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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 No.471994[View All][Watch Thread]

Maui fires raise questions over warnings, death toll hits 80

"MAALAEA, Hawaii, Aug 11 (Reuters) - The death toll from the Maui wildfires rose to 80 on Friday as search teams combed through the smoldering ruins of Lahaina, and Hawaiian officials sought to determine how the inferno spread so rapidly through the historic resort town with little warning.

The fires became the deadliest natural disaster in the state's history, surpassing that of a tsunami that killed 61 people on the Big Island of Hawaii in 1960, a year after Hawaii joined the United States.

Officials have warned that search teams with cadaver dogs could still find more dead from the fire that torched 1,000 buildings and left thousands homeless, likely requiring many years and billions of dollars to rebuild.

"Nobody has entered any of these structures that have burned down and that's where we unfortunately anticipate that the death toll will rise significantly," U.S. Senator Brian Schatz of Hawaii told MSNBC.

In a late evening statement, Maui County said that the death toll had risen to 80.

The Lahaina fire that spread from the brush to town was still burning but 85% contained, the county said earlier. Two other wildfires on the island were 80% and 50% contained.

Three days after the disaster, it remained unclear whether some residents had received any warning before the fire engulfed their homes.

The island has emergency sirens intended to warn of natural disasters and other threats, but they did not appear to have sounded during the fire.

"I authorized a comprehensive review this morning to make sure that we know exactly what happened and when," Hawaii Governor Josh Green told CNN, referring to the warning sirens.

Officials have not offered a detailed picture of precisely what notifications were sent out, and whether they were done via text message, email or phone calls.

Green described multiple, simultaneous challenges, with telecommunications down and firefighters concentrating on other major wildfires when the greatest threat to Lahaina arose.

In any event, he said, "We will do all that we can to find out how to protect our people more going forward."

Maui County Fire Chief Bradford Ventura said at a press conference on Thursday that the fire's speed made it "nearly impossible" for frontline responders to communicate with the emergency management officials who would typically provide real-time evacuation orders.

"They were basically self-evacuating with fairly little notice," he said, referring to residents of the neighborhood where the fire initially struck."

62 posts and 13 image replies omitted. Click to expand.


Look, the burn patterns from the fires are physically impossible for natural fire spread. The fires were clearly being influenced/driven by some kind of unnatural force. Technologies that can produce SIMILAR effects are public knowledge, like microwaves and lasers. So it's not an insane superstition to suppose that there could be secret, more refined forms of this tech that can explain the burn patterns.


>Look, the burn patterns from the fires are physically impossible for natural fire spread.

And you've investigated a lot of wildfires?

>Technologies that can produce SIMILAR effects are public knowledge, like microwaves and lasers.

How many buildings burned by lasers and microwaves do we have to compare it to?


>Look, the burn patterns from the fires are physically impossible for natural fire spread.
Yes, they're called shitty power lines.


>Look, the burn patterns from the fires are physically impossible for natural fire spread. The fires were clearly being influenced/driven by some kind of unnatural force.
Yes they're called shitty power lines mismanaged forests.


>And you've investigated a lot of wildfires?
I'm not that anon, but i do have looked into forest-fire-fighting at least a little.
These are very difficult to stop, fire-fighters often resort to control-burn-fires in order to burn away the available fuel to stop or prevent a forest-fire.

Fires do not just stop on their own. Fire is a statistical phenomenon where the bigger flames out-compete the smaller ones. That means a fire grows until it reaches thermal equilibrium with the rest of the environment. It won't go out until something cools it down below ignition temperature, starves it of oxygen or combustible fuel.

All those pictures where the fire apparently skipped over houses or just stopped in the middle of town, would require the fire to ignore fuel and leave it un-burned. Considering that many of the ruins are little more than piles of white ash, that fire must have been a unusually hot inferno, and certainly didn't lack the temperature to set other stuff on fire.


>DUDE just ignore the evidence of a bourgeois conspiracy lmao


What evidence?


Fire also doesn't magically jump across fuel-free areas without something to burn through in between. You haven't established that the required temperatures were reached to cause the whole area to combust spontaneously. Which is more likely: temperatures to achieve total-area spontaneous combustion were not reached, or an extremely well-orchestrated conspiracy was afoot where all the property owners in on the conspiracy slathered their homes with some kind of fire-retardant material and we somehow still have no evidence for it?


>Fire also doesn't magically jump across fuel-free areas without something to burn through in between.
Fires produce hot ambers that can seed new firefronts, they be can blown over some distance, and make fires jump gaps.


