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 No.10211[Watch Thread]

This is a thread for discussing /leftypol/'s team in the /pol/eague.

Strawmanning Q&A
>why the fuck would we enter a 4chan event full of retards?
/leftypol/ has been a participant since /pol/eague 4, despite bunkerchan nor leftypol.org ever being involved. The team is already signed up and validated. The only difference is that /leftypol/ have now been given authority over the roster, so we might as well have some fun.
Last time /leftypol/ came 2nd, and the capability of creating salt even with a lame team is demonstrably there. Virtual divegrass is not serious business. It's an opportunity to laugh, unite and shitpost together while watching a random number generator play out.

>where is more infomation?

Cup: https://implyingrigged.info/wiki//pol/eague_6
Team: https://implyingrigged.info/wiki//leftypol/
Recordings: https://implying.fun/poleague5/

>when will it start?

Current consensus is after 4chan's 'World Cup' in mid-August.

>why do we have a thread already?

Here's the thing. The current team roster sucks. They even made Bernie Sanders a medal player for fuck's sake. It's time for a 2021 update.
>some new players to reflect our culture (e.g. stuff like TYBNA, Read A Fucking Book, post chin, 600 GORRILIAN, Weird Sex Web Site, Uyghur, Ice axe in Mexico, Pencil, Jewish nigger, Catgirls, Dickblastt, Hazrambe)
>new anthems, chants and goal horns (e.g. .mp3 related as anthem?, /leftypol/ choir?, Tubthumping as comeback anthem?)
>new portraits for formation menu (Young Stalin instead of old Stalin?)
>new kits? they're alright but we can do better
Other aesthetic mods are possible but may take actual effort.


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Chant proposal.


>watching bots fight each other
Boring, how about we actually play games against each other?


I don't have time to organize that, but if you do I'll gladly watch.


add The Amazing World of Gumball to the team.


is it livestreamed somewhere?


When the game date comes, yes.
I haven't been in one for 5 years but they're probably be played here, or another cytube room.
Of course, I'll relay information as the cup approaches. Links to the past match archives in the OP.


Id be down to play but then we'd have to actually coordenate with the retards at pol and the retards from all over other boards and chans. Including our own which is like herding cats.


So this is like the imageboard special olympics?


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I nominate this






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We'll have to buy them off /his/.


>Id be down to play but then we'd have to actually coordenate with the retards at pol
I'm adopting the role of team manager, so I'm the only one who has to engage with the bureaucracy on our behalf. It's bots on bots so you basically just join the stream and shitpost when anything remotely interesting happens.

We get a minimum 3 games, then proceed to the knockouts if we qualify.

It is the imageboard special olympics.


It's rigged


To be honest, I didn't know about that. I always thought it was real people playing against each other.

That's what I've read on the wiki. At least that time that /leftypol/ "lost".


players: karltural marx, lenin, stalin, trotsky/icepick, stirner, xi/socialism by 2050, Tiananmen Square 1989, tito/into the pit it goes, LGBT porky, alunya, rodina, dickblast, SCHNIFF, anti-glasses angkar, return to gorilla/hazbro, I CANT BREED, the semetic negro, anarchobidenist gang, CIA uyghur/agent smith, ayy lmao (Posadist), le happy hibernian, nazbol GF, the eternal anglo


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Oh nice a 4CC thread. I thought I was the only one watching that shit.

I'd like to suggest a player to represent /TIG/ - Third Intifada General. Could be Abu Ubaida, Mohammad Deif, Hamas, PFLP, or just a palestinian wearing a keffiyeh, whatever you think would fit. Here are some choices for the goalhorn, depending on the player. The posted mp3 is Men Of Qassam, could work for Abu Ubaida or Mohammad Deif.

Zalzil Amna Israel (absolute banger, could work for any player)
The Red Banner is raised (PFLP/Abu Ali Mustafa brigades song)


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Give thoughts on the following provisional roster:
[code]CF Stalin
LWF Lenin
SS Porky (with pride flags added)
CMF Alunya
DMF Critical Support
CB Dialectical Materialism
CB The Wolff
CB Dickblast
GK Socialism by 2050

DMF Rodina
DMF Spooks
DMF Posadism
CB [/ITG/ general's selection, see >>10418 ]
CB Pencil Cowboy
CB Chile 2021
CB The Amazing World of Gumball
GK Jewish nigger
GK post chin[code]
P.S. 2021 4chan World Cup is now on Day 2, this competition is expected to start organizing after that ends.


