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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 No.471994[Last 50 Posts][Watch Thread]>>472026>>472293

Maui fires raise questions over warnings, death toll hits 80

"MAALAEA, Hawaii, Aug 11 (Reuters) - The death toll from the Maui wildfires rose to 80 on Friday as search teams combed through the smoldering ruins of Lahaina, and Hawaiian officials sought to determine how the inferno spread so rapidly through the historic resort town with little warning.

The fires became the deadliest natural disaster in the state's history, surpassing that of a tsunami that killed 61 people on the Big Island of Hawaii in 1960, a year after Hawaii joined the United States.

Officials have warned that search teams with cadaver dogs could still find more dead from the fire that torched 1,000 buildings and left thousands homeless, likely requiring many years and billions of dollars to rebuild.

"Nobody has entered any of these structures that have burned down and that's where we unfortunately anticipate that the death toll will rise significantly," U.S. Senator Brian Schatz of Hawaii told MSNBC.

In a late evening statement, Maui County said that the death toll had risen to 80.

The Lahaina fire that spread from the brush to town was still burning but 85% contained, the county said earlier. Two other wildfires on the island were 80% and 50% contained.

Three days after the disaster, it remained unclear whether some residents had received any warning before the fire engulfed their homes.

The island has emergency sirens intended to warn of natural disasters and other threats, but they did not appear to have sounded during the fire.

"I authorized a comprehensive review this morning to make sure that we know exactly what happened and when," Hawaii Governor Josh Green told CNN, referring to the warning sirens.

Officials have not offered a detailed picture of precisely what notifications were sent out, and whether they were done via text message, email or phone calls.

Green described multiple, simultaneous challenges, with telecommunications down and firefighters concentrating on other major wildfires when the greatest threat to Lahaina arose.

In any event, he said, "We will do all that we can to find out how to protect our people more going forward."

Maui County Fire Chief Bradford Ventura said at a press conference on Thursday that the fire's speed made it "nearly impossible" for frontline responders to communicate with the emergency management officials who would typically provide real-time evacuation orders.

"They were basically self-evacuating with fairly little notice," he said, referring to residents of the neighborhood where the fire initially struck."







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Imagine the utopia we would be in without the opiate of Hawaii and other normally idyllic places preventing the workers of the world from uniting!


What if the sea was made entirely out of poop
then everyone would be happy


>idyllic places preventing the workers of the world from uniting!
what ?

>What if the sea was made entirely out of poop
imagine the literal shitstorms


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>>471994 (OP)
If you look at the context of the fires, it’s very obvious it was arson by the corporations involved. That being said this literally does not matter unless Hawaiian people actually plan to do some real political shit about it. Sadly tho, they just have a western BLM attitude towards colonialism and won’t do anything but posture and gleefully take any concessions before they go back to their government jobs while taking government benefits


>the fires, it’s very obvious it was arson by the corporations involved.
I'm out of the loop on Haiti, what's the purpose of doing that.


>hurr durr people don't organize & fight da grubbermint for communization of power all by themselves
You've got a social job position to occupy then. Not everyone's got that kind of luck deez times.


Lower property values and incentive for those affected to sell at a loss


Events like this are the canary in the coal mine for climate change caused by capitalistic expansionism. This really does effect everyone.


I mean it really doesn’t as it’s just the bourgeoisie class trying to claim land for resorts and real estate. That’s why I said it really only affects the natives and it’s in their power to actually do something about it. Otherwise, they just get displaced and more hotels open lol. Now if farming land, or mines, factories etc. were set on fire to be acquired, then it would be an issue that actually affects everyone



And so you think the fires were set on purpose?
The death toll is in the hundreds, over a thousand people are missing, over 2k buildings have been destroyed. This is the kind of damage where if somebody did it on purpose, even the capitalist state would be forced to respond for the sheer loss of property… is there any evidence that it was arson?

>I mean it really doesn’t as it’s just the bourgeoisie class trying to claim land for resorts and real estate.

1. Based on what?
2. Even if that's true, how would that not affect everyone? If a few rich guys are literally burning entire cities down on purpose in front of everyone just to… get cheaper land deals, then how is that not an issue which affects everyone? Land speculation is everywhere, if they started doing this anywhere it would be a huge national problem.

>That’s why I said it really only affects the natives and it’s in their power to actually do something about it.

Right, class conflict, landlords, and… fire… only hurt people in Hawaii.


If that's true, it means that so far they murdered over 100 people (with more than 1000 still missing). That would be seriously hardcore for a real estate scam. Apparently over a thousand buildings were destroyed. So it has to be many thousands of people that were affected. It feels like a disproportionately big risk to give that many people a reason to want you dead.


You underestimate how tolerable people can be when oppressed. Especially minorities today who are addicted to concessions


What’s wrong with having a “western BLM attitude”?


Hawaiians benefit from the tourism, actually. Their main problem is the corrupt local governments.


>Hello fellow leftists!


Maybe there is something to the real-estate-arson hypothesis after-all
<The governor has also vowed to protect local landowners from being “victimized” by opportunistic buyers.

>You underestimate how tolerable people can be when oppressed. Especially minorities today who are addicted to concessions.

Yeah… no. If you murder hundreds of people and burn down the houses of thousands more, and the state doesn't put you in prison for that, you'll end up as a charred corpse.

Remember that repression is a double edged sword. You can break some people with it, but for others you're just teaching them how to do it.


