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File: 1711905358430-1.jpg ( 2.76 MB , 2000x2401 , MAN_BORN_WITHOUT_A_JAW8.jpg )

File: 1711905358430-2.jpg ( 2.7 MB , 2000x2666 , MAN_BORN_WITHOUT_A_JAW9.jpg )


HOPE fuel - blackpill ANTITHESIS

Man born without a jaw finds love after lifetime of pain: ‘I deserved more’




I have been looking at these pictures for the best part of 5 minutes and still can't work out exactly what part he is missing.


That's the spirit!


File: 1711909278468.png ( 118.07 KB , 860x945 , ClipboardImage.png )

I got a gf while being a quasi-incel channer >>1670

It didn´t last long though




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I remember that thread.


¿Did you delete the posts where you admit she urinated on you when you asked and that you were a "femdom fag"?


This did not happen.


Yeah, I've been on a dry streak since then but remember it's possible bros, just need a bit of luck.
Now getting a stable woman is another topic




>Steve Jobs was an adopted Lebanese baby from a war torn region who went on to become one of the richest men in the world.
See poor people, capitalism really is a meritocracy. You can make it if you just believe in yourself.


>blackpill ANTITHESIS
>the first guy is a Chad lite.


File: 1711914499278.png ( 34 KB , 1100x351 , golden_shower_femdom.png )

I kept the receipt. Now what uygha.


Lmao why would you even save this?


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In case I had to pull it out on 'em, like I did just now. Who's laughing now, huh? …Hehe… Eehehe!


Based schizo


Thanks! I appreciate the compliment.


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>What we have to deal with here is a communist society, not as it has developed on its own foundations, but, on the contrary, just as it emerges from capitalist society; which is thus in every respect, economically, morally, and intellectually, still stamped with the birthmarks of the old society from whose womb it emerges.




File: 1712027905760.png ( 340.4 KB , 605x640 , HOLY BASED PENIS PISTOL BI….png )



1. thats gay, uygha. you're judging a man by his attractiveness?
2. what about him getting ignored by her for 4 years before they even became friends?

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