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R: 0 / I: 0 (sticky)  

Welcome to self development

A vote was held in the congress that passed through a majority to create a new board for /777/. This board will be focused around positive self development of individuals and fellow anons/leftists. Topics such as working out, sobriety, healthy eating, etc etc etc. Enjoy!
R: 0 / I: 0 (sticky)  

New board of the month(s)

The new board of the month will be philosophy. As in, philosophy outside of the realm of Marxism; Think Diogenes, Plato, Socrates, Kant, Hegel, etc etc, what have you.
The old threads have been archived on a specific board and if we ever get thread creation disabled then i'll post it here and then you guys can carry on your convos from the previous board. It looks like urban probably isn't going to be accepted into the roster, so, have this instead. Enjoy.
R: 3 / I: 0
rate this physique
R: 8 / I: 2
Porkie doesn't want you to tan your balls. They want to keep you sickly, pale, weak, and low t
R: 1 / I: 0
>retvrn to berserk
R: 28 / I: 5

Kindness general

I've noticed people on the website tend to get super heated. I think we need to learn to better communicate and stop jumping on the defensive so quickly.
This thread will be dedicated to saying upligting things to your fellow leftychaders and anons and just general positivity.
R: 17 / I: 0

Weekly Habits and Goals Check

You know the deal

No one is coming to save you
No one cares about you
Your quality of life is your responsibility
(Unless you're a woman, I guess)

Use this thread to track your weekly actions, habits, and the goals you've reached on your journey to improve.
R: 3 / I: 0

Weekly habit tracking thread - December 17th

<Line up faggots

You are your habits, not your super edgy takes on muh issues.

Use this thread to track what you're doing to be a better person.
R: 5 / I: 3

Weekly Habit Check Dec 10-11

<Line up faggots

You are your habits, not your super edgy takes on muh issues.

Use this thread to track what you're doing to be a better person.
R: 3 / I: 0

Weekly Goal Tracking Thread (Dec 2-4)

>Itt: we celebrate personal victories, achievements, and the actions we've taken to improve our lives over the past week. Use this weekly thread to track progress and move toward goals, be they big or small, individual or political.
<Improving the world starts with improving yourself
>How to use this thread
Throughout the week, keep a mental note of the positive things you're doing. As the weekend rolls around, list them down by Sunday. When we take a moment to celebrate minor personal victories and goals, we're more likely to repeat and stick with them. This weekly post exists to help you keep on track and improve your life.
>Positive change doesn't occur all at once. Rather it's the compounded effect of small daily habits and repeated action.
R: 2 / I: 0

Cheap fitness basics

Why aren't you fit, anon?
>Literally takes 10-15 minutes per day to add muscles with basic bodyweight exercises. To lose fat, do fast cardio (think 15 second sprints and 2 minutes walking). Cut out unnecessary calories like sugar and milk in coffee. Never eat until you are completely full. It generally takes 15 minutes or so for your brain to catch up with your stomach. Stop eating when you're 70% full. Be careful with alcohol and drugs that wreck inhibitions, since they'll cause you to make poorer food choices.
Other tips from aesthetic anon?
R: 3 / I: 0
Weekly Goal Tracking Thread
>Itt: we celebrate personal victories, achievements, and the actions we've taken to improve our lives over the past week. Use this weekly thread to track progress and move toward goals, be they big or small, individual or political.
<Improving the world starts with improving yourself
>How to use this thread
Throughout the week, keep a mental note of the positive things you're doing. As the weekend rolls around, list them down by Sunday. When we take a moment to celebrate minor personal victories and goals, we're more likely to repeat and stick with them. This weekly post exists to help you keep on track and improve your life.
>Positive change doesn't occur all at once. Rather it's the compounded effect of small daily habits and repeated action.
R: 6 / I: 2
<Addition by subtraction

>Most of the shit you spend time on or put into your body isn't helping you.

