" and "industrial" as the primary defining features of the proletariat, I simply responded by clarifying that the "urban" and "industrial" part was more a consequence of capitalism itself and the conditions of the time as opposed being what actually defined the term "proletariat", which was synonymously used with workers in general. You're the one bringing up neets here.


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I am doing it to be silly, calm down.

Many communist parties formed in a milieu of study groups, and/or continued to recruit from study groups as they grew. This includes the CPC and RSDLP.

What I am talking about is a situation where there is no communist party to begin with. You are talking about stuff that parties do to recruit people because they're capable of carrying it out effectively. In my situation, I think the major task is to gather the small number of already communist or communist-leaning people, and make us cohesive through study of theory and history. This would serve as a good basis for practical efforts and a party. It's worth noting that new recruits to parties often have to go through a period of study before they can officially join anyway. So an effectively organized study group can be like a bootstrapping of that process.

I'm not saying it's the only answer, but it's one of the best I can think of rn for my situation.

It's a good idea to get in touch with your local socialist orgs and offer to educate them on how to use library genesis and install Linux. If your organization's members are inadvertently snitching on themselves and their comrades by using Windows, it is dead in the water.


>I think the major task is to gather the small number of already communist or communist-leaning people, and make us cohesive through study of theory and history
>I'm not saying it's the only answer, but it's one of the best I can think of rn for my situation.
Yeah I suppose that is reasonable, the basis of any left-organization has to have some kind of ideologically motivated cadre of one sort or another.


>It was not an endorsement of idpol
I mean your endorsement of the previous stance on idpol, the board was a shit tip in 2019 and bred the sort of single issue schizos that infested bunkerchan. Remember Sakai incel?
>a general ban against /pol/ idpol and all the ways they would try to manifest it and/or false-flag
Except some posters are such a joke of a person it's impossible to tell what's a false flag their brains are so full of worms. This discussion started because some seething retard unironically wanted the jannies to make a sticky celebrating trans people or some shit.
False flag is doing a lot of heavy lifting in your post when some people are actually that retarded.


>Using containment thread and Sakai poster as an example.
Sakai threads were like 90% shitting on Sakai, and one anon religiously defending him. In the thread we decided to meticulously go through it, we still ended up shitting on it. Sakai poster then got banned multiple times for trying to recreate the same thread nearly every month. And the containment thread came into existence as a result of "crit" discussion shitting up threads it didn't belong in, and going against what was seen as proper policy. Even its existence was contentious, and many anons demanded it just be done away with wholesale and all discussion just removed like before as opposed to it getting a thread.
>aka not having an anti-idpol rule
No, what we did have was accepted policy. That policy could be made "flexible" at times, but everyone understood the shared policy that the board had, and discussion that quickly exceeded its boundaries (either from a /pol/yp spamming or radlib having a tantrum) could quickly be banned and the thread shelved without much surprise to the action.
>at most it was a general ban against /pol/ idpol and all the ways they would try to manifest it and/or false-flag, not the more generalized ban of idpol we have now.
I'm going to be completely honest here, and I'm not going to pretend I'm completely proud of this, but 80% of any calls regarding idpol was done in regards to perceived radlibs, and only sometimes /pol/yps (which spammed more often then made arguments, so most of those just fell under spam).


>Remember Sakai incel?
Yes and I remember calling for his ban too. Really it was a subset of very specific posters that were an issue but I can only assume the bunker moderation didn't want to have targeted pogroms so they decided to codify this "anti-idpol" rule instead, which has mostly just resulted in retardation like this.
>ome seething retard unironically wanted the jannies to make a sticky celebrating trans people or some shit.
I think you are making a mountain out of one poster's molehill tbh. The moderation needs to curate idpol discussion to keep out complete retards sure but the topic itself is, in theory, fine to have so long as its grounded in Marxism more generally.
>Sakai threads were like 90% shitting on Sakai, and one anon religiously defending him.
>And the containment thread came into existence as a result of "crit" discussion shitting up threads it didn't belong in
Yeah I remember, I was around lmao. But the point still stands, there wasn't an anti-idpol rule.
>Even its existence was contentious, and many anons demanded it just be done away with wholesale and all discussion just removed like before as opposed to it getting a thread.
Discussion wasn't regularly removed, unless it was specifically /pol/ tier discussion on the issues. While its true there wasn't a lot of idpol posts on 8chan, it was mostly down to the people there more generally already accepting materialism and the unification of the proles under idpol more than it being de-jure banned and deleted all the time.
>No, what we did have was accepted policy.
So basically what I've said this entire time?
>but 80% of any calls regarding idpol was done in regards to perceived radlib
I'd imagine its probably more the case that radlibs are harder to be clear-cut about as opposed to /pol/ - its not inherently anti-leftist to support trans people, only when you make the point that the individual trans struggle rises above the material one. meanwhile its a lot easier to see "uyghur uyghur" and just delete it cause its obvious what it is, and as a consequence that made up a "silent majority" of all idpol stuff, it was just so obvious that it gets neglected now.


>and the unification of the proles under idpol
What did you mean by this?


ah fuck, its too early in the morning for this lmao
I mean unification of the proles under materialism


A poor choice of words. Is this not the radical left?


you forget that they are a neoliberal glowing rag of a website


Its d0llars, though even then it makes me think wtf he was thinking. Did he just pay off the guy and tell him to write whatever, based on nothing but assumption?


>>9122 (OP)
Wait is this bunkerfag land or not what happened to this? Revamped?


The bunkerchan domain was expropriated by leftypol.org a few hours before the article went live


Which honestly, may have been a mistake. D0llars inadvertently just ended up inviting a bunch of retards here that were intended for his unmaintained shit hole.


Or… it was the most genius evil plan
Pyrrhic victory


I think this broke my headphones.


What anime?


What happened? is there a QRD?


>permasage'd already


no way you are being way unfair to che. d0llars is literally the worst anon to ever exist.


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I carefully removed some dirt from one of your pictures.
>manuevered into getting an article written under that angle
I have the impression the author had a largely fixed idea about what to write before the interview (see the references to Gamergate and Contrapoints).
>Most of the people on bunker are going to /leftcel/
>or bailing
That's more likely.
>They hate here too much and will probably get banned for idpol or trolled by normal users until they aren't having fun
I think you are confusing the lingering pol spam from lack of mod activity with the stubborn remainers and late movers.


Oh look it's a time traveler from a 2014 Youtube comment's section.




>communism is when you kill all white people
>communism is when no food
How old are you? You sound like a 80 year old.


>what successful revolution or movement started as a reading group?
that is literally how the chinese communist party started (born in the wake of the May 4 movement and curiosity over the October Revolution and Lenin's antiimperialism) and Russian marxism started with the publication of Marx's works in translation and their academic study by Russian academics and students


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I still have some of that users screenshots from when that happened


I’m personally going to kill all white people and it’s because of Karl Marx


tbh this is an excellent idea even as a form of "internet activism". the oversimplified association of "communism = free shit" might be reinforced if communists are literally handing out software and computer data for free (here i imagine not just books, but films, games, commercial productivity software, etc.) then a lot of people who're otherwise antipathetic to communism (model them as "/v/" if you want) are still going to have a moment where they get the chance to go "yeah, actually, when they helped me use this software without paying that was based."


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Seems like this sudden race-denying is just pre-text to upkeeping race-mixing or just pepole waking up to the race&iq truth(Holy Idpol)


Nah, unfortunately lots of people still believe in make believe like race and iq.


There is no community.




>nooo race mixing is destroying everything!!
<then you should support a different economic system not predicated on migrant labor
>NO! i need 10 types of tomato sauce to choose from (i always pick the same one lol)
Why are rightoids like this


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'transgender' is an social construct.


there are only three categories, though they have many names:
good and evil (+irrelevant)
friend and enemy (+irrelevant)
based and cringe (+irrelevant)




those were lefties whom eventually decided that they dont need to leave


explain why race&iq has no connection?


Not sure what you're trying to communicate


Because they're figments of your imagination.


Both the validity of transgenders and the uselessness of race can be gleaned from studying history.
IQ is useful race is mostly useless.


Wealth extraction, terrorism, and imperialism.


