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 No.2998[View All][Watch Thread]

I have never seen a show cause more butthurt on /tv/ than this. What are leftypols thoughts?
64 posts and 9 image replies omitted. Click to expand.


Being a Gr*ngo is being mentally diseased.
One can only lose the Gr*ngo condition by knowing basic shit and the role of Amerikkka in the world.

A comedian I follow complained that the show practically doesn't give a fuck about killing supes in S2 focusing more in having investigation plots and big reveals that doesn't alter the plot in the absolute (showing the sense of apathy that one can sense in the streets, if not recall Wikileaks, the Epstein airplane, etc,etc.)
It was a good way to show how they resurrect those fuckers in the real life comics as the Stan Lee allegory put it in the comic


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Amigo you've know way of understanding just how bad it is here in Burgerstan.

Let me tell you this:
There was this girl in my class in High School. She was in this thing called 'The Gifted Program;'
I believe this program has its origin in Victorian era eugenics, and it cordons off students who are tested to be high-IQ as a sort of absolute inverse of 'Special Education' for the (literal) retards.
We were in AP English class, that's 'college-level' in High School classes (i.e. normal HS level in any other country).
We got to the unit where we were learning about satire and read Swift's A Modest Proposal,
and this student who is at the highest tier within American education, who even has the IQ meme and everything, reads the work and takes it ""wholly at face value"".
Completely incapable of perceiving the satire in one of the most blatantly satirical works ever written, while in a class actively teaching what satire is; believing that Swift was, in earnest, ""advocating for the cannibalization of Irish babies as an official proposal"",
and not criticizing the fact the English may as well already be, or are already well on their way to, doing that to them given the shear monstrousness of their colonization.

Perhaps it is idealistic of me to claim, there is no statistics to back up a material assertion on the matter, but it truly seems to me that the average American is incapable of comprehending satire in any form,
I do not know if it is cultural or educational, as I cannot materially prove this either, but I believe it is an assertion that most would agree with based on shared experience.
Additionally, rightoids claim oftentimes "It was just a satire bro" when they screech nygger at any old walking-negro, but this is, if anything, a rejection of even attempting to understand the concept of satire,
done in order to smokescreen their being retarded as actually being "intellectual," even if it is not remotely so.

pic unrel.


Not a day goes by where I don't fantasize about an alternative future where Frank Lloyd Wright didn't design for suburban America. That pic looks like an office building done in the prairie style of architecture; just gorgeous. It reminds me of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building which was designed by Kenzo Tange of the Metabolist movement.



damn thanks anon


it's good they really made fun of brands in the most recent season, the lgbt shit had my sides


>Not AOCs role and if she's really a plant for Vaught.
Dangerously based.


he put the D in the C, as in Democratic Centralism


Fuck the Gifted Program, all my homies hate the Gifted Program. Do you know if you talk to most any burger with knowledge of this they will fervently defend the segregation of students into different ability castes? WHICH IS ALL BASED ON SHITTY ASS IQ? GRR. People implicitly know the education system is absolute garbage for most people, but this shit gives bourgeois parents an out to identify their shitty kid as special, and be able to hoard the scarce educational resources onto a small section of the student body.
The irony is that this shit doesn't work, studies show kids will learn more by being all integrated regardless of ability, the kids who are singled out as "gifted" just learn to give up at the slightest adversity because they couldn't possibly need to struggle to learn something.
Rant over, sorry for offtopic post.


>Fuck the Gifted Program, all my homies hate the Gifted Program.



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I don't remember too well, but when I was in second grade they put me in retard segregation for a day because I would ignore everything the teacher said and stare into the abyss.
Then I guess I did well enough there that they took me out and gave me and IQ test, I got a big number, and then I got put in the 'gifted' program for the rest of my days.
I don't necessarily know if there really is a Bourg element to the 'gifted' program, but it is absolutely an exercise in IQ-based segregation likely with roots in eugenics (if I had to guess)
I would definitely agree that 'gifted' did absolutely nothing to help me nor my fellow students in it in terms of developing intellectual capacity, but the program also did get more resources than the rest of the school:
great efficiency there, eh.
If you were in the program of course, you would get priority if you applied to go on any field trip or outing, which is some real IQ-based caste shit.
I always did pretty shit at half of the gifted stuff anyways and was always really bad with socializing compared to the rest of my 'fellow ubermenschen,' so I'd guess my 'magical big number' was more a side effect of a certain spectrum if you would.
Or some other manner of non-neurotypical disorder; I would say they should have kept me in 'special' for some help instead of 'gifted,' but I doubt they actually help all that much, and just serve to keep you cordoned away from the normals.

