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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

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 No.477700[Last 50 Posts]

Continued from >>475181

Updates since the start of the last thread:
The (largely civilian) Palestinian death toll has now passed 24,000.

The US House, with Biden's support, approved more than $14,000,000,000 in military aid to Israel.

South Africa filed a case at the International Court of Justice accusing Israel of genocidal acts in Gaza.

Houthi rebels in Yemen have attacked cargo ships in the Red Sea in an attempt to disrupt the supply line of Israel's ongoing carpet bombing campaign against Gaza. The Biden admin has responded to the Houthis with a retaliatory bombing campaign.

400,000 marched in Washington DC in protest of Biden's support of Israel's genocide.


A quick guide to South Africa’s ICJ case against Israel

South Africa has accused Israel of committing the crime of genocide in Gaza in violation of the 1948 Genocide Convention, which both countries are party to.

The killing of Palestinians in Gaza in large numbers, especially children; destruction of their homes; their expulsion and displacement; blockade on food, water and medical assistance to the strip; the imposition of measures preventing Palestinian births by destroying essential health services crucial for the survival of pregnant women and babies, are all listed as genocidal actions in the suit.

South Africa is requesting that the ICJ move urgently to prevent Israel from committing further crimes in the strip using “provisional measures” – essentially an emergency order that can be applied even before the main case begins.

It argues that provisional measures are necessary “to protect against further, severe and irreparable harm to the rights of the Palestinian people under the Genocide Convention, which continue to be violated with impunity”.



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400,000 marched in Washington DC against Biden’s complicity in Israel’s genocide

On January 13, a crowd of 400,000 gathered in Washington, DC’s Freedom Plaza to take the Palestine solidarity movement straight to Biden’s doorstep. Hundreds of thousands then marched, holding Palestinian, Yemeni, South African, and Puerto Rican flags, through DC and straight to the gates of the White House.

The mobilization was organized by the American Muslim Task Force on Palestine, which includes American Muslims for Palestine, Council on American-Islamic Relations, Islamic Circle of North America, Muslim American Society, Muslim Student Association-National, Muslim Legal Fund of America, Muslim Ummah of North America, and Young Muslims, and the ANSWER Coalition.

Frustrated with Biden’s support and bankrolling of Israel’s genocide in Gaza, protesters surrounded the President’s residence and chanted “Hands off Yemen!” and “Yemen, Yemen, make us proud, turn this invasion around!” in reference to the US-UK bombing campaign against Yemen in response to the country’s blockade of Israel-bound ships. Protesters also left bloody baby dolls at the gates of the White House to condemn the genocide in Gaza and the over 10,000 children that have been killed to date. As the crowd demonstrated, several snipers were seen on the roof of the White House.

The hundreds of thousands who showed up in DC were joined by millions across the world who participated in a global day of action in solidarity with Palestine to mark nearly 100 days of Israel’s genocide in Gaza. Rallies, strikes, and mass mobilizations were held in major cities of South Africa, Japan, Turkey, the UK, South Korea, Indonesia, Ireland, New Zealand, Ivory Coast, Sweden, Italy, Germany, Austria, Australia, Finland, as well as throughout the United States. Thousands shut down the Port of Oakland in California at 5 am on Saturday morning.


Reminder IOF killed the Israelis on Oct 7 with hellfire missiles and tanks.


So the Jews did 9/11 and 10/7?


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<Israeli Offense Force


The neo-cons did 9/11 when they funded the Taliban in the 80s
The Zionists did oct7 when they started the occupation of Palestine.

Also the Zionists aren't Jewish anymore since they began claiming they are committing the Palestinocide on behalf of the Jews.


it's Israeli Occupation Forces

"the jews" didn't do either of those things. Mossad clearly played a part in 9/11 along with other intelligence agencies and cartels such as the CIA, FBI, house Al Saud, and Bush cartel. It was a team effort.

October 7 Operation Al Aqsa Flood was a legitimate and heroic act of resistance by Hamas, PFLP, DFLP, PIJ, etc. The ""civilian"" deaths on October 7 were committed by the IOF to prevent the resistance from getting more hostages as leverage and to pin blame on the resistance.

>Also the Zionists aren't Jewish anymore
This is true, Zionism is a new religion distinct from Judaism though based in it, much like Mormonism is not the same thing as Christianity. Zionists have mostly usurped Judaism, there is a minority of actual Jews left who haven't been inducted into the Zionist cult.


>Israeli Occupation Forces
lel that fits even better

>Zionism is a new religion distinct from Judaism though based in it, much like Mormonism is not the same thing as Christianity.
Zionism is technically a offshoot of Judaism. Some people have called it the holocaust-church. Some Jewish rabbis call Zionism a 'transformation to nationalism'.

>Zionists have mostly usurped Judaism, there is a minority of actual Jews left

I'm not sure that's actually true. I think there are a lot more regular Jews than Zionists, it's just that the Zionist have a massive propaganda machine that allows them to yell over the actual Jews.

Zionism is declining in the US and Europe, younger Jews tend to reject Zionism. Some older Zionists are de-converting back to Judaism. In the US most supporters of Zionism, have different non-Judaism related religious believes or no religion at all. Zionism is only growing inside of Israel. Outside of the west and Israel there are a lot of Jewish communities but virtually no Zionism.


>Some people have called it the holocaust-church
While there is a lot of literature about instrumentalization of the death of Jews in the Holocaust in Zio propaganda, I think this is misleading since the Zionist ideology doesn't appear to draw any meaning from it. As well, the OG Zionists collaborated with German Nazis and vice versa, helping engineer their own victim narrative (Attached PDF). I think really Zionism is a perfected expression of the Nazi ideology for purposes of transnational finance capital rather than parochial German industrialists. It says not only can Germans be the master race and exterminate other races in their region, but actually people all over the world can do the same thing.

>I think there are a lot more regular Jews than Zionists, it's just that the Zionist have a massive propaganda machine that allows them to yell over the actual Jews.

Israel has been losing some popularity especially with young Jews outside of Israel. However, the brainwashing, birthright trips, etc have been very successful. Israeli Jews are overwhelmingly hardcore Zionist. To wipe out the stain of Zionism will take a lot of work from Jews like these:


>I think really Zionism is a perfected expression of the Nazi ideology for purposes of transnational finance capital rather than parochial German industrialists. It says not only can Germans be the master race and exterminate other races in their region, but actually people all over the world can do the same thing.
So this boils down to:
who ever does the bidding of imperial finance capital gets to play "master-race".
Is that it ?
transnational fascism ?

>Israel has been losing some popularity especially with young Jews outside of Israel. However, the brainwashing, birthright trips, etc have been very successful.

If the Zionists get their regional war, those "birthright trips" will show an Israel that's mostly battle-rubble. That's probably not going to appeal to many people anymore.

>To wipe out the stain of Zionism will take a lot of work from Jews like these

They have stuck to their principles for many decades, and now they'll get their moment of having been proven right by history, so it'll probably get easier.


>transnational fascism ?
I think Nazism-Zionism, though a form of fascism, goes beyond basic fascism with extreme dedication to a cult of pseudo-spiritual race theories, eugenics, and mass cullings. A lot of the fascist regimes in history have just been relatively straightforward attacks on labor, unions, and socialism that saw no practical need for the extra crazy mystical shit. Not to say basic fascism doesn't also have eugenic culling, but it does seem to lack an extra layer of crazy.

Eg, basic fascism:
>Mussolini, Pinochet, Duterte, Milei, Franco, Bukele, Brasil…
>Germany, KKK, Israel, Hindutiva, Epstein network…

This is just my impression, though influenced by the writings of our resident theorist EugenicsKun. I wonder if he'll provide his thoughts on this.


Hamas statement


Apparently there are socialists among the Houthis. Check out this recent interview with their spokesman about why they're attacking Israeli shipping in the Red Sea.



These things aren't ideological or total systems, and everyone in "Nazism-Zionism" did very different things, most of them operating within the existing framework and demolishing it from within, or being propped up constructs with no actual history and a manufactured base.

The common thread with all of them is eugenics, but you all keep denying the centrality of eugenics.


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"1. Operation Al-Aqsa Flood on Oct. 7 targeted the Israeli
military sites, and sought to arrest the enemy’s soldiers to
pressure on the Israeli authorities to release the thousands of
Palestinians held in Israeli jails through a prisoners exchange
deal. Therefore, the operation focused on destroying the
Israeli army’s Gaza Division, the Israeli military sites stationed
near the Israeli settlements around Gaza.
2. Avoiding harm to civilians, especially children, women
and elderly people is a religious and moral commitment
by all the Al-Qassam Brigades’ fighters. We reiterate
that the Palestinian resistance was fully disciplined and
committed to the Islamic values during the operation
and that the Palestinian fighters only targeted the
occupation soldiers and those who carried weapons
against our people. In the meantime, the Palestinian
fighters were keen to avoid harming civilians despite
the fact that the resistance does not possess precise
weapons. In addition, if there was any case of targeting
civilians; it happened accidently and in the course of
the confrontation with the occupation forces."

If Israel said this, western media would uncritically believe it.


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Palestinians welcome Chile and Mexico’s call for ICC probe into Gaza war

The Palestinian foreign ministry has welcomed a request by Chile and Mexico for the International Criminal Court (ICC) to investigate crimes against civilians, as Israel’s war on Gaza continues unabated.

Israeli attacks have devastated the Gaza Strip since Hamas fighters launched a surprise attack inside Israel on October 7 that killed about 1,140 people, mostly civilians, according to Israeli officials. Israel retaliated with a relentless air and ground offensive that has killed more than 24,600 people, about 70 percent of them children, women and the elderly, according to the Health Ministry in Gaza.



They should probably go through the ICJ instead.


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Namibia criticises German support for Israel over ICJ genocide case

(14th January 2024, 07:29 EST)

Namibia has condemned former colonial ruler Germany for rejecting a case at the UN's top court accusing Israel of committing genocide in Gaza.

Germany has offered to intervene on Israel's behalf in the case brought by South Africa at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague.

President Hage Geingob urged Germany to "reconsider its untimely decision to intervene as a third-party in defence".

''In 2021 Berlin acknowledged committing genocide in Namibia.
German colonisers massacred more than 70,000 Herero and Nama people between 1904 and 1908. Historians consider this to be the 20th Century's first genocide.''

President Geingob said Germany could not "morally express commitment to the United Nations Convention against genocide, including atonement for the genocide in Namibia" and at the same time support Israel.

"The German Government is yet to fully atone for the genocide it committed on Namibian soil," he added.



>but you all keep denying the centrality of eugenics.
Personally I'm not necessarily denying it, though I don't think I fully understand what you mean by the centrality of eugenics. Afaict you are saying it is the basic praxis of the cults that seize power– to create human sacrifices, an artificially constructed "survival of the fittest" scenario in which the most actually degenerate and fucked up human beings end up at the top through secrecy, deception, mystification and backstabbing, while decent people are trodden on, culled, and blamed for the problems created by the cults. And this praxis underlies not just the bourgeois mode of production (and the new, even worse mode of production that we are transitioning to), but also for example feudalism, many city states, and even many tribal societies, which some Marxists would just lump as primitive communism?

You are right that's not a mainstream "Marxist" analysis, but I can see it. Eg the whole underlying point of the origin of private property and the family and the state is to enforce heritability of property along bloodlines. Isn't that eugenics in a sense?

What I do disagree with (if I'm not misunderstanding your points) is I think you argue that basically ritual human sacrifice played a key part at, at least, some stage of human evolution. That our species has been bred or domesticated in a sense to facilitate these predatory dynamics. While the existence and "success" of these eugenicist cults is proof in and of itself of the flaws in humanity and our underdevelopment, I highly doubt the sacrifices and cults actually achieved anything long lasting for their aims in terms of modifying the species. Even with modern advanced science, they are totally failing to breed a slave race. They have to make up for their failure with mass poisoning and maiming, which I think you acknowledge. Which seems like a contradiction in your theory.

TBH I would like to ask you more questions if you made an AMA here. Though the feds and other idiots on here would probably shit it up. I read your twitter from time to time and may actually read your books eventually. But there are things that might be easier to address if I could just ask directly.


The grayzone is unfathomably based for getting that interview.


Eugenics is the modern incarnation of aristocratic ruling beliefs and practices, purified and stripped of all doubt. It is something new - you couldn't superimpose "eugenics" as it exists now on past societies, even though eugenics has continually rewritten history to conform to its theory of natural history and takes pride in doing this. Eugenics is particular to the time where it could be conceived as a ruling doctrine and put into practice. Eugenics-like ideas in the past were premised on local authority and were monopolized by legal states, and warlords without a legal state could not impose "eugenics" as such, nor would they find such a project interesting. Eugenics was particular to civilization and its philosophies, its conceits about itself. Barbarous peoples did not really have an "ideological opposition to civilization", as if they existed purely as mindless killers to threaten the glorious aristocracy. Usually, barbarians only became a threat when they formed rival empires and kingdoms, or resisted encroachment from the imperial systems of the world by forming defensive armies. Any authority to impose something like "eugenics" would fail on arrival without civilization and its institutions at the least. Then there had to be both a willingness to do this and the means to enforce eugenic edicts. So far as eugenics was practiced before modernity, it came directly from legal states as threats against the ruled. There wasn't a concept that "positive eugenics" was possible or would result in anything that was promised. The rulers saw their "eugenics" purely as a matter of rooting out the weak, and this was sold less on the belief of the state's perfection and supremacy, and more by family honor and shame. To keep weaklings in the family said something about the noble families that would be used against them.
Eugenics proper existed in a society where a pseudoscience regarding it could be monopolized by an institution - a coup of the state, really - and it became impossible to speak of what it was. You might liken the thought experiments of philosophers to it, but those were (a) thought experiments, and (b) didn't make grand promises that humans could be made naturally good supermen who never fail. Far from it, the philosophers, even when they favored eugenics, acknowledged humans as basically wicked, and any good they had was ultimately acquired from the world or given to them by the state. There's no space in that for "perfecting Man" and really no upper boundary on human potential, nor does it make intrinsically any sense for the ideal societies to regularly eliminate their own for the sake of doing so, or throw away people who were already submissive.

It's probably better to contact me at my fbi.gov or Twitter (@eugenicskun) than here for a conversation on this.

>Eg the whole underlying point of the origin of private property and the family and the state is to enforce heritability of property along bloodlines.

Private property - or any property rights - are ultimately an extension of violent force behind a deed from the proprietor and proprietor alone. Soldiers who are purely programmed killbots do not protect their own property - any property that is assigned to them would be in reality the property of another who holds their mind, body, and soul. No soldier who can stand on their own and be an effective soldier can exist without his own property, and at a basic level, that is what anyone fights for, what anyone keeps a legal deed on. Nothing about property, in any form, pertains to justice, or can. No assignment of property or possession will have anything to do with the question of eugenics in of itself. Property, once established, is under constant attack - hence why the militance of proprietors historically. Those who forget that militance will lose their property.

The family as an institution is at its core not an institution of property. It is one of the few institutions that, until recently, existed outside of direct property relations of the Roman type, where property was to be used and abused at the will and without any sense that it should be any other way. While the Roman system allowed the paterfamilias to own his whole family in that way, the only way his family continued is if they became free men.
Children are not born free - not then, not now. A child today is presumed property of the state, and treated accordingly - and this was the purpose of allowing "father's rights" in patriarchy. The state, or any interested party, can question the right of property at any time. The idea that you get "me wantee" rights to assert property is drivel. Property rights exist because someone could win them - and when they were extended to commoners, the commoners were not "naturally free" by some philosophical excuse. They simply asserted by force what was already true in their view, because they did hold not just property but the means to make the nobility require their support. The commoner with property was granted feudal privileges like a "vote in Parliament" and "taxation with representation", and these are rooted in the same feudal privileges as before, not "natural rights", "justice", or anything like that. That's why a representative body and a commonwealth - a republic - exists at all, because the king needs taxes and couldn't get taxes the old way. That's all it is there to do, and all it really can do.
The focus on the family has more to do with institutions wishing to control children at the source, rather than wait until they are required to become men/women by social expectations. In practice, "abolishing the family" is about making sure the offspring are slaves of the state forever, granted manumission only when they are useful to the ruling institutions, without any pretense that they inherited anything from the past. That's all they really care about. Do you think a child, or a solitary human against the world, would be able to stand up to any institution setting out to rule everything and everyone? That's silly. They do not want anyone to be free, and certainly don't want chlidren to develop in a way contrary to their ideas. Anyone who did want anything like that - and this was entirely out of a sense that institutions raping and enslaving the world would be a bad thing, and that there would be slaves who do not like that - was defeated by eugenics in the 20th century.


In other words, children were born slaves. That's the pact you make when you procreate. You will be constantly questioned about your children to root them out, and this isn't just about "eugenics". There isn't a law of nature granting to life any rights or qualities, nor can there be. It is always a choice of whether we as a society want to glorify slavery, or wanted something good in the world. Humanity has collectively chosen slavery so many times that it is no longer a choice we get to make by any power of our own.

Inheritance of property did not require the family as such. Someone can hand over his estate to anyone named in his will who is a valid recipient - and all of these wills ultimately are enforced either by the state, or by whomever is able to claim the inheritance in the state's absence. The dead no longer have any claim to property or an ability to enforce it, and leaving behind a kill-bot to defend his property just made it no man's land for the purposes of social property. It wouldn't be owned by anyone, certainly not the dead man who is, you know, dead. Msybe the deceased wanted it to be that way, but if he would spite the world out of such hatred, it follows that he wouldn't have any reason to think differently during life. That's the sort of thing eugenics imposes, but far, far worse. Given what eugenics did, the only morally right thing would be to not let them win and keep the world. Eugenics predicted this course of action in advance, hence why they pre-empt every threat and maximize it, beyond the need to induce fear alone. They know their actions would drive people to destroy the world to deny it to such an abomination.


>It's probably better to contact me at my fbi.gov or Twitter (@eugenicskun) than here for a conversation on this.

Yeah, true.


Kyle Kulinski strikes me as a goofy liberal version of Ben Shapiro, but this clip has a few interesting tidbits clipped from recent news:

>20-something IDF soldiers die at once when a building where they were laying bombs collapses on their own heads

>a Palestinian man with a white flag, in a crowd of others, is sniped on camera following an interview
>the US is now retaliating in Iraq and Syria for attacks on US troops stationed, for some reason, in Iraq and Syria


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Related article on the Iraq strikes.

Iraq condemns 'irresponsible' US air strikes on Iran-backed groups

The Iraqi government has strongly condemned US strikes which targeted sites used by Iranian-backed groups in Iraq on Wednesday.

A spokesperson for Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani said they "blatantly" violated his country's sovereignty.

The US said its "proportionate" attacks had targeted "Iran-affiliated groups".

The paramilitary Popular Mobilisation Forces (PMF) said the "treacherous" US action killed one of their fighters.

US Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin said the strikes on three facilities belonging to the Kataib Hezbollah militia and other groups were "in direct response to a series of escalatory attacks" against US and other international forces in Iraq and Syria.

Major General Yehia Rasool, a spokesman for Prime Minister Sudani, said in a statement that the US action was "contributing to a reckless escalation".

"This unacceptable act undermines years of co-operation… at a time when the region is already grappling with the danger of expanding conflict, the repercussions of the aggression on Gaza," he added, referring to the war between Israel and the Palestinian group Hamas.

He added that Iraq would treat the US operations "as acts of aggression" against its people on their land, and urged the international community to help restore peace.

Writing on X, formerly Twitter, Iraq national security adviser Qassem al-Aaraji said the US action would "not help bring calm".

He added that "the US should pile on pressure for a halt to the Israeli offensive in Gaza rather than targeting and bombing the bases of an Iraqi national body".


I forgot source:

(it's obviously got a pro-US bias, especially in how eager it is to tie these groups to Iran as though that somehow made the US going into Iraq to bomb them against the express wishes of the Iraqi government any better)


>especially in how eager it is to tie these groups to Iran
That part is strange because it looks more like Iran is trying to step on the breaks. Appealing to the groups that want engage Israel to exercise restraint. Iran doesn't appear to be eager for a large regional war. They would probably win, but not without paying a high price for that victory.


The US line is clearly to blame anybody in the region who tries to intervene in what's going on for "aggression" while letting Israel (and, where applicable, the Saudis) go fucking ham openly genociding trapped Palestinians. It's fucking embarrassing the amount of resources being sucked out of America just to blow up little Arab children, and the kind of goofy mental gymnastics they resort to in order to defend it demonstrates how little they care about their corruption being called out.

Why is the US bombing Iraq again? Because US operatives in Iraq were attacked by the evil Iranians!!!
Why were US operatives in Iraq? Because… uh…

Compelling stuff from the mouths of these absolute pigs.


A verdict on Israel's genocidal carpet-bombing campaign is expected on Friday in the ICJ. Do not be optimistic.


