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What the hell is this garbage? I thought it was a practical joke for a solid 5 minutes before realizing that it's actually real. It looks like a GNOME knockoff. Thoughts?


Looks pretty bad
Is there any information how the rollout will work?
Will there be a free upgrade like with win10?


Yeah, free upgrade. But it has very restrictive hardware requirements


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Understatement you need to use TPM, encrypting the drive with the motherboard for some stupid reason.


All roads lead to GNOME.


You don't need to encrypt the drive, just need TPM enabled which doesn't do anything on its own.


Is there a free software version for the TPM ?


I'll never understand how fags keep taking this shit over and over again for decades on end.


Why does Windows 11 even check for TPM? Most motherboards have it disabled because your average user doesn't need it.
Because the average computer user have gotten stupider over the last quarter century. In the 1980s people ran debuggers to hack copy protection and most were happy to use cracks hackers shared. Now the average person actually pay for Windows 10 keys when you can just mod the functionality that unlicensed Windows takes away.


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>you need to sign in with a windows account to use the OS


I heard it was DRM related.


because an operating system is just a platform for software, and software is generally written for operating systems that already have an install base because people want their software to be used.
thus, microsoft could leverage the fact they happened to provide the operating system for the IBM PC to sustain a near monopoly to the present day.
it's all well and good to say "oh, this is terrible, just don't use windows" but the minute your work wants you to do some excel spreadsheets that libreoffice keeps chewing up funny, you're fucked.
[spoiler]well actually there's excel for mac but shut up, it's an illustrative point.[/spoiler]


Dos beat out CP/M-86 on the IBM 5150 where CP/M had tons of more software including VisiCalc since it already had a massive user base of most of the Z80 computers if you were willing to recompile from Z80. Also people didn't buy into PS/2 and OS/2 even though IBM tried to use their monopoly to push user into to that walled garden.


People already sign into their own phones with their Apple and Google accounts, and I believe you need to sign into an Apple account to use OSX also, so this is an entirely predictable development.


I thought Windows 10 was going to be the last Windows?

Market trends forced on everyone have turned the average consumer into a complete fucking retard.


Imagine a world where all the resources that go into milking windows actually went into a decent OS


i dont do fantasies i just watch porn instead


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>Because the average computer user have gotten stupider over the last quarter century. In the 1980s people ran debuggers to hack copy protection and most were happy to use cracks hackers shared. Now the average pee prson actually pay for Windows 10 keys when you can just mod the functionality that unlicensed Windows takes away.
People are still doing things like that, they just don't bother with windows and proprietary programs anymore, because free software lets you play with the code.


I can't stand that aspirated voice.
I'm glad windows is going to shit again.


I used to work at Microsoft.

AMA I guess. It's a huge company, so I don't really know much.


>it's all well and good to say "oh, this is terrible, just don't use windows" but the minute your work wants you to do some excel spreadsheets that libreoffice keeps chewing up funny, you're fucked.
You can use Micro$oft Office on Wine.


This should be fun. Which part of the company? OS dev? Cloud? Holo R&D? HR?


OS shit.


Tell us a story.

Can you say whether you believe this comment from 2016 is/was applicable?
>MS has some very talented programmers. They're not very common, but they exist. The problem is that the entire company is completely and totally focused on developing an absurd number of new features and products, giving them completely unrealistic deadlines, and then shipping software on those deadlines no matter how half-assed or buggy it is.

>The idea is that everything is serviceable over the internet now, so they can just "fix it later", except they never do. This perpetuates a duct-tape culture that refuses to actually fix problems and instead rewards teams that find ways to work around them. The talented programmers are stuck working on code that, at best, has to deal with multiple badly designed frameworks from other teams, or at worst work on code that is simply scrapped. New features are prioritized over all but the most system-critical bugs, and teams are never given any time to actually focus on improving their code. The only improvements that can happen must be snuck in while implementing new features.

>As far as M$ is concerned, all code is shit, and the only thing that matters is if it works well enough to be shown at a demo and shipped. Needless to say, I don't work there anymore.


>of all things they copy GNOME 3

2021 is the year of Windows on Desktop, fellas!


Was MS always that bad when it came to development? Windows 2000 and Server 2003 were not that horrible (just not as good as Linux/BSD/Unix).


the NT kernel was a genuine advance. Also .net core was good too but thats likely from a different department


Sounds like every software company I worked at.


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Microsoft will never be the same. There has been a steady shift to MacOS and that will continue. Even Linux has picked up market share in recent years.


I think all of this is a deliberate ploy by windows to kill the desktop/laptop experience. You litetally cannot use Windows 11 on any machine except a very narrow subset of machines that were built in the last 3 years or so. Tablets, however, are totally fine.


>OSX copying GNOME
>W11 copying GNOME
Footchads can't stop winning.


I doubt it, every office worker I know except for certain security professionals (e.g. pen test) use Win10. That's a market they can't afford to lose, as difficult as it would be to lose.


