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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 No.475181[Last 50 Posts]

JERUSALEM/GAZA, Oct 7 (Reuters) - The Palestinian Islamist group Hamas launched the biggest attack on Israel in years on Saturday, killing more than 20 people in a surprise assault that combined gunmen penetrating into Israeli towns with a barrage of rockets fired from the Gaza Strip.

Israel said the Iran-backed group had declared war as its army confirmed fighting with militants in several Israeli towns and military bases near Gaza and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed to retaliate.

"Our enemy will pay a price the type of which it has never known," he said. "We are in a war and we will win it."

At least 22 Israelis were killed in the attack so far with more than 250 wounded, Israel's ambulance service said, but added that the toll was expected to rise.

The Israeli military said it had launched air strikes into Gaza, where witnesses reported hearing heavy explosions, with at least two dead.



I'm told this is footage of a Hamas drone blowing up an Israeli tank.


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Never been this glad that a dude kept his pants on before


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Looking at Ukraine too, I think it's safe to say that infantry anti-tank weapons currently have the edge over armour in warfare.


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from 4ch


bruh did she shit herself


I thought she got shot in the ass cheek or something. It kind og looks like blood.


it's hard to say, but that tank could definitely be an Israeli Merkava. It might help if we knew what those Arabic symbols say.

>I think it's safe to say that infantry anti-tank weapons currently have the edge over armour in warfare.
Smallish drones that drop mortar rounds on tanks have been effective for some years, but recently the Russians have used some kind of directional jamming device that defeats most of those drones before they can attack anything. Eventually every military will figure out how that's done, and then they mount automatic drone-jammers on every vehicle. By that time guerilla-rigged "cheap" commercial drones will no longer be effective. Of course dedicated drone-weapons might be hardened enough to pierce those "jamming shields".

Israel went the rout of anti-drone lasers, which like jammers only use electricity and hence are cheaper per shot than a drone, but laser-weapons of that type do not seem operational yet. So Hamas probably can drone some more Israeli tanks until that tactic gets neutralized.

In the Palestine conflict many Israeli tanks were destroyed by mines, so Palestinians have always been capable of shredding ground forces. But they'd need something to counter Israeli jets dropping bombs on their heads if they want to be able to deter Israel from terrorizing them. They might try to fly drones into the path of low-flying jets doing attack-runs, but a jet-turbine might be able to eat a drone, without suffering too much damage. Commercial jet-turbines are tested for bird-strikes by launching commodity chickens into a running turbine and that does absolutely nothing to a turbine. Still, it might be worth a try.


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The establishment of the State of Israel in 1948 marked a historic moment with profound geopolitical implications. The reasons for supporting Israel's right to exist extend beyond nationalistic sentiment, delving into historical, moral, and strategic dimensions. This essay explores some of the key arguments in favor of Israel's existence.
One of the primary arguments for Israel's existence lies in the historical connection of the Jewish people to the land. This connection spans thousands of years, with Jerusalem serving as a focal point of Jewish spiritual and cultural life. The establishment of Israel represents a return to a homeland that holds deep historical and religious significance for Jews worldwide.
The Holocaust, a tragedy of unprecedented proportions, underscored the need for a Jewish homeland where Jews could live free from persecution. Israel emerged as a response to this moral imperative, providing a sanctuary for survivors and a symbol of resilience in the face of adversity. Recognizing Israel's existence is, for many, an acknowledgment of the importance of ensuring the survival and security of persecuted communities.
Israel stands as a beacon of democracy and human rights in a region where such values are not always upheld. With a diverse population that includes Jews, Arabs, Christians, and others, Israel has built a democratic society with a vibrant political landscape. It upholds the rights of minorities and provides a platform for peaceful coexistence, setting an example for the region
Israel's existence contributes to regional stability by serving as a strategic partner for countries that share common interests. Its military and intelligence capabilities have made it an essential ally for nations in the fight against terrorism and extremism. Its presence helps maintain a balance of power in the Middle East, which can contribute to peace and security in the region.
The question of Israel's existence is a complex and multifaceted one, encompassing historical, moral, and geopolitical considerations. While acknowledging the importance of supporting Israel's right to exist, it is equally essential to promote dialogue and diplomacy to address the ongoing challenges and conflicts in the region. Israel's existence is a reality that carries both historical weight and contemporary significance, and its role in the Middle East remains a subject of global interest and debat


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>The Holocaust
is no justification for terrorizing the Palestinians

>Israel stands as a beacon of democracy and human rights

No on both counts.
Israel is an apartheid state, where the Palestinians are politically disenfranchised and human rights violations occur at massive scales. Even the facade of democracy is now cracking because the ultra Zionists in Israel are fucking up liberal division of powers, to create an open dictatorship.

>Israel's existence contributes to regional stability

Israel is a source of instability, it's the imperial porcupine of the US empire whose purpose it is to keep the regional powers off balance, especially Iran.

>supporting Israel's right to exist

The US empire is gradually fading away. Eventually it will no longer be able to subsidize Israels militarization. It would be prudent to phase out the fascistic ideology of Zionism and end the terror against the Palestinians as well as the hostilities against the other countries in the region, to win the support of the regional powers in the middle east.


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The assertion that the U.S. empire is inevitably fading away may oversimplify the complexities of international politics and geopolitics. While global power dynamics are subject to change, the United States remains a significant player on the world stage with enduring influence in various areas. Regarding U.S. support for Israel, it's essential to recognize that the relationship is based on a range of factors, including shared values, strategic interests, and historical ties. Suggesting that phasing out Zionism and ending perceived hostilities would automatically win support from regional powers in the Middle East is a complex and contentious claim. Regional dynamics are multifaceted, and achieving peace and cooperation in the Middle East requires diplomatic efforts, negotiations, and concessions from all parties involved, rather than oversimplified assertions.


I feel like this anon is literally just a chatGPT robot created to flood the board with Generic citizens united right wing talking points.

>Beacon of democracy

That's so fucking funny because the isreal prime minister is only in the position he's in because he is a united states puppet that was put in place specifically to uphold stability in the region. There's nothing even remotely democract about hostile take overs of a peoples country who lived there first, mind you, prior to the settlers moving in and literally stealing land from the Palestinians. How is that democratic at all?

Furthermore there is no evidence that Jews actually inhabited the region historically.


Why does
Benjamin Netanyahu keep shooting down two state solution talks every time it gets brought to the table? The United States enables this behavior and genocide by allowing Isreal to set the terms.


There's actual glowies on this thread.


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attributing the entire situation to a simplistic "genocide" claim disregards the intricate geopolitics retard
>This. I still want to throw myself out of a helicopter, but truth is truth.


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>femoid gets kidnapped by militant group
>takes selfies the entire time
>only starts to show emotions when her phone is taken off her
Why are they all like this?


>The assertion that the U.S. empire is inevitably fading away may oversimplify the complexities of international politics
You have to be blind to not see that the US imperial power is in terminal decline.
>the United States remains a significant player on the world stage with enduring influence in various areas
the US empire with global reach will be gone in 2-3 decades. After that it'll become a normal state and a lesser super-power with regional influence.

>the relationship is based on a range of factors

The Middle east has oil, lots of other minerals, trade routes and China's Belt and road passes through there too. Israel is the US's imperial outpost as a staging ground to project power. That's the extend the US cares. If the imperial loot is less than what it costs the US to maintain Israels crazy levels of militarization, they will eventually be forced to reduce it's subsidization.

>Suggesting that phasing out Zionism and ending indisputable hostilities would automatically win support from regional powers in the Middle East

Obviously if Uncle same cuts down the firepower-supply, and Israel can't terrorize it's neighbors and over half of it's population into submission, they have to learn to live with these people, like normal countries. If they don't, than Israel as a state won't last any longer than the shelf-life of it's nuclear weapons.


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Because nothing says "normal country" like living peacefully with your neighbors and not relying on military power, right? I mean, who needs defense when you can just have a tea party with your neighboring countries and sing Kumbaya? And of course, the shelf-life of nuclear weapons is totally a reliable measure of a nation's longevity. It's almost as if geopolitics is just like a game of Jenga, and as soon as those nuclear weapons expire, poof! No more Israel. Brilliant analysis! go
eat shit


Go away proompter


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What you mean to tell me that the ottoman empire was what once was ALL of the "middle east?" and that isreal was created after Britain colonized and destroyed the automan empire? What the fuck why did no one ever tell me this?


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never, salty old cunt


>On today's episode of b8 or bot…


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>US imperial power is in terminal decline
kek, NPC zigga strikes again

you could make bingo cards with his vocabulary


Lol, have you spent any time outside of the US. A decade of state sanctioned woke virtue signaling has made the US increasingly irrelevant on the world stage.

Whereas foreign countries used to roll out the red carpet for a visiting US president, Biden's recent trips have been nothing more than soliciting him for gibs, a speaking stop at an embassy-funded venue, and a quiet departure.

Even something like movie consumption, which is a good proxy for global influence, has seen a downturn for American studios and dramatic rise for Chinese media.

The world is rapidly recognizing that the west is failing and ghey



yes, based palesterinos opened a "second front" in a holy multipolar crusade against Great Satan

USA is gonna run out of money any day now, terminal decline eurup is freezing something-something

just don't cry when the Zionists are gonna retaliate against your based palesterinoos lol


I could give 2 dusty fucks about Palestine.

Not my war, and I don't care about either side. I just wish the US wasn't constantly funding the backstabbing Israeli welfare queen settler state. Americans literally paying for 'the chosen people's' university education and healthcare while cities in the US look like a third world country


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>Not my war, and I don't care about either side.
That's not what your tweets said kek.

>the backstabbing Israeli

how are they backstabbing?


You are a shallow breather, aren't you


>Whereas foreign countries used to roll out the red carpet for a visiting US president, Biden's recent trips have been nothing more than soliciting him for gibs, a speaking stop at an embassy-funded venue, and a quiet departure.
That's a far cry from a "terminal decline".

You're comparing post-ww2 countries uniting around US against the Commie block, or post soviet collapse US domination to the current situation.

You take for granted that the US will decline further, which is a not a given at all.

I can tell you one thing for sure, retarded nazoids: if US is really gonna "terminally decline" - it gonna decline after a nuclear fallout. This ship is not gonna sink quietly, without taking EVERYONE with it.



now answer the question


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that's definitely a merkava

>some kind of directional jamming device that defeats most of those drones before they can attack anything

they can change their frequency if their channel gets jammed

they can't jam all of the radio spectrum lol


also, "directional" means that you need to detect the drone first

which is a problem as the russkie-ukro war has shown


it's safe to say that the best job in the army today is a drone operator


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Suggesting that foreign countries used to roll out the red carpet for U.S. presidents, but now only engage with President Biden for financial support is an oversimplification of international diplomacy. Diplomatic interactions are multifaceted and depend on various factors beyond economic aid. Additionally, every president's visits have their unique circumstances and goals, which can't be generalized in such a simplistic manner.
Attributing the success of American movie studios solely to global influence is misleading. The global film industry is dynamic, and multiple factors influence its trends. The rise of Chinese media doesn't diminish the creative output of American studios, and both industries can coexist and thrive independently.
Characterizing the entire "west" as failing and using derogatory language like "ghey" is not only offensive but also ignores the diverse and complex nature of Western nations and their individual challenges and successes.
understanding global politics and cultural influence requires a more nuanced and informed perspective than the one you've presented, which relies on generalizations and derogatory language.


At least she's making the best of it!


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Comparing Ukraine to Israel is bad analysis. Actually, blaming the actions of Hamas strictly on Iran is, too. The 4D chess guys who, uh, tweet stuff like this generally make the mistake of failing to recognize any of the more specific material factors in these conflicts.

Ukraine's (renewed) break with Russia was initiated something like 30 years ago, and their national conflicts with Russia started even earlier than that. Their eagerness for national autonomy (and an attempt to get closer with the EU, shot down by Yanukovych despite a vote) led to internal hostility against Russia-sympathetic political leaders as well as strife with Russian nationalist forces within the country. From the Russian side, it was seen as a loss that Ukraine got Crimea, a region with significant ports (and the first thing Russia invaded), and the remainder of Ukraine also has valuable natural resources. Russian interests aimed to keep Ukraine in Russia's sphere of influence (and there are some legitimate security concerns at play here) after Ukraine seceded in the 1990s, and this inevitably led to a conflict with a Ukrainian populace who had intended to leave this sphere, as they attempted to get closer with the EU.

Israel's relationship with Palestine is essentially the opposite of Ukraine's relationship with Russia - if you want to understand why so many Palestinians hate Israel, you should first consider that Israel does not recognize the existence of Palestine. They do not recognize Palestinian autonomy; they are constantly taking bits of Palestine and saying that that land is theirs, they are constantly exercising national dominance over Palestine. To them, Palestinian land and people are up for grabs; and they grab it regularly. Reducing these conflicts to proxy wars fundamentally overlooks the very basic conflicts generated by active land disputes. If the US drove tanks into Mexico tomorrow, there'd be a war whether or not China sent AMLO anti-tank missiles.



West is ghey as fuck.


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>that's definitely a merkava
>they can change their frequency if their channel gets jammed
>they can't jam all of the radio spectrum lol
Yes wide-band jamming is possible, it costs a lot more energy, but then again the power-supply of a tank is more than capable of over-powering a tiny drone-battery.
It's doubtful that commercial drones would get hardened against military jammers.
>also, "directional" means that you need to detect the drone first
no drones are easy to detect via LIDAR, they also make a lot of noise, radio emissions and rotating magnetic fields from the motors, all which are easy to detect
>as the russkie-ukro war has shown
In that war the Russians have demonstrated that they are able to down the majority of the small drones the Ukrainians tried to use against them.


>Comparing Ukraine to Israel is bad analysis
There are some parallels tho, Ukraine tried to do to the Donbass region what Israel is doing to the Palestinians.


The past 9 years of violence in Donbass that people talk about was all stoked by Russia taking Ukrainian territory. Within Donbass itself at that time, separatists were essentially a large minority - around 30%, enough to cause a problem, but still not a majority within the region.


No I'm pretty sure it was stoked by Nazi-worshipping thugs burning people alive in union buildings and massacring buses of protesters returning to Crimea.


>The past 9 years of violence in the Donbass that people talk about was all stoked by Russia
I guess that's a another parallel, the Zionists also sometimes say that Palestinians are "stoked" by Iran. They won't acknowledge that Palestinians might be angry because of what Israel has done to them. The People living in the Donbass certainly did not like what post-color-revolution Kiev did to them either.

Ukraine as a state allowing attacks by Ukrainian forces against people who at least nominally counted as Ukrainian citizens as well, is similar to Israel attacking Palestinians who at least nominally would be counted as Israeli citizens.

The main difference is that Russia as the state that does appear to care about the people in the Donbass, is way more powerful, than the powers in the middle east that cared about Palestine. If Iran, Syria or Lebanon were as powerful as Russia, Israel would not have been able to terrorize the Palestinians for so many decades.

The Crimea happening doesn't mirror anything in the middle east tho. The Bandera gang and their NAZI friends got into political offices and the Ukrainian military , and the Crimeans just noped out. The US backing of the ukro-hard-right caused a massive split in Ukraine first. The Russians didn't take Crimea, the neocons handed it to them on a silver platter.


>it costs a lot more energy

>but then again the power-supply of a tank is more than capable of over-powering a tiny drone-battery.

you know that a tank consumes a shitton of fuel, right? It's not built to be constantly turned on

>In that war the Russians have demonstrated that they are able to down the majority of the small drones the Ukrainians tried to use against them.

Okay zigga lol

your opinion is dismissed

I've lost count of the times I've seen ukro drones dropping mortar rounds on russkie tanks lol

>no drones are easy to detect blah blah

how do they keep hitting russkie airfields then kek? How did they hit fucking CREMLIN then lmao?

You dumb fucking zigger


>you know that a tank consumes a shitton of fuel, right? It's not built to be constantly turned on
The jammers only need to be switched on while it intercepts a drone.
>reality is dismissed, i prefer my NAFO kope bubble, furthermore i will insult you to convey my childishness
Listen if the Russian military can figure out how to counter weaponized commercial drones, that means that most likely the Israeli military will eventually figure it out as well. The Palestinians have to calculate that their drone tactic may not work forever.


>The jammers only need to be switched on while it intercepts a drone.
The jammers needs to be switched on all the time because tank can't detect a drone reliably.

>Listen if the Russian military can figure out blah-blah

they can't



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It's crazy watching this "Hamas are raping women and children in the streets" JIDF psyop play out in real time.

Between X, /pol/ and r*ddit I have seen almost every video of the conflict out there. And in not one was there any indication of a rape occuring, nevermind inflicted on a child. The closest I have seen is that vid of the dead German bitch from the festival in the pickup truck, but I think she was just almost naked because that's how hippies dress normally. Oh and she still had her panties on so definitely wasn't raped, no blood around her genitals either.

Another thing I noticed is reddit bots keep talking about some video of Hamas slitting the throat of a little girl. But this video straight up doesn't exist. Nobody has posted it anywhere and there are no screencaps from it or anything. "People" started talking about it within hours of shit hitting the fan too, like some kind of pre-prepared talking point.


>The jammers needs to be switched on all the time because tank can't detect a drone reliably.
Oh bother, it's even possible to reliably detect drones with cameras, if you were sufficiently technologically inclined you could probably DIY something like that with an image recognition program.

>I'm so butt-hurt about how the Ukraine-war turned out that i'm not even going to attempt to gauge the realistic prospects of Palestine using drones to defend against Israeli combat vehicles.

If i'm correct they will probably have to go back to mines, not immediately, because for the moment Israel probably does not have a counter, but eventually.


I believe you, that they could be making up horror stories to discredit Hamas. Because that's their M.O. However they did not have "pre-prepared talking points". They got taken by surprise big time. They were completely blind-sighted, they had no clue that attack was coming. How Hamas managed to avoid tipping off Israeli intelligence is a mystery, but based on the utterly chaotic scramble to react, it's clear that they did.


Ben Norton made a decent contextual summary of the Israeli-Palestine conflict.

Palestinians have a legal right to armed resistance against Israeli colonialism

<International law clearly shows that the Palestinian people have a legal right to armed struggle against Israeli colonialism, just as South Africans did against apartheid. Gaza suffers under an illegal Israeli blockade that even a former British prime minister recognized to be a "prison camp". Journalist Ben Norton looks over the evidence.




let me just say



>analysis by Ben "ANTI-IMPERIALIST" Norton
Meh, I'll wait on Max Blumenthal's take on this.


drama between them is gay as fuck. Both need a struggle session


Both Blumenthal and Norton put out good stuff.
I've mostly forgotten why they split up, tho it's probably unlikely they'll team up again, you know with Ben Norton now living In China.


I see it all as Ben's fault to be honest. Despite his protestations otherwise, he never grew out of that trendy Trotskyist purity sectarianism he grew up with in Brooklyn, and it still colors his behavior and analyses. He was better with an editor like Max around to tamp down his dumbest piss takes so that his actual journalistic work could speak for itself. Now it seems like he rarely does actual journalism anymore, just lame "anti-imperialist" analysis.


Basically Max started speaking out about the draconian covid-19 restrictions, and Ben decided he had to play white knight for all those people in the global south who couldn't get Pfizer's shitty vaccine and broke up with his best friend for ages over it.


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A good heuristic is to never trust a man with a neck this thin


Oh it was over covid stuff. I kinda can see both points tho. Preventing people from getting medicine is crummy, regardless whether the Pfizer vaccine was good quality or not. And the Covid crisis indeed got abused to further politically dangerous control mechanisms.
Meh, judging people based on their appearance is a terrible strategy. Neck-girth probably isn't going to telly you anything about a person.


The trade unions house fire was on May 2, 2014. Russian separatists in Donbas took over government offices in Donetsk and Luhansk on April 7th, 2014. That's almost a month earlier - did the separatists have a time machine? Did they go into the future, see the Odessa fire a month later, and come back to April with the conclusion that they needed to prevent this coming catastrophe by taking over stuff in the name of Russia? Is that what happened? Interesting if true!

Palestine is essentially a separate country, it's just not officially acknowledged. Donbass is part of Ukraine; most people in Donbass were not Russian separatists, and even the separatists wouldn't define Donbass as its own nation. Ukrainian attacks on Donbass followed attempts by Russian separatists in the region to take over in the name of a neighboring nation state. Comparing it to Palestine is unreasonable; Israel takes territory from Palestine whether or not Palestine fights back. In the case of Donbass, violence from separatists (who, again, only constituted about 30% of Donbass) attempting to take territory for Russia by force preceded attempts by the new government to maintain that territory.

If a group of separatists popped up in Russia staging takeovers and claiming some territory for Poland which had never been part of Poland, do you you think Putin would just let Poland have it? I'm not defending everything Ukraine's gov't has done, I'm just saying this seems odd.

Palestine isn't a bunch of separatists popping up suddenly and trying to take a part of one country and give it to a neighbor, Palestine is what's left of a nation which Israel hasn't quite conquered entirely on the ground, but refuses to acknowledge the existence of. Palestine is an existing nation which wants autonomy.


>minorities shouldn't have rights
you're just a generic racist



It is a good case study on why it's a terrible idea to let a large ethnic minority with ambiguous loyalty settle in your country.

I just wish the DNC-RINO uniparty was half as serious about America's borders as they are about Ukraine's


I will never understand retards who believe "RINO" isn't exactly what the Republican Party was at its core, and this artificial idea they have of the Good Conservative Party is the stupidest faggotry ever imagined.


I will never understand low T faggot liberals who believe everything they hear from NPR and think the people smeared by the media aren't the good guys


Moreover, you can't even come up with good insults.

You have a) retard, which is likely a project of your Dunning Krueger mental state, and b) faggot, which is an attempt to somehow salvage a misogynist term to suit you simpy leftists male feminist ends

You truly lack any creativity or original thinking. But keep those 2nd hand MSNBC talking points coming


Did Israel seize the rest of Palestine yet?


>Palestine is essentially a separate country, it's just not officially acknowledged. Donbass is part of Ukraine;
If you go back far enough in history, Donbass was part of Russia. Luhansk and Donetsk republics were separate countries too for a while and they too wanted autonomy. This land is my land, is a stupid game.

>Most people in Donbass were not Russian separatists, and even the separatists wouldn't define Donbass as its own nation.

They weren't separatists, they simply would not accept being made second class citizens, lorded over by the Banderites. The same way Palestinians do not want to be second class citizens, lorded over by Zionists.

>Ukrainian attacks on Donbass followed

the CIA color revolution regime change operation, the US empire gave those fascistic elements weapons-training, funding and than the ukro-fashos began terrorizing the population in the Donbass by shooting mortars and cluster bombs into civilian areas. If they had gotten their way those people would've suffered a similar fate as the Palestinians

>Comparing it to Palestine is unreasonable; Israel takes territory from Palestine whether or not Palestine fights back.

I guess you are half correct, there are differences the Israel-Palestine conflict is about territory while the Russia-Nato conflict in Ukraine is primarily a proxy war,

>Muh Russia interfered in Donbass (YOU)

<Muh Iran interfered in Palestine (ZIONISTS)
Both of this accusations may well be true. But what did you expect, if you start a conflict by brutalizing people with heavy weapons, neighboring countries are going to get sucked into the conflict. If the weapons speak, others tend to join that conversation.

Don't you realize, you sound as ridiculess as the Zionists when you proclaim, it's Ukraine's prerogative to bombard it's own population with artillery. Isreal didn't have the right to bomb Palestine as much as Kiev didn't have the right to bomb the Donbass.


>Did Israel seize the rest of Palestine yet?
Do you think, they would really be stupid enough to set off a protracted war that would draw in Hezbollah (which has become a professional military of sorts) from Lebanon. Many consider the Israeli military strong enough to win this fight, but it'll probably take a very long time, depleting Israeli and US strength. It would be outrageously brutal, they have to slaughter over a million Palestinians, Zionism would become a universal evil, and Israel would become a rogue state with nukes in the eyes of the hole world.


Are you serious right now? I mean, c'mon, let's break this down.

First off, the idea that any country or government would intentionally start a war with those kinds of consequences is just ludicrous. I mean, we're talking about a protracted war that could potentially draw in a well-armed group like Hezbollah from Lebanon. That's not some small-time militia we're talking about. They've got some serious firepower and training.

Sure, some folks might think the Israeli military is tough, and they've got a right to think that. But winning a fight like this? It'd be like trying to swim across an ocean with one arm tied behind your back. And yeah, it'd drag on for ages, depleting Israeli and even U.S. strength. Who in their right mind would want that?

Now, let's talk about the brutality of it all. Slaughtering over a million Palestinians? That's just horrifying and inhumane. Nobody in their right mind would support that kind of bloodshed.

And the idea that Zionism would become a universal evil and Israel a rogue state with nukes? Seriously? That's like saying if one person messes up, their entire family should be blamed. It's just not how things work in the real world.

In a nutshell, this scenario you're painting is pure madness. Nobody in their right mind would want to see any of this happen, and it's crucial to focus on peaceful solutions and diplomacy rather than these doomsday fantasies.


I guess the AI agrees with me ?


I love times like these when all the Zionists out there start to show their colors in the open



Whoa, hold up a sec, my friend. Let's not jump to conclusions here. Throwing around labels like that just ain't cool. You can't just lump a whole bunch of people together and expect 'em all to be the same. It's like saying all cats are the same just 'cause they're cats, right? Nah, it don't work like that.

I mean, come on, we live in a big ol' world with folks from all walks of life, and yeah, they're gonna have different opinions and beliefs. But that don't mean you can slap a single label on 'em and call it a day. That's just lazy thinking, my friend.

If you got beef with someone, it's better to talk it out, ask questions, get to know 'em. Maybe you'll find out they ain't so different from you after all. So, let's keep it real and give people a chance, alright?


Yeah it got a lot more unhinged since this happening burst onto the scene, but Zionists were already pretty open about their views before.

In recent years Israel was able to normalize relations with a few middle eastern countries like the Saudis, the official condemnations from the EU and US were quieting down, Palestinian support was waning somewhat. The acceptance trend-line from the Israeli perspective was going up and the Zionists faced less headwinds to their cringe. Of course they're probably going to have a massive bloody chimp out now, and undoo all of that political capital they garnered over the recent years in one fell swoop.


But, like, now you're sayin' they're gonna have a big, massive, huge, ginormous chimp out? Like, they're gonna go bananas or somethin'? And, like, all that political stuff they worked for is just gonna poof, disappear? That's, like, a major buzzkill, dude!


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I ain't buying it, pal. I've seen robots before, and you're lookin' more like a human with that chat of yours. Unless you got some secret circuitry hiding in there, I'm callin' shenanigans on the whole "robo" thing!


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Israel is apparently dropping firebombs now.


Targeted strikes btw


I started giggling at work today when I remembered about that senior IDF commander called Nimrod.

I think there is something wrong with me.


wut ? firebombs are area effect weapons


Here's the Grayzone's take

Operation Gaza Truth Flood - The Grayzone live

<The Grayzone's Max Blumenthal and Wyatt Reed cover the surprise attack from Gaza that has momentarily overwhelmed Israel's military and shocked the world. They will follow events from there, including the unfolding Israeli assault on Gaza and the international response.



I was making fun of the Israeli PR people who say they only do precision strikes in Gaza while dropping white phosphorus and levelling entire tower blocks.


>I was making fun of the Israeli PR
oh, that wooshed over my head, sorry


Kinda crazy how every single media outlet and politician, both 'left' and 'right,' has come out in support of Israel with almost no exception.

It's almost like there is a powerful group that's really in charge and which ensures that Israel's interests are represented above all else…


When will we ever learn.




Death to all settlers.


>Sips soymilk latte in Austin


>typed while inside of a cushy suburbanite home.


Israel is the fate of all settlers. Even when you win, you lose, the colonized never relinquish their anger.


Actually my lakeview balcony. Hoping to upgrade to a place with an infinity pool and private gym at some point.


You sound like a white guy btw


>Akshully I was projecting
Wow! Nothing gets to you anon, you're too cool.


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Hezbollah next move?

Zion's reaction was predictable, and there is no way this operation wasn't carried out to provoke an all-out escalation.

Are they planning for Zion's invasion of Lebanon? Is the Arab League involved? Is this Iranian operation like in Azerbaijan?


There must be a bigger plan here, especially considering the timing when Israel has a major political crisis.


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Well, you know, it's kind of strange, isn't it? I mean, you look around, and it's like, there's this, um, feeling in the air, you know? Like, something's not quite right. You start to wonder, is there, like, this, uh, secret group, or maybe it's not so secret, but they're just, like, really powerful, and they're pulling all the strings, you know? It's, uh, it's almost like a conspiracy or something.

I mean, if you think about it, it's, like, there are these, uh, elites, or, like, a shadowy cabal, and they're just, you know, controlling everything behind the scenes. You see these, um, decisions being made, and it's like, who's making these decisions? Who's really in charge? It's not always so clear, and that's what's, you know, so troubling about it.

And then you start to look at, um, history, and it's, like, there are these patterns, you know? It's not just, like, a recent thing. It's been going on for a long time, like, centuries, maybe. And you wonder, is this, like, some sort of, uh, long-term plan that's been unfolding? It's, uh, it's definitely a bit unnerving.

You hear about these, um, secret societies, you know, like the Illuminati or the Freemasons, and it's like, are they the ones pulling the strings? Or is it something even more, uh, hidden? It's almost like there's this, um, hidden world, you know, that most people don't even know about, and it's running the show.

And then you see, like, these, uh, powerful people, the ones with all the money and influence, and you start to think, they must be part of this, uh, group that's really in charge. It's like, they're all connected somehow, and they're, you know, they're making things happen the way they want.

You know, it's not just about politics, either. It's, like, the media, too. You see these, uh, narratives being pushed, and you start to question, who's controlling the narrative? Who's deciding what we see and hear? It's like, there's this, um, hidden agenda, and we're just, you know, being fed information to fit that agenda.

And then there's the whole thing with, like, technology and surveillance. It's, um, it's pretty unsettling when you think about it. It's like, are they watching our every move? Are they using our data to, you know, manipulate us? It's all part of this, uh, grand plan, it seems.

I mean, it's not just about individuals, either. It's like, countries and governments, they're all part of this, uh, larger scheme. You see these, uh, conflicts and wars, and you start to wonder, who's really benefiting from all of this? Who's orchestrating it all?

And then there's the whole thing with, like, the economy. It's like, there are these, um, boom and bust cycles, and it's like, who's behind it all? Who's profiting from the chaos? It's, um, it's all connected, you know, to this powerful group.

You know, it's a bit like a puzzle, trying to, um, uncover the truth. It's not always easy to see the big picture, but you can't help but feel that there's, like, this hidden hand, you know, guiding everything. It's, uh, it's definitely a thought that can keep you up at night.

So, yeah, it's almost like there is a powerful group that's really in charge, and the more you think about it, the more it all starts to, you know, make sense, in a kind of, uh, paranoid and odd way of speaking, if you catch my drift.


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Based Tate


>THE king incel supports us after we murdered, raped and kidnapped hundreds of civilian men, women and children and Hamas was retarded enough to record it all and post the videos of their terrorist carnage all over social media in celebration
Palisisters, this don't look too good for our PR, kek. Hamas are subhuman savages just like the Russian terrorist state. Ziggers and Paliggers get the rope.


lol, keep crying, Zioncuck

what goes around, comes around


Good to know where you stand on this constellation of issues
Allah already knew, ofc


Strawman. Has nothing to do with anything I said.

>If you go back far enough in history, Donbass was part of Russia.
The era of the Tsars?
Might as well say Poland is half German half Soviet, that's more recent history than the last time Donbass was Russian. Donbass has been Ukrainian for my entire life, and most people in the region wanted it to stay that way when this conflict began.

>They weren't separatists, they simply would not accept being made second class citizens, lorded over by the Banderites.

They literally wanted to take that region for Russia. They were separatists, whether you think they were right or wrong doesn't change what their goal was.

>the CIA color revolution regime change operation

… Which involved hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians, presumably all brainwashed by MKUltra and with no other motivation. This is what I mean when I say that reducing these conflicts to proxy wars is an oversimplification. You correctly recognize an arch-nationalist component within Ukraine's gov't, but you somehow fail to see how that could have come into conflict with Yanukovich's programme. You could just as well say that the Russian separatist element in Donbass was single-handedly created by the KGB - it would be an oversimplification, but if you were consistent then I think you would say that.

>ukro-fashos began terrorizing the population in the Donbass by shooting mortars and cluster bombs into civilian areas.

Again, your timeline is backwards. The Ukrainian army didn't start shelling the region at all until after the separatist attacks started. You can literally look this stuff up. The pro-Russian faction occupied government buildings in April 2014, and the shelling started in July.

>I guess you are half correct, there are differences the Israel-Palestine conflict is about territory while the Russia-Nato conflict in Ukraine is primarily a proxy war,

NATO was never in Ukraine. If Ukraine had actually managed to join NATO, the invasion wouldn't have been viable. Russia and Ukraine are fighting in direct combat, and that fighting is over territory and regional economic control.