Hating BLM is the glowie thing to do


<Say something critical about blm
>Omg you hate blm
Go back


BLM is a flagship for the material issue to identity conversion so that concessions can be offered on that basis. It’s reactionary in the sense that it supports the bourgeoisie states methods for social peace and stability


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Not just arson, but probably electromagnetic DEWs. Look at the photo evidence from other fires in this video:

There is extensive evidence that the fires are being started by metal objects heating up to extreme temperatures (caused by some kind of EM or microwave radiation). See pic for example, this fence post was burned by the nails in the post, rather than by normal fire spread.


>And so you think the fires were set on purpose?
>The death toll is in the hundreds, over a thousand people are missing, over 2k buildings have been destroyed. This is the kind of damage where if somebody did it on purpose, even the capitalist state would be forced to respond for the sheer loss of property… is there any evidence that it was arson?
The bourgeois state has no issue doing this stuff in foreign countries like Libya, Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Why wouldn't the fascist bourgeois state be conducting (more covertly) the same kind of campaign of destruction and landgrabs domestically?

It really boggles my mind the kind of liberal idealism that proliferates on this site.


>Why wouldn't the bourgeois state be conducting (more covertly) the same kind of campaign of destruction and landgrabs domestically?
Because bourgeois state needs to be an arbiter of the whole bourgeoisie? Because fire in your backyard is different from fires in some third world shithole?

If the state starts causing chaos and burning random shit in the interests of some real estate capitalists - the rest of the bourgeois class would mobilize and bitchslap them.

If parliamentary democracy doesn't work for proles, it doesn't mean it doesn't work for capitalists either, brainlet.


>If the state starts causing chaos and burning random shit in the interests of some real estate capitalists - the rest of the bourgeois class would mobilize and bitchslap them.
& what is that rest of the bourgeoisie that got hurt by the fire? All I see is cleansing the territory from the unneeded populace, England light type.


>& what is that rest of the bourgeoisie that got hurt by the fire?
brainlet question

the correct question would be: what is that rest of the bourgeoisie that benefited from the fire?

bourgeois state doesn't mean any individual bourg can go around murdering randoms because he feels like it

Elizabeth Báthory was tried and killed for her batshit insanity even tho she was a nobility


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I watched the video and I have some comments.

Microwaving a well hydrated tree will not set it on fire. Water will turn in to steam and evaporate. It might foam up the wood and pop off the tree bark if it happens fast enough (like microwave popcorn). Microwaving the tree would dry it out. I don't know whether continued microwaving, after it dried out, would eventually set it on fire, but it's a reasonable assumption that it would. The hypotheses that water-loving trees are more likely to burn from microwaves, seems wrong. Unless you have a microwave source that is powerful enough to turn water steam into plasma. Which would require a big nuclear reactor as power-source. Technically masers (microwave-lasers) can do that. But maser technology is mostly theoretical at present.

The posts with spot-burns in the nailed locations. That would likely happen if it got microwaved. Tho the rest of the post would have to be very wet or treated with a fire-retardant in order for it to not burn down entirely once it was set on fire. Nails would also heat up faster under powerful infrared light and cause a similar spot burn effect.

The burned down houses with green trees and various un-burned items in between. That's a real head-scratcher. Even if you selectively targeted houses with a scifi incinerator-ray the heat should set all the trees on fire and melt all the plastic stuff in the vicinity. The chemical energy in the building materials was released the ash proves that. So that leads me to believe that the surrounding area were cooled off by for example spraying water on it while the houses burned down.

Something to consider is that we don't have any compact power-sources for directed energy weapons. At minimum a shipping container-sized generator powered by a big diesel piston-engine or gas turbine would be needed.

Based on what i see, i'd say, it's plausible that there was a conspiracy to burn down these houses, but it looks more like the houses were set on fire the conventional way and the surrounding areas were protected by sprinkling water on them.

That leaves the melted glass windows, and there is no real explanation. Microwaveing glass will not melt it, because the silicon-oxygen molecules in the glass are locked in place because glass is an amorphous solid. The glass is basically frozen and it's molecules can't be wiggled by the microwaves, and won't heat up. Glass has to be already hot so the molecules are free enough to wiggle and absorb energy from the microwave.

There's definitely something afoot in those places, but it's probably not heat-rays.


>Because bourgeois state needs to be an arbiter of the whole bourgeoisie
Lmao bruh, you think there are no contradictions among the bourgeoisie??? No power struggles, no factions, no mobs, no competing cartels? No difference in power and influence between petite bourgeoisie and billionaires?

>If the state starts causing chaos and burning random shit in the interests of some real estate capitalists - the rest of the bourgeois class would mobilize and bitchslap them

You retard, it is the owners of the towering heights of the economy that are doing this.


>Microwaving a well hydrated tree will not set it on fire…
I think one of the main points he argues in the video is that many trees suspiciously have not burned in the way you'd expect. For example, still having leaves or needles on the branches. As well, the theorized EM weapon wouldn't have to depend solely on the water in the trees to start a fire. It could be combined with normal arson, a fire that did spread from a metal source, or possibly with some kind of metal dust sprayed on the trees and ground.

Also, what do we really know about how these DEW systems work? It seems like they are kind of similar to a kitchen microwave oven, in that they boil water and start fires with metal objects. However, it is secret military tech, and there could be other details to how it works that don't match up with our experiences with mainstream tech.

I appreciate your post for engaging with skepticism. Obviously, we don't know for sure what is happening. But I think that's also why we shouldn't be ruling these things out, and instead investigating like the man in the video has done.


> you think there are no contradictions among the bourgeoisie??? No power struggles, no factions, no mobs, no competing cartels? No difference in power and influence between petite bourgeoisie and billionaires?
dumfuck leftoids i swear to dog..


state is still relatively neutral to the majority of the bourgeoisie, at least in the core parliamentary systems

>You retard, it is the owners of the towering heights of the economy that are doing this.