Sure, it might provide a temporary feeling of pleasure. But chasing short-term, immediate happiness is one of the primary reasons that people fail in life and become so existentially ghey.
>'But capitalism promotes the pursuit of short term pleasure,' you might say.
So fucking what. Are you an automaton? (Rhetorical question. Probably 50% of people here are, in fact, faggot NPCs and would unironically answer yes if they are being honest).
The point remains: your life would start to improve if only you could identify and ruthlessly excise those things which are holding you back.
Here's the litmus test. If it's helping you 'deal with' or 'cope with' your life, then it's holding you in place. Drugs, junk food, video games, porn, spergy media, certain people. Most likely, they provide temporary relief and help you feel ok about being a loser.
I'm not saying that if you give all these up, you're going to become a billionaire. But you're going to start making the marginal improvements which, taken together and compounded over time, lead to a much more satisfying life with far more opportunities and cool experiences. You'll be able to become someone who other people are capable of feeling respect for, who can make a positive impact directly in the lives of people around them (instead of larping as a revolutionary online like a fag).
>Inb4: 'waaaah, no we have to end capitalism and then I'll be able to get my shit together and have a better life waaaah.'
Retard faggot uyghur. How the fuck are you going to get rid of porkie and the capitalist system, something you really have no control over, but can't even get rid of just some of your own shit habits, addictions, and cope behaviors? This is exactly what I mean by the term 'existential faggot.'
R: 5 / I: 1
Weekly Goal Tracking Thread
>Itt: we celebrate personal victories, achievements, and the actions we've taken to improve our lives over the past week. Use this weekly thread to track progress and move toward goals, be they big or small, individual or political.
<Improving the world starts with improving yourself
>How to use this thread
Throughout the week, keep a mental note of the positive things you're doing. As the weekend rolls around, list them down by Sunday. When we take a moment to celebrate minor personal victories and goals, we're more likely to repeat and stick with them. This weekly post exists to help you keep on track and improve your life.
>Positive change doesn't occur all at once. Rather it's the compounded effect of small daily habits and repeated action.
R: 2 / I: 0
<How to best use the habit tracking threads

I don't really track outcomes that much. Instead, I track actions and habits. The reason for this is simple.
>Someone can have a goal to get in shape. But if they never make a regular habit of working out, they will never get in shape. Alternatively, someone else can have no particular goal around fitness. But, if they exercise regularly and consistently for a long period of time, they will get in shape. It's the action/habit that makes the difference, not the outcome in mind.
For myself, I don't log my achievements in a split second. In the back of my mind throughout the week, I know I'm going to be writing down what I did. This also pushes me to do a bit more. Usually on Friday, I create a draft list of action achievements. Then, I think about it a bit more, and add to it before I post it. That's why it's so long and has somewhat mundane sounding things.
>A lot of what I do isn't that hard or time consuming.
It's important to remember that the time is going to pass anyways, regardless of what is done. The quality of that time is variable. Someone with a habit of going to the gym and someone with a habit of scrolling through social media put about the same amount of effort/thought into either. A habit, afterall, is something that is done almost automatically. It's establishing or breaking habits that takes effort.
There's a certain science to tracking habits like this.
>When you recognize your own achievements, it releases serotonin in your brain, making you feel good. Thus, it's like a self induced reward and you're more likely to continue those good habits.
It honestly blows my mind that so few people join in on this thread. Some of you might be happy and have decent lives. But I know what people in the far left are like. It's a lot of a pathetic losers. This is literally an easy way to improve your life.
Thinking, 'Ill never change' is both disempowering and untrue. You will inevitably change. Think about how different you were 7 or 10 years ago. It's hard to perceive looking forward, but you'll likely change in equal measure by 7 or 10 years from now. Rather than hoping for the best, it's far more effective/helpful to take the reigns of your own life.
Everyone will encounter setbacks or face difficulties. But how one acts when things are easy says very little. Rather, how people act and what they do when faced with difficulties is what truly defines character.
R: 10 / I: 2

Weekly Victory Post - Nov 13

Weekly Goal Tracking Thread
>Itt: we celebrate personal victories, achievements, and the actions we've taken to improve our lives over the past week. Use this weekly thread to track progress and move toward goals, be they big or small, individual or political.
<Improving the world starts with improving yourself
>How to use this thread
Throughout the week, keep a mental note of the positive things you're doing. As the weekend rolls around, list them down by Sunday. When we take a moment to celebrate minor personal victories and goals, we're more likely to repeat and stick with them. This weekly post exists to help you keep on track and improve your life.
>Positive change doesn't occur all at once. Rather it's the compounded effect off small daily habits and repeated action.
R: 2 / I: 0

Victory Post - November 3rd

Weekly Goal Tracking Thread
>Itt: we celebrate personal victories, achievements, and the actions we've taken to improve our lives over the past week. Use this weekly thread to track progress and move toward goals, be they big or small, individual or political.
<Improving the world starts with improving yourself
R: 3 / I: 1

Victory Poasting - October 30

>Itt: we celebrate personal victories, achievements, and the actions we've taken to improve our lives over the past week. Use this weekly thread to track progress and move toward goals, be they big or small, individual or political.
R: 14 / I: 1

Weekend Victory Roundup

>Itt: we celebrate minor personal victories, achievements, and the actions we've taken to improve our lives over the past week.
R: 13 / I: 1

Helping Hand - Leftychad Edition

Itt: post questions on meeting women, dating, relationships, and sex.