>Both of this accusations may well be true. But what did you expect, if you start a conflict by brutalizing people with heavy weapons, neighboring countries are going to get sucked into the conflict. If the weapons speak, others tend to join that conversation.

Iran hasn't invaded Israel. The 'accusation' is categorically untrue. So, tell me: when did Russia invade Crimea? Was it before or after the July 2014 shelling of Donetsk?

When did Russian separatists in Donbass start seizing gov't buildings? Was it before or after the July 2014 shelling of Donetsk?

Has Iran invaded Israel?
Has Russia invaded Ukraine?

I do think Russia has "interfered," but I don't limit the scope to Donbass; Russia "interfered" first in Crimea, and later decided to interfere in the entirety of Ukraine. They've launched no operation in defense of Donbass, where around 70% of the population was opposed to the separating from Ukraine to begin with, but rather Russia has opted to annex the entire country at once.

>Don't you realize, you sound as ridiculess as the Zionists when you proclaim, it's Ukraine's prerogative to bombard it's own population with artillery. Isreal didn't have the right to bomb Palestine as much as Kiev didn't have the right to bomb the Donbass.

Kiev shouldn't have done this, it's true!
What I would ask, though, is what Moscow would have done had they faced a similar situation of foreign-allied militias launching major ground attacks within Russia. Given that Russia is so ready to invade neighboring countries where similar situations occur, how would Russia's military respond to similar unrest within its own borders?
Probably with tanks and bombs. I don't trust them to tread softly any more than I would the Ukrainian government.


>tate tweetposter vs. Israel simp



Have the Palestinians ever had a strategy that amounted to more than baiting the Israelis into attacking them and then crying to the international community when some of them die? Because words cannot describe how pathetic that is.


Reminder the CIA was funding WWII Nazis trying to foment ethnonationalism in Ukraine since the end of WWII. It didn't start in 2014.


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>NOooo Ukrainians worked with the Heckin CIA against Russia after Stalin starved 3 milli9n Ukrainians to death in the 1932-1933 Holodomor genocide famine and the Russian empire spent 300 years colonizing Ukraine and trying to erase Ukrainian identity
Nobody cares, Zigger.


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>Which involved hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians, presumably all brainwashed by MKUltra and with no other motivation. This is what I mean when I say that reducing these conflicts to proxy wars is an oversimplification. You correctly recognize an arch-nationalist component within Ukraine's gov't, but you somehow fail to see how that could have come into conflict with Yanukovich's programme. You could just as well say that the Russian separatist element in Donbass was single-handedly created by the KGB - it would be an oversimplification, but if you were consistent then I think you would say that.
true that there are elements of nationalism within Ukraine's government, it's a bit of a leap to attribute the entire conflict to that alone. You know, conflicts like these tend to have multifaceted origins, and reducing them to mere proxy wars doesn't do justice to the complexities at play.
forget that Yanukovich's program had its own set of issues and contradictions. It's like trying to say that the Russian separatist movement in Donbass was entirely orchestrated by the KGB. Sure, that's one piece of the puzzle, but it's a vast oversimplification to put all the blame on that. Consistency in understanding these conflicts requires looking beyond the surface.
situations with a more nuanced perspective. The truth is, the roots of conflicts like this one run deep, involving historical, political, and socio-economic factors. To reduce it all to a single cause or entity is to miss the forest for the trees, my friend. So, while it's tempting to point fingers at one side or the other,reality is often much stranger and more intricate than we might imagine.


>Reminder the CIA was funding WWII Nazis trying to foment ethnonationalism in Ukraine since the end of WWII. It didn't start in 2014.
Has this something to do with the CIA absorbing parts of the Nazi spy-network after WW2 ?

It was Nazi propaganda strategy to deny their own crimes like the holocaust and then turn around and accuse their enemies of committing the crimes, the Nazis had originally done. That is the origin of how a famine in the Soviet Union got turned into false allegations of politically prejudiced killing. Let me remind you that the famine in question also affected countries like Kazakhstan which was fiercely loyal to Stalin. The crime was mismanaging food supply like for example creating insufficient reserve stock-piles that could buffer agricultural failures and too much grain exports.

You are not only repeating Nazi propaganda that was designed to aid holocaust-denial by deflecting genocide accusations to the Soviets. You're also doing historical revisionism that buries the actual causes of the famine. The Soviets learned the hard way that lacking food-stock piles is a deadly mistake. And that is a lesson that may not have been learned. The food-supply of the world is currently lacking adequate buffer stock-piles as well. Optimally you'd want 5 years worth of survival rations, currently it's less than 1. Your narrative attributes the famine in the Soviet union to "evil" politicians, rather than inadequate food reserves. That's one less argument we have today for improving our food reserves. Your burning this argument for your stupid political agenda.

If you wanted to criticize the pre-WW2 period of the Soviet Union, there is a lot of actual shit that went horribly wrong, you don't need to repeat NAZI propaganda. If you wanted to criticize the current Russian federation on account of the Ukraine war, there is something you could say that wouldn't involve sucking up to WW2 Nazis and their Bandera bootlickers. Here it comes: Why didn't the Russian Federation counter the CIA covert-war-fare invasion of Ukraine with their own covert-warfare ?

I know that you're motivated to paint the Russians as the big boogieman on account of the war in Ukraine, and you want to take attention away from the fascist elements in Ukraine. But fudging history and repeating Nazi-propaganda lies designed to deny or distract from the holocaust. That is a bit much.


>Have the Palestinians ever had a strategy that amounted to more than baiting the Israelis into attacking them and then crying to the international community when some of them die? Because words cannot describe how pathetic that is.
You're a pompous ass. The palestinian people are desperate people, brutally repressed by the zionist terror regime. The only agency and dignity they have left, is choosing how they go out. They chose defiance. Do you really expect them to build their own sophisticated military industry ? Inside the Gaza strip ?

Also if Israel can't resist the temptation to occupy the Gaza with military forces, they will get into a protracted urban-rubble-war that will overtax their military long-term combat-endurance, considering that the US has depleted a lot of it's stockpiles in Ukraine, US support will be materially limited. This could ruin them, not just economically from military spending but also geo-politically. The rapprochement between Israel and the Saudis has already been put on hault. Israel also has internal political fault-lines that will get stressed, the hard-core ultra Zionists that are pushing for attack are also the ones that are exempt from military service. So people who have to actually fight and die have increasingly diverging political interests.

By the way The Palestinian thinking probably was something like along the lines of a prison-break, if you zoom out, it sort of looks like they tried to punch a hole in the Zionist encirclement.


>The Nazis used the Holomodor for propaganda. That means it didn't happen, you don't want to agree with Nazis to you.
It's weird how this purity test never applies to the Soviets and the non aggression pact they signed with the Nazis.


>Waaaaaa Stalin dindu nuffin
They shipped out food during a famine which caused them to starve. Tankies always want to split hairs and build strawmen. Joking that they didn't cause the drought (as if anyone had accused them of that ridiculous shit) or that a famine would have occured regardless of what they did.
Not realizing something even a kindergartner would know. That if you take food away from someone that's already starving you're responsible for their death even if you're not the one that put them in that vulnerable position in the first place.
Tankies continue to prove that all they care about it power and control and continue to go to outlandish lengths to defend the atrocities of the Soviets to maintain this legitimacy tankies believe their ideology still has


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>Also if Israel can't resist the temptation to occupy the Gaza with military forces, they will get into a protracted urban-rubble-war that will overtax their military long-term combat-endurance, considering that the US has depleted a lot of it's stockpiles in Ukraine, US support will be materially limited. This could ruin them, not just economically from military spending but also geo-politically. The rapprochement between Israel and the Saudis has already been put on hault. Israel also has internal political fault-lines that will get stressed, the hard-core ultra Zionists that are pushing for attack are also the ones that are exempt from military service. So people who have to actually fight and die have increasingly diverging political interests.
to insinuate that Israel is incapable of navigating the labyrinthine complexities of urban warfare is to underestimate their strategic prowess. They are not novices in this arena, and their military doctrine is forged in the crucible of experience. Protracted conflict may strain their endurance, but it is not tantamount to their ruination. Such hyperbole neglects their resilience and adaptability.

As for the assertion that the United States, their steadfast ally, is weakened, it is an oversimplification of the geopolitical landscape. Yes, resource allocation is a consideration, but it is folly to discount the depth of their commitment. The ebb and flow of international politics is far from predictable, and alliances can be rekindled as quickly as they are strained.

Regarding internal political fault-lines, the assumption that the hard-core ultra Zionists dictate all facets of Israeli policy is an oversimplification. Israel, like any other democracy, is a tapestry of diverse perspectives and opinions. Disagreements exist, but to suggest that these differences will lead to their downfall is to underestimate their capacity for internal cohesion when faced with external threats.


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>They shipped out food during a famine which caused them to starve. Tankies always want to split hairs and build strawmen. Joking that they didn't cause the drought (as if anyone had accused them of that ridiculous shit) or that a famine would have occured regardless of what they did.
that anyone would attribute the very drought itself to these benevolent souls is a laughable endeavor, indeed! One must wonder if these so-called "tankies" have ever heard of the concept of nuance. The act of providing aid in the wake of a calamity does not imply culpability for its occurrence. To jest about their not causing the drought is akin to ridiculing a hero for saving a drowning man while mockingly declaring, "But you didn't make the river flood, did you?"


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>mfw even fucking Artificial Idiot produces more intelligent takes than a fucking zigga


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Not trusting Nazi propaganda at face value is just basic reasoning. It's not a purity test, it's a sanity-check. But it's very funny that you would complain about me not trusting Nazi propaganda. It's kinda nuts that you seem to be complaining that the Soviets are considered the good guys because they helped defeat the Nazis.

>Ribbentrop pact

Soviets try to make a antifascist pact with all the capitalist liberal democracies, they decline.
Capitalist liberal democracies make non-agression pacts with the Nazis instead.
With the Soviet attempt at an anti-fascist alliance back-stabbed, the Soviets are forced into a nonaggression-pact to delay the Nazi attack.

In a stunning inversion of reality you try to pretend the opposite happened.
How many times are you going to pwn your-self with this.

The History of WW2 is the Soviets doing most of the heavy lifting in defeating the Nazi menace, with the capitalist liberal democracies eventually doing the right thing, contributing a decent amount.

In the current conflict in Ukraine the US-NATO faction has supported ukranian fascists with weapons, training and funding. While it was pure opportunism and not out of any kind of ideological alignment. This has resulted in a bunch of liberals trying to rehabilitate people unironically waving Nazi flags and ranting about race-war on social-media. And not to forget the intense poor-out of racism, with the liberals dropping of rants that might have sprung from Hitlers Mein Kampf.


>Stalin dindu nuffin
I would say Stalin was 30% wrong and 70% correct.

>Armored vehicle enjoyers didn't cause the drought that caused the famine

It's sad that this has to be pointed out.

>They shipped out food during a famine

Nobody disputes that the Soviet royally fucked up their food-security and loads of people died.
You are trying to claim that they did that on purpose, the historic fact is that this was incompetence not malice.

Neoliberal ideologues continue to prove that all they care about is power and control and continue to go to outlandish lengths like repurposing Nazi propaganda to maintain their ideological fallacy of equating Nazis with communists.

Lets not forget amidst your pissing on history, that currently the reckless sanctions are interfering with trade of food-stuffs and that this is causing starvation.


<There is a 50% probability this text was entirely written by AI
I'm guessing your rewriting the AI-shlock a bit to confused Ai detectors, it's still obvious as fuck.

Israel is too small to fight long wars. It's military isn't what it used to be, and even at it's zenith of past glory Israel was never capable to maintain military force projection for a long time. Israels military is way to big for such a tiny country. It's a sprinter not an endurance runner.

And yes the US has weapons supply-problems because of the Ukraine war that will impeded it's ability to aid Israel.

If Israel turns this into a big slaughter it will cost them geopolitically, most of the world looks at this as internal instability. Nobody understands why they wouldn't just treat the Palestinians better and avoid all this murder chaos.

No the AI is generating nonsense, you're just having a case of the confirmation bias


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Shanicels rejoice!


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Are Zigger-Paliggers really still trying to fake moralfag over "muh Ukrainian Nazis" when the Russoid subhuman pidors are the ones who've been slaughtering, kidnapping, torturing and raping Ukrainian civilians and now their pet terrorist Hamas sanduyghurs are the ones who took video of themselves slaughtering, kidnapping, torturing and raping Israeli civilians by the hundreds and posting the videos online to celebrate their Nazi-style atrocities just 3 days ago?


The fact that there were worldwide rallies in many major western cities of pro-palestinians dancing and cheering in the streets while hundreds of innocent people were murdered and raped is truly sickening.


Pick one


>Ukrainian Nazis
you're never getting a pass for supporting that

>terrorist Hamas

Turns out that decades of infernally brutal repression, does not produce pleasant people with a peaceful disposition. The Zionists taught the Palestinians how to speak the language of violence. Don't you dare leave out that little detail.


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Azov Battalion are not Nazis. They are left social-nationalist Ukrainian nationalist defending their country from Russoid subhuman terrorist Mongoloid snowuyghurs. The "NI" in Azov's insignia stands for "Idea of the Nation", as in the Ukrainian nation free from Moskal terrorist subhuman occupation.

Nothing justifies slaughtering civilian families in their homes with AK's and beheading babies, you Hamas subhuman sanduyghur terrorist sympathizer. You Paliggers just invoked Old Testament, eye-for-an-eye holy retribution from the IDF on Gaza. I won't be surprised if Gaza is wiped off the face of this planet LMFAO




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Biden: 14 Americans killed in Israel, others held hostage by Hamas in Gaza


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The US will send a carrier strike group to the Eastern Mediterranean in support of Israel


Casus Belli: Americans Killed + Americans Taken Hostage by Hamas in Gaza

What are the strategic implications of the American military having a legit, justified casus belli to let loose the Dogs of War on Hamas and help the IDF wipe Gaza off the face of the Earth?

Also, what are the weapons we're most likely to see the American military use to accomplish that task?


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Protecting Khazar milkers from Hamas terrorist sanduyghurs is in the strategic interests of America and every hot-blooded, masculine American man.


>Azov Battalion are not Nazis.
How about Ukrainian fascist paramilitary.

>Nothing justifies slaughtering

Where was your moral indignation when the Zionists did that to the Palestinians. For decades.

>eye-for-an-eye holy retribution

You do realize that if we tally up the dead, Israel has killed many times more Palestinians than the other way around. The implications for settling the score with "an eye for an eye", are lets say not very favorable for Israel. You didn't think that one through did you ?


Kfar Aza massacre: Hamas beheaded women and babies


Kfar Aza: Aftermath of the brutal attack by Hamas against women and babies


They have a case to extract the hostages with brute force, and to go after those that murdered US citizens. But they have no excuse to start a War, Palestine or Hamas poses no threat to the US.

>what are the weapons we're most likely to see

A cudgel made from rolled up Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and General Dynamics stock-certificates.


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>they aren't nazis guys, their flag just happened to display an infamous symbol used by the nazi party, the SS and nazis worldwide
How's the weather at Langley?


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>t. Average Joe Biden vooter.


'the party of empathy'




Liberal democracy is eternal. It is the final form of human government.


Shills clocking that overtime
What does Michelle's dick taste like btw?


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Based Chad freedom fighters and defenders of their people against genocidal Nazi-style terrorists (Russia/Iran/North Korea and Hamas/Hezbollah/Iran). Continue to make the subhuman terrorist Russoid Moskal Mongoloid snowuyghurs and Palestinian Arab Semitic sanduyghurs and their sympathizers seethe worldwide with your heroic actions to safeguard the ethnic future of the Ukrainian and Jewish people.


The cool thing about doing my moral duty and supporting the Ukrainian and Israeli defense struggles against Zigger and Paligger Nazi-style genocidal fascist imperialism, is that both Israelis and Ukrainians have some of the hottest 12/10 big titty goth gf's on Earth. Perhaps you should join the "Dark Side", you terrorist sympathizer Marx-Stalinoid/leftoid incels.


Imagine believing that women have loyalty to a country when it's not performative virtue signaling on social media, especially when they're far away from home… LOL

In reality, Ukrainian chicks are getting dicked down rn by a multiracial rainbow coalition in whatever city they settled in.

Even Ukrainian men – the smarter ones dodged the draft and fled elsewhere. They may be cowards, but they're alive. Only the most retarded and gullible Ukrainians stayed behind.

Btw, are you in Tel Aviv or the East Coast?


Based NATOposter.


Palestinian Counter-Offensive Was Decades in the Making

<The unprecedented Palestinian counter-offensive against Israel has shattered its facade of invincibility.

<Now, Israel is facing a crisis it may not overcome.

<BT’s Kei Pritsker went to a rally in NYC which defended Palestine’s right to resist occupation.



Scott Ritter made an interesting point about the Israeli intelligence failure. He says that Israel used some kind of AI system to evaluate the Gaza surveillance data. And the result was that Hamas managed to game that system and trick it. And that's how they pull off the big surprise attack.

Scott Ritter: Israel Is Reaping The Whirlwind

<INTERVIEW: Israel is a fundamentally broken nation morally, says Scott Ritter. You can’t exist on the backs of people you’ve enslaved



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Lol the robots have figured out how to make Braille ASCII art.


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Egypt intelligence official says Israel ignored repeated warnings of ‘something big

Cairo official says Israel focused on West Bank instead of Gaza; Egypt’s spy chief said to warn PM of ‘terrible operation,’ Netanyahu denies it

Mounting questions over Israel’s massive intelligence failure to anticipate and prepare for a surprise Hamas assault were compounded Monday when an Egyptian intelligence official said that Jerusalem had ignored repeated warnings that the Gaza-based terror group was planning “something big” — which included an apparent direct notice from Cairo’s intelligence minister to the prime minister.

The Egyptian official said Egypt, which often serves as a mediator between Israel and Hamas, had spoken repeatedly with the Israelis about “something big,” without elaborating.

He said Israeli officials were focused on the West Bank and played down the threat from Gaza. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government is made up of supporters of West Bank settlers who have demanded a security crackdown there in the face of a rising tide of violence over the last 18 months.

“We have warned them an explosion of the situation is coming, and very soon, and it would be big. But they underestimated such warnings,” the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he wasn’t authorized to discuss the content of sensitive intelligence discussions with the media, told The Associated Press.

Netanyahu denied receiving any such advance warning, saying in the course of an address to the nation Monday night that the story was “fake news.”
“No early message came from Egypt and the prime minister did not speak or meet with the intelligence chief since the establishment of the government — not indirectly or directly,” his office said in a statement earlier in the day.

In one of the said warnings, Egypt’s Intelligence Minister General Abbas Kamel personally called Netanyahu only 10 days before the massive attack that Gazans were likely to do “something unusual, a terrible operation,” according to the Ynet news site.

Unnamed Egyptian officials told the site they were shocked by Netanyahu’s indifference to the news and said the premier told the minister the military was “submerged” in troubles in the West Bank.

(does anyone have the current archive site link? Archive.is and Archive.ph aren't loading, otherwise I would have used them for this)

pic unrelated



Hilarious if true.


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<advocating freedom for Arabs may be a criminal offense
the absolute state of UK politics



>Hilarious if true.
It's plausible that they fell for some kind of cross-over between a AI-grift and defense-contractor-grift


Based Truthposter


I remember many, many years ago the UK seemed pretty cool compared to the US… even with all the bad shit! Wow, I was stupid! Place gets sadder all the time… it's like "fuck, I thought you guys were supposed to be smarter than us!"


Why the fuck would I care what a kiddy diddler has to say when he's not privy to fucking anything anymore?


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The UK had better social programs, and a much better health-care system than the US. But the UK ruling class trying to ban "freedom", that's probably not new. Queue the meme-scene from Braveheart.

To be fair the period of classical liberalism in the UK did actually make very strong laws that protected individual liberties a great deal.

But at present the UK ruling class is in a mood which could be described as "temporarily embarrassed global empire". The creation of Israel kinda was the last big imperial project of the British colonial empire before the US took over as predominant global power. Brits supporting Palestine is disturbing imperial-legacy pride, and means admitting the Bri'ish empire is truly gone. The UK ruling class is also to some extend vasselized and subservient to US imperial interests. So this isn't just a story of the ruling class out-lawing freedom, UK foreign policy is extremely damaging to the UK.


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Why the fuck would I care what a your adhominem fallacy says


Tell me why I should care. You're the one posting the pedophile.


> You're posting the pedo

read the rebuttal copy-pasta again

>In Shifting Sands: The Truth About Unscom and the Disarming of Iraq is a 2001 documentary by Scott Ritter that discusses the UNSCOM inspections in Iraq. Ritter was a chief United Nations weapons inspector in Iraq from 1991 to 1998. These inspections were in search of "weapons of mass destruction" during the later years of the regime of Saddam Hussein.

>The film was completed and distributed for theatrical release prior to the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

>The film argued that Iraq did not possess weapons of mass destruction because of the UN weapons inspection programme.

And back then, the glow was already on to Ritter, because he was no mere commentator. He had actual authority and experience to make his claims on that particular pretext for invasion. And, he had been raising alarm about the invasion for a while as well.

Former UN Arms Inspector Suspected of Spying for Israel
<UNITED NATIONS - Former UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter says the FBI has had him under investigation for more than three years on suspicion of spying for Israel. FBI spokesman James Margolin declined to comment on Friday.
>UNITED NATIONS - Former UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter says the FBI has had him under investigation for more than three years on suspicion of spying for Israel. FBI spokesman James Margolin declined to comment on Friday.

>Ritter, a former U.S. Marine intelligence officer, mentioned the spying allegation during a question-and-answer session after a screening of his new documentary on the UN Special Commission, known as UNSCOM, which was created after the 1991 Gulf War to destroy Iraq's weapons of mass destruction.

>"I was withdrawn from Iraq in January 1998 at the behest of the FBI, which was calling me an Israeli spy," Ritter said. "It's an investigation going on to this day." He said his most recent meetings with representatives of the FBI and the U.S. Attorney's office were in June and lasted six hours.

>Ritter, who resigned from UNSCOM in August 1998 after seven years as a weapons inspector, said he did cooperate with Israel as part of his job, and with the knowledge of his bosses.

>According to the 90-minute documentary, "In Shifting Sands: The Truth About UNSCOM and the Disarming of Iraq," former UNSCOM chief inspector Rolf Ekeus wrote to 60 countries in 1991 asking for information about Iraq's weapons programs and initially got one response - from the United States.

>Ritter said Israel also started cooperating in early 1994 and provided a significant amount of information to UNSCOM. In early 1996, UNSCOM started using sophisticated equipment in Iraq to monitor radio frequencies to try to determine what the Iraqis might be concealing about their chemical and biological weapons programs and their long-range missile program, Ritter said.

>"There was certain information that was encrypted," he said. "We had to go to member states to have it processed and then have the information passed back to us."

>The United States was assiduous in refusing to feed that information back to UNSCOM. Great Britin did a better job, and Israel was magnificent, Ritter said.

>In the documentary, Ritter repeated his charge that the United States used UNSCOM to spy on Iraq. He also accused the United States of manipulating UNSCOM to provoke a confrontation with Saddam Hussein as a pretext for U.S. air strikes on Iraq.

>Ritter said the FBI also brought him in for questioning on several occasions in connection with the documentary. "I've been fully cooperative. Indeed, my posture with the FBI about this film has been one of 100 percent disclosure on my part," he said. "I'm an American citizen exercising my First Amendment rights of freedom of speech. I am not a tool of Iraqi propaganda, and I am not an agent of the government of Iraq or any other government," Ritter said.

>"If the FBI had legitimate reason to believe that I was, I invited them to bring that to my attention, and if they had, I would have ceased production of the film immediately." The FBI did not, so Ritter said he went ahead with the documentary.

>Ritter was the subject of two law enforcement sting operations in 2001. […]The charge was dismissed and the record was sealed after he completed six months of pre-trial probation.[38][8] After this information was made public in early 2003, Ritter said that the timing of the leak was politically motivated in order to silence his opposition to the Bush administration's push toward war with Iraq.

Yeah it was such a curious timing isn't it?


EXCLUSIVE: Scott Ritter Forcefully Rebuts "Pedophilia" LIES (Part 1)


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Satellite images show the scale of destruction in Gaza as Israel responds to surprise Hamas attack
Based based based. Total Paligger Death


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Theory: the DNC allowed Hamas to attack Israel in order ultimately to sabotage RFK Jr's campaign.


>Israeli shill happy genocide is occurring
Mask off moment


Hamas subhuman raghead hajji sanduyghur headchopper Muslim terrorists aren't human. Seethe Zigger/Paligger(Gayyyyyy)


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Question for tankie leftoid Hamas terror sympathizers: Why do you faggots support literal headchopper Muslim Arab terrorists who want to Islamify Europe and rape your women? Are you cucks?


US tax dollars pay for this faggot neet to play video games all day


>read the rebuttal copy-pasta again
No. I read the court docs. He's on video exposing himself and then claimed to be doing so he would get caught in court. There is no debate about his status as a wannabe kiddy diddler. Now stop posting your faggot pedophile grandpa unless you can show why he's relevant to fucking anything.


You're really are a vile little spook, trying to destroy someone's life for exposing your fraudulent wars.


>Theory: the DNC allowed Hamas to attack Israel in order ultimately to sabotage RFK Jr's campaign.
Would they be callous enough to pull such a scheme ? Probably yes.

However intentionally blocking intelligence warnings and thus sacrificing Israeli citizens would not win them much favor with Israels powerful lobby in Washington.


You can forget about creating moral high ground for Israel. After roughly 70 years of imposing a barbaric, murderous regime of terroristic subjugation on Palestine. Generating a seemingly unending stream of atrocious inhumanity. Israel simply has lost the capacity to assert moral claims, they've spilled too much blood and unleashed too much brutalization.

And by the way you're a apartheid terror regime sympathizer.


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a ‘Doxxing Truck’ Displaying Students’ Faces Comes to Harvard’s Campus

A billboard truck drove through the streets surrounding Harvard’s campus Wednesday, digitally displaying the names and faces of students who expressed solidarity with Palestinians


The Zionists have become so unpopular that they are now resorting to wildly illegal intimidation campaigns. It won't be long until the script flips and the people they put on the "doxing truck" will gain social and political legitimacy from being on the shit-list of the baddies.


Russel Brand has been pushing him as some good guy but he's a textbook neolib, israel supporting boomer. He is absolutely not a threat to the ruling class or even the current week's narrative.


That's hilarious, they should hijack it.


He may be a retarded Zioncuck, but he's certainly not a neoliberal. Words have meaning, dummy.


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Holy shit. He is /our guy/


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Meanwhile, in the land of faguettes


>That's hilarious, they should hijack it.
That doxing stuff is probably super illegal, so they probably could hijack the truck with impunity.


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Source of dubious ‘beheaded babies’ claim is Israeli settler leader who incited riots to ‘wipe out’ Palestinian village

<After an Israeli reserve soldier named David Ben Zion told a reporter Palestinian militants “cut [off] heads of babies,” Biden, Netanyahu, and the international media amplified the dubious claim.

The Grayzone has identified Ben Zion as a fanatical settler leader who incited riots by demanding a Palestinian town be “wiped out.”

<An international outcry erupted when Israel’s Foreign Ministry announced that Palestinian militants from the besieged Gaza Strip had killed 40 “babies,” and beheaded several of them during an incursion into Kfar Aza, a kibbutz on the Gaza border. President Joseph Biden repeated the inflammatory claim during an October 10 White House Rose Garden address, while networks across the West carried the story without a shred of critical scrutiny.


It turns out the story of the 40 beheaded babies was fake-news.


The French will protest anyway, but this is not compatible with democracy. I'm beginning to think the words "national security" seem to translate to "suspension of democracy". And Palestinians are ethnically semitic too. So solidarity protests literally can't be anti-semitic. However if they feel the need for such draconian repression, it might indicate that public opinion is shifting hard against Zionism.


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He destroyed his own life by being a kiddy diddler. I'm sorry your irrelevant pedophile is not an authority on fucking anything except kids.


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Lying shylock
>Every single time
Regarding Ritter
<He was charged in June 2001 with trying to set up a meeting with an undercover police officer posing as a 16-year-old girl…..exposed himself, via a web camera, after the officer repeatedly identified himself as a 15-year-old girl.
That's ephebophilia, not pedophilia

Moreover, Ritter is /our/ ephebophile

Perhaps Jews would have a better image and not be driven out of everywhere if they weren't constantly lying and scheming. Just a thought.

But I guess when you're 'god's chosen people,' you naturally think of yourself as beyond reproach.


What does being a jew have to do with it? You realize Muslims are the same way. Every sect of religion is but that is an issue with religion not jews, Muslims, Christians, etc etc particularly.

It literally has nothing to do with "jews."


It's bullshit anyway because he was in an 18+ chatroom that every user had to consent to. I.e., it was just role-playing and all participants were aware of it.


Jews see themselves as a distinct people who are god's chosen and favorite people (while also simultaneously believing they can trick god through little loopholes like dipping a pan in water to somehow prove they helped to make it - it's as retarded as it sound).

Muslims believe everyone is a Muslim at birth but then corrupted by society (unironically paralleling Rousseau)

Christians believe people are naturally prone to sin and can only enter heaven via acceptance of the sacrifice of Jesus.


If only Ritter was a DNC ghoul or Mossad shill, he could have actually banged a few 16 year olds on Epstein island and got away with it.


Different sect believe different things. That's why there's thousands of different interpretations of all of these religious texts because there is not god and none of them are true and they are all shooting from the hip so trying to group thousands of people in a spooky collective monolth is fucking retarded and you need to go back.


You need to read more, or (more likely) stop reading and do/travel



No you're wrong faggot.


>Different sect believe different things. That's why there's thousands of different interpretations of all of these religious text
Sounds like Marxism


Are mods located in Gaza, south Lebanon or Iran? Are the mod team Iranian glowies?


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Glowies, Jannies, Ziggers and Paliggers get the Rope. Those who disagree are ./Ogre/s. Free Speech Board, uyghur.

Glory and victory to the holy indigenous anti-colonial defense of Ukraine and Israel.


Israel is at war.

We didn’t want this war.

It was forced upon us in the most brutal and savage way.
But though Israel didn’t start this war, Israel will finish it.

Once, the Jewish people were stateless.
Once, the Jewish people were defenseless.
No longer.

Hamas will understand that by attacking us, they have made a mistake of historic proportions. We will exact a price that will be remembered by them and Israel’s other enemies for decades to come.

The savage attacks that Hamas perpetrated against innocent Israelis are mindboggling: slaughtering families in their homes, massacring hundreds of young people at an outdoor festival, kidnapping scores of women, children and elderly, even Holocaust survivors.

Hamas terrorists bound, burned and executed children.

They are savages.

Hamas is ISIS.

And just as the forces of civilization united to defeat ISIS, the forces of civilization must support Israel in defeating Hamas.

I want to thank President Biden for his unequivocal support.

I want to thank leaders across the world who are standing with Israel today.

I want to thank the people and Congress of the United States of America.

In fighting Hamas, Israel is not only fighting for its own people.
It is fighting for every country that stands against barbarism.

Israel will win this war, and when Israel wins, the entire civilized world wins.


<I guess 8am is what time Israeli shills go to work…


I'm an 100% pure Aryan Castizo Mexican, terrorist sympathizer sanduyghur. Nice try though, kek. The whole world of every race sees the savagery your Hamas subhuman race is capable of committing against civilian women and children, including decapitating babies, in the civilized world like you subhumans terrorists just pulled off in southern Israel last weekend. Prepare to leave Gaza or prepare to stay in Gaza and get cut down by Israli JDAMS and possibly American Tomahawaks or even Israeli nukes as the IDF and possibly the American military too, wipe Gaza off the face of the Earth.


The one time I dated a Jewish girl, she had a bush like steel wool.

Is that a normal thing?


Idk bro. I got close to getting a big tiddy goth gf so many times in my life but I kept blowing it from being an oblivious autist. 1 of those times was a Jewish girl in my college with big natural tits on a small, petite, slim body, like a 10/10 big tiddy pornstar, and she invited me to her dorm room to fuck and I turned her down. I was retarded, lmao


>Ben Zion

imagine living with this name


>It's actually ephebiphilia
>Da joos
Kek. Maybe you should go back to /pol/. I think they would love anti-Semitic pedophile enablers ike yourself.


He was repeatedly told it was an underage girl breaking the rules. He knew or should have known his actions were illegal. This is why he was convicted not once, but twice of the same offense. Get over it, pedo lover.


Did you just come back from shilling over there, Schlomo? Were you advocating for Israel directly or pretending to be a white supremacist this time?


I'm pro Palestine. You're just an anti-semite. Go back to your sewer.


Israel was founded after a long history of persecution and diaspora of the Jewish people, culminating in the atrocities of the Holocaust. This emphasizes the Jewish struggle for self-determination and a homeland, a quintessential anti-colonial struggle against oppression and colonialism.