Race is just reactionary Autism but instead of sorting Lego blocks you're trying to assign broad stereotypes to people like the real world is a fantasy novel. Take the white = European take are you telling me you take a "European American" from Oklahoma and stick them in Germany that they would have more in common with people there than a black American from Oklahoma? Hell even if you stuck them in England it would still be a completely different culture, food and dialect. Like just because two people share the same skin tone they're supposed to automatically click even if they are on opposite sides of the world and have completely different cultures. Like you think you can take a black American and stick them in Zimbabwe and through the power of skin tone understand the vastly different culture and people?


>Rome was a vast multi-racial empire, which collapsed
this seems rather like saying "Jesus was a holy man, who died."


>No system of government is eternal but multiethnic empires seem to collapse in entirely predictable ways.
Somehow I just know that everything you think you know is wrong.


>dude science, race, IQ, it's all SCIENCE!!!!!!!!
<anyway the third gender is not relevant to my argument even though it's also science
You can't have it both ways.


Rome was around for hundreds of years until one day they considered human nature and it collapsed due to racism


im talking about the migrant workers that came in to europe


What about all the empires that wern't multi-ethnic that collapsed?

If ethnic purity is so desirable why can't a successful etho-nationalist empire take over as the hegemony?


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>a very small percentage of people born with ambiguous genitals do not justify the existence of genital-entryists
lol you can't have your cake and eat it too, you want to appeal to science but science is all about getting into increasingly verbose definitions of things which apparently you think aren't a valid justification.


>Both the validity of transgenders
its still an social construct.



>You are not a 14th century Cree Indian. You are not now, and never will have been a 14th century Cree Indian.

Basically feminine men pop up so many times in every continent I feel that Trans are true.

>Worth an argument anyway. Rome was a vast multi-racial empire, which collapsed, and tribal statelets rose up in its ruins. No system of government is eternal but multiethnic empires seem to collapse in entirely predictable ways.

Ahh this one, I have a much better example as to why it is worthless. Currently the more Aryan your part of the Indian the worse your quality of life will be. The most successful caste in India Tamil Brahmins (which kamala Harris& many american CEO's is part of) has as much Aryan DNA as a lower caste in Pakistan. Neither Aryan DNA or Dravidian DNA predicts success only historic factors.


finally someone with common-sense


>Genetle entryists



Then you are a hypocrite and not worth listening to (although /leftypol/tards are going to keep replying).


Confirmed as a troll/bait. Move on.


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So I have a question for you: If things are what they are then why does the concept of gender even matter? Shouldn't we just be calling each other by neutral pronouns? Why does it matter what people wear?


Imperialism is literally the reason the modern world you hate so much exists


What's a cope is your fat ass thinking your paper shuffling is more productive than working in a cobalt mine 12 hours a day


>history didn't happen


neutral pronouns for everyone would be based as fuck


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>The biggest cope shitskins and commies have ever coped


dumb bot.


Man just read some books you sound retarded


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Wow look at all the deradicalization going on in this thread!


The only empires to exist have been multi-ethnic. I guess you can call the Nazi Reich an ethno-state empire and look see how long that lasted.


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>Is that a picture of John Oliver without glasses?


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hello esteemed readers of foreign policy magazine
read these pls, thx.


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The unhinged ramblings of a mad man


"I don't expect anything from you except to die and be a very cheap funeral… you're gunna die now…"
what is it with rightoids and loving to pepper their posts with unattributed quotes. "power is the ultimate aphrodisiac"
not in any kind of artistic or stylistic way, where it's not a load baring structure, but in an almost magical kind of way as though they're quoting gospel truth. "pee is stored in the balls"


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Why are the jannies deleting alt rightoids instead of staking their posts out so we can all laugh?


users in this thread
have been calling for more strict action


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It's because they're NPCs with generic bad guy lines.


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Stop banning me you nígger retard I'm arguing in good faith.
>but you're saying things I don't like!
Yeah that's what other people arguing in good faith looks like.


>I'm arguing in good faith!
>doesn't know what arguing in good faith means


stating your own opinion with nothing behind it and then telling people they need to validate your unfounded opinions is not good faith

and before you try it, posting /pol/ copypastas is also not good faith lmao


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Arguing in good faith means representing your position in hopes of winning. It's pure power politics which you pretend not to understand.


Appealing to science to be a reactionary and then saying Science Doesn't Matter, Actually isn't arguing in good faith.


Jannies banning you is pure power politics which you pretend not to understand.


That's not what good faith means but at least you admit you'll just say whatever to advance your retarded ideology that's ironically killed more white people than any other ideology.


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Having infinity VPN nodes is pure power politics which jannies pretend not to understand.


>your retarded ideology that's ironically killed more white people
I thought that was commies?


>pure power politics
(me wearing my mao suit shooting you in the back of the head with a rifle) "i am doing this in good faith!"


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>Stop banning me you nígger retard I'm arguing in good faith.


<you're an idiot
>I sure am!
Sure showed me dude, gg


Mao was based honestly. Not really good at economics or agriculture, but his heart was in the right place.


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>/leftypol/'s fantasy
>my CCW reality
Drops people who get violent over mean words dead.


>muh freespeech!!!
Boohoo, go back to /pol/ and cry about it.


You will never have your ethnostate
You will never have that race war
You will never have a tradwife gf
You will never lose your virginity
You will never have a chin
You will never bed a woman
You will never be a man


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>Drops people who get violent over mean words dead.



At least you're trying.

Low energy! Sad!


Ahh this one, I have a much better example as to why it is worthless. Currently the more Aryan your part of the Indian the worse your quality of life will be. The most successful caste in India Tamil Brahmins (which kamala Harris& many american CEO's is part of) has as much Aryan DNA as a lower caste in Pakistan. Neither Aryan DNA or Dravidian DNA predicts success only historic factors.

Bruh answer this.


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Ask any high-caste indian who the nígger retards are and he'll tell you.


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>Low energy! Sad!


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>>9706 (You)

>At least you're trying.


You missed the point, genetics did not determine the civilizational history in India even though the difference between Indians is like that between a swede and Persian.


>become uyghur
ew gross


>Ask any gay magical made up little spechul class about xyz

Caste is fanfiction and non canon to humanity.


>neomalthusian nonsense panic
Right-wingers live constantly in fear.


This reeks of orientalism. Indians sure as shit believe in caste and still do even though it's illegal.


>cull the weak, lazy, and stupid
soooooooooooooooooooooooooo you?


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>Low energy! Sad!>>208045
> ZOG's globohomo


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>magic will replace fossil fuels as an energy source for humanity because I WISH IT REALLY HARD
>I mean people might get hurt otherwise


You absolute Idiot In India the Aryans Invaded and became Supposedly superior, but thanks to historic factors, today the more lower caste i.e Dravidian areas have a much better quality of life.


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Technocrats, meritocrats, eugenics sympathizers, nazis, hierarchy cucks in general always believe they won't get killed/be at the bottom.


>K outbreeds R
>K votes to take R's money
>there's more K than R voters
>democracy wins again


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I would rather be at the bottom in a state which represents my interests than at the top of a state which hates me and wants me destroyed. That's why I didn't go into naval intelligence.


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*proceeds to schizopost an essay*


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<Eventually we will run out of resources and Darwin will once again cull the weak, lazy, and stupid.
>he thinks he'll be at the top.
Enjoy being a serf toiling in the Mars-based crypofarms as these "smart, hard-working, strong" pinnacles of human achievement look down at you as filth.


>imaginary situation
every time


as always mr. bont your pessimism is too naive. the state does not want you destroyed, the state does not care about you at all.


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You rightoids are mentally Impaired, there are some territories with more Dravidian admixture, and those are the best places to live in. Also the Dravidians are being outbred by the Aryans, thus we can see that genetics does not play a role in society.


>I would rather be at the bottom in a state which represents my interests than at the top of a state which hates me and wants me destroyed
This whole statement doesn't make sense


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>mr bont
>post ending 077
how fucking good am i?


Are you trying to tell me that California does not exist?
Globohomo is irrational. Its hatred of white people is driven by emotion, not reason, which is why it is alienating white people instead of trying to find a way to make us serviceable to its interests.
Genetics playing no role in society is the dumbest thesis I have ever heard in my life. It's so dumb I don't know how to respond to it. What do you think is the genesis of animal behavior?
Doesn't make sense in what way?