The idea that ""flying embers"" could produce results like in THIS PIC >>472857 is absolutely laughable. You are either genuinely retarded or a glowie if you think that pic can be explained by natural causes.


>The idea that flying embers could produce results like in THIS PIC
I think you miss-understood, flying embers are the reason why fires don't stay isolated like the picture in >>472857. It's the reason why firefighters rush to contain fires.

It's not just confusing how these houses were set on fire to begin with, it's also confusing what contained the fires. Without fire-fighters preventing the fire from spreading, you'd expect that all the other surrounding houses would have burned down as well.


Based boomer made another video investigating pictures from the Maui fire:


Video from a Lahaina resident who lives in one of the houses that was mysteriously spared. Look at all the anomalies in his footage.


That guy seems to be pretty adamant that satellite based microwave weapons are causing this. It would be pretty easy to defend against that. A rectenna-grid over put over houses would do. It's a specially shaped metal-mesh. And you could even collect the energy and convert it back into electrical power with great efficiency.


>It would be pretty easy to defend against that. A rectenna-grid over put over houses would do
True, provided the microwave space laser has enough in common with kitchen appliance microwaves. Maybe some kind of faraday cage type construction would protect your house too? Ironically, a tinfoil hat seems to put you at greater risk against this weapon.


>True, provided the microwave space laser has enough in common with kitchen appliance microwaves.
The only variable is the wavelength. One would optimize for
1. passing through the atmosphere with low losses, hence you look for the long end of the microwave spectrum
2. optimal efficiency range of the emitter technology.
3. avoiding overlap with communication.
There is some wiggle room but not much.

>Maybe some kind of faraday cage type construction would protect

It's not optimal but as long as the mesh-cell-size is smaller than the wave-length it would work. A faraday cage will redirect electrical discharges, but microwaves would either get adsorbed or reflected, so it might heat up. I would really go for a rectenna design, because that is optimized which will make it much more effective and cheaper. You can connect a converter to the rectenna and wire it to an AC, so microwave-beam attacks would power the AC and cool off houses instead.

>Ironically, a tinfoil hat seems to put you at greater risk against this weapon.

If you roll up the edges of the tin-foil so that there are no sharp corners, it might be ok.


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Now they're building pods/FEMA camps for the residents



I don't know what "pods/FEMA camps" are. But the video you linked to, says they can live in those containers for free.

Isn't that a good thing ? Because the residents can bridge the time it takes to rebuild the town without getting pressured to sell.

Won't this protect residents from predatory real-estate-sharks ?

What's the deal here ? Am i missing something ?


KYS glowie shill


Dude calm down, can you at least try to explain your self ?
I genuinely don't understand the context here.


The context is that this is conspiratard posting to make you just like the Republican crowd, always being lost in bullshit and unable to discern facts from fiction. This is why this post is here. Lasers is from the Cali fires a few years ago and fema camps from Katrina and Obama. These are all bullshit, designed to confuse. It's why they post obviously contradictory and stupid shit like "MAGAcommunism." Stop posting, hide the thread and move on. This is an actual attempt at subversion.


>DUDE workers just had their houses destroyed by the military and now they're being herded into toxic shipping containers to live for years, it's no big deal LMAO

You literal shills are getting too lazy and obvious, it's insulting tbh


The military didn't create wildfires or climate change, and federal agencies providing aid is nothing new. It happened in 2008. These are temporary shelters. Those people usually get relocated. What an actual communist would be worried about would be the ultimate expropriation that happened to tens of thousands like after Katrina, and the subsequent enrichment of the moneyed classes at the expense of the poor. Of course, you are trying to steer conversation away from that because your aim is to simply confuse and demoralize.


kill yourself, it makes me sick how you apologize for neoliberal fascism


I will agree with you the fires don't appear to behave like a natural fire, i've seen all the strange anomalies in those pictures and videos too.

But i don't understand why you want to attack these people getting temporary container housing. Since their houses have burned down, what type of help would you consider un-objectionable ? For the sake of the argument lets give the disaster-relive programs the benefit of doubt and assume that they're not necessarily linked to the anomalies in the fires.


Have you considered that these people should receive real housing, and not low budget concentration camps???


They do, guy. Just go to Houston to see how many are relocated from Louisiana. This housing is temporary. It's supposed to just be a filler while they get help relocating.

The fires behave like wildfires. You've never been in one, so you don't know what it looks like. You have a conception of it. This happened in California and we got the same conspiratard shit back then too. MTJ got heckled specifically for that stupid shit about Jewish space lasers.


Mods, move this dumb fucking thread to /posad/ at least.


