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 No.10860[View All]

Is skin care bourgeois?
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>plastics and medicine that have estrogenic effects
Ever heard of BPAs? That's just the tip of the iceburg of plastic related issues.
TL;DR: Most plastic products, especially those used in water bottles and baby products are full of chemicals that affect the endocrine systems of people among other things.

Also for the Gay Frogs:
xenoestrogens in food packaging, additives and agricultural pesticides are so widespread that porky is well aware sexual ambiguity will become far more prevalent in the future; using LGBTQIA+ 'movements' as an ideological cope to mitigate the backlash against the biochemical warfare we're subjected to. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=xenoestrogens https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=bisphenol+a https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=atrazine https://www.vox.com/science-and-health/2018/9/17/17841518/low-sperm-count-semen-male-fertility
Not even a """conspiracy theory""" at this point.

>any evidence that gender dysphoria is increasing in certain areas

Gender dysphoria and the whole presence of trans development is a wholly Western one, we don't have nearly the same numbers in any other country outside of Thailand, and those are their own set of moral dilemmas of why they choose to be ladyboys.
>most people who transition have gender dysphoria
There is a literal subreddit dedicated to de-transitioned people, who talk about being pressured into this. One of the biggest examples of this happening is the Reimer Brother experiment with Dr. Money, a pedophilic hack 'scientist' who pushed this whole ideological mess in the first place.
>most people who transition do not de-transition or regret transitioning
Considering trans-suicide rates… I'm fairly sure, that most people don't get the chance to complain.
- https://old.reddit.com/r/detrans/
- http://thefederalist.com/2018/08/31/explosive-ivy-league-study-repressed-for-finding-transgender-kids-may-be-a-social-contagion/

>One of the good ones

And I'm glad. I don't mind trans people at all. My problem is with the flamboyant cunts who think being trans = being a self-important idpol prick and give anyone who is trans a bad name.
>cherry-picked by transphobes
I don't think they're cherry-picked, they basically write the /pol/'s rants for them.
>the bread and butter of liberal sensationalism in the msm
Fuckin' this.
>do not bask in allah's holy light before washing your face again, for it is haram.
Top kek

>we can't derail the all important question
Whether or not it is important or not, point is thread derailment is not a good idea, especially for idpol discussions.


Parkinsons has a physical effect though. I believe we can study how it is caused because of this, however we can't study depression. We can't FIND the depression because it doesn't 'exist'. I would say the same for the 'feeling' of an identity, but this discussion is to get a better idea of this notion.

>So yes I think you could say that gender does exist in some instance

What you've described are gender roles, which of course exist and have measurable impacts. However the identity of male or female doesn't exist strictly since it assumes a set of attributes which are 'female'. What is masculine and fem is arbitrary and up for the current society (pink used to be masc for example). If you want to fit into current gender roles you could just do the cooking and cleaning, rather than changing your body to 'fit' your 'identity'.

I don't feel male. I do have moments of 'masc' and 'fem' respectively, however I don't associate these with an identity other than myself. To associate a 'male' or 'female' identity I must realise a set of qualities that make women a women intrinsically (and there are none). This is where I struggle with truly understanding the trans position.

I understand we may have to tolerate some forms of nationalism in some factor, as our job is difficult and will result in inevtiable compromises. I'm kinda trying to just determine what we 'should' do. As society would never consider someone who is extreme nationalistic as having a mental illness. And no leftist would try cure it with medicine. We seek an ideological victory over nationalism.

I sympathize a lot with your story. Thank you very much for sharing. What do you think of this current movement around "you don't need dysphoria to be trans"?

The main fear I have regarding the movement (this isn't from a place of naivety) is the 'forcing' kids into transitioning and shit. There is a huge 'if you're not 100% with us you hate us and are a nazi' thing around the trans movement. I remember being a teen and I can pinpoint times where I would question my identity and who I 'was' (but I think this is a false dichotomy raised in capitalist society, I simply grew up to be myself rather than a 'type' of person) specifically where I dressed as a girl. I could see myself in this vulnerable position and being intercepted by forward trans activists telling me to 'hatch' or something. >>11163 This guy hints on this too. I understand there is a lot of scaremongering around this, but it is a real occurrence.

>Transrace seems ridiculous

>I don't see a reason for it other than internalized negative or positive opinions about a certain race, or perhaps some personal preference.
How is this different to transgender? The cases you have sympathy for are like women transitioning to be men for the social benefits, it however isn't really an argument for how these are different. They are both individuals taking control of their 'identities'.

