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 No.12471[Watch Thread]>>12476>>12477

i don't even know where to post this, im so desperate yet knowing fully that there is no cure.

i have ADHD.

i have this thing where there is X-thing that i cannot let my hand touch. if it does than it is "contaminated" (in my head)there for i must wash it or make it clean in my head. other things (household items and door and etc) could be touched by X-thing or my hand when it was "contaminated". and when it does i have to wash that thing or make it clean in my head. because the same rule when i touched x-thing applied.

i have the thing where it makes you forgot what you are doing seconds ago.

i have also "the thing" like above but far worse and is like having a evil voice in your head gaslighting and manipulating and lying about you yourself to harm you.

now done with background.
now for the real problem.

i like to do web archive of thread on CBIB's (leftypol and things alike) and also just saving web things in general. no, not in a internet hisorian or lost media or youtuber kind of way, far from it (saving web things in leftypolnco people kind of way). in one of those thread it have a epub file. so i use Calibre to open it. i not only use the "open with calibre opener" option but i also use the "open with calibre" option which creates the problem. using the "open with calibre" option open the main program. not the epub opener, but the main program. because i panick that something will happend with the file threr for making the archive inperfect, i cancel the loading that pop up in the main calibre program. but i took too long for canceling the loading thing because i panicked and overthink and question myself wheter or not i shuld cencel it or not. there for i cancel the download when its in the midle (+10% or something i don't remember).when i open the epub file it is error and i can't open it. yes i already try using the calibre epub opener and program other then calibre, it fail to open to. detour this is how i keep (some) files in my hardrive(:C): have a main loby -> have a sub loby that in this context is for "important things" -> this is where i keep the folder -> for folder(s) -> that eventually lead to the folder that have said problematic archive. now that i already tell how the files organize, return to tour. i eventually had a bright idea to replace the broken epub with a working version. so i copy a working version said broken epub to the sub-loby. then i copy again that epub, this time to replace the broken epub. it worked, i can now open the epub. but another problem float up in my head. i try to fight it but i can't. i now think that the archive that i have fixed is broken, even tho i have just fixed it seconds ago. more than that, and this one is a bigger problem. i now think that the entire sub-loby is "corrupted", imperfect, broken, altered and will spread it's imperfect and broken and altered status to other file and the new sub-loby i want to create if i want to replace the entire sub-loby with a new one. because i put the working epub for fixing the broken epub archive part. but it doesn't matter since i will just think like that wheter i put the working epub in the sub-loby or not. wheter i want to just move the file to the hypothetical new sub-loby or copy it to the hypothetical new sub-loby it is the same, the "muh corruption" thinking will linger and the new sub-loby, wheter it's just moving the files or copy the files, will just be "corrupted" and will spread to any new archive/files i add long after the new sub-loby is created. this "thinking" later spread to everything outside the sub-loby and now i think that the entire loby now is "corrupted". and it later too, also spread to my :D harddrive becoming corrupted to because that's where i save 100+ videos. and soon i will give up because internally screaming and internally being angry hurt my brain and make me sick.


pls help if can


being a librarian anti-libmsm retard is the only purpose i have. PLS HELP. i am a purposeless undead husk if this goes on.


i thinkit has been 7 days plus since the incident. i really want to go back being a librarian retard. but i stoped myself after the incident because i think it is healing me and fixing my head.


>>12471 (OP)
No offense OP but I think you may need to see a psychologist


>>12471 (OP)
I wouldn't turn this into a pathology, not every idiosyncrasy needs to be a mental disorder.

To soothe your worries about file corruption. You can use a program that uses the content of a file to calculate a checksum. As long as the checksum remains the same, it means the file was not corrupted and you need not worry about file integrity.

For linux check out this tutorial

For windos check out this

People usually use those to check file-integrity of downloads, but it'll work just as well for your use-case.

You could learn a small amount of scripting to make a very simple program that automates the process of checking file integrity and gives you a summary, where it says all your files checked out OK.

In linux scripting can be done in bash-script for windows its powershell


>You could learn a small amount of scripting to make a very simple program that automates the process of checking file integrity and gives you a summary, where it says all your files checked out OK.
That's what md5sum -c does.


it might have something to do with OCD, OP

but yeah, learn bash scripting(gnu/linux is better) and sysadmin stuff(Archlinux, Gentoo, LFS). If you know exactly what happens in your hardware/system(because u built it and have the source code of it to check, in gentoo it's in /var/cache/distfiles to check source code of the system) then you will not worry anymore, u just need deep knowledge about systems. hardest way but it's the only way. install gentoo.


op here. dont worry guys. i dont ignore your massage 👍


Hey archive anon, I hope you're still around. I don't know why no one has suggested using the tool
to you before. You can initialize a repository, and commit all the files you have into it. Then if you modify any of the files it will tell you, and you can either revert the changes, or accept the new ones along with a message.

It's a tool used in programming but it also works with binary files. You mentioned that you have a lot of videos though so if you hit any limitations with git you might want to search for some solutions that build upon git to work with large files like
but i have not personally used git-lfs.

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