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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 No.475365[View All]

Be honest…

Has your life gotten materially better or worse since this faggot supposedly got elected.?
119 posts and 50 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>Also has vids of your leaders fucking kids
Keep that welfare coming


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Biggest accomplishment of the Biden regime:

>Spying on the financial activities of plebs


Zionazis and their enablers are the ultimate gibsmedat state, and true to form, /pol starts screeching like the retards they are when their gibsmedat is taken from them. People like that are the lowest uyghurs on the Earth, the archetypical example of someone who will be an enabler of the slave system and massa. What a failed race, really. what a failed race.


>Zionazis and their enablers are the ultimate gibsmedat state
The rulers look at Israel as a good investment for power-projection

Tho I don't know if they still think this today, since from the US perspective Israel is antagonizing the locals too much, which is increasing the resistance towards US empire.


They don't believe that. They say it, and Biden grovels so well for them, but there's no real American interest in Israel, and hasn't been for a long time. Back when the oil could be contested, Israel was useful, but when the Americans could just talk to the Arabs direct and own the kings and princes in the Gulf, Israel has been entirely a nuisance. It's why Israel has to make everyone go along with this through pure threats and fear. They have nothing else to offer and don't need to do anything else.

Politicians know if they cross Israel, they're dead. The smear campaigns will destroy them. Eventually they run out of money or the threats they make can no longer be backed up. Lately, the political class is more capable of breaking the fear of Israel, but those who offered themselves to AIPAC must cover their asses, and Israel still has enough threats to make the imperial core howl if they are called upon. The imperial elites can smear their enemies on their own, but if Israel can be used as a trigger, they're not averse to that. US/UK/Israel can get along because they believe in 99% of the same things, but Israel makes it clear they hate their masters and Israel has always been an incredibly annoying vassal. They'd never openly fight each other or turn on each other, but there can come a point where the US leadership is done listening to their shit and tells them to go to hell, and the Arabs and Iranians would be happy to send them there.


The arms contractors loving having someone who will buy their equipment, and selling Israel the Iron Dome is a great test for what they want in the future. Besides that, though, Israel doesn't serve much of the imperial project any more, aside from killing people and the usual eugenics stuff. There's no spiritual or material tie that makes the US a necessary slave to Israel. Israel needs the US desperately because no one else is interested in giving them any support, but they only have the fear card to play and so they never want anyone acknowledging too openly what they really think about the Zionists.


When you hear from the bureaucrats in the US state, the fixtures who actually operate anything from administration to adminstration, they can't fucking stand Israeli bullshit. State Department had so many quits and disgusted statements from people in it that they were forced to supplicate to Israel, and those are the people who are supposed to be diplomatic. The army guys have openly pissed on Israel because they know the IDF is a joke army, even by the low standards expected of a plan war military, and they really hate that they're going to have to do Israel's work for them. You had one of the American generals during the buildup to the Iraq War say outright we were made to stand and die for Israel rather than anything worthwhile for us. That war did nothing but make the US weaker and the plan would have been much worse if Bush could make it so.

I wouldn't be surprised if pretty soon "Anuddah Shoah" becomes a mainstream acceptable opinion, after Israel annoys people for a few more years with this routine, if the plug isn't pulled soon and they're left to their fate.


And it seems like the Zionist propaganda is basically goading Americans and the world to believe the Jews really are evil and Hitler was right all along, because Israeli elite assholes will be in their gated communities and are perfectly fine to let the rest of the Jews suffer.


But, Israel is fucked. They either drag the US into a general war it cannot actually wage, or the US gives up on the region. Netanyahu did his part to suck the Americans of what blood he could and he's pissy that his own people fucking hate him.


They might be able to flatten Gaza - they probably figure the Arabs aren't going to strike reactively, and if it comes to war, the Middle East will form a coalition. It wouldn't be a tit for tat escalation that just sorta happens. It would either require dislodging the US from the region, or they cut a deal with the US and the backstab returns. The Americans wouldn't see the Muslims as an existential enemy in the way Israel would - they have the option of working with the new status quo and ditching this obnoxious vassal, as long as the oil keeps flowing and the empire gets what it really cares about.


I don't think this much open disgust for Israel would be permitted if the US was really invested in a decades-long crusade - literally a crusade. The fundies have always seen Israel as another ritual sacrifice and they're really grinning that they can fulfill their made up prophecy.


