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 No.12[Watch Thread]>>13


This is a really great channel about urban development and what went so wrong with the usa. However, one criticism I have lies at the heart of this video and the only good term I have at the moment is liberal technocratic hypocrisy

So the guy partially blames the reason for zoning restrictions on white people blocking any attempts at low income housing due to racism. And of course in other videos white flight comes up. But the reasoning behind this stuff only goes so far as to blame white people for being racist.

Now this is a touchy subject, of course white people were racist, but they were racist for a reason. Crime was way up in the 70's due to de-industrialization and all other causes i'm sure we're all familiar with. But to flatten that out into just saying white people were racist, buries the problem. It doesn't address underlying causes.

And the reason that's important involves the author of this stuff a little bit more. This is someone that has moved from a canadian suburb to amsterdam. So in other words, they're doing the exact same thing as white flight but now on a international scale. They can afford to flee the united states to a european(white) country. It feels incredibly hypocritical. How is this not just as damaging as white flight? You can imagine the same thought process playing out 50 years ago in the same cold technocratic fashion of "the suburbs are better than the citys" as you can now with "europe is better than america"

It makes me despair for the future becoming just another repetition of the past. And it is liberal in the sense of "i got mine fuck you" and technocratic in the sense of "the rest of you are being sub-optimal and racist". All that being said, this is a great youtube channel about urban development and I urge people to watch most of the videos on here. Or at least americans who care about why their shit is so fucked up

Another great video


>>12 (OP)
Seems like a nice channel with reasonable ideas on residential planning.
Is there anything about people trying to do more advance stuff like experimenting with arcologies ?

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