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 No.248[Watch Thread]

Weekly Goal Tracking Thread
>Itt: we celebrate personal victories, achievements, and the actions we've taken to improve our lives over the past week. Use this weekly thread to track progress and move toward goals, be they big or small, individual or political.
<Improving the world starts with improving yourself
>How to use this thread
Throughout the week, keep a mental note of the positive things you're doing. As the weekend rolls around, list them down by Sunday. When we take a moment to celebrate minor personal victories and goals, we're more likely to repeat and stick with them. This weekly post exists to help you keep on track and improve your life.
>Positive change doesn't occur all at once. Rather it's the compounded effect off small daily habits and repeated action.


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>opened a bank account in the country I live in

>deleted all the porn sites from my browser history and didn't watch any

>Week 2 of no soda or sugary drinks

>Smoked weed 1 time but made sure it didn't happen again

>Did a better job of avoiding derping out over political rage bait

>Long 30km bike ride

>gym 6x

>went out one evening and decided to approach girls. I'm super rusty at daygame (i.e. street harrasment), since I have a gf, but was able to exchange social media with an 18 year old. Met up a few days later, but couldn't pull since she's a bit shy. Going to try to close, but not sweating it either way.

>Boss has been pressuring me to pick up extra work (meaning I would be working 7 days a week). Told her I wouldn't untill she let's me drop other work and gives me a different evening off. She says she can't, so I told her no. Happy I didn't cave and accept working basically all the time (even though the extra cash is always nice). [I have a couple different job sites, so when I talk about a boss in different contexts, it's not always the same person]

>gf cooked dinner for me at my request. I've learned that giving her little chores keeps her happy.

>finished a book, started reading another that I had started a while ago

>Sunbathed 1x. It's been a while, so it felt good

>Cleaned my apartment well, including my fridge and closet

>Made sure to never let dirty dishes sit in my sink for more than 24 hours

>Video called both my parents, talked to my grandma


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I haven't achieved anything this week other than just soldiering on and going to work every day and shit. I guess I got a load of college work done and socialised a bit at work.

If you end up fucking that 18yo please do make a post about it lol


I talked to a girl in class that was the peak of my week


Based. If you have to go to school and work, then do it but do it well and it a way that best suits you and your growth.
Nice, anon. Girls like a bit of initative


>Girls like a bit of initative
only if you're chad..


Initiative makes Chad. Natural chads just do it unconsciously thanks to early positive experiences.


>Initiative makes Chad.
<if I close my eyes they can't see me!!
where do you think you are? go peddle your "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" bullshit somewhere else

there is material foundation to everything, including sexual attraction


I'm not sure how I'm supposed to answer this…
>You're right. You're physically (and probably genetically) inferior.
Feel better now for being right on the internet? Lol
<Inb4 more egotistical coping


>You're right. You're physically (and probably genetically) inferior.
I'm not inferior because of not being attractive to the opposite gender. That's the whole point redpilloid.
Was the elk with normal sized antlers inferior to the elk with gigantic antlers who couldn't lift his fucking head, just because the female brain selected on the basis of the bigger antlers?

If you think that I think that what is natural - always right, then you're wrong
especially when it comes to humans
there is nothing """natural""" about humans the moment they invented civilization


Whatever you gotta tell yourself, bro

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