How can you be at the top of the system if it hates you?


>imperialism isn’t real
>globohomo however….


>Genetics playing no role in society is the dumbest thesis I have ever heard in my life. It's so dumb I don't know how to respond to it. What do you think is the genesis of animal behavior?

You right wingers are mentally impaired, what I meant is that racial genetics is useless in predicting history. In India sometimes the Dravidian areas were better and sometimes the Aryan. In the genetic difference between Aryans and Dravidians is equal to that between Huwithes and arabs.


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pic related


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I mean he said whites were cringe so he's probably right


"globohomo" is just capitalism being capitalism. it wants to eliminate white people only as a sub-set of eliminating all people, eliminating all that is human.
you see a black man eating McDonalds and you cry "globohomo!" in tears. i am far more concerned to see a Japanese salaryman using an iPhone (designed by apple in California.)


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I'm not at the top. I'm a gamma sort of entity, alienated from society and living off a bunch of smart investments I made after wage cucking for two decades. However, I also actively chose this path, when I had other, "better" alternatives available, because I'm an ideologue and I refuse to serve a society that I perceive as hating me and wanting me dead.
Who said imperialism isn't real? It was one of the dominant political systems of the 16-present centuries.


>I don't hate the boot on my neck as long as its worn by one with the same skincolor!! We have affinity, they're crushing my neck because they have my interests at heart!


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>I would rather be at the bottom in a state which represents my interests than at the top of a state which hates me and wants me destroyed


>I'm a gamma sort of entity, alienated from society and living off a bunch of smart investments I made after wage cucking for two decades. However, I also actively chose this path, when I had other, "better" alternatives available, because I'm an ideologue and I refuse to serve a society that I perceive as hating me and wanting me dead.
unironic "sigma male" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH


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>I'm not at the top. I'm a gamma sort of entity, alienated from society and living off a bunch of smart investments I made after wage cucking for two decades. However, I also actively chose this path, when I had other, "better" alternatives available, because I'm an ideologue and I refuse to serve a society that I perceive as hating me and wanting me dead.


The current system is not capitalistic. Nations have their policy controlled by central banks which print currency and hand it to favored entities. Didn't Zero Hedge just point out that 34% of all household income comes directly from the Federal Reserve? How the hell is that capitalism.

I'll meet you halfway on socialism because I believe that unregulated capitalism which is not under the control of a state and its people is a destructive force.


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>I'm not at the top. I'm a gamma sort of entity


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>wow you really owned me with things I said myself.


>implying some lowly soldiers would rebel just for some no chin mutt telling them lies


Your lame as fuck lifestyle, why is your hypothetical so incoherent? Do you not realize how bizarre to proclaim that you can somehow be at the top of the system?


>reality is different than good I imagine things are supposed to be, what's the deal?


>real capitalism has never been tried
How does accurately pointing out that what we have is not capitalism imply this?


>somehow be at the top of the system?
somehow be at the top of the system that hates you? Your own rhetoric that even make sense.


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>he thinks material possesions and so-called "wealth" can fix his receding jawline
Many such cases!


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capitalism is capitalism as it is, not capitalism as some far flung ideal which has never existed.
the net effect of dysfunctional central bank policies is to pump more money into the stock market, and the primary obligation of capitalist enterprises today is to deliver a return to their shareholders. nothing less, nothing more. what is more capitalist than giving your investors a return?

the only particularly favoured entity helped by central banks are the private banks, which have always been printing money. (not through any fractional reserve banking nonsense, but simply by printing it. the only control central banks have, ultimately, being to set the price of money or to monetize government debt.). money is presently cheap, cheap, cheap, but companies do not borrow to put the money into productive investment - they borrow to put it into buying their own shares, to deliver a higher return for their shareholders.


>the net effect of dysfunctional central bank policies is to pump more money into the stock market, and the primary obligation of capitalist enterprises today is to deliver a return to their shareholders. nothing less, nothing more. what is more capitalist than giving your investors a return?
Actually performing capitalism?

>the only particularly favoured entity helped by central banks are the private banks, which have always been printing money
Nope, Woke Capital is a thing, and it's a policy being pushed from the top.


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>dude woke capital lmao


in my haste i left out that dysfunctional bank policies are also one reason that house prices are still going to the moon. too many people can afford a mortgage to outbid the mortgages that other people can afford on a home, and since the money is created from nothing with no restriction on the purposes for which it's created, there is no upper bound on prices. incidentally, my view is that the solution is not to put up interest rates or to stop printing money, but to return to the a 1950s-70s style system of direct bank lending controls which say "you can only lend X for mortgages, Y for shares, and the remainder for productive industrial investment and government infrastructure." let consumption cross-subsidize production and everyone wins.

1. define "capitalism" as you view it.
2. woke capital is nothing but a cross between marketing and a prestige dialect. it is utterly missing the forest for the trees. the problem with google is that it's an evil global megacorporation committed to an utterly nightmarish vision of the future which nobody is intervening to prevent, not that it has a semi-diverse board of directors.


Capitalism is based on CAPITAL. That should stand to reason. Capital and money used to be the same thing, ie: gold and silver. This is even specified in the US constitution because they understood the dangers of central banking and paper money. You can't have capitalism without CAPITAL, and fake paper bux from a private banking guild is NOT capital.


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>Nope, Woke Capital is a thing
Yeah it's one of your brothers in retardation on Twitter.


the US constitution is one of the worst ever written.


Compared to what? The Soviets had a constitution which guaranteed freedom of religion and we all saw how that went.


New Zealand for unitary states, Australia for federal states.
Every state other than the US which has built a constitution with the US as a model (including a separation of powers between legislature and executive) has suffered a coup when the two reached a stand off. This isn't anywhere near as common a problem for sane countries where deadlock can be resolved by a snap election putting the issue to the people.


>the problem with google is that it's an evil global megacorporation committed to an utterly nightmarish vision of the future which nobody is intervening to prevent, not that it has a semi-diverse board of directors
These are mutually arising problems. The one implies the other. This goes back to the earliest Greek discussions about the nature of democracy, they knew it could only work in culturally and racially homogeneous city-states, otherwise it would just end up as a racial headcount of wolves outvoting the sheep on the dinner menu.


google is not a democracy.


>the people
None of us is as dumb as all of us.


Literally only male slave owners were allowed to vote, it was already wolves and sheep deciding dinner. “Culturally” and “racially” homogenous do not apply here.


Male land owners, come on man. And there was apparently some very good reasons for that; women do not understand male behavior and are therefore unqualified to manage a state. Limiting it only to land owners limited the vote to people who have a clear stake in the future of this country instead of rootless cosmopolitans who will just move when the consequences of their voting patterns catches up with them.


>The current system is not capitalistic. Nations have their policy controlled by central banks which print currency and hand it to favored entities. Didn't Zero Hedge just point out that 34% of all household income comes directly from the Federal Reserve? How the hell is that capitalism.
The Federal Reserve is literally privately owned. Eight of the largest central banks in the world also involve a mix of private ownership. And such institutions handing out money to people doesn't make the system suddenly not capitalist, as the base mechanisms of the system still remain fundamentally the same, the purchasing of labour power to facilitate the creation of unecessary surplus labour time of which commodities for the purpose of profit are created, sold, and the profit invested into production overall so as to repeat such a cycle.
>I'll meet you halfway on socialism because I believe that unregulated capitalism which is not under the control of a state and its people is a destructive force.
"Socialism" isn't when "the government does stuff" while you maintain a capitalist economy for the sake of maintaining a capitalist economy you retarded liberal SocDem.


land owners have no stake in their nation's future. see the highland clearances, see the conversion of England into a land-bank for foreign oligarchs, see on small scale every NIMBY who doesn't want national infrastructure if it has go to near their plywood suburban cuckshack.


Basically, you don’t like the fact that you might be a sheep when you want to be a wolf.

What did Lenin say about people crying about freedom being slaveowners?


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>The Federal Reserve is literally privately owned
Yes. But it's illegal not to use their money.
>"Socialism" isn't when "the government does stuff" while you maintain a capitalist economy for the sake of maintaining a capitalist economy you retarded liberal SocDem
The purpose of a capitalist economy is its utility. Even china has embraced regulated capitalism because the people owning the means of production didn't work.