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<Why is the US bombing Iraq again? Because US operatives in Iraq were attacked by the evil Iranians!!!
<Why were US operatives in Iraq? Because… uh…
>Compelling stuff from the mouths of these absolute pigs.
The propaganda is getting deranged indeed but there's probably more to this.

4 years ago the US 'missiled' Iranian General and national hero Qassem Soleimani (with a AGM-179A not the one in the picture). Setting off a chain of developments.

Recently Iran has been getting really good at making missiles and drones too. So now they are worried that Iran might return the favor and begin 'missiling' CIA spies and other 'imperial handlers'. Which would completely up-end the US's game of funding/arming/training 'moderate terrorist' proxy forces.

Obviously Iran doesn't have the sophisticated intelligence gathering capacity of the US, but it might be good enough to track the not so subtle CIA guys with pallets full of cash and small arms crates.

The US is now trying to project deterrence to counter this development, but the US's ability to field operators will probably be degraded. This is a general development and has nothing to do with (current happening) in Iraq. The propaganda machine is just trying to use a narrative based on (current happening) as an excuse to justify pursuing the general agenda, and that's why it's not making any sense.

The anti-imperialist left, materialist thinkers and some realist classical liberals have long pointed out that all of these countries are industrial societies who can generate similar weapons, and that therefore these strategies will inevitably be rendered non-viable.


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ICJ updates: Court orders Israel to prevent acts of genocide in Gaza

In a historic ruling, the ICJ said it had jurisdiction to rule in the case filed by South Africa accusing Israel of committing genocide in Gaza.

''The interim ruling issued by the court ordered six provisional measures, including for Israel to take all measures to prevent genocidal acts, prevent and punish the direct and public incitement to genocide, and take immediate and effective steps to ensure the provision of humanitarian assistance to civilians in Gaza.
The ICJ also ordered Israel to preserve evidence of genocide and to submit a report to the court within a month regarding its compliance with the order.''

''The ruling issued by the ICJ ordered six provisional measures including for Israel to refrain from acts under the Genocide Convention, prevent and punish the direct and public incitement to genocide, and take immediate and effective measures to ensure the provision of humanitarian assistance to civilians in Gaza. The court has also ordered Israel to preserve evidence of genocide and to submit a report to it, within one month, of all measures taken in line with its order.

Agnes Callamard, Amnesty’s secretary general, says the interim ruling “sends a clear message that the world will not stand by in silence as Israel pursues a ruthless military campaign to decimate the population of the Gaza Strip and unleash death, horror and suffering against Palestinians on an unprecedented scale.

“However, the ICJ decision alone cannot put an end to the atrocities and devastation Gazans are witnessing. Alarming signs of genocide in Gaza, and Israel’s flagrant disregard for international law highlight the urgent need for effective, unified pressure on Israel to stop its onslaught against Palestinians. An immediate ceasefire by all parties remains essential and – although not ordered by the Court – is the most effective condition to implement the provisional measures and end unprecedented civilian suffering.”



South African president delivers statement

Cyril Ramaphosa has spoken from Pretoria after the ICJ’s interim ruling on the case brought by South Africa against Israel.

Here are some of his televised comments:

We expect Israel to abide by the World Court’s verdict.
We firmly believe that following the ICJ judgement there should be more concerted efforts on a ceasefire.''
South Africans will not be passive bystanders while crimes are perpetrated upon other people elsewhere.


The ICJ order is clear: Scotland’s Humza Yousaf

Scottish leader Humza Yousaf has also reacted to the court’s interim ruling, saying the killing and destruction in Gaza must stop.

“Urgent humanitarian assistance must be provided to prevent more suffering. Hostages must be released immediately,” he wrote on X.

“With such death and destruction, we will continue to call for an immediate ceasefire.”


Iran congratulates South Africa on ICJ ‘success’

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian has congratulated South Africa and the Palestinian people on “success” at the ICJ.

“Today, the officials of the fake Israeli regime are the most hated people in the world’s public opinion, who must be brought to justice immediately for committing genocide and unprecedented war crimes against Palestinians,” he wrote on X.

“I must emphasise that the White House’s all-around support for the crimes of the Zionists will also never be forgotten, and is considered and followed up by public opinion,” Amirabdollahian said.

“I ask all my counterparts in countries around the world to support South Africa’s move in the International Court of Justice.”


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Statement by South Africa welcoming the provisional measures ordered by the International Court of Justice against Israel

26 January 2024

Statement by South Africa welcoming the provisional measures ordered by the International Court of Justice against Israel

Today marks a decisive victory for the international rule of law and a significant milestone in the search for justice for the Palestinian people. In a landmark ruling, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) has determined that Israel’s actions in Gaza are plausibly genocidal and has indicated provisional measures on that basis. For the implementation of the international rule of law, the decision is a momentous one. South Africa thanks the Court for its swift ruling.

The United Nations Security Council will now be formally notified of the Court’s order pursuant to Article 41(2) of the Court’s Statute. The veto power wielded by individual states cannot be permitted to thwart international justice, not least in light of the ever-worsening situation in Gaza brought about by Israel’s acts and omissions in violation of the Genocide Convention.

Third States are now on notice of the existence of a serious risk of genocide against the Palestinian people in Gaza. They must, therefore, also act independently and immediately to prevent genocide by Israel and to ensure that they are not themselves in violation of the Genocide Convention, including by aiding or assisting in the commission of genocide. This necessarily imposes an obligation on all States to cease funding and facilitating Israel’s military actions, which are plausibly genocidal.

Above all else, the provisional measures are directly binding on Israel, which is required pursuant to the Court’s order and to the Genocide Convention itself, to stop all acts by it that are plausibly genocidal, such as those raised by South Africa in its Application and request for the indication of provisional measures. There is no credible basis for Israel to continue to claim that its military actions are in full compliance with international law, including the Genocide Convention, having regard to the Court’s ruling.

South Africa sincerely hopes that Israel will not act to frustrate the application of this Order, as it has publicly threatened to do, but that it will instead act to comply with it fully, as it is bound to do.

South Africa will continue to act within the institutions of global governance to protect the rights, including the fundamental right to life, of Palestinians in Gaza – which continue to remain at urgent risk including from Israeli military assault, starvation and disease – and to obtain the fair and equal application of international law to all, in the interest of our collective humanity. Notably, South Africa will continue to do everything within its power to preserve the existence of the Palestinian people as a group, to end all acts of apartheid and genocide against the Palestinian people and to walk with them towards the realisation of their collective right to self-determination, for, as Nelson Mandela momentously declared, “our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians”.

The indication by this Court of provisional measures pursuant to the Genocide Convention marks a significant historical step towards that goal.


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>the ICJ ordered
>for Israel to refrain from acts under the Genocide Convention
Didn't order a ceasefire, but better than expected.


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>Cyril Ramaphosa
>South Africans will not be passive bystanders


Shit ruling, this amounts to little more than what US politicians have been recommending Israel do as they flood them with military support. In order to actually comply with this there would have to be a ceasefire, and the ICJ's refusal to actually use those words in their mealy-mouthed language allows Israel room for interpretation to weasel out of things.



It constitutes a UN ruling that Israel was doing things which constituted genocide. That's better than expected.

The difference between what the UN has ruled and what US politicians have been saying is that US politicians have been in extreme denial about what they were funding. As before, it is the job of Americans to stop what is occurring - and now, even international law has seen the evidence and ruled that Israel has been committing war crimes. For once international law and enlightened internet leftists who already knew are at least on the same page that what is occurring is genocidal, and there's no need to squander this.


Well the Duran boys seem to think this ruling is an overwhelming win, so I guess I agree with them now.


Main point being that if the ICJ had ruled for a cease-fire it would have prejudged the case and actually made any final ruling weaker.


>For once international law and enlightened internet leftists who already knew are at least on the same page that what is occurring is genocidal, and there's no need to squander this.
I agree this is a big win.

I'm still unclear on the technical side: Can we now officially say the Zionists are doing genocide denial and compare them to the people who try to deny the holocaust ?


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Zionazis were always best buddies with nazis.
Ordinary jews on the other hand…



They're certainly doing genocide denial, although personally I wouldn't compare them to Holocaust deniers… but that's just a personal preference.

How we describe the perpetrators themselves is less important than what we do about their military-industrial and political backers, who are now known to be complicit in an ongoing genocide. The disregard which the American state, as it exists, holds for innocent people in Palestine is the same disregard which they hold for ordinary people in America. Why should they worry about bombs destroying cities in Gaza any more than they worry about being rendered homeless or being hit with long-term unemployment in one of our rolling recessions?
They can send $15,000,000,000 in free weapons to the IDF while our cities rot because they do not fear the repercussions of either decision. The political class protects the defense contractors, and no matter how many people these guys kill they never feel any pain for it. They are stealing from the public in order to keep funding genocide, and this is a process which should not be allowed to occur.


Fascinating, jfc


A genuinely great speech, clickbaity upload title aside.


Consortium News had a great roundtable discussion on the ruling today. Worth a listen:


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can this man be any more based???


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From a recent article by Craig Murray:

So what happens now?

Well, Israel has responded by killing over 180 Palestinian civilians since the Order was given from the International Court of Justice. If that continues, South Africa may return to the Court for more urgent measures even before the ordered monthly report from Israel is due. Algeria has announced it will take the Order to the UN Security Council for enforcement.

The wheels of God grind slowly, but they grind exceedingly small. The ICJ having flagged up a potential genocide so strongly, it may well fall to judges in individual nations to restrain international support for the genocide. As I explained in detail, the Genocide Convention has been incorporated into UK law by the International Criminal Court Act of 2001.

There will, beyond any doubt, have been minutes issued by FCDO legal advisers warning of ministers being at risk of personal liability in UK law for complicity in genocide now, should arms shipments and other military and intelligence cooperation with the Israeli genocide continue. In the US, hearings started already in California on a genocide complicity suit brought against Joe Biden.



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Not sure what to make of this one:

Egypt told Palestinian factions of decision to prevent Israel from invading Rafah

Informed Palestinian sources reported on Sunday that Egypt told the Palestinian factions of its firm decision not to allow the Israeli occupation to invade the Palestinian-Egyptian border zone at Rafah. The sources pointed out that Egypt had stressed that, “Any attack on the Egyptian-Palestinian border is an attack on Egyptian national security.”

According to Al-Mayadeen, “Palestinian resistance factions praised the Egyptian decision and considered it a safeguard of borders and sovereignty, noting that Egypt is firm against the displacement project.” The factions apparently view Egypt’s position as one of the “most important” to prevent aggression in the border region.

A few days ago, the head of Egypt’s State Information Service (SIS), Diaa Rashwan, said that the Israeli endeavour to control the “Philadelphia Corridor” in the Gaza Strip along the border with Egypt is expected to threaten Egypt-Israel relations.

“The recent period has seen numerous statements from Israeli officials, particularly Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, making claims and false accusations regarding the alleged smuggling of weapons, explosives, ammunition and other items into the Gaza Strip from Egyptian territory,” Rashwan said on the SIS website. “Israeli persistence in promoting these falsehoods is an effort to justify its intent to seize control of the Philadelphia Corridor (aka the Salah Al-Din Axis) within the Gaza Strip along the border with Egypt. This action constitutes a breach of the security agreements and protocols previously signed between Netanyahu and Egypt.”

Reuters earlier this month quoted three Egyptian security sources as saying that, “Egypt rejected an Israeli proposal to increase Israeli supervision of the buffer zone on the border between Egypt and the Gaza Strip.” The sources added that they “give priority to efforts to mediate a ceasefire before working on post-war arrangements.”

The Philadelphia Corridor runs parallel to the border between Egypt and the Gaza Strip, extending for 14 kilometres from the Mediterranean Sea in the west to the Karam Abu Salem crossing in the east. The Rafah land crossing was established there and it is the main outlet for Gazans to the outside world.

The Philadelphia Accord was signed between Egypt and Israel in 2005, as an annex to the Camp David Accords, during the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza. The Palestinian side of the Corridor was handed over to the Palestinian Authority.

Since then, Egypt has operated a limited military force of its own on the Corridor, its official goal being to “prevent infiltration and smuggling.” Since 2014, Egypt has conducted numerous excavations in the context of restricting “Philadelphia tunnels”.

(src: https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20240129-egypt-told-palestinian-factions-of-decision-to-prevent-israel-from-invading-rafah/)


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Missed this gem from a little over a week ago:

Asked by reporters if strikes against the rebel group were working, Biden acknowledged they had not stopped attacks on international shipping in the Red Sea.

“Well, when you say working, are they stopping the Houthis? No,” Biden said. “Are they gonna continue? Yes.”



Missed this one:

US 'deplores' Israeli attack on UN training center in Gaza -State Dept

January 24, 2024

WASHINGTON, Jan 24 (Reuters) - The United States was concerned by an Israeli attack on a U.N. training center sheltering displaced people in Gaza's Khan Younis on Wednesday, Deputy State Department spokesperson Vedant Patel said, repeating Washington's calls for protection of civilians, humanitarian workers and aid facilities.

"We deplore today's attack on the U.N.'s Khan Younis training center," Patel told a news briefing, calling it "incredibly concerning."

The Director of UNRWA Affairs in Gaza said that nine Palestinians were killed and 75 were injured when two tank rounds hit the building that was sheltering around 800 people in the southern Gaza Strip.

"Civilians must be protected, and the protected nature of UN facilities must be respected, and humanitarian workers must be protected so that they can continue providing civilians with the life-saving humanitarian assistance that they need," Patel said.


>Not sure what to make of this one:
Egypt told Israel:
<We don't want millions of Palestinian refugees, we will fuck you up good if you keep trying to make that happen.

Zionists are blinded by genocidal madness, trying to eject the Palestinians into the Sinai desert. They don't appear to realize that it's terminally alienating Egypt, which is the last consequential hold-out, that's missing in a very large international coalition that wants to install a full Palestinian state. They think they are creating a foregone conclusion that will end Palestine, when in reality this will set off the rearrangement of power in the region.

Most of the world outside the west now agrees that creating a Palestinian state with a big international security contingent, is now a good idea. Because it's good Justice-PR and will also clamp down on Israeli belligerency.


>Well, is it working ?
>Will you continue ?

Neocon strategy in a nutshell.


They expect everyone else to clean up after them. I have no optimism about this, but even if things only get worse, there's going to be fallout.


Following the ICJ ruling that Israel was plausibly committing genocide, Joe Biden has been sued in US court for complicity.


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There's been so much going on. This is from January 23rd.

NYPD investigates 'serious crimes' in apparent attack on Pro-Palestinian protesters

A group of demonstrators at Columbia University say they were attacked with what they believe to have been a "chemical-based weapon" during a gathering in support of Palestinians amid the ongoing Israel-Hamas war.

The New York Police Department told ABC News there is a report on file for assault after the protesters said they smelled a foul odor and began to feel nauseated, accompanied by headaches, during a protest Friday. The victims refused medical attention at the scene, according to the NYPD.

Students for Justice in Palestine said several students have been hospitalized or have sought medical care following the incident. Victims reported symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, chest and abdominal pain and headaches.

Late Tuesday, sources told ABC News that the NYPD has recovered surveillance video of two men spraying an unknown substance on a light pole before the pro-Palestinian rally at Columbia University.

Detectives are working with Columbia to identify and locate the two males. NYPD is not currently releasing the video, the sources said.

They have recovered clothing from three of the six people who say they were exposed, and the department's forensics lab is attempting to determine what, if anything, the articles of clothing can be tested for, per the sources.

At this point, this investigation does not fall within the parameters of a hate crime investigation, sources told ABC News. It is being investigated as a possible assault. No arrests have been made.

Interim Provost Dennis A. Mitchell said the NYPD is taking the "lead role in investigating what appear to have been serious crimes, possibly hate crimes."

"Numerous Columbia and Barnard students who attended a protest later reported being sprayed with a foul-smelling substance that required students to seek medical treatment," said Mitchell.

The alleged perpetrators have been identified to the university and have been immediately banned from campus while the law enforcement investigation proceeds, according to Mitchell.

The investigation remains ongoing, officials said. The university's Department of Public Safety is also investigating in collaboration with local and federal authorities after several reports were filed in connection with Friday’s protest "that are of great concern," according to a Columbia University spokesperson.

Several of the protesters were from the groups Students for Justice in Palestine and Jewish Voice for Peace, according to posts from the groups on social media.

In a social media post, the Students for Justice in Palestine said "student protesters were sprayed by a chemical weapon" during a "pro-Palestine and anti-genocide" protest. They referred to the attack as a "hate crime" and said several students continued to experience burning eyes and nausea hours after the attack.



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From January 24th:

US 'deplores' Israeli attack on UN training center in Gaza -State Dept

WASHINGTON, Jan 24 (Reuters) - The United States was concerned by an Israeli attack on a U.N. training center sheltering displaced people in Gaza's Khan Younis on Wednesday, Deputy State Department spokesperson Vedant Patel said, repeating Washington's calls for protection of civilians, humanitarian workers and aid facilities.

"We deplore today's attack on the U.N.'s Khan Younis training center," Patel told a news briefing, calling it "incredibly concerning."

The Director of UNRWA Affairs in Gaza said that nine Palestinians were killed and 75 were injured when two tank rounds hit the building that was sheltering around 800 people in the southern Gaza Strip.

"Civilians must be protected, and the protected nature of UN facilities must be respected, and humanitarian workers must be protected so that they can continue providing civilians with the life-saving humanitarian assistance that they need," Patel said.


Pic 'unrelated'


Thanks news anon.


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Enemy drone that killed US troops in Jordan was mistaken for a US drone, preliminary report suggests

Updated 10:37 AM EST, January 30, 2024
WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. forces may have mistaken an enemy drone for an American one and let it pass unchallenged into a desert base in Jordan where it killed three U.S. troops and wounded dozens more, officials said Monday.

Details of the Sunday attack emerged as President Joe Biden faced a difficult balancing act, blaming Iran and looking to strike back in a forceful way without causing any further escalation of the Gaza conflict.

As the enemy drone was flying in at a low altitude, a U.S. drone was returning to the small installation known as Tower 22, according to a preliminary report cited by two officials, who were not authorized to comment and insisted on anonymity,

As a result, there was no effort to shoot down the enemy drone that hit the outpost. One of the trailers where troops sleep sustained the brunt of the strike, while surrounding trailers got limited damage from the blast and flying debris. While there are no large air defense systems at Tower 22, the base does have counter-drone systems, such as Coyote drone interceptors.

Aside from the soldiers killed, the Pentagon said more than 40 troops were wounded in the attack, most with cuts, bruises, brain injuries and similar wounds. Eight were medically evacuated, including three who were going to Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany. The other five, who suffered “minor traumatic brain injuries,” were expected to return to duty.

Yemen’s Houthi rebels and Iraq based Kataeb Hezbollah — say the attacks are in response to Israel’s ongoing military operations in Gaza.



>the protesters said they smelled a foul odor and began to feel nauseated, accompanied by headaches,
>several students have been hospitalized or have sought medical care following the incident. Victims reported symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, chest and abdominal pain and headaches.
>NYPD has recovered surveillance video of two men spraying an unknown substance on a light pole
>the Students for Justice in Palestine said "student protesters were sprayed by a chemical weapon" during a "pro-Palestine and anti-genocide" protest
good grief


So they let an enemy drone pass by the defense systems.
As a result a bunch of soldiers got killed.
Which turned into a pretext for launching strikes at Iran.

Am I the only one that is now wondering whether this might have been intentional ?
They couldn't really make somebody launch that drone-attack, so it's a little bit of a stretch admittedly. But it all just seems a bit too politically convenient.


Chemical warfare in the USA.

I don't really care whether it was intentional negligence or not, personally. This particular attack alone may not lead to much escalation… I don't know. What we know for sure is that the US has a bunch of soldiers in Jordan. Whether they are being attacked for the US's stance of support for the genocide in Gaza, or simply to bolster support for the US to double down on said genocide, the fact that they should not have been in Jordan representing a genocidal regime is clear. Whether they really had so many drones flying over Jordan that they mistook an enemy drone for one of theirs, or they simply thought that would be a believable explanation, it is equally bad.


>What we know for sure is that the US has a bunch of soldiers in Jordan.
>the fact that they should not have been in Jordan
obviously, can't get your soldiers killed in Jordan if your soldiers are at home
now i feel a bit stupid for glossing over that one.





>Chemical warfare in the USA.
Nothing new. What do you think vaccines are?


Iran denies involvement in Jordan attack, threatens decisive response to US retaliation*

President Biden says he holds Iran responsible for the drone killing of three U.S. soldiers at a base in Jordan and that he has decided on a U.S. response. Tehran has denied any involvement in the attack and threatened to “decisively respond” to any U.S. retaliation. Responsibility for the strike was claimed by the Islamic Resistance in Iraq, a term used to describe a loose coalition of militias that oppose U.S. support for Israel’s assault on Gaza.