Israel, despite its flaws, is the only true democracy in the Middle East, where individuals enjoy civil liberties and political freedoms. This aligns with the ideals of anarchism and Left communism, which seek a stateless society and the empowerment of the working class.

Condemn groups like Hamas, Hezbollah, and others for promoting religious extremism and using terror tactics. Highlight the secular nature of the Israeli state as a counterpoint to these extremist ideologies, which should be anathema to anarchists and Egoists.

Advocate for a two-state solution that respects the rights of both Israelis and Palestinians, as this aligns with the principles of self-determination and territorial sovereignty. Promote a negotiated settlement that respects the rights of all parties involved.




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First, I am a moderate. The Jews are God's chosen people and I think Gaza should be wipe off the Earth in an immediate nuclear strike so that the Hamas subhuman terrorists can learn a very quick, brutal lesson in what happens to Nazis.
Hamas terrorist NiBBers get the Rope(No)


1. Users right to post: All users of the board have a guaranteed right to post whatever they feel is on their mind at any given time,
except for if said user is currently banned. Bans are only given in rare circumstances when a user has repeatedly and flagrantly
violated the rules or is intentionally disrupting the operation of the site. Furthermore, blatant nazi spam and agit prop, aka "Lol I
hate Jews" or any infographics or pictures that are anti-semitic or pro-nazi. (Defending Nazi Germany, Holocaust denial, or
sourcing from far-right websites). Additionally, the main /leftypol/ board itself should be held to a higher standard and reserved
for serious discussion and debate.



/leftypol/ - the leftypol board is for more seriousand formal political discussion of not just a leftist nature but all political
discussion with a leftist hegemonic outlook or from a marxist perspective. Other ideologies are tolerated but you must be
respectful when posting and and not treat the board like /b/. We expect at least a modicum of higher quality posting on this board
in particular.


>Israel was founded after a long history of persecution and diaspora of the Jewish people, culminating in the atrocities of the Holocaust.
That is true, but it leaves out the part where founding Israel meant massacring and displacing the native Population.

>This emphasizes the Jewish struggle for self-determination and a homeland, a quintessential anti-colonial struggle against oppression and colonialism.

The part about the state of Israel trying to be a homeland for Jews was true, tho if the ultra-zionist right in Israel gets their way and establishes a theocratic dictatorship, it probably won't be anymore. But the rest you get utterly wrong, the state of Israel is a colonial project, started by the British colonial empire at the dawn of it's existence, and continued by the US empire ever since. The state of Israel is synonymous with oppression.

>Israel, despite its flaws, is the only true democracy in the Middle East, where individuals enjoy civil liberties and political freedoms.

Israel is not a democracy by any definition and it does not uphold civil liberties. Just ask any Palestinian that is living there. It's a brutal apartheid terror regime.

>Condemn groups like Hamas, Hezbollah

The Condemnation has to be directed against Zionism and apartheid first and foremost, for those are the source of the unfolding tragedy.

>Highlight the secular nature of the Israeli state

Again the ultrazionists are currently dismantling whats left of secular institutions in Israel. If Israeli internal politics do not change soon, secularism in Israel will only be a historic footnote.

>Advocate for a two-state solution that respects the rights of both Israelis and Palestinians, as this aligns with the principles of self-determination and territorial sovereignty. Promote a negotiated settlement that respects the rights of all parties involved.

I'm assuming that i'm replying to a ruling-ideology AI-bot, so this stance comes as a surprise because the two-state solution would most likely entail reversing a bunch of settler-projects in the Westbank for example. As well as other concessions like returning east Jerusalem to Palestine. If that's going to become the political line that ruling ideology pushes, that would indicate a major realignment of priorities, and perhaps a honest attempt at creating peace. Given that the rest of the post seemed to push a hardcore pro-zionist line it's kinda strange.


darn it, i misquoted again, was meant for:


Israelis blame gov’t for Hamas massacre, say Netanyahu must resign - poll
<An overwhelming majority of 86% of respondents, including 79% of coalition supporters, said the surprise attack from Gaza is a failure of the country's leadership.

<Four out of five Jewish Israelis believe the government and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are to blame for the mass infiltration of Hamas terrorists into Israel and the massacre that followed, a new Dialog Center poll released on Thursday found.

Netanyahu must resign after war's conclusion, Israelis say
<A slim majority of 56% said Netanyahu must resign at the end of the war, with 28% of coalition voters agreeing with this view, and 52% of respondents also expect Defense Minister Yoav Gallant to resign.


It seems that Natanyahu the butcher of Gaza is finally finished. So maybe there's a silver lining in all of this horror.


Oh dear, looks like it wasn't their 9/11 after all.


Either that, or the times are changing, and the blame for this type of event now goes inwards and upwards instead of outward.

Think about it, after 9/11 politics could have gone differently, people could have pointed the blame at the spy-agencies and the security-apparatus instead of focusing on the threat from outside, they could have focused on the malice/incompetence from within and at the top.

That said i don't think that these sentiments are arbitrary. For example, before 9/11 the US was a very open society, and therefore the blame went outwards for introducing a disturbance of normality into the open societies. People had less security breathing down their necks and hence the expectation of protection was less.

Fast-forward 20 years and now open societies have been replaced with suffocating securitized societies. Everybody feels boxed-in by overbearing security. When despite all of the sacrifices that people have been forced to endure in the name of security, it turns out they are not secure, the blame now goes inwards and upwards. Because now it's not an outsider disturbing an open society, now it's a securtized society not being protected.

I imagine that securitization is so much worse in Israel, so that new political dynamic might be more pronounced there.


Lotta people making absolute fools out of themselves on social media over this right now. Make sure to save everything for posterity so when the dust settles people remember who supported genocide.


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>Palestinian genocide
The situation in GAZA seems pretty dire indeed.


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The Zionists might go full Zionazi and cause a enormous bloodbath in Gaza, and everybody will consider it a genocide. Unleashing the mother off all blow-back, and the Biden administration fears it'll get blamed for not keeping their attack-dog on a tight enough leash to prevent it.


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After France flipped it's shit about Palestinian flags, Germany now makes the phrase
"From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free"
a criminal offense.

I don't understand why this particular slogan would ruffle feathers, anyway, this level of political repression against free speech can only mean that Israel is loosing public support.

They are setting them selves up for authority erosion by popular transgression. If enough people begin chanting this slogan, they won't be able to enforce it, and they'll make heros (not examples) out of the people that they punish. Who will most likely be able to sue for compensation and potentially use it as political capital later in life.

There also is the case of the hardcore Zionist voices openly screaming for the mass extermination of all Palestinians, but somehow that does not appear to be objectionable. The hypocrisy is palpable.


>imagine living with this name
Probably had to listen to lots of The_Matrix Jokes


Mark Sleboda seems to think Hamas attacked at this time because the Saudis were close to normalizing relations with Israel. If Saudi Arabia finally recognized Israel other Arab states would have followed and it would have meant the final end of hopes for Palestinian sovereignty. So if this actually results in renewed tension between Saudi Arabia and Israel, Hamas may have just saved the Palestinian cause for another day.


>in Gaza
>Israeli nukes
Retarded take, the Zionist might be bloodthirsty brutes lusting for a Palestinian genocide, but if they'd nuke Gaza, they'd contaminate Israel with radioactive fallout as well, they're not that stupid.


Makes me wonder now about all the places where Israel is potentially downwind of nuclear fallout. Is Israel lucky because they're on the west edge of the Levant? Would they have to toss a nuke in the ocean to really fuck themselves up?


Yeah but it seems that Hamas began preparations for this attack in 2020. The Saudi-Israel normalization talks began maybe half a dozen months ago. So the plans for this attack definitely preceded Saudi-Israel normalization by a long margin. That said this theory is not wrong, Hamas must have been motivated to act in such a manor to induce renewed tension between Saudi Arabia and Israel.

It also has to be said that Israel gets credit for fucking up normalization with the Arab world as well. They obviously could have prioritized diplomatic relation building in the region over exacting vengeance on Hamas. So Hamas's influence on larger middle eastern politics is kindoff predicated on Israeli leaders acting irrationally.


>So Hamas's influence on larger middle eastern politics is kindoff predicated on Israeli leaders acting irrationally.
I think they've made a reliable prediction. There is of course the indoctrination every Israeli receives from birth to view Palestinians as subhuman and which Palestinians experience on the receiving end on a daily basis. You also have to remember that Netanyahu is close to going to prison for various corruption charges. He has every reason to create a crisis to entrench himself.


Gaza is so close that wind direction won't matter much. Nukes can piss against the wind.
Nukes also create localized weather effects. A large super-heated plasma ball creates a toroidal convection vortex that sucks up irradiated dust and vaporized materiel depositing it all around the blast site, as well as blowing some of it into the stratosphere. Wind comes into play at greater distances. Israel can't get lucky weather, Nukes are long range weapon.


By which I mean, starting a war is actually a very rational choice for Netanyahu right now. It's really the only way he can stay in power.


I'm thinking more in the context of Israel nuking nearby states. Israel is obviously just nuking itself if they nuked Gaza. Are there places in neighboring states where they'd be downwind of fallout or would they have to blow up Cyprus to be on the receiving end of that?


Yes you are correct about Hamas being able to predict Israel reacting in a self-defeating manor and wrecking their relations with the Saudis. But it has to be said that Israel does have some agency too, this trap they stepped into was not that clever.

Netanyahu has those corruption charges, added to that will be the intelligence failure. The Gaza occupation he seems to be going for will not play out well either. Israel will suffer a lot of casualties and that will be pinned on him as well. At the same time the rest of the world is going to point the finger at him for all the dead Palestinian civilians. His international diplomatic value will become negative, nobody will want to be seen together with the Butcher of Gaza. And don't forget the liberal Jews also are gunning for him because he's fucking with the political autonomy of the judiciary.

I think he's done and starting a war will not save him.


>I'm thinking more in the context of Israel nuking nearby states.
I don't know one would need to look at fallout pattern simulations. And there's no guarantees those would be accurate either, because it's not like scientists had lots opportunities to test their models against reality.

In a larger regional war where Israel uses nukes it would get destroyed by conventional forces, in 2 waves, first a crippling overwhelming barrage of missile strikes, and a week later they'd be overrun by millions of ground forces mopping up what the missiles missed.


Listen up! I don't have time for this nonsense. It's clear you've got a severe case of underestimating the capabilities of a nation like Israel. You talk about fallout patterns and simulations, but let me make something abundantly clear to you: Israel doesn't play games; it's a nation that's been forged in the crucible of conflict and knows how to defend itself.

First of all, fallout pattern simulations are important, no doubt about it. But you can't just dismiss them as inaccurate without proper evidence. Israeli intelligence and military experts take these matters seriously, and they've got some of the best minds in the world working on these simulations. They're not going to rely on guesswork when it comes to something as critical as nuclear deterrence. These simulations might not be perfect, but they're a whole lot better than your baseless assumptions.

As for the idea of Israel being destroyed by conventional forces, let me tell you something: Israel's military is one of the most advanced and well-equipped in the world. They've got state-of-the-art technology, a highly skilled and motivated military, and a robust defense infrastructure. You talk about two waves of attacks, but you seem to forget that Israel is constantly on the alert. They're not going to sit idly by and let such an attack happen without a response.

The first wave, you say, is a barrage of missile strikes. Well, guess what? Israel's Iron Dome defense system is no joke. It's been proven effective in intercepting incoming missiles. And Israel's intelligence network is top-notch, so they'd likely have advanced warning of such an attack. They won't be caught off guard.

And then there's your claim about millions of ground forces overrunning Israel. Do you really think that a nation surrounded by hostile neighbors would just let that happen? Israel has a well-trained and highly motivated military. They have mandatory military service, and the people are prepared to defend their homeland. It wouldn't be a walk in the park for any invading force.

Furthermore, Israel has a history of striking back with incredible force when threatened. They're not going to just cower in fear and let themselves be overrun. They've demonstrated their ability to launch surgical strikes and carry out covert operations that have effectively neutralized threats in the past.

So, before you go making grand claims about Israel's vulnerability, you better do your homework. Israel is a nation that has faced existential threats since its very inception, and it has not only survived but thrived. They've adapted, innovated, and shown incredible resilience. Underestimating them would be a grave mistake, my friend.

In conclusion, your assumptions about Israel's defense capabilities are unfounded and wildly inaccurate. Israel is not a pushover; it's a nation that has proven time and again its ability to defend itself against all odds. So, let this be a lesson in not underestimating a nation's resolve and strength, especially one with the history and determination of Israel. Your scenario is a mere flight of fancy, and reality would paint a much different picture.fuck(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)


>Listen up! I don't have time
It took you seconds to make the AI generates this chauvinistic rant.

The fact is Israel is a small country it does not have the strategical depth to fight large wars. And the IDF isn't what it used to be.


The Arab world has already gotten its shit pushed in twice after invading Israel - which has always resulted in the loss of Palestinian land. I doubt they're gonna go for a round three.


Ya, it's still a bit uncanny, but much more imperceptible than the caricatured characters


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>but you seem to forget that Israel is constantly on the alert. They're not going to sit idly by and let such an attack happen
oh the irony

Should have read what the AI generates.


It really depends on how much pressure Arab governments receive from their populace. This has potential to turn over the governments of Jordan and Lebanon.


You're missing the context, which was about Israel nuking other Arab states. Israel would get wiped off the map if they did that, they'd make them selves an immediate existential thread, and everything would be thrown at them.

These Ai-posts stick out like a sore thumb


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It looks like it's major escalation time. US is preparing to attack Lebanon and Syria.


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stop siding with terrorists, it aint cool bro


If we go by body-count and unleashed terror the Israeli state certainly is the bigger terrorist, by a very large margin.


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IDF playing music for captured hamas


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Iran warns Israel through UN against ground offensive in Gaza

<Iran sent a message to Israel on Saturday stressing that it does not want further escalation in the Hamas-Israel war, but that it will have to intervene if the Israeli operation in Gaza continues

>Iran's message, sent to Israel through the UN

<But Amir-Abdollahian stressed that Iran has its red lines. He said that if the Israeli military operation continues — and especially if Israel follows through on its promise of a ground offensive in Gaza — Iran will have to respond, according to the sources.


Iran has entered the chat, more escalation on the horizon


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Large rocket barrage


Why do we live in this time line?
Why are workers so helpless?


Soviet sales tax policy


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>Question for tankie leftoid Hamas terror sympathizers: Why do you faggots support literal headchopper Muslim Arab terrorists
Because Holy Multipolar Crusade. After 70 years of muh barbaric regime it is okay for based islamists to kill randos.

Multipolar Islamo-Orthodox-Confucian World Order is what labor movement was really all about. This is the logical conclusion, the end result, of the two centuries of its evolution - a license to kill for a bunch of third-world batshit insane nazoids.


This is a total inversion of reality. You're trying to manufacture a license for Israel to ethnically cleanse Palestinians.

Multipolarity is simply the word that is being used to describe the world after the US's unipolar moment (from 1990 to 2022) has concluded. US think-tanks used the word "Post-Primacy" to describe the same thing. That label just didn't stick, i guess people got tired of prepending a "Post"-prefix to words.

The driving force behind multipolarity isn't a "cabal of multipolaristas" it is simply the end result from 50 years of neo-liberal deindustrilisation hollowing out the imperial-core. When the neo-libs began privatizing the public sector industry, and allow private capitalists to ship industrial machine capital into the periphery, they set in motion the chain of invents that would create a multipolar world.

>what labor movement was really all about

The labor movement is about making the proletariat the dominant economic class, displacing the bourgeoisie like the bourgeoisie displaced the feudal aristocracy, while creating a more advanced mode of production, that removes the fetters of the previous mode of production.

You're kinda deranged to miss-label the anti-imperialist left as "nazoid". Supporting developmental state-capitalists, is a reasonable thing to do. Consider that if the periphery of the imperial core is allowed to develop, they will have rising wages and that means less downward pressure on wages for workers in the imperial core. Reversing the labor competition the Neo-liberals introduced when they began offshoring industry. Once the periphery develops it will no longer represent a source of competing cheap-labor. After WW2 the soc-dems made the mistake to not do something that would help the periphery develop, that's why the neo-liberal regression, that could reverse so much progress, was possible in the first place.

Listening to the insane and bloodthirsty mask-off rhetoric that is coming from the Netanyahoo-corner of Israeli politics, all doubts have now been swept away that the Zionist conception of Israel entails the erasure of Palestine and the ethnic cleansing of it's population. Zionism is proto-fascism seeking to go full-fascism. This path leads to a massive war in the middle east, where at first Lebanon and Syria are dragged into it. Shortly after Iran and the US will enter the battle. Saudi Arabia will try to remain neutral but if push comes to shove will most likely side against Israel. Russia could potentially also get dragged into this because it considers Iran an important ally, which it would seek to preserve. With the US directly engaged in a massive war, the biggest winner will be China because in the absence of US military support for Asia it will be able to get Taiwan without a fight, force Japan to dismantle all US military bases as well as strong Arm Australia to exit the Aukus military-alliance. Potentionally demilitarize Guam and most of the US's chain encirclement military bases in that region. I would say that there is a 30% Chance that the state of Israel survives this "hard-Zionism time-line". There is a 50% chance that Israel would try to use nukes, uniting the entire region against it, including Egypt. It would also create overwhelming international consensus for allowing Russia to install a part of it's nuclear arsenal in the middle east to restore nuclear balance. Effectively ending US and EU influence in the middle east.

In order to solve the Israeli Palestine conflict, i think the fix that doesn't involve a major conflagration and mega-death is to tie Israels right to exist to Palestines right to exist (as a fully sovereign state). The international wind seems to be blowing into the direction of the 1967 UN version of the Two-State solution. I would go for this "non-retarded time-line", it seems like the least unpleasant option, with a strong chance of creating a lasting peace, while shifting the regional political center to co-existence and marginalizing the hard-liners on all sides.


Israel brutally bombs Palestinian civilians as media spreads fake stories

<Israel is indiscriminately bombing civilians in Gaza, after imposing a "complete siege" on 2.3 million Palestinians, cutting off electricity, water, food, and fuel. Meanwhile, the Western media has spread false stories that were quickly debunked.



US opposes peace as Israel ethnically cleanses Palestinians, waging war on 'entire nation' of Gaza

<srael is ethnically cleansing Palestinians, trying to force them out of Gaza into Egypt. The US and EU support Netanyahu's scorched-earth war on the "entire nation", and the State Department ordered diplomats not to call for peace, de-escalation, or a ceasefire.



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Every time you fap, you're supporting Israeli genocide of Gazans


Maupin & Brar in Conversation - Episode #21 - Palestine Fights for Freedom


Interesting talk about the history of Zionism. Apparently Zionism used to be considered anti-semitic. Apparently early Zionists were supporters of Hitler because they thought that discrimination against Jews would destroy the diaspora and leave the Jews no other choice but to join the Zionist project.


Zero hour in Gaza - The Grayzone live

<Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate cover the latest from Gaza as Israel demands 1.1 million civilians leave the northern area of the besieged enclave in expectation of a regime change war, and US, UK and French ships arrive at the coast



Israel is a Racist, Supremacist State

<Israel is one of the most racist countries in the world.

<While Israel works hard to play the victim, it’s actually a racist, Jewish supremacist state that’s been trying to ethnically cleanse Palestine for decades.
<Kei Pritsker explains how racism is the core of Israel’s national identity.



Mia Khalifa sounds based as fuck!


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Humatarian aid stuck at Gaza border as WHO warns of ‘catastrophe’

<WHO warns there are only ’24 hours of water, electricity and fuel left’ in Gaza before ‘a real catastrophe’ sets in.

<Egyptian authorities have said that Israel is not cooperating with efforts to deliver much-needed humanitarian aid into the besieged Gaza Strip, where Israeli air strikes have killed thousands of people and displaced hundreds of thousands of others.

<The dire humanitarian crisis in Gaza has reached new heights, with Israel cutting off access to food, water, fuel and electricity for the besieged enclave’s 2.3 million residents and unleashing a barrage of air strikes that Palestinian authorities say have killed more than 2,800 people and injured more than 10,000.

<The United States has voiced its support for an arrangement that would allow humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip, as rights groups and medical organisations plead for reprieve amid rapidly deteriorating conditions.

<Israel has thus far shown little interest in letting in aid.

<“I strongly oppose the opening of the blockade and the introduction of goods into Gaza on humanitarian grounds,” Israeli Energy Minister Israel Katz said in a social media post earlier on Monday.

The Barbarism intensifies


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Zionists are now trying to blame the Chinese for the intelligence failure. And inadvertently advertise for Huawei phones.


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<being forced to choose between troondrugs and solidarity with Palestine
That's nonsense tho. Drugs that contain the estradiol hormone-replacement are also made by for example the pharmaceutical giant Gedeon Richter in Hungary. I suck at research and i could figure this out in 5min

What's the point of lying about this ?
Isn't it personal sacrifice enough that pro-Zionist lobby organizations are trying to outlaw political expression that criticizes Israel or shows solidarity with Palestine, and bully everybody to uphold their insane political line of "ethnic-cleansing is self defense"


Is this legit?
"Yeah, you said the wrong thing, so we'll keep all the money from you getting fucked for ourselves" is so fucking disgusting, and for such a high profile case it ought to generate a lot of anger if true.


PornHub probably has a terms of service agreement that says it's their platform and they'll pay "content-creators" what ever they feel like. Legally that's likely colliding with a bunch of constrains of what can be put into such agreements. She probably could successfully litigate but it'll take 20 years. Maybe the big concentrated platforms have too much power and it would be better to use something more distributed.


What I'm really enjoying out of these recent current events is how all these social media influencers who've been arguing for some dumbass left-right alliance the last couple years are having a wakeup call as their friends on the "populist" right have been lining up in support of genocide. Time to remember who your actual friends are: only those on the principled left have consistently opposed both the proxy war in Ukraine and Israel's massacre of Palestinians.


>your actual friends are: only those on the principled left have consistently opposed both the proxy war in Ukraine and Israel's massacre of Palestinians.
You are correct about that assessment.
However to some extend you can also have temporary alliances with other groups in order to pursue mutual goals. Working with the right to push back against the proxy war in Ukraine, wasn't wrong. For that it didn't matter that they are useless on the Israel-Palestine conflict.


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I can't believe they're sending Biden into the hornet's nest that is the middle east right now. All it will take is one of his infamous gaffes and a full-scale war could kick off. Who the fuck thought this was a good idea???


>Who the fuck thought this was a good idea???
I can't really follow the logic of doing this either but here is my conjecture as to why they might be doing it:
Maybe it's for PR, since elections are up soon.
Maybe he's supposed impress on Netanyahu to cool it with war-criming, because that's making international relations a lot more complicated.


500 killed in a hospital strike now. Is Israel getting a little too barbaric for their Western media handlers to whitewash?


>mfw nobody here knows that this is literally the best time for the PLO to take over and have its state recognized by Israel
All they have to do is go to war with Hamas.


Yeah apparently that hospital was also used to shelter loads of children, because parents thought they'd be safe there, erroneously thinking nobody would stoop as low as bombing hospitals. Some Zionists are still trying to defend this saying unhinged crap about Palestinians being born as enemy combatants. Solidarity protests for Palestine already got outlawed in a number of western countries. Which is a risky move, because if the political winds change… this is going to be unlawful violation on the right of assembly.

However the propaganda angle isn't the biggest problem they face, they managed to really piss of the Egyptians. The Egyptian foreign ministers yelled at Tony Blinken. Consider that in diplomacy circles they tend to say shit like "we protest and offer our strongest condemnation" when they are really mad. When these people loose their polite language it means they're boiling with incandescent rage. Israel can forget about its plans of doing an ethnic-expulsion of the Gazastrip now, because Egypt isn't going to allow that. That means they can't occupy the Gaza strip without slaughtering so many civilians the Arab world will erupt as well as causing Hezbollah to open a second front in the north.

The US needs Israel to cool the fuck down lest it stirs up a major conflict that is one more front the US empire can't afford to be fighting in right now. However Netanyahu wants to press on because if he looses his political position for appearing weak he looses his political immunity and will go to prison because of corruption charges. They're really stuck. The US probably needs to arrange for Netanyahu to call off the looming Palestine-genocide and then ship Netanyahu to the US with diplomacy hand-waving before he gets jailed in Israel, and then they can park him in one of the Zionist-lobby orgs as an absentee Bord-member


Is there clear evidence yet one way or the other? Last I checked Hamas claimed that it was due to an Israeli air strike, but Israel claims there were no ops in the area. I'm disinclined to believe Israel, but what is your response if it was indeed because of a botched missile launch?


The PLO doesn't have the street cred to do that tho, they're are seen as Israeli lapdog administrators.


The botched missile launch theory was based on a video from last year, so that's already been deboonked. It's also highly implausible that a single one of the small rockets that Hamas makes could destroy such a large building. So there's very little doubt that the cause was Israel dropping a rather large bomb on it.


There also sounds like what appears to be a sonic boom in video footage of the strike, which implies technology that Hamas generally doesn't have access to.


Thanks for the info. I wasn't aware that the issue was resolved.

And yet, due to this attack, they are literally the best positioned to take power. I may just be a ruthless bastard, but PLO is wasting a golden opportunity.


thanks for the added context.

The PLO has neither the muscle nor the political backing in the Population to do any of this. Besides you're scheme requires Israel to officially recognize Palestine in the current political climate in Israel.


>The PLO has neither the muscle nor the political backing in the Population to do any of this. Besides you're scheme requires Israel to officially recognize Palestine in the current political climate in Israel.
Stranger things have happened. Bibi being ousted could definitely lead to a deal being cut. Who's going to say the two populations are the same if you have Palestinians fighting along with Israeli troops against Hamas? Israel gets a free pass on invading Gaza because clearly they are helping the "good" Palestinians, PLO doesn't even need to provide large numbers of troops, just a token force to legitimize Israel, and PLO can start to get funds from Israel to consolidate its authority on Palestinian territories, thereby not creating a separate state, but a "joint state" of sorts. At that point, Israel can even afford to be magnanimous and declare that settlements are actually in Palestine, and so on, since they will be working with an Israel-aligned government that they directly fund and work with.


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>fighting along with Israeli troops against Hamas
>PLO doesn't even need to provide large numbers of troops, just a token force to legitimize Israel
vid related

You're not being realistic


Sure, but I'm sure the PLO membership would get some security guarantees. In individual footsoldiers can be as apolitical as they want. If they get promised a state, PLO might actually get popular.


Are there any other sources for this, though? I found a Geo.TV link, but I was hoping there'd be something better than that.


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Haaretz is considered part of the mainstream media in Israel. Odly enough they are able to publish more critical articles than what mainstream media in the west can.



Very interesting and witty article about the "compatible left" that just so happens to push a line that is compatible with the American empire and how the CIA devised this strategy of courting the compatible left.


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Israel Military Reports It Was You, The Reader, Who Blew Up Hospital

<GAZA CITY, GAZA—Following conflicting accounts of a horrific attack on a Gaza hospital, officials from the Israeli Defense Forces released a new statement Wednesday that claimed it was you, the reader of this very article, who committed the act of terror. Sources claim to have unequivocal proof that you, dear reader, are solely responsible for carrying out the merciless air strike that tragically killed hundreds of Gazans in a busy hospital last night.


anon why did you do it ?


I was about to say I'm surprised Onion is still making articles like this after they were owned by Haim Saban now, but it seems like they managed to slip out of his grip around 2019.






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Libertarians aren't bas….


>zomg an anti-zionist media platform!!1
Oil producing arab countries have money too.


except being anti zionist is a natural state that can be arrived at with most modern systems of morals while zionism requires a lot of extra copium, coverups, and media financing just like ukronazi support


>being anti zionist is a natural state
The natural state would be not giving a fuck one way or another about other people's wars happening 5000 miles away.


Do you guys see how the media flipped it's script once they realized israel is horribly unpopular in this conflict? I wish I was good at hunting down clips of war mongering news anchors saying we need to totally kill everyone living in gaza…

Because of the news cycle everyone forgets what happened the day before, libs need to be reminded that the current regime they support (or support unconsciously) is bloodthirsty as frick.

The fact that a lot of outlets seem to have change their script or toned it down means that the bourgeoise is horribly out of touch and possibly bought in to their own propaganda. This is sort of good for us actually, their methods of control are becoming hilariously heavy handed.


This is the way


The Russians are now flying midle-east patrol with heavy-fighter-bombers equipped with long range ship-killer missiles. Putin told the US directly that those could knock out the big US carrier, if they went too far. Which proly means the US attacking Iran or something. This shit might be far away today but if it escalates it could be at your dor-step the next day.


>Do you guys see how the media flipped it's script once they realized israel is horribly unpopular in this conflict?
I didn't notice, i stopped watching mainstream media, because it got too exhausting to constantly have my blood boil with rage, because of the unhinged shit they say.

>I wish I was good at hunting down clips of war mongering news anchors saying we need to totally kill everyone living in gaza…

Yeah those are going to be the contemporary version of Hitler's deranged totalwar rants at the podium for future Historians

>The fact that a lot of outlets seem to have change their script or toned it down means that the bourgeoise is horribly out of touch and possibly bought in to their own propaganda.

out of touch despite all the mass surveillance ?
Maybe they thought they could get away with this because censorship was dampening the voices that are countering their narrative. And it turns out that despite that people didn't swallow it. Maybe people are tired of hearing somebody banging the battle drums.


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>taking anything that Poo says seriously
come on now zigga


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Apparently Biden just traveled to Israel to give a speech… and spent half the speech begging for more support for Ukraine. You can't make this shit up anymore.


Guess that means russkies are still gonna keep dying like flies eh?

tough luck russkie kek


I think Biden gets credit for unblocking the Humanitarian aid deliveries for the civilians in Gaza. But yeah that seems to be the only win.

What he did in Israel is basically asking the Zionist lobby to not fuck up his re-election chances. They're not sure if the Israel-war is noisy enough to drown out a hard defeat in Ukraine.

Don't get your hopes up you little psycho, Ukraine is a spend force they're not going to press the Russians on anything let alone manage to inflict many losses.


>Ukraine is a spend force
yeah-yeah, keep yapping zigga, just as your russkie dogs are blowing their brains out from all the winning kek


It's even more embarrassing than that. Biden tried to link Hamas to Putin in his recent speech. The neocons pulling the strings can't even coordinate their speech writing into something coherent.


>russkies are still gonna keep dying like flies eh?

Ukraine will win any minute now


>out of touch despite all the mass surveillance ?

I don't think mass surveillance is really going to tell real stories about what the population thinks. At least not in a predictive way. It's difficult to analyze a lot of data, you basically can have trends, or profile individuals, but I don't think giving the ruling class some deep insight into the population is how it's used. That's just my take from having worked with somewhat large amounts of data before (it was statistics from wifi access points meant to give an idea for how people shop in a shopping mall)


People themselves are out of touch with reality. They wave ukraine flags and israel flags while the government prints billions of dollars to fund these proxy wars and then people be like "zomg where is all this inflation coming from???"


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I just realized something, the Zionists might be trying to do something colossally stupid.

If they managed to clear out Gaza and force all the Palestinians into Egyptian refugee camps, that would eventually transform Hamas into another Hezbollah-type force. Once on Egyptian territory the Zionists couldn't periodically cull the Palestinians anymore and enable the development of much stronger military capabilities. Israel would end up getting boxed in between 2 strong forces.


that's already practically what Lebanon is with state power they haven't done shit. Maybe if feds ever sponsor them they could be like kurds


>that's already practically what Lebanon is with state power they haven't done shit.
Yeah but if Hezbollah turns in to Doublebollah, they might be strong enough to do shit.


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You bitches better be going to these protests


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The only rally in my area is for solidarity with Israel.


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Expand your search.
Or conduct guerilla information ops. Put up posters in places where people will see.


Norman Finkelstein was just on Useful Idiots and parted with an interesting remark. Norman, the world expert on Gaza, has since Oct 7 so far only been invited to talk on the Jimmy Dore Show, Chris Hedges, and Katie Helper's stuff among the left(ish) interview space. The only other show he's been invited on was a show by Jordan Peterson's daughter.


>against Zigger and Paligger Nazi-style genocidal fascist imperialism
What are you talking about? Did you read something that made you think it wasn't Israel doing the Nazi-style genocidal fascist imperialism?

What propaganda does to a motherfucker


>Norman, the world expert on Gaza, has since Oct 7 so far only been invited to talk on the Jimmy Dore Show, Chris Hedges, and Katie Helper's stuff among the left(ish) interview space. The only other show he's been invited on was a show by Jordan Peterson's daughter.

If Netanyahu/Likud completely blows it by for example getting the IDF btfod by engaging Hezbolla, or killing a million people in Gaza and creating a refugee crisis for Egypt, escalating the war so that Iran gets drawn in, or any major catastrophe of this type. That's when Russia and China will move to displace the US and establish them selves as the new big-power that insures peace and diplomacy in the region. That's when the US empire will get pressured to completely distance it selves from Zionist politics. That's when people Like Finkelstein might get put in the media spot-light.

