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"Technology reveals the active relation of man to nature"
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File: 1624273933437.jpg ( 1.24 MB , 4093x2894 , EzuBuRmVcAMYE_9.jpg )


I've achieved Emacs enlightenment. My config is a thousand lines of perfection. Lisp machine gang rise up once and for all!


nano/gedit gang here. can't be bothered setting up any editor
>based software
ffmpeg and imagemagick are pretty good. krita too


GIMP and Blender are actually really useful. Never used them but Godot Engine and Krita seem excellent.
Suckless stuff is noble. Alpine and Void Linux seem cool.
ffmpeg and youtube-dl can't be overlooked.



>nano/gedit gang here. can't be bothered setting up any editor
Unironically me during college. The only reason it's not me now is Mint comes with xed instead of gedit :^)


Krita is based

I have no ill will against nano users, but I don't really understand it. Do you use another version than the default? I use it to edit sudoers on bare installs and the experience is just awful


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I usually only have to navigate to a line and type/paste a few character or words, so extra features make little difference. Think stuff like editing a small config file or cron job.
Otherwise, if I'll want to find a line in a large document, then extra features are worth it.


I used to dump video frames to jpg with mplayer, do some wild editing with shell loops calling ImageMagick and dc, then reencode it with mencoder.
This required a lot of disk space though.
Is development still stalled due to a lawsuit?


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Interesting thanks

Is there a single based browser?




That's it


>Is development still stalled due to a lawsuit?
I don't think so.
>We would like to thank GitHub for standing up for youtube-dl and making it possible to continue development without dropping any features. We appreciate GitHub taking potential legal risks in this regard.
>We would also like to heartily thank our main website hoster Uberspace who is currently being sued in Germany for hosting our essentially business card website and who have already spent thousands of Euros in their legal defense

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