>>13164 (OP)Ultimately to overthrow the dominance of x86 something that's faster and cheaper needs to come along. Currently RISC-V isn't very competitive performance-wise. It will take a while before RISC-V is mature enough for some manufacturer to bet on it and throw money at a high-end batch of chips, and those will likely be more expensive than similar x86 ones.
I can see China making a better and cheaper x86 in a shorter time-span than it would take for RISC-V to mature enough for me to put one into my desktop. And let's face it, if hobby/enthusiasts aren't using it, then it will never be as prolific as x86 is.
Long term however, open design just like open source code will win. Because it's already clear that this is the way to develop technology and will outpace anything developed in a secret silo. This will become even more true as Asia develops further ahead of the united states and becomes technologically dominant, and Intel's chips having a 100% failure rate is only going to accelerate this change of tech dominance.
I just think
the Intel thing is part of a larger ongoing trend of everything in the west going to absolute shit. Think about it, no one cares about their job and does the bare minimum. That leads to complicated stuff like software and hardware not being as well understood or well-designed as it was when previous generations worked on it.
What we're in is a negative feedback loop of everything getting progressively shittier. And it doesn't help that managers want to extract money from everything: Google stopped giving you more and more gmail storage every year, google search results suck now (probably because of their management), Windows 11 is a nightmare to use compared to any of their releases in the past. The management thing makes workers not give a fuck which results in tech that is broken
intentionally and