I get the feeling that "land ownership" doesn't mean today what it meant 200 years ago. I agree with your criticisms but it would have been unthinkable 200 years ago for a landowner to sell his property to a foreign oligarch. His neighbors would have lynched him, and they would have been right to do it.

A chicken in every pot and every man a wolf.


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>Limiting it only to land owners limited the vote to people who have a clear stake in the future of this country
Really defending my stake in the country's future, as I pave off a few more square kilometers to build McMansions for the huwhite suburban Reich.




Only the mentally deranged live in such places and we both know it.


>real Capitalism is when Amazon tweets the n-word


>You can't have capitalism without CAPITAL, and fake paper bux from a private banking guild is NOT capital.
You economically illiterate faggot, silver and gold are not what define Capital. All that defines Capital its purchasing of commodities by the capitalist to be sold, that's it. Whether money is decoupled from the dollar is meaningless to this.


>because the people owning the means of production didn't work.
Laughs in Soviet Industrialization and the space race.

The purpose of the capitalist economy is to produce things to be exchanged for money. It’s why the tendency of the rate of profit to fall exists and why we can make so much and still face crises in housing and healthcare.

200 years ago, capitalists bought off land from the landlords and forcibly removed the peasants from them. But you don’t care about that because you’re a petty booj or petty booj wannabe dipshit.


No, capital is resources. Silver is a resource, dollars are not. The only utility dollars have on their own is as kindling.
The purpose of the capitalist economy is to produce things to be exchanged for money. It’s why the tendency of the rate of profit to fall exists and why we can make so much and still face crises in housing and healthcare
The purpose of capitalism is to expand the amount of capital available for exploitation. Which is not a bad thing.
200 years ago, capitalists bought off land from the landlords and forcibly removed the peasants from them. But you don’t care about that because you’re a petty booj or petty booj wannabe dipshit
Strawman. National Socialists disliked "urban development" and thought the highest form of man was a citizen-soldier-family farmer.


>Yes. But it's illegal not to use their money.
And? That's still capitalism.
>The purpose of a capitalist economy is its utility. Even china has embraced regulated capitalism because the people owning the means of production didn't work
No, it embraced it because it's autistic split with the USSR and existent underdeveloped conditions made it so it had to procure foreign investment to jumpstart industry and obtain a suitable economic base for moving into socialism with, but the situation ended up being an full on implementation of capitalist markets proper as opposed to a temporary NEP. All capitalist economies still maintain the contradictions internet to capitalism itself, and these contradictions cannot be "solved" with regulation.


> Silver is a resource
You dumb cunt, precious metals have historically had no utility apart from their being useful as a form of money.


>You dumb cunt, precious metals have historically had no utility apart from their being useful as a form of money.
Silly and wrong. Jewelry is utility. Mirrors require silver. They used silver as an anti-bacterial agent in cisterns, and silver was used in a variety of tinctures and potions. And nowadays of course its utility has never been higher.
>And? That's still capitalism.
No it isn't, because their privately issued ZOGbux aren't capital.


this show predicted 56%ers


> No, capital is resources. Silver is a resource, dollars are not. The only utility dollars have on their own is as kindling.
What is the utility of silver and gold bullion on its own, oooooo shiny??? Why are you saying silver and gold gets to have utility by interacting with other things but dollars don't? Dollars have utility when interacting with society, I can buy stuff with it. That's utility.

Gold bug cope is hilarious. At least say deflation == good, this utility bullshit is mental gymnastics.


There is a specific reason that the ancients used gold and silver as money. Break it down. You can't use a gas, that would be a ridiculous pain in the ass, same for any liquid. That's half the elements gone already. Sodium can be used as capital and has been. Obvious utility to human nutrition. But sodium is consumed, it's a little awkward to parcel out. You can't use a radioactive element even if they'd known any. Magnesium spontaneously combusts in the air so that's out. You need something that is metal, isn't reactive to atmospheric conditions, is rare enough to be valuable but not so rare that you can't buy anything with it… hmm…


paper, i pick paper.
(except, of course, that we're beyond that now and the vast majority of existing money is purely digital.)


The ancients didn't have digital money, non-volatile memory storage, volatile memory storage, highways, cars, electricity, etc.
The perishability of money is a concern as a store of value, but the rate of transactions necessary in modernity means shoving gold coins everywhere is impractical. You still haven't shown how gold has more utility as currency. Generally the argument is that deflation is better than inflation, if your money supply is fixed to the amount of gold mined then creditors benefit over debtors, and society remains economically "just" (i.e. in favor of property holders). This utility nonsense is a nonsequitor, yes gold doesn't corrode easily – so the fuck what? Why does that matter as a standard of -currency-. I buy shit with dollars, why should I carry around bullion?


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>No, capital is resources. Silver is a resource, dollars are not. The only utility dollars have on their own is as kindling
<Doesn't know what money-capital is
Money is quite literally a resource, whether you accept it or not.
>No it isn't, because their privately issued ZOGbux aren't capital.
Can they be used to facilitate capitalist production by way of purchasing commodities for sale? If so, they are capital.


>There is a specific reason that the ancients used gold and silver as money.
authority fallacy. the ancients believed and did a lot of stupid shit so pernicious that it took several thousand years to disprove or abandon some of their ideas (Aristotle's physics, Ptolemy's astronomy, humoral theory of hippocrates and galen, Plato's idealism)


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Well, that's why we don't have capitalism. No one earns any capital.

I'm not proposing precious metals as the solution by necessity. I have big positions in silver and crypto, which is all well and good. The Reichsmark was a currency backed by labor and that appeared to do very well for the Germans. Buuuuuuuuut - if you're using privately-issued ZOGbux as your """"capital""", you can hardly criticism capitalism for your result.

ZOGbux are an economic weapon against working class people, not a resource.

So you're saying the ancients could have just as easily used magnesium as money?


Fiat currency is fake capital.
All those numbers in your bank account? Imaginary. There is no physical material there. Just numbers.

This is why I invested in silver.


One question:
Now that indeed dollars delivered, bunkerchan is going to be given back to dollars?


(me watching builders put up a factory, yelling) "You know that money is fake, right!? You aren't actually being paid anything to put up the factory! (i see a man delivering building frames) You! You! Why are you giving away these resources? You aren't getting anything in return! It's all fake you know, it's all fake! (The foreman comes up and offers me $50 to fuck off, I accept and get on the bus to go and yell at people in the local NatWest branch instead.)


in your dreams currency


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How well is that working out tho? Apparently not so well that there aren't legions after legions of young idiots who've never worked a day in their lives now identify themselves as working class communists.


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the problem is not the fakeness of money, but its misallocation (particularly to shareholder parasites), and the misallocation the illusion that it is real causes. (i.e. people asking "how will the government pay to build a railway line?" in a country where there is mass unemployment, unused resources, etc. when all of the pieces are clearly there except for the money, and money is fake, only an organizing genius can fail to deliver results…)


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>dollars' masterplan for "increasing traffic" was having 4-5 terminally retarded /pol/cels wander in regularly instead of 1-2.
Flawless execution


>The Reichsmark was a currency backed by labor and that appeared to do very well for the Germans. Buuuuuuuuut - if you're using privately-issued ZOGbux as your """"capital""", you can hardly criticism capitalism for your result
Are you just making shit up now? Reichsmark was in no way backed by labour , and the Nazi's ran a deficit based economy in which they accumulated debt to such an astronomical degree that they had to stave off it's payment through such neoliberal measures as providing tax credits to companies or having said companies ownership of state debt converted to other forms which would demand repayment at a later time. Both your examples (Nazi Germany and modern federal reserve banking) are both fundamentally capitalist and operate similarly in their operations, with the Nazis just having the addition of trying to loot gold in other territories to recover the Reichsmark and pay off their debt.
>ZOGbux are an economic weapon against working class people, not a resource
This is an emotional argument, not an actual material one. Is it used in production as capital? If yes, it's capital, no two ways about it.


that pic implies euros werent literally throwing their piss and feces onto people in the streets and spreading viruses everywhere bc of how unhygenic they were


The misallocation and the fakeness are mutually arising problems. The one implies the other.
>This is an emotional argument, not an actual material one. Is it used in production as capital? If yes, it's capital, no two ways about it.
That's like saying a counterfeit dollar bill is the same as a real dollar bill if the cashier takes it. You might have gotten 4 chicken nuggets for free, but you're still a commie.