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>the brainlet question would be: what is that rest of the bourgeoisie that benefited from the fire?
I see. Thank dog other anons already know the answer.
>bourgeois state doesn't mean any individual bourg can go around murdering randoms because he feels like it
"Bourg state" has "bourg" in it because it is the state made for the bourgs, not for all the other people living under it. So yah, going around murderfucking randos on your camera is totally ok ok if it will be profitable for the business in general despite the potential non-bourg public outlash & maybe even a political crisis. Jannie the state will clean it all for free.
>Erzsébet Báthory was tried and killed for her batshit insanity even tho she was a nobility
Don't even know who that whore is but

oh fuck this is good:
<Initially, Thurzó made the declaration to Báthory's guests and villagers that he had caught her red-handed. However, she was arrested and detained prior to the discovery or presentation of the victims. It seems most likely that the claim of Thurzó's discovering Báthory covered in blood has been the embellishment of fictionalized accounts.
<Most of the witnesses testified that they had heard the accusations from others, but did not see it themselves.
<Her supposed co-conspirators were brutally tortured until they have given their noted confessions and were quickly executed afterwards.
<The accusations of murder were based on rumors. There is no document to prove that anyone in the area complained about the Countess. In that time period, if someone was harmed, or someone even stole a chicken, a letter of complaint was written.
<The highest number of victims cited during the trial of Báthory's accomplices was 650, but this number comes from the claim by a servant girl named Susannah that Jakab Szilvássy, Báthory's court official, had seen the figure in one of Báthory's private books. The book was never revealed and Szilvássy never mentioned it in his testimony.
<As György Thurzó wrote, Erzsébet Báthory was locked in a bricked room, but according to other sources (written documents from the visit of priests, July 1614), she was able to move freely and unhindered in the castle, more akin to house arrest.
<On the evening of 20 August 1614, Báthory complained to her bodyguard that her hands were cold, whereupon he replied "It's nothing, mistress. Just go lie down." She went to sleep and was found dead the following morning. It is theorized that she was poisoned.
<Dr. Szádeczky-Kardoss argues that the physical evidence was exaggerated and Thurzó misrepresented dead and wounded patients as victims of Báthory, as disgracing her would greatly benefit his political state ambitions.
<She also mentions of a Thurzó wife's letter about looking for reliable fake witnesses for "the Erzsébet Báthori affair".
<The Emperor Matthias proposed an immediate execution of Báthory to Thurzó but Thurzó have managed to convince him that it will severely impact the nobility. It is unknown specifically why Thurzó did this, although later it was revealed that Matthias had a massive debt before countess Báthory.

<In 1578, three years into their marriage, Nádasdy became the chief commander of Hungarian troops, leading them to war against the Ottomans. Báthory managed business affairs and the family's multiple estates during the war. This role usually included responsibility for the Hungarian and Slovak people in providing medical care during the Long War (1593–1606).

<There were several instances where Báthory intervened on behalf of destitute women, including a woman whose husband was captured by the Ottomans and a woman whose daughter was raped and impregnated.
<Irma Szádeczky-Kardoss also notes that Erzsébet long practiced the arts of medicine, along with some educated servants of her. Considering the healing practices of that time it wasn't hard to introduce them as sophisticated techniques of occultic torture.

So she was fucked over by her noble sisbros for being too rich, lmao. Appeal discarded.
"The bigger the lie, the more it will be believed." ‒ mr. Hitler


It means you decide shit in favor of your best sponsors who keep this whole neutral territory circus running.
<he can't even imagine himself in the position of a porkoid who's constantly seeking any opportunity to get sum sum.


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>So yah, going around murderfucking randos on your camera is totally ok ok if it will be profitable for the business in general despite the potential non-bourg public outlash & maybe even a political crisis.
SO your dumb ass is telling me that the majority of bourgs THAT COULDN'T CARE LESS about hawaiian real estate market would just let some retarded porks to rock the boat? you fucking stupid bitch

>muh Batori didndu nuffin

femoid revisionism

<he can't even imagine himself in the position of a porkoid who's constantly seeking any opportunity to get sum sum.



< he can’t conceptualize that it would be in some corporations interest to snag some of the most expensive real estate in the world at a cheap price
Also the only way this can be a serious global issue is if western powers are trying to displace natives so that they can turn all of Hawaii into a military base


>snag some of the most expensive real estate in the world at a cheap price
for a billionaire that real estate is as expensive as your tampons are for you

capitalists don't just go around chasing every penny lol

>Also the only way this can be a serious global issue

that shit is literally all over the news


God you are so fucking stupid. Why would they want to keep price gouging not míes when they could use that real estate for millionaires and billionaires? Why not just use it to develop resorts? Wouldn’t there be more profit in that? Fucking retard


lmao, the ruling class now owns the planet. what's the point of profit when you own EVERYTHING??? the profit motive is obsolete.




>& what is that rest of the bourgeoisie that got hurt by the fire?
>thousands of buildings destroyed, including homes, businesses and infrastructure
>political state and electric co. now have to answer for at least hundreds killed and thousands displaced

Nothing about this scheme works - the politicians who would have to cover for it would be used as patsies the moment any evidence of foul play got out. Even if no evidence got out, people are going to be mad at them anyway, and if they did cover for a scheme like that and anything got out, they would actually be killed. Not to mention, any capitalist who wasn't making directly money off of this massacre would unwittingly take an unwanted risk by association if something like that actually happened. The political state would also have to sacrifice local property already owned by capitalists in order to pull this off, which would piss even more capitalists off. What do you tell Bill Gates when you burn some of his stuff down? "Sorry, we had to do it so we could move these poor people and sell land off for a bit cheaper!"