We're in the period of major capitalist crisis, that means there can be phases of "Lenin-time", where decades worth of change can happen in weeks, so who knows.


U.S. Raises Concerns About Israel’s Plan of Action in Gaza, Officials Say
<The Pentagon has sent officers to help the Israelis with the challenges of fighting an urban war.
<The Biden administration is concerned that Israel lacks achievable military objectives in Gaza, and that the Israel Defense Forces are not yet ready to launch a ground invasion with a plan that can work, senior administration officials said.

The US is working hard to keep the Zionists from charging into a trap in a fit of rage


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Satire is dead



<The Grayzone's Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate cover the global explosion of outrage in response to Israel's rising atrocities against the Gaza Strip and the threat it poses to American imperium.


I love how these fucking chauvinist pieces of shit use "antisemitic" to try and handwave every accusation about the atrocities perpetrated by their country, and then it just turns out most of them are true. They seem to be so intent on instilling a sense of paranoia and isolation in Jews outside of their shitty apartheid state, and so eager to abuse the trust of anyone else as well.


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>They seem to be so intent on instilling a sense of paranoia and isolation in Jews outside of their shitty apartheid state
They are failing tho, Diaspora Jews are increasingly distancing them selves from Israel the more hardcore Zionism Israel goes. Jews are safe in the US, Europe, Russia, China and even Iran which is Israel's greatest rival, while Israel becomes increasingly less safe because of the insane Zionist belligerency.

The Zionists are intentionally funding anti-semitic groups out-side of Israel to try to terrorize Jews into migrating to Israel. That is anti-semitic for sure, and considering certain historic parallels with attempts of coercively concentrating Jews in one spot (at present that spot is Isreal). One has to wonder whether Zionism can really be considered compatible with Jewishness, because they clearly want to destroy the diaspora.

Maybe the negative effects Zionism has on Jews has to be investigated.


Anyone have the NYT article Norman Finkelstein is referencing at about 1 hour 30 minutes of this TrueAnon episode which refers to "Operation Protective Edge" as being "of a limited nature"?


Not sure but it could be this one

That soldier testimony they read in that episode around 1h:30m, is bone chilling.


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Based Hamas


So there is a lot of diplomatic shuffling at the UN, and the US seems to have taken the L on the UN resolution bingo. Will this stuff amount to a cease-fire and humanitarian-aid getting into Gaza in quantity ? If so, when ?


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What happened to muh ATACMS, has Ukraine used those up already ?


So it appears that the Gaza occupation that the Zionists were planning to do is now off the menu. The exact reasons are unclear to me but it seems to be that Israel can't do long wars and the US arms-depots are running too low. Israel also has been doing what they called raids into Gaza, and maybe those didn't go well either.

Will it fizzel and ceasefire ?


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Catherine Russell, UNICEF Exec says the Zionists are whacking (killed or injured) over 420 children per day in Gaza. Given how precarious the Gaza medical system is injured often means dead later. Also only a messily 26 aid trucks were let into the Gaza.


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Of all the insane propaganda that the Zionists have put out, they managed to knock the bottom out of the barrel with this one. They were pissing on the graves of the Holocaust victims from WW2 by wearing the David-star at the United Nations Security Council while they are trying to argue they should be granted permission to commit genocide against the Palestinians.

When Marx wrote everything sacred gets profaned, it turns out it's really e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g. I did not expect to see warmonger-salesmen so ruthlessly and shamelessly commodify the holocaust. and yes i know about the holocaust-gore-exploitation novels that are popular in Israel


Jesus Christ.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Ti9DG_Of90&t Interview with an Anti-Zionist Rabbi


>I did not expect to see warmonger-salesmen so ruthlessly and shamelessly commodify the holocaust.
Google Norman Finkelstein.


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>commodify the holocaust
>Norman Finkelstein.
He wrote a book about it.
The Holocaust Industry Reflections On The Exploitation Of Jewish Suffering


Bolivia severs diplomatic ties with Israel, citing crimes against humanity

<Bolivia "has decided to break diplomatic relations with the Israeli state in repudiation and condemnation of the aggressive and disproportionate Israeli military offensive taking place in the Gaza Strip," Deputy Foreign Minister Freddy Mamani announced at a press conference. Mamani added that Bolivia was calling for a ceasefire and an end to "the blockade that prevents the entry of food, water and other essential elements for life."



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>IDF rn


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<Pay no attention to the context


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Do you think this creature even feels the emotion known as "embarrassment"?


You seem to believe he identifies as being on the same side as you


“Genocide”: Top U.N. Official Craig Mokhiber Resigns, Denounces Israeli Assault on Gaza

<A former top United Nations official in New York joins us for an in-depth interview about why he has resigned after publicly accusing the U.N. of failing to address what he calls a "text-book case of genocide" unfolding in Gaza. Craig Mokhiber is a longtime international human rights lawyer who served as director of the New York Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. His resignation letter has gone viral. In one of his first interviews since leaving his post, Mokhiber tells Democracy Now! the U.N. follows a "different set of rules" when addressing Israel's violations of international law, refusing to utilize its enforcement mechanisms and thus "effectively" acting as "a smokescreen behind which we have seen further and worsening dispossession of Palestinians." He says it is an "open secret inside the halls of the United Nations that the so-called two-state solution is effectively impossible," and calls for international actors to push for a "new paradigm" in the region based on "equality for all." We also discuss the inaction of the International Criminal Court, global suppression of pro-Palestinian advocacy, bad-faith accusations of antisemitism and more.


This is an interesting interview, Craig Mokhiber takes the piss out of the Zionists, over their attempts at staging a genocide in Gaza. Perhaps more interestingly he makes the case that the 2 state solution is dead, and that Israel has to purge the apartheid bros from it's political spectrum and grant equal citizens ship to Palestinians and others.

Maybe this guy solely resigned as director of the UN human rights offices because of moral principles, but it's somewhat likely that this high powered lawyer also took career considerations into account and he's getting off the Zion-ship before it sinks




Neocon-tony probably doesn't know he's a thug, he probably thinks he's part of the good guys.


This is the OG text on leftwing holocaust denial btw, written by bordigists

Auschwitz - The Great Alibi


>holocaust denial
Nice try Zionist, that's not what the book is about at all.


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Slandering Norman Finkelstein's work as holocaust denial, has to be considered a type of extremely grave antisemitism. He's a Jew who lost virtually his entire family in the Nazi perpetrated holocaust, he has extensively spoken and written about this event from the perspective of his persecuted family. He is far beyond accusation on this subject. I consider people like him to have overwhelming moral authority over Zionists on that subject, because he opposes genocide in principle, and not just the one instance of it that occured in WW2.

Finkelstein has been documenting the Zionist perpetrated slow-motion holocaust of Palestinians in painstaking detail. Denying his work is holocaust denial. Leveraging false accusations against Finkelstein in order to distract from his work is too.

The Zionists are worse than holocaust denialists tho, they currently are perpetrators.

Now lets discuss the holocaust industry, there is the commercial exploitation aspect which can be considered a mockery of the holocaust. Because the works in questions are not media that conveys warnings about a great evil, it is gore-porn for fucked up people who get off an that sort of thing.

But there is a worse aspect of the holocaust industry, namely as a formula to manufacture consent for the destruction of Palestine. That makes it a political instrument to facilitate a new genocide. The victims of the holocaust in WW2 must be spinning in their graves if the memories of their suffering is being raped to repeat such tragedy.

While we're dismantling fake morals, the Zionists created the conditions that caused October7, they are to blame for this too, their actions made Jews unsafe.


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3 weeks war in Gaza - roughly 9000 estimated civilian casualties
nearly 2 years war in Ukraine - roughly 9000 estimated civilian casualties

Even when taking into account that combat circumstance are very different, that is a stark comparison.


sijnce when was scott r. accused of p3do


They probably went after Ritter because in the documentary Shifting Sands, Ritter accused the United States of using UNSCOM to spy on Iraq. He also accused the United States of manipulating UNSCOM to provoke a confrontation with Saddam Hussein as a pretext for U.S. air strikes on Iraq.

The timing was kinda sus, the "P-three-do" accusations got published right when Bush and Blair invaded Iraq and they wanted to discredit him because he was a weapons-inspector that called Bullshit on the "weapons of mass destruction" war-pretext.


Finkelstein is and always will be a legend


>Finkelstein is and always will be a legend


I think one of the most important points that Finkelstein makes in this book is that the Holocaust Industry tries to make "the holocaust" entirely about Jews, as if millions of Roma, Poles, Belorussians, and generally everyone on the political left weren't massacred too. Ultimately holocaust exploiters attempt to depoliticize fascism and make it entirely about hate and identity.


I don't agree with everything he's ever said, but he's been incredibly on point about this specific thing, at least.

Thanks! Anyone have a Times subscription, or an up-to-date archive site?


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Based conservative blaq Queen


Yeah she based.

But remember that taking genocide off the menu, required Nazi-Germany to be badly beaten in WW2. Genocide became a loosing strategy.

The Zionists are currently trying to put genocide back on the menu. Should they succeed with their plans to eradicate the Palestinians, that will set a bad example. The best outcome in the current situation would be popular political pressure from below and global diplomatic pressure forcing the Zionists to back off. The second best outcome would be that they suffer a crushing military defeat. Because then genocide goes back in the box of loosing strategies.

It would also help if the people who are responsible for committing the Palestinian holocaust got the post WW2 international military tribunal treatment. After that nobody would find it controversial that genocides can not be justified.


At this point the only way it's ever going to end is if Israel suffers a military defeat.


>At this point the only way it's ever going to end is if Israel suffers a military defeat.
Yeah it feels that way, dark days ahead.

Israel will definitely loose, because if it continues it will escalate into a major regional war that they lack the strategic depth to fight. The population in Arab countries will not tolerate this, and force the hand of their governments, no matter how much those might want to cuck out.

China probably has the leverage to end this without spilling a drop of blood, but they won't interrupt the US while it's making another big mistake that will significantly weaken it's global power. The Western countries in general and especially the US are alienating the global majority that see Isreal as committing a genocide with western collaborators. This will increase diplomatic isolation of the West. While China is definitely opposed to long-term isolation of the West from the Rest, because that destabilizes international affairs, they definitely don't mind that it currently has the effect of massively reducing pressure from US-great-power-competition.

The Chinese approach to conflict-interaction is waiting until all the conflict parties are worn down or locked in a stale-mate, which grants them opportunities to swoop in with win-win cooperation deals. Israeli society is extraordinary "casualty averse" (to use callus military slang). The ultra-Zionists hard right in Israel are going to face a massive political defeat because the IDF is likely suffering a lot of casualties (that are being covered up a.t.m.). And because the US has politically tied it self to specifically the ultra-Zionists hard-right, the US-Isreal link will weaken tremendously. China gets a relatively low-resistance entry-point "for deepening China-Israel cooperation" (to use the CPC official tongue) with the Israeli liberals, and that will come at the expense of US influence. Chinese sentiments are very pro-palestine, so what ever parts of Palestine will survive the current horror, will likely get sufficient diplomatic support to dramatically improve their standing in the aftermath. Maybe as a special protected group like the Jews after WW2.

The one thing where the western liberals are miscalculating is their demographic bio-politics. They think, that because the orthodox Jews in Israel have more children, that it will move Israeli politics further to the right. But politics are not heritable (a scientifically proven fact). So they are erroneously betting their geopolitical influence on the Israeli right, the very moment it's making a mistake that will likely cast them into the dust-bin of history.


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The UK gov is trying to repress solidarity with Palestinians

Revealed: plan to brand anyone "undermining" UK as extremist


<Government officials have drawn up deeply controversial proposals to broaden the definition of extremism to include anyone who “undermines” the country’s institutions and its values, according to documents seen by the Observer.

<The new definition, prepared by civil servants working for cabinet minister Michael Gove, is fiercely opposed by a cohort of officials who fear legitimate groups and individuals will be branded extremists.

The Irony is their definition of """extremism""".
<“Extremism is the promotion or advancement of any ideology which aims to overturn or undermine the UK’s system of parliamentary democracy, its institutions and values.”
Cracking down on dissent is what undermines democracy
Zionism is entirely incompatible with liberal democratic values, which is the official UK ideological line.

So the extremists in charge are projecting hard.


Do you think Netanyahu might get coup'd? Seems like the US is preparing to let him be the fall guy.


>Do you think Netanyahu might get coup'd?
There's no need for that, all they have to do is remove his legal immunity and let Israels legal system take care of it. After his attempts are bricking separations of powers, the Israeli judicial is probably sufficiently motivated.
>Seems like the US is preparing to let him be the fall guy.
That would be the rational thing to do, so color me skeptical, we haven't seen much rational actor behavior. It feels strange to say this but that would be an acceptable way to end this catastrophe.


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Criminalising anti-Zionism in France

<News reports then surfaced of draft legislation that equates anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism, the latter already considered a crime under French law. On February 20, confirming the government’s intent, Macron declared that he was considering pushing forward legislation that would designate anti-Zionism as “one of the modern forms of anti-Semitism.”

<Anti-Zionism constitutes an expression of a political opinion – a denunciation of a political ideology – while anti-Semitism is a form of racism; the first one is a political opinion and hence should be defended under France’s widely celebrated high standards of freedom of expression


France has 5.7 million muslims, ad to that however many millions leftist and people with a conscious, who all hold strong anti-zionnist ideological convictions because they oppose what the director of the UN human rights officers called "a textbook example of genocide" before he resigned from his position on ethical grounds. The implication seems to be that this legislation could mean 5 years imprisonment for opposing an ideology that seeks to justify a massive slaughter of innocent people.

I did not expect the French ruling circles to be that much out of touch with the general population in France. Macron sticking his flag in this might actually mean the end of his political Teflon coating.


I'm dying to know what French people think of King Jupiter at this point. Every time he opens his mouth his foot lands inside it.


French people aren't real


How can people be real if our eyes aren't real?






>I'm dying to know what French people think of King Jupiter at this point. Every time he opens his mouth his foot lands inside it.
Given the rising levels of anti-democratic state repression in France that is marching towards lower stage despotism. My guess would be that public support for the current government must be very low, otherwise they wouldn't use repression.

I think the main contradiction is that France's imperial project does no longer benefit the French population, but the rising costs of maintaining said imperial project, is increasingly born by those very people who get nothing out of it. Macron is of course part of the circle of affluence that does get imperial returns, and that colors his political sentiments. And he can no longer bridge the gap, it's no longer possible to make political sense when the message is that France's population must suffer quality of life reductions and criminal infractions of civil liberties for no other purpose than to brutalize people in far of lands.



Some civilian Zionists in the Westbank strolled into a Palestinian neighbor hood and randomly gunned down a Palestinian civilian.

I wasn't expecting such erosion of Humanity.


You weren't? This is pretty standard Israeli terror even before October.


>You weren't?
I've seen violence directed against me and others, but in all of those cases the violence was a means to an end, like a mugging for example. This was something very different, the violence was the end. That Zionist just picked a random target and murdered him, just to kill a Palestinian.
>This is pretty standard Israeli terror even before October.
I knew about the crimes of the IDF like the snipers targeting children, medics and pregnant women. But not about civilians going out killing.

Lets say hypothetically, the political dimension changes and the conflict gets resolved. How do you put this type of casual murder back into the box ?


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Can someone help me make sense of this?

It just comes across as woman-tier narcissism tbh.

The average Palestinian doesn't care if a 20 year old sorority chick in Wisconsin gets to have unlimited abortions. There's never once been a gay pride march through Gaza City.

Help me understand what's going through the head of people who hold signs like this. What does being gay and/or killing preborn children (strangely termed 'reproductive justice') have to do with Palestinians suffering at the hands of the Israeli settler-welfare state?


It does make sense on some level.

If you subject a species to conditions where off-spring survival-rate is low you create an evolutionary pressure to have a lot of offspring to improve the statistical chance that at least a few survive. Like for example fish that lay hundreds of eggs.

There is some evidence that the Zionists are specifically targeting Palestinian children , which means that Palestine also has a lower survival-rate for their children. So they are subjected to the same evolutionary pressure to have lots of children.

In order to make it culturally viable to grant Women reproductive rights that let them have abortions, and hence fewer children, it is necessary to have a very high survival rate for children.

Palestinian women probably won't get reproductive rights as long as the Zionists can murder loads of Palestinian children.

Now i hear you asking what's in it for the 20 year old sorority chick ? Well as long as there are some women in the world that don't get reproductive rights, it means that her own reproductive rights are not rights but privileges that can be revoked.


Tfw you use mid-tier verbal intelligence to delude yourself


Alright, you explain it better.


It doesn't make sense. Leftists are retarded. Women in particular have to make everything about them


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Jordan has warned Israel that they would exit the peace treaty they have with Israel if there was an attempt at driving the Palestinian population from Gaza.


"Are we the baddies?"


Anyone have more videos of Hamas wrecking tanks?


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Western liberals are fascists, when will this become mainstream knowledge?


>Western liberals are fascists,
Yeah unfortunately that seems to be the case.
>when will this become mainstream knowledge?
well they're not subtle about it, so not long


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Zionists are now complaining that their "window of legitimacy" for cleansing Gaza is closing too quickly.

We could complain about the sheer psychopathy of such a concept. Because it's fucked up people trying to fit atrocities into the reaction delay of humane society. But perhaps it's useful for us as well, we could use it as a performance metric to improve our responses. We could try to figure out how to shrink their "window of legitimacy" so they get to kill fewer people.


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That is disgusting. Where did you hear them talking about it?

>We could try to figure out how to shrink their "window of legitimacy" so they get to kill fewer people.

This is definitely a good point.

One thing that might be worth examining is why in this particular conflict the majority of people started off on the side of palestinians. This is a nice change, since if you think about issues with China and Russia the public in the west mostly aligns with the western ruling class's narrative.

I guess the instict for people to side with the victim is quite strong, because I'm not convinced that people were sufficiently educated about the situation Palestinians are facing before this conflict. But maybe educating people slowly over time can prevent there ever being a "window of legitimacy", perhaps the best strategy is a preemptive one. Of course the left doesn't have the media reach that the CIA does so this is difficult.

The propaganda apparatus that the booj uses seems to be less effective with tiktok, but even tiktok can be subject to getting cucked by the US (and it already is censored to shit don't get me wrong). The only sure way to win in the propaganda war would be for workers to take over the media companies. That doesn't mean we shouldn't keep trying to spread the truth on socials, maybe it will take so much blatant censorship that people will flock to less restrictive platforms, I really don't know. But propaganda should be combated, I can't think of a more immediate and dangerous enemy of the proletariat.


Still looking for some more Hamas anti-tank videos. Come on folks!


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>That is disgusting. Where did you hear them talking about it?
I didn't pay enough attention to remember exactly (the blood drenched news are getting emotionally exhausting, all the people trying to justify the destruction of Palestine are beginning to blur together into the Zionazi-axis). I think it was Israeli officials giving an interview, is this important ? Do you want me to backtrack over the stuff i looked at ?

>One thing that might be worth examining is why in this particular conflict the majority of people started off on the side of palestinians. This is a nice change, since if you think about issues with China and Russia the public in the west mostly aligns with the western ruling class's narrative.

Initially there was some sympathy with Israel, but then the Zionists started the genocidal bombing campaign paired with really unhinged genocidal rhetoric. They dehumanized all Palestinians as non-human, declared that they want to attack civilians, they said killing children and destroying hospitals was "defensive". Declared their intentions to commit ethnic cleansing. They checked every box of the official definition of genocide. Many people have a baseline decency that makes it impossible to side with that.

Also People don't really believe what the media says about China or Russia, they just don't have a material incentive to care about what happens in far off lands. Even when they repeat the propaganda lies, they are just engaging in social behavior of "echo-ing the noises of the tribe". Non of the stuff is embedded believes, it's un-reflected superficial social-fluff. If they get a material reason to care, it'll evaporate.

>The propaganda apparatus that the booj uses seems to be less effective with tiktok, but even tiktok can be subject to getting cucked by the US

Narrative control has limits, it won't be long until people begin what i call "mental bracketing". It's a change in interpretation where people pretty much ignore the content of what the media says, and instead try to guess what the intentions might be. The first bracketing is going to affect accusations, those are going to be reinterpreted as confessions. Until eventually most people assume that the media is the mouth-peace of a cabal of power-full people that only talk about them selves.

>The only sure way to win in the propaganda war would be for workers to take over the media companies. That doesn't mean we shouldn't keep trying to spread the truth on socials, maybe it will take so much blatant censorship that people will flock to less restrictive platforms.

Yeah it seems that the phase of social media concentration has peaked and it's now going to disperse.

As far as propaganda wins go, we can finally separate Jewishness from Zionism, because so many Jews are now distancing them selves from Zionism, that the charade can't be maintained. The Zionists used to be able to brow-beat a lot of Jews into supporting them, but that will no longer work because Jews no longer think that Israel is safe. It won't be long before equating Zionism with Jewishness will be considered antisemitism because it would mean falsely blaming all Jews for the crimes of Zionists. Zionism has shifted meaning from Safe-space for the Jews to Extermination of Palestinians.

If I had to guess the new "Safe-space-fallback" for the Jews might become China. There was an attempt to seed antisemitic tropes in China, and the result was that Chinese turbo-pragmatism turned the stereotypical Jewish banking conspiracy into a kind of practical advice: "make friends with Jews to learn tips about personal finance". The neo-cons and the Zionism lobby banging the ethno-nationalism drum is going to loose them the support of the Jewish diaspora.


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Here's a picture of destroyed mercava tanks, maybe some-body else will post videos.

I have to say that the war-footage is becoming a mental drain, there's only so much destruction-porn you can gawk at before it starts wearing down your "soul".


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Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu claims a Muslim convinced Hitler to kill Jews

<Israel's Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, is coming under fire from Holocaust experts after he claimed that Adolf Hitler never wanted to kill Jews, but was convinced to do so by a Muslim leader.

<"Hitler didn't want to exterminate the Jews at the time," Netanyahu said. "He wanted to expel the Jews, and Haj Amin al-Husseini went to Hitler and said, 'If you expel them, they will all come here.'"


remember that time when Netanyahu tried to defend Hilter.


Why does the US support Israel? A geopolitical analysis with economist Michael Hudson

<A geopolitical analysis of why the United States so strongly supports Israel: Economist Michael Hudson discusses with journalist Ben Norton.


Hudson makes a case that the US might go after Iran and draws an interesting comparison with the crusades.


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Protesters block US military ship allegedly carrying weapons for Israel

The demonstrations in Tacoma, Washington, are the second to greet the supply ship, after similar protests in California.

Under dark skies and steady rain, hundreds of pro-Palestinian demonstrators rallied at the Port of Tacoma, in Washington state, to block a military supply vessel they believe will carry weapons from the United States to Israel.

There, they fear any weaponry on board will be used in Israel’s ongoing campaign against the Gaza Strip, where more than 10,000 Palestinians have been killed.

“We want a ceasefire now. We want people to stop getting murdered now. We want a real examination and action on US foreign policy and US funding to Israel,” said Wassim Hage, one of the protesters at the Tacoma rally.

Hage works as a case manager and community outreach coordinator with the Arab Resource and Organizing Center (AROC), the advocacy group that organised the protests.


Pic unrelated.


Almost like it's a pattern!


>Almost like it's a pattern!
I agree, but a Israeli president ? Trying to rehabilitate Hitler even a little bit, that seemed unthinkable before it happened.

The ultra Zionists like to collaborate with antisemitic right-wingers in many countries. They are doing this because they think it will make more Jews go to Israel. They imagine that antisemitic right-wingers threatening or alienating Jews that live outside Israel, will motivate more Jews to move to Israel. Of course most Jews that migrate because of antisemitism don't go to Israel they just go to some other country.

It's a distinct possibility that Netanyahu was trying to pander to this "Zionism-antisemite-population-shuffleing-colaboration" scheme.

The Ultra Zionists think that antisemitism is caused by Jews living among other people, which contradicts the Jewish religion where God told the Jews they had to live dispersed around the world for some religious reason. This is why you see orthodox Jews in full religious dress-up show up on antizionist protests.

Why exactly ultra Zionnists try to partially rehabilitate the Nazis, by making them the victims of clever manipulation is eluding me atm. But it sure looks like solidarity among violent ethno-nationalists.

The most baffling part of all of this is why the US empire tries to work with that type of ethno-nationalists for their imperial shenanigans. They are unreliable vassals with all sorts of baggage that always ends up creating complications for empire. Like Zionists in Israel that are trying to exterminate and/or displace all the Palestinians is creating superfluous conflict that is nothing but friction undermining US imperial power projection. None of the Arab government will be able to sell rapprochement with Israel to their population without getting overthrown by popular revolt for the next 10 to 20 years. For the US that directly translates to Israel becoming much less effective as a means to undermining Iranian power.


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There are rumors floating around that the US military is having more casualties (wounded not dead) in skirmishes against US bases in the middle east. Which the US seems to attributing to Iranian proxy forces.


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There have been informal Lebanon-Islrael border clashes between Hezbollah and IDF.

Now Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant has been threatening to attack Lebanon by bombing Beirut to make it look like Gaza.

Hezbollah-leader, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, replied that they have new and improve missiles now with half a tonne payload, and that they won't shut down the new front.

I hope all this shit is just sabre rattling.


Roger Waters & Abby Martin on Gaza Genocide

<Legendary Pink Floyd musician Roger Waters joins Empire Files to discuss his longtime advocacy for Palestine and the crisis in Gaza.



A UN security resolution in 2004 downgraded Israel from having a right to self-defense to only having a right to ensure it's security, because they are an occupying force.

I have no clue what exactly the difference is but to me it seems that the current narrative in the media is clearly contradicting this UN ruling.


<Israel has no right to defend itself as it is an occupying power, Russia’s representative to the United Nations, Vasily Nebenzya, said at an emergency special session of the UN General Assembly on Wednesday.

<“The only thing they can muster is continued pronouncements about Israel’s supposed right to self defense, although as an occupying power, it does not have that power as confirmed by the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice handed down in 2004,” said the Russian representative.

<Despite stating that Israel does not have the right to defend itself, Nebenzya proceeded to state that Israel does have the right to “ensure its security” and “to fight terrorism.”

<“As for Israel’s security - and we recognize its rights to ensure its security - this security can only be fully guaranteed if we resolve the Palestinian issue on the basis of relevant UN Security Council resolutions," said the Russian representative. "The Jewish people suffered persecution for many centuries and the Jewish people should know better than anyone that the suffering of ordinary people, innocent lives lost in the name of blind retribution, will neither restore justice, nor bring the dead back to life, nor console their families.”


Leftists citing the UN for anything

This is why only naive college student and sub 100 eyeqs think the left is an oppositional force against the ruling class



The UN has to actually do something to enforce this, which is unlikely. It's, uh, sad.


>citing the UN
>naive college student
>The UN has to actually do something to enforce this

I can sympathize with these sentiments, but the UN does create political pressure and nudges events. Israel ignoring all those UN resolutions diminishes their political and diplomatic capital. And this is having effects, there are many western diplomats complaining that they have lost influence and now find it very difficult to find international support for Israel. There is a chance that Israel can be pressured into accepting a ceasefire.

Obviously having some kind of planetary governance that could frustrate genocide attempts by force would be way more effective, than generating political pressure. But i doubt that something like this is possible under capitalism. It would probably require the destruction of imperial capital. (Assuming that Karl Kautsky type ideas of ultra imperialism preventing war and destruction is wrong, because so far it has been)

So basically we'll get a sufficiently powerful UN type organization once most of the world enters the socialist mode of production. At that point the economic forces of imperial capital that drive the kind of shit that is now happening between Israel and Palestine will already have left the historic stage. And the hole point will be to prevent a slide-back not fixing the problem in the first place.


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US rights group sues Biden for alleged failure to prevent genocide in Gaza

<A New York civil liberties group is suing Joe Biden for allegedly failing in his duty under international and US laws to prevent Israel committing genocide in Gaza.

<The Center for Constitutional Rights’ (CCR) complaint on behalf of several Palestinian groups and individuals alleges that Israel’s actions, including “mass killings”, the targeting of civilian infrastructure and forced expulsions, amount to genocide. The CCR said that the 1948 international convention against genocide requires the US and other countries to use their power and influence to stop the killing.

<The group said that the Israeli order for more than 1 million Palestinians to leave their homes in Gaza, alongside the language used by Israeli political and military leaders, amounted to a call to commit genocide. The lawsuit noted Benjamin Netanyahu’s quoting of Deuteronomy: “You must remember what Amalek has done to you, says our Holy Bible, and we do remember, and we are fighting.”


They might actually have a tiny chance to make that genocide-case stick because of the bloodthristy rants of Israeli politicians. I wonder how far this will go.


They've got an extremely strong case. The problem is the American state and its biases which tend to be extremely in favor of this genocide.


$3,000,000,000 A YEAR

Israel's Iron Dome malfunctions, sending missiles into Tel Aviv

Israel’s Iron Dome anti-rocket system experienced a malfunction yesterday with an interceptor missile falling back over Tel Aviv and reportedly crashing into homes and a hospital in a fiery explosion.

Videos shared online appear to show Israel’s Iron Dome defence system malfunctioning and attacking sites in Tel Aviv.

The system, which is designed to protect against incoming short-range weapons, stopping them from reaching their intended targets, was seen lighting up Tel Aviv’s sky last night with its so called “interceptor missiles” appearing to loop in the sky and land in Tel Aviv, damaging local property.

There were no reports of fatalities as a result of the malfunction.

(text is from https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20231106-israels-iron-dome-malfunctions-sending-missiles-into-tel-aviv/ , but the contents have been confirmed by 'western' sources as well)


To a significant extend it depends how politically independent US courts are. IMHO the Zionists are overplaying their hand, their excessive brutality is creating nothing but geo-political fallout for the US empire. US judges probably will lend political cover as far as US imperial interests go, but they're unlikely to go further than that.


>Israeli missile crashes into hospital
Isn't it ironic, yeah I really do think


Yeah ironic indeed.

But what are the odds of a malfunctioning air-defense missile falling on to a hospital. Seems kinda strange tbh


We Are Not Numbers: Palestinian Journalist Ahmed Alnaouq Mourns 21 Family Members Killed by Israel

One-and-a-half million residents of Gaza have been displaced by Israeli bombing and siege since October 7 in what many Palestinians are calling a second Nakba, or catastrophe, referencing the 1948 expulsion of 700,000 Palestinians to create the state of Israel. “It’s what has been going on for the past 75 years,” says Palestinian journalist Ahmed Alnaouq, who describes how 21 members of his family were killed in Gaza, including his father and several siblings. Alnaouq had not been able to visit his family for four years prior to their deaths, due to restrictions upon entry into Gaza. He joins us from London, where historic protests calling for a ceasefire were deemed “hate marches” by Home Secretary Suella Braverman, who was fired shortly thereafter. Alnaouq speaks about global support for Palestinians and responds to U.S. President Joe Biden’s latest comments on Israel’s targeting of hospitals in Gaza.


What are the odds of a team of guys with a few drones and hang gliders getting through one of the most heavily guarded borders in the world, destroying tanks, and temporarily capturing military bases?
A lot of these billion dollar Israeli military blunders have been odd, to say the least.


<One-and-a-half million residents of Gaza have been displaced by Israeli bombing and siege since October 7 in what many Palestinians are calling a second Nakba
Some Israeli politicians are also calling it that.
>A lot of these billion dollar Israeli military blunders have been odd, to say the least.
Yeah it seems kinda odd that they aren't using cheap flak- or auto-cannons to shoot down the volleys of unguided artillery missiles. There's probably not much money in that, even fancy high-tech flak-shells and 30mill-rounds are relatively low cost.


Erdogan (President of Turkey) is trash-talking Israel:

<“Hey Israel, you have an atomic bomb, a nuclear bomb. And you are making threats with this. We know this. Your end is near. You can have as many nuclear bombs as you want, you can have whatever you want. But you are on your way out.”



In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful,

"Permission to fight (against disbelievers) is given to those (believers) who are fought against, because they have been wronged and surely, Allah is Able to give them (believers) victory" [Quran 22:39]

"Those who believe, fight in the Cause of Allah, and those who disbelieve, fight in the cause of Taghut (anything worshipped other than Allah e.g. Satan). So fight you against the friends of Satan; ever feeble is indeed the plot of Satan."[Quran 4:76]

Some American writers have published articles under the title 'On what basis are we fighting?' These articles have generated a number of responses, some of which adhered to the truth and were based on Islamic Law, and others which have not. Here we wanted to outline the truth - as an explanation and warning - hoping for Allah's reward, seeking success and support from Him.

While seeking Allah's help, we form our reply based on two questions directed at the Americans:

(Q1) Why are we fighting and opposing you?
Q2)What are we calling you to, and what do we want from you?

