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 No.4983[View All][Watch Thread]

Star Wars thread; To discuss, laugh and meme about Star Wars

Don't be a cunt and may the Force be with you
307 posts and 110 image replies omitted. Click to expand.


I actually wouldn't mind more indie movie and tv short projects for media, reminds me of when cartoon network and nickolodeon used to do little short sketches in-between their actual shows which actually resulted in some pretty good shows being approved just by their sketches, like Courage the Cowardly Dog. I don't think it is good to do derivative media in this format though, which is most of where this thing cocks up. You can't really have some randos try to live up to the fucking Clone Wars and (to a lesser extent) Rebels.


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I hope the Mandalorian isn't biting off more than it can chew. I really was digging the smaller and more personal scale of the first season. They were going through the hero's journey really well and establishing some very interesting arcs related to paternity and trauma, and I hope that wonderful story telling doesn't get lost among all these connections to the skywalker saga. I mean I trust Filoni, he didn't let me down with Rebels or the Clone Wars Finale (chefs kiss), but I'm remaining cautious optimistic about my hopes for the series.

Also wtf was Ahsoka going on about not being able to train him like she's mace windu in episode I, that threw me a bit.


if anything it will be tied more with the fate of Mandalore itself and the Mandalorian's role in his society along with his adopted kid. It will be interesting to see the Mandalorian fraternizing with all of these more progressive non-deathwatch mandos before inevitably meeting back up with members of his old Mandalorian tribe and having to awkwardly explain why he is following a much more lose interpretation of The Way. I think this is a period of building new emotional tension for the Mandalorian between if baby yoda should be raised as a Jedi or a Mandalorian Foundling, if he should abandon his ultraconservative interpretation of Mandalorian culture or not, if he should fight for Mandalore with Bo-Katan or not, ect.
>Also wtf was Ahsoka going on about not being able to train him like she's mace windu in episode I, that threw me a bit.
Ahsoka is still of the jedi, hasn't really thrown away the jedi code itself. And mind, this is a post-knowing Anakin is Darth Vader Ahsoka, she actually does know what attachments can do to a person without discipline, and it'd make sense that she would be afraid to train someone with such attachments.


dude i really hate all the shit they're doing this season with asoka and the other TCW shit. It feels so forced and unnatural. Filoni or whatever his fucking name is is going to tank this shit.


I just noticed that Grogu is wearing a Jedi robe in that concept art. Dope.


You mean yeed


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>Ahsoka is still of the jedi, hasn't really thrown away the jedi code itself. And mind, this is a post-knowing Anakin is Darth Vader Ahsoka, she actually does know what attachments can do to a person without discipline, and it'd make sense that she would be afraid to train someone with such attachments.
I really hope the lesson Ahsoka takes away from that realization isn't that attachments are bad and should be avoided… I kind of feel like the take away should be the opposite and the Jedi were wrong, Qui-gon was right… Anakin needed a dad and family and the Duel of the Fates and death of Qui-gon took that from him. I thought that was kind of the development we saw in Rebels, where Kanan did get to fall in love with Hera and he did get to be a father-figure to Ezra. Oh well, I'll just have to wait and see.


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BTW anyone here play Fantasy Flight Star Wars rpg?


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boba fett just got canonized as a mandalorian, as did the Mandalorian Civil Wars and the Mandalorian Supercommandos. Boba also got his armor back.

plus, we got our reveal of the new Darktroopers.


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also some more favorite shots from the episode, for a mostly action episode it did hit hard with the feels a few times


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Speaking of Mandos, Twitter libs had a chimp-out over Bo-Katan prompting Shadiversity to respond about feminine armor again. >>12458


Weren't the Darktroopers revealed in Rogue One?
Also good for Booba, I always hated the silly concept of him not being a Mandolorian, it was one of the dumber parts of the EU.


Didn't even hear about this one, is it any good? Post it on >>>/games/3265


Definitely, it would go against a lot of the original and prequel's world building and character development otherwise.


I don't think that's Jedi robes, Rey was wearing similar crap before she even knew about the Force or anything else. It's just good attire for the area IMO.


Filoni is a fag, but Mandolorian is succeeding so far and I think you just personally dislike TCW and therefore dislike this. It's a matter of personal taste here.


I wouldn't mind either, such Nick content was gold back in the day, as long as they kept out the liberal idpol, that's what makes it irritating.


Same, however I think they're going for a larger over-arching story, with 'adventures' episodically, sort of like a lot of other successful TV-shows. As >>12939 mentioned, they're likely to explore Mandalore, pulling more of it's culture out to explore. Hopefully they won't go "hurr stoopic macho" as I fear some of the writers may attempt


>Weren't the Darktroopers revealed in Rogue One?
Nah those were Deathtroopers. I guess for current canon you could call the Deathtroopers Phase 0 Darktroopers.
>it was one of the dumber parts of the EU.
Most everything Boba Fett was kinda dumb in the EU, I like his newer characterization.
Legends had him pretty schitzo going between a ruthless killer to a mercenary to the benevolent ruler of mandalore but now he has gone to rebellious and caviler teen without a dad to experienced but apathetic bounty hunter to an old and hardened man who seems to want to be a part of the culture of the father he hardly ever got to know and live up to his legacy of professionalism and honor, or at least that is what it seems like from his appearance thus far.


