▶ No.249>>250
>opened a bank account in the country I live in
>deleted all the porn sites from my browser history and didn't watch any
>Week 2 of no soda or sugary drinks
>Smoked weed 1 time but made sure it didn't happen again
>Did a better job of avoiding derping out over political rage bait
>Long 30km bike ride
>gym 6x
>went out one evening and decided to approach girls. I'm super rusty at daygame (i.e. street harrasment), since I have a gf, but was able to exchange social media with an 18 year old. Met up a few days later, but couldn't pull since she's a bit shy. Going to try to close, but not sweating it either way.
>Boss has been pressuring me to pick up extra work (meaning I would be working 7 days a week). Told her I wouldn't untill she let's me drop other work and gives me a different evening off. She says she can't, so I told her no. Happy I didn't cave and accept working basically all the time (even though the extra cash is always nice). [I have a couple different job sites, so when I talk about a boss in different contexts, it's not always the same person]
>gf cooked dinner for me at my request. I've learned that giving her little chores keeps her happy.
>finished a book, started reading another that I had started a while ago
>Sunbathed 1x. It's been a while, so it felt good
>Cleaned my apartment well, including my fridge and closet
>Made sure to never let dirty dishes sit in my sink for more than 24 hours
>Video called both my parents, talked to my grandma