▶ No.3064
Amigo you've know way of understanding just how bad it is here in Burgerstan.
Let me tell you this:
There was this girl in my class in High School. She was in this thing called 'The Gifted Program;'
I believe this program has its origin in Victorian era eugenics, and it cordons off students who are tested to be high-IQ as a sort of absolute inverse of 'Special Education' for the (literal) retards.
We were in AP English class, that's 'college-level' in High School classes (i.e. normal HS level in any other country).
We got to the unit where we were learning about satire and read Swift's A Modest Proposal,
and this student who is at the highest tier within American education, who even has the IQ meme and everything, reads the work and takes it ""wholly at face value"".
Completely incapable of perceiving the satire in one of the most blatantly satirical works ever written, while in a class actively teaching what satire is; believing that Swift was, in earnest, ""advocating for the cannibalization of Irish babies as an official proposal"",
and not criticizing the fact the English may as well already be, or are already well on their way to, doing that to them given the shear monstrousness of their colonization.
Perhaps it is idealistic of me to claim, there is no statistics to back up a material assertion on the matter, but it truly seems to me that the average American is incapable of comprehending satire in any form,
I do not know if it is cultural or educational, as I cannot materially prove this either, but I believe it is an assertion that most would agree with based on shared experience.
Additionally, rightoids claim oftentimes "It was just a satire bro" when they screech nygger at any old walking-negro, but this is, if anything, a rejection of even attempting to understand the concept of satire,
done in order to smokescreen their being retarded as actually being "intellectual," even if it is not remotely so.
pic unrel.