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I wonder if there's any way to stick The Grayzone in there?


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It's all open to change! I swapped Chile 2021 for FUCK GLASSES as there was already a Pol Pot portrait ready to use.

Here's a new black bloc uniform I made (so now we have 4 uniform options instead of 3). Ignore the lack of arms, it's easy to fix for the competition. The zipper should be visible in all of those shots, if not then I'll recalibrate the darkness.
And a new GK uniform based on the distinct socialist propaganda poster style.


I can't really see the zipper, maybe do make it a bit brighter

Otherwise very fine work!


remove Bernie
add Cockshott


Read this book: >>10806


>CB The Wolff
not Big Dick Wolff?
>GK Socialism by 2050
it's "Socialism by 2079" now apparently

can we add a roster page to the wiki like /his/ has?


Add a soyjak or avatarfag to represent the most interesting thing that has happened this year
God this is sad


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Add Haz


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probably need to be adjusted like pic related to please the mods
if we're going this route we could add agent Kochinski too


some more feedback
>CB Dialectical Materialism
kinda boring tbh
>CB Pencil Cowboy
literally who?

we have gumball on there




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>Big Dick Wolff
I like it. The current is a Pulp Fiction reference on the unofficial /leftypol/ Videos channel but Big Dick Wolff is probably better.
>can we add a roster page to the wiki like /his/ has?
Absolutely. That's the intent, it's just good to get the player names mostly-settled before putting in the effort.
It's especially worth doing for us so the commentators have a clue what any of it means.

Sure… it just felt weird without Marx there somewhere but I have no objection to replace or sub them.
>Pencil Cowboy
Looks like someone missed the last 10 Peru Election generals.

Half-tempted… I can't deny it would be fitting for the team. Maybe have the anglo box or something, shouldn't be hard to model.


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>4chan's /lit/ has two of our players
what did they mean by this??


Why would you give that cunt more attention after he tried to frame us as being pedophiles? Have some self respect for fucksake


>Sure… it just felt weird without Marx there somewhere but I have no objection to replace or sub them.
I guess it works if you put Marx' head on the player. I was actually going to suggest just replacing it with "Marx". or maybe "Chapters 1-3 of Capital vol 1" if the player is a "heavy hitter" of some kind. I don't know how the game actually works.
>>Pencil Cowboy
>Looks like someone missed the last 10 Peru Election generals.
>anglo box

/lit/ is basically /leftypol/ lite, so not terribly surprising


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The cup has been delayed by about a month.

>I don't know how the game actually works.
I suppose I should give a brief rundown.

The Game
Welcome to Virtual Divegrass.
Each board creates a team to represent them, choosing the roster of players, and selecting their skills, formation and team tactics (within the set rules). Our teams are then played against each other in AI vs AI matches, with some live management for substitutions and switching tactics.
But more importantly, we mod our teams with aesthetics! Choose player names to represent our culture, create glitchy 3D models and uniforms, select hype anthems for each player when they score, and most important of all, spam dumb banter at the other boards. This game is purely entertainment, PES is notoriously chaotic and broken, such that it is colloquially called a Random Number Generator, so if you play to try an win, you're a loser. Remember, when we win, the Left was right all along. When we lose, it wasn't real socialism, and also the game is rigged by /pol/ anyway.

Our Team
We traditionally play with an extra player on the left side. I've made a few changes (and am still making changes) but we're currently playing well against the boards in the ongoing World Cup.

These players are forwards and most likely to score
Center Forward: Stalin (captain, gold-tier player, hangs around up the front to receive the ball and score)
Center MidFielder: Alunya (gold-tier player, technically a midfielder but often plays a deep attacking role whenever the forwards are halted by their defense)
Left-Wing Forward: Lenin (silver-tier player, supports and pushes the ball forward from the left side)
Second Striker: Porky (silver-tier player, supports and pushes the ball forward from the right side)

These two positions play a supporting role along with Alunya, to move the ball from our defensive line to the attackers, as well as providing a player to pass back to when an attack stalls.
Defensive MidFielder: Critical Support
Defensive MidFielder: TYBNA

The other players form a defensive line to break down attacks, along with a goalkeeper who can use their hands to block goal-scoring attempts.