(src: https://www.democracynow.org/2024/1/31/trita_parsi_gaza_middle_east_conflict)

>good grief
<Chemical warfare in the USA.

I was being rhymey, ok!!!


Israeli parliament to vote on expelling lawmaker over support for genocide case

JERUSALEM, Jan 31 (Reuters) - An Israeli parliamentary committee backed a motion on Tuesday to expel a leftwing lawmaker from the Knesset over his support for South Africa's case before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) that accuses Israel of genocide in its war in Gaza.
A vote to impeach Ofer Cassif, from the communist Hadash party which sits in a joint list with the left-wing Arab Ta'al party, will now be held in a full sitting of the Knesset, where it will require 90 members of the 120-seat assembly to pass. A date for the vote has not been fixed.
In its ruling last week, the ICJ ordered Israel to take action to prevent acts of genocide in the Gaza Strip but stopped short of calling for an immediate ceasefire.
South Africa's case drew a furious reaction across the political spectrum in Israel and Cassif faced accusations of treason over his support for it.


Chicago becomes largest city in US to demand a ceasefire in Gaza

On January 31, Chicago became the largest city to formally call for a ceasefire in Israel’s war on Gaza. Riding on a wave of massive grassroots support from unions and students, the city of Chicago voted in favor of a resolution calling for an unconditional ceasefire. With a tie in City Council (23 for and 23 against), Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson cast the tie-breaking vote and the resolution passed, to the cheers of constituents gathered in City Hall.


Why are US troops in the Middle East and where are their bases?

The U.S. has operated bases around the Middle East for decades. At its peak, there were more than 100,000 U.S. troops in Afghanistan in 2011 and over 160,000 personnel in Iraq in 2007.
While the number is far lower after withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021, there are still about 30,000 U.S. troops scattered across the region. In addition, since the Israel-Gaza war began in October, the U.S. has temporarily sent thousands of additional troops in the region, including on warships.


Yemen's Houthis threaten more attacks on US, British warships

DUBAI, Jan 31 (Reuters) - Yemen's Iran-aligned Houthi group said on Wednesday it would keep up attacks on U.S. and British warships in the Red Sea in what it called acts of self defence, stoking fears of long-term disruptions to world trade.

In a statement, the group's military spokesperson said all American and British warships participating in "aggression" against its country were targets.

The U.S. and Britain have launched strikes on Houthi targets in Yemen, and returned the militia to a list of terrorist groups as turmoil from the Israel-Hamas war spreads through the region.

The Houthis, who control the most populous parts of Yemen, have been attacking ships in and around the Red Sea, saying they are acting in solidarity with Palestinians in the Gaza war.

That conflict has spilled over into other parts of the Middle East. Lebanon's Iran-aligned Hezbollah has traded fire with Israeli troops along the border and Iraqi-armed groups have attacked U.S. forces in Iraq.


US city councils increasingly call for Israel-Gaza ceasefire, analysis shows

Jan 31 (Reuters) - Dozens of U.S. cities including Chicago and San Francisco have passed resolutions on the Israel-Gaza war with most calling for a ceasefire, a Reuters analysis of city data shows, placing more pressure on President Joe Biden ahead of November's general election to help end the fighting.

At least 48 cities have passed symbolic resolutions calling for a halt to Israel's Gaza bombardment, with six others passing resolutions advocating more broadly for peace. At least 20 have passed resolutions condemning Hamas' Oct. 7 attack on Israel, which sparked the current bloodshed.

Most of the ceasefire resolutions have passed in Democratic states like California, though at least 14 have passed in swing states like Michigan that could be decisive in Biden's re-election bid against Republican former President Donald Trump.

Biden's administration has rebuffed calls for a ceasefire, something supported by a majority of Americans, arguing that an Israeli halt would embolden Hamas.


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>An Israeli parliamentary committee backed a motion on Tuesday to expel a leftwing lawmaker from the Knesset over his support for South Africa's case before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) that accuses Israel of genocide in its war in Gaza.
>A vote to impeach Ofer Cassif, from the communist Hadash party which sits in a joint list with the left-wing Arab Ta'al party, will now be held in a full sitting of the Knesset, where it will require 90 members of the 120-seat assembly to pass.
If that passes, it'll be a confession.


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Federal judge urges Biden to consider ‘unflagging’ US support for Israel’s ‘plausible’ genocide in Gaza

''A federal judge has implored President Joe Biden to reflect on his “unflagging” support for Israel’s war in Gaza, which international authorities have warned could amount to genocide.

But the judge overseeing an unprecedented lawsuit from a group of Palestinian families and aid groups who accused the Biden administration of complicity in genocide ultimately dismissed the case, finding that he is restricted by precedent and separation of powers from ordering the president to stop.

“It is every individual’s obligation to confront the current siege in Gaza,” US District Judge Jeffrey S White wrote in an order on Wednesday, “but it also this Court’s obligation to remain within the metes and bounds of its jurisdictional scope.”

The judge noted that a preliminary ruling from the International Court of Justice found that Israel’s conduct in Gaza could plausibly amount to genocide, and called the Biden administration to reflect on that point.

“This Court implores Defendants to examine the results of their unflagging support of the military siege against the Palestinians in Gaza,” he added.

His decision follows last week’s historic courtroom hearing in California, where lawyers from the US Department of Justice urged the judge to dismiss the case, while several plaintiffs – including a doctor who spoke by video from a hospital in Rafah – provided gripping testimony alleging Mr Biden’s failure to prevent genocide in Gaza under obligations to international and federal law.

“There are rare cases in which the preferred outcome is inaccessible to the Court,” Judge White wrote. “This is one of those cases.”

He determined he is “bound by precedent and the division of our coordinate branches of government to abstain from exercising jurisdiction in this matter.”

“The court affirmed that what the Palestinian population in Gaza is enduring is a campaign to eradicate a whole people – genocide – and that the United States’ unflagging support for Israel is enabling the killing of tens of thousands of Palestinians and the famine facing millions,” according to a statement from Center for Constitutional Rights staff attorney Katherine Gallagher, who argued the case in court last week.

“While we strongly disagree with the court’s ultimate jurisdictional ruling, we urge the Biden administration to heed the judge’s call to examine and end its deadly course of action,” she added.

The federal lawsuit against Mr Biden, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Secretary of State Antony Blinken was filed in November by the Center for Constitutional Rights on behalf of Dr Omar Al-Najjar and aid groups Defence for Children International – Palestine and Al-Haq, as well as plaintiffs with families in Gaza, all of whom have lost loved ones from Israel’s attacks or are among the tens of thousands who have been violently displaced.

They asked the court for an injunction that would halt any additional military aid or diplomatic support to Israel during its campaign.



<ruled complicit in genocide
<saved by jurisdictional technicality
Is Genocide Joe going to take the hint ?

Judges aren't radical anti-imperialists, once people like that find such clear words, that means there is zero political capital left.


UNSC Has No Alternative But To Take Action To Safeguard Justice: Chinese Envoy

China informs the UN Security Council that the International Court of Justice (ICJ) has taken decisive measures in response to consistent breaches of international law and repeated violations of human dignity, morality, and conscience.

The Security Council is left with no choice but to promptly pursue additional actions, demonstrating the utmost responsibility and unwavering determination to uphold justice, preserve lives, and establish peace, Chinese envoy to UN added.

He further said that while there has been a widespread global agreement on an urgent ceasefire, it is disheartening that a specific nation continues to obstruct progress.


Mass grave discovered in northern Gaza ‘clearly a war crime’

The discovery of a mass grave of Palestinian detainees who were handcuffed, blindfolded and thrown in the garbage at a school in northern Gaza is evidence that bolsters the ICJ’s ruling that there is a plausible risk Israel is committing genocide in the besieged strip, says Palestinian human rights lawyer Diana Buttu.

“This is precisely why Israel was taken to the ICJ,” the Ramallah-based attorney told Al Jazeera, adding that Israel has been committing war crimes against Palestinians since 1948 and nobody has ever held Israel to account.

This incident, Buttu pressed, is clearly a war crime and the world should do something about it. She said this type of evidence needs to be preserved, but that can only happen under a ceasefire.


The White House has announced a new executive order aimed at right-wing Israeli settlers in the occupied West Bank, where attacks on Palestinians that aim to displace them from their land have reached record highs.

“This (executive order) will allow the United States to issue financial sanctions against those directing or participating in certain actions, including acts or threats of violence against civilians, intimidating civilians to cause them to leave their homes, destroying or seizing property, or engaging in terrorist activity in the West Bank,” a press release from the White House reads.

The statement adds that the State Department will announce a set of initial designations on Thursday. The order comes as the Biden administration faces growing pressure to curb its firm support for Israel’s devastating campaign in Gaza, which has killed more than 27,000 people.


Good luck giving Israel free weapons to murder children in Gaza and then keeping them from using the same weapons to murder children on the West Bank, Butcher Biden!


Can you add more jpeg compression to that pdf, I can still read it.


>there has been a widespread global agreement on an urgent ceasefire
>a specific nation continues to obstruct progress
Maybe Chinese diplomacy is too polite.


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''BEIRUT, 1 February 2024 – Tens of thousands of families in southern Lebanon have lost their livelihoods and many their homes in the past four months after cross-border violence between Lebanon and Israel escalated, destroying 47,000 olive trees as well as other crops during harvesting, Save the Children said.

An increase in cross-border shelling and rocket fire since 7 October has triggered blazes in a key agricultural area of Lebanon that have run wild through olive groves and nearby farming communities.

More than 86,000 people, including about 31,000 children, have been displaced from villages and towns in southern Lebanon as a result, according to the International Organization for Migration (IOM). Many families are leaving their homes with only that they can carry and many are experiencing displacement for a second time, including Lebanese women and children and refugee populations who were living in informal tented settlements in the south of the country.

The olive sector in Lebanon involves more than 110,000 farmers with 12 million trees covering almost one-quarter of the country’s agricultural land. Olive harvesting is a main source of income for many villagers with live output accounting for 7% of agricultural GDP in Lebanon, according to the UN. Fires have also affected citrus and banana farms and pastoral land.

Rami*, 14, was displaced with his family and is staying at a centre for internally displaced people supported by Save the Children. He said:

“I was getting fuel for our house when I heard the Israeli airstrikes. I ran home and only managed to get my father’s medication. He has cancer and it was the only thing I was able to get before we had to flee, at night, to a safer place. I don’t have friends here that I can play with. I want the war to stop and to go back home.”

Hassan*, 52, a farmer, said his house and land were bombed on 27 October. He explained:

“My livelihood and my life are intertwined with the land. I have olive and walnut trees and 200 heads of chicken. We had just started harvesting olives before we had to flee. This year I had more than 300 olive trees, some as old as 90 years. Everything is now gone. I can’t feed my family and seven children anymore. I don’t know if I will be able to send them back to school. When we go back to our village, I need to start from scratch.”


I feel like Chinese diplomacy comes across more deadpan. I appreciate it.


why would anybody destroy olive groves, were the olives Hamas too ?

>Chinese diplomacy comes across deadpan

your right, maybe that's one way of dealing with this insanity.


Sharia olives can only be civilized through incineration!!!


December 21, 2023
Meta’s Broken Promises

Systemic Censorship of Palestine Content on Instagram and Facebook

Meta’s policies and practices have been silencing voices in support of Palestine and Palestinian human rights on Instagram and Facebook in a wave of heightened censorship of social media amid the hostilities between Israeli forces and Palestinian armed groups that began on October 7, 2023. This systemic online censorship has risen against the backdrop of unprecedented violence, including an estimated 1,200 people killed in Israel, largely in the Hamas-led attack on October 7, and over 18,000 Palestinians killed as of December 14, largely as a result of intense Israeli bombardment.

Between October and November 2023, Human Rights Watch documented over 1,050 takedowns and other suppression of content Instagram and Facebook that had been posted by Palestinians and their supporters, including about human rights abuses. Human Rights Watch publicly solicited cases of any type of online censorship and of any type of viewpoints related to Israel and Palestine. Of the 1,050 cases reviewed for this report, 1,049 involved peaceful content in support of Palestine that was censored or otherwise unduly suppressed, while one case involved removal of content in support of Israel. The documented cases include content originating from over 60 countries around the world, primarily in English, all of peaceful support of Palestine, expressed in diverse ways. This distribution of cases does not necessarily reflect the overall distribution of censorship. Hundreds of people continued to report censorship after Human Rights Watch completed its analysis for this report, meaning that the total number of cases Human Rights Watch received greatly exceeded 1,050.

Human Rights Watch found that the censorship of content related to Palestine on Instagram and Facebook is systemic and global. Meta’s inconsistent enforcement of its own policies led to the erroneous removal of content about Palestine. While this appears to be the biggest wave of suppression of content about Palestine to date, Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, has a well-documented record of overbroad crackdowns on content related to Palestine. For years, Meta has apologized for such overreach and promised to address it. In this context, Human Rights Watch found Meta’s behavior fails to meet its human rights due diligence responsibilities. Despite the censorship documented in this report, Meta allows a significant amount of pro-Palestinian expression and denunciations of Israeli government policies.

This does not, however, excuse its undue restrictions on peaceful content in support of Palestine and Palestinians, which is contrary to the universal rights to freedom of expression and access to information.



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Backs to the wall, Gazans fear Israeli assault on last refuge

February 2, 20247:57 AM EST

GAZA, Feb 2 (Reuters) - Israeli forces shelled the outskirts of the last refuge on the southern edge of the Gaza Strip on Friday, where the displaced, penned against the border fence in their hundreds of thousands, said they feared a new assault with nowhere left to flee.

More than half of Gaza's 2.3 million residents are now homeless and crammed into Rafah. Tens of thousands more have arrived in recent days, carrying belongings in their arms and pulling children on carts, since Israeli forces launched one of the biggest assaults of the war last week to capture adjacent Khan Younis, the main southern city.

If the Israeli tanks keep coming, "we will be left with two choices: stay and die or climb the walls into Egypt", said Emad, 55, a businessman and father of six, reached on a mobile phone chat app.

"Most of Gaza's population are in Rafah. If the tanks storm in, it will be a massacre like never before during this war."

Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant said late on Thursday that troops would now turn to Rafah, which along with Deir al-Balah just north of Khan Younis is among the last remaining areas they have yet to storm in an almost four-month assault.

"We are achieving our missions in Khan Younis, and we will also reach Rafah and eliminate terror elements that threaten us," Gallant said in a statement.

As the only part of Gaza with access to the limited food and medical aid trickling across the border, Rafah and nearby parts of Khan Younis have become a warren of makeshift tents clinging to the winter mud. Wind and cold weather added to the misery, blowing tents down, flooding them and the ground between them.

"What should we do? We live in multiple miseries, a war, starvation, and now the rain," said Um Badri, a mother of five displaced from Gaza City, now living in a tent in Khan Younis.

"We used to wait for winter, to enjoy watching the rain from the balcony of our house. Now, our house is gone, and the rainwater has flooded the tent we have ended up in."

With phone service mostly shut across Gaza, residents climbed a sandy berm at the border fence and crouched beside the razor wire hoping for an Egyptian mobile signal. Mariam Odeh was trying to get a message out to family still in Khan Younis, "to tell them we are still alive and not martyrs like the others".


The United Nations says rescuers can no longer reach the sick and wounded on the battlefield in Khan Younis, and the prospect of combat reaching Rafah is almost unthinkable.

"Rafah is a pressure cooker of despair, and we fear for what comes next," Jens Laerke, spokesperson for the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, told a briefing in Geneva.

The Gaza war was triggered by Hamas fighters who stormed across the border fence into Israel on Oct. 7, killing 1,200 people and capturing 253 hostages, according to Israeli tallies.

Since then, Gaza health authorities say more than 27,000 Palestinians have been confirmed killed, 112 of them in the past 24 hours, with thousands more bodies feared lost amid the ruins, in an Israeli assault that has laid much of the territory to waste.

Mediators are waiting for a response from Hamas to a proposal drafted last week with Israeli and U.S. spy chiefs and passed on by Egypt and Qatar, for the war's first extended ceasefire.

The only truce so far lasted only a week in late November, when militants freed 110 women, children and foreign hostages.

The proposal on the table envisages a first phase lasting 40 days, during which Hamas would free remaining civilian hostages, followed by further phases to release soldiers and hand over the bodies of the dead, according to a Palestinian official.

But the sides remain far apart over what would follow. Israel says Hamas must be eradicated before it pulls its troops out of Gaza or frees detainees. Hamas says it will not sign any truce deal unless Israel agrees to pull out and end the war.


The region is also bracing for U.S. strikes on pro-Iranian militia in Syria and Iraq, which Washington says it is preparing after three U.S. soldiers were killed in a drone strike in Jordan, the first U.S. fatalities in a wave of violence across the region by pro-Iranian groups accompanying the Gaza war.

U.S. officials say the response will involve strikes over multiple days. Tehran says it will respond if its territory or interests are hit.

"We will not start any war, but if anyone wants to bully us they will receive a strong response," President Ebrahim Raisi said in a televised speech.

Since December, several senior commanders of Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards advising the Syrian government have been killed in presumed Israeli air strikes on Syria. Iranian semi-official media reported on Friday that a Guards adviser had been killed in yet another Israeli strike on Damascus.

Syrian state media said Syria had shot down missiles fired from Israel. Israel declined to comment, in line with its regular policy. Reuters reported on Thursday that Iran was scaling back the deployment of its Guards in Syria in response to the Israeli strikes.

The Iraq-based pro-Iranian group Washington blames for Saturday's deadly attack on its troops in Jordan, Kataib Hezbollah, has said it is suspending military action against the U.S. But another Iraq-based group, Nujaba, said on Friday it would continue attacking the Americans.

Reporting by Nidal al-Mughrabi in Doha, Mohammed Salem in Rafah, Gaza, and Reuters bureaux Writing by Peter Graff Editing by Gareth Jones



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yeah maybe we have to redefine freedom of expression, as nobody having the means to silence people


I think that militarily the Zionist are failing to put a dent into the militant resistance fighter network in gaza.

They are succeeding in removing any doubt about the fascist character of Zionism by with this civilian bloodbath and displacement shit, even in the eyes of those that they might have counted as their friends in the past.

I think Chris hedges has the correct intuition in his latest sermon
Chris Hedges The Death of Israel: How a Settler Colonial State Destroyed Itself (starts at 6m30s)

Since Israel has committed the crime of all crimes. The political capital now exist to dissolve the state of Israel and and replaced it with a new unified One-state (solution), that bans Zionism the way Germany banned Nazism.


>I think that militarily the Zionist are failing to put a dent into the militant resistance fighter network in gaza.
Yes, but also they aren't really trying to do that.

That Chris Hedges piece is excellent.


>Yes, but also they aren't really trying to do that.
What are they trying to achieve ?


See pics rel.

The reason they aren't targeting fighters is because their targets are the Palestinian people in general. They see them as subhuman, and Netanyahu's intention is to kill as many as possible and forcibly drive the entire population off of the land.

The quote is from the 1970s. He has been planning this for a very, very long time.


Israeli settler violence: Palestinians in the occupied West Bank targeted


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US starts retaliatory strikes in Iraq and Syria against Iran-linked targets

February 3, 20245:40 AM EST

WASHINGTON, Feb 3 (Reuters) - The U.S. military launched airstrikes on Friday in Iraq and Syria against more than 85 targets linked to Iran's Revolutionary Guard (IRGC) and the militias it backs, in retaliation for last weekend's attack in Jordan that killed three U.S. troops.

The strikes, which included the use of long-range B-1 bombers flown from the United States, were the first in a multi-tiered response by President Joe Biden's administration to the attack by Iran-backed militants, and more U.S. military operations were expected in the coming days.

While the strikes did not target sites inside Iran, they signaled a further escalation of conflict in the Middle East from Israel's nearly four-month-old war with Palestinian Hamas militants in Gaza.

The strikes hit targets including command and control centers, rockets, missiles and drone storage facilities, as well as logistics and munition supply chain facilities, the U.S. military said in a statement.

U.S forces hit more than 85 targets spanning seven locations, four in Syria and three in Iraq, said the military.

The strikes targeted the Quds Force - the foreign espionage and paramilitary arm of the IRGC that heavily influences its allied militia across the Middle East, from Lebanon to Iraq and Yemen to Syria.

U.S. Lieutenant General Douglas Sims, the director of the Joint Staff, said the attacks appeared to be successful, triggering large secondary explosions as the bombs hit militant weaponry, though it was not clear if any militants were killed.

The Syrian Defense Ministry said that U.S. forces' "blatant air aggression" led to a number of civilians and soldiers being killed and others being wounded and some significant damage to public and private property.

"Occupying parts of Syrian lands by American forces cannot continue … the Syrian army affirms continuing its war against terrorism until it is eliminated and is determined to liberate the entire Syrian territories from terrorism and occupation," the ministry said in a statement on Saturday.

''The Pentagon's Sims said the strikes were undertaken knowing that there would likely be casualties among those in the facilities. He added that the weather was a key factor in the timing of the operation.