I'll try to give mainly practical advice based on my experience and understanding as someone who started out as fairly shit with women and now does alright. Obnoxious blackpillers will be left on read.
R: 27 / I: 3

Which will come first: complete environmental collapse or socialism?

my money's on the former.
R: 0 / I: 0

Most loathed philosopher cults

What philosopher cults do you loathe the most?
I'll get the ball rolling:
- Hegelians
- Conties (in general)
- Freud, Jung, Crowley, and other schizos
- Ayn Rand and alt-lite shitheads
R: 5 / I: 1

Schopenhauerians Unite

Any /schopbros/ here? I know we're a rare breed here, there's Hegelians all over the boards, but maybe there's some fellow travelers. I have approximately 500 philosophy books in my bookcase, but out of all of them, Schopenhauer is my favorite to refer to people who want to "Get started" in philosophy.

> Essays

< https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/11945

His essays are incredibly clear and are often on relevant topics. Even when he's wrong, it's easy to understand why he's wrong and say "that's bullshit!" His great work, "World as Will and Idea," takes a bit of time to delve into, but is really worthwhile if you're a fan of Kant or Hume. It was ultimately Schopenhauer who redeemed Kant – and introduced a lot of Buddhist ways of thinking to post-Enlightenment Europe.
R: 13 / I: 3
I tripped acid this weekend and saw my inner monad in my pineal gland.
R: 8 / I: 1

muh determinism and free will

Does free will and determinism actually hold any solid bearing against Marxism? i've been in conversations where Marxism was labelled determinist and that it doesn't recognize free will. How true is this?
R: 1 / I: 1

Phil of the future general and the general philosophy of it 101

R: 3 / I: 1
Here I am
R: 1 / I: 0

This is a really great channel about urban development and what went so wrong with the usa. However, one criticism I have lies at the heart of this video and the only good term I have at the moment is liberal technocratic hypocrisy

So the guy partially blames the reason for zoning restrictions on white people blocking any attempts at low income housing due to racism. And of course in other videos white flight comes up. But the reasoning behind this stuff only goes so far as to blame white people for being racist.

Now this is a touchy subject, of course white people were racist, but they were racist for a reason. Crime was way up in the 70's due to de-industrialization and all other causes i'm sure we're all familiar with. But to flatten that out into just saying white people were racist, buries the problem. It doesn't address underlying causes.

And the reason that's important involves the author of this stuff a little bit more. This is someone that has moved from a canadian suburb to amsterdam. So in other words, they're doing the exact same thing as white flight but now on a international scale. They can afford to flee the united states to a european(white) country. It feels incredibly hypocritical. How is this not just as damaging as white flight? You can imagine the same thought process playing out 50 years ago in the same cold technocratic fashion of "the suburbs are better than the citys" as you can now with "europe is better than america"

It makes me despair for the future becoming just another repetition of the past. And it is liberal in the sense of "i got mine fuck you" and technocratic in the sense of "the rest of you are being sub-optimal and racist". All that being said, this is a great youtube channel about urban development and I urge people to watch most of the videos on here. Or at least americans who care about why their shit is so fucked up

Another great video
R: 5 / I: 1  
So urban, did you have a city carpet wile young?
R: 3 / I: 0
>I will live in ze pod
>I will live in ze pod
>I will live in ze pod
>I will live in ze pod
>I will live in ze pod
>I will live in ze pod
>I will make porky happy
>I will not have kids
>I love the experience economy
>Get my wageslave
>Buy experiences from an e-thot
>And be happy.
R: 10 / I: 2


What the fuck is up with these places?
Why the fuck do anglos think that it is ok to house animals in these conditions and treat animals like this? Isn't it pretty fucking retarded to be trying to preserver species of animals anyways? At least from the stand point of nature? Shouldn't we be allowing the ecosystem to grow and adapt to us even if we are fucking it up? That seems more reasonable. Why the fuck are zoos a thing?
R: 11 / I: 1

What to do?

Understanding why cities are shit is interesting but it is also incredibly frustrating because what can we do? Is there some kind of DIY urbanism or something?
R: 8 / I: 0


General thread for thrifty living and advice for saving money.

One of the biggest money savers for me, was, unironically, going vegan. Ofc not buying expensive fake meats and such, that is deff a money sink.
But making everything from scratch myself proved to save me a shit ton of money in the long run.

I used to make my own soy milk by buying soybeans in bulk and blending them down and then boiling them and using cheese cloth to strain the pulp. I also used to press my own tofu. It really did save me hunreds of dollars.
R: 5 / I: 0

East Side Acess Project

That will be 12 billion
R: 3 / I: 2
What can we post about on this board exactly?
R: 7 / I: 0

thoughts on current proposals in the US to end single family zoning?


Seattle might get rid of its single family zoning in the near future - is this good or will this be exploited by landlords to fuck people over somehow?
R: 8 / I: 5


thread for the discussion of various rail projects.

NYC to get new R211 subway cars with open gangways

China opened the first high speed rail line to Tibet last month

Norfolk Southern fucks up another train

Why Norfolk Southern keeps fucking up trains