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 No.269[Watch Thread]

>Itt: we celebrate minor personal victories, achievements, and the actions we've taken to improve our lives over the past week.


I work a job that pays well and is respected in my community


I spoke to a girl I like at work without sperging out too much.


I took my meds today


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I've only been making a point to track my Ws since this thread popped up, but here's from the end of the week:

>Tried a new restaurant. The food was underwhelming tbh, but it was nice to try something new.

>Went to the gym and for a jog on my day off. When the based dept calls, you have to pick up the phone.
>Bought a couple new sweaters. My clothes are shit and a need to update my wardrobe before it gets too cold. Hopefully by next week, I'll have bought new shoes.
>Someone I know, a 13 yr old boy, just got his first girlfriend and asked me for advice about it. That felt cool on my part, and I was glad he could come to me about it.
>Gym on the weekend.
>Got fixed a small issue on a bicycle that I recently bought.
>I started reading four different books a few months ago - none you'd be interested in. But I've kinda stalled out on all of them. I managed make myself read one (the one written by a woman lol) in the morning one day instead of fucking around on my phone. Also started reading the 1991 book America Against America, by Wang Hunting, who appears to have been elevated to 2nd in command in China.


That's actually awesome
Good job anon
Don't be a pharmacuck


>Don't be a pharmacuck
I just can't function otherwise, anon. I know about le alienation but it's a matter of survival at this point


That sucks mate. Imo, they're over prescribed in the west, but for somewhat obvious reasons. I actually can remember the last time I took a pharma, besides supplements, for something. It was years ago.

I wrote a post recently about mental health recently. It might be worth checking out.



Lmaoing at this fucking normie lol

reminded me of some satire where a young army officer was learning french while swimming in arctic waters lol

you're just a fucking junkie
always lmaoed at retards always eager to swallow happy pills


>you're just a fucking junkie
always lmaoed at retards always eager to swallow happy pills
NTA but in this world everybody needs their own cope, and taking the meds is significantly healthier than day-drinking, self harm or suicidal ideation. Which for many, including myself, is the alternative.


Anon what do you do to cope with the pain?


SSRIs are wildly ineffective and the side effects aren't worth it


I sit in my armchair and read books.


Yeah but withdrawal is a pain in the ass (or so I'm told), and why risk it all just because of some side effects I barely notice?



I simply live with the pain.

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