Like if they're going to evict people or do shady land deals, there are way cheaper, easier ways to do it. Or the prospective buyers could just buy cheap land to flip somewhere else, for that matter. Nothing about this hypothesis makes sense in terms of profit motive or even coherent class interests. It doesn't make sense, it's just "oh, the bourgeoisie are surely twiddling their moustaches and tying Nell to the railroad tracks because they're evil!" I'm not even saying it's impossible, but it's really, really improbable.


>the majority of bourgs THAT COULDN'T CARE LESS about hawaiian real estate market would just let some retarded porks to rock the boat?
It's none of their business. Touch private enterpreneurship.


Yet. Touch corporatization.

>capitalists don't just go around chasing every penny lol
Touch New Left
<Another famous prank just before the term "Yippie" was coined was a guerrilla theater event in New York City on August 24, 1967. Abbie Hoffman and a group of future Yippies managed to get into a tour of the New York Stock Exchange, where they threw fistfuls of real and fake US$ from the balcony of the visitors' gallery down to the traders below, some of whom booed, while others began to scramble frantically to grab the money as fast as they could. The visitors' gallery was closed until a glass barrier could be installed, to prevent similar incidents.

>what's the point of profit when you own EVERYTHING???
The point is in pursuing of enlarging your private slice of global capital.
The bourg class owns everything, but the parts of this class, the individual bourgs, compete with everyone & everything in existence, not just with the non-bourgs. See some reactionary russian millionaires fully supporting bolshevik ultras thinking they would restore le Great Russia to be Le gendarme de l'Europe once again. they turned out to be right

>>muh Batori dindu nuffin

>femoid revisionism
I refuse to believe in your incelhood. You're too hilarious to not get sum fuckie already.


I think you're correct about the structural analysis, the superstructure will not tolerate pyromania as a mode of capital accumulation, but capitalists do have a tendency to try out reckless stuff.

It may very well be that a real-estate speculator thinks that the rise in wild-fire frequency offers enough cover to get away with arson. Obviously that will get found out. It may very well be that the state also fails to step in and people decide that if they can't have justice they'll settle for revenge. There could be a cycle of barbarism that stimulates the creation of effective means to frustrate accumulation through arson. And after that cycle is complete we'll arrive at the state you have described.


>It's none of their business. Touch private enterpreneurship.
<burn down a bunch of property, including property belonging to other capitalists
<"whatchu looking at me for it's private entrepreneurship?"
<explanation flies, all the other capitalists forgive the speculative arsonist, the state protects them, and nobody is even slightly pissed about having to cover for such a disaster or foot the bill on this egregious, unnecessary risk

>Another famous prank just before the term "Yippie" was coined was a guerrilla theater event in New York City on August 24, 1967. Abbie Hoffman and a group of future Yippies managed to get into a tour of the New York Stock Exchange, where they threw fistfuls of real and fake US$ from the balcony of the visitors' gallery down to the traders below, some of whom booed, while others began to scramble frantically to grab the money as fast as they could. The visitors' gallery was closed until a glass barrier could be installed, to prevent similar incidents.

… so it follows that any capitalist would jump at the chance to set massive, deadly, uncontrollable wildfires in order to maybe make a profit, and the state would happily protect them even when it infringed on the property of other capitalists, even though there are way easier ways to pull off big real estate schemes. Exactly the same thing as picking money up off the ground when it lands in front of you. Shit, I pick up coins when they're on the ground, guess I'd better start an assassin business because I could also make money that way.

I'm starting to wonder if the lines like this which you quote are the only things you've ever read in your entire life. Like you apparently hadn't even heard of Elizabeth Bathory until this thread, were you raised in a cardboard box? Have you ever encountered another human being?


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>burn down a bunch of property, including property belonging to other capitalists
>"whatchu looking at me for it's private entrepreneurship?"
You have to get caught first.

>… so it follows that any capitalist

Not any but some of them, which is already enough.
>in order to maybe make a profit
It's like you've forgotten that capital accumulation is intertwined with crime since its inception.
>and the state would happily protect them even when it infringed on the property of other capitalists
If you will get caught [2] then it's a matter of numbers who will have to cope over that. You won't be fucking with some Serco, for instance.
>on the property of other capitalists
Capitalists are not a monolite class, how fucking dense you are ffs.
>even though there are way easier ways to pull off big real estate schemes
That doesn't mean all of them have the access to these ways.
>Exactly the same thing as picking money up off the ground when it lands in front of you. Shit
<others began to scramble frantically to grab the money as fast as they could
<<capitalists don't just go around chasing every penny lol

>I'm starting to wonder if the lines like this which you quote are the only things you've ever read in your entire life.

Of course, & as you can see, even that is enough to btfo your takes.
>Like you apparently hadn't even heard of Elizabeth Bathory until this thread
Implying I would be interested in the history of some shitty gothcuck pseudocult figure. Turned out this figure was a literal meme made by debtfags who had a little conspiracy to null their obligations & even collectivize sum sum in the process.
>were you raised in a cardboard box?
No, to the ground.
>Have you ever encountered another human being?
Nah, just strawmoaning adhomos from IBs. Le Horrible.


>You have to get caught first.

You have to risk getting caught.

>Not any but some of them, which is already enough.

No that doesn't actually follow either. Picking up loose change and setting a massive wildfire are not equal risks with equally predictable outcomes. It's insane to equate them.

>It's like you've forgotten that capital accumulation is intertwined with crime since its inception.

