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File: 1676051844869.jpg ( 119.36 KB , 700x933 , TerrifyingAsFuck-zwbmx5.jpg )


Why was the feels thread on /R9K/ removed?


Scary frog OP.
The feels thread hasn't been removed from what I can see >>>/r9k/468 unless you are talking about a different thread?


It probably got pruned unless your talking about what >>11081 is talking about. Also thanks for posting this in meta, lol.


Okay my next question is why can't I see the feels thread in the catalog?


File: 1676406508118.png ( 19.23 KB , 998x310 , ClipboardImage.png )

it's in the catalogue on my computer. Maybe you have hidden the thread by accident? Click on the link to the thread and does the OP look like this:

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