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Should we try to get /leftypol/ nuked so everyone migrates here?


I don't think we even need to do anything, they are clearly collapsing on their own. They don't have a regular dev and their most active mod is currently in the midst of a mental breakdown.

We can just chill here, watch them burn and prepare for when do inevitably have to take in the .ogre refugees.


There's a thread on /i/ to organize in. And like >>11643 and >>>/i/1880 are saying it seems like they are having internal issues. Well this might be a good time to do something idk.


Kautsky of raids lol. Don't be Kautsky be Lenin


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The question is how. Also we have to filter the reddit fags from when they literally advertised on Reddit.


just bully them until they assimilate. Keep the troon hate thread on page 1 etc


>just bully them until they assimilate
Isn't there something in the Geneva convention about not doing that?

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