My point is that transrace seems ridiculous, it's kinda a joke. However this was transgenderism 100 years ago. It was completely unheard of. But we should be able to determine what is and isn't "right" ideologically. So if someone comes out as transrace we can determine whether they are worth solidarity or not, like how the early trans movement started. If someone came up to you as a white person and said "i feel black inside…" you'd go
>wtf? what's black? just because you like hip hop doesn't make you black
and you'd be right. But how is this any different to changing ones gender?


Nigga who tf cares? Go outside


Then that is not skincare but cosmetics…


bros is shampoo a meme?
my hair doesn't really smell if i don't clean it with shampoo for a week and it holds up great and don't need to use any product gel

is the grease bad for my hair's long term health? i still run it through water everyday but just not shampoo

is that really a conspiracy? please explain i hear that stuff often and don't know if it is true or not


I wash with shampoo but use the minimum amount and every other time I shower. Same thing with soap. Losing oil and drying out your skin/damaging pores, is very possible, because modern soap and shampoo is literal detergent unless you specifically order organic stuff.

You're just fine.


>really a conspiracy
No, soap-shills who think in dogmatics of "either you use soap or you don't" like to claim this, but frankly being mindful with soaps when washing is fairly normal.


I only use shampoo when I actually have something nasty I need to wash out of my hair. Otherwise I just rinse it thoroughly and avoid shampoo because it makes my hair a pain to manage after washing out its oils.


I had about 2 years where I washed my hair maybe once a month. Everyday with water though. However with longer hair the greasiness I found a bit unbearable and unattractive. Although I agree it definitely is a meme for most men with relatively short hair.


Also guys please use conditioner sometimes, it makes your hair look a lot healthier and more attractive imo


Not really an option in areas where the tap water is "hard". It'll make your hair extremely stiff after a while and your scalp gets covered in gunk. You can off course keep some vinegar handy, but at that point why not just go whole hog and use actual shampoo


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>Gender dysphoria and the whole presence of trans development is a wholly Western one
Gender transition has been present in the historical record for thousands of years, in addition many native cultures including tribes in North America and Pacific Island cultures have a concept and social role for men and women that feel they are the opposite gender, or something in between.
Additionally the first modern surgical and hormonal medical transitions were carried out in a sexual health research institute in Denmark starting in the early 1900's. The institute was promptly raided after the nazi coup, all of the research gathered and burned, and the employees and patients sent to the camps.
These identities are not western and in fact it is western culture that has attempted to erase them.
Specifically the dark hand of reaction as exemplified by the nazis, has attempted in futility to erase the existence of transgender people from history, and to destroy us completely.

>One of the biggest examples of this happening is the Reimer Brother experiment with Dr. Money

I am going to stop you right there. That experiment is actually a great example that transgender identity can not be simply influenced on to someone. The doctor had this infant raised female when he was born a boy. The child grew up in a female role, and expressed severe gender dysphoria, resulting in his transitioning back to male. With the combined trauma causing him to kill himself. This is evidence that gender roles are not socialized, and are in fact conditioned in the brain from birth. Also yes rest in piss Dr. Money you pedophilic hack.
>who pushed this whole ideological mess in the first place.
200 IQ Qanon tier conspiracy.

>I don't think they're cherry-picked, they basically write the /pol/'s rants for them.

Okay but you can see how /pol/ is cherry picking them yes?
Most trans people do not act like this.

>Parkinsons has a physical effect though.
So does depression and the brain incongruence that causes gender dysphoria, both are visible on a mri scan wdym?

>If you want to fit into current gender roles you could just do the cooking and cleaning, rather than changing your body to 'fit' your 'identity'.

Okay but this doesn't cure my gender dysphoria, which centers primarily around my body and how other people interact with me. I'm tomboyish behaviorally anyways.

>As society would never consider someone who is extreme nationalistic as having a mental illness


>We seek an ideological victory over nationalism.


>I sympathize a lot with your story. Thank you very much for sharing.

It's no worries, thank you very much for listening : )

>What do you think of this current movement around "you don't need dysphoria to be trans"?

It's a good question, I think it's valid and people can have a transgender identity with dysphoria. Personally, I highlight my dysphoria to (shamelessly pander) explain why transitioning was a difficult but necessary need for me. For me, I would stay closeted forever due to aforementioned privileges if I had no dysphoria. I enjoy and immerse myself in lot's of different things in life and most of them have little to do with gender. This is rather cringe to say, and oversharing, but pragmatically speaking it would be nice to be a big communist chad that has more opportunity to contribute more to communism, and I'd age way better in 10 years once I finally get my shit together.

