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File (hide): 1685915877366-0.png ( 25.92 KB , 508x681 , Capturebin1.png )

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 No.12158[Watch Thread]>>12160

so i'm motivated to planing to create a archive for threads and websites. thread and web writings that are important enough, have quality, and or can be used to counter western media and history naratives.

the archive i want to create for the threads is different from things like internet archive or things like that because i want to actually save all the file that is uploaded unlike regular archive where not every file and many that are uploaded in the thread were not saved in the archive.

if i can i want to make a website for this but i do not have any experience about creating website and coding nor can i do it. i also have special-ed mental that make me unable to learn coding like normal people so its hard.

my main plan is to use httrack and use every file format list from wikipedia and other websites, then copy that list to httrack file format selection thing

i want help from every people here, so if you can please send something


also adhd brained, if anyone can please help me tidy the "list of file format" list on wikipedia.

delete whatever decription/writing near it, make it sort of like a list like the pic i post.

add +*. to the front.



>>12158 (OP)
In the linux command-line version of httrack you can give it the -*p3 flag and it'll save all files, without needing a long list of file extensions. Maybe there's a similar feature in the graphical-user-interface version as well.

>if i can i want to make a website for this

You want to mirror other web-pages ?
Is that only for your self, so only the pages you pick get mirrored ?

>me unable to learn coding like normal people

most "normal" people can't code either so don't sweat it.


>In the linux command-line version of httrack you can give it the -*p3 flag and it'll save all files, without needing a long list of file extensions. Maybe there's a similar feature in the graphical-user-interface version as well.

oh, okey i will try doing something about it

>You want to mirror other web-pages ?


>Is that only for your self, so only the pages you pick get mirrored ?



note: main plan was too save the webpage offline in my computer. making website was the second


if anyone know other chan/IB/forum that can help post please


already try using the -*p3 in gui version. i try it on image only thread, i didn't work, also took a very long time. it download much file that aren't the ones that got uploaded (mainly html and base image for the site, not at all the uploaded files).

going to try pdf/epub filled thread next.


the images on the page are just the thumbnails, the big version of the image are technically a link to another page (that only contains the image)

You could tell httrack to also download linked pages but then it'll follow all the links, and download way more than what you wanted.

My instinct would be to write a little bashscript that removes all the unnecessary links from the root html before httrack parses it, but you didn't want anything with code … I have to think about this.


tell me more about this bashscript thing


Bash is the name of the most commonly used text interface for Linux (You can have Bash for windows or mac as well), it's a way of using a computer by giving it text-commands rather than clicking on menus and buttons.
On a very basic level bash-scripts are a way of storing a series of text-commands so that you can re-use them later without having to re-type the commands. Bash-scripts can also turn into simple programs.

This offers a very powerfull way of automatically modifying text-based files like for example html files that are used for websites. It makes it possible to download web-pages while specifying exactly what you want it to download. Depending on what you want to do, this method can become very laborious tho.

When i want to save a thread i usually just highlight the parts of the thread i want to save and then use the browsers print-to-pdf functionality. And then i manually download the files that interest me.




i keep getting derailed by adhd and procrastination, how do i cope and finish this ? i want to atleast be done with the note file format thing


leftypol supported file types:
JPEG Files
BMP Files
GIF Files
PNG Files
MP3 Files
MP4 Files (Supports thumbnail)
WEBM Files (Supports thumbnail)
PDF Files (Supports thumbnail)
EPUB Files
DJVU Files (Supports thumbnail)
Text Files (Supports thumbnail)
ZIP Files
GZ Files
BZ2 Files

leftychan supported file types:
JPEG Files
BMP Files
GIF Files
PNG Files
MP3 Files
MP4 Files (Supports thumbnail)
WEBM Files (Supports thumbnail)
PDF Files (Supports thumbnail)
EPUB Files
DJVU Files (Supports thumbnail)
Text Files (Supports thumbnail)
ZIP Files
GZ Files
BZ2 Files

is this actually the only file format that can be uploaded ? or are there any other that can be uploaded but are not on the list ?






File (hide): 1687773951803.txt ( 17.93 KB , 217496349167 v1.txt )

there is stuff that does not have a dot (".") and also stuff that are capitalized. at the same place there are stuff that have dots and are not capitalized. can anyone here explain and help ?


currently adding dots


File (hide): 1687872272486.txt ( 105.52 KB , A 351398173654.txt )

the wikipedia page i use (in case if it get updated, which makes it hard to make sure the list are perfect)


for incase:
checkpoint: clear text
line of the text (description line included)= 1773
last line: Pseudo-pipelines, Pseudo-pipeline


File (hide): 1688915711333.txt ( 22.54 KB , 2389876 v2.txt )

almost done.
im starting to think i have ocd. and adhd at the same time


File (hide): 1688988061346.txt ( 23.26 KB , itsdone v4.txt )

if anyone still not sure you can use winmerge or some other thing to compare the wiki txt file with this one (v4)


i want to make a thread about website to archive, in what board should i put it ?


/meta/ if it's specifically for leftychan

if it's mostly tech questions, this thread would be fine.


i mean a thread asking for website to archive.


copypaste edition.
there are some that i miss.
NIfTI,z10-z99,cursor [edit].

its been hard to do simple things like this. i do not think having adhd is this hard. i may be the worst variant of adhd person group. AND I CANNOT DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT!!!.


also this is the final fix (i think). later maybe i will post the preious version with the fix. post if there are something i miss


i forgot that you actually have to make it into horizontal line for it to work in httrack. anyone know a program or cript that can help ? anyone wanna help ?


File (hide): 1690564878689.png ( 219.08 KB , 453x531 , 097792a5b64d47402f858938af….png )

maybe just archiving IB thread using faq supported file types are fine…


File (hide): 1690699926109.txt ( 13.55 KB , v5c.txt )

Like this? brought to you by Kate gang


File (hide): 1690728074493.png ( 387.6 KB , 680x679 , 1690411642650.png )




sory to ask. just my paranoia. but its complete right ?. you don't delete any right ?.



Glad to help uhh.


No. I just used an in-built Kate function for moving all strings into one line, that's it.


wait so, wizard, you telling me that it is complete ? no deleting thing ?


yes ?


i will take it as a yes


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