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File: 1608526187130.jpg ( 17.42 KB , 243x255 , dance compilation.jpg )


There's various sites/programs that do this but I haven't really found a good one yet.

Features I would like:
- 320kbps
- Capture of a still of the video as song art
- Download whole playlists automatically
- No daily limit or whatever

As a bonus, are there any applications that automatically convert a folder full of mp3s into versions of those mp3s with levelled audio? IE, all the songs will become roughly the same volume.

I know there might be better ways to organise your music but I like to do it like this. Thanks in advance people. Currently I use 4K Youtube to MP3 but it has a daily limit and no automatic playlist support (without a paid license).


The closest thing that comes to mind is youtube-dl, but you would need to convert the .mp4 to .mp3 yourself through vlc


Hmm, okay, I'd rather have a one click tool if possible tho.


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Sorry, I should have still said thanks. Thank you!


>but you would need to convert the .mp4 to .mp3 yourself through vlc
No you don't
Strap in, I'm gonna blow you guises [b]MOIND[/b]'''':
torsocks -i youtube-dl –extract-audio –audio-format mp3 [YT URL]


Huh, didn't even realize youtube-dl could do formatting. I always just pipe youtube-dl stuff to ffmpeg for further processing.


https://deemix.app/ not youtube but this lets you download FLACs or 320kbps mp3s off of Deezer, which would be the highest quality you could get plus they're already tagged properly


And if put the following in your .bashrc file you only have to type youtube-mp3 [url] to get music pretty much at the click of a button from your terminal.

alias youtube-mp3='torsocks -i youtube-dl –extract-audio –audio-format mp3'

There is also the possibility to make playlists on youtube and download the whole thing. Or to even download an entire channel. It's insanely powerful and useful!


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>type youtube-mp3 [url]
Still too much effort, here's how the pros do it:

The "xsel -ob" bit grabs whatever string of text is stored in your clipboard. Alternatively, you can make a .sh file with the following:

And simply set the script to a .desktop or keyboard shortcut, so you never even have to open a terminal. This will always download the file in your default Home directly. But if you're using a file manager for cool people like Thunar you can even set the script as a "custom action" available in context menus, so you can simply right click within a directory of your choice and download the file there.


Use open.spotify.com with a decent adblock to browse music. Then you can use this tool with song links or even whole albums.
It even downloads and merges all the Metadata (release, cover, etc.)


youtube-dl has its own –proxy flag btw, you can use socks5:// proxies. I've tested it with a packet sniffer and it doesn't leak DNS requests or anything like that.
I find torsocks to be kinda buggy, but I haven't tried in a while.


youtube-dl itself just uses ffmpeg in the background.


Never thought about this trick before, pretty neat. But I like to see clearly what I'm actually doing, you could have wrong (and sensitive) text in your clipboard for example.

I do use xsel for a script that takes whatever text is in clipboard then makes substitutions with sed and puts it back into the clipboard. So I can for example copy a youtube/twitter/instagram URL and convert it into an invidio.us/nitter/bibliogram one with a single keyboard shortcut.


yt compress every audio, maybe the output format is 320 but in reality its much lower.
I suggest the p2p network soulseek, or the browser addon 'spotify & deezer downloader', you dont have to subscribre to spotify or anything, only login with fb or whathever






>Please only watch the content the way WE want it

What a bunch of whiny asses. The copyright system is such a fucking joke at this point


So where's the source code repository moved to?


>Features I would like:
>- 320kbps
Do you even know how music files work lol


I use NewPipe and it works.


Hey, I'm gonna bump this again because I really couldn't understand what you guys said last time.

">but you would need to convert the .mp4 to .mp3 yourself through vlc
No you don't
Strap in, I'm gonna blow you guises [b]MOIND[/b]'''':
torsocks -i youtube-dl –extract-audio –audio-format mp3 [YT URL]"

"And if put the following in your .bashrc file you only have to type youtube-mp3 [url] to get music pretty much at the click of a button from your terminal.

alias youtube-mp3='torsocks -i youtube-dl –extract-audio –audio-format mp3'"

This does not mean anything to me. I just want a program for windows that I can install and that's it, done.


You can probably accomplish the same thing with a .BAT file on Wangblows.


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It's a cross-platform python GUI for youtube-dl/dlc + ffmpeg and whatnot, give it a try.

I have only looked around the options but it should be possible to add a playlist then apply custom download options that converts to mp3(or whatever format). Don't ask me specifics though.


This is doing nothing but downloading jpegs of the thumbnails.


Download a program called "Freezer". It takes directly from Deezer and you can download in whatever audio quality you want (if storage space is a concern). Simple as searching for a song/album/artist then hitting the big blue download button.


Okay never mind, I did get it to work, thanks! It is missing volume control which is unfortunate, does anyone know a tool that automatically fixes sound levels in folders of songs to equalise the volume?

I appreciate that but I was asking about YT because not all songs I wanna download are gonna be on spotify or whatever.




File: 1612663635459.png ( 22.12 KB , 340x361 , tartube.png )

This is the kinda crap I wanna download so you see why I can't use spotify or whatever (I'm sure some of this is on there OFC but not all)

I am having a problem now though, how do I clear my 'unsorted videos' folder? It doesn't seem to do anything no matter what deletion method I try. I tried 'empty folder' and 'tidy all' and it deletes the files but not the videos from Tartube itself so I can't refill the folder with new stuff

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