>>6580Yes, it was. Space_ wasn't maintaining the site, and the mods were having their own disputes with other mods regarding what action may be necessary to take regarding the situation. But rather then any anon being informed about the escalating situation that was occuring in the background, or our opinion on site updates, all of us were instead left in the dark until the whole thing blew up and we were all made aware of a whole documented tome of shit that we have to piece together on the spot.
>>6581No, it wouldn't have. If anything, by consulting the users first regarding what was occuring in the background, more anons could have been brought around to understanding the context of the situation and thus make demands regarding change themselves, which would then at the very least legitimize the mods later decision to make a new board. By keeping everyone in the dark, we were instead left to piece together what was in all honestly a conspiracy. A conspiracy against a shit owner and his nepotistic clique, but a conspiracy still.