Also something something "If Haiti sank into the ocean, no American interest would be threatened". The truth now is that the only thing Americans will get from Israel is whining and barking, and that has been enough so long as armaments can be sold.


>Politicians know if they cross Israel, they're dead. The smear campaigns will destroy them.
So Western politicians have forgotten how to play rough politics ?
I find that hard to believe.

All they have to do is close ranks and repeat over and over:
It's antisemitism to equate Jews and Zionists.


Israel almost certainly holds compromising material to make them comply. You saw what happened to Corbyn for merely his past political positions - that machine can be turned against anyone to accuse them until the offending politicians break.

If you understand a republic, these people are not best friends or united by some sense of goodwill. Many of them have no reason to ever oppose Israel so they're committed to toeing the line.

Someone can make a stand - maybe even a majority - but the kompromat will make doing this painful. The Israelis will throw everything they have to make sure they get their way if such a thing happened. The only way it shuts off is if there are forces at work no amount of threats can answer, or there is an ultimatum from something more than the esteem of some random Congresspeople. It's not about having a friendly line that is appealing. Doing anything other than what Israel wants means they would be effectively saying Israel can go fuck itself, in the middle of a war. It would be in effect declaring that US backing for Israel will no longer be given, or will come with stipulations that the Israelis will not accept without fighting it. None of this is about what anyone believes or making a public relations impression. It's about what such statements and resolutions imply. If you're not with your allies 100% and say everything they say, there isn't an alliance. It would be like dithering over whether you support the Nazis or the Soviets and playing the both sides argument. It's double-dealing and looks disgusting, and that sort of thing pisses off everyone. The truth of the statements is irrelevant - people will believe what their sense tells them, not what the influencers say is popular or wins you friends. There are enough Jews, some in Israel itself, who do not like what the Israeli government is doing at all. It fucks them and they've been very vocal about not associating with anything Israel is putting out. Hilariously, the people who aren't on the "bash Israel" train right now are literal Nazis who screech about ZOG all the time. Now Israel is "based" because of ethnostate ideological faggotry. Those cuckolds made their line clear - there's no there there. They can't even be consistent racists, typical of such faggotry. I saw that coming years before it happened - such limp-wristed fags aren't going to stand for anything except shouting.


That said, it's not a matter of cowardice for US Congresspeople. It's a matter of survival. In private a number of them will say or leak their real opinion on the matter. Nobody cares about the faux moral posturing. The vehemently pro-Israel members like Schumer have dual citizenship and so they know what they really do this for - he's not stupid enough to need an ideology to justify anything to him.


In any event, if there's a break in the policy, it's not going to come from a Congressional resolution based on a change of heart. It's going to come from the Department of Defense saying "fuck this" and putting their foot down.

Based on the actions of the US, I do not believe they will let Israel get its way to the fullest extent. The US in political speech is ginning up maximal support for Israel, but in its real actions, they really really do not want what Bibi wants them to do.


The ideal for the US is for Israel to declare victory, broker some shabbily put together peace dealie, and try to put the Middle East out of sight for at least a few years. The last thing they want is to abandon the "war on the cheap" thing Obama brought in, at a very bad time for the US with shit popping off on more fronts. A war with Iran would probably lead to a whole lot of actors taking their swing at US holdings, and it wouldn't just be military confrontations. It would probably lead to Xi making that fated phonecall to whomever rules in Taiwan and saying they're coming. That by the way is how Taiwan will unfold - that was set up long ago, and all this bluster about defending Taiwan is a bunch of malarkey. The real problem for China is reintegrating the GMD and bringing the people in line with the CCP, and the West would do a lot to muddy that process unless China continues to play ball. But, China would score a huge political win because the US would be distracted, and then more fronts would pop off.


>Israel almost certainly holds compromising material to make them comply. You saw what happened to Corbyn for merely his past political positions - that machine can be turned against anyone to accuse them until the offending politicians break.

Yeah but Corbyn was weak, in the past socdems had connections to the mob, and political interference of that type would not have been tolerated.

I doubt all politicians are vulnerable like Corbyn was. Some politicians may not have any skeletons in the closet, that could compromise them.

Also Corbyn's media campaign pursued the wrong strategy, he could have not given the offending media any access, unless they quit smearing him. Corbyn was popular enough that he commanded the attention and not the newsorgs.