Pic unrel again


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Couldn't agree more.
That is an actual design from the man himself for the National Life Insurance Building in 1923-25 that never got built.
The few buildings he designed that weren't suburban houses commissioned by bourgs were truly splendid.
Makes me think how nice it'd be to have Soviet style mass-production of real Prairie stuff, that doesn't abandon FLW's actual style and aesthetic.
Folks here are quick to judge him I feel since he did do mostly suburbanshit for bourgs, but it was his intention to build stuff for working folk.
Just couldn't actually work out that way due to material conditions.
An architect is allowed to be a bit of an idealist damn it.
As long as they're not a fucking NAZI like a certain Herr Speer.

sage for off-topic


Respectable Ted talk anon, I liked it


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Physic major Chads, could Homelander have saved that plane? Or were the passengers doomed the very moment he got onboard because he didn't give a fuck?


could have saved it if he hadnt lasered both the control panels and the people with the knowledge to use it. Sadly he is so lazy, complacent and stupid he dooms the whole siuation in seconds


I'm watching s1e5 and i've been ignoring most plotholes and odd moments and coincidences but I can't stay silent anymore. Why was there the footage of landlord dying in popclaw's apartment? Did the crew hand it to her? For what? Why was it on tv.


The Boys has installed bugs.


Hughie fudged the cameras in the apartment, including the smart TV, I'm not a tech guy but A-Train must have accidently pulled up the footage.

Now, where the real fuck up is, it's pretty damn sloppy to not come back to the apartment, uninstall everything, and delete the footage. They must have known A-Train or literally anybody at Vought would come back and check her apartment out if she would defect, right?


i've seen nazifags unironically agree with stormfront's white genocide speech, just a perfect encapsulation of these people missing the point


Am I the only one who cringed whenever she said race? Not as in the acting or writing is bad, but in character it sounds kind fucked?


They got buttmad cause the boys fucked Stormfront in the ass.


They actually took it from these rightoids themselves.
I think you would have same visceral reaction if any internet nazi said that shit irl.



at first i thought "oh they fucked up naming her stormfront", then i saw it


I'm honestly really curious how Garth Ennis came to be aware of the oldest neo-nazi forum on the internet—assuming that's what the name is in reference to.


Still, why would the footage be saved on her tv? I thought it the boys tapped it on their laptop, why would it move from laptop to tv? Also, in the beginning, why would Vought seek to compensate Hughie and not Robin's legal guardians like her family which we don't hear of at all? He's just her boyfriend, almost irrelevant legally.


There was a secret camera teddy bear filming everything. Nobody noticed it.
Hughie was fucking with the security webcams. Not the teddybear.
I think yes, he could've, but as you say, he was a lazy bastard and fucked shit up.
They were bribing Hughie to STFU, not for anything legally. If it were in this reality, I don't even think it would be legally binding, but that doesn't mean lawyers wouldn't pressure you to sign it anyways and threaten you if you break the NDA. Presumably, they also bribed Robin's family, if she had any.

I liked The Boys. I'd definitely recommend it. Curiously, a friend who likes cinema as well as trash avengers movies didn't like The Boys. I don't get why, this is clearly superior to any Avengers trash. For me, one of the best series I've seen this year. Granted I don't watch too many.

The political commentary was usually on point. The second half of the second season progressed a little too quickly, but I think it's fine. I liked it anyways. The characters are great, lots of character development, etc. The political commentary is also really fresh, with fake AOC, Stormfront, fake feminism, etc.


i assumed it's pretty common knowledge to anyone who knows american far right politics


>We are in a war for the culture.
Seems like a perfect encapsulation of these annoying suburbanite /pol/yps. "It's not breads and circus if the massive multibillionaire Fortune 500 CEO is a part of the volk."


>Curiously, a friend who likes cinema as well as trash avengers movies didn't like The Boys.
It's because the political commentary and the more subtle elements of satire flies over their head, but they know deep down that it takes the absolute shit out their favorites so they dislike it. It's the normie consoomer equivalent to when you try to present /pol/yps actual theory and they react like "you are trying to deceive me with those big Jew codewords!!!"