>Phase 0 Darktroopers
Makes sense. I wonder if this means the Yuzzhan Vong will comeback? Or at least be referenced
>His new appearance and progression over time
Yep. It really fits the Space Cowboy vibe too.




It's heavy and specific to the Mandolorians, traditional opponents of the Jedi - thus hard to access and rather controversial to use for magic warrior monks. It would also serve no purpose to their lightsabre based fighting styles, as the armor would weight down their movements.


> It would also serve no purpose to their lightsabre based fighting styles, as the armor would weight down their movements.
Bullshit. They're jedi, it wouldn't weigh then down when they have the force. Even without the force there are fuckhuge alien Jedi that wouldn't notice the weight. If beskar can stop lightsabers, it ruins the whole universe. Star wars is ruined now.


Yes it would. Using the force is tiring for most Jedi and the armor is heavy on its own.
>stop lightsabre
Beskar can't stop lightsabres outright, it is merely dense enough that it can prevent them from cutting clean through. prolonged contact will push through it, and a stab will also (see Maul vs Death Watch or other Mandolorian fights with Jedi).
>fuckhuge alien
On whom the armor would not fit most likely. It is expensive and hard to acquire for humanoids and is made for battle, when the majority of Jedi members were like Nuns and Monks who rarely did actual combat and meditated with the force.


Only Mandalorians know how to forge it and are fiercely protective of ownership of beskar - especially suits of armor, which are often passed down familial lines. Whatever protection it would afford against lightsabers would only end up giving you more trouble from Mandalorians.
Plus, getting some off an actual Mandalorian isn't easy, the Mandalorian armor pattern by the Old Republic was specifically designed to combat force users through speed, maneuverability, and versatility of weapons that can't be blocked by the force (flamethrowers, slugthrowers, explosives, ect). Getting a set is hard facing down just one Mandalorian - but they usually live in large clans and are defensive for each other. You wouldn't be facing down one, but dozens if not hundreds.


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General Grievous: Has the size of the entire galaxy.

Anakin: General Grievous! yOu ArE sHoRtEr ThAn I eXpEcTeD. (He was expecting him to be as massive as the universe.)




the Bad Batch show just got announced - direct continuation of the Clone Wars tv series right after the proclamation of the Empire.


>The Bad Batch
Was excited that might have been about Gremlins 3 at first.


Ashoka is getting her own show


This would be awesome, but they've changed the Bad Batch up so much from the original, don't know how good it is anymore.


That would be amusing, Gremlins are certainly a good fit among Star Wars aliens.


I hope they don't make it like they did her "lone travels" with the lesbo sisters in the final TCW season.


they really are going to make an endless amount of trash aren't they


eh the mandalorian has turned out alright, lets see if they can do good again. maybe the Ahsoka show will be basically a Samurai movie while Bad Batch will be a bunch of deniable ops until it turns into a cathartic destruction of the Empire from the inside.




I was rewatching the first episode of the Mandalorian and I want to believe the alien remnant is a an anti-Imperial rebel remnant trying to hide out on the peaceful planet to protect the Child. Considering the Empire is specifically trying to gain control of this asset and Kuill alluding to their planet being a planet where those go to peace, the pieces fit together too nicely.


'Member X-Wings?
'Member Boba Fett?
'Oh, I know, I know, Member Luke Skywalker?

the masturbation truly reaches astronomical heights in S02


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I can't believe boba fett became the CEO of sex
I think people bitch too much about the idea of fanservice, because most of the fanservice-y characters introduced in the Mando aren't just there to be there, they do actually serve plot purposes. Boba lives up to his contract with Mando and doesn't steal the spotlight in the process, and Luke is the only jedi still kicking that would train Grogu in the force despite his connections to Din because he isn't an autistic retard like the old jedi order.


oh and on the order of TCW stuff, Bo Katan is a character with quite an edge and a bit of a scumbag who manipulated Din and basically flips off Boba. And maybe even an antagonist of sorts for season 3, we dunno.





Maybe they just did it cause they wrote themselves into a corner with baby Yoda and this is how they kill him off


Also Ezra is hands down better than any other young jedi character in the setting.


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did anyone else have a giggle at the imperial dubstep?



Dark Troopers are based


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Thought this thread died. Let's bump.


I mean he’s like the only other Jedi besides Ashoka that’s can train a force user, right? it’s kind of inevitable.
what didn’t make sense was Boba Fett.


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considering everyone that sits in jabbas throne gets fat as shit this is what bobba's show is gonna be like




>“Jews were beaten in the streets, not by Nazi soldiers but by their neighbours … even by children … Because history is edited, most people today don’t realise that to get to the point where Nazi soldiers could easily round up thousands of Jews, the government first made their own neighbours hate them simply for being Jews. How is that any different from hating someone for their political views.”



I'm fucking pissed they did this. Goddammit.


Maybe they just used this as a pretext. Considering their statement that she wasn't currently hired anyway, they might have just been planning to let her go anyway. This way they don't have to say
>she got too fat for the role




as of current canon she is like the only other half-decent force user around, assuming Kal Cestus has either died or something else. Really it was Luke or Ahsoka, barring them bringing back a Legends character randomly.


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go ahead rebel
you can't unhorny the galaxy


Are you mocking people defending Gina Carano? She's absolutely right.


but she was perfect for the role because she was a heavy gunner


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>she got too fat for the role
what do you mean by that ? she just looks believably buff, like she could actually fight without immediately being snapped like a twig.




maul was supposed to have a beak and feathers originally

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