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 No.262[Watch Thread]

Weekly Goal Tracking Thread
>Itt: we celebrate personal victories, achievements, and the actions we've taken to improve our lives over the past week. Use this weekly thread to track progress and move toward goals, be they big or small, individual or political.
<Improving the world starts with improving yourself


I started working over time again at work.
It's hard but the money is nice.


-Continued not smoking weed
-Quit drinking soda and sugary drinks. Was basically consuming 500-700 calories per day that way (or 3500-4200 calories per week).
-Found a wallet and was able to track down the owner on social media, getting it back to him on the same evening.
-Bought a new house plant and repotted a bunch others (up to 26 potted plants in my apartment)
-Started out the week with a pretty bad back ache which moved up to my shoulder. Forced myself to go to the gym anyways on Wednesday and kept that up for the rest of the week.
-On my day off, I did the gym, went for a jog, and cycled a bit. Chest is popping.
-Found a cheap but decent looking pair of fake vans for like $12. Now I just need a couple pair of pants and some new shirts.
-Studied a foreign language a few days for about 10 minutes each time. I'm conversant but just want to brush up and add more vocab.
-Read the business book I'm reading. Have 2 other books I want to finish by the end of the year.
-Swept and mopped/cleaned entire apartment. Much needed.

Nice. Having money coming in is hugely important. I hope you're able to save or invest a bit.

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