Wasn't about Corbyn as a man. It was a flex to show that any iota of opposition, including things said 40 years ago, was wrongthink. It was a test of the ADL smear machine revamp for the internet era. They lost their edge during the rise of internet discourse and that was a way of showing that they'd destroy anyone opposing their plan for the weakest excuses. Corbyn was, like Bernie, a ritual sacrifice to make it clear to the left that they will fear their own thoughts and learn to love it. He was also a dreadful Fabian Society leader, and had no business being where he was. Labour by that point was a dead horse, and now they have effectively permanent Tory dictatorship no matter how badly they govern. If Starmer is "elected" he'd probably just sell off the country to the new Five Eyes Oceania superstate deal - Trilateral guy gonna do Trilateral Commission things.


The point here though isn't about the appeal of socdems (they have none, their positions are utterly discredited and they've all rolled in to fascism). The point is that Israel proved they could make the media smear anyone at any time and flood the zone with charges they could never make in the past. The old way relied on artful smears and insinuations, and a clever politician could parry those thrusts or just show outright contempt, saying Israel is a shitty little country and catering to the anti-Jewish sentiment. The old way could only go full bore against people who were staunchly anti-Jew, and by then the politician just shrugged it off and could still remain respectable. The new smears made it clear that if you didn't kowtow, non-stop hit pieces would come day after day and turn your own core supporters against you. This isn't just a leftist thing. Conservatives after that display were very cautious about speaking too loosely or suggesting too much moderation. It's no great secret that the conservative base and many interests in their tent are not fond of forking over tribute to Israel, and that's who they really need to keep on-side. The conservatives might be cuckolds but they're also miserly and, like most people, sick of Israel's horseshit. You could find a few such people in the GOP too - more than a few if they can speak off the record. The full throated fascistic support for Israel now is one part fear and one part Christian fascist yahoos fulfilling a prophecy that was a big part of the Bush regime.


Another flex was going after Tlaib in the US basically because she was a Palestinian, before she said or did anything other than things she said for years. It's not about even punishing someone for wrongthink, but purely identity politics in the most brazen way possible - they know she's not a threat and wouldn't go against the regime on anything substantial. It was purely a show of what Israel will do, and it should be chilling that a member of Congress would be censured for that reason and this only became a crime when Israel advertised its glorification of extermination and suddenly it's cool.


>The Zionist lobby going after Corbyn was a flex.
Sure but times are a changing, and increasing numbers of Jews are dissociating from Israel. They don't want to be linked to that horror. Once the Zionist lobby looses the favor of the Jewish constituency in western countries, western politicians can safely ignore them. Media power doesn't matter if nobody cares.


Dear god, what is with you idiots thinking narratives are the threat? They are indicators of what will happen with repeat noncompliance. First they will have trained screamers make you unable to hold any public appearance, disrupting anything you would try to do against them. If that doesn't dissuade, threats of hits and making your life miserable and mafia stuff. If you know anything about politics, this is inherent to the game.


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>Dear god, what is with you idiots thinking narratives are the threat?
No you are misinterpreting what this "narrative battle" is about. You are taking the position that the Zionist lobby is some kind of immovable object that can't be defeated. And as a matter of universal truth there can be no such thing.

>They are indicators of what will happen with repeat noncompliance.

The Zionist lobby is an arm of the Israeli state, they can't demand compliance, in other states.
>First they will have trained screamers make you unable to hold any public appearance
It's possible to learn how to deal with hecklers, and then hold public gatherings anyway.
>disrupting anything you would try to do against them.
This will make fantastic footage to paint them as unhinged agents of chaos.
>If that doesn't dissuade, threats of hits and making your life miserable and mafia stuff.
This can only work if the state allows it to happen, because all of that stuff is extremely illegal.
If they keep doing this, they will eventually fuck with people that can retaliate and then the state can't shield them because the state can't openly admit to side with thugs.

Also take a look at the larger political picture. In Israeli politics the current regime around Netanyahu is finished because their political capital was based on protection from happenings like Oct7. The most likely result is going to be that the next regime in Israel will be more extreme, with more unhinged Zionism. The general population in the west rejected the current Zionist narrative, because they tried to push for the insane line that "it's ok to bomb hospitals" or that "children are legitimate military targets". If they turn up the crazy even more, they'll get a visceral reaction of hostility from the broad population with civil societies organizations forming that will ban them and will force the police to frustrate their mafia tactics.