The Iraqi military said the strikes were in the Iraqi border area and warned they could ignite instability in the region.

"These airstrikes constitute a violation of Iraqi sovereignty, undermine the efforts of the Iraqi government, and pose a threat that could lead Iraq and the region into dire consequences," Iraqi military spokesman Yahya Rasool said in a statement.

There was no public response yet from Iran. Iranian state television, in its report on the strikes, described the Americans as terrorist forces.


Last weekend's Jordan attack was the first deadly strike against U.S. troops since the Israel-Hamas war erupted in October.

The United States has assessed that the drone that killed the three soldiers and wounded more than 40 other people was made by Iran, U.S. officials have told Reuters.

"Our response began today. It will continue at times and places of our choosing," Biden said in a statement. Earlier on Friday, Biden and Pentagon leaders attended the Dover Air Force Base in Delaware as the remains of the three soldiers were returned.

U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said Biden had directed additional action against the IRGC and those linked to it.

"This is the start of our response," Austin said.

But the Pentagon has said it does not want war with Iran and does not believe Tehran wants war either, even as Republican pressure has increased on Biden to deal a blow directly.

"We do not seek conflict in the Middle East or anywhere else, but the president and I will not tolerate attacks on American forces," Austin said.

The top Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee, Roger Wicker, criticized Biden for failing to impose a high enough cost on Iran, and taking too long to respond.

Before the retaliatory strikes on Friday, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi said that Iran would not start a war but would "respond strongly" to anyone who tried to bully it.

White House national security spokesman John Kirby said the Biden administration had not communicated with Iran since the Jordan attack.

Iranian advisers assist armed groups in both Iraq, where the United States has around 2,500 troops, and Syria, where it has 900.

Iraq's shadowy Kataib Hezbollah, which is blamed by the U.S. for the Jordan attack, said on Tuesday it would pause attacks on U.S. forces.

But another Iran-backed Iraqi group, Nujaba, said it would continue launching attacks on U.S. forces in the region until the Gaza war ends and U.S. forces exit Iraq.



Heh, remember when the US assassinated the commander of the Popular Mobilization Forces along with Suleimani and the Iraqi parliament told the US to get the fuck out of their country?


Thank God trump was in office not biden


>intention is to kill as many as possible and forcibly drive the entire population off of the land.
I know that, but i don't quite grasp what they hope to achieve with that.

I see 3 outcomes:
a.Israel gets encircled by the Arabs and becomes a isolated rogue state.
b.Israel gets diplomatically disassembled, ideologically de-zionized and remade into a 1 state solution.
c.Israel gets obliterated in a percussive reset, because they started a war with Iran.


>I know that, but i don't quite grasp what they hope to achieve with that.

Lebensraum. Manifest Destiny. "Greater Israel," the realization of a project of acquisition of land and subjugation and expulsion of its inhabitants, attached to a shared cultural myth based on Divine Providence to justify brutality of undertaking it.

>I see 3 outcomes:

Yes, but Netanyahu doesn't think it will be those, or he's really desperate that it isn't those. Prior to this massacre, he was on trial for multiple serious corruption charges… if this hadn't occurred, he might have gone to jail (although given how much he's gotten away with, including wanton murder of Israeli hostages and disregard for the families of the hostages, it seems unlikely that he would have been arrested), and he's more-or-less staked his whole existence around this. He's still deeply unpopular; Israelis broadly distrust him (American media seems to be more trusting of Netanyahu than Israelis are), but (from what I've heard) the war itself is still popular with most Israelis. I believe that he intends to drag the US into a full regional war, and it's evident that the American state has been reduced (or, at least, blatantly reduced) to a quisling for the Zionist project; Joe Biden will not cut off military aid to Israel, and Republicans in congress have expressed wishes to kill the entirety of Gaza, expressly endorsing the killing of children because AIPAC bought their jobs for them. High-ranking DNC frau Nancy Pelosi has accused protestors of US complicity in the genocide (among them Arab-Americans with family in Gaza, as well as non-Zionist Jews) of being "paid by Russia" and she requested, on national TV, that they be investigated by the FBI. For her part, she has received hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations from AIPAC. Israel is essentially controlling the most powerful military in the world by way of Zionist fifth columnists in the US. This complicates things. We can't assume that this will turn out right, and there is a huge chance that it will get worse before it gets better. Biden, Trump, etc. are, at least, wildly unpopular figures, but given the amount of military power vested to both and the total complicity of all of the GOP and the vast majority of the DNC, this is going to be hard work.

US policy is held hostage by Israel, and is controlled by Netanyahu who is now staking his entire life on murdering and expelling the entire population of Palestine. It is not a rational actor.


>Yes, but Netanyahu doesn't think it will be those, or he's really desperate that it isn't those.
But it's going to be one of those.
>Israel is essentially controlling the most powerful military in the world by way of Zionist fifth columnists in the US.
I think people are overestimating US ability to shape these events. Not everything has a military solution. Also the US empire can't project all of it's might into the middle east, they have "global commitments".
>US policy is held hostage by Israel, and is controlled by Netanyahu who is now staking his entire life on murdering and expelling the entire population of Palestine. It is not a rational actor.
I agree with you that the tail is wagging the dog, but i think there are limitations too. At the moment the US militarily is stretched to thin to engage Iran, and the Zionist lobby probably can't make the US charge into a loosing battle.

Netanyahu is probably doomed, you are entirely correct on that front.


>But it's going to be one of those.
Not if he can help it.

>I think people are overestimating US ability to shape these events. Not everything has a military solution. Also the US empire can't project all of it's might into the middle east, they have "global commitments".

I didn't say the US (military) would win.
I'm not convinced that the US is being run rationally enough to keep those commitments.

>I agree with you that the tail is wagging the dog, but i think there are limitations too. At the moment the US militarily is stretched to thin to engage Iran, and the Zionist lobby probably can't make the US charge into a loosing battle.

I wouldn't be optimistic about what the Zionist lobby can or can't do with the US military at this point, though that's just me.
The US charged into Vietnam and Afghanistan before. America's leaders are deeply detached from its people, even what interventionist actions were taken under Obama and Trump were unpopular. People remember Iraq & Afghanistan as long, drawn out, pointless failures. The US is overplaying its hand and it's embarrassing at this point, but it's also tragic and will probably become even more so.


Israel targets southern Gaza: Dozens of Palestinians killed in strikes in Rafah

''Israel is continuing its attacks in southern Gaza.
At least 26 Palestinians have been killed in two air strikes.''

Al Jazeera's Katia Lopez Hodo-Yan reports and a warning, there are distressing scenes in her report.


>Not if he can help it.
Netanyahu seems like he's out of good options. If he winds the gaza genocide down, the domestic shit in Israel catches up with him, if he continues pressing the genocide and escalates for war with Iran, he'll become this centuries Hitler and powerful interests that seek stability in the region will go after him.

>I didn't say the US (military) would win. I'm not convinced that the US is being run rationally enough to keep those commitments.

At the moment the US is moving towards a three front conflict. (China, Russia, Iran) They might be able to win one of these, if they drop the other two, get a stalemate on 2 fronts if they drop one, or loose all 3. I think they'll go for 2 stalemates and 1 loss.

>I wouldn't be optimistic about what the Zionist lobby can or can't do with the US military at this point, though that's just me. The US charged into Vietnam and Afghanistan before.

The difference is that the US military was convinced they could easily win Vietnam and Afghanistan, they didn't yet know how hard asymmetrical warfare would become. They war-gamed(simulated) a Iran-war, they know how much the odds of winning that is stacked against them, so it'll be less likely that they'll blunder into this as easily.


>They might be able to win one of these
No way in hell could they win any of them. The world has gotten tired of the US's unipolar warmongering and won't even get away with attacking Iran in isolation. The world is very different now compared to the invasion of Iraq, and the change is accelerating.


>No way in hell could they win any of them.
This was a purely academic consideration, the US military is very big, if they pulled back from the entire world and concentrated it all on one place, it would be very powerful. Realistically this is never going to happen because different factions in the US ruling class are all doggedly trying to divert military resources towards their respective projects and interests. It would cause a massive rift in the US political system and possibly even a civil war, if one faction tried to monopolize all the imperial resources.


The US military has also been transformed by two decades of counter-insurgency warfare into something that is currently incapable of fighting a conventional war. Even if it put all its resources into one spot, the training, command structures, and industrial output are lacking for that kind of warfare.


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‘Overruled’: Over 800 U.S. And Allied Officials Issue Public Call For Shift In Gaza Policy

The Friday letter from officials in the U.S., Britain and European countries comes after a State Department meeting where employees challenged Biden's policy.


A group of more than 800 government officials in the U.S., Britain and major European countries ― as well as European Union institutions ― has signed a letter urging Western countries to reconsider their policy of near-total support for Israel’s devastating offensive in Gaza.

The letter, released Friday, urges those governments to use all possible leverage, including potentially cutting off military support for Israel, to secure a cease-fire in Gaza that will increase aid for Palestinians and bring the release of Israeli hostages captured by Hamas and other militants on Oct. 7. It’s the latest sign of deep alarm among foreign policy professionals about the path President Joe Biden and other world leaders have chosen since the attack and Israel’s retaliation began.

“We are expected as civil servants to respect, serve and uphold the law while implementing policies, regardless of the political parties in power… we have done so for our entire careers,” says the letter, also signed by people working for the French, German and Swiss governments, among others. “We have internally expressed our concerns that the policies of our governments/institutions do not serve our interests and called for alternatives that would better serve national and international security, democracy and freedom; reflect the core principles of western foreign policy; and incorporate lessons learned. Our professional concerns were overruled by political and ideological considerations.”

Frustration among national security experts inside the governments that Israel counts as its key international supporters is at an all-time high.

Earlier this week, Secretary of State Antony Blinken held a town hall-style meeting with State Department employees, a significant group of whom have signed so-called dissent cables challenging Biden’s Gaza policy. At the meeting, one staffer told Blinken that State Department employees are receiving messages daily from people in Gaza who have previously been involved in U.S. government programs and are asking what more the U.S. could do to end the conflict ― winning huge applause from attendees of the session, a State Department official told HuffPost.

State Department spokespeople did not respond to a HuffPost request for comment on the incident.

Josh Paul, a veteran State Department official whose resignation over the U.S. Gaza policy was first reported by HuffPost, helped organize the Friday letter, whose signatories are anonymous for fear of professional retaliation. In a statement regarding the message, Paul argued: “One-sided support for Israel’s atrocities in Gaza, and a blindness to Palestinian humanity, is both a moral failure, and, for the harm it does to Western interests around the globe, a policy failure.”

“This is a remarkable statement from hundreds of individuals who have devoted their lives to building a better world, and, at a time where our politicians seem to have forgotten them, it is a much-needed reminder of the core values that bind the transatlantic relationship, and a proof that they endure,” he continued.

The letter is expected to continue to attract signatures in the coming days.

''The Netherlands, one of the wealthiest countries in Europe and the host of significant global institutions, such as the International Court of Justice (ICJ), has seen a significant uproar, with civil servants last month demonstrating outside the Foreign Ministry building.

“The Netherlands pretends to be the international rule-of-law and human-rights capital of the world, and look at us,” said Berber van der Woude, a former Dutch diplomat who was stationed in the occupied West Bank.

She argued that the message “shows that people who are experts, who have diplomatic experience… who have been serving the country for ages and have been doing that very loyally are so worried.”

“They would never choose to do this if it were not something very serious. It is a very exceptional situation, especially after the ICJ order,” said van der Woude, referring to the court’s ruling last week that there is a plausible risk of genocide in Gaza and that the Israeli offensive there must change course.

Angélique Eijpe, a 21-year veteran of the Dutch foreign ministry, resigned over her government’s approach in November. She said that signing the Friday letter was “an extraordinary thing for all involved to do.”

She told HuffPost that following the Oct. 7 attack, she tried to warn the foreign minister against Israel’s response, noting comments from Israeli ministers that demonstrated “genocidal intent.”

in November, HuffPost revealed that dozens of U.S. counterterrorism experts had privately written to the head of their agency saying Biden’s approach risked fueling blowback and undermining cooperation with other countries.



Obviously the US would get curb-stomped if they tried to invade Iran in the present. Starting a war with Iran is a end-the-empire-now-button

>The US military has also been transformed by two decades of counter-insurgency warfare

>Even if it put all its resources into one spot, the training, command structures, and industrial output are lacking for that kind of warfare.

The US never had the best trained fighters or the most powerful weapons. As far as military-capable industrial-output goes the US was only king in the first half of the 20th century. The Soviet industry overtook the US because nearly the entire industrial base of the soviets was military-capable, while the US shifted towards industrial separation with a dedicated military industry in the later half of the 20th century, which had less through-put overall. Obviously today US industrial power is dwarfed by Chinese industrial power 3 to 1.

You are not wrong about the counter-insurgency focus resulting in lower efficiency in classical industrial warfare, but the defining characteristic of US military power has always been the large logistical capacity. That hasn't changed.

If the US could "focus-fire", Iran would get seriously smashed up. The Iranians don't know that the US can't actually "focus-fire", that's why they are tip toe-ing around US military installations in the M.E. If they knew or could be certain enough, it would be game-over for US and Israeli military power projection in that region.

Before the neocon full-spectrum geopolitical brain-rott set in during the early 2000s, the game-plan was to gracefully wind-down the military domination stuff and focus more on systemic influence and soft-power. There even were some Marxist theorist contemplating the possibility of post-imperial capitalism at that time.


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>If the US could "focus-fire", Iran would get seriously smashed up. The Iranians don't know that the US can't actually "focus-fire", that's why they are tip toe-ing around US military installations in the M.E. If they knew or could be certain enough, it would be game-over for US and Israeli military power projection in that region.

Tbh I think Iran just genuinely doesn't want a war. Even if the US lost (which… yeah, it probably would at this point), it would be fucking devastating for both parties and victory wouldn't be a mathematical certainty until it was over. What we're seeing is a region which is tired of having to constantly fight wars just to make the US military leave, they want it to end without WWIII.

>Before the neocon full-spectrum geopolitical brain-rott set in during the early 2000s, the game-plan was to gracefully wind-down the military domination stuff and focus more on systemic influence and soft-power. There even were some Marxist theorist contemplating the possibility of post-imperial capitalism at that time.

If we get through this, managing to forgive the people in pic rel will be a tremendous ordeal of kindness.


>Tbh I think Iran just genuinely doesn't want a war.
Obviously not, Iran isn't in the imperial stage of capitalism, their economic interests are best served with peace.
>What we're seeing is a region which is tired of having to constantly fight wars just to make the US military leave, they want it to end without WWIII.
Sure but the US isn't going to pull out unless they are forced to. There are non-military options to evict an empire. But to be honest, most places that are free from imperial imposition base their freedom on an unwavering commitment to annihilating uninvited military forces with furious prejudice.

>If we get through this, managing to forgive the people in pic rel will be a tremendous ordeal of kindness.

never heard of it, care to elaborate ?


Hamas hounds Israeli forces in main Gaza cities
February 4, 2024

DOHA/GAZA/JERUSALEM, Feb 4 (Reuters) - Palestinian gunmen kept up attacks against Israeli forces on Sunday in the Gaza Strip's two main cities, weeks after they were overrun by troops and tanks, in a sign Hamas still maintains some control ahead of any potential truce.

Nearly four months into the war triggered by the Palestinian Islamist group's deadly cross-border rampage in Israel, there was persistent fighting in Gaza City in the north of the densely populated enclave, and in Khan Younis to the south.

At the weekly Israeli cabinet meeting, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said 17 of Hamas' 24 combat battalions had been dismantled. The rest, he said, were mostly in the southern Gaza Strip - including Rafah, on the enclave's Egyptian border.

"We'll take care of them, too," he said, according to a statement from his office. Hamas does not publish its losses.

The prospect of a push into Rafah has piled pressure on the hundreds of thousands of Palestinian civilians who have fled their homes elsewhere and are sheltering there. It also worries Cairo, which has said it will not admit any influx of Palestinian refugees in what it describes a bid to prevent any permanent dispossession.

An Israeli official told Reuters, however, that the military would coordinate with Egypt, and seek ways of evacuating most of the displaced people northward, ahead of any Rafah ground sweep.

Palestinians reported Israeli tank shelling and air strikes there, including one that killed two girls in a house.

''As mourners bade farewell to the dead children, a relative, Mohammed Kaloub, said the air strike hit a room full of women and children in Rafah's al-Salam neighborhood.
"There is no safe place in Gaza, from the wire fence to the wire fence (borders from north to south), there is no safe place," he told Reuters.''

Palestinian health officials said eight people were killed in separate Israeli air strikes on Deir Al-Balah areas in the central Gaza Strip. Deir Al-Balah is the second city in the enclave where Israel has not yet deployed tanks.



>4 months
>kill over 12,000 children
>higher deaths per day than any major conflict in the 21st century
>over 27,000 killed, mostly civilians
>still haven't beaten Hamas


>Sure but the US isn't going to pull out unless they are forced to. There are non-military options to evict an empire. But to be honest, most places that are free from imperial imposition base their freedom on an unwavering commitment to annihilating uninvited military forces with furious prejudice.

The US will pull out if Americans dismantle the MIC, which is looking more and more possible. The state won't do it, but Americans have been suffering for this thing too. Americans understanding the horror it's doing over there while it drains everything they have at home is important.

>never heard of it, care to elaborate ?

In 2000, Al Gore won the popular vote, but lost the electoral college. In Florida, it was incredibly close, and the first count came out Bush because they were disregarding a number of votes over how they were filled out (these were paper ballots, no machines, so it was ostensibly a handwriting issue or some shit like that)… that seemed weird, so Al Gore requested a recount. A bunch of Republican staffers then rioted while the recount was being performed. From Wiki:

"several people were trampled, punched or kicked when protesters tried to rush the doors outside the office of the Miami-Dade supervisor of elections. Sheriff's deputies restored order." Democratic National Committee aide Luis Rosero claimed to be kicked and punched outside of Leahy's office.[11] Within two hours after the event, the canvassing board unanimously voted to shut down the count, in part due to perceptions that the process was not open or fair, and in part because the court-mandated deadline had become impossible to meet, due to the interference.[11][12]

And then the Supreme Court ruled that it wasn't worth recounting because it was taking too long.


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CNN staff say network’s pro-Israel slant amounts to ‘journalistic malpractice’
Sun 4 Feb 2024

Insiders say pressure from the top results in credulous reporting of Israeli claims and silencing of Palestinian perspectives

CNN is facing a backlash from its own staff over editorial policies they say have led to a regurgitation of Israeli propaganda and the censoring of Palestinian perspectives in the network’s coverage of the war in Gaza.

Journalists in CNN newsrooms in the US and overseas say broadcasts have been skewed by management edicts and a story-approval process that has resulted in highly partial coverage of the Hamas massacre on 7 October and Israel’s retaliatory attack on Gaza.

“The majority of news since the war began, regardless of how accurate the initial reporting, has been skewed by a systemic and institutional bias within the network toward Israel,” said one CNN staffer. “Ultimately, CNN’s coverage of the Israel-Gaza war amounts to journalistic malpractice.”

According to accounts from six CNN staffers in multiple newsrooms, and more than a dozen internal memos and emails obtained by the Guardian, daily news decisions are shaped by a flow of directives from the CNN headquarters in Atlanta that have set strict guidelines on coverage.

They include tight restrictions on quoting Hamas and reporting other Palestinian perspectives while Israel government statements are taken at face value. In addition, every story on the conflict must be cleared by the Jerusalem bureau before broadcast or publication.

CNN journalists say the tone of coverage is set at the top by its new editor-in-chief and CEO, Mark Thompson, who took up his post two days after the 7 October Hamas attack.

Some staff are concerned about Thompson’s willingness to withstand external attempts to influence coverage given that in a former role as the BBC’s director general he was accused of bowing to Israeli government pressure on a number of occasions, including a demand to remove one of the corporation’s most prominent correspondents from her post in Jerusalem in 2005.

CNN insiders say that has resulted, particularly in the early weeks of the war, in a greater focus on Israeli suffering and the Israeli narrative of the war as a hunt for Hamas and its tunnels, and an insufficient focus on the scale of Palestinian civilian deaths and destruction in Gaza.

One journalist described a “schism” within the network over coverage they said was at times reminiscent of the cheerleading that followed 9/11.

“There’s a lot of internal strife and dissent. Some people are looking to get out,” they said.

Another journalist in a different bureau said that they too saw pushback.

“Senior staffers who disagree with the status quo are butting heads with the executives giving orders, questioning how we can effectively tell the story with such restrictive directives in place,” they said.

“Many have been pushing for more content from Gaza to be alerted and aired. By the time these reports go through Jerusalem and make it to TV or the homepage, critical changes – from the introduction of imprecise language to an ignorance of crucial stories – ensure that nearly every report, no matter how damning, relieves Israel of wrongdoing.”

