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File: 1624044683483-0.jpg ( 288.01 KB , 2000x1716 , PinebookMain.jpg )

File: 1624044683483-1.jpg ( 749.45 KB , 1333x2000 , LuneOS.jpg )


Does anybody here use any Pine devices such as PinePhone or PineBook?


I pine for a Pinebook Pro.


File: 1624076654985.png ( 937.74 KB , 1280x720 , 1624071559119.png )



When my phone dies i'm going for a pinephone. I fucking hate android


Yes. I bought a PineBook Pro to be my new primary machine. It's nice enough, but the default OS is terrible, and I haven't fixed this yet.


i bought a beta edition pinephone and i run postmarketos. the default was manjaro arm; WAY buggier and harder to use than postmarketos. but the phone in general is buggy and fragile. i love the hardware switches and getting to use a linux terminal, but the microphone is now broken and it can no longer be used daily (i swapped back to my android ;_;)

pinephones need to mature a lot before even regular linux users can feel comfortable on it. need to mature even more, for even a fraction of normies. i say, keep up the good work, and i'll buy another in a few years.


Does Tinder work on pinephones?

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