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I notice we've been having a bunch of rightoid slide/bait threads lately. To all the newfag rightoids, welcome. Now shut the fuck up. Don't start a thread with "debate me" and then act surprised when people lazily mock you, because we've debated every single topic on the sun with you already. All your ideas are wrong. All your objections have been answered a thousand fold. You are fucking pondscum who shouldn't be allowed to speak until you read some theory instead of making the most lazy baits possible with muh jews/muh capitalist GDP. In technology there is a saying "read the fucking manual" and the same applies to politics. Read the fucking theory >>285223 and then come back with some more intelligent baits. And if you can't do that then lurk instead of shitting up the catalog with your lazy ass basic bitch prageru/TPUSA sub midwit tier objections to socialism.

Thanks in advance for not being timewasters,

Rigger Dan (namefag who's still less of an asshole than you)


Only a namefag could turn a PSA to be about himself.


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Can we archive all the previous threads and just send them there when the inevitable "I'm /pol/, ama!!!" post happens
I'm cool with having them occasionally but having one like every single day with the same arguments repeated over and over is pretty tiring
Also namefags are gay and you are gay


>Can we archive all the previous threads and just send them there when the inevitable "I'm /pol/, ama!!!" post happens
That kind of thing should be covered in the FAQ imo


the anti-/pol/ circle jerking clogs up the board way more, but I'm pretty sure that was the purpose of the board all along


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>the anti-/pol/ circle jerking clogs up the board way more, but I'm pretty sure that was the purpose of the board all along




Just delete such threads and tell them to lurk moar


Well it seems like the raiding has died down, at least temporarily. Post and reply quality seem to be recovering % wise.


this didnt age well

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