It's like you're just spewing a bunch of left-adjacent statements you heard without regard for context or whether or not they're actually relevant here. You're making a claim about a specific thing - saying "capitalists do crimes" doesn't inherently support "this specific massive wildfire was set by capitalists in order to reduce land prices." Like you could make exactly the same claim about a random rape or a serial killer or something - maybe the rape was a plot by speculators to lower prices, maybe Ted Bundy was a plot by local speculators to lower land prices… and in either of those cases, it would be more likely than what you're suggesting, because it would require less risk and be more predictable.

>If you will get caught [2] then it's a matter of numbers who will have to cope over that. You won't be fucking with some Serco, for instance.

If you get caught, the state would have to take a massive risk in order to protect you. Capitalists as a class expect their property to be protected, and workers would already be pissed about this even if it wasn't a convoluted arson scheme. If the local gov't covered for this, it would piss off capitalists on the national level (including petit bourgeoisie, who are also very rich) who expect not to have their stuff burned down by other capitalists, and the federal gov't would get involved. It would be an absolute clusterfuck, and it already is a clusterfuck without even getting to that point of conflict.

>Capitalists are not a monolite class, how fucking dense you are ffs.

They are when it comes to owning property you moron. They're in agreement on the property thing!

>That doesn't mean all of them have the access to these ways.

If you're rich enough to be buying that much land, then yes, you have access to those means. No one without connections would even be in the market for this to begin with, and if they had that much money then they could just buy land somewhere else and it would require way less effort and risk. Real estate is an incredibly powerful lobby.


… he says as he flagrantly repeats the same false equivalence I just pointed out.

>Of course, & as you can see, even that is enough to btfo your takes.

You literally have no idea what you're talking about and you're proud of it.

>Implying I would be interested in the history of some shitty gothcuck pseudocult figure.

Literally everyone in this thread has heard of her except you. She's extremely well-known, and you have no idea what you're talking about. It's like if you came in not knowing who Marie Antoinette was, so you looked her up and were like "um ACTUALLY she probably didn't say 'let them eat cake.'" No shit, Sherlock!
You came in here without basic reference points. Wrt Bathory, you've just shifted from knowing nothing about this famous historical figure to immediately parroting the revisionist position - which is interesting, because at least there were dead bodies in Bathory's castle. Her guilt, degree of crimes, or innocence is debated, but that's way better evidence than anything you've been using to argue your hypothesis about the fires in Hawaii.


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Drone footage of the burned buildings.

There is NO WAY that this is the way a natural fire burns. How can you have houses, trees, and grass perfectly untouched by fire but surrounded by buildings that have been completely incinerated, as if a nuke was set off on top of them???


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Yeah this is very weird. Usually fire-ruins look different and houses don't get completely reduced to ash, even flammable wooden houses tend to leave behind a charred remnant of a frame.

The completely untouched spots in the middle of all that devastation with intact trees and everything, that makes it even stranger.

But how would one explain this, did they go around with special flame-throwers that burn at crazy hot temperatures and selectively burn down some houses while other houses were protected from the blaze. I can't fathom how somebody could have done this without any witnesses.


>But how would one explain this, did they go around with special flame-throwers that burn at crazy hot temperatures and selectively burn down some houses while other houses were protected from the blaze. I can't fathom how somebody could have done this without any witnesses.

See the video in:

A microwave-like directed energy weapon could have this effect by rapidly incinerating homes full of metal objects, while leaving trees and grass untouched (provided the fire burns out too rapidly to spread to the flora). Since the weapon can be aimed, it can hit some houses but avoid hitting others. And since, presumably, it is coming from an airplane or satellite, there won't be any direct witnesses.


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>silly prole, don't you know that's how wildfires work?


I have been looking for explanations why fires could burn some houses and leave others unscathed, and the explanations seem to boil down to fire resistant building materials especially for roofs and not having shrubs next to it. In this photo all the houses that are untouched have wooden walls and roofs while being surrounded by lots of shrubbery. So that ain't it. There doesn't seem to be a plausible explanation for a fire to create these isolated "islands of destruction".


The level of destruction seems high for an energy weapon. The best laser the US navy currently has is a measly 300kw. That's just about good enough for a point-defense turret not something for attacking ground targets. If this is the result of a weapons system maybe it could be something else. Like a swarm of smart fire-bombs or drones dropping phosphor grenades.


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…or maybe it were genetically engineered little gremlins carrying matches


>The level of destruction seems high for an energy weapon. The best laser the US navy currently has is a measly 300kw.
Please watch the other video. This is likely NOT a laser, and NOT publicly-disclosed technology. It appears to operate similarly to a microwave, but we don't know how it works or how it's powered, so it's useless to compare to "the best laser the US navy currently" allows you to know about.

>Like a swarm of smart fire-bombs or drones dropping phosphor grenades

Would not explain the photo evidence from other fires in this post:
The man in the video has meticulously documented that the fires are actually emanating from pieces of metal that are in the environment. Normal fire bombs can't do that.


Shit's getting even more suspicious:
<In a recent video that went viral online, a Hawaii resident documents the miles of black fencing that has gone up around Lahaina in Maui as well as other burn zones from the recent wildfires. Getting necessary supplies to the fire’s victims has been rather slow, but all this fencing went up in record time. So what’s going on?

The fact that they are now fencing off the entire area raises more questions. To give them the benefit of the doubt, disaster-zones tend to attract looting, and since not all the houses burned down, that would technically still be a concern. However that doesn't explain the media being chased away.

>This is likely NOT a laser, and NOT publicly-disclosed technology. It appears to operate similarly to a microwave, but we don't know how it works or how it's powered.

I have done some digging about this.
While normal microwave emissions can be made very powerful, the degree they can be focused into a tight beam is physically limited. If they originated from a satellite or an airplane, it's not very likely that they could pinpoint individual houses.
However microwaves laser definitely are a thing. I did find documentation of a working laboratory experimental set-up. A molecular doped diamond material in a microwave cavity gets excited by a normal visual light laser, to produce a microwave laser. I don't know if that can be weaponized but it's at least plausible, in the sense that it would make it possible to cause very localized damage with microwaves over a long distance.

