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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 No.304257[View All][Watch Thread]

This is the thread for good news.

People have a tendency to focus on what is going wrong and miss out on what is going well.
I'm also suspecting that there is a doomer astroturf going on.

To counteract this a little i want to ask you to post uplifting news.
449 posts and 126 image replies omitted. Click to expand.


Even if completely understood, people will still reject socialism when they realize it means working with minorities.


the racism is artificially pushed by capitalism, and it will wither away, however if i had to guess, people would probably still sort them self into homogeneous groups
>Socialism will win
>stuff happening with the mods
the capitalists crashed their financial system, not that long ago, so shut up


CIA Stories: The Cuban Who Conned the CIA

This is an uplifting story how a Cuban glowie foiled a regime-change plan.

It's excellent work by Abby Martin


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>The workers at Colectivo Coffee voted Monday to unionize and will become the largest unionized coffee chain in the country. International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 494 Business Manager Dean Warsh announced Monday that the vote passed 106-99 in favor of unionizing. “Colectivo Coffee workers have worked diligently for the opportunity to have their voices heard,” He continued, saying that the workers’ union can now move forward with plans to help employees with their first negotiated contract. “We hope that the courage and hard work that Colectivo Coffee workers put into this victory inspires others in the hospitality/service industry to Organize a Union at their workplace!”


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>Voot to unionise
>Typical Burger brain
Just unionise and make people join up, idiots!




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Dying will reduce the carbon footbrint.
Hurry up so we can brotect the combanies brofits.

Only through induvidual ebbrot can we defeat the evil blastic bags.


This is not a shitposting thread, dude


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Stop strawmanning, dumbass.
We know, it's always been the crapitalists causing the most pollution all along.


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Ah shit, meant to post this


>the racism is artificially pushed by capitalism
Literally any major corporation in the West can't shut the fuck up about how multicultural and anti-racist it is.
You are so fucking delusional, that even touching grass wouldn't help you.
Take meds.


>Thinking that the corporations aren’t virtue signaling
>Thinking the antiracism extends outside the metropole


it's way worse than that, they actively say that because they hire a few token brown people, it's now ok for all the other brown people to be cast aside into one of the many sacrifice pits. It's the racialist neoliberal ark, where it's ok to let people drown as long as a few specimen of each "model" are saved.


lol you're falling for the propaganda

and pissed off at others for seeing through it


You are a fucking retard

>Corporations do not pay less to minorities

>Corporations don't pollute much more in the 3rd world
>Corporations do not evade taxes in the 3rd world
>Corporations do not abolish unions based on racial differences
>Corporations did not support regime changes

Good thing they have an advert using a black guy though, totally not racist!


>people would probably still sort them self into homogeneous groups
I don't understand why would anyone want that happen among racial lines, if you segregate communities based on racial lines that means you would have to share your community with literal subhumans like hippies, vegans, religiontards, anime autists, etc. just because they are of the same race as you.

I want segregation based on culture and preferences. Fuck share a community with people like I mentioned above.


Technically he is correct, partially at least.


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"3rd conservative radio host who condemned vaccines dies of Covid"

"CDC: Los Angeles Study Found That Unvaccinated Were 29 Times More Likely to be Hospitalized"

It's hardly 50/50. The right wing is conquering itself into an early grave lead by its Red Goat brands 'cultural decisions'.
"The Goat War"


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Good news everyone, labor power will come back


the best part is that labor power will come back in the rest of the world as well.


incredible (not so much) that this retard is taken seriously here.


Well Cockshott has written books, given lectures and even made videos about theory. Do you expect anybody to take your mildly rude one-liner over all that ?


somebody smarter explain to me what cockshott is saying


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Neoliberalism started when capitalists in the western countries realized they could get laborers in Asia that would work for a lower wage than workers in the west. This gave capitalists a lot of negotiating power. Wages in Asia are rising because of industrial development and at the same time people all over the world are having fewer children. The low wage supply is ending because many countries have become more developed and can absorb more workers. People are having fewer children in many places because of the transition from agricultural production to industrial production. In industrialized countries child mortality is lower, and its more expensive to have large families. Lastly the rate of exploitation also has increased which is making people less fertile biologically because of increased stress and exhaustion. Capitalists will loose all that extra power they had during the neoliberal period (which is now ending). And it means that the working class will regain the upper hand and politics will center around labor once again.


Interesting take, but I'd like to question the link between exploitation and falling fertility. Some of the most exploited countries still have relatively high birth rates like India and most of Africa.


