-Continued not smoking weed
-Quit drinking soda and sugary drinks. Was basically consuming 500-700 calories per day that way (or 3500-4200 calories per week).
-Found a wallet and was able to track down the owner on social media, getting it back to him on the same evening.
-Bought a new house plant and repotted a bunch others (up to 26 potted plants in my apartment)
-Started out the week with a pretty bad back ache which moved up to my shoulder. Forced myself to go to the gym anyways on Wednesday and kept that up for the rest of the week.
-On my day off, I did the gym, went for a jog, and cycled a bit. Chest is popping.
-Found a cheap but decent looking pair of fake vans for like $12. Now I just need a couple pair of pants and some new shirts.
-Studied a foreign language a few days for about 10 minutes each time. I'm conversant but just want to brush up and add more vocab.
-Read the business book I'm reading. Have 2 other books I want to finish by the end of the year.
-Swept and mopped/cleaned entire apartment. Much needed.
>>263Nice. Having money coming in is hugely important. I hope you're able to save or invest a bit.