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File (hide): 1624598884259.jpg ( 22.98 KB , 474x266 , windows 10 AME.jpg )


 No.9572[Watch Thread]>>9579>>10309

Does anyone use Windows 10 Ameliorated/AME edition?



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I just use LTSC


Just using this thread to offically call out @Bill Gates

You pedo saving, vaccine patenting fuck

Why is my CPU not supported? Because you want to block people from pirating shit and need their CPU's to be muh digial rights protected?




>>9572 (OP)
Oh yeah so back on topic

I've never used it or heard about this program
What does it do?


it's suppose to be a version of windows 10 with as much spyware stripped out as possible.


Probably fucking nothing new or interesting, tech companies know that their mainstream products have reached the near end of the rate of profit meaning no one wants to buy that shit anymore and are either regurgitating the same garbage no one wants for short term profits or are developing new products entirely


What benefit does this have over ReactOS?




From what i've seen ReactOS it's like a mix of windows 98 and xp, AME edition It can run DX12 programs better.



>Making windows suck less

Not possible. Get a real OS like a real man.
Gnu\Linux or BSD. Your pick.

Windows fags get the bullet too.


And how do you know it has achieved that end? Is it Open source? Free? Can it be audited? How do you know? Every few years windows fags come around and start mentioning pointless shit like this when the answer has always been right in front of your face.


Linux doesn't support as many games as windows.


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This might have been true in the 90's, but, that doesn't really hold up anymore. It's not difficult to read a little bit of documentation on the packages on website and a few man pages. More often than not I find that is the real issue with windows users: They have become accustomed to everything being done for them rather than doing the work necessary to shape and mold your operating system as you see fit.
I have never had a single issue with wine once I understood it and the handfull of games that lack support in wine probably aren't worth playing like COD or whatever other corporate hog shit is being shoveled out these days.

I was playing Fall out 4 on wine not that long ago, actually.


That's a positive. Stop playing games.


To be fair, who gives a shit? It's not like you need to play them all.


I don't even play games but just trying to playing music on with my basic headphones was trouble and didn't work without inputting various commands on the ubuntu and the macos looking distro


Lmao. Stop.


The only game I can't play on Wine (2021 game) is one I don't even like. I'm playing it for a social event.


This is either glow or some windows cuck desperately trying to fight against the tide of GNU\Linux on the board.

Image being to stupid to google: Sudo apt-get install vlc.



this is what happened with my experiences on linux
linux should be the go ahead platform but something needs to be done about the proprietary drivers problem

basic functionalities shouldn't require googling and troubleshooting

>also implying installing vlc did anything for the problem



There is no proprietary drivers problem. The kernel has drivers dating back to 1987 in the code you retard.

>I shouldn't have to search how to use commands in the terminal

When you get a new car I presume you throw the manual out the window as well? You can't actually sit here and explain to me why or how your supposed problem happened or why you, supposedly, were unable to listen to music when it's clear you were to stupid to use the most basic of functionality which is why you are still stuck on windows like a bitch.

Cope and seethe.


an entire paragraph of being mad doesn't change the fact that using headphones on an old laptop running linux needed to be troubleshoot and fixed after every boot

the other os that exist currently work out of the box wtihout needing to do this stuff always or typing any commands for basic functionality

either accept the flaws like an adult or ironically enough act like a fanboy of the same consumerist OSes that you are trying to move away from.


Oh that was your problem!
Actually ALSA sometimes fails to select a soundcard as default output, so you will need it to be the first sound device to be recognized.
To accomplish this, you will need to unload (modprobe -r) or blacklist the kernel module 'snd_hda_intel'.


I know this is no consolation for >>9675, but next time when buying a computer, look up hardware support for Linux before buying. If you find that it's "supported" but the guys who say it works are only in forums and it takes ten steps to make it work, then don't buy it.




Just use Manjaro.>>9616


<We should use open systems and software so we can maximize our freedom and resist exploitation
>B-but muh gamez, movies, songs and social media drama!!!!
Reminder that normies are a lost cause and deserve their own choice to chain themselves to their corporate-provided addictions. Not only will they reject freedom, but will trample all over yours in their rush for their next copium hit from Netflix/Apple/Google/Facebook.


yes we must give up entertainment and just look at our slab of machine to do calculations and theorems




I use shutup10 and turn off everything. Seems to work well and i dont have to reinstall the whole os.

But holeeshit is win10 jacked to the gills with spyware


No matter how much you tweak it you will never make it not spyware.


unironically, yes


>do calculations and theorems
That is entertainment to us enlightened ones.


>>9572 (OP)
Dualboot Windows 10 AME for vidya and GNU/Linux for everything else


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Imagine shutting off ypur machine just to play vidya. Either learn wine likr a chad or suck up to Microsofts penis like a virgin.




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Sounds like some kind of firmware issue perhaps? Problems on GNU/Linux require that the user fix them himself and that can be frustrating for newbies. If you need help with your system, the best resource there is is your distro's official IRC channel. If you can accurately describe your issue, they will almost certainly point you in the right direction if not outright tell you the command to fix your problem.


Tried Windows 10 Ameliorated and didnt work. I'll stick to Linux, I can do gaming there.


>i can only be entertained by muh coprorate daddies' coprorate shite!
>um cumsooooooooooooomiiiiiiin!!!11



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Screenshoting this, so wherever people tell me that idiots like you dont exist I have got proof that you are indeed real


Elitist gate keeping is not good, if things can be made easy, they should be.