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And yet Microsoft hasn't catered to desktop since Windows 7 with Windows 8 trying jam a tablet OS onto desktop and Windows 10 updates breaking stuff more regularly then testing streams of Linux distros.


>Windows 10 updates breaking stuff more regularly then testing streams of Linux distros.
Non-sequitur, just Windows programmers/managers/etc. being shit. It's a desktop OS.


Professional workstations tend to actually have work to do and their owners don't like down time any more then those that own servers. Thus Windows 10 is not a production OS since it is too unstable to do actually work on it.


It's a crappy desktop OS.
It is still a desktop OS.


Every other OS they release sucks ass so this one will be the fuckup version. Then we’ll get 12 that people will eventually navigate to.

But 10 had so much spyware embedded, god knows how much data they’ll be collecting on 11


Windows Vista - sucked ass
Windows 7 - sucked ass
Windows 8 - sucked ass
Windows 10 - sucked ass

I don't get it, where's the pattern, anon?


Windows 7 was less ass then Vista thus why so many people complained when Microsoft ended support for it in January 2020. Even today Windows 7 is far easier to work with in a virtual machine then Windows 10 as Microsoft can't stop breaking shit with updates after Windows 7.


Supposedly if you disconnect the computer from the internet during account setup, it will allow you to create a local account, since it would not be able to connect to Microsoft servers.

>Why does Windows 11 even check for TPM? Most motherboards have it disabled because your average user doesn't need it.
Most motherboards that actually have it. I'd wager that most consumer computers, whether laptops, desktops, tablets, etc, do not have this sort of hardware.

when did you work there?

>Windows 7 was less ass then Vista
You mean "than."

My theory is that Microsoft realized following the release of Windows 8 that people had little motivation to buy a copy of Windows 8 when they were perfectly content with a properly functioning copy of Windows 7. Windows 8 was widely hated for removing certain features, for adding other features that people did not like, and for being generally underbaked. Thus, very few people adopted Windows 8, and most Windows 8 users had it because it was preinstalled for them on a new computer. Many users replaced Windows 8 on their new computers with Windows 7. So Microsoft tried with a different strategy with Windows 10: they stopped adding new features to Windows 7, warned users that Windows 7 was "less secure than Windows 10" and made upgrading to Windows 10 free. It is still technically free, too. On top of that, many people reported that Windows 10 was outright forced on some users with an unauthorized update. Microsoft was only so successful with this strategy. In light of having lost marketshare, especially in schools where Windows PCs have been replaced with computers running ChromeOS, Microsoft hopes to kill two birds with one stone by pretty much restricting the availability of Windows 11 to brand new computers, thereby getting people to not only upgrade to the newest release of Windows but also to get people to buy new hardware, which manufacturers would greatly enjoy.

The only thing that remains unclear about Microsoft's new strategy is if it is going to sabotage the efficacy of Windows 10 in order to prod people. Regardless, people have until 2025 to figure shit out, but my advice to any of them is to switch to an operating system that doesn't control them (some kind of linux distro).

Maybe 2025 will be the year of the Linux Desktop.


>Microsoft hopes to kill two birds with one stone by pretty much restricting the availability of Windows 11 to brand new computers, thereby getting people to not only upgrade to the newest release of Windows but also to get people to buy new hardware,
This strategy didn't work for IBM in the mid 80s where they thought they could push everyone into the proprietary and closed PS/2 line, the result was nobody cared about Micro Channel Architecture. If Microsoft locks down Windows 11 too hard the same might happen.


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Nah brother, one microsoft is kill then we have Apple to deal with. Mac Fags are insufferable hipsters, but, Mac is very normie friendly. Arugabley more so than windows. The only advantage microsoft has right now is that most people on earth grew up learning a windows file system not a unix one, but, that can change easily. h


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But unlike Microsoft, Apple is a friend of open-source hackers and free-thinking users everywhere my guy.
May I remind you that OSX is not just a true unix, but also the most pleasant to use which empowers users everywhere to freely Think Different and not just write software but enables cultural hacking to disrupt unjust systems and bring about change!
The Mac with it's prescient rainbow logo empowered LGBTQQIA hackers to make their voice heard in computing! The iPhone normalized tweeting and uploading high-quality videos from revolutionaries all around the world!
Using IPhones and Macs enables trans comrades to pass! Just ask 4chan.org/lgbt/!
Apple is our great ally fellow anon. Do not do them a disservice by comparing them to corpofascists like Microsoft and Google!


>Tell us a story.
This is somewhat confidential shit, so I hope I don't doxx myself.

According to the cloud teams at Microsoft, a Russian spy was working in that team. A bunch of alphabet soup got involved to deal with the spy. Needless to say he was given the full treatment by the law and obviously fired. Pretty sure he had family and had worked at Microsoft for some time.

This was also during peak Russiagate. I was very surprised it didn't leak and cause a fucking media meltdown.

>Can you say whether you believe this comment from 2016 is/was applicable?