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ok to be honest i just looked at western statistics and the drop in fertility tracks the rise in exploitation with a small delay. It also kinda correlates with the increase of the service sector, financialisation which my auto-correct wants to change to fictionalization, lol as well as alienation. The Fertility drop below replacement also coincides with the share of the public sector command economy decreasing and the private market economy share increasing, as well as decreasing public housing projects.

India still has a large peasant population that mostly lives off subsistence farming, so agricultural production is still fairly big and that has an impact on fertility. I'm assuming that Africa might have a similar thing going on, but i can't be bothered to look that up.

Do you have a different explanation for the developments in fertility? Keep in mind that it's not a choice. Biological indicators for reproductive health are declining in both sexes. People are less able to have children on a physiological level. Before you say it's environmental pollutants, that is not very likely because pollution has been going down in western countries while fertility has been dropping. People have talked a lot about plastic particles but it doesn't appear to have conclusive science to back it up.


The west merely have the luxury of not engaging in reproduction. Think about human reproduction for a minute, why is it pleasureable to have sex if not as a coercive measure to motivate us to do it? The truth is nobody but a few peopl ewant to have kids because nobody enjoys that degree of respondability, Add to that societal pressure and the previously mentioned coercive nature of sex and you find the reason why people actually engage in reprodiction. The average westernener believes that thabks to automation there is no need for labourers but the truth is without labourers there are no profits, porky knows this which is why they decided to engage in neoliberalism. But these measures are only temporal as the third world also gains the same luxury.


>it's not a problem it's a luxury
<it's not a bug it's a feature

You are a salesman for ruling ideology

No we can rule out that not having kids is a choice that people are making, reproductive health indicators are dropping, that's biology.


I never said it was a feature retard, calling it a luxuryndoesn't mean it is good.


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Chinese scientists complete starch synthesis from CO2, revolutionary for agricultural production and promoting carbon neutrality

The world top academic journal Science on Friday published a major breakthrough in the artificial starch synthesis made by a research institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences . The research is the first time in the world to achieve synthesis of starch from carbon dioxide. Scientists believe it will have a revolutionary impact on future agricultural production and bio-manufacturing. The new route made it possible to shift starch production from traditional agricultural cultivation to industrial manufacturing. And it may be possible to satisfy our carbohydrate needs without farming in the future.

Ma Yanhe, director of the Tianjin Institute of Industrial Biology and corresponding author of the paper named "Cell-free chemoenzymatic starch synthesis from carbon dioxide," told media that the institute designed a new pathway of unnatural carbon dioxide fixation and starch synthesis from scratch in an 11-step reaction.

source https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202109/1235013.shtml

That means in the future we can make booze and pasta from thin air, all the Malthusians will look like morons yet again, and all the billionaires and corporations that did land grabbing just got btfod by a bunch of scientists.

The vegans are going to become breatharians and yell you for murdering plants.


this is completely retarded







Big if true


won't matter if it tastes bad


blue is science/medical in star trek


pretty sure the messy pull-out maneuver in afghanistan was that


>won't matter if it tastes bad
Starch has a distinctive "starchy" taste on it's own, which most people seem to like even-tho we lack the culinary cultural references to notice it consciously.
The laboratory starch won't have lectins (proteins that plants use as insecticide), which might have a health upside because lectins are anti-nutrients, but leaving it out might affect the taste.


Won't elaborate any further honestly.


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Most doomerism is mainly premature midlife crisis


tbh this sounds pathetic. If you have to hope for absolute decline to see ypur dreamworld ceeated, ypu probably already lost.

If people can only "revolt" when theyre half an inch towards the edge of a waterfall, that means humans are terribly inefficient.

We should not need tragedies.


Quarter life crisis


These guys think hitting thirty is old age.


Lets go surfin now
Everyones learnin how
Come on a surfin safari with meee……


I think it is pretty comforting that most socialists thought that the young USSR would be doomed if Germany would not follow up (They had the largest socdem, socialist and communist party around that time with the SPD). But USSR won their civil war, developed so rapidly, defend against Nazi Germany and be the second superpower within 30 years and constant besieging. Nowadays they would have it even easier with modern computers and internet to make a fairly sophisticated actual planned economy.


tankies should focus on defending things more. "talks" are manipulative and have always been like that.


>Nowadays they would have it even easier with modern computers and internet to make a fairly sophisticated actual planned economy.
Yeah if the imperial moron-gang sets off WW3, the silver lining will be the unraveling of the global order to the point where another USSR2.0 can rise. And this time around it won't be held back by technological barriers. If capitalism survives that at all, it'll never be able to go beyond social democracy with lots of well-fare, good public services and strong labor protections.

>tankies should focus on defending things more.
Probably yes, a lot of contemporary anti-communism tries to justify it self on the basis of lies about the history of socialism in the 20th century.

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