>That's like saying a counterfeit dollar bill is the same as a real dollar bill if the cashier takes it. You might have gotten 4 chicken nuggets for free, but you're still a commie.
No, it's not, especially since we aren't talking about counterfeit bills, we are talking about the bills actual modern society utilizes regardless of anyone's opinion of it. If the cashier takes the bill, and everyone else uses the bill, and the governemnt and society recognizes the bill as legitimate, it's not a counterfeit bill, it's a real bill with very real purchasing power. Again, you are making an emotional argument, not one based in material reality.


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I am arguing that bux issued by a private banking guild are counterfeit capital. Wage slaves aren't being paid at all, they're being handed counterfeit capital which they accept as real because they're too brainwashed and deluded to accept otherwise.


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Not dollars lol


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You can counterfeit coins too and it used to be a big problem in the middle ages.


send all your counterfeit capital to charities for poor black communities as an epic prank.


Is that a reference to that thread about Twitter being toxic?


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Imagine thinking it isn't.
I exchange my counterfeit capital for real capital. Which I will someday use to pay an army to tear through the soft Canadian overbelly and set up my nord-only ethnostate on the shores of the Hudson Bay, which liberals reassure me will be a tropical paradise in 200 years.


>If everyone just magically changes their mind then suddenly we can stop believing in money or something/


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People change their minds about money all the time.




>I am arguing that bux issued by a private banking guild are counterfeit capital. Wage slaves aren't being paid at all, they're being handed counterfeit capital which they accept as real because they're too brainwashed and deluded to accept otherwise.
Anon, stop already with making what is in all ways an emotional argument. Is the money facilitating production exactly as capital would? Is it used in the same parameters, and circulates identically? Does it do everything something which "true capital" would? Then congratulations anon, it's not counterfeit capital, it's real functional capital that operates in the real world. Whether people "believe" in it or not is of no concern, because it functions in society as capital.


In this case it was force that changed their minds.


> Promise to pay my army with these gold coinzzz.
< They shoot me and take the gold coinzzz, hold them in a vault, print some paper money that says "this represents exactly .01 gold coinz", and then the whole thing starts over.


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> You might have gotten 4 chicken nuggets for free, but you're still a commie.
What is this non-sequitur?


>I exchange my counterfeit capital for real capital. Which I will someday use to pay an army to tear through the soft Canadian overbelly and set up my nord-only ethnostate on the shores of the Hudson Bay, which liberals reassure me will be a tropical paradise in 200 years.
Anon, if your "real capital" had any "real" power, you'd never be able to exchange "fake capital" for it.


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Capital: the self-expansion of value

Money on its own is not capital. Money is capital only when it's used to invest in finance, trade, or industry to end up with more money than the starting sum. Hope this helps, anons.




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Force is history's most reliable method of changing people's religion or ideology. No man, no problem.
We both agree that the whole damn system is corrupt. So why are you white knighting for fake capital?
You do not understand how men behave. Each Roman legion had a treasurer with fat stacks of soldier pay. Why didn't they just kill him and take it?
I like to think I'm a funny person. Honk honk.
The price of silver has to be artificially suppressed by the big banks to keep prices low for industrials. If a TV cost $10,000 that would be a huge motherfucking problem for the regime.


There is a difference between commodity and non-commodity money, and Marxists are terribly interested in if the latter has any connection to value at all. Calling it counterfeit is one thing, but the money printer meme isn't entirely incorrect.

The soviet union ran into similar problems with their labor vouchers, at one point it had to contend with the law of value while not really being based on one itself (such as gold production is). Stalin talks about this.



The difference between money and capital is it's use in circulation. The person arguing it primarily talking about money in the form of capital, or so I thought.


>You do not understand how men behave. Each Roman legion had a treasurer with fat stacks of soldier pay. Why didn't they just kill him and take it?

The cohesion of a group, and a continuation of an organization and institution.
But you are paying mercenaries in your example, a different situation entirely and mercenaries have historically been very fickle about their loyalty.
Stop larping as a legionary.


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>Stop larping as a legionary


>We both agree that the whole damn system is corrupt. So why are you white knighting for fake capital?
I'm not white knighting for capital you faggot, I'm just stating the fucking facts. When did being accurate constitute being in the defense of? Printed money in no way constitutes "fake capital" when utilized as capital, it operates exactly as capital would and in the real world, is capital.
>The price of silver has to be artificially suppressed by the big banks to keep prices low for industrials. If a TV cost $10,000 that would be a huge motherfucking problem for the regime.
You don't understand anon. If it had any foreseeable real power, you wouldn't be able to buy it, full stop. It might be sold to companies that need it, but it would in no way be sold to your average consumer to hold on to. And needing to keep prices low for industries to make them sustainable just shows how the system itself is flawed.


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But they still use *some* form of money.
They do this because it is necessitated by the ownership of property and the production of commodities.


>people owning the means of production didn't work.
I don't think you understand what capital or what the ism in capitalism is. Capital's utility was swallowing up many properties to produce for exchange to accumulate more property. This centralization of capital allowed for the progressive development of industry but irregardless, production is socially organized and socially appropriated collectively. So "socialism" is already a thing in a manner of speaking in that capital belongings to the capital class collectively. The working class or the proletariat are the waged class who are nothing but accessories of capital, they are commodities. Communism is nothing but the negation of the working class as a waged class and the collective appropriation of all capital by all of society which is nothing but the negation of the capitalist class. Not one individual capitalist or that capitalist but the capitalist class as a whole. The inner movement of capitalism requires that both classes exist for the sake of it's own appropriation. But that isn't true. Capital doesn't need a class to represent it but also can be represented by a state. The only way to negate capitalism is through the abolition of wage labor and the commodity form. The original capitalism in the form of single private ownership is no longer relevant and hasn't been for 2 centuries. Capital had become social capital, ownership has become social ownership, not one or two Capitalists are complete masters of their own conditions and are reliant on other Capitalists socially. The capitalism you're thinking about is completely dead. There is a reason why Marx said that communism is the result of the inherent contradiction in capitalism, and along with the class struggle that manifests everyday between labor and capital continues to revolutionize capital and ownership until any kind of private ownership is complete negated and social ownership as necessary. Capitalism as pure utility is complete utopian nonsense.


this post glows but i support it


>So you're saying the ancients could have just as easily used magnesium as money?
Why would they use magnesium? They only knew of a few metals in antiquity, probably because of their accessibility, usefulness, and the limits of technology that prevented extraction. Magnesium was unknown as an element until the modern era (most elements didn't start to get discovered until the mid-18th century onward lol). Gold and silver were relatively accessible, used in jewelry, had properties that are attractive to the human eye (shiny, don't fade if they are mixed with other elements, scarce enough to create infinite supply and therefore inflationary crises i.e. keep a stable value).


no it doesn't. a gold based economy encounters the same problem even more often because you find yourself tied down by the amount of gold based money available.
if the tool factory is undercapacity, if the seed shop has unsold stock, if the people are hungry, if the fields lie unused and if the farmers are unemployed, it is an act of the most grotesque proportions to say that this situation should be maintained because there's not enough money - it does not matter if the money in question is literal gold bars, gold based paper, purely printed, or digital.

so long as man's every insatiable desire remains unfulfilled, there is no excuse for involuntary unemployment to exist. it is an act, everywhere, of grotesque waste and inefficiency.


i sometimes check stupidpol just to see if its gotten any better (forgive me) and on their thread abt this article they have people unironically believing pol falseflags during the raids last october are real


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Why are they like this?


You always have people like that. I'm counting four comments of that sort there (one of those guys being flagged as Special Ed), and two comments against:
>That shit is such an obvious false flag lmao
>9/10 pretty good bait.
Most people commenting there don't seem to think that the article is well-researched (it isn't). Don't pretend that we are better than stupidpol (well I am, but you are not).




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(the spikes are spam, there is literally only one "legitimate" post in this period, and it's someone from here asking where everyone is.)