CNN staff say that some journalists with experience of reporting the conflict and region have avoided assignments in Israel because they do not believe they will be free to tell the whole story. Others speculate that they are being kept away by senior editors.

“It is clear that some who don’t belong are covering the war and some who do belong aren’t,” said one insider.

Edicts from on high

At Thompson’s first editorial meeting, two days after the 7 October Hamas attack, the new network chief described CNN’s coverage of the rapidly moving story as “basically great”.

Thompson then said he wanted viewers to understand what Hamas is, what it stands for and what it was trying to achieve with the attack. Some of those listening thought that a laudable journalistic goal. But they said that in time it became clear he had more specific expectations for how journalists should cover the group.

In late October, as the Palestinian death toll rose sharply from Israeli bombing with more than 2,700 children killed according to the Gaza health ministry, and as Israel prepared for its ground invasion, a set of guidelines landed in CNN staff inboxes.

A note at the top of the two-page memo pointed to an instruction “from Mark” to pay attention to a particular paragraph under “coverage guidance”. The paragraph said that, while CNN would report the human consequences of the Israeli assault and the historical context of the story, “we must continue always to remind our audiences of the immediate cause of this current conflict, namely the Hamas attack and mass murder and kidnap of civilians”. (Italics in the original.)

CNN staff members said the memo solidified a framework for stories in which the Hamas massacre was used to implicitly justify Israeli actions, and that other context or history was often unwelcome or marginalised.

“How else are editors going to read that other than as an instruction that no matter what the Israelis do, Hamas is ultimately to blame? Every action by Israel – dropping massive bombs that wipe out entire streets, its obliteration of whole families – the coverage ends up massaged to create a ‘they had it coming’ narrative,” said one staffer.

The same memo said that any reference to casualty figures from the Gaza health ministry must say it is “Hamas-controlled”, implying that reports of the deaths of thousands of children were unreliable even though the World Health Organization and other international bodies have said they are largely accurate. CNN staff said that edict was laid down by Thompson at an earlier editorial meeting.

Broader oversight of coverage from the CNN headquarters in Atlanta is directed by “the Triad” of three CNN departments: news standards and practices, legal and fact-checking.

David Lindsay, the senior director of news standards and practices, issued a directive in early November effectively barring the reporting of most Hamas statements, characterising them as “inflammatory rhetoric and propaganda”.

“Most of it has been said many times before and is not newsworthy. We should be careful not to give it a platform,” he wrote.

Lindsay said that if a statement was deemed editorially relevant “we can use it if it’s accompanied by greater context, preferably a package or digital write. Let’s avoid running it as a standalone soundbite or quote.”

In contrast, one CNN staffer noted that the network repeatedly aired inflammatory rhetoric and propaganda from Israeli officials and American supporters, often without challenge in interviews.

They noted that other channels have carried interviews with Hamas leaders while CNN has not, including one in which the group’s spokesman, Ghazi Hamad, cut short questions from the BBC when he was challenged about the murder of Israeli civilians. One staffer said there is a view among correspondents that it is “agony to get a Hamas interview past the Triad”.

read more:


>Even after the White House admitted that neither the president nor his officials had themselves seen pictures of beheaded babies, and that they had been relying on Israeli claims, Langmaid told the newsroom it could still report the Israeli government assertions alongside a denial from Hamas.

Jesus fucking Christ the president of the USA went on TV and claimed to have seen photographic proof of baby beheadings which literally did not exist.


IDF CONFESSES to War Crimes SNUFF Channel Psyop


>CNN is facing a backlash from its own staff over editorial policies they say have led to a regurgitation of Israeli propaganda and the censoring of Palestinian perspectives in the network’s coverage of the war in Gaza.
So a faint glimmer of journalistic integrity remains inside the Corporate Nonsense Network after-all.

>the president of the USA went on TV and claimed to have seen photographic proof of baby beheadings which literally did not exist.
That would have been a big scandal not that long ago.


First the Holocaust themed gore-exploitation media, and now snuff psyops.
Is there a torture porn pattern emerging ?


250,000 join Gaza protest in London

In the first London demonstration following the International Court of Justice verdict that Israel had to answer to genocide charges, over 250,000 people took to the streets.

Speaking at the rally were Husam Zomlot (Ambassador of the State of Palestine to the UK), Lynn Boylan (Sinn Fein), Dr Ismail Patel (Friends of Al-Aqsa), Mustafa Al-Dabbagh (Muslim Association of Britain), Justine Mercer (UCU), Leanne Mohamad (Independent candidate in Ilford North), Ammar Anwar (councillor in Kirklees), Andrew Feinstein (former ANC MP) and Jeremy Corbyn.


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i keked

Israel Assures It Doing Everything Possible To Minimize Civilians

<TEL AVIV—Addressing observers concerned about the toll of the nation’s ongoing incursion into Gaza, Israeli officials assured critics Friday that it was doing everything possible to minimize civilians. “To those expressing apprehension about this war, just know that our troops are taking every effort to mitigate civilian life,” said Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, explaining that he remained laser-focused on taking the necessary precautions to reduce civilians in Gaza or prevent them entirely. “Let me be clear: Our war is against Hamas. We have explicitly instructed our commanders that they should take pains so there are as few innocent men, women, and children in Gaza as humanly possible.” Netanyahu then added that because of the unfortunate realities of war, it was always sadly possible that a few Gazans might survive.



Jordanians On Warpath After 'Amman Helping Israel' Expose; 'End Zionist Land Bridge Else…'

The Jordanian regime is facing revolt over allegedly helping Israel amid the war in Gaza. Hundreds of Jordanians held protests demanding an end to the "Zionist Land Bridge." The so-called "Zionist Land Bridge" is aimed at circumventing the impact of attacks on ships heading to Israeli ports by Iran-aligned Ansar Allah, also known as Houthis. "We stand united to block the land route that saves the Zionist enemy," said protesters. Israeli media reported the arrival of shipments from the UAE through a new alternative route that passes through Saudi Arabia and Jordan.

It's astounding how familiar these demonstrations look when they're shot the same way as western demonstrations.



Honestly surprised they even had the gonads to make a joke about this. The Onion has become pretty pathetic lately.


Quality and Propaganda
feb 4, 2024

On 10 October I called out a viral video as fake. It featured pro-Palestinian demonstrators in Sydney, Australia, with a soundtrack of people appearing to chant “Gas the Jews”. The video not only went viral online, it was featured worldwide by mainstream media.

The New South Wales Prime Minister attacked a parliamentarian for daring to say that the incident was dubious

Antoinette Lattouf, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation radio journalist who investigated the incident and found that it did not happen, received enormous abuse. She was later sacked when she shared online a report on Israeli atrocities in Gaza by Human Rights Watch.

Finally, 100 days later, an exhaustive investigation by New South Wales police, which involved forensic investigation of many different videos of the incident (including professional video from inter alia Consortium News), has definitively concluded that it did not happen. It was a fake.

Now here is the important point. I saw it was a fake after about twenty seconds, not 100 days. It was an extremely clear and obvious fake. There was not a shadow of a doubt that it was a fake. No serious observer could believe it was genuine. I posted the simple empirical observation immediately on Twitter.

It is stark. The soundtrack simply runs continuously over several big cuts in the video. It is obviously an overlain soundtrack. Plus many people are shown very clearly in the video, and not a single one is moving their lips as if they are making a chant like that in the soundtrack. It is not just a matter of being out of sync. Nobody seems to be doing this sort of rhythmic chanting at all.

It is not just propaganda. It is a fake of the lowest quality, which any amateur can see the problem with, instantly. So why did hundreds of mainstream media journalists all over the globe report it as genuine and even retail it on MSM platforms. Why did politicians refer to it? Why were those who queried it attacked and ridiculed?

Here is a key point I have not seen anywhere else, shared with me by Consortium News who shared their footage of the same event with the police. The representatives of the Australian Jewish Association, who produced the fake footage, refused to hand over the original footage to the police investigation. Yet it does not appear they face any criminal charges, and they have the massive front to still be pushing their lies in the state and billionaire owned media.

The point is that Israeli propaganda can be of extremely low quality and obviously fake. It does not matter. The politicians will buy it and retail it because they are in the pocket of the zionist lobby. The mainstream media will promulgate it, because they work either for billionaires who share the zionist creed of the ruling classes, or, like those in the BBC, for states controlled by politicians in the pockets of the zionist lobby. All Israel has to do is chuck the propaganda out there. It will be massively amplified no matter how poor it is.

Let me give another example. You may recall seeing, on all broadcast media, the entrance to the “Hamas tunnel network” at Sheikh Hamad hospital, as evidence of why Israel has to target hospitals because they are essential nodes in Hamas “eight hundred mile” tunnel network. I believe it was also among the images Israel flashed up at the ICJ, though these were displayed so briefly it is difficult to be certain.

Well, now the IDF have totally destroyed the hospital and rendered it inoperable, they have moved on. We can now see it is a water tank. I cannot find a single example of any mainstream media issuing a correction or even saying it is a water tank.

The point is that the propaganda does not have to be good. It can be rubbish. You show a picture of a hatch, say it is an entrance to a secret tunnel network, and the poodle media and massive hasbara online operation will amplify it massively. While the truth not only does not make mainstream media, it has to force its way through massive suppression of social media. My posts on X/twitter currently have less reach per repost than zionist accounts by a factor averaging around 50.

The extreme suppression manifests in strange ways. When I tried to find my tweet calling out the fake soundtrack, I could not find it at all. It had disappeared from my timeline completely. I appreciate this is too small to read properly, but this is my timeline from 10 October to show what I mean.

Read more:



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Israeli military opens probe into reports of Oct. 7 friendly fire deaths

February 6, 2024

JERUSALEM, Feb 6 (Reuters) - Israel has begun investigating possible breaches of the law by its forces during the Hamas attack on Oct. 7, the military said on Tuesday, following reports some Israeli civilians may have been killed by friendly fire in the fighting.

Haaretz (ed.'s note: the longest-running newspaper in the country, founded in 1918 before the founding of Israel) said the investigation centred on an incident in Kibbutz Be'eri, one of the worst hit communities, in which a house was shelled by a tank, killing 12 Israeli hostages held by Palestinian Hamas gunmen.

It said the probe had been delayed due to the demands of the four-month-old war in Gaza but as fighting has slackened, army commanders felt the time had come for an investigation.

Asked to confirm the investigation would look at the incident, the Israel Defence Forces press desk sent a statement confirming the investigation was taking place, without offering further comment or details.



>Honestly surprised they even had the gonads to make a joke about this.
I think that satire is pretty untouchable. It might be a ideological thing, in feudalism everything was to varrying degrees holy or sacrosanct, and the bourgoisie went fuck that, profane all the things.

Not sure i understand the reasons for this change, maybe people are less likely to stuff you inside a guilotine if they can ridicule you. Or it's a strategical thing, and the bourgosie sees the need for upholding a venear of holyness as a weakness they don't want in their ranks.

>The Onion has become pretty pathetic lately.

That might be more related to the taste of their readers or publisher


>viral video with people appearing to chant “Gas the Jews”
>definitively concluded that it did not happen. It was a fake.
How does that not count as antisemitism ?

>The point is that Israeli propaganda can be of extremely low quality and obviously fake. It does not matter. The politicians will buy it and retail it because they are in the pocket of the zionist lobby. The mainstream media will promulgate it, because they work either for billionaires who share the zionist creed of the ruling classes, or, like those in the BBC, for states controlled by politicians in the pockets of the zionist lobby. All Israel has to do is chuck the propaganda out there. It will be massively amplified no matter how poor it is.

It makes fools out of the media that publishes it and the politicians that buy into it. It erodes their credibility. They're not getting away with it, it's delayed consequences.


>How does that not count as antisemitism ?
It was an edit. Someone overlayed audio on it which didn't even match the video. The protestors were never chanting that. (wait, are you asking how editing it that way isn't anti-semitism? Arguably, it is anti-semitic to do something like that, yes.)

>It makes fools out of the media that publishes it and the politicians that buy into it. It erodes their credibility. They're not getting away with it, it's delayed consequences.

Yeah, people are getting wise. We want peace and our politicians and MIC want war.


Case in point, Reuters got wind that Hamas has another ceasefire offer. Its measures include:

1. The exchange of Israeli captives captured by Hamas on Oct. 7 for Palestinian prisoners
2. Securing the reconstruction of Gaza
3. Ensuring the complete withdrawal of Israeli forces

What bloodthirsty savages, amirite?


>wait, are you asking how editing it that way isn't anti-semitism? Arguably, it is anti-semitic to do something like that, yes.
Yes i was accusing the faker who edited this together, of doing an antisemitism. I mean if you try to create the false impression that loads of people hate Jews, you're sort of creating the appearance of popular consent for hating Jews. It's not just false information, analogous to lying, it's like an unspoken endorsement of sorts.

I don't want to make too much of an accusation out of this, because you're not allowed to hate because you saw a video of people hating, it's not a permission. But the people creating this type of fake propaganda are clearly demonstrating malicious intent. They want to stir loads of antisemitism, because they intend to blackmail Jews that do not want to join the Zionist project.

The Jews get to do the internationally dispersed Jewish diaspora thing, because they're not hurting anybody with it. The Zionists are attacking that because they want to herd all the Jews into Israel by using antisemitism as a stick. Israel is loosing it's immigration appeal because of all the bloodshed, and it's getting harder for them to attract western born Jews to go there by choice. But it has to be a choice, the history of bullying people to pack up their shit and move some place else is a long string of unmitigated disasters. That kind of thing belongs into the dustbin of history.


Haven't the Zionists straight-up funded white supremacists before, too?


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Israel assaults Rafah, where one million Gaza refugees are sheltering with nowhere to go

''Israel has begun an assault on Rafah, the southernmost city in Gaza, where over one million people are seeking shelter, unable to go anywhere safe.

Footage published by AFP showed widespread strikes throughout the city on the Egyptian border Tuesday. Last week, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant pledged: “We are achieving our missions in Khan Younis, and we will also reach Rafah and eliminate terror elements that threaten us.”

On Tuesday, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) spokesperson Jens Laerke warned that the assault on Rafah could constitute a war crime. “Intensified hostilities in Rafah in this situation could lead to large-scale loss of civilian lives, and we must do everything possible within our power to avoid that,” he stated.

“We, as the UN and member states of the UN, can bear witness,” Laerke said. “We can make clear what the law says: under international humanitarian law, indiscriminate bombing of densely populated areas may amount to war crimes.”

As Israel continued its push into Rafah, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken arrived in Israel Tuesday, in his fifth visit to Israel in the past three months. As part of his visit to the region, Blinken met with Saudi Arabia’s crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman, with the aim of “normalizing” relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel.

The United States is fully complicit in Israel’s genocide in Gaza. In the face of clear evidence of systematic war crimes and openly genocidal rhetoric by Israeli officials, Blinken and other US officials have declared their unlimited support for “Israel’s right to defend itself” and have insisted that there are “no red lines” for the number of civilians Israel will be allowed to kill.

Approximately half of Gaza’s population has been forced into the city of Rafah, causing its population to swell. “Refugees facing acute shortages of food, water, shelter, and medicine are still pouring into Rafah as fighting worsens nearby,” UN News reported.

Between February 5 and 6, 107 Palestinians were killed, with 143 injured by Israeli attacks, according to Gaza’s Ministry of Health.

Since October 7, Israel has killed 35,096 Palestinians in Gaza, a number that includes 13,642 children and 7,656 women, according to the Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor.

The vast majority of those killed are civilians, with 30,571 non-combatants having lost their lives. A further 67,240 people are reported to have been injured.

An estimated 2 million Palestinians have been displaced. Israel has destroyed 79,200 homes and damaged another 207,000, rendering the vast majority of the population homeless, even if they were allowed to return to their shattered homes.

The healthcare system in Gaza also has been devastated, with 309 healthcare professionals killed and 380 injured. Some 235 healthcare facilities, including 26 hospitals and 63 clinics, have been destroyed or damaged, along with 146 ambulances.

In a statement, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) said “84 percent of health facilities in Gaza have been affected by attacks.” The agency added that only four of its 22 facilities in Gaza remain operational, amid relentless attacks targeting humanitarian workers by Israeli forces.

In a report published Tuesday, the Euro-Med monitor revealed widespread “forced nudity, sexual harassment, and threats of sexual torture” of detainees by Israeli forces.

The organization reported that “testimonies from a group of recently released detainees who spent varying lengths of time in Israeli jails and detention centers … confirmed that they were subjected to severe beatings, dog attacks, strip searches, and denial of food and bathroom access, among other cruel practices that amount to torture.”

The report continued: “The most concerning testimonies that Euro-Med Monitor received concern female detainees who were directly sexually harassed. The female detainees, who preferred to remain unidentified due to safety concerns, said that Israeli soldiers had harassed them by touching their genitals as well as making them remove their headscarves.”

Euro-Med “confirmed that the soldiers forced the female detainees and their families into providing information about others by threatening to indecently assault and even rape them.”

On Monday, a New York Times investigation compiled social media videos of Israeli forces filming themselves destroying civilian infrastructure in Gaza.

According to the Times, the videos “capture soldiers vandalizing local shops and school classrooms, making derogatory comments about Palestinians, bulldozing what appear to be civilian areas and calling for the building of Israeli settlements in Gaza, an inflammatory idea that is promoted by some far-right Israeli politicians.”

The UN warned that attacks on hospitals are continuing and intensifying. “For over two weeks, heavy fighting continues to be reported near Nasser and Al Amal hospitals in Khan Younis, jeopardizing the safety of medical staff, the wounded and the sick, as well as thousands of internally displaced persons (IDPs) seeking refuge at both hospitals.”

On February 6, the UN continued, the Ministry of Health in Gaza announced that Israeli forces have intensified their siege of Nasser Hospital, endangering the lives of 300 medical personnel, 450 wounded, and some 10,000 displaced people seeking shelter in the hospital compound.

Meanwhile, hunger is soaring throughout Gaza. According to the UN, screenings of 3,500 children aged 6 months to 59 months found that nearly 10 percent were facing acute malnutrition, a 12-fold increase since the start of Israel’s offensive. In northern Gaza, the figures are even higher, with 15 percent of children reporting severe malnutrition.

Even as the death toll from the Gaza genocide mounts, further questions are being raised about the role of Israeli forces in the killing of Israeli citizens.

On Tuesday, Haaretz reported that the Israeli military has opened an investigation into the deaths of 12 hostages in a house in Kibbutz Be’eri who were killed as a result of shelling by Israeli forces in the initial invasion by Hamas on October 7.

Haaretz reported on “suspicions that Brig. Gen. Barak Hiram, the commander of the army’s 99th Division who led the fighting in the kibbutz, ordered a tank crew to fire on Cohen’s house even though he knew hostages were being held there.”



Israeli air strikes hit Gaza city: 13 Palestinians killed while fetching water

Smaller than a lot of the casualty numbers in these Israeli strikes, but the video shines a light on what this kind of horror looks like.


At least 14 people have been killed in Israeli strikes on homes in Rafah

The Israeli army has once again bombed homes in Rafah.
At least 14 people have been killed.
Two women and five children are among the dead.
Dozens more have been injured.
Israel is expanding its offensive into Rafah - where tens of thousands of displaced Palestinians are seeking refuge.


According to Hindustan times:

The Syrian Defence Ministry said that the US is trying to revive the Islamic State in the Middle East. It added that "the area targeted by the American attacks in eastern Syria is the same area where the Syrian Arab army fights the remnants of the ISIL [ISIS] terrorist organisation."


"Iran-backed" Militia Retaliates To U.S. Strikes In Iraq; Bombs Base In Syria With 'Swarm Of Drones'

"Iran-backed" militia struck U.S. base in Syria in retaliation to American revenge airstrikes in the Middle East region. Egyptian media reported that swarm of drones attacked the al-Omar oil field and several explosions were heard following the attack. The U.S. has launched several airstrikes on Iraq and Syria after Kata'ib Hezbollah killed three U.S. soldiers in drone strike in Jordan last week. The drone attack in Syria comes hours after U.S. strike in Iraq's Baghdad killed Kata'ib Hezbollah commander.


going full-retard


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Palestinian-American man stabbed after attending anti-genocide protest in Austin, Texas

On Sunday evening in the West Campus area of the University of Texas at Austin in Austin, Texas, Zachariah Doar, a 23-year-old Palestinian-American, was stabbed in the chest after attending a pro-Palestinian protest held at the Capitol.

Doar, his father Nizar, and Doar’s three friends had traveled from Dallas to attend the second statewide protest that was attended by an estimated 15,000 people in the Texas capital, organized by the Austin for Palestine Coalition.

After the protest, Nizar left Zachariah and his friends in Austin, to make the drive back home to Dallas.