However Linux definitely invites users to learn a bit about their technology, that's a good thing. Learning even a little bit about the tech makes the experience of using it much less frustrating. Using Windows always feels like fighting against your computer even if you become very proficient and knowledgeable, you'll just get better at bullying the stubborn beast.

If you switch to Linux and learn one linux related thing per weekend, after a year or 2 of gnu+linuxing you're unlikely to get stuck unless you try to do advanced stuff. And it feels more like a "computer cooperation". That's probably a better place to be mentally.


What did I say that was stupid?


wine sucks ass

now every gaydev instead of going native even in fucking unity just builds for windows because "steam uses wine anyway"

the ONLY legitimate way to do gayming on linux is to use open source engines that get constant support, otherwise you'll get missing libs errors in a couple of years after release

how to do gayming on linux if you don't want any headaches: emulators, re-implemented engines (julius, scummvm, vcmi, etc), open source engines (renpy, godot), nwjs.

how NOT to do gayming: wine.


>something needs to be done about the proprietary drivers problem
it's either gommunism, buy staff from manufacturers that make open source drivers for linux, or start your own business and make staff with open source drivers for linux

as you can see, whining on an anonymous imageboard is neither


you are not wrong about the native support being better, however for all the software that was already written for windows we need wine to run it. Remaking all those old games is not realistic.

You are also right that devs will tend towards targeting wine compatibility over linux native support, but the real reason for that is not the effort of porting the software to linux, that is partially automated already and eventually porting to different operating systems will just be as simple as setting a compiler flag. The real reason is they don't want to offer tech support for many OS's with updates, bugfixes and so on.

Another big factor that made libre open source gaming stagnate was that game-making became less about software programming and more about making art assets. It's possible that free software games will have a renaissance because generative-AI could potentially reduce the effort for making these assets. Of course it won't be easy to make an AI stack that has good licensees from top to bottom. Starting with free open data at the bottom, fully open Ai-model-weights in the middle, ending with fully free art assets at the top.


>however for all the software that was already written for windows
majority of that software is shit that nobody cares about

>Remaking all those old games is not realistic.

it's not about all, it's about the best

as I've said, people re-implemented plenty of engines to have native linux support (fixing bugs and making QoL improvements in the process)

because of this wine shit we don't have native unreal engine 1 re-implementation, even tho the sources got leaked multiple times

>eventually porting to different operating systems will just be as simple as setting a compiler flag.

and if the engine is closed then good luck making it run on a linux system 10 years from now on

try running any of the loki ported games on a modern system lol

>The real reason is they don't want to offer tech support for many OS's with updates, bugfixes and so on.

How about using open source engine so that community can fix bugs themselves and update your piece of shit game long after your gaydev company has gone bankrupt?

Nah, better focus on wine support..

>Another big factor that made libre open source gaming stagnate was that game-making became less about software programming and more about making art assets.

Nobody cares about assets. Assets can be pirated. It's all about what you can do with those assets, ie it's all about the engine.


I don't want to shit on the wine project or on software-preservationists. And i don't believe that those things are stopping anybody from re-implementing game classics in engines with native Linux support.

>we don't have native unreal engine 1 re-implementation, even tho the sources got leaked multiple times

And the reason you want this is to remake Unreal Tournament ? UT was fun but there are opensource Arena shooters that capture "the magic" without any licensing problems. And those tend to be balanced a little better too.

>if the engine is closed then good luck making it run on a linux system 10 years from now on

All of that stuff is true, but i don't think you can blame the wine project for this. I get your points, it draws people away from making opensource linux versions, but we have to come up with something better that draws people back to making free software games. Lets try the carrot instead of the stick.

If you want people to make open-source games under capitalist conditions you need to create a McBusinessmodel for it.
What we haven't tried is a "pay-to-liberate" model. You make a proprietary game, release it and if enough people pay for it the source and assets switch to a open and free license. A less kind name than "pay-to-liberate" would be calling it "ransome-source". Tho I don't know about licensing or contract law, does it have a conditional licensing feature ?

>Nobody cares about assets. Assets can be pirated. It's all about what you can do with those assets, ie it's all about the engine.

Fair enough, but there are open source engines available, why isn't anybody doing this ?


>And the reason you want this is to remake Unreal Tournament ?
Deus Ex. Still not native on linux.

>And i don't believe that those things are stopping anybody from re-implementing game classics in engines with native Linux support.

Those games run fine under wine. That demotivates people to do double work.

>All of that stuff is true, but i don't think you can blame the wine project for this.

I would be fine with wine if it wasn't peddled as a SOLUTION (hello steam), when it is a fucking crutch.

The same shit as what happens with flatpak (hello red hat).

>What we haven't tried is a "pay-to-liberate" model.

too complicated for your average gaydev when he can just make money as usual on steam by paying youtube whores for shilling

>Fair enough, but there are open source engines available, why isn't anybody doing this ?

everyone is doing it with renpy, especially in western porndev scene

for more complex games there are more devs that are familiar with unity/unreal than godot, because they are the industry standard now and a way for amateur devs into the big league (EA, Ubisoft, etc)


>Tho I don't know about licensing or contract law, does it have a conditional licensing feature ?
also, yes, as the use of engine is licensed, the devs can't do this "ransome-source" thing


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You boyos thought Wine was bad? Hold my beer.


Mono is just for C# fags making mobile apps, nobody uses this shit in linux space except maybe corpos who have C# monkeys on payroll.


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always cracks me up how windows gatekeeps their stockholmed userbase cattle from the LTSC versions

sorry beta-testing pay-pigs, stable versions for business clients only


Sadly, a large number of game developers still use Microsoft's C# and .NET cancer, and then they release Linux "ports" over Mono.

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