I'm a fucking cool guy.

this guy knows.

correct post. If you aren't a brainlet you can easily outsmart polyps.

this is complete bullshit, every time this comes up we have posters saying they were ex pol before this place. You are simply a liar.

there is proof right here

if they wanted an article about ruining the boards ability to convert nazis sure.

if you think we are coming to whatever shit board you are creating HAHAHHAA.

you mean like people who repeatedly post Theirry Meysann articles about Rojava even though they have been firmly debunked? And people who repeatedly say all Kurds have the same political interests? People who say kurds are stealing Syrian oil? People like that you mean? Yes. The debate is settled. Those people are all wrong.

How about people who kill image boards dead in order to enforce their own shit ideas, and the evidence is in that this reduced the quality and quantity of posts on said board for forevermore?

I would suggest before you do this you change your entire attitude about communism

>study groups are an effective way to form groups of really capable communists
yeh yeh yeh start another trot reading group plz that is what we need


Would anons who didn't come from the far-right organize with them?
Personally When i see people say they are all from /pol/ and use to be far-right, it low-key scares me and I would absoloutely like to know IRL if someone used to be an actual fascist before becoming a leftist, I think it would be hard to take that kind of conversion sincerely and always it would probably be safer to ghost that person/not do acts with them.


OP's talking about the people who genuinely want some kind of red brown alliance. (usually the browns are the one pushing this, but some naive "reds" too) I tend to look at former far righters who became leftists on a case by case basis, especially since a good number dropped it once they actually read something or graduated hs


Reds who push beefsteakism are extremely gullible
I'm sorry but this includes Thalmann


>I'm sorry but this includes Thalmann


Thalmann was based for demonizing succdems but letting nazis stampede was just idiotic in hindsight


Thats not what Thälmann did the SocialFascistThesis wasnt even from Thälmann


>the SocialFascistThesis wasnt even from Thälmann
and yet he took it as gospel despite it always being nonsense.


Thats not true either the KPD dropped the thesis before the nazis came to power


pretty much every comintern-aligned party did at the time, plus there were fairly obvious reasons for them to distrust the SPD. not sure how this equates to a red brown alliance, unless theres some time where they allied with the SA that ive never heard of


>pretty much every comintern-aligned party did at the time
and they were all wrong, sometimes hilariously so (in Britain for example.)
I'm a different person to the guy comparing it to the advocacy of a red-brown alliance, I just wish more people were aware that "social fascism" as a theory was wrong even on its own terms (for social democracy to "objectively" be the moderate wing of fascism requires that countries be on the cusp of revolution. as we saw, not even Germany was…) and that anyone spouting the theory or the phrase after the Spanish Civil War (when even its chief advocates suddenly turned around and started calling for popular fronts) is suffering from brainworms.


>hello i am a retarded burger and have no idea about the history of german social democracy, worker governments, the betrayal of the revolutionaries even of their own party allignment, their abuse of emergency laws, shooting of communists, outlawing of their self defense organisation and covering of the nazi terror groups


i do not care what their reasons were, their failure stands plain for all to see.
"no, actually we had very good reason to hate the SPD" - great, but while you were sperging out over the events of 10 years ago Mr. Mustache was still consolidating power and you fucking blew it. frankly i'd hope the communists of 2032 learn something more from the experience of actual fascists coming to power than "when we fail to prevent it this time, people in 2132 will argue on our behalf that our failure was justified at the time."


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>“The establishment of an open fascist dictatorship, by destroying all the democratic illusions among the masses and liberating them from the influence of Social-Democracy, accelerates the rate of Germany's development toward proletarian revolution.”
-“The Situation in Germany,” Resolution of the Presidium of the ECCI (Executive Committee of the Communist International), adopted April 1, 1933, ibid., April 13, 1933, p. 378.

>“The bourgeoisie is compelled to abandon the democratic façade and to put the naked dictatorship of violence in the foreground. This development makes it easier for those carrying out a correct, united front, anti-fascist policy to overcome the illusions, which have been fostered by Social-Democracy for decades, with regard to the role of the State, and with regard to economic democracy and the policy of the ‘lesser evil.’”

-Resolution of the CC of KPD, ibid., June 2, 1933, p. 527.

>“The complete exclusion of the social-fascists from the state apparatus, and the brutal suppression even of Social-Democratic organizations and their press, does not in any way alter the fact that Social-Democracy is now, as before, the chief support of the capitalist dictatorship.”

-Resolution of the CC of KPD, ibid., June 9, 1933, p. 547.

>“Even after the prohibition of its organization, Social-Democracy remains the main social prop of the bourgeoisie. . . . The present situation [December 1933] in the German labor movement offers us the possibility of destroying the mass influence of the SPG [Social-Democratic party of Germany] and of reestablishing the unity of the labor movement on a revolutionary basis.”

-Wilhelm Pieck (then Secretary of the German Communist party), ibid., January 30, 1934, pp. 124-25.


>i don't actually care about the conditions that prove the theory right


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>half of this article is about fucking contrapoints
>implying that being a communist is "deradicalizing"
d0llars really thought this would rejuvenate activity? I'd trust Vice to write a better article than this crap


>SPD is not social fascist because the guy they helped into power in every turn was actually bad guy

socdems are social fascists, they enabled Hitler and were organizing terror against workers themselves as well as abusing emergency laws as well as expanding them for hitler
you are retarded, fuck off


the theory wasn't proven right though: the basis of the theory was that late 1920s-1930s were revolutionary times and that being a barrier to revolution is what made them fascist. what happened in 1919 is neither here nor there.

rephrased: even if the theory was true and the SPD were therefore "objectively" social fascist in 1919 because of their opposition to revolution in revolutionary times, that ceased to be the case in the 1920s and 1930s because the 1920s and 1930s were no longer revolutionary times.
they were, instead, utterly counterrevolutionary times. for social democrats to "objectively" be social fascists under the theory of social fascism, the material conditions have to be those which will deliver revolution. hindsight shows us that in the relevant time period this was not the case. the SPD were therefore not social fascists even if they had been 10-15 years prior.


>the guy they helped into power in every turn
utterly imaginary.


>in the words of the German Communist leader, Ernst Thälmann: “The more energetically we unmask the nature of the fascist policy of the Brüning government, the more convincingly we prove to the masses that this bourgeois government is itself striving for the actualization of the fascist dictatorship, and need not be replaced by Hitler or [Alfred] Hugenberg [then leader of the extreme right-wing Nationalists], as far as this is concerned, then the more thoroughly do we refute and shatter Social-Democratic agitation, etc., etc.”


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>>9122 (OP)
I dont feel so good. Fucking liberals.


because they agree with you lmao


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I think you mean homosexualize