Nizar told the Austin Chronicle, “I just left my son in good condition. I told him, ‘Let’s go to Dallas, I will pay for your dinner, you and your friends, I want you to come with us.’ They’re young, they decided to try the good food in Austin. They stayed. An hour and a half, hour and 45 minutes [into the drive] and I get a terrible call saying, ‘Uncle, you have to turn back.’”

At around 7 p.m., at an intersection near the campus, Doar and three friends got into an altercation with Bert James Baker, who began shouting racial slurs at the four friends and tore off a keffiyah, the traditional Palestinian scarf, emblazoned with the inscription “Free Palestine,” which was attached to their car. The four exited the car to fight Baker off after which Baker stabbed Doar in the chest, breaking one of his ribs.

Baker, 36, was arrested at the scene and charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a Muslim civil rights advocacy group, called for hate-crime charges to be brought against Baker.

Doar continued, “The city of Austin failed to protect my son. Greg Abbott failed to protect his citizens. Joe Biden failed to protect this country. This has come to haunt us in our homeland, in Texas. I beg you to call an end for this madness, and stop the genocide in Gaza.”


Australian Jewish academics condemn Zionist lie that opposition to Israeli war crimes is antisemitic

Over recent weeks, the sordid activities of small but politically-influential Zionist organisations that function as propagandists for Israeli war crimes have come under greater scrutiny.

A key turning point was the revelation last month that the December sacking of journalist Antoinette Lattouf was carried out by Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) management at the behest of Zionist activists in the Lawyers for Israel group. They had coordinated a series of vexatious complaints to have Lattouf fired, merely because she had made factual posts about Israel’s mass killings and other genocidal acts in Gaza.

Among other significant points, two in the article are particularly striking. Firstly, the authors note that Jews who speak out against Israel have themselves been subjected to venomous attacks by the Zionists, including “threats, social exclusion, intimidation, campaigns for sacking or attempts to discredit them.” That reality explodes the narrative of a monolithic Jewish community, united by Israel. It also completely refutes claims that the ardent Zionists are defenders of Judaism and all Jewish people.

Secondly, the authors note that the cynical misuse of the term antisemitism, to legitimise war crimes and to suppress opposition to them, risks undermining the fight against genuine anti-Jewish bigotry.


(src: https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2024/02/07/gwjk-f07.html)


“From the river to the sea,” says an ad for Springer’s classifieds site in Israel, which lists homes for sale in Jewish-only West Bank settlements.

Hanno Hauenstein
February 5 2024, 5:00 a.m.
ONE OF THE ways Germany sought to deal with its dark 20th-century past is its so-called Staatsräson — literally its reason of state — to support Israel. The commitment, which permeates German mass media, intensified after Hamas’s October 7 attack and the subsequent Israeli war against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

Axel Springer SE, Europe’s largest publisher, typifies the approach. The owners of Bild, Germany’s leading newspaper, Springer takes an unwavering pro-Israel stance. “God bless the IDF,” Die Welt, a Springer-owned German daily, declared in a recent editorial. And the company’s CEO wrote in Springer-owned Politico that the chants of “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” were tantamount to calling for genocide against Jews, a position in line with the German government’s November declaration that the slogan was illegal.

Defending Israel against criticisms of human rights violations, however, is one thing. Making money off those violations is another. Yet that’s exactly what Springer appears to be doing. Springer’s Israeli classified ads website Yad2 — the largest Craigslist-like classifieds site in the country — publishes real estate listings across Israel, including rental apartments and sales in Israeli settlements that are considered illegal under international law.

In December, Yad2 took out its own advertisement in an Israeli business paper to promote home sales on its site. “From the River to the Sea,” the ad, which appeared in The Marker, says in English, depicting a map of Israel and Palestine with pins dropped all over. The map has no “Green Line” or other markings separating Israel’s internationally recognized borders and occupied Palestinian territory. Below the co-opted protest slogan, the ad continues in Hebrew: “Yad2 helps you look forward and build a future in your next home in Israel.”

“Advertising on the website is free for private users,” a representative for Yad2 said in response to an inquiry. “Business users are required to pay according to the terms of the site.” Paid listings, which are highlighted on the site, allow advertisers to increase their reach, they added.

The Intercept found thousands of apartments for sale and for rent in illegal settlements in the occupied Palestinian West Bank. Of those, more than 1,000 were paid ads from brokerage houses — meaning Yad2, and therefore Axel Springer, made money on them. Some of the ads, according to an expert who scanned the listings for The Intercept, are for homes in so-called outposts, or settlements considered illegal under even Israeli law; other home listings appear on private Palestinian land that was seized by the Israeli military for security purposes but now hosts Jewish settlers.



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George Latimer was recruited by AIPAC to challenge Bowman, a member of the Squad who has called for a Gaza ceasefire.

AFTER RECRUITING WESTCHESTER County Executive George Latimer to run against Rep. Jamaal Bowman, D-N.Y., the American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s PAC is also bankrolling Latimer’s campaign.

AIPAC has given more than $600,000 in total to Latimer’s campaign — 42 percent of his total $1.4 million in contributions so far — according to filings with the Federal Election Commission submitted Wednesday night.

The heavy spending in Bowman’s district is part of AIPAC’s wider plans to spend at least $100 million to oust progressive Democrats in the House. The members, known as the Squad, are regular critics of Israel’s human rights abuses against Palestinians and U.S. military funding for the ongoing assault on Gaza. (Latimer’s campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment.)

“This report makes it clear that George Latimer’s campaign to unseat Jamaal Bowman is heavily funded by the same Republican megadonors who’ve spent millions to elect Donald Trump,” Bill Neidhardt, an adviser to Bowman’s campaign, said in a statement to The Intercept. “There is a direct connection between Latimer and the upper echelons of the Republican party.”

Latimer’s race against Bowman has attracted Republican support. The county executive held a fundraiser hosted by a donor to Republicans including former President Donald Trump last month. AIPAC officially endorsed Latimer’s campaign days later. The Intercept reported in December that one AIPAC donor encouraged Jewish Republicans to switch parties to vote in the primary to oust Bowman.

AIPAC has played an outsized role in campaign finance in recent years, since it started giving directly to federal candidates. In addition to its PAC, the group launched a super PAC, United Democracy Project, that spent millions against progressive candidates in 2022. During that election season, AIPAC came under fire for attacking Democrats while it endorsed more than 100 Republicans who voted to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election. (AIPAC did not immediately respond to a request for comment.)



Thank you based news bro


>Australian Jewish academics condemn Zionist lie that opposition to Israeli war crimes is antisemitic
>Secondly, the authors note that the cynical misuse of the term antisemitism, to legitimise war crimes and to suppress opposition to them, risks undermining the fight against genuine anti-Jewish bigotry.
stoking anti-Jewish bigotry might be an intentional side effect


>AIPAC’s wider plans to spend at least $100 million to oust
>AIPAC has played an outsized role in campaign finance in recent years
What would happen, if those political candidates they bribe, just take the money to get elected and once in office, do something else, than what they got bribed for ?


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LMAO remember when retards on here were denying this happened???


>LMAO remember when retards on here were denying this happened???
It also seems that there is a truth-delay in the news-cycle.


>stoking anti-Jewish bigotry might be an intentional side effect
Probably, yes.
>What would happen, if those political candidates they bribe, just take the money to get elected and once in office, do something else, than what they got bribed for ?
That would be good, but AIPAC would most likely pay even more money for campaigns to get rid of them. I wouldn't be surprised at this point if Israel would send Mossad after them, either. That is to say that this doesn't happen, candidates who accept AIPAC money can't be trusted.

Even just a year or two ago I might honestly have thought this was an exaggeration, but I would have been wrong. That the Houthis have shown more restraint in war than Israel and its backers is really telling.

The journalistic malpractice in the US is astounding, because Israel just keeps lying and they just keep printing it. The lie is a headline, but, the retraction is a footnote. Meanwhile in Israel itself, barely anybody trusts Netanyahu and they report on a lot of stuff the American press refuses to.


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>That would be good, but AIPAC would most likely pay even more money for campaigns to get rid of them.
Well that could be gamed too. Candidate-A takes bribe-A then refuses to do what he got bribed for. Next, Candidate-B maneuvers into position, takes bribe-B and then refuses to get rid of Candidate-A. Like a 2 stage thing.

Maybe there is a effective anti-corruption scheme in there somewhere.

>I wouldn't be surprised at this point if Israel would send Mossad after them, either.

What does the Mossad do?

>That is to say that this doesn't happen, candidates who accept AIPAC money can't be trusted.

Well that sucks, bribery gets aipac reliable politicians that represent their interests but everybody else doesn't ? There has to be a way to turn that around.

>The journalistic malpractice in the US is astounding, because Israel just keeps lying and they just keep printing it. The lie is a headline, but, the retraction is a footnote.

So we start ignoring the headlines and only read the retractions in the footnotes?

>Meanwhile in Israel itself, barely anybody trusts Netanyahu and they report on a lot of stuff the American press refuses to.

Yeah i noticed that too, western corporate media is worse than Israeli press.


Nicaragua seeks to join South Africa in World Court genocide case against Israel

February 8, 202412:47 PM EST

AMSTERDAM, Feb 8 (Reuters) - Nicaragua has filed an application with the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to join South Africa in its genocide case against Israel, the ICJ, also known as the World Court, said on Thursday.

The court said in a statement that Nicaragua considers that the conduct of Israel is in "violation of its obligations under the Genocide Convention".

South Africa and Israel have been invited to furnish written observations on Nicaragua's application for permission to intervene as a party.

Historically, the kind of intervention Nicaragua is requesting, has rarely been granted by the ICJ.

Several other states have signalled they might want to intervene in the Gaza genocide case but none have formally done so before Nicaragua.

South Africa in December 2023 filed a genocide case against Israel declaring that it was in breach of its obligations under the 1948 Genocide Convention in its war against the Palestinian group Hamas in Gaza.

Last month the World Court ordered Israel to prevent acts of genocide against Palestinians and do more to help civilians, although it stopped short of ordering a ceasefire as requested by South Africa.


>Nicaragua has filed an application with the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to join South Africa in its genocide case against Israel,
Is this beginning of a domino effect, with more countries joining in ?


Several others have talked about it and they should start joining. Ireland especially. I can't say what will happen, but I know they need to join.


UN pledges full support for ICJ rulings

In international news, the United Nations Secretary-General says he fully supports the decisions of the International Court of Justice and that its absolutely essential that rulings of court be implemented.

Antonio Guterres was speaking during a press conference to highlight his priorities for 2024.


Interesting, you think Ireland is next in line ? It kinda makes sense from a historic perspective.


Illegal settlement expansion: Israeli army says it is necessary for security

cough bullshit cough

It depends. Ireland's top guy seems hesitant about signing on, but that hesitation seems to be unpopular. More nations signing on before Ireland would be kind of embarrassing tbh.


More on that last point. It seems like people in Ireland were already tired of Israel's bullshit, and Israel has responded to completely valid criticism with even more aggressive bullshit.


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German gov't doubling down on the side of genocide.

German air defence frigate leaves port to join EU Red Sea mission

Feb. 8 2024

BERLIN, Feb 8 (Reuters) - Germany sent a powerful air defence frigate on Thursday to join an European Union naval mission in the Red Sea that will be launched in mid-February to protect merchant ships from attacks by Yemen's Iran-backed Houthi militia.

Many commercial shippers have diverted vessels following attacks by the Houthis, who control much of Yemen and say they are acting in solidarity with the Palestinians as Israel and Hamas wage war in Gaza.

"Free sea trade routes are the basis of our industry and of our capability to defend ourselves," the chief of the German navy, Vice Admiral Jan Christian Kaack, told reporters in Berlin.

"The current situation in the Red Sea has already caused bottlenecks in supply and forced some companies to stop their production," he said, adding that more than 90% of all goods reached Europe and Germany by sea.


Reminder that, in all of this, the Houthis have killed exactly 2 people and both of those people were US Navy SEALs.


Thanks for elaborating on Ireland's stances.

It seems that if more countries board the ICJ train, it might make Israel stop the slaughter somehow.


They will shoot with high-end air defense missiles at cheap Houthis drones. It will make money for the weapons industry. That's probably what this is about.


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Palestinian president accuses Israel of trying to drive Palestinians from their land

The head of the Palestinian Authority said in a statement that Israel’s military escalation in Rafah aims to push Palestinians from their land, Reuters reported.

The office of Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas said on Friday that it holds the Israel and US governments responsible for any effects of the expected invasion.

Abbas’ office also said that the expected military operation would threaten “peace and security in the region”.

The Palestinian presidency warned the UN Security Council about the impact’s of Israel’s actions as “[Israel] taking this step threatens security and peace in the region and the world. It crosses all red lines,” Abbas’ office said in a statement.



mr sissy, the president of mexico


Syrian Group Joins Hamas In Gaza Against Israel; IDF Troops Attacked As Gunmen Regroup

War monitors confirmed that the Palestinian fighters are "infiltrating" Northern Gaza. Monitors said the fighters are "infiltrating" previously cleared areas in Gaza's North. U.S.-based think tanks also noted a Syrian-based group PFLP-GC operating for the first time in the Gaza Strip.


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Israel appears to be in breach of ICJ orders on Gaza, senior UN official says
Sat, Feb 10 2024
Special rapporteur cites lack of medical supplies, food and clean water, and continued demolition of infrastructure

Israel appears to be in breach of the orders issued a fortnight ago by the international court of justice requiring it to take immediate steps to protect Palestinians’ rights and cease all activities that could constitute genocide, the UN special rapporteur on the occupied territories, Francesca Albanese, has said.

The Israeli government was given until 23 February to report to the ICJ on what it has done to comply with six orders the court issued, including one relating to ending incitement to genocide and another requiring immediate steps to improve the supply of humanitarian aid.

Senior western officials say that despite hours of negotiations with Israeli officials there is at best a marginal and incremental improvement since the 26 January ruling. “Safe to say, it’s dire and getting worse,” one said.

The ICJ did not direct Israel to announce a ceasefire, as South Africa had requested, but by very large majorities the judges did make orders that were intended to have practical effect.

First, Israel was required to “take all measures within its power to prevent and punish the direct and public incitement to commit genocide” in relation to Palestinians in Gaza, after the court found “discernibly genocidal and dehumanising rhetoric coming from senior Israeli government officials”.

Second, the ICJ required Israel to “take immediate and effective measures to enable the provision of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian assistance”.

Israel was further required to take all measures within its power to prevent, within the scope of the genocide convention, the killing of Palestinians, causing them serious bodily or mental harm, inflicting conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part, and imposing measures intended to prevent births.

Lawyers have argued that the extent of Israel’s compliance with the orders is a test not only of the top UN court’s authority, but of other signatories to the genocide convention.

Yussef Al Tamimi, a visiting fellow at New York University school of law, pointed out that ICJ case law – notably the Bosnia v Serbia ruling in 1996 – specifies that states have the responsibility “to employ all means reasonably available to them, so as to prevent genocide so far as possible”.

He said that applied equally to states with “the capacity to influence effectively the action of persons likely to commit, or already committing, genocide”. In the Serbia judgment, the ICJ found “a state bore responsibility if it was aware, or should normally have been aware, of the serious danger that acts of genocide would be committed”.

This places stricter obligations on states that provide financial, intelligence and military assistance to Israel’s campaign in Gaza, he said. South Africa’s lawyers intend to press further over Israeli compliance with the ICJ’s orders and third parties over their obligations.

The case accusing Israel of genocide was brought by South Africa but others have since taken action. Nicaragua has asked to join the case on the basis, it says, that Israel is breaching the convention, and Algeria – the current lead Arab nation on the UN security council – has tabled a resolution endorsing the ICJ’s orders and adding that a humanitarian ceasefire is the prerequisite for them to be implemented, something the court itself did not say.

The US is opposed to the resolution.

Independent of the ICJ, Belgium has banned arms sales to Israel, Japan’s Itochu Aviation has informed its Israeli partner it will end strategic cooperation by the end of February, and the Dutch appeal court will decide next week whether or not the government is entitled to sell F-16s to Israel.

The most serious infraction has occurred over the order concerning aid. The UN office for the coordination of humanitarian affairs reported on 5 February: “In the northern Gaza and Gaza governorates, the humanitarian situation has reached an exceedingly critical state, exacerbated by existing restrictions that impede the delivery of essential aid.”

It also pointed out that the Israeli authorities denied access to 56% of humanitarian aid missions planned for northern Gaza (34 out of 61) and 25% of missions planned for the middle area (28 out of 114) in January. Since 26 January the number of trucks allowed to enter Gaza, an inadequate metric, never exceeded 218 and was typically below 150.

Israeli rightwingers have blocked the Kerem Shalom crossing to prevent the entry of aid into the strip since 26 January and police have so far not removed their tents. The UN also noted that despite promises, checkpoints had not once been opened at 6am when operational conditions were optimal for delivering aid.



European organisations have no plans to ban Israel from events such as the UEFA football championships and Eurovision song contest, despite its war on Gaza.
Why does Israel compete in Europe?


>Monitors said the fighters are "infiltrating" previously cleared areas in Gaza's North.
game of whack a mole
probably literally because Hamas is using tunnels


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(from Jan. 30, news comes fast lately)

American Federation of Teachers Joins Call for Gaza Cease-Fire

The union's executive council called for a cease-fire after months of pressure from educators across the United States.

The result of "significant" input from rank-and-file members of the American Federation of Teachers from across the United States, the 1.72 million-strong union's executive council on Tuesday unanimously adopted a resolution calling for a cease-fire in Gaza.

The resolution calls for a "negotiated bilateral cease-fire" that would be guaranteed by the international community, including the U.S. and other countries that are supporting Israel's bombardment of Gaza.

"A cease-fire agreement must include the immediate provision of desperately needed food, water, medical care, clothing, emergency shelter, and other humanitarian aid to Palestinian civilians in Gaza and the release of all hostages abducted by Hamas from Israel on October 7," reads the statement.

The resolution also reaffirms "the AFT's support for a two-state solution," condemns antisemitism and Islamophobia, and demands that all people should be "safe to express dissent" in the United States.

"The conflict should not be used as an excuse to wage political attacks on American colleges and universities, or as a pretext to undermine necessary efforts to increase diversity, promote equity, and advance inclusion," reads the union's statement.

The resolution was passed after numerous attacks on Palestinian rights protesters' right to organize groups and demonstrations on college campuses.

Randi Weingarten, president of AFT, noted that many members of the union "are deeply connected to people in Israel and the Palestinian territories, so they feel that pain personally; and many others, including the students we teach, are horrified and aggrieved by what has happened."

State and local teachers' unions across the country have passed resolutions demanding a cease-fire over the past three months. The United Auto Workers, American Postal Workers Union, Service Employees International Union, and other labor groups have also made the demand.


(pic unrel-ish)


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Egypt steps up security on border as Israeli offensive in Gaza nears

CAIRO, Feb 9 (Reuters) - Egypt has sent about 40 tanks and armoured personnel carriers to northeastern Sinai within the past two weeks as part of a series of measures to bolster security on its border with Gaza, two Egyptian security sources said.



This is actually a pretty big deal. These formal organizations of labor are embedded with in the system and can set the tone for normies while putting pressure on the dncnto conform


>The resolution also reaffirms "the AFT's support for a two-state solution,"
I'm at the point now where I just can't take anyone seriously who still says this shit. A two-state solution has been dangled in front of the Palestinians for decades by their oppressors' enablers because they know it's an utterly infeasible idea that could never work. The only functional state left standing when the dust finally settles will be one state of Palestine-Israel.


You should do as much as you can to make sure people understand why a two-state solution will not be viable. It bothers me when people say it, too, but right now a lot of people still think it's the most "diplomatic" solution, even people who otherwise understand how horrible what's going on is. If it bothers you, then it's your job to help raise awareness.


Arrests around 40 mins.


>will be one state of Palestine-Israel.
Maybe it should be called "Onestate"


>make sure people understand why a two-state solution will not be viable
Can't have 2 states if neither are viable
Israel physically destroyed Palestine.
Israel politically destroyed it self.


Israeli Drone Strike Fails As Hamas Assassination Target In Lebanon Survives

Three others killed

(what's that symbol on the flag Netanyahu & friends are standing in front of at 23 seconds?)


Israeli police clash with angry anti-Netanyahu protesters

Emotions are boiling over on the streets of Tel Aviv, with demands for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to resign. The families of hostages still held by Hamas in Gaza are running out of patience.
Dozens blocked a major highway on Saturday night, lighting bonfires. An angry crowd marched on military headquarters, demanding a deal with Hamas to free the hostages. Hamas is considered a terrorist organization by many countries. DW’s Ben Fajzullin reports.


>The Jews get to do the internationally dispersed Jewish diaspora thing, because they're not hurting anybody with it. The Zionists are attacking that because they want to herd all the Jews into Israel by using antisemitism as a stick.

I've been reading Zionism in the Age of the Dictators. It's been really fascinating, and it kind of touches on that aspect in places.