As for the first question: Why are we fighting and opposing you? The answer is very simple:

(1) Because you attacked us and continue to attack us.

a) You attacked us in Palestine:

(i) Palestine, which has sunk under military occupation for more than 80 years. The British handed over Palestine, with your help and your support, to the Jews, who have occupied it for more than 50 years; years overflowing with oppression, tyranny, crimes, killing, expulsion, destruction and devastation. The creation and continuation of Israel is one of the greatest crimes, and you are the leaders of its criminals. And of course there is no need to explain and prove the degree of American support for Israel. The creation of Israel is a crime which must be erased. Each and every person whose hands have become polluted in the contribution towards this crime must pay its*price, and pay for it heavily.

(ii) It brings us both laughter and tears to see that you have not yet tired of repeating your fabricated lies that the Jews have a historical right to Palestine, as it was promised to them in the Torah. Anyone who disputes with them on this alleged fact is accused of anti-semitism. This is one of the most fallacious, widely-circulated fabrications in history. The people of Palestine are pure Arabs and original Semites. It is the Muslims who are the inheritors of Moses (peace be upon him) and the inheritors of the real Torah that has not been changed. Muslims believe in all of the Prophets, including Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon them all. If the followers of Moses have been promised a right to Palestine in the Torah, then the Muslims are the most worthy nation of this.

When the Muslims conquered Palestine and drove out the Romans, Palestine and Jerusalem returned to Islaam, the religion of all the Prophets peace be upon them. Therefore, the call to a historical right to Palestine cannot be raised against the Islamic Ummah that believes in all the Prophets of Allah (peace and blessings be upon them) - and we make no distinction between them.

(iii) The blood pouring out of Palestine must be equally revenged. You must know that the Palestinians do not cry alone; their women are not widowed alone; their sons are not orphaned alone.

(b) You attacked us in Somalia; you supported the Russian atrocities against us in Chechnya, the Indian oppression against us in Kashmir, and the Jewish aggression against us in Lebanon.

(c) Under your supervision, consent and orders, the governments of our countries which act as your agents, attack us on a daily basis;

(i) These governments prevent our people from establishing the Islamic Shariah, using violence and lies to do so.

(ii) These governments give us a taste of humiliation, and places us in a large prison of fear and subdual.

(iii) These governments steal our Ummah's wealth and sell them to you at a paltry price.

(iv) These governments have surrendered to the Jews, and handed them most of Palestine, acknowledging the existence of their state over the dismembered limbs of their own people.

(v) The removal of these governments is an obligation upon us, and a necessary step to free the Ummah, to make the Shariah the supreme law and to regain Palestine. And our fight against these governments is not separate from out fight against you.

(d) You steal our wealth and oil at paltry prices because of you international influence and military threats. This theft is indeed the biggest theft ever witnessed by mankind in the history of the world.

(e) Your forces occupy our countries; you spread your military bases throughout them; you corrupt our lands, and you besiege our sanctities, to protect the security of the Jews and to ensure the continuity of your pillage of our treasures.

(f) You have starved the Muslims of Iraq, where children die every day. It is a wonder that more than 1.5 million Iraqi children have died as a result of your sanctions, and you did not show concern. Yet when 3000 of your people died, the entire world rises and has not yet sat down.

(g) You have supported the Jews in their idea that Jerusalem is their eternal capital, and agreed to move your embassy there. With your help and under your protection, the Israelis are planning to destroy the Al-Aqsa mosque. Under the protection of your weapons, Sharon entered the Al-Aqsa mosque, to pollute it as a preparation to capture and destroy it.

(2) These tragedies and calamities are only a few examples of your oppression and aggression against us. It is commanded by our religion and intellect that the oppressed have a right to return the aggression. Do not await anything from us but Jihad, resistance and revenge. Is it in any way rational to expect that after America has attacked us for more than half a century, that we will then leave her to live in security and peace?!!

(3) You may then dispute that all the above does not justify aggression against civilians, for crimes they did not commit and offenses in which they did not partake:

(a) This argument contradicts your continuous repetition that America is the land of freedom, and its leaders in this world. Therefore, the American people are the ones who choose their government by way of their own free will; a choice which stems from their agreement to its policies. Thus the American people have chosen, consented to, and affirmed their support for the Israeli oppression of the Palestinians, the occupation and usurpation of their land, and its continuous killing, torture, punishment and expulsion of the Palestinians. The American people have the ability and choice to refuse the policies of their Government and even to change it if they want.

(b) The American people are the ones who pay the taxes which fund the planes that bomb us in Afghanistan, the tanks that strike and destroy our homes in Palestine, the armies which occupy our lands in the Arabian Gulf, and the fleets which ensure the blockade of Iraq. These tax dollars are given to Israel for it to continue to attack us and penetrate our lands. So the American people are the ones who fund the attacks against us, and they are the ones who oversee the expenditure of these monies in the way they wish, through their elected candidates.

(c) Also the American army is part of the American people. It is this very same people who are shamelessly helping the Jews fight against us.

(d) The American people are the ones who employ both their men and their women in the American Forces which attack us.

(e) This is why the American people cannot be not innocent of all the crimes committed by the Americans and Jews against us.

(f) Allah, the Almighty, legislated the permission and the option to take revenge. Thus, if we are attacked, then we have the right to attack back. Whoever has destroyed our villages and towns, then we have the right to destroy their villages and towns. Whoever has stolen our wealth, then we have the right to destroy their economy. And whoever has killed our civilians, then we have the right to kill theirs.

The American Government and press still refuses to answer the question:

Why did they attack us in New York and Washington?

If Sharon is a man of peace in the eyes of Bush, then we are also men of peace!!! America does not understand the language of manners and principles, so we are addressing it using the language it understands.

(Q2) As for the second question that we want to answer: What are we calling you to, and what do we want from you?

(1) The first thing that we are calling you to is Islam.

(a) The religion of the Unification of God; of freedom from associating partners with Him, and rejection of this; of complete love of Him, the Exalted; of complete submission to His Laws; and of the discarding of all the opinions, orders, theories and religions which contradict with the religion He sent down to His Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Islam is the religion of all the prophets, and makes no distinction between them - peace be upon them all.

It is to this religion that we call you; the seal of all the previous religions. It is the religion of Unification of God, sincerity, the best of manners, righteousness, mercy, honour, purity, and piety. It is the religion of showing kindness to others, establishing justice between them, granting them their rights, and defending the oppressed and the persecuted. It is the religion of enjoining the good and forbidding the evil with the hand, tongue and heart. It is the religion of Jihad in the way of Allah so that Allah's Word and religion reign Supreme. And it is the religion of unity and agreement on the obedience to Allah, and total equality between all people, without regarding their colour, sex, or language.

(b) It is the religion whose book - the Quran - will remained preserved and unchanged, after the other Divine books and messages have been changed. The Quran is the miracle until the Day of Judgment. Allah has challenged anyone to bring a book like the Quran or even ten verses like it.

(2) The second thing we call you to, is to stop your oppression, lies, immorality and debauchery that has spread among you.

(a) We call you to be a people of manners, principles, honour, and purity; to reject the immoral acts of fornication, homosexuality, intoxicants, gambling's, and trading with interest.

We call you to all of this that you may be freed from that which you have become caught up in; that you may be freed from the deceptive lies that you are a great nation, that your leaders spread amongst you to conceal from you the despicable state to which you have reached.

(b) It is saddening to tell you that you are the worst civilization witnessed by the history of mankind:

(i) You are the nation who, rather than ruling by the Shariah of Allah in its Constitution and Laws, choose to invent your own laws as you will and desire. You separate religion from your policies, contradicting the pure nature which affirms Absolute Authority to the Lord and your Creator. You flee from the embarrassing question posed to you: How is it possible for Allah the Almighty to create His creation, grant them power over all the creatures and land, grant them all the amenities of life, and then deny them that which they are most in need of: knowledge of the laws which govern their lives?

(ii) You are the nation that permits Usury, which has been forbidden by all the religions. Yet you build your economy and investments on Usury. As a result of this, in all its different forms and guises, the Jews have taken control of your economy, through which they have then taken control of your media, and now control all aspects of your life making you their servants and achieving their aims at your expense; precisely what Benjamin Franklin warned you against.

(iii) You are a nation that permits the production, trading and usage of intoxicants. You also permit drugs, and only forbid the trade of them, even though your nation is the largest consumer of them.

(iv) You are a nation that permits acts of immorality, and you consider them to be pillars of personal freedom. You have continued to sink down this abyss from level to level until incest has spread amongst you, in the face of which neither your sense of honour nor your laws object.

Who can forget your President Clinton's immoral acts committed in the official Oval office? After that you did not even bring him to account, other than that he 'made a mistake', after which everything passed with no punishment. Is there a worse kind of event for which your name will go down in history and remembered by nations?

(v) You are a nation that permits gambling in its all forms. The companies practice this as well, resulting in the investments becoming active and the criminals becoming rich.

(vi) You are a nation that exploits women like consumer products or advertising tools calling upon customers to purchase them. You use women to serve passengers, visitors, and strangers to increase your profit margins. You then rant that you support the liberation of women.

(vii) You are a nation that practices the trade of sex in all its forms, directly and indirectly. Giant corporations and establishments are established on this, under the name of art, entertainment, tourism and freedom, and other deceptive names you attribute to it.

(viii) And because of all this, you have been described in history as a nation that spreads diseases that were unknown to man in the past. Go ahead and boast to the nations of man, that you brought them AIDS as a Satanic American Invention.

(xi) You have destroyed nature with your industrial waste and gases more than any other nation in history. Despite this, you refuse to sign the Kyoto agreement so that you can secure the profit of your greedy companies and*industries.

(x) Your law is the law of the rich and wealthy people, who hold sway in their political parties, and fund their election campaigns with their gifts. Behind them stand the Jews, who control your policies, media and economy.

(xi) That which you are singled out for in the history of mankind, is that you have used your force to destroy mankind more than any other nation in history; not to defend principles and values, but to hasten to secure your interests and profits. You who dropped a nuclear bomb on Japan, even though Japan was ready to negotiate an end to the war. How many acts of oppression, tyranny and injustice have you carried out, O callers to freedom?

(xii) Let us not forget one of your major characteristics: your duality in both manners and values; your hypocrisy in manners and principles. All*manners, principles and values have two scales: one for you and one for the others.

(a)The freedom and democracy that you call to is for yourselves and for white race only; as for the rest of the world, you impose upon them your monstrous, destructive policies and Governments, which you call the 'American friends'. Yet you prevent them from establishing democracies. When the Islamic party in Algeria wanted to practice democracy and they won the election, you unleashed your agents in the Algerian army onto them, and to attack them with tanks and guns, to imprison them and torture them - a new lesson from the 'American book of democracy'!!!

(b)Your policy on prohibiting and forcibly removing weapons of mass destruction to ensure world peace: it only applies to those countries which you do not permit to possess such weapons. As for the countries you consent to, such as Israel, then they are allowed to keep and use such weapons to defend their security. Anyone else who you suspect might be manufacturing or keeping these kinds of weapons, you call them criminals and you take military action against them.

(c)You are the last ones to respect the resolutions and policies of International Law, yet you claim to want to selectively punish anyone else who does the same. Israel has for more than 50 years been pushing UN resolutions and rules against the wall with the full support of America.

(d)As for the war criminals which you censure and form criminal courts for - you shamelessly ask that your own are granted immunity!! However, history will not forget the war crimes that you committed against the Muslims and the rest of the world; those you have killed in Japan, Afghanistan, Somalia, Lebanon and Iraq will remain a shame that you will never be able to escape. It will suffice to remind you of your latest war crimes in Afghanistan, in which densely populated innocent civilian villages were destroyed, bombs were dropped on mosques causing the roof of the mosque to come crashing down on the heads of the Muslims praying inside. You are the ones who broke the agreement with the Mujahideen when they left Qunduz, bombing them in Jangi fort, and killing more than 1,000 of your prisoners through suffocation and thirst. Allah alone knows how many people have died by torture at the hands of you and your agents. Your planes remain in the Afghan skies, looking for anyone remotely suspicious.

(e)You have claimed to be the vanguards of Human Rights, and your Ministry of Foreign affairs issues annual reports containing statistics of those countries that violate any Human Rights. However, all these things vanished when the Mujahideen hit you, and you then implemented the methods of the same documented governments that you used to curse. In America, you captured thousands the Muslims and Arabs, took them into custody with neither reason, court trial, nor even disclosing their names. You issued newer, harsher laws.

What happens in Guatanamo is a historical embarrassment to America and its values, and it screams into your faces - you hypocrites, "What is the value of your signature on any agreement or treaty?"

(3) What we call you to thirdly is to take an honest stance with yourselves - and I doubt you will do so - to discover that you are a nation without principles or manners, and that the values and principles to you are something which you merely demand from others, not that which you yourself must adhere to.

(4) We also advise you to stop supporting Israel, and to end your support of the Indians in Kashmir, the Russians against the Chechens and to also cease supporting the Manila Government against the Muslims in Southern Philippines.

(5) We also advise you to pack your luggage and get out of our lands. We desire for your goodness, guidance, and righteousness, so do not force us to send you back as cargo in coffins.

(6) Sixthly, we call upon you to end your support of the corrupt leaders in our countries. Do not interfere in our politics and method of education. Leave us alone, or else expect us in New York and Washington.

(7) We also call you to deal with us and interact with us on the basis of mutual interests and benefits, rather than the policies of sub dual, theft and occupation, and not to continue your policy of supporting the Jews because this will result in more disasters for you.

If you fail to respond to all these conditions, then prepare for fight with the Islamic Nation. The Nation of Monotheism, that puts complete trust on Allah and fears none other than Him. The Nation which is addressed by its Quran with the words: "Do you fear them? Allah has more right that you should fear Him if you are believers. Fight against them so that Allah will punish them by your hands and disgrace them and give you victory over them and heal the breasts of believing people. And remove the anger of their (believers') hearts. Allah accepts the repentance of whom He wills. Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise." [Quran9:13-1]

The Nation of honour and respect:

"But honour, power and glory belong to Allah, and to His Messenger (Muhammad- peace be upon him) and to the believers." [Quran 63:8]

"So do not become weak (against your enemy), nor be sad, and you will be*superior ( in victory )if you are indeed (true) believers" [Quran 3:139]

The Nation of Martyrdom; the Nation that desires death more than you desire life:

"Think not of those who are killed in the way of Allah as dead. Nay, they are alive with their Lord, and they are being provided for. They rejoice in what Allah has bestowed upon them from His bounty and rejoice for the sake of those who have not yet joined them, but are left behind (not yet martyred) that on them no fear shall come, nor shall they grieve. They rejoice in a grace and a bounty from Allah, and that Allah will not waste the reward of the believers." [Quran 3:169-171]

The Nation of victory and success that Allah has promised:

"It is He Who has sent His Messenger (Muhammad peace be upon him) with guidance and the religion of truth (Islam), to make it victorious over all other religions even though the Polytheists hate it." [Quran 61:9]

"Allah has decreed that 'Verily it is I and My Messengers who shall be victorious.' Verily Allah is All-Powerful, All-Mighty." [Quran 58:21]

The Islamic Nation that was able to dismiss and destroy the previous evil Empires like yourself; the Nation that rejects your attacks, wishes to remove your evils, and is prepared to fight you. You are well aware that the Islamic Nation, from the very core of its soul, despises your haughtiness and arrogance.

If the Americans refuse to listen to our advice and the goodness, guidance and righteousness that we call them to, then be aware that you will lose this Crusade Bush began, just like the other previous Crusades in which you were humiliated by the hands of the Mujahideen, fleeing to your home in great silence and disgrace. If the Americans do not respond, then their fate will be that of the Soviets who fled from Afghanistan to deal with their military defeat, political breakup, ideological downfall, and economic bankruptcy.

This is our message to the Americans, as an answer to theirs. Do they now know why we fight them and over which form of ignorance? By the permission of Allah, we shall be victorious.


Apparently The Guardian newspaper published this at some point and they recently deleted it from their website.

Is that why you posted it ?


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Kim Iversen did a video on this:


Yup that's why, someone else made a thread on /b/ about it >>>/b/150842


Yeah, that context would have been nice. Otherwise, you know… it's just a decades-old letter from Bin Laden. The west preferred him to the Soviets in the '80s, and probably still would if the Soviets still existed today.


The US also preferred China to the Soviet Union.


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Not 100% sure about the source, but good if true:

European trade unions intensify actions of solidarity with Palestine

Port workers’ unions in Italy, Greece, and Turkey have announced their decision to boycott the loading and unloading of arms destined for Israel’s criminal war in Gaza.

As the genocidal war conducted by the Zionist state of Israel against Gaza enters its second month, trade unions in Europe have stepped up their solidarity with Palestine.

On November 9, in a joint statement, the dock workers and transport workers affiliated with the Unione Sindicale di Base (USB) in Italy, Nakliyat Is union in Turkey, ENEDEP-COSCO Dockers Union of Greece’s Piraeus Port, and several other Maritime Unions in Greece, made a call to “stop the massacre in Gaza” and to “stop the transport of death”. The unions have demanded the governments of their countries stop the transfer of arms from its ports and stop support to Israel which is murdering the people of Palestine.

In their joint statement, the trade unions have said “We cannot tolerate the loading and unloading operations of ships, planes, etc. carrying weapons into the conflict or providing logistical services to it, to help feed a system that slaughters thousands of innocent people, especially women and children, every day.”

“The history of transport workers has always been clearly on the side of peace, against fascism, racism, against any occupation and oppression of peoples. For this reason, we cannot tolerate the transformation of the ports, airports, ships, and trains of Europe into centers of trafficking of death,” added the unions.

On November 10, hundreds of trade unionists including the port workers affiliated with the USB and the Autonomous Collective of Port Workers organized a demonstration in Genoa in solidarity with Palestine. The workers have also announced that they “refuse to load, to work the ships of the Israeli cargo shipping company ZIM Integrated Shipping Services which act as a vector for the shipment of armaments to Israel. Meanwhile, on the same day, hundreds of trade unionists in the UK under the banner of Workers For A Free Palestine blocked the entrance to the BAE Systems factory site in Rochester, Kent, which reportedly provides components for military aircraft used in the ongoing bombing in Gaza. On October 31, activists from Palestine Action blockaded the road to the headquarters of Elbit Systems in Bristol, notorious for manufacturing parts for Israeli drones and other pilotless aircraft.

On October 30 in Denmark, activists from the Communist Youth of Denmark (DKU), blocked all entrances to the Søborg plant of the Danish arms company, Terma, in protest against its sale of weapons and equipment to the Israeli Defense Forces.

Earlier, transport unions in Belgium including the Belgian Union of Transport Workers (BTB), BBTK, ACV-Transcom, and ACV Puls also issued a joint statement announcing their resolve to refuse loading or unloading weapons in transit to Israel, which are destined for the genocidal war against the Palestinians.

As of now, in the indiscriminate bombing of Gaza by Israel, including hospitals and refugee camps, more than 11,000 people have been killed, more than 27,000 people were injured and around 1.5 million people have been displaced.



(forget that question about the source at the beginning, the info seems entirely correct)


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>The west preferred him to the Soviets in the '80s,
Yeah, they still celebrated Bin Laden as "anti-soviet warror" in 1993
>and probably still would if the Soviets still existed today.
If the Soviets still existed today, religious fundamentalism, organized as terror cells and proxy forces, in the ME would probably have withered away long ago and Bin Laden probably would never have been in the position to do 9/11. Because the Soviets would have eventually forced the CIA out and dismantled all those other "regional actors" that provided funding and support for these groups. In this hypothetical history, the Arab part of the Soviet system still wouldn't be anywhere near secular tho, they would have resisted sovietization as vigorously as they did liberalisation, but religious sectarian violence would be near none-existent.


Seems based, does this have any chance at working ?
It appears that unions have realized that the neocon imperial strategy only generates costs for them and that it isn't like it was during the soc-dem period where unions got imperial gibs.


I have no idea. You can ask PAME (the Greek union) if you like:


The Zionists are now calling them selves victims of tiktok and are trying to burn the last bridge with the Zoomer generation by attempting to ban their favorite App.

They are expending a lot of political capital just to keep the palestinian genocide going a little wile longer. Zionist occupied Israel is going to be forced to accept a ceasefire soon anyway, what will remain is all the people they antagonized and whose political opinions have hardened.


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Have you ever seen an occupation this gay?


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Twitter will begin censoring criticisms of the Zionist regime that is currently perpetrating a genocide against the Palestinians. In true sycophantic fashion the opponents and critics of the currently happening genocide are getting accused of having genocidal intent. And the antisemitic trope of equating Zionists with Jews also gets repeated. They're trying to justify this by intentionally miss-interpreting the meaning of sloganeering.


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Finkelstein gave a pretty good interview

After 41:16 he says two of his friends have compiled a list of all the genocidal statements by Israeli officials, he says their names but i have no idea how to spell those. I want that list of statements, if anybody knows where to find it or how spell those names please help.


I’m a Jew & I’m NOT a Genocidal Racist — Why Do Israel “Supporters” Keep Telling the World that I Am?

<I’m so flabbergasted about the Jewish celebrities who have taken to the hustings over the last few weeks not only to embrace Israel’s mass murder of the civilians of Gaza - but have even insisted that all Jews feel the same way.

<What do they think they’re doing? It’s bad enough that these Jews want to display their moral turpitude to the world. But do they really have to slander the rest of us into the bargain?

<Criticism of Israeli brutality, Bialik insisted, was “a strain of anti-Semitism that is alive and well.”

<But for the moment I’m more interested in the logical inferences to be drawn from her comments about “the Jews.” If objecting to Israel’s crimes against humanity offends “the Jewish people,” it follows that “the Jewish people” endorse those crimes.
<And that can only mean one thing: that if Bialik is right, Jews are criminals. All of them. Just because they are Jews. Honestly, can there be a more anti-Semitic claim than that?


Zionists have so far gotten away with claiming that the bloodbaths they create are in the name of Jews.
Finally there are a few Jews pushing back against Zionist-antisemitism.


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'We Are Too Humane. Burn Gaza Now,' Says Senior Israeli Lawmaker

<Deputy Knesset Speaker Nissim Vaturi is one of many Israeli leaders who have made genocidal statements against Palestinians.

<Nissim Vaturi, the far-right deputy speaker of the Israeli parliament, raised eyebrows and ire Friday after asserting on social media that Israel's war on Gaza — which has killed and maimed over 40,000 people and displaced around 70% of the population—is "too humane."


ultraZionists are fucked up in the head


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Thank you


The Nazis took over and want literally Anuddah Shoah. While Nazis lie about everything for the sake of lying, when they get their genocide on, they should be taken at their word. It's one of the few things they actually care about. So, the backlash will be steered. Many Jews in high places who like living will march along with it, as long as it isn't them. Living under such a regime makes people do terrible things and pretend nothing is happening. But, for a lot of people, this is not an option. That's really key to any fascism - holding the option of compliance and charging an exorbitant price to have the right to comply.

It's more than a few Jews who are against this, you know. Most people are not too stupid to see this for what it is, and how this would be weaponized against them.

I do hope I'm wrong and the over-the-top madness of the PR is a signal of weakness before Israel folds its plans to invade. There's a difficulty for the Zionists here, in that this is not really a "war of choice" - Hamas did the attack. There is a misunderstanding mostly among people who think politics is about narratives and stories and performance, where one side must hold absolute impunity to attack and the other must be seen as helpless cattle. If you see the enemies of Israel though, they are not cattle, and they are not subdued, and they are not so weak that Israel can walk in and push the win button. Israel knows that without US involvement they can't do shit, and the US cannot be entangled in a ground war against Hezbollah and ultimately Iran. If that happens, US will fall apart. I'm guessing the Zionists don't care because they hate their master, but this is going to fuck them if they think they can stir more shit. They don't have an option that entails Israel continuing as it has - either they push or they get pushed back, and they're down to resorting to unlimited threats and lies and nothing else. Ultimately they have to dance to whatever the US and global empire allow, and if they tell the Israelis to eat shit or suck up Hamas clowning on them so spectacularly, they're going to have to fume and pout and try to shit up as much as they can while accomplishing nothing. Really seems appropriate for Israel's existence.


<The Nazis took over and want literally Anuddah Shoah. While Nazis lie about everything for the sake of lying, when they get their genocide on, they should be taken at their word. It's one of the few things they actually care about. So, the backlash will be steered. Many Jews in high places who like living will march along with it, as long as it isn't them. Living under such a regime makes people do terrible things and pretend nothing is happening. But, for a lot of people, this is not an option. That's really key to any fascism - holding the option of compliance and charging an exorbitant price to have the right to comply.
I agree with your social analysis, that is definitely how this works. But on the practical feasibility side, it's not the 1920s anymore. Pretty much all the Hitler assassination attempts would succeed in present conditions. The rational choice is no longer cowardly compliance, it's ruthless defiance. Remember that hard fascism is national suicide, and there always is an aftermath, where having been on the wrong side of history can be profoundly hazardous. And the Nazi-exit strategy of fucking off in a U-Boot to South America, Africa and so on. That's not going to work anymore either. That was based on the natives of far off lands not knowing what goes on, in the rest of the world.

>It's more than a few Jews who are against this, you know. Most people are not too stupid to see this for what it is, and how this would be weaponized against them.

Your assessment is correct, but why isn't there more noise about this. Pretty much all the Jews that live in the diaspora gain nothing, for them it's entirely detrimental. The Zionists have made Israel unsafe because they are now at odds with every country in the region, teetering on the brink of major regional conflict, so it no longer holds the promise of a safe haven for Jews. All they have to say is that Zionism is antisemitic because it a) attributes all the crimes that the current regime in Israel has committed, to all Jews. And b) point out that Palestinians are considered ethnically Semitic as well.

>There's a difficulty for the Zionists here, in that this is not really a "war of choice" - Hamas did the attack.

No definitely not, this conflict did not begin with Oct7 this year. There never would have been a Hamas, if Palestinians could live like normal people, with a state that upholds their rights and so on. You can't expect Palestinians to just die quietly considering what has been done to them. The Zionists choose to create the conditions that make organizations like Hamas inevitable. The moral imperative of Palestinians is to reak so much havok that it becomes impracticable to mistreat them. Following the logic that the only crime a slave can commit is not rebelling against slavery. If you want people to be free, live dignified, prosperous and comfortable lives, every alternative has to be frustrated and every ounce of power wielded for an end different from improving the human condition to be considered an irredeemable crime.

>I do hope I'm wrong and the over-the-top madness of the PR is a signal of weakness before Israel folds its plans to invade.

Yes Israel doesn't have the strategic depth to survive a regional war by any means, but they have enough weapons to cause copious amounts of chaos on the way out. So lets hope the PR madness is bluster, and not real madness.

>If you see the enemies of Israel though, they are not cattle, and they are not subdued, and they are not so weak that Israel can walk in and push the win button. Israel knows that without US involvement they can't do shit, and the US cannot be entangled in a ground war against Hezbollah and ultimately Iran. If that happens, US will fall apart.

I agree with you on this as well. But keep in mind that some of the neocons are batshit crazy and they're probing for possibility of nukeing obstinate Arab states. A bunch of nuclear armed US naval assets are already in position. The only question these people ask them selves is whether or not they come out on top.

>I'm guessing the Zionists don't care because they hate their master, but this is going to fuck them if they think they can stir more shit. They don't have an option that entails Israel continuing as it has - either they push or they get pushed back, and they're down to resorting to unlimited threats and lies and nothing else. Ultimately they have to dance to whatever the US and global empire allow, and if they tell the Israelis to eat shit or suck up Hamas clowning on them so spectacularly, they're going to have to fume and pout and try to shit up as much as they can while accomplishing nothing.

At the moment it looks like Israel is the tail wagging the dog, when it comes to Israel US relations. I don't understand why the US Empire hasn't forced them to stand down, like 2 weeks ago.


No one was going to assassinate Hitler because Hitler was just the speech-giver. If need be, the Nazis could find another - they had many who could do the same task Hitler did. It was not a small movement because eugenics needed Nazism and what it offered alone, and this gave them a deeper base in German society that could never be removed. They could only have been ruthlessly exterminated as a movement.

I did not intend to suggest that "history repeats" in that sense. The inheritors of Nazism do not think like that - they're very adept at changing with the times and infesting institutions with new tactics. I wouldn't call what we're getting "fascism" in the sense Mussolini described it. It may look similar and specifically harken to fascist tropes, but fascism implied a level of unity of state and demos that the current and coming arrangements do not meet. There are fascists who actually believe in it, and many Germans who lived through that time, that didn't think the Nazis were "fascist", or that "fascism" conformed to the narrative constructed after the war. The Nazis were a vanguard of eugenics, and that came to dominate the worldwide fascist movement - something that was an inevitable outcome given its origin and pretenses about the world, but the Nazi priority was eugenics above all else. So, Nazism was throughout the period of dominance a movement that was changing and diversifying, with much of the Nazi "ideology" made up as needed to retaliate and rebut any opposition to its long-term agenda. The ideology mattered less than eugenics - and Hitler could have infiltrated a liberal party and commandeered it to do the same sort of thing, saying it was about "freedom" and "the best and the brightest". There wasn't an appetite for that in Germany and Hitler's appeal was with this reactionary movement that held a lot of advantages in that place. Eugenics as a policy necessitates fascism as the form of the state and government, until it can develop and drop the republican pretenses for the next fad or thing that would be needed, when eugenics support reaches a critical mass and they possess the technological means to do what is happening now. The inheritors of the Nazis were able to adopt liberal-sounding phraseology and make this seem like something woke and hip and totally in line with the Smart People, utilizing the neoreactionaries as useful idiots who by now are trained cuckold retard-slaves committed to the pure rot of the human race.

It should not be forgotten that these people are not the majority or even a sizable minority. A lot of this is propped up and reliant on followers and those who are cowed into supporting anything as long as they feel they're among the in-group and get to score off the out-groups. The strategy in the past century would be very different from the coup that Hitler Inc. did, but you will see similarity in the overall agenda and phraseology, hinting to those in the know that they can say the Nazis were the good guys now. They've been waiting for a long time. To get there today required thorough infiltration and repurposing of major institutions, and this was being done throughout my life and really took off during the 1990s. Everything the Nazis did in schooling was being done when I was young and only got worse. The naive wanted to believe that there would be some breaking point where reasonable people ask what the point of this is, because it's well known this only results in death and rot and it never gets rid of the Bad People as efficiently as it claims to.

The point is that what is forming is something much, much worse. Worst thing in human history, and there will be no coming back from it. Whatever comes out the other end of this will be something very different and probably not a good thing. It might end the eugenic purges and depopulation, or it might be capable of finishing the job quickly and bringing in the real vision of those who pushed this into motion. But, any concept of a democratic society or much at all worth keeping is dead forever. We could only pretend there was hope for a time, and we can hold out for what good it would do, living for spite. But, there is no "other world" that can be built at this point by any human effort. What has started has too much inertia to ever go away, and if it were forcibly pushed back it could reimpose its crusade indefinitely, due to a lack of willingness of anyone to do anything that would be necessary to extirpate eugenics. Such an undertaking is not only probably physically impossible but there is little understanding of what would even be done, when eugenics is seen for what it is and we ask why this beast was able to win, instead of treating its existence as a natural law.

>o definitely not, this conflict did not begin with Oct7 this year. There never would have been a Hamas, if Palestinians could live like normal people, with a state that upholds their rights and so on.

This condition is mutually exclusive with Jewish settlement in the large numbers that Israel entails. Palestinian resistance is not something that came about when the Pals felt bad, as if it could be turned off by giving them different ideas. The analogue many Zionists like is that the Palestinians are the American Indians and that victory should be as easy as the narratives said they were. The Arabs are not the Indians, and the Israeli methods are not the American, no matter how many times they want to invoke that lazy parallel to tell us we should be them or vice versa. Trying to do racial genocide and expansionism in the time and place of Israel, against a people who are numerous and not mindless savages and have raised revolts many times, doesn't work, and we're seeing now the consequences when the Middle East can fight back. Of course the Arabs are going to fight - they have no reason not to and reason to believe in this time and place they can win something.

>I agree with you on this as well. But keep in mind that some of the neocons are batshit crazy and they're probing for possibility of nukeing obstinate Arab states.

If the Arabs think about this situation, their only long-term play against such a beast is to suck up the Samson option, and ask if the US wants to commit to that. Compliance is not an option after 2003. They saw time and time again what compliance with the Great Satan and the Little Satan would get them, and Trump was extra clear in saying where he stood on the matter.

>At the moment it looks like Israel is the tail wagging the dog, when it comes to Israel US relations. I don't understand why the US Empire hasn't forced them to stand down, like 2 weeks ago.

Mostly because there is no standing down. If Israel doesn't retaliate, more attacks will be launched. There isn't a "peace condition" at this point, and Israel is not interested in that if it were an option. There's no going back to the status quo of trying to maintain the two-state idea, not when Palestine is in no shape to survive as a "state" as drawn in the ever-worsening proposals. Israel standing down would at the least mean the end of Netanyahu and the people pushing war, which is not a small number of people. Very likely it would mean the end of Israel - that's what they mean about defending Israel's "right to exist", which is always the exceptional claim. It's not so much about there being a state in the region called Israel with heavy Jewish settlement and its type of government, but about the right of unlimited violence. The diplomatic proposals of the more moderate leaders in the Muslim world don't envision mass deportation of Jews out of the country.