What? Hawaii was actually on fire, my op had nothing to do with the goofy microwave """theory""" bullshit. It was an actual massive disaster which killed 100, maybe 200 people, arguably due to neglected power lines.


>Have you considered that these people should receive real housing
Sure but setting up containers is something that can be done immediately, building real houses isn't something you can do for disaster relief. I don't see a problem with those containers as long as it's a temporary measure and the burned down towns get rebuild enabling all the original residents to return. My main concern here is that this disaster doesn't get used to drive away the people that lived there on behalf of a real-estate shark or something like that.

>The fires behave like wildfires, my video of some guy yelling "go back to the farm" proves this.

Sorry i need science explanations for all the weird shit that people have documented.

>You've never been in one

Obviously, I'd be a charred corpse if i had.

>that stupid shit about Jewish space lasers.

I get that Einstein was the first physicist to figure out the theoretical basis for lasers, and that he happened to be Jewish, but come-on this is retarded, physics phenomena don't have ethnicity.

There is some evidence that these fires didn't propagate like you'd expect from normal fires, ie burn all the available fuel. Space based energy weapons are A possible explanation for the selective fire, all be it an unlikely one. If the US military had powerful space based energy weapons they'd probably be using them in wars too. Technologically advanced geopolitical rivals like China and Russia would take note and their respective state media would be pointing it out loudly. Comparing the US government to a child-bully torturing ants with a magnifying glass, demanding that these weapons be outlawed like chemical weapons and cluster bombs. That said the US did try really hard to build space-lasers during the cold-war, so ridiculing people for thinking that weapons R&D in that domain could have continued seems inappropriate.

It's worth considering other possible explanations, maybe somebody was using combustion-accelerator-chemicals to produce the selective fire.


also for 473529


If you are worried about that check this out:

tldr: small tiny homes build by child labor, because capitalism makes people too poor to afford a human sized house build by payed workers


Have you ever seen a home built in the 1950s? I swear leftists are just constantly on knee jerk emotional response mode.

And literally fuck teachers. These parasites chose to do a job where they knew the pay was low simply because they wanted to indoctrinate children. They should be mocked at every opportunity.

Maybe if they were focused on teaching reading and math instead of gender ideology, they'd be worth paying more.


>Maybe if they were focused on teaching
Why are you're assuming they wouldn't rather do that ?

<become a teacher to pass on knowledge to, and inspire curiosity in the next generation

<get told to live in a chicken-coop
<get forced to teach a regressive curriculum full of ideology
<get hated for it.


>It's just temporary, prole!
>It's only a shower!


FEMA has used these shelters before. I have lived in one myself. It's so stupid that you would try to compare this to the Holocaust. You are actually brain-dead.


>Maybe if they were focused on teaching reading and math instead of gender ideology

Wtf do you think happens in schools?
They're not skipping the alphabet to teach people about neopronouns or whatever the fuck you think they're doing. Sometimes you people are fucking ridiculous!


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Most Americans have a 6th grade or lower reading level. Just enough to read pic related



Ahhh, I fucking fell for it.


>I have lived in one myself
lol shut the fuck up you lying glowie. KILL YOURSELF.


I mean dude could just be from New Orleans. Loads of people lived in those during Katrina.


I would literally kill for such a pod


Fyre Festival, actually. JK. It was when I was working abroad. These tents are pretty commonly in use all over the world.

Yes, it's not like anyone has ever ran into temporary housing ever in America or o overseas. I definitely work for the CIA and my job is to talk to morons like you out of insane shit no normal person will ever listen to. Definitely.


That's really sad, anon. I wish you more luck and prosperity in the future.


>It's just temporary, prole!
I mean you're not wrong, there's a risk that they end up stuck in the tempcontainers.

I wonder how one would organize something like this to remove the risk of people getting left behind.


>there's a risk that they end up stuck in the tempcontainers.
While that is true, the alternative is to provide these people nothing to appease schizos. Again, the gentrification of NO was a far more serious issue than fucking FEMA camps. It's a conversation designed to distract from the real issue, which is the transfer of wealth and property from the poor to the very rich.


>the alternative is to provide these people nothing to appease schizos
>We built these concentration camps out of the kindness of our hearts!
>The displaced couldn't possibly be allowed to live in houses or apartments


Temporary housing isn't a concentration camp. Nobody is required to go there. Nice try, though, schizo.


it's a literal pogrom to herd people into shipping crates. kill yourself fed.


thats most people worldwide tbh.

I think our moern society obsesses too much over academic skill to he point where its replacing common sense and survival skills.

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