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 No.198097[View All]

A general thread for all South Asian related discussion.
429 posts and 121 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


your father


What's a father


God it feels good to be a Chadmar


What's that


So is the indian army as predatory as the united states army?

preying on highschool dropouts, people from troubled home and paying for their education?

what does the indian army do, other than oppress kashmiris


not much, there's never been a need for recruitment or military propaganda, India has a fucking huge population and people enlist mostly just cause
the Indian Army just guards the massive borders India has and other then Kashmir no major combat operation for part 20 years now


God desi MRA's are the saddest group of human beings I have seen online
The Feminist's in our countries are neo-liberal western educated and members of the upper class, they offer no solutions just vague mantas and slogans, but feminism is desperately still needed, I have multiple cousins who have had decorates and wanted to careers were forced to becomes housewives' and married off to men that were pre-selected by their parents
but these MRA's are ever worse, they are a new breed of upper middle class reactionary in Pakistan

The Majority of reactionaries in my country were and still are bearded Islamic weirdos who have spent their entire lives in Madrases but these people are something else
>usually from the Mihajir and Urdu speaking Punjabi groups
>upper middle class
>would probably identify as "conservatives"
>LARP as heirs to the Mughal Empire
>make a lot of racist meme's against Hindus and non-Muslims
>oppose the rural Islamist's
>firm supporter of the military and Imran Khan Government


happy to see things are not so different on the other side of the Radcliffe line. Our "based" "trad" MRAs are
>usually from the high-caste and Hindi speaking groups
>upper middle class
>identify as "conservatives"
>LARP as heirs to some empire (Rajput, Maratha, or Mauryan, again depends on caste of the poster)
>make a lot of racist memes against Muslims and non-Hindus (or "bad" lower castes who don't toe the line)
>firm supporter of the military and the Modi government


what's very Ironic regarding the whole Empire LARP is that they very LARP from kingdoms that had no actual link from ancient empires other then religion and sect
as I said from its overwhelmingly Urdu speaking Punjabi's and Muhajir who pull the "we are Mughals shit" many even claim that Urdu is a mix Turkic and Persian Language
and from what I've seen a lot of Maratha, or Mauryan Empire larders are mostly central Hindi




>>oppose the rural Islamist's
why's that?


see they LARP as Islamic warriors and unironically call themselves Ghazis and meme about killing Hindus and such but they usually have no religious convictions, most of these guys watch porn and American shows on netflix


so other than the kashmir the military?

the budget?
how imperialistic is india


A minority of retarded online nationalist's believe in Akhand Bharta(greater India) delusion but even right wing indians mock them, other then Kashmir India really isn't that militaristic at all
The last major military film in India was in the 2000's and it was glorified love story with the conflict as just a plot point, there's no Military culture or military presence here
There is a lot of pro-cop and police content though


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Why did you repost this on a certain internet gossip site? Not upset, just interested to see the cross posting


Every job that I want to try out has at least 1 person arrested, protested or killed by the government/idiot mobs for muh disrespkt!!1
What stage of capitalism is it when you can shit on live tv and nobody gives a fuck anymore? I want to skip to that point


what site


Wait there are indian right wingers who don't want that? What is their real reason for not wanting it

>The last major military film in India was in the 2000's

No way, They made a movie about the surgical strike in 2019 and it was a big hit

>There is a lot of pro-cop and police content though

This is very true. I don't think a single year goes by without them making at least one of these type films.

It's always the same story of a corrupt politician vs some brave cop who's on the side of le people.
As if they don't both exist only to serve the interests and properties of capital.


oh Yeah I forget about, Surgical Strike but it was structed more like a generic blockbuster action movie, I can barely think of any Indian war movies


>It's always the same story of a corrupt politician vs some brave cop who's on the side of le people.
tbf most of the films often portray the entre police force of being comically corrupt and dirty, with the exception of a single moral renegade cop who often takes the laws in their own hands
most Indian's are aware of the fact that cops are bad here, but those films are about Hope
Hope that one day a man with that authority can do something to change the institution


>most Indian's are aware of the fact that cops are bad here, but those films are about Hope
>Hope that one day a man with that authority can do something to change the institution
That makes me tear up. It's the same reason I fantasize about being superman.

But a better hope story is this movie I watched once about a slum in dharavi and they have a local leader who beefs with some builders and politicians who want to gentrify their neighbourhood and con them out of homes

In the end they lose after they send pigs in at night and smoke the entire slum and the leader dies but the next day the politician comes in to start the ceremonies for construction but the entire community surrounds him and block all the police through sheer numbers of their own and they spray holi colours in the air to make everything hazy and then they beat the politician to death. Hype asf moment and nobody gets arrested because they can't pinpoint who killed him exactly, Nobody snitches on each other.