For the US, they only care about their interests, whether those involve Israel or not. They don't want to lose influence in the region and probably figured out that the way this ends is with Israel defanged or simply removed as a trouble source. It was predicted back in 2002 and 2003 that the winner of America's intervention into Iraq would be Iran rather than Israel, so much that Cheney and Co. would seem like people doing their best to run America into the ground. That seems about right given their conduct up the present and how shameless they were about all of it.


Brevity is the soul of wit.


Is Israel the only military in the world with a corpse sperm collection unit?


>If the Arabs think about this situation, their only long-term play against such a beast is to suck up the Samson option.
You mean just absorb the damage ?
The lowest estimate are 80 nukes, that's a lot of damage.

There might be another way to counter-balance Samson. Iran could get nukes. The Russians could fly in a few via super sonic bombers. The difficulty is preventing the US and Israelis from interdicting the nuke once it's on Iranian ground, until it's mounted and ready to deploy, which creates deterrence. The solution to that is Iran giving a plot of land to the Russians where they build a military base, with an air-strip. That would count as part of Russia and would be under the Russian nuclear umbrella. For good measure they could repeat the same thing with a Chinese base right next to it. So attempts of interdicting, would entail picking a fight with two super-powers.

That deal would also mean that you'd have Russian and Chinese scientists/officers ensuring that nuclear weapons stewardship is based on decades worth of experience and there would be less uncertainty about Iranians making errors while they figure out nuclear weapons safety protocols.

I imagine that a nuclear stalemate might dampen the potential for escalation in the Middle east. Also since the Iranian nukes would have Russian and Chinese supervision, it would become possible to coerce the Israelis to accept supervision from the US and Europe. And in 10 to 15 years time when the current neo-con-phase in western politics gives way to neo-detente, nuclear arm control regime could be re-established. There would be a potential for a major power quartet of the US, EU, Russia and China deciding to denuclearize both Israel and Iran, and this hole spook would be over.


>The lowest estimate are 80 nukes, that's a lot of damage.

Lol I thought they had like one.
Yeah, that's a lot.


In this scenario, Israel is doomed, either by being invaded or political failure. It would be Israel's choice - they do not believe they react to world-historical events in the way you think mental inferiors must do. Israel will then use this threat to hold its allies at knife-point, and this is really the point of making such a threat. If Israel were ignored, much of the world would tell them to piss off and do what they're going to do, and make sure they're not receiving any of Israel's shit. But, the world cannot easily ignore Israel at this point. They're a greater danger to their allies than the Middle East, because the opponents of Israel know where they stand and believe that, so long as Israel is not supported by much stronger allies, they can survive Israel's nuclear retaliation. It's the follow-up that will sting, as Israeli assets are activated to cause as much damage to their allies and foes. "Firing the nukes" to destroy the world is never a one and done deal, where the magic button to destroy the world is an instant win and reward button. Committing to that means you're going to make sure you make this downfall as painful as possible if you are going down. So, that's one of the considerations the US would have, if Israel is going to choose to do that.

There is simply no way to continue the status quo of maintaining an eternal tension between Israel and the people it dispossesses, as if that situation can endure forever. Something will break, and one side or both has no reason to go along with it. The Pals were being democided the whole time, and death by depopulation, injection, and "peace" is little different from being bombed as they are now. It's one reason Hamas was going to strike back, and this was not a pure reactive "lashing out". The Pals wouldn't do this without assurances that this had wider implications that would bring the world in line with its wishes, which is to not be killed. Hamas has no motive to self-immolate like anarchoid retards, nor does Hezbollah and the Iranian network of allies.

There is a desperate need of so many to believe they can continue to cajole the world with threats and lies, and that world is coming to an end - not that the good guys will win and we will live happily ever after, but that any new situation will no longer tolerate the presumption of peace where a knife is at our throats at all times. Too many have seen too much for that to continue as it is. Therefore the result is the splitting of humanity into two, and if you understood the liberals during the 1990s and their grand vision, they talked about this all of the time. Everything they've done is premised on a belief that they're a superior race to the rest of humanity and that this will be the grand, global division. They don't have any other idea.

I see the best option for most of humanity being the defeat of Israel and its dissolution in the near future, if I were in a position to dictate what "should" happen. I will tell you right now, people willing to do what they have done will not give up easily. They did this much to the world and told us we're going to like it or else. So too did many of the supposed enemies of Israel promoting the old Nazi lines.

Trying to keep Iran from building nukes was what Obama's government was trying, before Trump and his goons tore up the treaty for completely retarded reasons. That made it clear a promise from the US is worth nothing, in case there was any doubt about what rules. I doubt such a deal would deter Iran from pursuing any and all measures of self-defense or representation of their interests. Like I said, this is a result of Bush II's crusade - or should I say, his Galtonite "Jehad". It was a completely unnecessary war to prop up eugenics, just like everything else they do, but when you say the e-word, that's when the screeching starts. No going against the Great Working.


>But, the world cannot easily ignore Israel at this point. They're a greater danger to their allies than the Middle East, because the opponents of Israel know where they stand and believe that, so long as Israel is not supported by much stronger allies, they can survive Israel's nuclear retaliation. It's the follow-up that will sting, as Israeli assets are activated to cause as much damage to their allies and foes.

The middle east would be wrecked if the Zionists shot off Israel's nukes. Your scenario of the Arabs just taking it on the chin, for that to work they'd have to set up many thousands of ABM systems to soften the blow. Russia's S500 system might do the trick, but nobody has really tested whether intercepting nukes works at all. There are synthetic tests that show that one missile can hit another and that's about it.

You're the first one to say that the Zionists have what ? sleeper agents that can do sabotage ? Is that what you mean with follow-up assets being activated.

I agree that at the moment the Zionist regime holding power in Israel is inflicting enormous harm on it's western allies, particularly political harm. Western diplomats used to be able to browbeat other countries because of human-rights abuses, and now that only elicits accusations of hypocrisy for letting the Zionists slaughter the Palestinians.

The ultra-Zionists might not politically survive this crisis. Netanyahu is proly toast because Israeli intelligence did not prevent the Oct7 attack, and Netanyahu will get the blame for that because he sanctioned diverting security resources to the Westbank on behalf of the settler project. The current US administration has every interests on pinning the blame for this clusterfuck on Netanyahu and Likud party. Whether they act rationally and do that, remains to be seen.

Where you go wrong is thinking Israel is unified, it's not, there are deep divisions. The liberals in Israel absolutely despise the current regime, because it has fucked with the separations of powers and undermined the political autonomy of the judicial. If the US railroads the hard right in Israel, they prop up the less insane part of the political body, and tensions in the region will likely calm down, because the other countries in the region will see that as the US moderating it's vassal.

If politics in Israel go the other way, regional tensions will begin rising again soon. I don't know what the rest of the middle east will do. If they can't get nuclear balance they will probably try to wear down Israel's military capacity with proxy wars. That will pretty much tie up the US in the middle east for at least another decade. The only silver lining in that scenario is that a potential SINO-US conflict will be off the table.


A nuclear weapon isn't the "you win" button you are trained to think it is. It would certainly make life miserable for Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and any other country Israel wants to attack. What you're not getting is that Israel uses its nuclear threat to intimidate the neutral countries rather than its long-term enemies. That is the chief purpose of nuclear arsenals - to give the impression that you'll hurt your allies by dragging them into an unwinnable war if you don't get your way. As a deterrent against an enemy, the enemy will prepare for the worst in all cases. The Soviet Union, USA, PRC all do or did. As I mentioned, to do anything other than a spite attack, Israel needs complete US backing for an aggressive campaign. Any such campaign would not be Israel pushing the US but the other way around - the US has all of the leverage to dictate what it will do with its army. What Israel wants to do is hold a card to get more of their way, so the US has to take Israel's side more than it would otherwise. If Israel would never lift a finger to hurt their ally, the US would be more than happy to throw Israel to the wolves. You're thinking like a victim, but leaders of states think like psychopaths who have been trained since birth to revel in terrorizing the little guy. So does Iran, and so the thinking of the leadership there is not "oh noes what will we do if a nuke hits us". People who think like that will not conduct human wave attacks in the Iran-Iraq war and make it clear they have more where that came from if the Great or Little Satan wants to throw down. It's not because the Iranians are mindless killbots, but because they like living and if they aren't prepared for that sort of situation, they're not going to last long. If you get a soldier in the US Army who actually knows what they're there to do, they're just as prepared to fight such a war. You shouldn't overestimate the competence of soldiers and think they're demigods, but it's pretty basic to military tactics to think about the thing you're doing and what it would really mean. All of the narratives put in the fear propaganda are intended to cow civilians into accepting a bogus-ass warrior aristocratic mindset without an actual aristocracy, and it's always stupid and designed to grind down the resolve of civilians to oppose anything the state does. Israel is just showing that it will play that fear card to the hilt, because it's all they have left. And so, if you ask people who actually plan a nuclear war and think about the consequences, they will tell you it's a weapon like any other, and treat it as such. The actual effects of a nuclear war are not as devastating as you are trained to believe, especially if someone thinks they will be clever and plan the war from start to finish with a limited exchange. The fear of MAD between the US/USSR - a fear that was entirely played up because there is no situation where the US and USSR ever go to war and no one in either country who was competent wanted that - was that both sides had nukes and could not actually conquer each other. Both would survive the war, but would be greatly reduced and gain nothing from it, and most importantly, the ruling elites of both countries would lose - unless they could arrange the war in such a way that the "right people" died, which meant they would be herded into kill zones and told to panic. The civilians, knowing what that is, will refuse to comply and just about everyone has their "bug out" strategy and a sense of when the bastards are actually going to do that. With what's happening now, many in the US bugged out years ago. No one should trust the government for anything or believe the government has any interest in saving them, and everything about this country turned to ritual sacrifice during the 1990s. This fucking Satanic country is hopeless.

>The liberals in Israel absolutely despise the current regime

Yeah, but are they going to overthrow Bibi? Of course not. It's like the liberals from 2000-2004 - a lot of them openly despised Bush and said from the start that his crusade would be a disaster, and it went just as they predicted. They still marched in line because they believed in the greater "Jehad" and believed the Arabs were animals to be slaughtered. The Jewish orthodox liberal is much the same in many cases, and the exceptions have long made it clear they know Israel is a shitty project and have no reason to not say so. The dissenters are not enough to sway Israeli actions and they won't do anything on their own. The dissenters in Israel are even less of a force and are regularly met with outraged shouts. The hardcores in Israel are straight up Jewish Nazis at this point and flex their muscles against anyone who is any bit out of step with the program. Not only would Israeli internal security stifle any protest from the opposition pretty easily, but there's enough shared interest among Israeli Jews to not allow a protest to escape the proper channels. They like living. Jews outside of Israel will be a lot more vocal about opposition if they are opposed, but they're also seeing correctly a lot more legit anti-Jewish sentiment inflamed in places they previously thought safe, and the Zionists can bank on directing some loony tunes huffing pure ideology to attack the liberal and socialist Jews. They already sold "Zionists are actually based" to the /pol crowd so they know they can make it happen, or at least use the threat to silence open dissent.

I think you have to figure out that normal is done, and the world does not play by the rules of the "post-truth order" that rose after 2008. It's not that there is suddenly a revival of intellectual integrity, but you can only sell these insipid narratives for so long before they stop working and people draw whatever conclusions they will. States have already altered their behavior accordingly, having planned out this situation well in advance. The escalation of overt Nazi rhetoric has been planned for a long time by true believers and was accepted in 2020 by everyone who mattered up there. Whether they like it is irrelevant.

One thing that is true is that Bibi himself is weak, and he's in a fucked situation if the US takes control of the situation and keeps it going in accord with its plans. He'd have to bank on the US political system failing as well, and guess what they have been working on for the past decade…


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They're now negotiating a temporary cease-fire, aid deliveries for Gaza and a prisoner/hostage swap.

I wonder if that's going to stick


Israel doesn't want a ceasefire. They want to bomb, starve, and eliminate Gaza and the West Bank's population, and because the soft-kill stuff won't work fast enough, they would keep bombing or do "peaceful" hard kill tactics that might as well be that.


>A nuclear weapon isn't the "you win" button you are trained to think it is.
Sure, if the Zionists were to start lobbying nukes at Iran, the Iranians would completely flatten Israel with conventional weapons, then arm and march 15 million conscripts to Israel and annihilate whatever and whoever is left. The response to a nuclear attack would be full spectrum annihilation. However the fact that Israel would get wiped off the map in the most literal sense, doesn't change the fact Iran really doesn't want to get nuked. Iran would loose 20-30% of it's population, and spend the next 300 years cleaning up nuclear fallout, that's not a price they want to pay for victory.

In the absence of sane international politics, it would probably be better if Iran also had a few nukes to balance out Israel's nukes, to render the above scenario statistically improbable.


>Israel doesn't want a ceasefire.
Yes but the US could make them agree to it regardless.

>They want to bomb, starve, and eliminate Gaza and the West Bank's population, and because the soft-kill stuff won't work fast enough, they would keep bombing or do "peaceful" hard kill tactics that might as well be that.

I know they want to clear out the Palestinians either by killing or displacing them, basically finish what they started in 1948. If they were to succeed, it would fundamentally change the politics of the Arab world and move to doing to the Zionists what they did to the Palestinians. The power to do that is real, the Arab world is industrialized too, it's not like in the colonial era.

So its in Israel's interests to engage in a ceasefire.


Jeremy Corbyn: “History Will Judge Those Who Had the Opportunity to Stop This Massacre”

<With every passing minute, another human being in Gaza is killed. Survivors under siege are running out of the basic means of survival. Doctors are performing surgery without anesthesia. Babies are fighting for survival in incubators running out of electricity. In the face of such catastrophic loss, we should be asking one question and one question only: How can we bring about an end to this unconscionable horror?



Israels war on hospitals
<With exclusive footage from inside the largest hospital in the Gaza Strip, Al-Shifa, The Grayzone examines the Israeli military's policy of attacking and eliminating medicare care centers across the northern part of the besieged Palestinian territory as it seeks to expel its residents.


>They want to bomb, starve, and eliminate Gaza and the West Bank's population
Morbid despair has caused some People to call that the "No state solution"


Apparently they have a Gaza truce agreement

Ceasefire for 4 days.

No military actions or military vehicle movements in the Gaza Strip
Lots of humanitarian aid trucks, medical and fuel supplies go into Gaza
No Drones in south Gaza for 4 days
No Drones for 6h/day from 10:00 to 16:00 in north Gaza
Israel isn't allowed to attack or arrest anybody in Gaza for 4 days
Israel guarantees that people can move freely on Salah al-Deen Street

I wonder how that will go.


>move to doing to the Zionists what they did to the Palestinians

Who's going to do that? Didn't the leaders of arabic countries have a meeting that just resulted in condemnation of israel's actions - basically empty words, and no action plan?


>Who's going to do that? Didn't the leaders of arabic countries
Yes ruling classes in Arab countries want to cuck out, but that has become legacy politics with declining momentum. The politics of the Arab populations have changed to categorical rejection of pro-Israel or neutral-Israel political stances. For many undecided Arabs Isreal's current death-campaign is just the last straw that broke the Camel's back. Other more immediate reasons are: the utter barbarity of the IDF military conduct, the psychotic rhetoric from Israeli officials and the fact that Israel looked weak because the Oct7 attack punched through their defenses. Israel's action are now increasing that perception of weakness because they try to compensate a lack of strength with an excess of barbarity. Israel is also antagonizing a fuck-ton Egyptians because they don't want 2 million Palestinian refugees. Egypt probably having been Israels most reliable partner can't do anything but treat this as hostility.

Also Israel is the last vestige of the colonial era, the last remaining middle finger from the British empire. Colonial power came from having a massive economic and military advantage because they already had a developed capitalist mode of production while most of the world was still primarily a agrarian slave or feudal society. Those could not compete because they had little or no machine production. That gap is gone, everybody has industrial machine production now. The material basis, for the vision of Israel that the ultra Zionists have, doesn't exist anymore. They want to dominate the region without an actual structural advantage to do so. The US being a declining empire means that the Zionists will have fewer US resources at their disposal to seek domination over their neighbors. The Israel-Arab diplomatic normalization that Israel was pursuing until recently was absolutely necessary for them in the "post US-primacy world" or "Multipolarity" or "Pluriporality". They fucked that up with their genocidal antics, if they continue down that path, they will grow weaker and continue to collect many more enemies along the way. And it's not hard to imagine where that ends up.


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The Zionists are trying to weaponize trademark-law for the purpose of censoring expressions of solidarity with Palestine. There is a big question as to why it was even possible to trademark a political slogan in the first place. It remains to be seen whether a judge would uphold this if it gets legally contested. If they do uphold this in a court of law they will create a precedent that will create a free for all trademark trolling bonanza that will trash the credibility of the trademark index.

I'm getting tired of complaining about how insane it is that this kind of lawfare still gets a pass. So I'm going to skip to the point where this might create an opportunity. If you have the technical skill and the ability to convince others to try out new structures you can create a alternative system, for verifying the names and descriptors of goods and services, on the basis of cryptographic signatures. You copy all the useful trademark rules and just modify the parts that lead to nonsense results.

I want to point out that trademarks are not the same as """intellectual property""" and in principle trademarks are kinda useful even to members of the Intellectual Freedom political spectrum who are entirely opposed to IP


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Norman Finkelstein roasts European Commission president Dr. Ursula von der Leyen for denouncing the ceasefire


Zionist anti-Palestine censorship is surging with Dylan Saba
The Chris Hedges Report

<Dylan Saba, a lawyer for Palestine Legal, was asked to write a piece on the silencing of pro-Palestine voices by The Guardian—only to then be informed at the last minute that his piece had been killed. Saba joins countless pro-Palestine activists and voices who have been targeted with termination, doxxing, harassment, censorship, and even death threats. Saba joins The Chris Hedges Report to discuss the intensifying war on civil liberties unfolding as public revulsion at Israel's crimes in Gaza grows.



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The UK is doing political persecution on behalf of the Zionists now.

They went after a few guys for distributing anti-zionist pamphlets. Either this is an extreme overreaction or Zionism as a political force in UK politics is about to collapse and these are the last ditch moves to uphold it by state terror. I mean if the pamphlet-stand is a threat, shit must be real desperate.

I don't know if the political pendulum theory is correct, but if it is, this is their pendulum apogee and its about to swing the other way.


Germany’s Bat Shit Insane Israel Loyalty Oath
<Yousef Munayyer, why Israel is a model for far-right politicians in Europe.

tldr: Zionists and the western hard right-wing join forces, to push for ethno-nationalism.

I wish there was a Marxist analysis about what parts of capital are supporting/opposing this.


Guess you guys should have spoken up during the dozen or so times Tommy Robinson was arrested…


>Guess you guys should have spoken up during the dozen or so times Tommy Robinson was arrested
I didn't even know who that was until you mentioned him here. So give me a break.

Here's the video of his arrest:
He's demanding the police should arrest Palestine-solidarity demonstrators while the police is arresting him. That makes it a little difficult to advocate for the political rights of that guy, since he's not upholding the political rights of others.

I haven't investigated his previous arrests, so i can't really speak about those. However it appears that in this case he didn't do anything wrong by attending a march against antisemitism.

Correct me if I'm wrong:

Tommy Robinson appears to have somewhat cynical politics to instrumentalise antisemitism-laws as a tool against foreigners seeking to immigrate. However he's being arrested because British capital wants to import foreigners to the UK to increase the labor supply. Which makes their politics even more cynical than his. The British ruling class fully supports the Zionists in Israel when they go into hardcore ethnic cleansing mode. But in the UK an entirely different rule-set applies and something much less extreme like expelling or denying entry to foreigners is barred from the spectrum of acceptable-politics as racism.

I haven't researched Robinson's political positions or actions, but it's somewhat likely that we would disagree on many things. However based on what i've seen sofar, he currently doesn't appear to be doing anything worth getting arrested for, and his rights shouldn't be trampled on until he does something that merits repression.

As far as the import of foreigners goes, which i guess this is really about:

The logic of capital is to support the liberals just enough to import these people, but not so much as to making them equal citizens. Once they're in the country Capital changes sides and supports the right-wingers just enough to prevent foreigners from getting labor-protections or political rights, but not enough to halt or reverse immigration.

From a communist perspective this is the worst of both worlds, because importing labor means increased wage competition, which means reducing the pay for workers. On the other hand the opposition to giving these people equal rights means creating a underclass of badly mistreated people that can be exploited as ultra low wage labor, and undermine class struggle. Low wages also means there is little incentive to invest into labor-productivity enhancing technology and the economy will remain stagnant. So it's Capitalism except they stripped out the few upsides it had, like the drive for relentlessly improving the tools to get stuff done.

There is another political angle here, the excessive brutality against the Palestinians by Israeli military, has maximally infuriated the Arab populations, which has flipped a switch in the middle east that is uniting them in a way that hasn't been the case in a thousand years. This has the potential to ferment enduring political changes in the M.E. that will crator the imperial project. Once that happens Capital will have another failed imperial investment on their hands and they're going to look for scape-goats. Since the Zionists are granted the narrative that they represent all the Jews, those will end up getting blamed for all the Zionist crimes and failed imperial investments. Every time a imperial project goes up in flames and imperial capital manages to avoid getting blamed for it, because they succeed at pinning it on a scapegoat, shit gets worse. They end up taking more resources from public services and the productive economy in order to try again with a different imperial project, that will most likely fail as well and the vicious cycle repeats until we're all going to drown in barbarism. So there is a strong necessity to redefine antisemitism so that Zionism cannot be equated with Judeism.

Tommy Robinson says he's pro-zionism, the Zionists however are not likely to reciprocate. Robinson doesn't appear to hate Jews, he seems to be more inclined to dislike Muslims. The Zionists seek collaboration with western right-wingers that hate Jews, because Zionists want Jews to feel unwelcome in the west and feel like they have no choice but to go to Israel, in order to boost Israels population demographics. So the Zionists want to distance them selves from people like Robinson because in their eyes he's ""the wrong kind of right-winger"". If Tommy Robinson takes the line that Israel is not representing all the Jews and grants the Jewish Diaspora (Jews that live outside of Israel) political independence from Zionism, he might be a candidate for a tactical alliance, because his version of Zionism might be less insane than the current mainstream Zionism.

Sorry for the textwall


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Biden apparently called for a cease-fire.

I'm confused, is that a genuine offer to turn off the murder-machine ?


In your picture he doesn't say anything close to what you said in your post.


True but this appears to imply it


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following widespread pro-Palestinian campus protests, administrators such as 'Ezekial Emanuel' (who up until this point supported every DEI initiative under the sun), is now speaking out about the state of education in Burgerland.


here's the link
<When a coalition of 34 student organizations at Harvard can say that they “hold the Israeli regime entirely responsible for all unfolding violence” and students at other elite universities blame Israel alone
kek muh bothsideism stopped working

<Students spouting ideological catchphrases have revealed their moral obliviousness and the deficiency of their educations. But the deeper problem is not them. It is what they are being taught — or, more specifically, what they are not being taught.

Translation: young people aren't buying our bullshit anymore, we need more intense ideological indoctrination

>who up until this point supported every DEI initiative under the sun), is now speaking out about the state of education in Burgerland.

Yup that's a hypocrite alright.

What he calls a "Moral Deficiency" is basically Students refusing to relativize the genocide attempt of the Zionists. Maybe the point of morality is about getting good people to agree with evil shit.


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Israel Knew Hamas’s Attack Plan More Than a Year Ago
<Israeli officials obtained Hamas’s battle plan for the Oct. 7 terrorist attack more than a year before it happened, documents, emails and interviews show. But Israeli military and intelligence officials dismissed the plan as aspirational, considering it too difficult for Hamas to carry out.

So it was hubris.


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Escalation bait dropped


<Commercial ships came under attack Sunday by drones and missiles in the Red Sea and a U.S. warship there opened fire in self-defense as part of an hourslong assault claimed by Yemen’s Houthi rebels, officials said.

<The attack potentially marked a major escalation in a series of maritime attacks in the Mideast linked to the Israel-Hamas war as multiple vessels found themselves in the crosshairs of a single Houthi assault for the first time in the conflict.

Anybody think the US will swallow it ?


This really is their 9/11


Can you name a piece of war propaganda the public hasn't fallen for yet?


>This really is their 9/11
In what way ?

Like proving that the hightech surveillance and security stuff can't really protect against terrorism, Sure i can see that parallel. You can't tech your way out of incompetence and malevolence.

But in the aftermath, the similarities go away. The US's wars "on terror" didn't try to do ethnic cleansing. The 2000 era neo-cons were evil mass-murders, enemies of freedom and democracy as well as hate preachers. But it wasn't the overt fascism like what Zionism has become. As much as I despise Bush, Chainy, Blair and all the rest, with every fiber of my being, they didn't try to stamp out an entire people.


>Can you name a piece of war propaganda the public hasn't fallen for yet?
Well technically speaking most war propaganda attempts fail, for example they've been trying to set off an Iran war since 2015. At least there's a recurring pattern of several incidents happening every year where a bunch of war-hawks come out of the woodwork's and float the idea of going to war with Iran, which so far have all gone nowhere. Does that count ?

Also the general public does not buy the justification for war in Gaza, support of an immediate cease-fire is overwhelming.


Didn't we go to war with Iran in the 90s?


>Didn't we go to war with Iran in the 90s?
Not sure what you mean. There was the Iran-Iraq war from 1980 to 1988. At the tail end of that The US blew up a few Iranian Oil rigs, a few Iranian naval ships and a passenger jet. Do you mean that ?

What i was talking about is that the neo-cons had a US-Iran-war planned for this century. Like with a full scale invasion of US troops marching on Tehran.


Israel probing claims investors made millions in stock trades before Hamas attacks
<Israeli authorities are investigating claims by US researchers that some investors may have known in advance about the Hamas plan to attack Israel on 7 October and used that information to earn millions of dollars by short-selling Israeli shares.
<Research by law professors Robert Jackson Jr from New York University and Joshua Mitts of Columbia University found significant short-selling of shares leading up to the attacks that triggered the war.
<Short-sellers place bets on shares that they expect to fall in price. They pay a fee to borrow shares in a company and then sell them in the hope of buying them back at a lower price and pocketing the profit.
Hamas drew detailed attack plans for years with help of spies, IDF says
<“Days before the attack, traders appeared to anticipate the events to come,” the researchers wrote, citing short-selling of an exchange traded fund that broadly tracks the performance of the Israeli stock exchange that “suddenly, and significantly, spiked” on 2 October.

Bruh even the speculator stockbros knew


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posting some based webms


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Hamas doing what they can, I pray that it is enough. Certainly I am not doing enough, I'm gonna go protest tomorrow to no avail, to basically shout at concrete. Inshallah there will be a ceasefire.


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There is no Dog, opioid junkie.

We truly live in a fucking clown world where limp wristed starbucks iced latte sipping leftoids "shout at concrete" picrelated style, while socially reactionary islamoid goatfuckers shout Allahu Akbar in the middle of the fucking desert lol.


Now that the western workers have regained control of the narrative, no one will believe you kikes anymore. Enjoy being the minority in your 'society', enjoy living in fear.


I'm not from JIDF retard. I want to see Zion wiped off the face of the Earth more than anyone. Let them build their Israel in Tartarus!

But this has nothing to do with proletarian movement as it was defined in internationals. Western workers are not in control, and backward goatfuckers getting their little theocratic state does jack shit for the global proletariat that could have no state by definition. Go blow your insides out for 72 virgins you dumb bitch! Because the only virgin in this life you're ever touching is a fucking goat lol!


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Israel Is Losing this War


<Hamas’s concept of military victory…is all about driving long-term political outcomes. Hamas sees victory not in one year or five, but from engaging with decades of struggle that increase Palestinian solidarity and increase Israel’s isolation. In this scenario, Hamas rallies a besieged population in Gaza around it in anger and helps collapse the Palestinian Authority government by ensuring Palestinians see it even more as a feckless adjunct to Israeli military authority. Meanwhile, Arab states move strongly away from normalization, the Global South aligns strongly with the Palestinian cause, Europe recoils at the Israeli army’s excesses, and an American debate erupts over Israel, destroying the bipartisan support Israel has enjoyed here since the early 1970s.

<It may sound daft to suggest that a group of armed irregulars, numbering in the low tens of thousands, besieged and with little access to advanced weaponry, is a match for one of the world’s most powerful militaries, backed and armed by the United States. And yet, an increasing number of establishment strategic analysts warn that Israel could lose this war on Palestinians despite the cataclysmic violence it unleashed since the Hamas-led attack on Israel on October 7. And in provoking the Israeli assault, Hamas may be realizing many of its own political objectives.

<Both Israel and Hamas appear to be resetting the terms of their political contest not to the pre–October 7 status quo, but to the 1948 one. It’s not clear what comes next, but there will be no going back to the previous state of affairs


Isn'treal's "power" is pure projection and insinuation. The greatest power they hold is the compromise of many of the world's leaders and many of them serving a goal of eugenics and making the world suffer rather than any "country" they ostensibly serve.

There is a need to suggest that this is a failure and the answer is more eugenics, but the reality is that victory is not a story you tell after the fact or a feel-good lie. Victory is victory. If Israel does not wipe out Gaza in total - that is what "defeating Hamas" would mean - they will be clowned on again. The technological disparity between Arabs and Israel is no longer the factor it was in 1967, and Iran could easily match the armed forces of Israel alone let alone with allies and international support, if it came to that. Israel knows they are really calling for war with Iran, and they've been consistently losing that battle for years.

So they like bringing up Vietnam and act like it was a total kill-death mismatch but that "points don't matter". Anyone who has to operate a guerilla campaign will tell you the points matter a whole fucking lot, because you have to fight at a disadvantage and make the most of your ability with limited resources. Every American GI killed is a great cost to the enemy. American officers killed is a greater cost still. American officers fragged by their grunts is a victory with a quality difficult to translate into linear arithmetic. The problem with these people is that war is a game to them, a problem to be solved in the classroom, while the cogs of the machine do what they are told. There is a lot going on with the US Army at this time which made it ill-suited for the war they were asked to fight, like a complete disdain of the political leadership for any outcome and viewing soldiers at lab rats for some eugenics experiments rather than something that fought an enemy. The Vietnamese fought for their lives because they had to, and despite the propaganda, the Vietnamese regular army remained effective. It wasn't just random cadres in jungles, but if you're fighting against an imperial enemy far away, you would want the enemy to think you can come from anywhere. That's pretty standard tactics for a defensive war, which Americans themselves employed during the American Rebellion against an enemy separated by an ocean. At the time, so many of the Americans sent to fight this war remembered their history, and part of the revisionist history was to abolish that and replace it with this Germanic mythmaking about what wars are "supposed" to be. The Vietnamese didn't think like that. They couldn't afford such aristocratic conceits.

With Israel, the simple truth is that Israel can shout and motivate its grunts as much as they like. They will always be outnumbered, disliked by every other country in the world, and their past actions involve lashing out at their lord and being the most obnoxious vassal of the US by far. Who the fuck wants to fight for that, no matter what technology or conventional victories they can point to? The only win condition for Israel is a total race war which doesn't end in a preferrred theater, and that's why Israel commits to the strategy it does. It has no endgame. All they can do is force as many people around them to suffer until they either make the world accept them, or the world has enough and the US cuts off the support. The US has all of the cards to decide what Israel can do, and so Israel's only hope is to drag the US into a civil war and make ZOG real. It won't work, but they're doing everything humanly possible to pit Americans against each other for the next stage of their "great plan", and there are allies who have always wanted to turn the former US into a slave plantation. That's going to inform the outcome of this battle and the thinking of all factions before anything initiates. Hamas certainly did what they did with the backing of regional friends and chose this as their stand rather than later. It wouldn't happen without NATO's failure to score a win in Ukraine.


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You're a fag.


>Isn'treal's "power" is pure projection and insinuation. The greatest power they hold is the compromise of many of the world's leaders
That kind of influence is a resource that gets used up. The Zionist lobby has spend a huge amount of political capital to make western countries and organizations persecute a lot of people, which probably wasn't above board. They stepped on so many toes that they will get a lot more contra in the future.

>The technological disparity between Arabs and Israel is no longer the factor it was in 1967, and Iran could easily match the armed forces of Israel alone let alone with allies and international support, if it came to that. Israel knows they are really calling for war with Iran, and they've been consistently losing that battle for years.

