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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature"
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>Be me
>Use andOTP
>Lose phone
>Want to use 2FA
>None of the solutions on github page for desktop decryption of the json file work
>Search authy
>No use
>Hear about KeepassXC having TOTP stuff
>on top of search bar google says
>"based on your recent search activity you should search for "KeepassXC 2fa"

<mfw it was right

<mfw still can't access my accounts and will need to download a 1gig android emulator to use andOTP apk


does the ability to emulate apks throught google chrome still work?

fuck windows man
authy has the monopoly on desktop OTP clients


also fuck winauth
why can't the stupid program use whatever stupid .json file that Aegis and andOTP use

open source everything

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