>he says


Cope and seethe




Tylko jedno w głowie mam
Koksu pięć gram odlecieć sam
W krainę za zapomnienia
W głowie myśli mam
Kiedy skończy się ten stan
Gdy już nie będę sam
Bo wjedzie biały węgorz
Tylko jedno w głowie mam
Koksu pięć gram odlecieć sam
W krainę zapomnienia
W głowie myśli mam
Kiedy skończy się ten stan
Gdy już nie będę sam
Bo wjedzie biały węgorz
Ja pierdole ale mam zjazd
Nie chwytam gwiazd
Jak kłoda leżę
Nie wierzę co się dzieje
Jak kura z głodu pieje
Jak wilkołak do księżyca
W głowie dziury jak ulica
Przed twoją chatą
Rozpuszczam się jak baton
Który leży na blacie
Zejście jest jak nie wciągacie
Bracie kurwa ryj mi krzywi
W głowie burdel jak w TV
Mnie nie dziwi taki stan
Brak towaru w myślach ćpam
Radę dam albo nie dam
Wszystko kurwa z chaty sprzedam
W sumie mam już przejebane
Wszystko jednak jest sprzedane
Ja pierdole same długi
Kinol jak u tabalugi
Dzień drugi bez walenia
Gdzie jest wąż biała chemia
Jebane zejście tak wykańcza
Jakby w chuja dziabła cię szarańcza
Chemia party chcę na narty
Do dilera a nie w alpy
O żesz kurwa chyba fiknę
Jak w nochala nic nie psiknę
Tak bardzo chcę dotykać gwiazd
Ale nic z tego bo mam zjazd
Totalne kurwa mega zejście
A marzy mi się smoka wejście
Masz hajsy Ci też zalegam
No to chuj dziś już nie biegam
Chcę mieć kopa jak pantera
W krechę nie ma u dilera
Już nie na pewno nie
Chyba śmierć rozkłada mnie
Nic nie przełknę mam dreszcze
Kurwa mać ile jeszcze
Będzie trwał ten stan
Śnił mi się koksu van
I hery gram tak dla smaku
Chce się wozić w cadillacu
Myślami po znajomych biegam
Lecz każdemu coś zalegam
Odpada opcja pożyczki
Bo przycinam jak nożyczki
Syf jak na Discovery
Chcę wystrzelić jak z giwery
Chcę hery i inne bajery
W nosie pustak słychać szmery
Macie numer do gargamela
Może u niego w kotle jest hera
Wiem głupoty pierdolę
Ale nie ma nic na stole
A w kieszeni jebana pustka
Przydała by się w totka szóstka
Albo chociaż jakaś czwórka
I bym leciał jak jaskółka
Jak pszczółka maja
Do ucha śpiewała by mi kaja
To są jaja no nie wierzę
Wygięty leżę jak zdechłe zwierze
Gorączka w kurwę się nasila
Poharatany jak dupa fakira
Jak zdzira wymiętolony
Leżę kurwa rozpalony
Hej Johny chciałbym posypać
I na łące jak królik brykać
Ale cały czas ten zjazd
Usycham jak wyrwany chwast
Tylko jedno w głowie mam
Koksu pięć gram odlecieć sam
W krainę za zapomnienia
W głowie myśli mam
Kiedy skończy się ten stan
Gdy już nie będę sam
Bo wjedzie biały węgorz
Tylko jedno w głowie mam
Koksu pięć gram odlecieć sam
W krainę zapomnienia
W głowie myśli mam
Kiedy skończy się ten stan
Gdy już nie będę sam
Bo wjedzie biały węgorz


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bunkerchan doesnt exist anymore retard


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Nothing wrong with transhumanism. Sure being a human is great, but some day we must move beyond the shackles of flesh and bone.


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The posthuman will be the only entity capable of bringing about communism to end the eternal contradiction of class struggle and replace it with a new contradiction which will be the driving force of this new postmankind reality.


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>Stainless Steel (1)
Found him.


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it is an objective fact that if you are right wing you glow and are a pedophile


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The BLACK man is the epitome of male dominance and masculinity. Let's start by looking at his body. His body is large. His domineering size makes his presence known without him even needing to point himself out. He is muscular, as a result of his high levels of testosterone. This gives him the appearance of health and strength. He is then covered by his dark skin. This dark skin reminds us of his ruggedness, a feature that developed due to being exposed to the scorching sun of africa, made to withstand such an extreme condition. It also has a psychological effect on the observer. The dark skin reminds us of our dark, deep desires that emerge from our primal subconscious past.
The BLACK man's demeanor is one of alphaness. He is dominant, assertive, and can be explosively aggressive. His behaviour strikes fear into the more timid, cowardly races of man(ʷʰᵀᵉ dogs) The summit of expression of his masculinity on his body is his penis. The BLACK penis is largest of all the races. As the penis is the penultimate symbol of manhood, this alone would suffice to make the BLACK man the most masculine of men. This large penis is able fulfill the desire of the neediest of women, being able to more than fill all the recesses of the vagina. Its length ensures that when it ejaculates, the potent african seed will immediately enter the womb of the woman the BLACK man impregnates.
In total, the BLACK man expresses this masculinity in a most exemplary manner in bed. When he fucks, he unleashes the entirety of his lusts and desires upon his partner without any restraint. The BLACK man is the epitome of male dominance and masculinity. Let's start by looking at his body. His body is large. His domineering size makes his presence known without him even needing to point himself out. He is muscular, as a result of his high levels of testosterone. This gives him the appearance of health and strength. He is then covered by his dark skin. This dark skin reminds us of his ruggedness, a feature that developed due to being exposed to the scorching sun of africa, made to withstand such an extreme condition. It also has a psychological effect on the observer. The dark skin reminds us of our dark, deep desires that emerge from our primal subconscious past.
The BLACK man's demeanor is one of alphaness. He is dominant, assertive, and can be explosively aggressive. His behaviour strikes fear into the more timid, cowardly races of man(ʷʰᵀᵉ dogs) The summit of expression of his masculinity on his body is his penis. The BLACK penis is largest of all the races. As the penis is the penultimate symbol of manhood, this alone would suffice to make the BLACK man the most masculine of men. This large penis is able fulfill the desire of the neediest of women, being able to more than fill all the recesses of the vagina. Its length ensures that when it ejaculates, the potent african seed will immediately enter the womb of the woman the BLACK man impregnates.
In total, the BLACK man expresses this masculinity in a most exemplary manner in bed. When he fucks, he unleashes the entirety of his lusts and desires upon his partner without any restraint.


You’d be fun to anally re-educate


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>>9122 (OP)
T. NatSoc Shit poster
(Dont worry still won't tell /pol/ what your new domain is)
Just wanted to come here gloat about you all being outed as the neo-liberal puppets I always argued the Left fundimentaly was.
Va.ush really did a number on you lads huh?
Whats going to be your first contribution to Joe Biden's re-election campaing lefty bros?
You feeling like buying T-shirts to go with them??
Maybe intern with the Lincoln Project???


>Projection at It's finest. 40%




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traditionally the puppets are smaller than their masters


There is no god but Yakub and Mugabe is his Prophet


t. Faggot


t. supporter of neoliberal economics


deradicalize, reradicalize properly


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sorry rhodie but this here Zimbabwe is mine buddy boyo


sage posting his shitty article everywhere is annoying but hes right that you guys are always eager to be the running dogs of neolibs and glowies. look at GLADIO, or the Azov Battalion who gets armed by (((them)))


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>you guys are always eager to be the running dogs of neolibs and glowies.
Anon you're entire ideology only ever got a foot hold because a german glow nig thought it would be a useful psyop to end the first world war.
You can talk all the shit you want about Gladio and Hitler's Wallstreet backers and the fucking proud boys if you feel the need to reach that far.
But at the end of the day WWII and the "War on Terror" has shown pretty definitively that independent right is far, FAR more of a threat then the domesticated left has ever been or will ever be.
The Vietnamese make fucking nikies for western kids as slave labor in sweat shops for fuck sake.
China litterally whores its own people out on ten times the square.
Tell me anon,
Why do you think western capital saw it as an easier goal to integrate the mother fucking Chinese Communist Party over the Taliban when the Taliban aren't even doctrinally against private property???


The west literally funded the taliban you absolute fucking shit tier brainlet fuck you literally know nothing


>and the "War on Terror" has shown pretty definitively that independent right is far, FAR more of a threat then the domesticated left has ever been or will ever be.
are /pol/ pretending they did 9/11 now


Get new images you've already posted these exact ones on leftypol before


also consider that US-China relations are in a nosedive while the US is pulling out of Afghanistan and has aided the Taliban in recent years https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taliban%E2%80%93ISIL_conflict_in_Afghanistan (one for the "hilarious military alliances" folder, this.)


>MFW Hitler was funded by Wall Street bankers


>MFW the Thule society was funded by a Zionist Freemason



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And then after ww2 they spent years funding right wing forces across the globe because of how much the commies spooked them, including integrating many your heckin based nationalsocialists into the german govt. Not to mention the alliance with the soviets came only after the germans chimped out and started invading europe, collaboration between the western allies and the soviets was the exception not the rule theres a reason they had to push pro russian stuff so hard in the US/UK for the few years they were allied and tensions were there even before hitler an heroed. Retard


Zionism was the only political movement allowed in Nazi Germany besides Nazism. Fact.