>MS has some very talented programmers.
True. Top notch programmers.
>They're not very common, but they exist.
Meh, I'd say at least 50% of the devs I met were good devs. Genius programmers aren't as useful or productive as one would think.
>The problem is that the entire company is completely and totally focused on developing an absurd number of new features and products [and the rest of the rant..]
I'd say this is somewhat true but doesn't really get at the heart of the problem. The big issue at Microsoft is that it's an old bureaucratic company. Ever since Satya Nadela took over, they've been trying to modernize the company, to big success IMO, at least internally. But this means that managers are now prioritizing "hip" shit over fixing decades of tech debt.

Many people are constantly trying to justify their work at all levels of management, because many times they are building some stupid unnecessary product that some business asshole decided the company needed. It's the classic disconnect between business wants, managers disconnect to the product they are building, and the devs. The result is this push to launch new products and new ideas that are all half baked and eventually get sacked because they have no real business value. Huge teams get dissolved all the time because they've been building some shiny feature that business managers wanted. There's just so much chaos in the development of anything and so much disconnect to real business needs, it's a fucking mess. A good example is the absolute failure of the edge browser, and its chakra engine. The amount of bugs it had was absolutely insane and the dedicated bug-fixing edge team couldn't keep up. The project costed probably billions of dollars and they sacked it all to replace it with wrapped chromium. There is active incentive to not step back and re-think shit, because it might cost you your job. Business managers tell the managers that they want the edge browser because their excel sheet and marketers told them to do it, and managers tell their sub managers to keep chugging against all odds.

Then there's the huge legacy of everything. Whatever internal library you're working with is very likely very complex and cumbersome because it has to deal with legacy bullshit or it is the legacy bullshit itself. Also, most services have to run on windows servers. You can imagine how fun that must be.

Basically there is large incentive for upper management to "innovate" (tell their department to build the products they want), but that usually fails fantastically. And there is large incentive to not stop doing actively stupid shit.

And it goes without saying that devs have no say in how things are run outside their immediate team.

tl;dr office space except "hip"
>when did you work there?
A few years back. Around the years 2014-2018 ;) trying to not be super specific.


Words can't describe how much I hate macfags


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What's the feeling inside Microsoft towards ReactOS? Is Windows too difficult to reverse-engineer and ReactOS will never quire "get there"? Do you think Microsoft insiders have secretly helped develop ReactOS?


No one really cares about much outside their niche. Most employees are libs. I never heard anyone mention ReactOS and only know it from people mentioning it here.

There are divisions where it's absolute hell to work at. I think core OS products is one of them. So it is feasible that a disgruntled employee has helped out with ReactOS. I doubt it, but it's possible.


Windows kernel and other components have been leaked twice already **. it's not that people cannot have windows fork. it's just that public collaboration cannot happen for obvious reasons so it is impossible to form community or spearhead a serious developmental effort.


The thing about the project is that they (at least publicly) make a serious effort to avoid anyone who's even touched Microsoft from helping due to legal threat. They say not to look at the leaked code, but I reckon someone pissed off enough at a bug would have a quick peak and just make the solution appear different in their code.


>it will allow you to create a local account, since it would not be able to connect to Microsoft servers
I have no proof but I'm 99% it'll just create a shadow account the second you connect to the internet. At this point creating a microsoft/google/apple/faceboook account is a nominal facade.


How many little pajeets have you assfucked?


I thought the whole point of 10 was that it was a permanent SaaS replacement for their old business model.


If 8 was any indication, yeah, you can probably create an account sans the online shit.

But also it does seem like Macs have become more popular again in tech. Perhaps the alleged security is better after all. Or it's to sort of flaunt in a way, perhaps.

Year of the Linux desktop, but it's actually Windows, when


Who's the literal devil responsible for that shitheap called MS Teams?


IIRC you need to create an online Apple account on a Mac too when you create your user account.


From checking online, I think I actually went to school with that guy. Basically Ballmer 2.0 but more self-aware.
Good on him though, seems like he climbed the corporate ladder very well.


Did you know that I had boobie pictures saved on my computer???!?


wtf is tech debt

bro please tell me if i shouldn't make MS Edge my main browser

Are they going to shut it down?


>wtf is tech debt
Code jank. It technically works but will make going forward harder.


>bro please tell me if i shouldn't make MS Edge my main browser

Are you just not connected to the internet? There's a win10 feature update, months old now, that physically deletes the Edge.

You're can also mostly-delete Edgium, but that leaves you with MSIE11. You can install Firefox, but at this point it uses all the same code as Chrome, like the Edge. You can install LibreWolf, but that's just a fork of Firefoxium with a little less call-home code.

I use Pale Moon, which in addition to being open source is also an actually different browser but is still "modern" allowing for nearly the full experience of the internet once you set it to spoof FF useragent strings. But the developer has stated he won't ever add WebRTC, so no google meet, some sites like how my workplace has timesheets oddly break, and of course Facebook is actively hostile to Pale Moon in particular, and they've finally started querying capabilities as manual spoofing of the latest UA headers doesn't change the fact that comments are getting reversed requiring writing your comment in Notepad first and copypasting in one "keystroke" to prevent the go-to-home invisible character being added.

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