You may notice that our team and others on implyingrigged.info shape their formation or have players in positions with figurative meaning or jokes. We have Stalin as the captain and attacking 'star player', Porky on the right wing, CRITICAL SUPPORT in a supporting role, and goalkeepers as cheesy retorts like 'post chin' or NOT REAL COMMUNISM being the annoying jerks blocking all their shots at goal.

So yeah, currently they're in a solid central defensive position blocking attacks (excuse the misalignment in the image). "Chapters 1-3 of Capital vol 1" is solid.


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thanks for the rundown anon
here's some suggestions for portraits/emblems for cockshott. needs a bit of cropping. now sure how readable text would be
what format are the player models in? perhaps I could invest some time into learning blender


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and of course either of pics related for our favorite succdem


can't wait for the "/leftypol/ 1-0 /ancap/, Porky 90+6" final


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just saw their rooster kek, try and top this accuracy


>babies for sale


Can we get "infantile disorder" somewhere in the team plz


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good idea. could replace žižek since /lit/ already claimed him
pic related as avatar for Critical Support?


>here's some suggestions for portraits/emblems for cockshott
Perfect, would probably go left or right one as the portraits are kind of tiny.

>what format are the player models in?

We take a Blender model then import a template skeleton and transfer weights to the model (for animation rigging) and export in a custom PES format. Full guide is here https://implyingrigged.info/wiki/Blender_tutorials
but I'm happy to take models (original or found online) and convert to PES format. It's game design stuff, so everything gets triangulated and ignore Blender materials, it uses textures instead.

Sounds good. Consider it done.

The team is starting to shape up and I've been given official status as the new manager, so I'll start updating the wiki.


Futbol Pot


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It seems that both us and /int/ have the "superpower by 2020" India meme.


that's not even in the provisional roster in >>10806


If we have Critical Support it should be Assad


Assad works too, but that's more for making libs seethe rather than putting meme pot in there


Is "Who should go?" a leftypol original or did that come from elsewhere?
In /pol/eague? Maybe conservatives. We might get a 'nam vet in the crowd if we're lucky.


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anon you should know by now that when we say "libs" we mean both sides of the isle when it comes to uspol


Ah shit, sorry. Was looking at the wiki team,


>P.S. 2021 4chan World Cup is now on Day 2, this competition is expected to start organizing after that ends.
final is in like mid august though


Made a roster page (no images yet).


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>LGBT = Let's Go Bomb Tel-Aviv!
great work anon. here's some random stalin memes on my harddrive, maybe one of them could work


>>11050 (me)
I've started adding pictures to the roster page


I decided to go with Assad


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proposed pencil boy, Socialism by 2050 and anti-glasses angkar (1 of the two)


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Also i suggest removing "An infantile disorder" cause we already have a theory one with Capital and putting a baby with no context is rather weird
Maybe put Spelunky instead or the thousand Barbara pit memes that exist to show Tito some love


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nazbol GANG too


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>Also i suggest removing "An infantile disorder" cause we already have a theory one with Capital and putting a baby with no context is rather weird

Or maybe put something funnier and more pertinent


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if so i suggest these

MECHABORDIGA would be pretty cool imo tbh ngl


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anti-glasses = /pol/ pot? try to keep each suggestion to one post so I can keep them apart

tito's spelunking tours is a good idea. something like pics related

is this dugin? looks a bit like chomsky

the mechabordiga one is funny, but a bit busy. if someone who is better at shooping than me could change it to a solid color that would be great. going with the armchair one for now


>>11064 (me)
oh, and I vote for replacing nazbol gang with tito


I'm ok with that, although I would prefer replacing Rodina instead (already played two cups, not really /leftypol/ so much as a close ally) since NAZBOL GANG is a /leftypol/ original.


replacing rodina works for me. let's wait a day or two and see what people think


I went and replaced Rodina with Tito. more suggestions?


oops, didn't mean to lenin cap


>>11401 (me)
we need pictures for the remaining players
I'm also thinking we could replace Tiananmen Square 1989 with something else, maybe anglo box?


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Here's some pictures for Abu.


This thread is continuing at the original location. New posts made on leftychan.net will not be seen.


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Verification, if needed.

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