But there's more to this, the next-level insanity of Zionism will not only want to kill off all the Palestinians, they'll want to conquer new territory from Lebanon, Jordan and Syria, for a "Greater Israel". The US wants to reduce their engagement in the middle east, that's why they pulled out of Afghanistan, they don't want to make that front wider. That means the Zionist lobby will not just deviate a little but for the first time go against the imperial line and pull into the other direction. That means the Zionist lobby will loose the favor of the western ruling class.

I doubt that there is much remaining appetite for using the Ukraine-model on Israel to drain Iran or something, given how much of a cluster-fuck Ukraine has turned out to be. So the US is going to quarantine their Zionism-problem. They are going to arrange for the occupation of all the contested zones with a type of an international security force, primarily made up from Arab league forces mixed in with token forces from the west and countries from other parts of the world. Involving the Arabs will also make it easier to dissolve organized resistance. After that the US will gradually decouple from Israel in order to pursue relations with other countries in the middle east, who will welcome the US once they stop enabling the crazy neighbor. Ultimately for the US that's the easier path to have influence over middle eastern oil and assorted resources.

The recent abuses from the Zionist lobby like their attempts at violating the democratic assembly rights or the defamation of university students, that marks the zenith of their bullshit. From here on out their power to pull these stunts will decline. Not because anti-imperialist communist theory has gone mainstream, far from it, but rather because the people that matter no longer see them as an asset, but as a liability instead. A group of nutcases that will catch you a genocide-nickname if you get too close. Keep an eye on the news, they probably will try the defamation-trucks again, when these just get set on fire, that's going to be the externally visible sign they're out of the inner circle.


I'll believe it when I see it. I think it will take more than this current genocide or outright acts of war like the sinking of the uss liberty. Remember the actual bourgeois government isn't really in control per-se it's about getting down to detail and delivering to the broader bourgeoisie. If the current government isn't selling it, then for the benefit of economic collaboration with Israel, it will be fired and replaced like a board of directors replacing a CEO.


>I'll believe it when I see it. I think it will take more than this current genocide or outright acts of war like the sinking of the uss liberty
You mean that some of the hardliners might try to do a false flag, like shooting a missile at a US carrier group and then blame it on the Iranians ? Are those shenanigans still possible ? Hasn't battlefield intelligence basically advanced to the point where those tricks no longer work ?

>Remember the actual bourgeois government isn't really in control per-se it's about getting down to detail and delivering to the broader bourgeoisie.

Most of the big bourgeoisie in the US doesn't want this conflict.
They wanted Israel to normalize relations with the other Arab states. That was the direction it was going for like the past year. In the days immediately after Oct7 the Arab states were giving off cautious diplomatic signals, that they might side with Israel if they prevented the situation from escalating. When the Zionists succumbed to their bloodlust, they alienated the rest of the region, and that has screwed up the plans of the big bourgeoisie. There is a small but extremely motivated section of the big bourg that still pushes the Zionist project really hard, but the rest of the big bourg doesn't want to go there, because it risks the US getting frozen out of Middle East politics.


You don't defeat something as stacked and connected as the Israel lobby by saying they're mean poopy-heads. They're not that stupid, nor are they an isolated entity pushing against the world.

I actually believe Zionism is about to croak, but it won't be due to any sudden "battle of ideas". Israel has been doing pretty badly in its recent wars, and the IDF is only good for showing MKULTRA videos of female soldiers for thirsty weebs. The Pals will not stand and die like cattle, the way the script calls for. Israel has maxed out on what they can get with that, and those who survive believe they have nothing to lose. Give them a gun or some weapon and they'll know where to point it, how to make an IDF invasion a slog. The IDF aren't an actual fucking army. Their game plan is always to get the US military to do all the work for them and keep feeding them goodies.


>You don't defeat something as stacked and connected as the Israel lobby by saying they're mean poopy-heads.
Usually i would agree but, the amount of effort and mental gymnastics they put into their fake morality-discourse, makes me think that in this case it's maybe not so useless.

>They're not that stupid, nor are they an isolated entity pushing against the world.

No you are wrong they are fantastically stupid, and they're pushing against the world.
They tried to brow-beat people about not accepting the bombing of hospitals and children.

