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 No.3374[View All][Watch Thread]>>4055

Posting this in /meta/ as to not shit up the /leftypol/ catalog

There's been a huge drop in post quality after the split, and while I tried writing a few effortposts they mostly seemed to go nowhere. At least in the earlier days of /leftypol/ there was at a very least prolific production of funny memes despite sectarian shitflinging, but now, both new memes and effortposts are dwindling.

This "infrared" bullshit is the last straw, I create a thread about podcast suggestions and it was INSTANTLY shitted up by hazbros shilling their youtuber. Despite my efforts to debate in good faith they mostly just responded with the same sort of posturing bullshit that Vaush fans would do. I tried hiding the infrared post and just ignoring it but unfortunately those guys don't seem content to stay in their containment thread and spill out into literally everything. I have also requested the jannies to give the ability to at least hide single replies in threads (in tech feedback thread) but that doesn't seem to be on the menu either anytime soon.

I think I'm (unironically) going to reddit. The whole point of choosing leftypol over reddit was to escape the bullshit tone policing, but unfortunately we have gotten to the schizo saturation point where the weirdos outnumber the actual good people. Frankly, I'd rather deal with IDPOL and tone policing bullshit than whatever the fuck this has become. It would be one thing for a clique of autists to stan whatever eceleb there is (happens from time to time) but now you have literal jannies posting with their mod tags in threads supporting them and retweeting their shit from official accounts.

At least something like /r/communism has effortposts, blogs, and links to actually good resources from a ML perspective (and there are other sites/subreddits for other tendencies). I'd rather engage with thoughtful and edifying content thats slightly too identity centric than deal with this nonsense.

I don't want to debate or frankly even listen to debates. I'm tired. And old. My time is limited outside work and I don't have time to be watching some unhinged posturing sociopath stream for 6 hours, I would rather sleep or at least listen to/watch something funny, if not educational for 30 minutes to an hour.

leftypol was the best thing that ever happened to the internet left and I'll miss the mid 2010s "golden era" of leftypol with its memes and actually funny shitposts, but at least leftist reddit has theoryposts, so that will at least half compensate for it.

I wish everyone here the best of luck in rebuilding an actual good content base, and if that ever happens I may come back.

70 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click to expand.


we've been through (much) worse.

The thread is at least 60% bantz. I've posted pro and anti infrared shit because it's fun. I support their anti-breadtube crusade, they are not the brand of leftist I wish would succeed, but maybe it is the one we deserve. I believe they're abusing theory, and they've inspired me to read more to understand why.

Also, I go on the discord every once in a while to pick off the less worse ones to come over and post here. You should do this too.


Mods think Infrared represents the vanguard and synthesis of Marxist-Leninist theory in a world ot multipolarity and I agree! /ir/ board when?


>posts on r/infracuck thread
>also uses discord and tries to shill furrypol to discordfags


>infrared thread is not going to be around for much longer.


Nothing to lol about


>/ir/ board when?
That would mean a split of the /leftypol/ board, but maybe it will happen at some point if Infrared become big enough but without indoctrinating enough /leftypol/ users.


ur gay


> /leftypol/ on bunkerchan never recovered from the first one, and now it's on deaths door.


I don't know why the infrared dudes was so insistent on having their own thread instead of just keeping it all in /ig/.


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OP, I completely agree. Seriously, who the fuck follows youtubers religiously besides underaged retards? I am dismayed at the state of this website. The only posts that seem to get any attention are low effort ones like the infrared general; outside of that there is basically zero user activity. If someone does make an effort post, it almost always just devolves into shit-flinging and 0 intellectual discussion.

Maybe I'm just growing out of chans…but where else can I go to talk in a leftist space?


>it's on deaths door
Lies, the pph is constantly over 100 each day.
>zero user activity outside infrared thread
I haven't gotten that impression, other threads tend to get a lot of new posts as well, maybe you just stay on the infrared thread too much. Go to lemmy or chapochat if you want a den of pure tankies.


>a den of pure tankies
Shut the fuck up.


Nigga use a search engine
>purity spirals so hard he gains autism and doesn't think that a bunch of ML's who reject all "CIA propaganda" are tankies
I'm sure your particular puritan political sect consists of only 1 person


I present to you: the average /leftypol/ user anno 2021:
Before the schism, sweetie.

Less literal.


Hit me up if you ever find such a place.
>growing out of chans
Very possible, happened to me. I only check in on this place every month or so to see how far down the sewage system we've gotten.






what do you expect? these retards have /never once/ been to the continent.

This thread is like a month old and these faggots havn't gotten better,
when will the supposedly actual good mods here that some claim we have impose a 30 day ban on them for posting outside of containment and oust the Hazboo shill in hte mod team who wants to make this site his own?
>Not like it was our choice
bare faced lie. absolutely startling dishonesty, even coming from the fingers of a jannie.


We wanted to work with Space and we tried to work with him for over a year, he was holding back important technical work. Have you noticed how this site has way less downtime than Bunker?


why tho


Technically it was a choice, but really it was an obligation to the users.
They tried reformism, admin laughed and mocked them, so they tried revolution and the site actually functions now.


>>3374 (OP)
go back to the bunker. it's better now that all of the worst members have migrated here after the poaching began.


currency please.


I don't follow leftypol much anymore, but tell me this isn't true
raiding people to get them banned is fucking pathetic, tell me it wasn't you guys.


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It's not, he is blaming us because we live rent free in his head and yesterday his followers organized a raid on Discord, violating their TOS, to commit false flags against us on /ITG/ after accusing us of being a weeaboo pedophile lolicon 8chan mass shooter zionist vaushite website for 2 hours on stream. We are their scapegoat for everything.


>accusing us of being a weeaboo pedophile lolicon 8chan mass shooter zionist vaushite website
yeah that's what he's repeated like 10 times in the vid. as much as I think he's talented and I think he's got a good idea when it comes to debate (basically bloodsports but backed by actual good points), this is pathetic as fuck.




can someone give me the tl;dr of this drama


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this ban is one of the worst things this site has ever done


everyone will post less and leave until this dogshit moderation turns around


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Oh no, we aren't allowed to discuss about some e-celeb anymore!




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Ok /v/ermin, why don't you go back?


Janny says what?


>as much as I think he's talented and I think he's got a good idea when it comes to debate
just listen to yourself…


nothing stopping you anon


Atleast I can unsubscribe from him and forget him and finally stop watching his videos




there's been more IPs here after Haz left than there was when he was here.


Yes that's what happens when you ban people and they evade


I blame furries for this btw


reminder that it was jannoids themselves who allowed and banned anyone against e celeb threads


>being this upset you can't talk about your cringe streaming bullshit anymore


Nothing of value was lost.


>he posted it again
they will never recover


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i dont even know what the fuck's going on anymore


looks like OP was vindicated seeing as haz/inf have been totally banned from the platform now


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Wait what platform? Is their discord down?

Not worth thinking about if you can avoid it.

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