I mean, I don't think the bit about the "pray the gay away" hero being gay himself is that subtle.


I like how some time after she said this they took the boy to fucking Vought Land. This is the culture they're "defending". And "bad guys want to hurt just 'cause of what we look like" the irony truly escapes her. Guess this was intended. Watching this show honestly felt like an exercise in seeing how the writers will write themselves out of this, their presence was palpable sometimes, but it was enjoyable nevertheless.


He was completely right about trying to catch it not working. It's a common point made about superman, just like catching a falling person somehow being less destructive than hitting the pavement with the same deceleration. Planes are not designed to be caught by somebody. They hold themselves up by the landing gear when on the ground, and you need 3 points of contact there. In order to lift a plane you'd need 3 supermen to grab the plane by each piece of landing gear.

But if he didn't blast the controls they could have just flown it. Modern planes are not hard to fly, and usually just use autopilot. The human pilots are basically there in case the computer can't handle it like with self-driving cars.


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They're not that hard to fly, you only need to at least read a thousand page manual to familiarize with all the controls.


Commercial jets are literally on autopilot 99% of the time, including landings and takeoffs.


That doesn't mean you can just take the stick and wing it. You couldn't have had even protract the landing gear.


You can literally teach someone to land a plane through an intercom, Airplane was accurate.


So with Biden winning the election, and the last two seasons building on a Trump-style America, and the third season probably being about totally-not-AOC being a corporate plant, plus the return of Soldier Boy being a disillusioned cynic, this show might accidently hit the zeitgeist again with the third season.


Ugh, my homeric epics. This is what they took from me? :^)


In that sense, Moore is just an old grouch that can't own that he and Miller wrote two of the 80s best superhero comics. (Also, have anyone seen Born in Flames? The technique in The Dark Knight of having this tv news inserts seems to be have been inspired of that film.)


>Capitalism finding a way to recuperate critiques at its most sublime.
No, it's just esthetic.

Alos, brands aren't anything mystical. Just because someone is having a product etc it is not a religion. If you think it's a religion, it sounds like you're sad that the old religion has fallen aside.

And the origins of brands is just a function of larger societies. Back in the old days, you hanged your wares outside the shop. A broom maker a broom. A cobbler a boot and so on. And from that it's easy to make a metallic or wooden representation of the goods. And this was in a society where you could know pretty much everyone in the manufacturing process.

But when you can't do it, it's important that you have a brand that guarantees that the quality will be even.

Therefore, hanging goods outside the store or having a brand is nothing stranger than a road sign. But who is talking about "road fetihshism" or "reification of roads"?



Not the person you are replying to but I think the fetishism of branding is to actually treat brands as some kind of natural phenomenon of society

>But when you can't do it, it's important that you have a brand that guarantees that the quality will be even.

Right, that's why Apple's electronics is so desired & the branding so well known. Because of the quality is far & beyond anything else out there on the market.


AOC as a corporate plant almost makes me think the writer is a tankie lamo.


More like the writer has eyes.


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what did he mean by this


The episode where they kill the whale made me sad.


The killing of sea mammals is a bit too edgy for my part, feels a bit like South Park. However the Deep works as a comedic relief imo.


God can you imagine the horny that is going to come from !NOT AOC being the focus of the series…


The Deep in general is handled really well IMO because it's showing what actually happens with the metoo/cancel thing. Those people don't go away, they just become jilted has-beens with a drive to try to redeem themselves and perfect material for groups like scientology. The dying animals is edgy and offputting but I think it helps keep the audience from being endeared to The Deep despite the shit he goes through. It's harder to find someone sympathetic if even when they're at the low point they're still being abusive and causing harm through their negligence.


Honestly surprised that shows like it and "The Expanse" and "Mr Robot" are even on Amazon Prime.


Amazon Prime outbid netflix on very specific shows so they can get the prestige. Remember the first major work of alt history of the Golden Age of Television was Amazon Prime…


Apparently Jeff Bezos personally liked The Expanse so he got it for Amazon.


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Homelander soyjak.


The New Mutants is also trying to pull the same thing as The Boys but not as well TBH. A lot of dumb shit in it, though the effects are decent

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