>I actually believe Zionism is about to croak, but it won't be due to any sudden "battle of ideas". Israel has been doing pretty badly in its recent wars

It is a battle for ideas too. The zionist lobby interfered with the right to public assembly by trying to get protests banned. Many people have now recognized that the Zionist lobby is attacking them.

You are correct about the military angle in a way. Tho having a "shit military" doesn't really mean that a country is about to croak, many countries are doing fine without massive military might. But it probably means that Israels hyper-aggressive stances are becoming unsustainable for them. They might choose to ease up on that and then Israel can continue, tho i admit that it's looking very unlikely.


It's a strategy of unlimited transgression down to the slightest behavior. Get people to internalize guilt and shame, take as much from them as they can.

The strategy will continue in new hands, but Israel as a going concern cannot go on without pissing off too many people. The powers that be don't need to indulge this horseshit to make a few Jewish people happy, when they could either leave them to their fate or demand that Israel play ball with people who are actually competent and have aims that don't involve giving Israelis endless free shit. The money is all drying up, and the ruling elite are moving to the next thing.

Israel is in a situation where this is the only strategy they have left. They committed to it, and if they relent, everyone around them will start with the real re-litigation. Israel does not have the advantages it had in 1967 or 1973.


And so Israel's last play is to induce civil war in the US, which they're doing everything to foment. That will break open their "master", and the threat is held to make American leaders comply with anything, against their interests.

It all comes down to maximizing the thrill of torture in the US, and turning this country into the purest rape yet known. They have no other play, and so far they have institutions stacked with their enablers. Only time will tell how far they can drive it, but they will succeed in deepening the permanent crisis in the US and can do so indefinitely. At this point, most Americans are done pretending there will ever be anything good. There is only bitter survival against hordes of screaming Germanics and enablers who've always possessed nothing more than a low cunning, and they can only shout and shout in new ways. They can't not do this. The people who wanted something different have no recourse left.

What happens in the rest of the world will have a large impact on the final outcome of events here, because China, east Asia, Japan, Russia, Europe, and the usual players have no reason to go along with the Anglos' self-immolation on the pyre of eugenics. The biggest problem for the ruling system is Africa, where the locals have no investment in the Empire and the creed whatsoever. If all of those people stymie depopulation, then everything set in motion will just be rot for nothing. The rest of the world will never allow anything to grow here again, but they can only maintain that by adopting full eugenism themselves, and the virus will continue to cannibalize them. It's a global system - that's how they've always thought of their project. Only fags believe in this fake nationalism.


>It's a strategy of unlimited transgression down to the slightest behavior.
I'm not sure i understand. You say the Zionists lobby transgresses norms, boundaries, and so on, and that's how they get their way ?
a) how/why does this work exactly ?
b) can we do it to them ?


What you see - the over the top glorification of torture and death, the extreme faggotry of their PR, the violent and militant assertion of obvious falsehoods - is not just a copy of the Nazi playbook or standard PR. It is calculated to operate at the smallest level, such that anything they want to suppress is "anti-Semitic", to the point where the change is arbitrary and entirely about Israel holding the screech machine over a politician. If they refuse to comply, that politician will be unable to govern, and this behavior is reproduced by every vector possible.

This machine only works in one way. The real reasons why this works are something I write about, and Israel does not possess a natural monopoly on it. But, it is the strategy Israel's PR has chosen, and it is very deliberate. It is not something you would do to rally support for an imminent invasion, or even empty bluster for show. It is calculated for very different objectives, and tests what rulers around the world want to do in the future, if they can do it. We've already seen efforts to do this elsewhere - if you see the pro-war PR in Russia, it's using a similar strategy of over the top Satanic imagery. Also something being trialed in the US ever since Trump - Trump was the first test to see if this politics was ready to launch. It hasn't worked as well as they hoped, but they only needed to get the fag enablers on board. Trump's "base" left shortly after 2016 and knew that this was just more of the same shit, and it shouldn't be forgotten that much of that "base" just thought it would be funny if a retard ruled the country.


>What you see - the over the top glorification of torture and death, the extreme faggotry of their PR, the violent and militant assertion of obvious falsehoods - is not just a copy of the Nazi playbook or standard PR. It is calculated to operate at the smallest level, such that anything they want to suppress is "anti-Semitic"
That trick is wearing thin tho, they have began accusing a lot of Jews of antisemitism, which means even the people who haven't been paying attention will notice. We're seeing the tail end of that insanity.
The reality is that Zionists can legit be accused of antisemitism. For trying to implicate all Jews in the crimes committed by the Zionists. But also because the Zionists are exterminating Palestinians and those are Semitic too.
So this might flip on them.