>The main fear I have regarding the movement (this isn't from a place of naivety) is the 'forcing' kids into transitioning and shit.

I understand your concerns over this, and vulnerable children have very impressionable minds that must be kept safe from harmful influences.
I think that most people and most parents share these concerns over young children transitioning.
I will say that many young transgender kids like I was myself will have an incongruent gender identity from a young age, and express dysphoria even before puberty in many cases, like for myself. If this gender dysphoria persists throughout childhood and the child wishes to transition, then I feel it is medically necessary to treat the child with hormonal (puberty blockers can delay puberty and give time for a final decision) and social therapy and transitioning support. There are many parents that refuse to let their children transition, even in the face of dysphoria and against their child's will. It is extremely painful and damaging to a transgender child to be forced to go through the 'wrong' puberty by the people they put their faith and trust in, have no chance at living as a child of their internal gender, and be stuck in the 'wrong' body forever unless eventual hormonal and surgical treatment is successful at reversing most of the changes to secondary sex traits brought on by puberty. This is not brought up as often in the media, but I think it is a massive and overlooked factor that should be brought up whenever the topic of medical transitioning in transgender children is brought up.

>There is a huge 'if you're not 100% with us you hate us and are a nazi' thing around the trans movement.

I see what you mean,and I think it makes some sense that people would act defensive or paranoid, given the amount of hostility and manipulative hate campaigns trans people face.

>I remember being a teen and I can pinpoint times where I would question my identity and who I 'was' (but I think this is a false dichotomy raised in capitalist society, I simply grew up to be myself rather than a 'type' of person) specifically where I dressed as a girl. I could see myself in this vulnerable position and being intercepted by forward trans activists telling me to 'hatch' or something.

I understand your fears and I can see that your right, often times cis people that engage in gender non conforming activities are pressured to transition. Perhaps this is an extension of the societal discomfort at gender non conforming people. As a society we need to grow more familiar with and become more comfortable with breaking gender roles.

>How is this different to transgender?

>They are both individuals taking control of their 'identities'
There is no biological basis for transitioning to live as another race. If transitioning to live as another race makes their lives better, than great good for them, it's not hurting anyone, but it is a completely different phenomenon.

>My point is that transrace seems ridiculous, it's kinda a joke. However this was transgenderism 100 years ago. It was completely unheard of. But we should be able to determine what is and isn't "right" ideologically. So if someone comes out as transrace we can determine whether they are worth solidarity or not, like how the early trans movement started.

Okay this makes sense to me.It's a bit cynical but I don't think public support for "transrace" concerns will have a net positive impact on communist orgs, and I don't think it is a big societal issue effecting a lot of people really.

Transgenderism However effects a lot more people, it's a lot more present in the public zeitgeist, it has a lot more of a scientific and medical basis, it has a greater relevance to the history of class struggle, reaction and imperialism as I mentioned above, and it is simply more defend-able and with greater working class support.

Also really motherfuckers please take care of your hair and use conditioner every once in a while, this shampoo is a meme thing is scaring the shit out of me.


Can we NOT have this thread derailment continue? Please? I or just about anyone else could respond, but engaging in gender discussion is not the point of this thread nor do I want to engage.


I won't even bother with this 'tribes' and 'thousands of years of history' because as a person who has studied history for a while, reading that gives me an aneurysm that I am not prepared to face.
>200 IQ Qanon tier conspiracy
He is often cited by liberals as a pioneer for this kind of research, no conspiracy about it. The CIA did the same thing with Gloria Steinhem and Feminism, so it's not unreasonable and idea.


Wasn't trying to derail the thread. Honestly it's been pretty much dead with no activity for over a week, so I don't feel like I'm taking over discussion here. I'd love to talk skincare however, discuss routines/product reviews and what not. Or talk about the beauty industry and the beauty standards it cements in the popular zeitgeist.

>I won't even bother with this 'tribes' and 'thousands of years of history'

Maybe you should research more before you do.
>He is often cited by liberals as a pioneer for this kind of research
No he's not.
>The CIA did the same thing with Gloria Steinhem and Feminism
A feminist having CIA ties does not discredit feminism. John Money wasn't even a transgender activist and he has no relation to transgender rights outside of this conspiracy you've constructed here.