>In a speech at a World Jewish Conference at Geneva in 1934, Wise attacked the Labourites who had become the dominant force in Palestinian Zionism:

<One leading Palestinian put it over and over again at Prague: Palestine has primacy. This conference must clearly state, that while Palestine has primacy over all other factors in the equation, its primacy ceases when it comes into conflict with a higher moral law. [28]

>Wise had identified the rot in the WZO: the land of Israel had become far more important than the needs of the people Israel. Labour Zionism had become, in the fullest sense, a utopian cult. They saw a new Jew in the old Jewish land as the only way for a Jewish nation to continue to exist. The real Jewish people, the millions of Jews of the Diaspora, were no more than a reservoir from which they would pick young immigrants to build their state. The Diaspora, as such, was doomed: either the Jews would be driven out, as in Germany, or assimilated as in France. With this strange perspective that Jewish survival stood or fell with them in Israel, the Zionists were driven to seek more from the Nazis to make their vision into a reality.



>I've been reading Zionism in the Age of the Dictators.
<Zionism had become, in the fullest sense, a utopian cult. They saw a new Jew in the old Jewish land as the only way for a Jewish nation to continue to exist. The real Jewish people, the millions of Jews of the Diaspora, were no more than a reservoir from which they would pick young immigrants to build their state. The Diaspora, as such, was doomed

I haven't looked at migration statistics but it seems that many Jews are migrating from Israel to Europe, the US and other places, because that seems like the safer choice. Israel no longuer looks safe because of the looming escalation into a regional war.

It seems they were wrong, now Zionland appears doomed and the Diaspora is golden.


The ICJ has recently been rearranged following the interim ruling found Israel to be plausibly committing genocide. By the book this is pretty open-and-shut, but given this I would recommend that everyone maintain their pessimism and make preparations for the worst.


Hamas says two Israeli hostages killed by air strikes in Gaza


Israeli air strikes over the past four days in Gaza have killed two hostages and seriously injured eight others, the armed wing of Hamas announced Sunday on its Telegram channel. The news came as Binyamin Netanyahu said that the Israeli military will provide "safe passage for the civilian population" ahead of an expected assault on the severely overcrowded southern Gaza city of Rafah. Read our blog to see how the day's events unfolded.



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Middle East crisis live: US should rethink military aid to Israel, EU foreign policy chief indicates

Josep Borrell says US and ‘international community’ should think about the provision of weapons if they believe ‘too many people are being killed’

Borrell recalled that US president Joe Biden said last week that Israel’s response to the 7 October Hamas attack had been “over the top” and US officials had repeatedly said that too many civilians were being killed in Gaza, Reuters reported.

“Well, if you believe that too many people are being killed, maybe you should provide less arms in order to prevent so many people being killed,” Borrell told reporters after a meeting of EU development aid ministers in Brussels.

“If the international community believes that this is a slaughter, that too many people are being killed, maybe we have to think about the provision of arms,” he added.



>The ICJ has recently been rearranged
what does that mean ?


Egypt threatens to suspend peace treaty due to Israel attack on Rafah

Egypt has threatened to suspend the Camp David peace treaty with Israel if the apartheid state sends troops into the densely-populated border city of Rafah in the Gaza Strip, the Associated Press has reported. Two Egyptian officials and a Western diplomat said on Sunday that the fighting in Rafah may lead to the closure of the main route through which humanitarian aid enters Gaza.

The Egyptian threat to suspend the peace treaty, which has been a cornerstone of regional stability for nearly 50 years, came after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that sending forces to Rafah “is necessary to achieve victory” in the four-month war against the Palestinians. He claimed that Hamas has “four battalions” of fighters in the city.

More than half of the Gaza Strip’s population of 2.3 million people have fled to Rafah to escape fighting in other areas. They are crowded in sprawling camps and shelters run by the UN near the border with Egypt, having been told by the occupation state that it is a “safe area”.

The Egyptian government fears a mass influx of hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refugees, in the reasonably certain knowledge that Israel will never allow them to return to their homes in occupied Palestine.

The confrontation between Israel and Egypt comes at a time when relief organisations have warned that the attack on Rafah will exacerbate the already disastrous humanitarian situation in Gaza. According to the UN, a quarter of the population in the Strip faces famine.

Netanyahu used an interview with Fox News yesterday to claim that there is “plenty of room north of Rafah for them [Palestinians] to go to” after Israel’s offensive elsewhere in Gaza. He said that Israel would direct evacuees with “flyers, with cell-phones and with safe corridors and other things.”

However, the Israeli offensive has caused widespread destruction, especially in northern Gaza, while fierce fighting is still taking place in central Gaza and the southern city of Khan Yunis. A ground operation in Rafah could also lead to the closure of its border crossing, cutting off the only way to deliver much-needed food and medical supplies.

The three officials confirmed the Egyptian threat, said Associated Press, while Qatar, Saudi Arabia and other countries have also warned of dire consequences if Israel enters Rafah. Moreover, EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell wrote on X that, “The Israeli attack on Rafah will lead to an unspeakable humanitarian catastrophe and serious tensions with Egypt.”

The White House, which has sent weapons to Israel and protected it from international calls for a ceasefire, also warned against launching a ground operation in Rafah under the current circumstances, as it would be a “disaster” for civilians.

Egypt has fortified its border with Gaza, establishing a five-kilometre-long buffer zone and erecting concrete walls above and below the ground to deter tunnels. It has denied Israeli allegations that Hamas is still running smuggling operations through tunnels under the border. Although Egyptian forces have full control on their side of the border, officials in Cairo fear that if the border is breached, the army will not be able to stop the influx of people fleeing to the Sinai Peninsula.



Some of the judges left and there are some new one. The Uganda judge is now VP, and there's a new judge from Lebanon in the top spot.


Some American politicians are also trying to punish South Africa for speaking out against Israel's genocidal campaign. These guys are so callous… how do they think Americans feel that billions and billions in tax revenue is being spent on blowing up children while so many of us struggle to pay the rent?


I see judges got shuffled around
>The Uganda judge is now VP
that's the one that sided with Israel right ?

You think that will change the verdict ?


That alone is unlikely to have any impact on the verdict, I'd be more worried about the new judges. The ruling was overwhelmingly in favor of South Africa the last time, I don't think having the Uganda judge as VP would make a difference by itself.


ICC prosecutor 'deeply concerned' by situation in Gaza's Rafah

THE HAGUE, Feb 12 (Reuters) - International Criminal Court prosecutor Karim Khan said on Monday he was deeply concerned about reports of bombardment and potential ground incursion by Israeli forces in the southern Gaza city of Rafah.

Khan posted on X after airstrikes in the city that is the last refuge of about a million displaced civilians.

The prosecutor said the court was "actively investigating any crimes allegedly committed" in Gaza and that "those who are in breach of the law will be held accountable".

He later told Reuters that half of the population of Gaza is currently concentrated around Rafah, "reportedly six times its normal concentration".

"When you have a population that is 60% children and women by all accounts, the risks to civilians are profound", he said.


Official Statement

American forces has repeated irresponsibly all the actions that would undermine the established understandings and hinder the initiation of bilateral dialogue. It conducted a blatant assassination through an airstrike in the heart of a residential neighborhood in the capital, Baghdad, showing no regard for civilian lives or international laws.

By this act, the American forces jeopardize civil peace, violate Iraqi sovereignty, and disregard the safety and lives of our citizens. Even more concerning is that the coalition consistently deviates from the reasons and objectives for its presence on our territory.

This trajectory compels the Iraqi government more than ever to terminate the mission of this coalition, which has become a factor for instability and threatens to entangle Iraq in the cycle of conflict, and our armed forces cannot neglect their constitutional duties and responsibilities, which demand safeguarding the security of Iraqis and the land of Iraq from all threats.

God's mercy and honor to the martyrs of this attack and to all martyrs of Iraq.

Major General Special Forces
Yehia Rasool
The Spokesperson for the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces
February 8, 2024


>It seems they were wrong, now Zionland appears doomed and the Diaspora is golden.

I think as far as the Blood and Soil types in the government are concerned, is Israel is doomed then it might as well be over because the Diaspora aren't "real Jews" anyway.


>the Blood and Soil types
>the Diaspora aren't "real Jews" anyway.
It's probably the other way around, with the Jews in living the Diaspora doing the authentic Jewish thing, while what the Zionists are doing is the deviation that has gone horribly wrong.


That's certainly what Orthodox Jews tend to think. For them, Jews returning to Israel was supposed to require an act of God, not something that happens through human volition.


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UN would not cooperate with any forced Rafah evacuation

The UN humanitarian office has not received any communication from Israel of a plan to evacuate Gaza's Rafah area either alone or jointly and would not participate in any forced evacuation even if it did, a spokesperson told Reuters on Tuesday.

"We have not received any official communication from Israeli officials," Jens Laerke, spokesperson for OCHA said in response to Reuters questions about Rafah plans. "Regardless, the UN does not participate in forced, non-voluntary evacuations. There is no plan at this time to facilitate the evacuation of civilians," he said.

South Africa makes urgent request for ICJ to consider Rafah intervention

South Africa has made an urgent request to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to consider whether Israel's decision to extend its military operations in Rafah requires that the court use its power to prevent further breach of the rights of Palestinians in Gaza, South Africa's presidency said on Tuesday, Reuters reports.

The head of the UN Palestinian refugee agency (UNRWA) said on Tuesday that calls to dismantle it were short-sighted and that terminating its mandate weakened the world's ability to response to the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

"I have talked to the member states about all these calls to have UNRWA dismantled, to be terminated. I have warned about the impact, I have said that these calls are short-sighted," UNRWA chief Philippe Lazzarini said after a meeting with member states at the United Nations in Geneva.

"The impact is not just on the short-term. It not just weakens our collective ability to respond to the humanitarian crisis…"

US Senate votes in favour of sending $14bn to Israel

The Democratic-led US Senate has voted in favour of sending Israel $14bn as part of a wider $95bn aid package for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan.

In a pre-dawn vote, lawmakers cleared the 60-vote threshold to send the legislation on to the House of Representatives, where the bill appears to face long odds of getting to the floor.

Republican Speaker, Mike Johnson, criticised it for lacking conservative provisions to stem the flow of people crossing the US-Mexico border. Both houses of Congress must approve the legislation before Biden can sign it into law.

The package would also provide $9.15bn in humanitarian assistance to civilians in Gaza and the West Bank, Ukraine and other conflict zones around the globe.

Former Democratic presidential primary contender Bernie Sanders was among the no votes. Before the vote, he called the bill “unconscionable”, adding it “provides Netanyahu $10bn more in unrestricted military aid for his horrific war against the Palestinian people”.

28,473 Palestinians have been killed and 68,146 have been wounded in Israeli strikes on Gaza since 7 October, the Gaza health ministry said in a statement on Tuesday.

133 Palestinians were killed and 162 wounded in the past 24 hours, the ministry added.



>South Africa makes urgent request for ICJ to consider Rafah intervention

SABC piece on this action.


("storm" is an exaggeration, but relatively good otherwise)








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Gaza war threatens to shut down the West’s fifth-gen fighter programme

A Dutch court has halted worldwide production of the F-35, citing potential complicity in Israeli human rights abuses.

The Dutch government is urgently appealing a court decision that would bring global production of the West’s fifth-generation fighter jet to a halt.

A first instance decision on Monday gave the government a week to stop exporting parts for the F-35 stealth fighter-bomber, which Israel is using in its bombardment of the Gaza strip, where its war has killed more than 28,000 Palestinians, a majority of them women and children.

The Dutch government is urgently appealing a court decision that would bring global production of the West’s fifth-generation fighter jet to a halt.

A first instance decision on Monday gave the government a week to stop exporting parts for the F-35 stealth fighter-bomber, which Israel is using in its bombardment of the Gaza strip, where its war has killed more than 28,000 Palestinians, a majority of them women and children.

The Court of Appeal in The Hague cited “a clear risk that Israel’s F-35 fighter jets might be used in the commission of serious violations of international humanitarian law.”

That could, in turn, implicate the Netherlands, which both manufactures and stocks F-35 parts.

Israel insists its war is aimed at destroying Hamas, after the Palestinian armed group attacked southern Israel on October 7, killing nearly 1,200 people. But the mounting toll of civilian casualties; the bombardment of schools, refugee camps and hospitals; and the forced displacement of almost all of Gaza’s population have sparked global outrage. South Africa has hauled Israel to the International Court of Justice, accusing it of genocidal intent. And the court at The Hague this week appeared to share some of the concerns the ICJ is mulling over.

“Israel does not take sufficient account of the consequences of its attacks for the civilian population,” the Dutch court said. “This means that the export of F-35 parts from the Netherlands to Israel has to be stopped.”

Doing so would have consequences that extend far beyond Israel and the war in Gaza.

The Netherlands hosts one of three warehouses worldwide for F-35 parts, at Woensdrecht. However, the Netherlands argues that Israel cannot be singled out for an embargo, because the Dutch government exports parts to all countries in the F-35 programme under a single licence, labelled AV009.

This was one reason why the Dutch government refused to suspend parts deliveries to Israel in the first place.

“Based on AV009 it is not possible to exclude a specific country as a destination from deliveries,” the court acknowledged. “All suppliers to Israel would then have to be excluded, but that would mean that those suppliers would no longer be allowed to supply to other countries.”

Three Dutch humanitarian organisations brought the lawsuit: Oxfam Novib, PAX Netherlands Peace Movement Foundation and The Rights Forum.

The decision, if it is not overturned on appeal, could have serious implications for the F-35, designed and built by the United States-based Lockheed Martin Corporation.

The order book for the jet stood at more than 150 last October, as NATO members have lined up to adopt it as their next-generation aircraft. Countries with tens of billions of dollars’ worth of aircraft on order include the US, Switzerland, Finland, Denmark and the Czech Republic. Israel is the only country that operates the aircraft in the east Mediterranean. It has bought three squadrons of 24 planes each.

The Dutch court’s decision rests on the Geneva Conventions of 1949, a cornerstone of international humanitarian law.





Reports of civilian casualties after strikes on Lebanon

Three people are reported to have been killed in the Marjayoun district after a house was struck by Israeli air strikes.

The attacks came after a barrage of rockets from southern Lebanon hit a military base in Safed in northern Israel, killing one person and wounding several others.

The time-tested Israeli tactic of responding to attacks on their military by bombing literally anyone who happens to be in the general vicinity. What could go wrong?


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Israeli ships continue to attack fishermen on Deir el-Balah’s beach

''Palestinian fishermen in central Gaza say they’re regularly attacked by the Israeli Navy, which opens fire on them as they attempt to feed the starved population of the besieged enclave.

“Yesterday it was hugely dangerous. Our boats were damaged because of the intense shooting,” Imad al-Aqra, a fisherman from Deir el-Balah, told Al Jazeera.''

“We can’t get further than 200 metres [656 feet] in the sea. We simply risk our lives going in. Two days ago, my relative was shot dead and his friend was severely wounded. I have survived bullets 20 times. Next time I may not go back to shore.”

Al-Aqra questioned why Israeli forces would target them. “We are just fishermen. How can we live if I can’t practise my profession safely? My family is starving. What we have per day is just 2-3kg, which is one-quarter of what we used to catch before October 7.”

Full Israeli attack on Rafah would be an ‘unfathomable catastrophe’: WHO

Rik Peeperkorn, WHO representative for Gaza and the occupied West Bank, says a full Israeli military offensive against Rafah would “further expand the humanitarian disaster beyond imagination”.

“It will also … push the health system closer to the brink of collapse,” Peeperkorn said.

The World Health Organization’s ability to distribute medical aid to Gaza is severely limited because many of its requests to deliver supplies were denied by Israel, he said.

Only 40 percent of WHO’s missions into isolated northern Gaza were authorised from November and this figure dropped significantly since January.

“Even when there is no ceasefire, humanitarian corridors should exist so that WHO, the UN, can do their job,” Peeperkorn said.

Deadly attack on Israel sends Hezbollah ‘message of deterrence’

Hezbollah is being blamed for firing rockets at Israeli military positions in Safad. That is a city in northern Israel, 15km from the border. So it’s an attack deep inside Israel.

It’s not the first time the area has been hit, but it’s rare for Hezbollah to target that deep, which means the armed group is sending a message.

Hezbollah has still not claimed responsibility for this attack, which is also quite unusual, because the group usually issues a statement minutes after it launches a military operation close to the border.

Now, what is the message? It is one of deterrence because as of late the Israeli army has really stepped up its air strikes and targeted assassinations, going after Hezbollah officials, Palestinian officials. In the past five days, there were three attacks of this kind so Hezbollah is saying ‘We, too, can hurt you’.

But this is still within the rules of engagement of this conflict. The target was a military position. Hezbollah is still treading carefully. Yesterday’s speech by the group’s leader Hassan Nasrallah showed that Hezbollah has no interest in a full-blown war.

Face-recognition cameras set up at Nasser Hospital gate

Within the past hour, the Israeli military ordered people – 300 medical staff, 450 patients, and hundreds of displaced Palestinians – to leave Nasser Hospital.

They destroyed the northern gate of the hospital and blocked it with piles of sand and rubble. Only the eastern gate is open now.

There are tanks and armoured vehicles stationed in front of that gate. There are face-recognition cameras installed at the eastern gate of the hospital.

From past experience, setting up face-recognition cameras and hi-tech equipment means raids and mass arrests are soon going to happen.


Palestinian Authority prepares report on Israel’s violations of ICJ orders on genocide prevention

Omar Awadallah, the Palestinian Authority’s assistant foreign minister, has said the State of Palestine had prepared a report on Israel’s violations of the International Court of Justice’s orders for preventing genocide in the Gaza Strip, according to the Palestinian news agency Wafa.

Last month’s ICJ ruling ordered six provisional measures to prevent and punish the direct and public incitement to genocide by Israel, and for the Israeli government take immediate and effective measures to ensure the provision of humanitarian assistance to civilians in Gaza.

Speaking at a news conference in Ramallah, Awadallah said the Palestinian Authority formed a legal team following a decision by President Mahmoud Abbas.

The team will present its case in the next ICJ hearings, from February 19 to 26, together with Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki.


It seems that courts are a lot more politically independent than it appeared.


new name for israel: the ju klux klan


Patrick Lawrence seems to think the New York Times is experiencing a crisis of credibility thanks to their ridiculous alleged reporting on Israel over the last few months juxtaposed with the obvious brutality that anyone can observe on social media.


Is he right? At long last could the public's trust in this institution finally be wavering?


Israel protests after Pope Francis laments ‘carnage’ in Gaza

The Israeli embassy to the Holy See has denounced remarks from a deputy of Pope Francis who decried the “carnage” of the war in Gaza, where more than 28,000 Palestinians have been killed and more than 80 percent of the population displaced.

“It is a deplorable statement. Judging the legitimacy of a war without taking into account all relevant circumstances and data inevitably leads to wrong conclusions,” the Israeli embassy said in a statement.

Yesterday, Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin had stated that “request that Israel’s right to defence, which has been invoked to justify this operation, be proportional, and certainly with 30,000 deaths, it is not.”

“I believe we are all outraged by what is happening, by this carnage, but we must have the courage to move forward and not lose hope,” he added.



Absolutely! American media in general has been suffering pretty heavily for this; NYT, CNN, Fox, etc. have all been caught redhanded here in real time. Their coverage has been an absolute joke and (with the possible exception of Fox) their staff seem genuinely embarrassed by this level of outright deception.

They're actually mad that the Pope isn't violent enough. Very weird position for Jews to take.


>Israeli ships continue to attack fishermen
lemme guess the fish were Hamas

>Patrick Lawrence seems to think the New York Times is experiencing a crisis of credibility
>Is he right?
Mainstream media used to be able to put a heavy propaganda spin on their portrayal of events without technically lying. But the Zionists were just too bloodthirsty, that wasn't something that anybody could bend into shape with spin.
They certainly burned their credibility on foreign policy stuff.


>The Israeli embassy to the Holy See has denounced remarks from a deputy of Pope Francis who decried the carnage of the war in Gaza
>They're actually mad that the Pope isn't violent enough. Very weird position for Jews to take.
The Israeli embassy doesn't speak for the Jews, it speaks for the Zionist regime



>DUBAI, Feb 14 (Reuters) - Two explosions along Iran's main south-north gas pipeline network on Wednesday were caused by sabotage, the Iranian oil minister told state TV, without naming any suspects.

>Authorities also denied reports that the incident caused gas cuts to industries and offices in some provinces, state media reported.

>In December, Iran executed five people whom it accused of being saboteurs with links to Israel's Mossad intelligence service in a decades-long shadow war that has seen Tehran accuse Israel of attacks on its nuclear and missile efforts, charges the latter has never confirmed or denied.


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<lemme guess the fish were Hamas
Yes. Do you condemn Aquahamas?