Such a heat-ray would be a devastatingly effective weapon and that raises the question why it isn't showing up in wars. Assuming that people would notice.

>the fires are actually emanating from pieces of metal that are in the environment

Something else to consider is that metal-parts would also attract high voltage electrical discharges and maybe these were electrical fires. That does of course leave open the question where the electrical discharges came from. Also we have to take in account that there might be multiple causes for these fires, so you can't rule out somebody using boring firebombs for at least some of the fires.


>Such a heat-ray would be a devastatingly effective weapon
In the same manner as lasers, masers are incredibly power-inefficient emitters that can only be switched on for very short durations when operated at intensities needed to burn things. This is why lasers have had very limited military applications so far, their potential utility mostly confined to theoretical anti-missile systems using limited chemical reactions to power the emitter rather than connected to main power supples. The same would be true of masers. We don't have War of the Worlds-style heat rays just yet.


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Jannies need to ban anyone talking about space lasers and other dumbass conspiracies. It's a right wing disinfo campaign to deflect culpability from the booj.
They were told for years that climate change, their neglected power lines and lack of gov preparedness would cause this too happen and then whoop it did.
But no no it had to be space laser and shit with bullshit pictures which have all been debunked.


>Jannies need to ban anyone
No they needn't do that

>space lasers and other dumbass conspiracies. It's a right wing disinfo campaign to deflect culpability from the booj.

The "space-laser" hypothesis doesn't conflict with climate-change causing wild-fires. The proposed conspiracy is that somebody is using the climate-change-caused wild-fires to hide their arson activities. None of that gets the booj off the hook from fucking up the planet.

"Disinformation" is a dog-whistle for censorship. It's a consent-manufacturing narrative that is being pushed by the second right-wing political faction. It's not a valid assertion, you can't just dismiss arguments like that, you have to refute arguments. Remember censorship is a crime.

However you aren't entirely wrong about the possibility that somebody might be putting the directed energy weapon narrative out there to distract from something else. There could be people doing fire-insurance fraud and of course it's possible that there is arson happening on behalf of big multinational real-estate companies trying to force residents to sell.

The reason why this can't just be dismissed is the strange fire-pattern. It's not plausible that a normal fire wipes out most of a small city but somehow just skips over some building especially the ones made from wood. It's also not plausible that a wild-fire would only burn down some houses in areas where most the neighboring houses remain intact. Fire follows the path of combustible material. Wind, temperature and moisture affects it's speed and intensity. Fire propagates by proximity-ignition and by spray of hot ambers that seed new fire-fronts. You'll get continuous fire-fronts that eat everything in their path. Even brick or concrete buildings can be destroyed because they can heat up to the point where all the flammable material inside the house ignites and leave behind nothing but a burned out shell of nonflammable walls.

If you try to assert that the fire-pattern was a natural progression of a fire-front, you need to describe the natural mechanism that explains the observed fire pattern.

The reason why the directed energy weapons hypothesis came up was because people found burn-spots around metal parts. The Energy weapons hypothesis is hard to swallow because it sounds so science fiction but it technically fits the evidence. In order to lay that to rest we need a better explanation for the observed phenomena. People that scream for censorship are just as much an enemy of truth as those who spread incorrect information.


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>The "space-laser" hypothesis doesn't conflict with climate-change causing wild-fires
No, but it does conflict with basic energy and optical physics. This didn't happen due to picrel. You're a fucking idiot if you believe that, and you're an even bigger fucking idiot if you think it has any merit to discussion.


>I did find documentation of a working laboratory experimental set-up. A molecular doped diamond material in a microwave cavity gets excited by a normal visual light laser, to produce a microwave laser. I don't know if that can be weaponized but it's at least plausible, in the sense that it would make it possible to cause very localized damage with microwaves over a long distance.
Interesting, thank you for sharing that. I guess it'd be incorrect to say it's not a laser then, but rather it could be a special kind of laser.

>maybe these were electrical fires

This could explain things like fires coming from home appliances, but not the fires coming from nails in wood. Unless it's a non-grid electrical source. Like maybe an EMP?? IDK much about EMPs.

You speak with a lot of assurance that "we don't have" this technology, even though we're discussing the possibility that it's top-secret experimental tech.

Kill yourself redditor, go back to .org.


>No, but it does conflict with basic energy and optical physics.
I think you're bluffing

The only thing I can think off that prevents a ridiculously powerful laser is atmospheric bloom, but that only applies to parallel ray lasers. You can make a conical ray laser. As long as you distribute the traverse-medium thermal-load over a sufficient volume of gas, it won't suffer from any significant de-focusing effects.

>if you think it has any merit to discussion.

I'm very far from being an expert on laser physics, so it's quite possible that i'm wrong. But you do have to actually explain the physics. Explain why we should rule this out.


The only thing that's been debunked is your masculinity



I feel like there was a very brief period from like 2008 to the early '10s where ordinary people realized they could actually learn about stuff from the internet and they briefly stopped being as superstitious and stopped being so prone to just believing whatever hick-ass bullshit some random guy or their preacher says. Phones and walled gardens fucked it all up.


>You speak with a lot of assurance that "we don't have" this technology, even though we're discussing the possibility that it's top-secret experimental tech.
Maybe they've got pyromancers and they hooked them up to a top secret psychic amplification device and pointed it directly at one of the warmest places in the US.


