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 No.8320[Watch Thread]

I just started playing the original Deus Ex after watching Sseth's video on it recently, and I'm hooked. I played the new games a couple years which were also great, they introduced me to Cyberpunk. Thoughts on the series?


I think Invisible War is just fine and a reasonably good successor, I don't get why it gets so much hate.


Best game ever made


I only played Deus Ex: HR. It was pretty fun. Though the way vents are absolutely everywhere and easily accessible is ridiculous.


>>2469>oversimplification of stuff from the first game like universal ammo for every weapon>small level size due to being ported from XBox>Chinese dragon tooth sword turned into a Japanese katana


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DX, HR (less so) and MD are some of my favourite games.Hell - MD is easily the best of the last 2 generations imo. No other AAA game has taken full advantage of the interactive medium to tell a story (conspiracy) and build atmosphere like MD.The fact that so many people wrote it off because of some meme about it being short (despite being the longest DX game) is a tragedy.


>>2473I thought the issue was that the story was half finished and it doesn't have a proper ending.


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DX was great, and Invisible War isn't half as bad as people say it is. The reputation kept me away from it for a couple years and when i finally got around to playing it i was pleasantly surprised. I liked human revolution, although there is the problem now where the newest editions of it are inferior to the original release which you can't get anymore. Mankind Divided was a mixed bag. It was fun to play but it felt too much like other games. Human Revolution had a whole aesthetic tying it together and was standalone. Because of the new release model the studio was trying, MD was divided into two games, and now we're not ever gonna get the second half.


>>2475In conclusionDX > HR > IW > MDthey're all worth playing though


>>2469Same. Yes, it's simplified, but still very enjoyable.


>>2468Downloaded Deus Ex after someone shilled it over on leftypol. Didn't play for like a month. I'm playing it now and really enjoying it.&ltYou should show more respect to the United States Government.Loving the dialogue and JC Denton as a character as well. Obviously super fascist, but he's so bad ass and retarded simultaneously, fucking love it.Plus, my laptop plays this shit (almost) without any problem. I downloaded the GDX or whatever mod, and it does seem to improve the textures. The only problem I have is bringing up the game menu (save, quit, etc) and the inventory menu. It hangs for a full minute sometimes.The setting are all really cool. Puzzles are fun. It's really cool to try to do the same thing in different ways.10/10 so far, I've had a lot of fun playing it, even though I'm basically starting the game.My only critique so far is that sneaking is basically pointless because I always get spotted when I shoot no matter what, although I suspect I'll be able to upgrade in the future so that this doesn't happen.


>>2478>My only critique so far is that sneaking is basically pointless because I always get spotted when I shoot no matter what, although I suspect I'll be able to upgrade in the future so that this doesn't happen.you have more success being sneaky if you use melee weapons(aim for the back) or silent projectile weapons like the crossbow(you get silencers later)


>>2474Reminder there was nothing wrong with the ending of Mankind Divided.>b-b-but the main plot is unresolved"No".The game starts with you witnessing a terrorist attack, the game follows you tracking down the terrorist group and their leader, and the game ends with you stopping their leader.>b-b-but the loose threadsWhy does that mean the main story was not finished? The narrative was complete, the mission you embarked on was accomplished. The "loose threads" are there for clues at what is to come of the trilogy>b-b-but that's unacceptableWell that depends - if you like a movie series such as The Lord of the Rings, or pretty much any non-anthology tv show, then surely you don't think it's unacceptable? They have loose threads that won't be resolved until the sequel/followup, so why do you treat Mankind Divided differently?


>>2480the terrorist attack is immediately shown to be a false flag for some higher up conspiracy, and that's the main plot. the terror group is a sideshow. Jensen being a double agent trying to take down the illuminati takes up as much if not more playtime than dealing with the terror group. It'd be like Deus Ex 1 ending after you get to lebedev. There was clearly more to the story.


>>2480>They have loose threads that won't be resolved until the sequel/followup, so why do you treat Mankind Divided differently?I don't like Witcher 2, but one problem it didn't have was this one. The story within the game was done well enough that ending it on a cliffhanger didn't bother anyone. Mankind Divided dropped the ball, and very clearly for trying to squeeze as much as they could out of fans. I've only played through it twice, and in one "session" so maybe i'll lighten up on it if I ever replay it, but I don't feel an urge to. Whereas with every other game in the series I have gone back to multiple times. It wasn't awful, I had fun playing it, it just wasn't at the level of the rest of them.


>>2479>use melee weapons(aim for the back)ah fuck, never tried that. thanks for the pointer.


Does Deus Ex (2000) actually hold up? Not really speaking from a gameplay perspective which I don't care about, but more story and dialogue-wise.
From what I can gather the whole story is basically a hackeyed collection of le ebin X-files tier conspiracy theories except they're TRUE :O but maybe there's more to it and it's actually worth playing. Got to Chinatown last time I played the game and I don't remember being terribly impressed, but maybe I should give it another go?


> le ebin X-files tier conspiracy theories
&ltImplying this is a bad thing
X Files is the greatest show ever made, and its conspiracies are great - and frequently anti-US government.

Anyway, the story in Deus Ex is just a fun conspiracy romp. What makes it stand out is its themes. Whilst the major theme of the game is about the role of technology (e.g. as a replacement for God) it explores many more.
It's different to the later games in that it covers a very large number of themes, whilst the newer games cover a smaller number in greater depth.
There's no game like the original (and the series) so well worth playing.


>melee weapons(aim for the back
Works half of the time. HAving to save/reload every time I wanted to whack someone with a baton is why I dropped this early. Also, sleeper crossbow is completely useless because enemies stay awake for a good ten seconds during which they'll warn everyone.

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