▶ No.5301
Speaking of Mandos, Twitter libs had a chimp-out over Bo-Katan prompting Shadiversity to respond about feminine armor again. >>12458
Weren't the Darktroopers revealed in Rogue One?
Also good for Booba, I always hated the silly concept of him not being a Mandolorian, it was one of the dumber parts of the EU.
Didn't even hear about this one, is it any good? Post it on >>>/games/3265
Definitely, it would go against a lot of the original and prequel's world building and character development otherwise.
I don't think that's Jedi robes, Rey was wearing similar crap before she even knew about the Force or anything else. It's just good attire for the area IMO.
Filoni is a fag, but Mandolorian is succeeding so far and I think you just personally dislike TCW and therefore dislike this. It's a matter of personal taste here.
I wouldn't mind either, such Nick content was gold back in the day, as long as they kept out the liberal idpol, that's what makes it irritating.
Same, however I think they're going for a larger over-arching story, with 'adventures' episodically, sort of like a lot of other successful TV-shows. As >>12939 mentioned, they're likely to explore Mandalore, pulling more of it's culture out to explore. Hopefully they won't go "hurr stoopic macho" as I fear some of the writers may attempt