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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature"
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The shovel is a simple tool used to dig various substances
You can use a shovel to dig farmland, roads, tunnels, holes, mines, foundations, or digging away unwanted substances like chemical waste and mud
A shovels ability to dig however is restricted by the density of the blade, a light plastic shovel will be able to dig conserdiably less than a heavier steel shovel, remember the denser the blade the more you can dig as the mass of the force struck towards the earth when digging overcomes the mass of the ground within a designated area.


I found out that if you pour water on dirt it becomes easier to shovel


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Kek you forgot to include the part where it breaks after a year of use


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Shovels are the perfect tool to keep in your car. The best shovels are Spetsnaz shovels that can be used as an offensive tool against road rage attackers, as well as a tool to help you when your car is bogged down. Unlike a gun, you can keep a Spetsnaz shovel next to you when driving and the police will not bother you anywhere.

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