Look, the burn patterns from the fires are physically impossible for natural fire spread. The fires were clearly being influenced/driven by some kind of unnatural force. Technologies that can produce SIMILAR effects are public knowledge, like microwaves and lasers. So it's not an insane superstition to suppose that there could be secret, more refined forms of this tech that can explain the burn patterns.


>Look, the burn patterns from the fires are physically impossible for natural fire spread.

And you've investigated a lot of wildfires?

>Technologies that can produce SIMILAR effects are public knowledge, like microwaves and lasers.

How many buildings burned by lasers and microwaves do we have to compare it to?


>Look, the burn patterns from the fires are physically impossible for natural fire spread.
Yes, they're called shitty power lines.


>Look, the burn patterns from the fires are physically impossible for natural fire spread. The fires were clearly being influenced/driven by some kind of unnatural force.
Yes they're called shitty power lines mismanaged forests.


>And you've investigated a lot of wildfires?
I'm not that anon, but i do have looked into forest-fire-fighting at least a little.
These are very difficult to stop, fire-fighters often resort to control-burn-fires in order to burn away the available fuel to stop or prevent a forest-fire.

Fires do not just stop on their own. Fire is a statistical phenomenon where the bigger flames out-compete the smaller ones. That means a fire grows until it reaches thermal equilibrium with the rest of the environment. It won't go out until something cools it down below ignition temperature, starves it of oxygen or combustible fuel.

All those pictures where the fire apparently skipped over houses or just stopped in the middle of town, would require the fire to ignore fuel and leave it un-burned. Considering that many of the ruins are little more than piles of white ash, that fire must have been a unusually hot inferno, and certainly didn't lack the temperature to set other stuff on fire.


>DUDE just ignore the evidence of a bourgeois conspiracy lmao


What evidence?


Fire also doesn't magically jump across fuel-free areas without something to burn through in between. You haven't established that the required temperatures were reached to cause the whole area to combust spontaneously. Which is more likely: temperatures to achieve total-area spontaneous combustion were not reached, or an extremely well-orchestrated conspiracy was afoot where all the property owners in on the conspiracy slathered their homes with some kind of fire-retardant material and we somehow still have no evidence for it?


>Fire also doesn't magically jump across fuel-free areas without something to burn through in between.
Fires produce hot ambers that can seed new firefronts, they be can blown over some distance, and make fires jump gaps.


The idea that ""flying embers"" could produce results like in THIS PIC >>472857 is absolutely laughable. You are either genuinely retarded or a glowie if you think that pic can be explained by natural causes.


>The idea that flying embers could produce results like in THIS PIC
I think you miss-understood, flying embers are the reason why fires don't stay isolated like the picture in >>472857. It's the reason why firefighters rush to contain fires.

It's not just confusing how these houses were set on fire to begin with, it's also confusing what contained the fires. Without fire-fighters preventing the fire from spreading, you'd expect that all the other surrounding houses would have burned down as well.


Based boomer made another video investigating pictures from the Maui fire:


Video from a Lahaina resident who lives in one of the houses that was mysteriously spared. Look at all the anomalies in his footage.


That guy seems to be pretty adamant that satellite based microwave weapons are causing this. It would be pretty easy to defend against that. A rectenna-grid over put over houses would do. It's a specially shaped metal-mesh. And you could even collect the energy and convert it back into electrical power with great efficiency.


>It would be pretty easy to defend against that. A rectenna-grid over put over houses would do
True, provided the microwave space laser has enough in common with kitchen appliance microwaves. Maybe some kind of faraday cage type construction would protect your house too? Ironically, a tinfoil hat seems to put you at greater risk against this weapon.


>True, provided the microwave space laser has enough in common with kitchen appliance microwaves.
The only variable is the wavelength. One would optimize for
1. passing through the atmosphere with low losses, hence you look for the long end of the microwave spectrum
2. optimal efficiency range of the emitter technology.
3. avoiding overlap with communication.
There is some wiggle room but not much.

>Maybe some kind of faraday cage type construction would protect

It's not optimal but as long as the mesh-cell-size is smaller than the wave-length it would work. A faraday cage will redirect electrical discharges, but microwaves would either get adsorbed or reflected, so it might heat up. I would really go for a rectenna design, because that is optimized which will make it much more effective and cheaper. You can connect a converter to the rectenna and wire it to an AC, so microwave-beam attacks would power the AC and cool off houses instead.

>Ironically, a tinfoil hat seems to put you at greater risk against this weapon.

If you roll up the edges of the tin-foil so that there are no sharp corners, it might be ok.


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Now they're building pods/FEMA camps for the residents



I don't know what "pods/FEMA camps" are. But the video you linked to, says they can live in those containers for free.

Isn't that a good thing ? Because the residents can bridge the time it takes to rebuild the town without getting pressured to sell.

Won't this protect residents from predatory real-estate-sharks ?

What's the deal here ? Am i missing something ?


KYS glowie shill


Dude calm down, can you at least try to explain your self ?
I genuinely don't understand the context here.


The context is that this is conspiratard posting to make you just like the Republican crowd, always being lost in bullshit and unable to discern facts from fiction. This is why this post is here. Lasers is from the Cali fires a few years ago and fema camps from Katrina and Obama. These are all bullshit, designed to confuse. It's why they post obviously contradictory and stupid shit like "MAGAcommunism." Stop posting, hide the thread and move on. This is an actual attempt at subversion.


