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I want to learn coding in python, but the problem is, I just don't know why I should do it.
Game development is meaningless since gaming is purely infantile and a psych ops made by porky to keep the proles sedated with pointless "fun"
High end programming has no use outside of web design and programming garbage like malware and some preexisting services that have been done a thousand times
Almost everything is proprietary garbage that cannot be tampered with or learnt from, so I am forced to learn from pre-existing tutorials which only go over normie shit (no biggie)
So to sum up, I just don't see any purpose in learning to program, almost everything surrounding it is just some CIA psych ops or a tremendous waste of time
I'm seriously at a block here.



> “Won't everyone stop programming without a monetary incentive?”

> Actually, many people will program with absolutely no monetary incentive. Programming has an irresistible fascination for some people, usually the people who are best at it. There is no shortage of professional musicians who keep at it even though they have no hope of making a living that way.

> But really this question, though commonly asked, is not appropriate to the situation. Pay for programmers will not disappear, only become less. So the right question is, will anyone program with a reduced monetary incentive? My experience shows that they will.

> For more than ten years, many of the world's best programmers worked at the Artificial Intelligence Lab for far less money than they could have had anywhere else. They got many kinds of nonmonetary rewards: fame and appreciation, for example. And creativity is also fun, a reward in itself.

> Then most of them left when offered a chance to do the same interesting work for a lot of money.

> What the facts show is that people will program for reasons other than riches; but if given a chance to make a lot of money as well, they will come to expect and demand it. Low-paying organizations do poorly in competition with high-paying ones, but they do not have to do badly if the high-paying ones are banned.


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I understand that, but I just don't know what to do with programming, I don't know what to program or where to start with python. I am actually going to lose my shit


The only reason to do it is because literally everyone uses it. Other than that python is alright but it's too abstract. C is where it's at and always will be.


What good is C?


I'm not that anon, but think of C as a semi-portable macro assembler on steroids.
>What good
<Very small computers
When all you have is a couple of kilobytes of program space and 128 bytes of RAM, you don't have too much room to hide from the hardware. C offers just enough remove to enable you to write structured, mostly portable, somewhat readable programs. The standard library is lean and mean, with a few exceptions.
<Systems programming
Sometimes you are the one writing code to offer a higher-level interface to the hardware for still higher-level code, whether in C or some other language, and you will need to flip bits and move data around at the hardware register level. C is the usual tool of choice for all but the most critical applications, where people go to bare metal assembler instead.
C compiler come very close to hand-crafted assembler as regards performance of the generated code.
C doesn't do what you mean, it does what you say. You're in charge of everything. You need to clean up after yourself and not step on your own toes. C is a great way to train yourself in doing that.
Many higher-level languages offer a C function interface, so your C code can call or be called by C++, Python, Java, etc. programs easily.
<Learning about debugging
The tools you use to debug your own code are much the same as you use to debug other people's code *wink wink*.
t.been doing microcontrollers for 15 years


it better not be some proprietary CIA shit mound that rats you out to Langley


What about FOSS web stuff like PeerTube, Mastodon/Pleroma/etc., Invidious/Nitter/Bibliogram/Teddit, Framasoft-type stuff (bonus for them if you know French). There are plenty of those projects that would like extra contributions and maintenance.

Yep, so in practice C and C-like languages (C++ for example) are often used in:
>systems programming
>OS programming
>some graphics and gamedev coding where speed is critical
(anything missing?)
Stuff like bash and python and other scripting languages are great for quick and dirty utilities, or even prototyping. I use those languages for when I want or need a non-critical tool (e.g. I've got a spider running on a RaspPi which checks for specific updates to certain websites, I automate small parts of my workflow, that kind of thing)


Literally what, I can't find anything relating to it online.


Basically youtube but without the corporate faggotry and terrible administration

>Python and C++

These 2 are basically my two programming languages I want to learn to do anything at all (is this good?)


sounds good to me


retarded psyop that only infantile retards are interested in. fuck that, and fuck gaming.


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Ok, im in peertube and im already lost here. How do I make an account or view videos and shit? How does this even work? Sorry if i'm retarded my mind is all over the place


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I guess you'll just have to trust it, kek. PDF related
In all seriousness, C is about as transparent as higher-level programming gets. There's a fairly clear, not quite identity mapping between the machine instructions and the code you write. If you can read and dis-assemble your processor's machine language, you can read the disassembly and see that it's doing what your C code told it to. Even the modest next step up, C++, can get a little obscure at the machine code level, if you are without tooling to see what's happening.

C's been around for over four decades. It's possible to build and run code from the mid-1980s without a whole lot of modification, as the programming model is simple and timeless.
These days, it's generally used only for what it's best at, where you need to manage memory and other resources explicitly and simply. There is only a little bit of hand-holding for memory management, so you have to be careful when you work with dynamic data. Lots of microcontroller code is written in C, a bit less now that Arduino C++ is a thing. People used to write fairly large user-facing applications in plain C, because it was the highest level language commonly available. Microsoft Excel even had its own bespoke C compiler tooling to maximize reproducibility. (Joel Spolsky, the absolute madman)
If you want to get into embedded software, you'll definitely want to know it.


>Joel Spolsky
>Worked for m*crosoft


> These 2 are basically my two programming languages I want to learn to do anything at all (is this good?)
No one starts with C++ start with C, while you are learning C learn assembly (x86 and ARM) - basic C++ proficiency is easily attained after that the rest is just keeping up with new language features (granted there are a lot).


Excel project manager for a time, no less. I'll leave you to draw your own conclusions about that.

>No one starts with C++
Those that do turn out to be Arduinofags and mostly useless.

Don't you want to program the sequel to the great Soviet arcade game Repka?


Thanks for the heads up


For me, anyone who worked for m*crosoft or anything affiliated to microsoft is a fed and should be avoided as much as possible

Also, video games are fucking infantile and appeal to retarded manchildren. It's a CIA psyop that should be shunned to the dustbin of PC history. Fuck Gaming, fuck gamers and fuck anyone who defends it


Thank you for helping me with everything, comrades.


Proficiency in basically anything is easily attained after learning C. Now assembly….that's a whole other monster.


Sure thing edgelord.

It's dozens of other monsters, actually. Some are adorable little pets, like PDP-8 assembly. x86 assembly, on the other hand, is more of an encryption algorithm all its own.


Lol, don't listen to this guy. Start with javascript, php, python. Build things, modest things, but build shit. It's the #1 way to learn.


Should I make and add an Extra Mega Titty mod to my Fallout?


coding is for the gays


I don't know the technical requirements to make mods. I'd expect for there to be detailed guides. Maybe you should. The problem is that you might have to work with textures and geometry. That complicates things significantly.

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