Even without a great man, The people stayed united and won against the evil rich man, They realized they outnumbered the rich and powerful and finally used strategic violence against them as they did.


that's great and all but most people don't only have themselves to take off, they have families and loved ones, that depend on them or who can be exploited and intimidated


We're counting on you, Indian comrades.


China considers Taiwan to be a part of China. This goes way back to a long standing rivalry. The communist party of China and the KMT fought for power in China, the CPC won and the KMT became an impotent exile government in Taiwan that for a very long time declared to be datruetrue government of a larger China which consisted of the Chinese mainland and Taiwan. The KMT has lost this battle and the government position in Taiwan since then, and officially Taiwan is considered to be something like an autonomous region in China. Unofficially Taiwan is still treated like a mostly sovereign country.

When Japan talks about defending Taiwan, that would be like Mexico saying it intends to defend Texas against the US government, in case Texas wanted to revamp the Confederacy. The comparison is bad but the US would understand such a statement like Mexico threatening to declare war against the US. And that is exactly how China sees the Japanese statements about defending Taiwan.

If you consider the History between Japan an China, where preWW2 imperial Japan was ruthlessly occupying big parts of China for the better part of a century, it's very unsurprising that Chinese officials might have let say "rude reactions" to potential Japanese "involvement".

The other part is that Japan was on the loosing side of WW2 and conditions for it's surrender was that Japan wasn't allowed to engage in warfare. China was part of the winning side and technically China could treat this as Japan violating the conditions of their surrender in WW2.

Regardless where you stand on the Taiwan question, Japanese officials are morons of the highest order for spraying gasoline on the fire, they are not making China rethink it's position on Taiwan, they are making China rethink it's military positions towards Japan. All they did is poison diplomatic relations.




>What is their real reason for not wanting it
There isn't any geopolitical advantage in it, those places are full of people who hated the idea of India so much that they wanted to secede to their own Islamic nation. Anyone wanting this weird "united greater India" or whatever is probably profoundly mentally ill.


Just watched karnan. Now I am all roused up.
What the fuck are you going on about? Tamil/Malayalam movies are all about shitting on police, and they are leftist as fuck like no other movie industry in the world is. Indian cinema isn't just bollywood.


>When Japan talks about defending Taiwan, that would be like Mexico saying it intends to defend Texas against the US government
Or like if Portugal decided to support Goa independence from India


stfu vedik




What are labour protection rights india has? What rights does the employee have in india

If I work as a cook and the manager throws food at me, Can I press charges against him or take him to some court?

Does indian law give any powers to the regular wageslave?
Like there's a consumer court. Is there an labour court?




>The other part is that Japan was on the loosing side of WW2 and conditions for it's surrender was that Japan wasn't allowed to engage in warfare
not true, that's a myth that needs to die, the Japanese government themselves applied the ruling on their constitution to not be allowed to raise an Army, mostly cause they saw it as an effective strategy of not being pushed by US in to joining their proxy wars


is not fighting in us proxy wars really that much better than being able to defend themselves?

what is the japan plan for if they get attacked


I mean they were Terrified of the Soviet Union and they didn't wanna end up like South Korea, which was military puppet state




>say you will not keep army
>keep army but call it self defense force


Basically yes, they had their cake and ate it


IIRC isn't as principle they are not supposed to do more than acting in self-defense. They cannot do preemptive attack or cross the border to open front elsewhere, in principle.

Which is why in 90s JSDF's participation in peace keeping missions was a matter of controversy and debate for its character. Which is why right wing in Japan wants to done away with Article 9 that defines the size and limitation of JSDF.


This is awesome..

Would you be up for an interview on this project for the new multitude magazine?


What is this Dhivehi language? where is that from?


What are the biggest communist social sites regarding your locality that you know of?

I browse frontpage and most indian subs are usual reactionary cringey centrist meme subs but this one seems to be communist https://old.reddit.com/r/librandu/ and also pops up against the current

I don't know see any other


The true "chad" position is to feel no remorse for eating meat while also minimizing consumption and being respectful about it. Seeing advertisements for flesh on television should disgust anyone, at least there's some dignity in the hunt.


>at least there's some dignity in the hunt.
you hunt your food?


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>can't even get a vaccine in private without muh gobermint documents
>banned tiktok and other apps from the market for bitch ass reasons

fucker can't decide to be a libertarian or a government stickler
i hate it here

independence my ass, stalin was right. the bourgeois only changed hands from british to indian



What the fuck is wrong with our region

This literally sounds like an insane strawman you would imagine some radlib making but it's fucking real.

Is it all just because of sexual repression and patriarchy?
Nobody is safe from getting assaulted men, women, children, animals

I don't think our countries will be ever safe unless we go through some kind of cultural revolution.


Thoughts on Narendra Dabholkar?


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This one pro-reservation meme made so many redditors seethe

Not to be unexpected since most of them are worthless, reactionary rich kids on a meme sub but still.

Other than the corruption aspect where people fake documents to pretend to be lower class, I don't get the hate regarding reservation.



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