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 No.10084[Watch Thread]>>10085>>10121

I was listening to a Citations Needed episode about the propaganda trope of "Labor shortages" and realized that all that WE NEED MORE WOMEN AND PEOPLE OF COLOR is not about making software companies less monocultural (which is good in itself), and the real porky's goals are:

1. Increasing the overall supply of engineers, like they pushed women into the workforce in the 60s in the West.

2. Getting the candidates who tend to accept lower salaries (at least women are routinely underpaid, probably PoC too).

In fact, CN hosts briefly mentioned it themselves:
> what they want to do is they want to expand the pool by any means necessary, whether they use liberal inclusion language or whether or not they use, they want to have more workers because if I have twenty people applying for a job versus three, the demands, of course, will be far less

Somehow, the whole inclusivity hype should be hijacked with unionizing, because who would oppose the white'n'male CEOs' tyranny if not a diverse labor movement?


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>>10084 (OP)


We all knew this. There is literally no shortage of people in tech. There is a HUGE glut of entry level stem and tech people who would gladly do the work if on the job training were offered. There is a "shortage" of senior people with extreme niche skills, and there always will be. This shortage could easily be fixed by hiring recent graduates and training them in the skills needed but that costs money so porky wants to "min max" by hiring an experienced tech guy who can "hit the ground running" and then gets butthurt that it costs a lot. What they really want is never to have to train anyone and be able to hire people with whatever niche particular skills at an extremely low price.

Even loosening on the min maxing labor even a little bit would help (ex: by offering a multi year contract, where the worker gets on the job training in exchange for promising not to leave for a while) but porky refuses. It's literally just being too greedy.


Of course, they're even trying to get homeless people and people in jail to learn to code to drive wages down, and it worked perfectly. Not that I care, tbh, programming must be one of the most classcucked fields.


So, I'm reading that eliminating the gender gap makes men more employable.


It's ok. Unless they create super easy tools for rapid development (which they have been trying for 30 years or whatever), cis girls won't be interested lol.
The few cis programmer girls I've worked with were quite malebrained and atypical.
CEOs' biggest hope is that the trash Microsoft keeps promising every few years about drag-and-drop programming actually delivers.


>cis girls
>cis programmer
can you ditch the woke language and explain to me in materialist terms what that actually means
please don't try to teach me radlib speech, i will never understand that, just translate it.


Not him but cis is basically "non-trans". He is trying to say that women who are not autistic (atypical) won't be going into coding en masse.

Which is somewhat true because women have less autism or autistic traits on average (3-4x less according to research). But judging how many dudebros have entered the industry in the last decades because of the salaries, I don't agree in general. Also, many non-Anglo countries have much more women in IT (for example, Eastern Europe).


it's just the rehash of an old /g/ meme about crossdressing men being the best programmers


>Not him but cis is basically "non-trans".
negative identities ? this feels like you are trying to divide by zero
I'm basically probing if the hole woke thing has already degenerated into being used for justifying occupational sexism,
I don't know what any of it means because it's too much turbo idealism but it sounds very similar to somebody from 60 years ago saying women are hysterical.
I have figured out that people who use woke language make very reactionary conclusions but they somehow make it sound like they are trying to improve society.
>Which is somewhat true because women have less autism or autistic traits on average (3-4x less according to research).
These results don't tell you anything, their definition of autism is bad it equates a bunch of different things that are biologically unrelated. When they put somebody on the autistic spectrum it's basically using the same methodological errors as IQ testing, it might even be a little worse. They don't have clinical tests, so they might be measuring something else like differences in socialization.
So i looked up what that means, it's characterized by clothing fashion and other consumer choices. It's so very frustrating: How is that even a relevant category ?
>much more women in IT (for example, Eastern Europe).
It's not a nationality thing, the difference is in private sector vs public sector, public sector industries have lower skew in sex ratios.


You don't have to think this much into it, >>10090 just claimed that women are too stupid for programming.


Not stupid, just uninterested.


not being autistic enough to be a good programmer doesn't mean someone is stupid, stupid


>negative identities
It's not a negative identity, "cisgender" simply means someone having the same gender that was assigned at birth.

> So i looked up what that means, it's characterized by clothing fashion and other consumer choices.

No, the clothing is secondary here. By dudebros I meant normie and mostly extroverted males who aren't nerdy/geeky/introverted/autistic. Dudebro is a type that of persons that was almost absent from the IT before the 2000s.

> It's not a nationality thing, the difference is in private sector vs public sector, public sector industries have lower skew in sex ratios.

Eh? No, Eastern Europe doesn't have large public IT sector, almost all of it is private. It's just strong Soviet engineering traditions where math and engineering aren't considered purely "male" professions like in the West.

Source: I'm Eastern European


You don't need to be autistic to be a good programmer.


I'm Eastern European too and there were like 3 girls out of the 300 students at my university program and I never had a single woman coworker. I wish they started with this diversity bullshit earlier maybe then it wouldn't have felt like attending seminary.


The diversity bullshit isn't going to get women to be programmers. It's going to get them to be "product managers", "client liaisons", "sensitivity trainers", "developer evangelists", etc.


That's bullshit and you know it.


>It's not a negative identity
you literally used the "non-" prefix >>10092 with an identity, that's a negative identity.
>"cisgender" simply means someone having the same gender that was assigned at birth.
please use a objective and materialist way of describing this, i can't follow your meaning, non of the terms you use links to something physical, there is just idealist explanations that link to other idealist explanation, that form closed loops , what does this refer too ? is it behavior ?
>No, the clothing is secondary here.
why does that matter at all ?
>By dudebros I meant normie and mostly extroverted males who aren't nerdy/geeky/introverted/autistic.
>Dudebro is a type that of persons that was almost absent from the IT before the 2000s.
this sounds like pop psychology
what information do you get from this, like in a political context ? Does any of these "character attributes" really matter for socialism or class analysis ?
>Eh? No, Eastern Europe doesn't have large public IT sector, almost all of it is private.
I assumed soviet history not the present.
>It's just strong Soviet engineering traditions where math and engineering aren't considered purely "male" professions like in the West.
anybody considers engineering and math as a male profession ? It's very cerebral and mostly abstract reasoning, like it doesn't need physical strength or anything. Can you explain ?


>>10084 (OP)
>the real
Okay. Keep seething.


I see this word used all the fucking time these days by right-wingers.


Your point being?


Dude, you asked and I’m answered what it all meant among normies and wokies, stop with this pedantry to appear Le Rational Materialist. I’m not in charge of these terms, go send a complaint to the CEO of modern language.
See… what? I shared an observation, I’m actually pro-women-in-IT because the current sausage party is tiresome.


both are heavily correlated. but a proper study would be interesting


>dude you're being woke!!!!
>still using terms like "materialist"
pseud ass


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>still using terms like "materialist"

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