>Do research
M8… I have and I'm not delving into this further.
>No he's not
He is, given that I've seen liberal agitators talk about him and even the most skeptical articles praise his 'gender' ideas.
>A feminist having CIA ties does not discredit feminism
Except it does in the West. Second Wave and Third Wave feminism as well as black feminism demonstrate an obvious problem in their attitudes. That's ignoring the original Western Feminist movement being a result of the Capitalists not wanting to let the USSR and it's social changes look good, and so allowing for welfare capitalism to compete.

I'm not even going to go into the S.C.U.M. Manifesto.
>John Money wasn't even a transgender activist
never said he was
>and he has no relation to transgender rights outside of this conspiracy you've constructed here.
It's not a conspiracy when his 'work' IS used and cited by liberals and is similar in how other social movements were tainted by CIA assets.


>I'm not delving into this further.
proceeds to delve further lol

>some random article mentions he had an interest in transgenderism and was supposedly significant for sex research.

even the most skeptical articles praise his 'gender' ideas
I'm not sure where your finding these articles but I have only ever seen sources calling him crazy and a pedo.
>I'm not even going to go into the S.C.U.M. Manifesto
No idea what this is, maybe don't mention it if your just gonna name drop.

>Except it does in the West

Third worldism but for feminism lol

Anyways no, feminism and the transgender rights movement are obviously not glowups.


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I tried one of those pore patches recently, pinched a massive blackhead out and this is the first time my nose has bled from its pores in like a decade.


>I'm not even going to go into the S.C.U.M. Manifesto
Oh, please do


>muh moral aesthetiscm
holy shit, Leftism/Post-Leftism is not a religion you idiots. Taking care of your skin is not "bourgeois", and even if it was who cares. I'm not going to let my face be filled with acne and look like shit just because of some stupid notion that it might be bourgeois to buy skin care products. Sure, there are people who go overboard with the consumerist aspect, but that's true for anything in consumer capitalism—blame the system, not the individual. Moralfags need to fuck off.


Aren't all those creams a little bit like printer cartridges, that you have to buy over and over, isn't there a better way to achieve the same effect, that lasts a longer time ?


>I tried one of those pore patches recently, pinched a massive blackhead out and this is the first time my nose has bled from its pores in like a decade.
Sweating clears out your pores. Sauna is great if you can get that, but jumping jacks with 3 layers of clothing will do the trick too.


Sure. Never drink, never smoke, never leave your house when the sun is out.


no waaay lmao


Assuming that is not a lie. It's all genetics, you can't "do" that.


lol no. your skin wrinkles and blemishes and thins out with age no matter who you are. It can come slower or faster depending on stuff like skincare, sun, diet and stress. Assuming that is actually a 40 yo man with no beauty filter (it's not) he would have to have surgery to lift his skin and at least dermal fillers to reintroduce more volume into the face


I mean, having lungs is genetics too.


Additionally there is very little reddness in the face,and the hands seem soft, which would suggest low testosterone/high estrogen. So he would likely have to be on HRT as well. More likely though it's a women in her 20s/ early 30s that has taken good care of her skin, recieved dermal fillers and is decent at makeup


I believe in taking care of myself, and a balanced diet and a rigorous exercise routine. In the morning, if my face is a little puffy, I’ll put on an ice pack while doing my stomach crunches. I can do a thousand now. After I remove the ice pack I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower I use a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an herb-mint facial masque which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.


Reminder that HRT is the best skincare treatment.


Teen girl or young adult woman. Never seen a grown man look that feminine.


My dad told me my forehead's skin looks like shit because I keep touching and rubbing it, is there any truth to that?


Post 5head
But yes it's true

I don't know why the fuck the skin turns bad if you keep touching

it's entire job is to make contact


Tretinoin is even better, it actually reverses wrinkles. It'll make your skin sensitive to light so wear a strong sunscreen if you're going to use it.


>reverses aging from UV rays
>makes you more sensitive to UV rays
Sounds like an RPG item


Ok unironically, whats the redpilled skincare product. Lower cost and less insentive the better, no steroids that ruin your skin long term?


>Never drink, never smoke, never leave your house when the sun is out.
Based. Easy, I already do that.


It's called not going out in the sun. Sun rays are the cause of like 90 or 95+% of skin aging.


A routine that consists of vitamin C, sunscreen and a moisturizer with hyaluronic acid. Anything more than that is most probably overkill unless your skin is REALLY shit. Also exercising and a healthy diet helps considerably.