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>The west literally funded the taliban
Thats kinda my fuckin point anon.
The west funded the taliban, and people have argued they funded the NSDAP to.
However the west was litterally responsible for sending lennin to russia and armed the communists in china before and after WWII.
Unlike the Communists however???
The West went to war with the Taliban and Hitler
But DID NOT go to war with the USSR or Communist China.
Demonstrating my point of them perfering you to /us/ as a broader part of my argument that the left is ultimately the puppet of international finance.
No but we are arguing that islamic theocrats have gotten far more violence brought down on them then communists have for decades now.
Communists even being allowed into the halls of power as the west exports all its manufacturing over to them and works along side them in the UN as a coalition partner
Will do
>also consider that US-China relations are in a nosedive
Probably the best counter argument to be made.
However i think this is ultimately for the purpose of collapsing the US into civil war so China can become the new dominant kosher super power as it will have far less internal opposition to World Government then the US with its problematic opportunities for discent allow.
(As seen with the rise of Nationalism and Liberterianism on the right and before that the anti-war movement on the left)


I will nuke my own thread if you motherfuckers don't stop being gayer than the article. What the fuck are you all posting all that tldr for?


surely it's hit the bump limit by now anyway
i could go for another laugh at bunkerchan thread tbh, this one's become too /pol/ refugee camp.


It's just some random /pol/yp, don't mind him. Also you can't delete OPs.


Oh there's a retard in the thread. OK that explains a lot. Yeah I have read up on foreigners in Maoist China. You dumb motherfucker, do you know Shanghai was a major recipient of Holocaust refugees at this time period? No shit a bunch of the foreigners there were Jewish. Barely any of them left Shanghai, the few who did often were educated due to their past in Europe.


>The West went to war with the Taliban and Hitler
But DID NOT go to war with the USSR or Communist China.
Yeah except for that time every country in the west sent troops to overthrow the Soviet government. Clueless moron.


Bump limit is 800 I think


The west went to war against communism on every continent in earth and continues to do so hntil the present day, funding the taliban was part of that, literally the reason you moron


Fags that sniff thy ass,
Arise, Arise now and huff this fat ass's gas!
From Urp to Burp,
Fart to Shart
Let thy stench become thy nectar!


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>And then after ww2 they spent years funding right wing forces across the globe because of how much the commies spooked them, including integrating many your heckin based nationalsocialists into the german govt.
Still doesn't explain why they broke the way of the commies in WWII my dude
From a class consiouss perspective it objectively and undeniably makes no fucking sense
It ONLY makes sense if they were working off a frame work other then class (which by the way undermines the entire argument of lennin for how capitalist states opperate, but i digress)
In either instances though I think the post war opposition to "communism" was more opposition to Stalinism then anything else as Stalin was far to much of an independent agent for the (((international))) types to like.
After he suffered his "stroke" however the processs of (((De-Stalinization))) began after which relations with the West normalized
People forget that Up untill the 80s relations between the US and the USSR were relatively stable after Kennedy.
Nixon even "opened china up" to western investment
And ultimately?
It was the eliete of the USSR that LET the berlin wall come down in the first place.
That should tell you something about (((who))) was really running the show after Stalin got merked…


The west didn't go to war with Hitler, Hitler went to war with the west.


>Nixon even "opened china up" to western investment
You conveniently leave out that this is because both China and America had independently concluded that the Soviet Union was the greatest threat to both of them.


We will finally defeat the chuds once and for all.


Most communists want peace and cooperation, not blowing up the planet in a nuclear holocaust.


By the way Jews in China did not only side with the CPC, here's an example of one who fought with the Kuomintang:


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>Yeah I have read up on foreigners in Maoist China. You dumb motherfucker, do you know Shanghai was a major recipient of Holocaust refugees at this time period?
Would not suprise me in the slightest…
>Yeah except for that time every country in the west sent troops to overthrow the Soviet government.
Are we talking pre-wwII shit??
Anon to be clear the Jews have not had completely control of all western governments since the dawn of fucking time anon
It was a gradual process.
And while Zionist Jews DID get the US involved for their sake
(That by the way isn't even "conspiracy theory teir" its litterally admitted by mainstream historians
They didnt have complete controll of the US government for decades afterwards
And have had to deal with various actors ever since
>You conveniently leave out that this is because both China and America had independently concluded that the Soviet Union was the greatest threat to both of them.
Maybe so anon
But as the USSRR ALLOWED ITSELF to be broke up what does that tell you about the nature of who owned the leadership themselves???
Its pretty easy to se the Trot>Neo-Con pipeline in the US, it isn't even hidden but openly admitted often enough
And on top of that you then have those same (((Neo-Cons))) supporting "free trade" shipping all the manufacturing from the US to china for 50 fuckin years straight building them into a super power.
Most of the "One World Government" jewish conspiracy theories aren't even fucking THEORIES at this point.
There merely characterizing historical fact and realities of US policy of the last few decades while noticing the ethnicity of the people pushing those policy changes.


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Hey, /pol/yp answer these


That first pic is at least more honest than some of the more cherrypick-y ones I've seen floating around /pol/ lately.
A couple points though:
- Neera Tanden isn't leading the OMB, appointment was withdrawn.
- It's quite easy for overrepresentation of any given group to occur in a small sample, as just one person will change the % overrepresented immensely. Think about how radical the swing was on the Supreme Court from RBG to ACB for an example (mathematically speaking).


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>Its pretty easy to se the Trot>Neo-Con pipeline in the US, it isn't even hidden but openly admitted often enough
Trotskyists are generally the foremost anti-communists. Some guy even did a book on it with funny pictures.
The thing that you fail to factor in - and this applies to the USSR, but also to your worldview in general - is that you assume everything is always going to plan. Even for those who are victorious, who can be said to practically have total power, things are usually not going entirely to plan. The world is a fundamentally chaotic place - the USSR collapsed for a lot of reasons, from internal political mistakes to foreign subversion - not because there was some single grand plan of betrayal.

Those in charge are more often than not genuinely delusional. The free traders often thought that economic liberalization would force political liberalization on China. They were delusional, everything did not go according to plan. They were not playing 10 dimensional chess to undermine the United States, they simply fucked up. Anyone familiar with economic history can quickly deduce that the people in power are dangerously wrong with frightening regularity, often acting in ways that shoot themselves in the feet.


>Still doesn't explain why they broke the way of the commies in WWII my dude
>From a class consiouss perspective it objectively and undeniably makes no fucking sense
>It ONLY makes sense if they were working off a frame work other then class (which by the way undermines the entire argument of lennin for how capitalist states opperate, but i digress)
It absolutely makes sense from a class framework you fag, and this was already stated to you in another thread. Britain, France, and Germany all constituted competing imperialist capitalist powers. Despite that though, Britain and France showed no interest in getting involved against Germany up until the Molotov-Ribbentrop, as there was the view that Germany would go to war with the USSR given enough time as opposed to expanding further into British and French holdings, thus resolving the issue of both Germany and the USSR. The British even had a plan to bomb USSR oil fields in the event of an invasion, as this would both cripple the USSR and suffocate Germany resource wise. Instead what happened was that the non-aggression pact got announced, which caught everyone flatfooted and forced Britain to actually have to honor it's agreement with Poland to ensure German expansion was stifled, as it appeared at the time that the USSR would not be taking up arms against Germany and Germany could thoretically fix any oil issues it had by trading with the USSR. WW2 would have been a war only between competing capialist interests if Germany didn't then go full retard and decide to invade the USSR under the pretense it would just toplle over and it could just take the resources they needed.

This has been stated multiple times to you, and to pretend that no such argument was ever offered is just downright dishonest. If you don't accept it, fine, but then this conversation is useless to have as there will be no agreement whatsoever.


we may also reintroduce class here: So the average American has been staring down stagnant living standards since the 1970s, what of it? the average politician feels and knows that his life is getting better, and in a very human way he generalizes that the country must be getting better. the same of the well paid media professionals and so on - for them things have never been better! the dismal destitution of daily life for the average person is completely outside their range of experience, as distant from you or i as we in the first world are from the people of Haiti.

So if you ask them: have the policies of the last 40 years, the policies that have so transparently dismantled what little quality of life the American people could expect to enjoy as citizens of a developed nation, have those policies been a success? have they made America better? of course they're going to say yes! and in a culture of "fake it 'till you make it" delusion borne of denying the existence of a class system*, of course the aspirational will repeat it! No conspiracy, no party line passed on from on-high, just people relying on their honest day to day experience and (in the most American of ways) declining to look at the data that doesn't align with their worldview.

*the upside of a nation like Britain, with a literal class of feudal lords, is that people are far more aware about how their position in life is determined not by what they do, but by what their father has done. cultural cross contamination with America has dampened this quite a bit, but it is still a very helpful inheritance. Well, helpful for being in contact with reality - it's also a reason British people are miserable fuckers.


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