Yeah that Iran war isn't going to happen, US stockpiles are too low. Also Russia needs Iran and would ensure that it survives the conflict as a strong regional player. The US is also getting internationally isolated with support for the Zionist's slaughter. The Arabs have to do something to stabilize the region and they probably are going to foist an international peacekeeper force into the conflict zones. The Zionists are going to back down because they can't declare war against that many countries all at once. So This hole affair is moving towards Israel loosing territory. Not a lot, just a small symbolic amount, for the purpose of burning ultra Zionist politics as a folly that causes loss of land, and to ensure that causing this much chaos gets registered as a crushing defeat in Israeli politics.




It really is funny that Germany uses Holocaust guilt as an excuse to unapologetically support a white supremacist genocide. Germans being Germans.


Israel can't retreat an inch after this. Eugenics never, ever retreats, and they are going full eugenism. To admit defeat will invite future attacks against the Zionist entity.

You can tell the enablers and people who want the party and orgy to continue are dithering and make the simpering excuse that "peace is Israel is a fairytale" until it conforms to a eugenist outcome. If they ever have to surrender an inch, the party is humiliated. That's what I will keep railing about at least, because that is the only battle in the world truly worth fighting - against eugenics. It is a doomed battle, but it is one we have to fight. Compliance is not an option.

This doesn't end with a territory swap that can be safely contained in the region. If you're the US you really, really would like this matter to go away right now, because weakness here invites more brushfires to begin. It doesn't help that Zionist turds want to scream and go full retard. It makes it impossible for Biden or a uniparty replacement to govern at all.

Point being - this is all oriented towards events in the US turning much worse next year. When it happens, the same cajolers and influencers will act like nothing is happening as the death drive in the (former) US intensifies. That's all these Satanics ever want - to shout and shout until they take all of our stuff.


So far, Israel has always been able to rely on US backing no matter how pathetic they are at fighting, at least since 1980. The war was never "real" because the US could come in, wave its dick, and make everyone pretend there is peace no matter how ridiculous the situation is. Eventually, Israel runs out of other peoples' money.


To understand the situation, you have to get that the 2003 Iraq War was a war to uphold neoliberal barbarism and eugenics above all, rather than something with ulterior motives removed from that. The rulers didn't need the oil to play monopoly game - they had the Gulf pretty well under lock and key and could always make people give them the oil. The major threat in the region was recovery of independent actors in the region that had no reason to go along with the global plan that was in motion since 1970, who would take steps to wage resistance against economic incursions. The outcome of the Iraq War saw countries in the world accede to neoliberal reforms at a greater rate, and the transition to this stage of the program. The presence of a gigantic Satanic army torture camp in Iraq instead of a country projected a defense of Israel, which by that point was wholly given over to that project and could no longer pretend to be anything else. The only thing they could think of was to wage a eugenics war somewhere, and Saddam poked the eagle back in 1991 so he was fair game for this social experiment.

The phase of planned "eugenics wars" of this sort is coming to an end. Ukraine was an attempt to recreate that, what is happening now is the pushback to bring about the next thing. Eugenics isn't going anywhere - it will be stronger than ever - but eugenics must commit to open democide real soon, and this explains the necessity of outrageous ultraviolence. It's not a showy display, where the Zionists don't really mean what they say. They mean every word of what they say when they proclaim they will exterminate Amalek, and much worse than that.

Only play, if they can make it happen, is general war. At that point, all bets are off. But, they want to believe that a general war can be scripted into stages and separated into regions where the Bad People die as "nature intended" and no one gets ideas about anything new ever happening. So, the next 50 years are going to be a living Hell. Thanks a lot, assholes. You let it come to this and tortured us any time we wanted anything different for ourselves, and you made sure living in the time of peace was spoiled by insisting on more Satanic faggotry. Fuck you all very much.


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You're a fag.


>Israel can't retreat an inch after this.
>To admit defeat will invite future attacks against the Zionist entity.
I agree with you that Israel has crossed the line into fascist territory, in precise theory terms probably when they dissolved bourgeois democratic separation of powers, because it could be the beginning of the open Dictatorship of the most reactionary chauvinistic imperial finance bourgeoisie. And that genocidal mass-murder campaign of course also contributes to the fascist categorization. Politically that induces this totalising trajectory, like you say.

However If the Arabs decide to deal Isreal a partial defeat by making them loose a small symbolic amount of territory. There is nothing the Zionists can do about that. It is in the interest of the US to just let it happen and it is politically feasible too. The US just has to delay a response until the ultra Zionists are out of power domestically. The US gets to play kingmaker in Israeli politics and uplift the least crazy faction after that.

But if Israel gets to claim a credible victory in the gaza happening, that will embolden them to increase their aggression, perhaps attempt to conquer parts of Jordan or Lebanon. (Ultra zionists are already engaging in "Lebensraum" type rhetoric). The Zionists will seek to assert domination by unrestrained terror, but since they lack the strength and technological advantage, it will prompt their destruction. Nobody else wants to climb that escalation ladder because everybody looses. The west gets booted out the middle east, (diplomacy, trade and military bases go poof). While the middle east would assert it self as a organized block, the Zionists will be able to pop off a number of nukes, wrecking a bunch of cities and taking millions into the abyss with them.

The reason why i think that Israel won't just be made to stand down, like all the previous times when they went on a mass murder-spree is because they so thoroughly disgruntled Egypt with the prospect of a mega refugee-crisis. Egypt now has a vested interest for the Zionists to suffer a defeat, so that they wont try to get Egypt stuck with ~2 million refugees again. Contrast that with all the previous "incidents" where Egypt didn't got a massive penalty for a Zionist victory.


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>The "Israeli left"?
>I wish they all would!


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>Al Aqsa Flood Dance Club?
>What a terrible name for a dance club, it reminds me of that tragedy.


Did Norm Macdonald really say that ?
Wish he'd still be alive to make the Zionist seethe with that sharp tongue of his.


This genocide has done the impossible: it managed to bring Norman Finkelstein and Alan Dershowitz back together.



It's clear you're trying to defend this concept of ideology, where you think history is a story. We've moved way past this.
I would be surprised if "capitalism" in any recognizable form survives. The last bits of capital are being gobbled up and repurposed for this new thing they want to do, involving total slavery and mass democide. Cajolers and liars always scream like retards when you mention at all anything real. It's all so Satanic. They've been so successful with their snark and Satanism that they suppress anyone who begins to speak of what this is, and has been for some time.


The US is in a shitty spot - they're been pushed to war with Iran and anyone competent here knows that will be the end of the country, so that Israeli vampires can suck more blood and make us truly ZOG. But, the US holds all of the cards to support Israel. We can always say no, and the annoying vassal can bark all it wants. Ultimately the power in the US would rather reconcile with Iran than prop up Israel - and if you understand the neocons, they've always been waiting for their backstab to "fulfill prophecy". This was big when Bush was in charge.


>This genocide has done the impossible: it managed to bring Norman Finkelstein and Alan Dershowitz back together.
Yes it appears so, but i wonder why. The first thing Dershowitz does is engage in this dehumanizing rhetoric of calling civilians "human shields". Targeting civilians can't be justified and any attempt at doing so is just a demonstration of malice.

Later in the interview Dershowitz says something like "Israel has a right to defend it self". What Israel is doing is clearly offense. But perhaps more importantly countries generally don't have rights, people have rights. The events in WW2 have produced the conclusion that in order for people to have rights countries cannot. The rights of people and the rights of countries are mutually exclusive. It was made clear that Nazi-Gemany did not have a right to exist because it contradicted the existence rights of Jews and all the other groups the Nazis tried to exterminate. The inversion of principles Dershowitz engages here is a regression to the pre-WW2 area.

Dershowitz also abolishes the concept of territorial integrity by saying something like "Israel has a right to adjust it's borders". That clearly counts both ways, and based on his logic it's possible to conclude that there is no Israel at all only Palestine with badly adjusted borders.


>The US is in a shitty spot - they're been pushed to war with Iran
At the moment the US can't engage Iran because of the supply drain from the Ukraine proxy-war. The "ZOG" can't make them, the military machine will just reply with "unable to comply" and that will end the discussion.

>Ultimately the power in the US would rather reconcile with Iran than prop up Israel

That would be the rational thing to do, but it doesn't look like that's a likely outcome.


Exactly - but Israel knows it can turn viciously against its "ally", which has always been its MO. They barely hide their contempt for America. Hell, if Israel goes south, they can move here and start treating us like the Arabs. What a disgusting, shitty country they are. So you can see people angling to cannibalize anyone. That's why we've been made to kick down to "get ahead" for so long. It's not "internal contradictions" - it's people who see America as nothing but a plantation to exploit. They hate Americans more than anything in the world. Already, the people who believe they're favored in the next thing are crowing about what they did to "make way" for their eugenist assholes, and insist we were the ones responsible. Nothing the US has done since 1980 is the action of a country that expects to stay around, and that became more clear during the 1990s when they went hog wild with eugenics horseshit. Everyone who makes this about their fucking narrative and flowering view of arresting history is an asshole who wants us to suffer, and they don't care how much of the world they take with them. If you think this is going to "liberate" any part of the world, you haven't seen the worst yet. But, jumped up Krauts and assholes have always been eager to shit up the world, because they don't think it would be anything else.

It's disgusting how these assholes keep insisting we're secretly like them, and how many enable it for no really good reason. But, it's gone on for too long. We're locked in for depopulation. The poison has yet to fully show itself. With what I saw growing up, and what progression I've seen, there is nothing in the world that will change this course any time soon. You'd have to start now if you wanted anything to come out of this, and certain assholes intended this all along. But, that's far ahead of the present situation.

>That would be the rational thing to do, but it doesn't look like that's a likely outcome.

Why is "Israel"'s existence automatic, a fait accompli? This is their brainwashing. Fuck Israel and fuck the poor sods who were stuck there. Sucks to be most of them, but this is what happens when you think you're going to "Manifest Destiny" people who outnumber you and have technology and everything they need to fight back. It's always this German idea that doing that is easy and quick because they're used to screaming like retards to make everyone allow them to win. What a stupid country. They're insisting Israel is here forever, when we can end this shit and stop giving a fuck. The only thing they have for the world is more threats and lies. If you don't like them "DURRR THAT'S ANTISEMITIC", never mind that they humiliate their own and their "ethnostate" is completely indefensible without begging the world to like them. Jews do not need a country of their own, and many of them only were stuck there because they had nowhere to go. It's how the empire always treats "settlers" - as disposable pawns. They do it to everyone.


Anyway, I suspect the way this goes is that "Israel" barks and barks, and the world is increasingly disgusted with them. If they wanted to build support for a war, the propaganda would be very different, and the US PR machine would not allow so much open disdain for Israel. The US doesn't give a shit about the Palestinians or their rights of course, and wouldn't care if the region turned to shit. They already have everything they really care about from the place, even if the "US" no longer exists. So that's what Israel does - try to regime change the country and install a sniveling retard like Trump.


Thirdie Cope Thread


>If they wanted to build support for a war, the propaganda would be very different, and the US PR machine would not allow so much open disdain for Israel.
Idk man there is repression against Israel's critics tho. The open disdain for Isreal is because of the Zionists them selves, they've been pretty mask off with their unhinged insanity. They go on western mainstream media and claim to be the chosen people with a license to slaughter civilians. The Zionists used to have clever PR, but now it seems like they're just repeating the cringe from their apartheid-echo-chamber. If you combine that with the mega death they are unleashing it's no surprise that the general public had the political equivalent of an allergic reaction. That said, the political class in the west actually seemed surprised how strongly people reacted.


wow, that jingoism overdose.

>"we turned skeletons into soldiers"

dafuck ? Are they seriously claiming the WW2 axis powers were defeated by a Zionist necromancer army of the undead ?

It's terrible propaganda, all this video shows is the killing continues again and again.


One thing about Zionism is that it's global and not uniformly Jewish - so in the US you get the Christian Zionists who see it as a prop in their Book of Revelations LARP. So, it's pretty fucked for someone in Israel unless they're going along with this screaming.

Some of the unhinged from Israeli Zionists is that they know if they do anything less than this, they're going to get ninja attacked again, not just from Palestinians but from regional armies. The campaign of the Iranians against Israeli/US proxies - and the muck of what really goes on in the region - has shown that Israel cannot continue as it has. This is why their influencer brigade is harping on the "eternal Israel" story, like the simulation must include Israel winning for no real reason. There is a lack of seriousness about this - that dismembering Israel is going to be a very bloody process. There are then people who want to make the bloodshed worse on all sides, because they're gigantic fags among other things.


I'm not a fan of "both sides" dithering, but my personal stake in what happens there is very very small, so I'm free to say what these things are.

I legit believe that Israel won't exist in the near future. That seems certain now that they've gone completely batshit, and they'll shouting like madmen in hopes that they can make it work. And this goes along with the weakness of NATO and the long-term plans of Russia and the players in Europe now.


So, don't be surprised to see agitators pushing for more war. Eugenics always does this. They instigated both of the world wars, never met a war they didn't like, and made sure the wars selected the "right people" to die and the right people to be kept safe. Always eugenics. Always.


>Some of the unhinged from Israeli Zionists is that they know if they do anything less than this, they're going to get ninja attacked again, not just from Palestinians but from regional armies.
I think the notion that Israel demonstrating military might having political utility is not true.

None of the regional players has been recently striving to destroy Israel, Oct7 wasn't orchestrated by Iran or anybody other regional power. And they got "ninja-attacked" because of arrogance and the politics of diverting security resources to the westbank settler project.

Israel was on a trajectory of gaining regional acceptance, they could have continued on that path if they had opted for a measured response. Basically the opposite of going for the genocidal rampage option.

>There is a lack of seriousness about this - that dismembering Israel is going to be a very bloody process.

Not sure what you mean, but it's been a very bloody process for many decades now.


Honestly it's like you're a professional wrong man at this point. No one "just decides" to launch an operation without considering what will happen beyond a set piece theater. This is always an effort of those who wish to contain wars to something they would prefer them to be. No one is pushed by "material conditions" like some spooky ghosts. If you know anything about politics, political actors are very deliberate and aware of all that can result from their actions. I've tried to explain this before, but the concept of a "last stand" must be invisibilized in the Germanic models of war and state that are imposed on us. The Palestinians do not subscribe to that belief or operate by its logic, and if they did, they would never be able to win. They tried reconciling with the way things are "supposed" to go and got moderates who couldn't do much, but that was only possible because foreign powers could act as if they were neutral brokers. After 2000 this was no longer possible and the regime in the US made its intents in the area clear enough for the world to know what this was. There have always been people who insist that the past replays, without regard to a world where history happens. Again, it's Germanic thinking.

>Israel was on a trajectory of gaining regional acceptance

Bahahahahaha, after 2003 and the war Israel wanted more than anyone, no one will abide the Zionist Entity beyond a recognition that there is a war against it. Israel has never really considered its situation to be different and acted accordingly. This is always a fiction of people who want to portray war as far away and scary, in hopes the people will profess ignorance and believe it's just savages killing each other since Biblical times. The PR ghouls relied on that. Difference now is that it is no longer possible to pretend that this is far away, or has no effect on the American continent. Israel losing here would be another blow to the US' global prestige, what remains of it. That's why everyone in the region sees Israel as a sick man and glaring weak point in the empire, something they could push with the right force to get the US and globalization off their back. Unless the US wants to initiate a ground invasion - an invasion they cannot win at this time - there are limits to what they can do. That explains a lot of the mania surrounding this.

>it's been a very bloody process for many decades now.

See this is the dealing in vagaries that Germanic narratives always do. I don't mean it will be a bloody process in the sense of "war is hell" or the general slaughter that Israel's existence has entailed. I mean that once US support is gone, the powers in the region have made it clear they would love to tear down Israel in total, and they're willing to eat a nuke to the face if they must to eliminate a clear and present danger. Should that happen, there will not be a treaty where things sort of stay normal. The Jewish settlers will be dispossessed, and if they have nowhere to go, the revenge will be swift, and the world will not care one bit or be quite happy to let it happen. That will not be a story or a narrative for show. That's not how war war works. That's how fake plan war stories work.


One of the great Germanic myths is that war can destroy truth, as if Germanic "peace" or "politics" has ever been anything but more lying. Rule of history: Germans always lie. Always. During the world wars though, people who paid attention were aware of what was happening and what was at stake, and why men were sent to die. Usually that answer was that they were sent to die so rich men could eliminate them, and they selected in advance who they wanted to keep and who was to be sacrificed for the eugenic creed. We're not allowed to say that though, because that would be too honest and no one has any reason to allow that to happen. None of it was profitable, and the usual myth is to say rich men did it for some reward other than killing off poor people, so that poor people will be herded to the next war. It's an old trick and Germans do it to each other for centuries, since all they do is drink rape and kill. So, German war propaganda lied as Germans always do, but those who cared about the truth knew the war wasn't going very well. The "stabbed in the back" story was pure denial / posturing supplied to them by thought leaders, and most who advanced that story knew that the war was a shitty idea that was designed to kill off poor people, just as anyone honest was saying before it began. What they don't tell you is that German revanchism was not reduced to this narrative to goad people into another eugenics war. There were people who knew there was a great effort to pit the nations of the world against each other so that a new thing would be imposed on the world, and that's where many of the conspiracy theories about "Jewish Bolshevism" or "international bankers" came in - because there was indeed a global conspiracy to pit nations against each other, not for profit but for social engineering. It just so happens that the Nazis were a key part of that conspiracy, more than any Jews in Germany could have been.


It would have been better to do away with the German beast and its institutions after 1918, and it seemed like that might have happened. But, too many people wanted eugenics, and that was the only thing they wanted. That was the movement abolishing the present state of things, and nothing else would be allowed to exist. That's when humanity started to show what it really was all this time, when every religion took the mask off and stopped pretending. Of course, it wasn't much of a pretense. Humanity culled its members for as long as it has existed, for ritual sacrifice is the basis of the human race and all it ever could be. They'll never be anything else, and no "post-human" would be different, especially if the post-human is founded on even more egregious sacrifices than any before them. That's all these filthy eugenists will ever produce. Failed race.


The Zionists are now trying to flood the tunnels by pumping sea water into it. It's not clear whether that would be effective, since the ground can soak up and evaporate a lot of water. But if it worked they'd be drowning the Israeli hostages in the tunnels.


"Israel has a right to defend itself" is such a fucking riot when they let a bunch of guys with hang gliders get over one of the most heavily guarded borders in the world and take multiple military bases. Like if someone breaks into my house, I have a right to shoot that guy, maybe, but it's not self defense if I cower, let him get away, and then go to his neighborhood later and bomb anything that moves for weeks until everything is dead for miles.

>The Zionists are now trying to flood the tunnels by pumping sea water into it.

No idea how effective this technique is - did we try it in Vietnam?


>"Israel has a right to defend itself" is such a fucking riot when they let a bunch of guys with hang gliders get over one of the most heavily guarded borders in the world and take multiple military bases. Like if someone breaks into my house, I have a right to shoot that guy, maybe, but it's not self defense if I cower, let him get away, and then go to his neighborhood later and bomb anything that moves for weeks until everything is dead for miles.
It feels like anything you grant the Zionists gets re-interpreted as a carte blanche for more bloodshed. Maybe the mistake we made was accepting Israel as a legitimate state. If we had taken the position that there is no Israel, only Occupied Palestine, there would be no basis upon which they could try to legitimize this explosion of death and destruction.

>No idea how effective this technique is - did we try it in Vietnam?

I'm not sure if flooding was attempted in Vietnam, but the Vietcong tunnels did have something like a pipe airlock feature that created enough air pockets to enable people to continue using the tunnels during flooding. They put that in because Vietnam has a rainy season. It's a reasonable assumption that the Gaza tunnel builders studied the Vietcong tunnels.


Just read that UberEats reclassified all the Palestinian restaurants in my city as Israeli. Presumably so people wouldn't buy from them.

What the fuck do all of these companies get, materially, from supporting Israel? I am failing to see the incentive.

I get why the American government supports them, I think, it's militarily a strategic. But Israel's economy isn't big enough for all of these companies to be in bed with them. There must be something else there.


>Just read that UberEats reclassified all the Palestinian restaurants in my city as Israeli. Presumably so people wouldn't buy from them.
That will probably just piss off a bunch of people who'll looking to get a specific type of food. Who are now annoyed and confused that the food they like is listed in a different category than how it used to be. It might kick start a federated food delivery service, because a bunch of restaurants are now getting afraid of tech-platform-risk.

>What the fuck do all of these companies get, materially, from supporting Israel? I am failing to see the incentive.

There doesn't have to be a gain, just no loss. When corporations get big enough they grow privatised bureaucracy which can manifest political activist tendencies. Obviously the best strategy is to appear apolitical.

>I get why the American government supports them, I think, it's militarily a strategic. But Israel's economy isn't big enough for all of these companies to be in bed with them. There must be something else there.

Yeah that military strategic benefit for the US is getting dubious as well. If the Zionists kick off a regional conflict that will become a huge drain on the US military. Quite possibly enough to make the US reconsider it's commitment.


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>Some weeks ago I saw a Hamas claim being circulated on Twitter that Hamas fighters had been luring IDF troops into ambushes by playing recordings of the sounds of children, and it was working because Israeli troops reliably go after kids. I didn’t pay much attention to the claim at the time, thinking “No way, that one can’t be true,” but now the IDF is indignantly complaining that “In an attempt to ambush our troops, Hamas terrorists connected dolls to speakers playing crying sounds and set them up in an area rigged with explosives.”


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>There doesn't have to be a gain, just no loss. When corporations get big enough they grow privatised bureaucracy which can manifest political activist tendencies. Obviously the best strategy is to appear apolitical.

There's gotta be more to it than that. So they just have insanely effective lobby groups like AIPAC? Okay, but the leaders of these companies must see the massive support for palestine, don't they want to protect their brand image?

I guess to make an attempt to answer my own question is that the ruling class is class conscious enough to make the decision that supporting Israel is in their interests, but again why?


>luring IDF troops into ambushes by playing recordings of the sounds of children, and it was working because Israeli troops reliably go after kids.
This is species being. Human offspring is incredibly helpless, therefor the only reliable way to defend against predators is to decimate the predator population in the environment, and setting traps is the preferred method. People have been doing this long before recorded history. Humans have few trulely inate behaviors, and behave very flexible compared to most other species. However purging the predators that might eat the children is a pretty concistent pattern.

Most value systems put great emphasis on excluding children from being the target of any kind of agression, to avoid pushing the predator-purge-button. How could the Zionists be stupid enough to do that ?


>So they just have insanely effective lobby groups like AIPAC? Okay, but the leaders of these companies must see the massive support for palestine, don't they want to protect their brand image?
Maybe the decision-makers are stuck in their own echo-chamber and don't understand what they are doing.

>I guess to make an attempt to answer my own question is that the ruling class is class conscious enough to make the decision that supporting Israel is in their interests, but again why?

In WW2 many capitalists supported the Nazis, despite having pretty good intel on the staggering industrial buildup that was happening in the Soviet Union prior to the war. For those that payed attention it was obvious that the most likely result would be a crushing military defeat for anybody daring to challenge the Soviets on the battle-field.

I'm guessing it's blind-spots and hubris. For example most ruling classes think that their rise to power was the result of inevitable forces, rather then random circumstance. Maybe they just try to bet on the winning team and think that the Zionists can't loose, because of some blind-spot that they have.

It's pretty obvious that the Zionists are charging towards a situation where it's impossible for them to win, they're escalating tensions with all the neighboring countries. If that goes on for long enough it will escalate into a regional war that will consume them.


Good points. With America and Israel becoming the New Nazis in our not-yet-started WW3, I think people are starting to see it for what it is.

The problem for people that want to end this conflict is people are basically stuck on the treadmill of debunking propaganda right now. Well that's not really a problem, conscious awareness that of what the media is doing is a giant leap forward, in the last few years all I wanted to do is show people that the media totally and utterly is pulling a hood over your head, and Zionists did the work for me.

But still, the level of prole class consciousness is still at "let's approach this legally, and use the tools we think we have available to fight this: courts, UN security council, voting" and that basically puts people in a position of playing catch up: Izrael commits yet another atrocity, lies about the pretext, and people debate and look for proof.

TL;DR people are still feeding trolls instead of cutting their heads off


Corporations are not self-interested persons at this stage of history, and can't be. When they receive marching orders, they comply. It is very dangerous not to, and perhaps a few outliers are "allowed" to make the appearance that there is a place for everyone in the coalition. When it comes to war, it is not in the interest of anyone to be a stick in the mud, much more for corporations that are tied to global finance and punished severely for doing anything against it.

Israel's particular power in this comes from its leverage over politicians, institutions, and the threat of mobilizing every Jew in the world to their banner with enough persuasion. They don't think like a friendly businessman above board. They think like a mafia, because that's what they are - a mafia. The people directing the war machine in the Empire are a bigger mafia still. If you're thinking this is business as normal and purely about money and appearances, you have not paid attention to the world since 2000. That world never existed in the way you think, and it's certainly gone by now. Every lever is too controlled, and the ruling elite flex their control over society and reality at every level, or at least the discussion of reality we are allowed to regard.

There are limits to this control, of course. A supermajority of Americans want nothing to do with Israel or actively oppose its existence, and no amount of propaganda or fear will change their position. Even if they were forced at gunpoint to support Israel, it wouldn't change anyone's mind. Even the best mind control can't make Israel saleable at this point. It runs purely on the interest of gangsters to loot a country, which Israel's elite are doing to their own people. Bibi has been stealing left and right the whole time and they keep trying to get rid of the bastard, and hence, his alliance with Trump. It's clear now that Israel was what tipped the scales to make President Trump happen, the reason we're allowing this stupidity to go on. Any other time, and Trump would have been neutralized and he'd shut the fuck up, and him refusing to do so would mean doing the obvious thing.

If you're not in a position to actively fight in the region, there's not anything you really can do. It's not a question of countries coming to the aid of Palestine - they're a pariah and don't exist as a real country in the eyes of geopolitics. That is not happening, and that includes the other countries in the region. They are never "pro-Palestine" - they are anti-Israel and nothing less than dissolving the Zionist Entity would do. The idea that there is a state called "Palestine" has nothing to do with what is going on. Israel to be Israel is going to be at perpetual war. It is founded on that as its premise - there is no "good and peaceful Israel", without terminating the concept of the country. That appears to be the direction the empire wants to go - get rid of "Israel" and replace it with a less annoying vassal that doesn't bite its master.

For an American, the best thing to do is resist any further American involvement and never stop hating the government for pushing this agenda. You're not going to have the same old "peaceful protest" or appearance of disapproval that they pull. You're going to have people in the armed forces saying in no uncertain terms they will not fight for such an odious cause. Israel's whole plan is to get the Americans to fight for them, and draw them into a war with Iran. That will never happen - if it was going to happen, it would have happened a couple of decades ago. That was the original plan, except that the war was so clearly unwinnable that it had to be called off.


>Good points. With America and Israel becoming the New Nazis in our not-yet-started WW3, I think people are starting to see it for what it is.
Yeah it looks like Israel will be degenerating further into fascism. But keep in mind that fascism is always a type of national suicide. At the moment it doesn't look like the US is going that way.

>But still, the level of prole class consciousness is still at "let's approach this legally, and use the tools we think we have available to fight this: courts, UN security council, voting" and that basically puts people in a position of playing catch up: Izrael commits yet another atrocity, lies about the pretext, and people debate and look for proof.

>TL;DR people are still feeding trolls instead of cutting their heads off

The political goal of the left ultimately is to create a system that self-stabilizes and self-repairs with such efficiency that bad people can do their worst with little to no effect. The goal isn't to destroy the bad people or to hold them down with the boot of the state, the goal is to make civilization immune. We want the masses of regular people to live their entire lives, without ever having any kind of worry about economic precarity, or suffer any kind of repression regardless how hard anybody tries to fuck it up. The point is to make bad people irrelevant, because the system that reproduces the lives of the masses will keep doing that without any interruption no matter what. The ultimate victory is when all of humanity lives pleasant lives like in Star Trek or the Orville, and the murderous thugs like the Zionists have no effect and are forced to watch how everybody lives in peace and prosperity, and no matter how hard they try they can't make any bloodshed happen.

If we "cut off the heads of the trolls" in your manor of speaking that might halt the current atrocity, but it still doesn't fix the main problem that it was possible for them to do these atrocities in the first place. They should have tried and failed.

Lets face it we suck at witchtroll-hunting, maybe we should try to build dual power, because we might actually be good at system building.


>The political goal of the left ultimately is to create a system that self-stabilizes and self-repairs with such efficiency that bad people can do their worst with little to no effect.

This is a very RIGHT-WING goal - the prerogatives of the state and institutions regulating people out of existence, and presuming a state of nature identical with the ruling interest. That is definitionally what the conservative order wanted - to put to people in their place, "for the greater good". There is a stunning reversal where the Right used language of democracy and populism that was consciously contemptuous of the people, and could claim that they would defeat the people in the name of "freedom", and that they were the "silent majority". The left retreated to the institutions which were always at heart organs of states which despised the people.

The goal of the left was not to construe the world as a total society, a total system, which forbids anything from changing. The aims of the left proper - for the liberal tradition originates with the left - were not always for "freedom of the people" in the Germanic ideology that came to destroy democratic thought. They never suggested that society and the world would be made into total systems, and any such aim would be immediately recognized as the overarching aim of the conservative order. It would repair errors like "disagreeing with the government" and "thinking for yourself", which would be basic to any society without the political question. That was the only way the right could win - to tell the people they were too stupid to govern themselves or know anything about each other, and that "society" would be entirely abstracted away from any entity engaged in productive labor.

If a civilization is so feeble that malevolent men can say words and make it crumble, it says something about those institutions and the people who inhabit them. Yet, that is where we are - and this happened precisely because it became illegal for people to defend themselves and each other against a clear and present danger. It further became inadmissible to suggest that ruling institutions could ever be wrong, and this was done in the name of "self-repair" and a "perfect system".

The proper aim of government and state, and this has nothing to do with political ideologies or factions, is to adapt to a world that changes and people that change. People assembled in nations or any social formation in some sense because they wanted to. If we didn't, we'd piss off and not want anything to do with society, politics, or any of this horseshit. If we have to be dragged into a society and told we are alien to it from cradle to grave, and all this society offers is threats and lies and not even credible lies at that, what does that say about what is "repaired"? The left long understood that without feedback from the people who actually have to work with this, no plan for society would work. Institutions have failed from the moment of their inception because "perfect systems can't possibly be wrong", despite our knowledge of Murphy's Law if we have engineering sense. Social institutions and human beings are, in a scientific sense, no different from any other machine. The strange thing about the German ideology is that it claims to be human-centric, yet it becomes impossible to speak of what the "human" even is, and navel-gazing retardation is maximized. Of course, the German ideology hates humanity and wants it to be enslaved. We are told that "humans are special" and immune to the laws of nature, and at the same time, humans are infinitely malleable by political pressure and treated like animals. That's their "contradiction" bullshit. There is no contradiction in reality though. Our sense of ourselves exists because that is what we are and what we do, and we can trace our history and ask the basic question about what we are and where we came from. It is necessary in the fake religion to substitute all native connection to the world with this ideology, this mind virus, which has ravaged society and made it unlivable - and that has been the intent of those who hold these institutions. The institutions are the problem, and we've been saying that for the past 100 years to no avail. I do not believe humanity can change - they're a failed race and made that clear in 2020. The ruling elites already believe they're actually space alien gods or something stupid like that, and they're going to split from the human race and become overmen. It's insane, the usual Germanic drivel, yet we've been made to go along with it.

Also, all of that science fiction space travel stuff? Pure fantasy. If you think about what outer space is for five minutes, nothing in human society could survive out there. We would have to be very different creatures simply to build a stable facility outside of Earth. It is not trivial to survive in an extremely hostile environment, for human society has to take for granted the generosity the Earth and the Sun have shown in allowing us to live, flourish, and protecting us from our own stupidity in so many ways. The Earth did not "think" about doing any of this as if it had a mind or reasoning that we would appreciate, and that sort of thinking is exactly the aristocratic disease which plagues us - that they took the name of nature and told us that we, those who actually live in the world, are un-natural and evil. But, it's gone on for too long. There is no way out of this. There is only passing through it, and it will not be over within our lifetimes for sure. Our lifetimes are consigned to the worst of all worlds, except for the youngest here who might make it to the next thing by the closing decades of this century. Even that world won't be "paradise" - it would just be the end of this current phase of severe depopulation and the failure of humanity, the end of screaming after they've killed us and made us as Satanic as the elites. There will be a world after that, but the world anyone thought was promised to us was always a lie. Whatever humanity becomes after this won't be good, and it would only be far in the future that something different is possible. When that happens, it will be for reasons that are only scarcely visible in our time, and it will not happen in any way like the narratives we've been fed tell us history works.