Tretinoin 0.05% for reversing wrinkles rather than preventing, though it's going to make your skin a bit photosensitive so wear a strong sunscreen. If it's too much for you there's also tret 0.025% available.

Collagen is a bit of a meme though ingesting it is going to at least make sure your reserves are full, but it won't do you any miracles unlike tret.

Going vampire mode is your best bet indeed. Wear sunscreen and/or don't go out between 10 and 7. Take vit D supplements and/or mushrooms that were exposed to sunlight.


re Tretinoin, how long does it take to have a discernible effect when stacked with sunscreen and such? And is there a Tret 1%?

I want to get a dermal roller/stampper for some cystic acne scars I have on my face, but I'm concerned about stacking everything…


Tret's effects take weeks sometimes, maybe a few months. Depends on the person. There is tret 1% but if you want to go with the strongest one I'd suggest buying a small one and test how your skin reacts. If it's too strong move to 0.05% and so on.

Regarding dermarollers I've personally seen conflicting info on whether the ones meant for home use work or not, but maybe what I read was big pharma (derma?) propaganda. Understandable though because professional microneedling is expensive afaik. If you're going to go with it you should do a bit more research tbh.

Maybe ask /fa/'s skincare threads for further advice if you don't mind posting on 4chan?


>Retinoids reduce fine lines and wrinkles by increasing the production of collagen. They also stimulate the production of new blood vessels in the skin, which improves skin color. Additional benefits include fading age spots and softening rough patches of skin. However, it takes three to six months of regular use before improvements in wrinkles are apparent—and the best results take six to 12 months.

>Because retinoids can cause skin dryness and irritation, doctors often recommend using them only every other day at first and then gradually working up to nightly applications. Wear a sunscreen during the day, because retinoids increase the skin's sensitivity to sunlight. These drugs must be used continually to maintain their benefits.

>Tretinoin (Retin-A, generic), tazarotene (Avage, Tazorac), and adapalene (Differin) are prescription retinoids. Adapalene is also available over the counter (in a 0.1% formulation versus the 0.3% prescription version). Other retinoids are undergoing clinical trials.

>In addition, several over-the-counter products containing retinoids, such as retinol, are available. Because they're not as strong (and thus less irritating), they are not as effective in reducing wrinkles as tretinoin; but they do improve the appearance of photo-aged skin. Tretinoin can be used with alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) for additional skin-smoothing effects.


interesting, thanks anon


Why do I keep getting fucking pimples?

I'm in my mid 20s.
I eat healthy
I drink a lot of water.
I change pillow cover weekly
I use face wash in the morning with my shower
I use moistureizer after to not have it dry out (I really wish I knew this during high school!)

Why do I still end up getting white heads/pimples? Also, "god forbid" I have a single fucking snack on a weekend, let's say some fast food or some chips and a coke. My face will look like I just hit puberty for 1.5 weeks until it goes back to the "normal" of my regular shitty baseline of 1-3 zits emerging randomly across my face again.

What the fuck?

While I'm at it, what am I missing? I've heard that there's some product that you apply specifically on a zit and then it's gone the next day. What's the technical name for that?


>I change pillow cover weekly
every 2 weeks is enough, you get less detergent residue on your skin
>I use face wash in the morning with my shower
>I use moisturizer
probably too much product and too much washing

>I've heard that there's some product that you apply specifically on a zit and then it's gone the next day.

70% alcohol, if you are fearless you can freezburn it with liquid nitrogen


>freezburn it with liquid nitrogen
Pretty sure that's for sun spots / moles lol You mean amateurs self-apply this? Sounds dangerous as fuck
>70% alcohol
Yeah, looked up, found this clip https://youtu.be/lQPjbsVh61c . It seems to support your claim, while also mixing in some other tips like using a needle and q-tips. Also mentions salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide.

Reading onward it seems I may have neglected the order in which I apply stuff. Sometimes I've applied moisturizer before either using an abrasive toner or shaving. That may have not only countered the effectiveness (oil blocking pores from product) or worsened acne lol should've double-checked that one! Online guides definitely specify applying moisturizer last in whichever skincare routine.


Dermatologist propaganda to scare you off with the needle onto their hands. Just wait for white head and then squeeze from sides without your nails.


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>mfw I realize that I have genetical cystic acne that could never be truly cured
>they’ll cause scarring regardless of treatment
This sucks.


When people say tret increases photosensitivity what exactly do they mean by that? Do you get tanned more easily or something?

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