All of those western politicians, that you say are being held hostage (sort of) by the Zionist lobby, they just have to point how Zionism is antisemitic and then the entire dynamic reverses. It's been blatantly obvious for many many years to people who've payed an iota of attention, but it won't be long until the rest of society catches on. It probably doesn't even need to be a politician that gets the ball rolling on that.

Assuming that we're correct in our assumption that western political class quietly disagrees with the Zionist lobby, because they're getting screwed.


I have way more income, purchase ability, and possibility to be independent

But the social scene and people around me are MISERABLE


lmao literally same

My financial and material situation has improved a lot in the past few years but it has nothing to do with burger politics or the overall economy. It's just because I was able to get a couple good jobs.

Socially, I'm very isolated. I relocated for work and have no local friends. Making friends in your early 30s is an absolute bitch


Zionism needs anti-semitism to survive. Zionism cannot be justified without anti-semitism.


Why do people always assume socialisation only gets diffocult after thirty?
Its just as difficult to do in your teen years


That dynamic where Zionist fan the flames antisemitism to their advantage is fading away. I doubt Zionism will survive. Young Jews no longer identify with the Zionist project.

People also wise up on false accusations pretty quickly once it becomes common enough. It's just a question what form the social reaction will be.

A false accusation of anti-semitism can be made with few words, and it takes many more words to distinguish it from real anti-semitism. However there is a simple fix. Zionist need not be considered real Jews, that can be as sparsely worded as a false accusation. That's the social reaction i consider most likely.

The majority of Jews lives in the diaspora and they do not want to face the moral disdain for the horrors that Israel has committed. They don't have anything to do with it. I imagine it must be tedious to be an involuntary ambassador of Israel where people direct their complaints. For them it's also convenient if Zionists no longuer count as Jews.


we are currently living in one of the largest economic booms in my lifetime

it's very regressive and "trickle down" but I'm getting some of the trickle it seems, and more than at any point in my life

the deficits by trump, biden, and the fed must certainly helped


>the largest economic booms in my lifetime
Where ?
The West is in a economic depression. Russia had a economic resurgence recently but idk if that qualifies as a boom. The Chinese economy has been chugging along but also not a boom, at least not by Chinese standards. The Indian economy is treading water, because they can't sort out their industrial base.


>we are currently living in one of the largest economic booms in my lifetime
lol you are literally retarded if you believe this


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he is actually right. Real corporate profits have shot through the roof thanks to Bidlernomics. The economy IS booming!


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Both fuck you in the ass, but one make the hell of a show of it and the other is so boring even he fall asleep.


>The economy IS booming!
The curve says so.
Look, nobody said you were going to have a share of the cake. You got what you voted for.


People can't vote who owns capital, so no. You can't just declare the economy to be booming with a graph. Also the economy includes everybody, unless everybody gets a piece of the boom there isn't one.


"Real corporate profits" are not "the economy."

This statistic is just an artifact of two things:
- Inflation (CPI adjustment does not account for all inflation because CPI is rigged)
- Reducing the wage share (wage share goes down, profits go up)

Neither of these things are an improvement of "the economy" for the masses, they're a degradation.


this is a regressive economic boom where the lower classes aren't thrilled because not enough is trickling down and prices rose a few years ago

thing is, it's mainly the Fed rate hikes causing the tail end of this boom. Which is inherently inflationary.

A Dem Congress without gridlock would do better than Republicans in making it less regressive but we have gridlock now


we had like 5% GDP last quarters of last year

virtually every other indicator has been great

a recession requires 2+ quarters of negative gdp growth, and it is still positive with Republicans blocking everything

Biden did a better job than Obama at flooding the economy with money and if u can't get at it ur retarded because so much money got put into the economy


either Trump or Biden will keep flooding the economy with money, there really isn't any indication there's be a crash that'll bleed into the real economy unless the Republicans with the House and Senate again. A Dem Congress + Trump or a Dem Congress + Biden would keep money flowing into the economy for whoever needs it. Compared to that miserable 8 year money shortage under Obama. God those years sucked.


This is the first year in my 34 years on this planet I could conceivably live on my own and without help from others.

It's been an objectively good economy for myself.

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