If you wanted to make "bad people" irrelevant, you'd first of all get off your high horse about the evil of the lower classes and stop pretending the ruling institutions aren't the problem. That's the source of nearly all human malevolence - the institutions, and reactions that the institutions stoked and encouraged. Take welfare - it would be far more effective to tell all of the people that they will receive their daily living without the obligation of work, and the exchange is that people comply with any of this shit we've been made to endure and abide the very existence of the beast called "society". Only after that do we even begin talking about any obligation we owe to this beast, and compensation for work. That would be a bare minimum to speak of a free society, and we will never have that. The moment someone suggests that this is possible and overcomes the obvious danger of malevolent actors or free riders, the screeching begins, because there are too many people invested in the current institutions and the threat they hold over us. If the people had what they wanted, most of us would fade from society altogether and refuse, because humanity lied and lied for far too long and made it clear they never wanted us. There is no future for us in this society, and we are not allowed our own institutions, our own way of life. Every time we have tried, they were co-opted by cajolers and influencers and we were turned against each other for wanting basic friendship with each other. That is forbidden in the "perfect world" - all interactions must be mediated by their institutions, against us. We can't speak of that world any more, and soon it will no longer even be a concept we can communicate. Already I sound like a madman for saying things that were once upon a time basic understanding of the human condition. Failed race.

Hilariously, Zionists have thrived in this environment, despite being obviously not too bright, obviously being nothing more than a jumped up mafia. Every time the Zionists are disparaged it's always the usual Germanic aspersions about the Jews, a vague spirit that denies such a thing as history. The idea that this came from something isn't really allowed in the discourse, because if it happened, it would unravel the web of lies that have been constructed as an alternate history to prop up the institutions, which the Zionists very much work within.

All of your post is just screaming eugenism. That's the only idea left, and it's the one idea humanity holds sacred now. It's always "bad people in a good society and a good world", rather than the institutions primarily punishing the honest, protecting the wicked, and promoting a highly malevolent society as the goal and calling it "pleasant". The world itself has always been morally neutral and disinterested in humanity, beyond the grace of allowing us to exist at all and, again, protecting us from our own stupidity - until now, alas. Perhaps the world will have its day eventually, but it will take a while and it will be very unpleasant, for the world does not feel sympathy as we would. It did this without really thinking, but it has a way of working that disallows abomination to last for long, and the world gave to us a sense to see abomination for what it is. If we were better, we would properly diagnose abomination instead of shrieking about people with a neurological defect that doesn't mean what the institutions declare it means. But, humans are a failed race, and they can't be different. They're beyond hope. There is no universal paradise, and if we wanted such a thing, the first thing you'd do is stop kicking down and acting as if the institutions were naturally good and eternal. People in the 19th century were aware that institutions turn viciously against the people, but lacked our modern information theory which would, if we followed it through, make clear the folly we have committed and the will of the Satanics who rule us.


Nope you are tearing down an argument that nobody made.
The right wing doesn't strive to make a system that frees people from precarity and abuse. Which precludes "regulating people out of existence" by definition.

There is the scifi logic: That giving everybody a fusion-generator and a universal replicator, will free people from suffering material needs. That means a huge potential for reactionary politics will disappear from the stage of history. Obviously the practical application of this principle in reality would probably look different on a technical basis.


I don't think what I wrote is admissible in your world-system.

You could produce as much product as you like and it would all be soaked up by the institutions. As it is, productivity is not the problem we face. We are made to suffer entirely because there are people who decided from on high, in the institutions, that we were not allowed to have anything, including that which we assembled from the world on our power. That was now illegal, "stealing from society" for a crime of Being.


Throughout history, the problem was entirely one of distribution, and the expense people were made to pay to soldiers, bureaucrats, mafias, and everyone with a piece of the action. All of that could be removed very easily within a generation, but if it happened, the human race in any recognizable form would end. This brings existential horror to cajolers who live off the suffering the human race entails. They will resort to unlimited war to "self-repair" this way of life.


I don't suggest violent removal of malevolent influences, but if we wanted to do that, it's not an intractable problem. Instead of doing that though, influencers want to tell you the problem is poor people for being smelly, or some group that was largely minding their own business. Anyone but them. Guess who has the money to spin these tales infinitely and get you to decide who the "Bad People" are, and controls all measurements and comparisons with reality. Guess who disrupts anyone's effort to restore their native sense and the concept of a democratic society. Guess who refuses to even allow us to live a marginal existence, making what we can out of this world, what little we have left of it. It's never enough for the people who did this to us, and they find a way to hide. But, if we really wanted to resolve this, we know the nature of what is done to us, more now than we ever have in the past. It would be trivial to eliminate this pernicious influence. Bloody, perhaps, due to the war that would start to restore "the right way". The rub is that, aside from the blood, those who survive will see that there isn't much left to live for. Much of what they take for granted as "pleasure" will no longer be a feature of human society. More likely, a lot of humanity will elect to retire from society altogether, living as ghosts. All they ever really wanted was some sort of peace in this world while they pass through this existence. It was only because they were dragged into "abstract society" that they had to care much at all about any of this shit. Humanity could have been decent and understood that, but they refused, insisting that we had to be told what we are and what we were supposed to like, what we were supposed to think, as if they ever had any answers appropriate for us.


That said, as grim as I am about the future, I believe there is some hope, if we can avoid the monstrosity coming to torture us maximally. Sadly, the rulers are committed to depopulation and will not stop until they get all that they can during this critical phase of human history for them. There won't be much to live for. They wouldn't brag about what they did to us this openly if they weren't confident of success, and there is no counter-force in the world. There is just the people, and every time the people unite out of dire necessity, cajolers break that up. We're not allowed our own ideas or any existence if they have anything to say about it. But, we have some time yet to live what life there is, and say what this is, for what good that will do. I hope those who can survive this onslaught come to hate the assholes who aided and abetted it.

Anyway I don't want to go too far off of the Israel topic, but Israel's actions are all in line with this, rather than any national interest particular to them. They know they're done and want to take as much of the world into the abyss as they can, and they're just the extension of this same old beast. I'm guessing the Arabs will keep making this difficult for the dips - good on them. We're seeing with their retaliation and standoff with the Burgers what it means to have some spirit left. I'm not going to jump on any grand narrative to believe Allah is our savior, but you can tell the Muslims maintain confidence, because they never operated under the delusions of republicanism.


Personal property actually is species being, there's no negotiations to be had.

Besides once somebody figures out matter replication, the deprivation game will be over. Technology eventually proliferates, it always does. Once replicators spread, they will never go back into the box. People will fall over them selves to get the machine that solves most of their material needs.

Today the conceptual equivalent of a replicator would be a giant industrial complex that includes all types of productive forces. At that scale the only "players" are governments or very large and powerful organizations. But you can see the dynamic already at this level, where it's not possible to stop others from getting the useful machines, at best it gets delayed.

This might be a result of how the physics of reality works. Machines are very good at maximizing entropy, and states of matter that can maximize entropy are statistically more likely than the other states of matter. So technology spreads because, thermodynamically speaking, it has to.


My god, the brainwashing. You people are hopeless. It's like all those words are completely inadmissible, and you just violently recapitulate - VIOLENTLY recapitulate - nonsense, having failed to make a single logical connection. I've heard lines like this for 20 years and it's the same story every time - that technology is made of magic and will somehow change the world if we just think harder. The world does not change in that way.


If this were a matter of productivity, we have land and lots and lots of labor. Many millions of people are forced not to work even as they starve, rather than acquire the very small share of resources they would need to if the market and price system were not a barrier, and we produced for the use of the people. It's not a question of humans being too stupid to produce, or too few resources in the land. As it is, the resources are produced and sit in store shelves, never sold and then burned, having never been of use to anyone. Instead of seeing the obvious stupidity of the price system, the theory is that we are somehow overproducing products and need to destroy more, or constrain production by forcing more people out of labor. Eugenic creed will violently recapitulate that and laugh as people are made to accept it, because the people have a knife at their throat.


That's the impression they want to give us, anyway - and they have a knife at the throats of so many of us, not metaphorical but literally "we are watching you and if you look funny, we're going to send people to torture you". That threat cows enough people into submission, knowing that once one batch of sacrifices are spent, another batch will be pulled, and so on and so on. Slaveries work in that way.

To believe in any of the nonsense you're saying you have to believe the society is anywhere near perfect or efficient at anything it does, despite the obvious mismatch between production and the conditions of the people. We produce a lot of useless and gaudy shit while denuding any quality that would allow people to rebel. Quality is reserved for "brights" who already believe themselves to be a distinct race from base humanity. This ideology is everywhere now.


What are you on about ?
Some technologies do indeed create the potential for social transformation, which enable people to have successful struggle.


No technology "works on its own". Technology is always animated by labor, even if that labor is as simple as pushing a button on the Rube Goldberg machine, if it is to be "technology" in any sense we appreciate. If we speak of objects in nature operating for their own purposes, those machines are not "technology". Technology to be what it is has something to do with social values and usually political concepts of the world, or concepts of the world as someone would imagine it in a model. We don't build technology without some sense that it pertains to a world where technology can be generalized, just as human labor can be generalized. All technology, including things taken from nature without modification, is contingent on labor's existence to be "technology".

It is primarily a myth of the proprietors to imagine slaves that "love their slavery" automatically, with no effort on their part. It isn't even a very convincing myth for the proprietors, who know very well that no slavery is ever passively enforced, and usually have some fidelity to reality if they wish to remain proprietors. This story you tell is fools' gold for the rubes, for the graspers who will be used up and taken.


This is all moving far away from Israel so this is my last post on the labor/technology matter for this thread. But, as I said, Israel's actions are in line with this thinking, and they are very conscious of that more than ulterior motives about Israel's right to exist or national interest. If Israel cannot stand and has to invoke the Samson Option, they're going to resort to the things they've always used to push the world into accepting Zionism, and that has a lot to do with this ideological poison. Israel's existence depends on this ideology more than any other state in existence, for other states have a large country and productive base to rely on. Israel lives off of imperial support and serves a goal of transforming a region that the empire needs to control if the empire is to survive. Viewing Israel as just another country, let alone a model country, is missing the point of why this war exists - and an Israeli would love to use the old Euro-Germanic tropes to cloud judgement.


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The War the Zionists kicked off in Gaza, has spawned a new front, well sort off. Houthis have begun attacking a shipping lane, and the result of that has been rising insurance costs for maritime cargo transport, and now a deployment of a US naval flotilla.

From a strategic point of view tying up so much naval power, isn't worth it just to enable the Zionists to keep the slaughter of Palestinians going.

Why is the US committing to this ?


I think the US is betting that it or an ally proxy will take care of the Houthis


>I think the US is betting that it or an ally proxy will take care of the Houthis
The Houthis can just pop up, attack a ship, and pop down again, before anybody can react. They have a huge advantage. If this could get taken care off by a US proxy, why are they sending warships in first the place ?


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John Mearsheimer's take on
-the Hamas question
-Israel targeting the civilian population
-the smear of antisemitism as a vile silencing mechanism

It's 3 short videos




They have to try to protect that shipping. Way too much money involved, and failure to do so means the raids will get worse.

Burgers will never give up their control of the sea. They hate land wars but no one beats them on the high sea, which makes this a really big deal.


>They have to try to protect that shipping.
Maybe i'm wrong but my guess is that if the US turned of the weapons tap for the Zionist's genocidal campaign in Gaza, the Houthis would stop their attacks on shipping.

>failure to do so means the raids will get worse

Why would they tho ? The Houthis presumably have been able to do this for many years, but they didn't. I don't think this is a ploy to assert control over a shipping lane, because the houthis have zero capacity to hold it. They lack the ability to project even the most basic protection against low level pirates. The US could regain control by sending a single Patrol ship that shoos away armed goons in tiny boats.

>Burgers will never give up their control of the sea. They hate land wars but no one beats them on the high sea, which makes this a really big deal.

It doesn't look like the Houthis are trying to do something ridiculess like "challenge US naval dominance" They're trying to get leverage to negotiate over the Gaza conflict.

The hole world wants the Zionists to stop blowing up civilians, including most US citizens. The US could flip off the Zionists, by halting the arms-shipments and organizing an international peace summit. If the Zionist lobby tries to do anything against it, they can just be un-invited from the peace-summit where the rest of the world decides over their heads what happens to Israel and Palestine. The US can get more control over Middle-eastern oil by making a deal with the Iranians than the continuation of this shitshow, where they are getting increasingly isolated on the international stage.

If the US pulls the plug on arms supplies, the Israeli political system would implode. Israel's state institutions seem robust enough to keep functioning headless until the political sphere in Israel stabilizes and regenerates a new body of politics. After that comes the renegotiation of international relationships, that would allow the US to establish a leash on the IDF by making them subordinate to the Pentagon. Who'd get a veto-right on IDF military operations above a certain size. You know, institutional recognition of the dependency on US weapon-supplies. If the US demonstrates that they are willing to use the weapon-supply dependency for leverage, that will force the process of formalizing that power-relation, into a veto-power for example. This "option" assumes that the US does have the spy assets that can go into Israel and put the "thumb on the scale" during the regeneration of the political body, while other potential rivals can't compete in that dimension.

The alternative where the US does not tie support to conditions, will likely have Israel go full fash and commit national suicide like what happened to most fascist states. Full Zio-fascism would likely get implicated in a expanding regional war that grinds down all their remaining military capacity. Most of the dual citizenship Israeli Jews leave and go to Europe or the US, where they'd actually be safe, (which would be an ironic twist of history). Then Israel degenerates into a semi-failed state that tries to survive via nuclear blackmail. Unifying the rest of the middle east into an organized power-block in their quest to pull "the nuclear thorn" from their side. And the US ends up getting frozen out of the region in the process.

I don't see a path where Israel returns to the road of sanity, Netanyahu has the corruption charges hanging over his head, so he doesn't want the state of war to end, and the rest of the currently ruling political faction will get blamed for the OCT7 security failure, as soon as war-conditions end. Hence they will try to keep this going as well.

Maybe I'm wrong and a proletarian People's front of Judea is formed that unites with the proletarian People's front of Palestine to overthrow all the contending bourgeois forces and create the state of Judea-Palestine. (which has to be called Palestine-Judea during odd years). Maybe Syria gets in on that as well, you know with Assad being the last remaining part of cold war era Arab-socialism. I kinda want this to be what happens, but the chances are really low imho.


>Why would they tho ? The Houthis presumably have been able to do this for many years, but they didn't.
You're thinking like a cajoler where you move historical actors into position and get them to do what your narrative and plan scripted. The situation now follows from NATO's weakness in Ukraine, follows from the fall of liberal democracy and this ruinous system of government. It was not possible to act until now, and people don't "randomly" start wars. Everyone involved is looking at the center of imperial legitimacy, and does not see this as a local theater for limited aims. If you keep thinking that this is something you can solve technocratically, you don't really understand the Iranian doctrines of war and what they aim for in the region. There is always this effort to relitigate the failed system of Germanic war and insist everyone else has to accept its rules, and most of the world does not follow that doctrine. It never worked even in Germany. The Germans lost and lost spectacularly with that mindset, and there is a curious cope that insists you can make it work if you revisit history. I don't know why everyone thinks that failed model is something to emulate, because anyone who actually thinks about real war doesn't actually believe that. That shit is something told to rubes and men of low cunning who want to believe they can get a piece of the action. The imperial masters are certainly looking at this as a global matter rather than something they can contain to a region. At this point, the US can't even pretend the old way of doing things is operative, and doesn't seem interested in that. What is really at stake for them is to maintain what they really care about in the Mideast, and what they care about is not Netanayhu's political career or the incessant whining of the Zionist Entity.

>They're trying to get leverage to negotiate over the Gaza conflict.

Of course - this isn't about proving a "better system". Reading comprehension much? The point is that the US Navy is unmatched by anyone, as long as they can get their boats in the battle zone to do their thing. US is not really good at fighting land wars and occupations, but at sea they're going to always control operations, and that's what they need to do if they like having an empire.

It is worthwhile to see how cheap drones can fuck up expensive ships and make this economically disastrous, and this encourages more events to pop off to hamper the US empire. It took them a small amount of effort to take down pirates who weren't backed by anyone, but if privateers are backed by states who will supply drones, this makes the task even more expensive. The same drone doctrines work on land, on the ground.

What's funny about the technophiles is that their vision of an AI-dominated tyranny requires them to believe everyone else is illiterate and cannot put two and two together. The idea that anyone can build a drone is not to be admitted, even though anyone with any knowledge of cybernetics and information networks will tell you that there's no such thing as a perfectly secure institution. It's a lie told to retards, and they think we are retarded. They are retarded.


There was a great discussion with him on The Duran yesterday as well.



So you think the houthis poking at a shipping lane is a Iranian conspiracy to take it over ? Doesn't seem realistic. Because even if Iran succeded the US can just do a naval blokade until they regain controle. Iran does have a powerfull military but they probably lack the naval power to break a US blockade.

To me this looks like it's really just a attempt to pressure the west to make Israel halt the genocide of the Palestinians.

I'm also sceptical about the notion that Iran is lurking behind every rock in the middle east. That's the story that Zionist talking heads will tell you. If you listen to pro-palestine voices they're complaining that Iran isn't doing enough to throw a wrench in the Zionist mechanism.

There is indeed a struggle for the local hegemony in the middle east. Israel is self destructing, so all Iran has to do, is avoid getting dragged into too much shit, and they'll be the power left standing. Israel is expending too much military resources on bloodying the Palestinian population. Strategically speaking weapons are for threatning your opponent or for destroying their military forces, any other use is a strategic loss. The more energy Israel spends on turning Gaza into rubble, the weaker they get relative to Iran. What they're doing isn't just morally bankrupt, it's also unfathomably stupid.


It's like you need to get an "own" so desperately and return to your normal media consumption. It's not about some set piece battle where history is moved by thought leaders. US is getting stretched thin on theaters and you can sense that the DoD really wants Israel to get off their ass to win this war sooner rather than later. Israel is playing their usual game to make the Americans suffer, because that's what "allies" are for in their view.

I wonder what happens when the Jews run out of overpriced American bombs?


You don't get it at all. I'm not being an idealist. Far from it. I just don't understand why the US or Israel are acting so irrationally lately.

For example the sanctions are slowly isolating western finance from a huge part of the world economy. It completely wrecked Euro industry. When they freeze or seize foreign assets they damage trust in western finance. Alternative international finance was able to establish it self because of that. Look at the military resources being burned up in those pointless conflicts. While they do make profits for the arms industry, it also makes the arms industry look bad, because they couldn't produce enough and the weapons they delivered didn't appear to be particularly superior. The depleted military arsenals make the west appear week and that means the compliance at the behest of western mega-corps that was coerced is now slipping. The diplomatic damage is even bigger, particularly in the case of Zionism, the rest of the world doesn't understand why these agents of chaos and death are being propped up. Why aren't sane people in charge of that military base masquerading as a country. It's causing even more massive isolation than the Ukraine-proxy war. It doesn't really appear to serving the interests of capital anymore.

>I wonder what happens when the Jews run out of overpriced American bombs?

Most Jews live outside of Israel and are not involved in this. You can't grant the Zionists the authority to speak or act on behalf of Jews. They're doing anything but that.

But to answer your question, if the bombs run out they stop dropping bombs, and begin screaming about having been betrayed. If the Arab states are clever they'd use that as an opportunity to ninja a international peace keeping force into Gaza and cock-block the entire endeavor.


that's an interesting debate
thanks for linking it.


Israel is going to lose position or has to succeed at their democidal plans, which they won't. Everyone has an eye towards depopulating the US and making its people suffer, so that "Jews will Replace us". It's pretty obvious seeing what happened now that this was the intend - clear out the "settler colonists" of the US to make way for the favored classes and any rich foreigner who wants to visit the new American Plantation System, ruled by King Chuck III as God intended.

This was set in motion with Bush in 2000 for realsies. That was the point of no return as far as the state's actions. They were committed to this course of action, and wanted to Nazify America. This is what Nazification gets you.

>If the Arab states are clever they'd use that as an opportunity to ninja a international peace keeping force into Gaza and cock-block the entire endeavor.

Imagine believing the Arabs are interested in a two state solution, lol. They wouldn't think twice of extirpating a clear and present danger that has refused to allow peace and committed maximal and egregious tortures against them, against all Muslims, and against the whole world. If the Arabs did Anuddah Shoah to the Zionists, there are a lot of people in the world who would be very happy with that. I really don't care one way or another. I know the Zionists are pawns, like every group is a pawn of this foul power in the human race, but it's not like the Zionist leadership didn't ask for it with their repeated transgressions and routine viciousness towards their "allies". I fucking despise the Zionists for what they did to their "ally" to say nothing of what they did for the world, and the total lack of purpose for their stupid "nation". If the Zionists come to the US, I know they're going to keep doing their usual shit. They've never not done that - why would they stop with one retreat? Eugenics never stops, ever. Rather than end their ultraviolence, they will continue to the bitter end and make us suffer for nothing. That's all they know how to do. They're low-autism score fags who only ever knew how to kick down and torture things, and insist they're super smart. That's eugenics for you though - a bunch of Satanic fags telling us we have to kowtow to the worst of humanity.

This world sadly is beyond redemption. While they pushed the world to this, the people have been so poisoned and lied to that they have no possibility of ending this Satanic cycle. Everything I suffered will now become "default actions", and humanity probably knew it was over for them a long time ago. Nobody was too excited or enthusiastic about the promise that it was ever going to be different - like, if anything decent would have been allowed great, but it's like some sort of sad joke to get something good only to find that humanity itself was always the problem, and all of its "successes" are bitter.


Now this is interesting - any good articles about the Houthi raids?


>any good articles about the Houthi raids?
You mean with a deep analysis. Not yet, we're still in the WTF-is-happening-phase where most articles are just reporting the most recent events.

An overview:
shipping +15% cost-increase +9 day delay for going the long way around, rising cost of living brought to you by Zionist rampage.
Israeli porkies are getting absolutely fucked because they got cut off big time.
US lead naval coalition "Operation Prosperity Guardian" is having trouble assembling.
Houthies increased their public political support in Yemen a lot and it boosted their recruitment for fighters.

Biggest winner: China.
Deploying the cunning strategy of doing nothing, while the US lets it self get dragged into a regional war by the Zionists.


>any good articles about the Houthi raids?
SouthFront has brief articles on current events and regularly updates its maps (.jpg, no JS required).
Sadly the quality of readers' comments is not what it used to be.


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US trying to persuade Switzerland to waive Geneva Conventions for Israel in Gaza

<US diplomats are trying to persuade Switzerland – the custodians of the Geneva Conventions governing the rules of conduct during war, with the ability to decide when meetings are held to discuss non-compliance – to set aside the application of the Conventions to Israel’s genocidal campaign against Palestinians in Gaza


The fucking psychopaths


Southfront is decent
Ben Norton did a in depth analysis as well


I just meant with a basic description of what's going on tbh. Thanks for the info, too, though!

ty, will check




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>Ben Norton
He really needs to get back to serious journalism, the world doesn't need more of his dumb piss takes.



If they unsubscribe Israel from the Geneva Conventions, they'll officially make them a terrorist organization.


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The final solutions Sinai solution

<Why moving to the Sinai peninsula is the solution for Gaza's Palestinians - opinion

<The Sinai Peninsula comprises one of the most suitable places on Earth to provide the people of Gaza with hope and a peaceful future.
<Gaza residents, may pave the way to the emergence of the proposed Sinai solution

Why would anybody style their propaganda rhetoric to mimic 1930-40s Nazis?
Why would you call your ethnic cleansing campaign a "solution"

Are they doing this on purpose ?


They know, they just think you're stupid and can be easily manipulated. Zionists think its funny.


>Zionists think its funny.
Most of the world probably thinks it proves malicious intent.


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A christian Priest went on US television and said that Jesus was a Palestinian Jew and compared the Zionists to the roman empire persecuting Jesus.

Caused so much Zionist seething.


The fascistic Zionists are leveling Gaza with the goal of making it uninhabitable. That's another box ticked off on the genocide qualification list: systematic undermining of life supporting structures and environment features.

If the Palestinians have to live in refugee tent cities now, because their homes have all been destroyed. They might as well set up their tents in Gaza, because that way the Zionists don't get their way. Which is important, because the Zionists can't learn the lesson that genocidal brutality is a means to get what they want. They would seek to repeat this.

If the Palestinians set up a tent city in Gaza it could be secured by Egyptian soldiers. The Egyptians are very keen on a avoiding refugee crisis, and sending a security contingent of 20k troops is probably preferable to dealing with 2 million refugees.

Obviously Gaza would be rebuild. But they should opt to build underground. Considering how hot temperatures in that region already can get, and how much worse this will become in the next decades on account of the changing climate, that would be a wise investment into a future, considering the cost of air-conditioning. It also would make it much harder for the Zionist to destroy shit. There are economical ways to adapt the principles of a Whipple shield to make the use of bunker buster munitions prohibitively expensive.


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South Africa files case at ICJ accusing Israel of ‘genocidal acts’ in Gaza

Israel, which has been accused of meting out collective punishment on Palestinians, has rejected the case at the UN court.

South Africa has filed a case against Israel at the International Court of Justice (ICJ), accusing it of crimes of genocide against Palestinians in Gaza after nearly three months of relentless Israeli bombardment has killed more than 21,500 people and caused widespread destruction in the besieged enclave.

In an application to the court on Friday, South Africa described Israel’s actions in Gaza as “genocidal in character because they are intended to bring about the destruction of a substantial part of the Palestinian national, racial and ethnical group”.

“The acts in question include killing Palestinians in Gaza, causing them serious bodily and mental harm, and inflicting on them conditions of life calculated to bring about their physical destruction,” the application said.

The ICJ, also called the World Court, is a UN civil court that adjudicates disputes between countries. It is distinct from the International Criminal Court (ICC), which prosecutes individuals for war crimes.

As members of the UN, both South Africa and Israel are bound by the court.

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa has compared Israel’s policies in Gaza and the occupied West Bank with his country’s past apartheid regime of racial segregation imposed by the white-minority rule that ended in 1994.



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based Cyril Ramaphosa sticking it to the Zionists


might be our-guy, he gave a speech were he praised Thomas Sankara and the Cuban revolution.

Keynote Address by President Cyril Ramaphosa
<We need leaders who understand that to lead the people, you must first be amongst the people and respond to their most immediate and pressing needs.
<We recall the example of the great Thomas Sankara, who after leading a revolution in his country set about mobilising the people of Burkina Faso, especially young people, to build schools, clinics, dams and irrigation systems.
<In the early days of the Cuban revolution, which greatly inspired post-independence movements in Africa, young people were sent into the towns and villages to teach people to read, an act that transformed the country.


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He's not wrong


>He's not wrong

Veterans of the Israeli cyber division have publicly stated
<not Hamas is the enemy but all of Gaza is the enemy
<babies are enemies
<women are enemies
<first graders are enemies
<grandmothers are enemies
<the militants are enemies
<pregnant women are enemies
<level all of Gaza

They appear completely insane. What could possibly lead somebody to the conclusion that for example infants or the elderly could pose any danger what so ever. I don't know what to make of this. Do fascist societies melt the brains of their population ? Or are there people who have this horror in them and they're waiting for an opportunity to let it out ?


I still want Israel to nuke Gaza. Hamas are savage 3rd world terrorist uyghurs and they should be wipe off the Earth with extreme prejudice


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>I still want Israel to nuke Gaza.
Israel would also nuke itself. All of Israel would be in the primary radioactive fallout zone. All the Israeli with the means, will fuck off. There would be hundreds of millions of people really mad that somebody set off a nuke in their backyard. The few remaining ultra Zionists would get swept away.

>savage terrorist

You just proposed nuclear genocide, it doesn't get any more savage than that.


Holy fuck death to isreal, but, man I would smash.

Back to pol.


90 journalists and reporters have so far been killed in gaza, which is an unusually high number.

The IDF seems to have deliberately shot a reporter, and when a medic tried to help, they shot that one too.

Seems Zionists are hunting journalists.



They already dropped 4 hiroshima's worth of ordinance on them.


implying there's anything wrong with that when it comes to zionists occupying your land.

It's so easy to side with the winning side Anon. It's harder to actually think for yourself.


>They already dropped 4 hiroshima's worth of ordinance on them.
How many energy is that ?
If that energy was released slowly as heat, how long could you heat Europe with that.


>implying there's anything wrong with that when it comes to zionists occupying your land.
Well the Zionists have changed the definition for terrorism. Palestinians are labeled as terrorists simply for existing. I wouldn't accept that definition.

>It's so easy to side with the winning side Anon. It's harder to actually think for yourself.

The Zionists aren't winning, they are in the process of starting a regional war that has them out-manned and out-gunned. They might end up bricking Israel as a viable state.


The war in Gaza may widen. The Biden admin is getting ready for it.

<Biden administration officials are drawing up plans for the U.S. to respond to what they’re increasingly concerned could expand from a war in Gaza to a wider, protracted regional conflict.

<The military is drafting plans to hit back at Iran-backed Houthi militants who have been attacking commercial shipping in the Red Sea
<The potential for wider conflict is growing, officials said, following a series of confrontations in Iraq, Lebanon and Iran
<Tensions in the region ratcheted up even higher on Thursday after the Biden administration launched a drone strike in Baghdad that killed the Iran-backed militia leader
<And there’s the ongoing fear that the violence in Gaza could spread to the West Bank and Lebanon. Already, Lebanese Hezbollah and Israel are trading fire on the border,
<CIA officer and Pentagon officia “The signs are blinking red for this to erupt into a regional war.”


fizzle or sizzle ?


>the winning side
Zionists are hiding their casualties.

Staggering 12,500 Israeli soldiers to be classified as disabled

<an independent company conducted an assessment at the Ministry's request. It indicates that a "conservative and cautious estimate" suggests that around 12,500 soldiers would be legally recognized as disabled. However, the total number of requests for recognition is expected to reach an astonishing 20,000.

Going into gaza for several weeks has caused upto 20k crippled IDF soldiers, just imagine what shape they're going to be in after they challenge a much more powerful opponent like Hezbollah.

I'm mad i couldn't find that picture of Netanyahu shamelessly doing a photo-op with idf veterans that lost their limbs.


Latent mental illness. Actually fighting things, and putting up with the shit without the ability of commanders to gladhand and pass along the venal and give them their participation award, has that effect.

Psychiatrists fled from Israel for a reason - they're seeing their people being written off wholesale and there are limits to what someone can take part in. Nazis always do this - gut the people and say they're all crazy, while promoting Satanic and venal fucks. That's what Netanyahu is, a fucking gremlin, a product of the society that spawned him.


Brian Berletic has a hypothesis that the US instructed one of their middle eastern proxies to bomb the funeral of a general in Iran. Seeking to create a political environment that would lead to escalation towards a wider conflict in the middle east.

Assuming that's true, does that mean the US is shifting to a position of making Israel and Iran destroy each other ?
The reason i'm thinking this, is because there is no way Israel doesn't get absolutely hammered during a regial conflict escalation.

If we continue along this speculative line. Iran will likely get support from Russia and China. Iran is important for Russian strategic security, and to China Iran is an important oil supplier and protector of Chinese trade-routs. Have they calculated that Iran's strength would get boosted by geo-political factors ?

Is there grand strategy involved ?
Are they trying to create a chaos zone to interrupt economic integration between Central-Asia Europe and Russia ?


If the Zionists are dumb enough to keep blustering, I'm not going to weep when the Zionist Entity gets got. The US leadership doesn't have that sort of mind control powers though - they outsourced that to Israel. So, this is really their choice.

Based on the permissiveness for pro-Palestine propaganda - they would never let this shit leak in the recent past without the shrieking machine - I get the sense that this is a part of the coming internal war in the US that has been fomented, with Israel very obviously being for the maximal rot. Someone in the US command wants us to despise Israel and hope they get what's coming to them.

Without full US support, Israel is fucked and they know it. US is doing all of the work for their war, since IDF is only good for mooching money and being a mobster state.


>If the Zionists are dumb enough to keep blustering
Yup the Zionists in Israel, that are trying to make the Iran war happening, that's hard to reconcile with a rational motivation.

>Based on the permissiveness for pro-Palestine propaganda - they would never let this shit leak in the recent past without the shrieking machine - I get the sense that this is a part of the coming internal war in the US that has been fomented, with Israel very obviously being for the maximal rot. Someone in the US command wants us to despise Israel and hope they get what's coming to them.

That could be true, they certainly would have cause for doing this.

Tho, i still think that Israeli politicians/public-figures are the ones working the hardest to make everybody despise Israel.
Check out the ICJ genocide case against Israel
On page 59
''Expressions of Genocidal Intent against the Palestinian People by Israeli State Officials
and Others''
So much unhinged murder screeching.

>Without full US support, Israel is fucked and they know it.

The US could just turn off the weapons supply, and this entire shitshow would be over.


>the permissiveness for pro-Palestine propaganda
There is a lot of censorship on behalf of Zionism tho. For example Twitter appears to be banning a lot of accounts that criticize Israel for genocide. There was political repression against democratic demonstrations, and so on.


Fucking kikes managed to outdo even mein fuhrer!
Herr Shekelgrabber, how could this be?!


Netanyahu (current regime-leader in Israel) tried to rehabilitate Hitler
I don't know, maybe Zionists aren't real Jews.

Most Jews probably are opposed to the ongoing Palestine-genocide.