>DUDE workers just had their houses destroyed by the military and now they're being herded into toxic shipping containers to live for years, it's no big deal LMAO

You literal shills are getting too lazy and obvious, it's insulting tbh


The military didn't create wildfires or climate change, and federal agencies providing aid is nothing new. It happened in 2008. These are temporary shelters. Those people usually get relocated. What an actual communist would be worried about would be the ultimate expropriation that happened to tens of thousands like after Katrina, and the subsequent enrichment of the moneyed classes at the expense of the poor. Of course, you are trying to steer conversation away from that because your aim is to simply confuse and demoralize.


kill yourself, it makes me sick how you apologize for neoliberal fascism


I will agree with you the fires don't appear to behave like a natural fire, i've seen all the strange anomalies in those pictures and videos too.

But i don't understand why you want to attack these people getting temporary container housing. Since their houses have burned down, what type of help would you consider un-objectionable ? For the sake of the argument lets give the disaster-relive programs the benefit of doubt and assume that they're not necessarily linked to the anomalies in the fires.


Have you considered that these people should receive real housing, and not low budget concentration camps???


They do, guy. Just go to Houston to see how many are relocated from Louisiana. This housing is temporary. It's supposed to just be a filler while they get help relocating.

The fires behave like wildfires. You've never been in one, so you don't know what it looks like. You have a conception of it. This happened in California and we got the same conspiratard shit back then too. MTJ got heckled specifically for that stupid shit about Jewish space lasers.


Mods, move this dumb fucking thread to /posad/ at least.


What? Hawaii was actually on fire, my op had nothing to do with the goofy microwave """theory""" bullshit. It was an actual massive disaster which killed 100, maybe 200 people, arguably due to neglected power lines.


>Have you considered that these people should receive real housing
Sure but setting up containers is something that can be done immediately, building real houses isn't something you can do for disaster relief. I don't see a problem with those containers as long as it's a temporary measure and the burned down towns get rebuild enabling all the original residents to return. My main concern here is that this disaster doesn't get used to drive away the people that lived there on behalf of a real-estate shark or something like that.

>The fires behave like wildfires, my video of some guy yelling "go back to the farm" proves this.

Sorry i need science explanations for all the weird shit that people have documented.

>You've never been in one

Obviously, I'd be a charred corpse if i had.

>that stupid shit about Jewish space lasers.

I get that Einstein was the first physicist to figure out the theoretical basis for lasers, and that he happened to be Jewish, but come-on this is retarded, physics phenomena don't have ethnicity.

There is some evidence that these fires didn't propagate like you'd expect from normal fires, ie burn all the available fuel. Space based energy weapons are A possible explanation for the selective fire, all be it an unlikely one. If the US military had powerful space based energy weapons they'd probably be using them in wars too. Technologically advanced geopolitical rivals like China and Russia would take note and their respective state media would be pointing it out loudly. Comparing the US government to a child-bully torturing ants with a magnifying glass, demanding that these weapons be outlawed like chemical weapons and cluster bombs. That said the US did try really hard to build space-lasers during the cold-war, so ridiculing people for thinking that weapons R&D in that domain could have continued seems inappropriate.

It's worth considering other possible explanations, maybe somebody was using combustion-accelerator-chemicals to produce the selective fire.


also for 473529


If you are worried about that check this out:

tldr: small tiny homes build by child labor, because capitalism makes people too poor to afford a human sized house build by payed workers


Have you ever seen a home built in the 1950s? I swear leftists are just constantly on knee jerk emotional response mode.

And literally fuck teachers. These parasites chose to do a job where they knew the pay was low simply because they wanted to indoctrinate children. They should be mocked at every opportunity.

Maybe if they were focused on teaching reading and math instead of gender ideology, they'd be worth paying more.


>Maybe if they were focused on teaching
Why are you're assuming they wouldn't rather do that ?

<become a teacher to pass on knowledge to, and inspire curiosity in the next generation

<get told to live in a chicken-coop
<get forced to teach a regressive curriculum full of ideology
<get hated for it.


>It's just temporary, prole!
>It's only a shower!


FEMA has used these shelters before. I have lived in one myself. It's so stupid that you would try to compare this to the Holocaust. You are actually brain-dead.


>Maybe if they were focused on teaching reading and math instead of gender ideology

Wtf do you think happens in schools?
They're not skipping the alphabet to teach people about neopronouns or whatever the fuck you think they're doing. Sometimes you people are fucking ridiculous!


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Most Americans have a 6th grade or lower reading level. Just enough to read pic related



Ahhh, I fucking fell for it.


>I have lived in one myself
lol shut the fuck up you lying glowie. KILL YOURSELF.


I mean dude could just be from New Orleans. Loads of people lived in those during Katrina.


I would literally kill for such a pod


Fyre Festival, actually. JK. It was when I was working abroad. These tents are pretty commonly in use all over the world.

Yes, it's not like anyone has ever ran into temporary housing ever in America or o overseas. I definitely work for the CIA and my job is to talk to morons like you out of insane shit no normal person will ever listen to. Definitely.


That's really sad, anon. I wish you more luck and prosperity in the future.


>It's just temporary, prole!
I mean you're not wrong, there's a risk that they end up stuck in the tempcontainers.

I wonder how one would organize something like this to remove the risk of people getting left behind.


>there's a risk that they end up stuck in the tempcontainers.
While that is true, the alternative is to provide these people nothing to appease schizos. Again, the gentrification of NO was a far more serious issue than fucking FEMA camps. It's a conversation designed to distract from the real issue, which is the transfer of wealth and property from the poor to the very rich.


>the alternative is to provide these people nothing to appease schizos
>We built these concentration camps out of the kindness of our hearts!
>The displaced couldn't possibly be allowed to live in houses or apartments


Temporary housing isn't a concentration camp. Nobody is required to go there. Nice try, though, schizo.


it's a literal pogrom to herd people into shipping crates. kill yourself fed.


thats most people worldwide tbh.

I think our moern society obsesses too much over academic skill to he point where its replacing common sense and survival skills.

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