Very true! I just meant it was a weird position even for any particular Jews to take; or it would be weird in a vacuum, anyway. The Zionist positions do seem to often be extremely… uh… odd in light of Jewish history, but Zionists themselves do seem to have a pattern of such odd positions.


ooh fuck…


If I had to bet my money would be on it being an Israeli op.


Good luck finding somebody to bet against ya.


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Rafah operation could force spillover of Palestinians into Egypt: UN aid chief

Martin Griffiths has warned that the approximately 1.4 million Palestinians amassed in Rafah might be forced into Egypt if Israel launches its planned military operation against the border town.

Speaking at the UN in Geneva, Griffiths said the notion that people in Gaza could evacuate to a safe place was an “illusion”.

Many Palestinians in Gaza are the descendants of Nakba refugees and do not want to leave Palestine because Israel will not let them return.

Arab countries, like Egypt, also object to any displacement as the Palestinian Right of Return has been a central demand since 1948.

'''Lazzarini gives warning over freezing of UNRWA funding
Philippe Lazzarini, the head of the UNRWA, says the agency will begin to experience a negative cashflow next month – spending more money than is being donated.'''

“Then it will be accelerated in April unless this frozen contribution is unlocked,” he said, during a joint news conference in Dublin with Ireland’s foreign minister Micheal Martin.

Fighter jets strike a dozen targets in Lebanon: Israeli military

In the past hour, Israeli warplanes carried out a wave of at least 12 strikes in the Wadi Saluki area of Lebanon, according to an Israeli military statement posted on social media.

Fighter jets also hit Hezbollah infrastructure in the Labbouneh and Taybeh areas overnight, it said.

Senior Hezbollah official and lawmaker Hassan Fadlallah said Israel would face reprisals after strikes on southern Lebanon the previous day killed 10 civilians, half of them children. “The enemy will pay the price for these crimes.”

US strikes Houthi-held areas in Yemen

The US Central Command (CENTCOM) carried out four strikes in Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen where the group had been preparing to target ships in the Red Sea, CENTCOM said today.

The US force said on X that the Houthi targets “presented an imminent threat to US Navy ships and merchant vessels in the region” and that its actions will “protect freedom of navigation and make international waters safer and more secure”.

Hezbollah promises ‘swift and severe response’ after 10 civilians killed

At least 12 Israeli air strikes targeted areas close to the border. These are very strategic locations. These are valleys known to be Hezbollah strongholds, not the first time they’ve been hit.

What we’ve been seeing over recent weeks is really stepped-up Israeli strikes on Hezbollah’s infrastructure south of the Litani River.

What Israel wants is for Hezbollah forces to withdraw to the river. Hezbollah’s refusing to do that. It says there will be no halt to the fighting in southern Lebanon. It will continue to attack Israeli military positions as long as the aggression on Gaza continues.

So the cycle of violence continues. Hezbollah says it’s preparing for a widening of this conflict because in the past Israel largely hit military targets, and now we’re getting civilian casualties.

The fact is 10 civilians were killed on Wednesday – this is the largest civilian death toll in a single day. And Hezbollah is promising a swift and severe response.

‘Right now people are being attacked inside Nasser Hospital’

People ordered to evacuate the facility passed through an Israeli checkpoint when they were attacked by a quadcopter. Three people are now being treated for injuries at the Kuwaiti Hospital in Rafah. They were picked up – it’s quite a long distance from Khan Younis – and drove all the way while bleeding.

This is what’s happening to those inside Nasser just in the last 45 minutes. They were ordered to leave, they go through a checkpoint, then minutes later they’re being shot at by attack drones or machine guns.

Israeli forces bulldozed the southern fence of the hospital and stormed the courtyard. They then moved to the main building and rounded up doctors and nurses inside. The Israeli military is preventing them from treating any of the many wounded.

We will ‘never agree’ to a two-state peace plan: Israeli minister

Israel’s far-right finance minister rejected a reported US framework peace deal that promotes a two-state solution.

‘Genocide is under way in the Palestinian territories’: South Africa

In December, South Africa filed a case against Israel at the International Court of Justice (ICJ), accusing it of “crimes of genocide” against Palestinians in Gaza.

Now its foreign minister says Israel’s planned ground assault on Rafah city – housing 1.4 million people – shows total disregard for the case and serious accusations.

“South Africa is totally horrified at what is continuing to happen to the people of Gaza, the West Bank, and now Rafah,” said foreign minister Naledi Pandor.

“We believe this confirms the allegation tabled before the ICJ that genocide is under way in the Palestinian territories.”



Clip of Irish politician Richard Boyd talking about Israel's crimes and lack of accountability.


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MSF calls on Israel to immediately stop ‘attack’ on Nasser Hospital

Doctors Without Borders (Medecins Sans Frontieres, or MSF) says its staff reported “a chaotic situation, with an undetermined number of people killed and injured” at the Nasser Medical Complex, the organisation said on X.

“One of our colleagues remains unaccounted for,” MSF said after the Israeli army stormed the medical facility, which is protected under international law.

“Our medical staff have had to flee the hospital, leaving patients behind. Israeli Forces set up a checkpoint to screen people leaving the compound; one of our colleagues was detained at this checkpoint,” it added.

“We call on them to immediately stop this attack, as it endangers medical staff and patients who are still stuck inside the facility.”



Matt Miller being asked about the murder of Hind Rajab, her family, and the ambulance crew who tried to save her.


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>Martin Griffiths has warned that the approximately 1.4 million Palestinians amassed in Rafah might be forced into Egypt if Israel launches its planned military operation against the border town.
If they complete the genocide by displacing those they haven't murdered, that will remove all doubt that this has always been the plan and catalyze a shift in perception of Israel and undoo what's left of their national legitimacy.


There's no reasonable doubt now. Netanyahu & his 'guys' have been very open about their intent; even if they fail, the only thing shielding them is a clumsily made wall of blatant dishonesty and chauvinism from western Zionists.


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CIA chief meets Netanyahu, Mossad chief in Israel over captives release deal: Report

William Burns, the director of the CIA, has arrived in Israel, meeting the country’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the head of the Mossad, its foreign intelligence service, according to the Israeli Army Radio.

The report indicated that the topic of the meeting was the potential deal with Hamas on the release of the Israeli captives from Gaza.

Burns is seen as the most respected American diplomat in the region, and a visit of his to the Middle East happened soon before the first deal for a pause in the fighting in Gaza was struck last year.


Houthis claim attack on British ship

The Yemeni group says it targeted a UK bulk carrier called LYCAVITOS “with appropriate naval missiles” while it was sailing in the Gulf of Aden.

The Houthis, who present themselves as Yemen’s official armed forces, added that they will continue to enforce a “blockade on Israeli navigation in the Red and Arabian Seas until a ceasefire is achieved and a siege is lifted in the Gaza Strip”.

Earlier, we reported on an advisory note from maritime security firm Ambrey, that said a bulk carrier sustained damage under similar circumstances. It is not immediately clear if these incidents are one and the same.

Video shows bodies of infants decomposing at al-Nasr Hospital

Footage has emerged showing the decomposing bodies of premature infants at Al Nassr Pediatric Hospital in Gaza City, which was besieged earlier in the war.

Al Jazeera’s verification unit, Sanad, confirmed the video shows the infants’ remains left unattended in one of the hospital’s wards.

“On November 10, the Israeli army besieged Al Nassr Children’s Hospital and then instructed the medical staff to evacuate the hospital along with the displaced persons,” Mohammed Hamouda, a doctor at the hospital, told Al Jazeera in a voice message.

“In this situation, we were forced to merge the nursery with the intensive care unit for critical cases requiring artificial respiration,” he said. “We operated a generator to keep the equipment running. We left the hospital under the Israeli siege with the understanding that the Red Cross would follow up on these cases.”

“However, all of them passed away and were left to decompose,” he concluded.



>The Houthis, who present themselves as Yemen’s official armed forces, even though, heh, they only control all the parts of the country where the people live…
We know the Saudis seethe over them, but why does the UAE (al-Jazeera's sponsor) seem to have a problem with Ansar Allah?


I think that acknowledgement was more just to avoid accusations of pro-Houthi bias. Al Jazeera's neutrality on all of this has been remarkable considering their reputation; their only area which could be construed as ""bias"" has been their comfortable open opposition to the murder of tens of thousands of innocent people. With issues like Yemen, they sit on the fence.


Also, isn't Al Jazeera Qatari?


>There's no reasonable doubt now. Netanyahu & his 'guys' have been very open about their intent; even if they fail, the only thing shielding them is a clumsily made wall of blatant dishonesty and chauvinism from western Zionists.
While that's true, a sizeable part of the world's consciousness hasn't quite caught up with that reality. If they complete the genocide, that mismatch between consciousness and reality will rectify it self very suddenly, and set off a massive onset of diplomatic fallout. A lot of institutions are on auto-pilot. When people running these wake up and realize they're on the wrong side of history, they'll begin frantic manual course-corrections.


Live at 3:30 EST.


Yes, whoops.


going now


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White House ‘wishes’ flour was entering Gaza

Kirby, the White House spokesperson, has confirmed that Israel is preventing flour from reaching Gaza, where people are facing an imminent risk of famine.

“I wish I could tell you that that flour was moving in, but I can’t do that right now. And all I can tell you is that it is absolutely critical as a staple for the Palestinian people,” Kirby told reporters.

He added that Washington will continue to work with Israeli officials to get the aid into the besieged territory.

The Biden administration has faced mounting criticism for refusing to use its leverage over Israel to pressure it to adhere to Washington’s stated demands of increasing the humanitarian assistance flowing into Gaza and protecting civilians.

The White House is working with Congress to provide $14bn in more aid to Israel.


War on Gaza: Egypt building buffer zone to receive Palestinian refugees, rights group says

Local contractors say the fortified area is designed to receive people fleeing an expected Israeli assault on Gaza's Rafah

Construction is underway to create a security zone along Gaza's border with Egypt that could receive Palestinian refugees fleeing an expected Israeli assault on Rafah, according to an Egyptian rights group.

The Sinai Foundation for Human Rights spoke to local contractors, who said that the aim was to create an area in the Sinai peninsula that is surrounded by seven-metre-high walls.

The plan, detailed in a report published on Wednesday, would also pave over the destroyed homes of indigenous groups in the area.

Footage shared by the organisation showed officials in four-wheel-drive vehicles in the area, as well as a large number of equipment and bulldozers.

Earlier this month, Egyptian journalist Ahmed El-Madhoun posted a video online that showed workers strengthening the security wall separating Egypt and Gaza.

The report comes after the Israeli military has repeatedly threatened to launch a ground assault on Rafah, the southern Gaza town where at least 1.3 million people have been crammed after being displaced from other locations in the Palestinian enclave.

Since the war on Gaza began in October, there have been several Israeli proposals reported in the media detailing plans to push Palestinians from Gaza into Egypt, which Cairo has rejected.

'Facilitating mass explusion'

Tariq Kenney-Shawa, the US policy fellow for al-Shabaka, the Palestinian Policy Network, said that the buffer zone "symbolises the catastrophe and a repeat of 1948, but even worse".

Speaking to Middle East Eye, Kenney-Shawa said the zone "means that thousands, if not millions of Palestinians will either have to endure Israel's advance into Rafah, which is expected to be especially brutal, or be forced across the border into the Sinai, where they may never be allowed to return and will have to live in limbo for the foreseeable future".

According to Kenney-Shawa, if Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi does go ahead with the buffer zone plans, it will put Egyptians in a difficult position.

"His [Sisi's] name will be forever tarnished in the eyes of Palestinians and Arabs throughout the region as the one who facilitated the latest round of the mass expulsion of Palestinians."

He added that Egyptians are being forced to either "keep the borders closed and watch thousands be massacred by Israeli forces or open the borders and be complicit in the ethnic cleansing of Gaza".

Kenney-Shawa also said that while the Egyptian economy is currently suffering, the country does have leverage, which he believes needs to be used "in order to avoid becoming complicit in the forced displacement of Palestinians from Gaza".

He added that the buffer zone, if complete, would "only encourage Israel to move ahead with its ground assault on Rafah because they will read it as a green light and see it as Egypt's acquiescence".

Hussein Baoumi, the foreign policy advocacy officer at Amnesty International, said that while the plans regarding this zone are so far unclear, the Egyptian president's actions undermine his claim of being concerned with what is happening in Gaza.

"Israel is clearly violating international law, and any attempts to forcibly displace the Palestinian population could be a crime against humanity, a war crime or both. Israel, as the occupying power, has the ultimate responsibility in this context," Baoumi told MEE.

He also added that the Egyptian government has cracked down on Egyptians protesting for Palestinian rights and "have failed in their obligations under the Genocide Convention to take measures necessary to prevent the violation of the convention".

He said that Egypt has also failed to exhaust all efforts diplomatically to allow for the delivery of aid via its borders, nor has the country allowed any independent observers access to Gaza through its borders.

Nearly 30,000 Palestinians have been killed in Israel's war on Gaza, the majority women and children.

Profiteering from Rafah crossing

Reports about the buffer zone suggest that it is linked to Egyptian businessman Ibrahim al-Organi, who is believed to have ties to Sisi's government.

Last month, MEE reported that a company owned by Organi and parts of the Egyptian security services was profiteering from the crossing at Rafah.

An international charity told MEE that the Sons of Sinai, a construction and contracting firm, is demanding a "management fee" to allow aid to cross into Gaza from Egypt.

The Organi Group, which the Sons of Sinai is part of, is alleged in media reports to be the ultimate beneficiary of a lucrative sale of "fast-track" permits for Palestinians wishing to escape from Israel's war on the Gaza Strip.

An investigation carried out by the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) and independent Egyptian website Saheeh Masr found that intermediaries were selling exit permits at prices ranging from $4,500 to $10,000 for Palestinians and $650 to $1,200 for Egyptians.

“The concerning reports about the extortion of Palestinians at the border, including by a company connected to the government, suggests that the government is knowingly participating in this operation or at least unwilling to protect Palestinians from extortion," Baoumi said.



There should be a Biden version of Q Anon where they think him confusing Sisi for the president of Mexico was some kind of hint that he knew his Egyptian puppet would agree to whatever bullshit he wanted.


UK’s Scottish National Party will bring forward a vote at House of Commons for Gaza ceasefire

Drew Hendry, Member of Parliament for the Scottish National Party (SNP), emphasised the necessity of a ceasefire in Gaza during a discussion on BBC Question Time on Thursday.

Hendry announced that the SNP will initiate a vote at the House of Commons advocating for an 'immediate ceasefire' in Gaza. He added that he hopes for support from both the Labour Party and the Tory Party for the proposal.


Several fighters of Israel's elite Givati Brigade refused to join the Gaza War. They accused their commander of neglecting their physical and mental health. The Givati Brigade's Shaked Battalion has been fighting non-stop in Gaza since the war broke out on October 7, 2023. Last week, Givati Brigade soldiers were supposed to go on a refresher and organisation round, but just a few days ago, they were informed that they had to participate in an attack in the area inside Gaza City, from which the IDF forces had withdrawn in recent weeks.


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==US envoy to Israel ‘appalled’ by deadly attack at bus stop
Jack Lew, US ambassador to Israel, says he’s “appalled” by the “terror attack” that targeted civilians at a bus stop in southern Israel.==

“I offer my sincere condolences to the families affected by this tragedy. Such senseless terrorism is absolutely abhorrent,” he said.

At least three people were killed when a shooter opened fire at people at a bus station at Masmiya junction.

Israel could have avoided killing civilians: Hezbollah chief

The head of Lebanon’s Hezbollah says Israel’s “aggression” that has killed several civilians in southern Lebanon was intentional.

Hassan Nasrallah said in a televised speech that his group’s response to Israel’s attacks would be an “increase in resistance”.

“The enemy could have avoided killing civilians in southern Lebanon,” Nasrallah said.

Five children were among 10 civilians killed in the Israeli attacks on Wednesday, the deadliest day for Lebanese civilians in four months of hostilities across the Lebanon-Israel border.

“The enemy will pay with blood” for every woman and child killed by cross-border fire, Nasrallah warned.

Hezbollah’s “precision-guided missiles can reach … Eilat”, a resort town on Israel’s Red Sea coast, he added.

Charges of hate and war crime denial brought against German politician

Pro-Palestinian activists have filed criminal charges against a German politician for suspected incitement of hate and denial of war crimes in Israel’s war in Gaza.

The charges against Volker Beck, a former member of parliament and head of the German-Israeli Society, were brought by Palestinian solidarity groups Palestine Speaks and Jewish Voice for Just Peace in the Middle East.

“This is the first step in holding public figures who publicly make genocidal statements legally accountable,” a statement on Instagram said.

The groups cited Beck’s statements on social media, in opinion pieces and media interviews in which he expressed support for Israel’s war on Gaza. Beck rejected the claims as “nonsense”.

Palestinian Authority calls for binding sanctions on Israel

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has taken more than two million Palestinians hostage without providing the necessities for them to survive, the foreign ministry says.

“International demands and appeals to protect civilians will not work unless they are accompanied by deterrent international measures and sanctions,” it said in a statement.

“Netanyahu continues to disregard international demands and resolutions, and continues to kill our people, starve them, thirst them and destroy their homeland to push them to emigrate.”

It also called on the international community to adopt binding UN resolutions that will force the Israeli aggression to stop.

Israel’s ‘veto’ of Palestinian state needs to be revoked

Gershon Baskin, a former Israeli negotiator with years of experience dealing with Hamas, says Benjamin Netanyahu often gives the message in Hebrew to the Israeli public that as long as he’s prime minister, there won’t be an independent Palestinian state next to Israel.

“I would put the emphasis on ‘as long as I’m prime minister’ – which won’t be too long,” Baskin told Al Jazeera. “Netanyahu will be facing his day of reckoning with the Israeli people who are very angry with him. He’s lost more than 50 percent of his base. His period as leader is coming to an end.”

As the Gaza conflict spreads through the Middle East, now’s the time for the international community to take over efforts to create the state of Palestine, he said.

“I think it’s very important the veto that Israel’s held for over 30 years on Palestinian statehood needs to be taken from Israel. This conflict has spilled beyond the borders of Palestine, it concerns regional and global security, and there are presidential electoral concerns to take into account,” added Baskin, highlighting US President Biden’s re-election campaign.

“Let’s face it, 139 countries have already recognised Palestine. But the rich countries have not, and it’s time they do it.”

Germany approves military participation in EU Red Sea mission

Germany has approved the deployment of its armed forces in an EU naval mission in the Red Sea to thwart Houthi attacks on Israel-linked ships, a government spokesperson says.

“The ongoing escalation of violence and the threat to life and limb of the crews of ships, particularly in the southern Red Sea and the Bab al-Mandab Strait, require a robustly equipped military operation,” the government spokesperson said.

Germany’s participation in the mission is still contingent on parliamentary approval. A vote is scheduled for February 23 and is expected to go through.

Germany has already sent an air defence frigate to join the EU mission this month.

The Houthis have been targeting ships as a way of showing solidarity with Palestinians facing Israeli bombardment in Gaza. The US and UK have been striking Houthi targets in response.

France, Greece and Italy are among the countries that will participate in the EU mission, named Aspides, meaning “protector”.

They will protect commercial ships and intercept attacks but not conduct strikes against the Houthis on land.

Lebanon files complaint to UN Security Council over civilian deaths in Israeli attacks

Lebanon has submitted a complaint to the UN Security Council following a series of Israeli attacks on civilian targets “considered the most violent and bloody since last October”, its foreign ministry said on X.

The attack on Wednesday in Nabatieh, in southern Lebanon, killed at least 10 civilians, including children, and three Hezbollah fighters, in the deadliest attack in more than four months of cross-border exchanges.

“Israel’s deliberate and direct bombing of civilians safe in their homes is a violation of international humanitarian law and a war crime,” Lebanon’s Foreign Ministry said.

“The Israeli bombardment is a violation of Lebanon’s sovereignty, territorial integrity and citizens and all United Nations resolutions,” the ministry added.



based politics continue in scottland


Captives living in ‘difficult conditions’: Qassam Brigades

Al Jazeera has obtained a recorded statement by Abu Obeida, the spokesperson for Hamas’s military wing. Here is a summary of his translated comments:

Our mujaheddin [fighters] are inflicting heavy losses on the enemy’s [Israel’s] ranks that are unprecedented in the history of our people.

The scenes we broadcast are part of what our fighters are carrying out in the field, and we prefer to postpone the broadcast of some scenes for security reasons.

We are carrying out specific deadly operations in parallel with the work of the nation’s resistance forces.

We warned dozens of times about the dangers to which enemy prisoners held by the resistance were exposed, but the enemy leadership ignored this.

The losses among captives have become very large. We have tried to protect and care for the prisoners for months to achieve the interests of our people, and we are still striving to do so.

Captives are living in difficult conditions and struggling for life. We are trying to protect their lives, and the enemy army deliberately killed and wounded its prisoners.



Scotland, Wales… and NI, I believe, too, have all come out against this atrocity politically. English politicians are the dead weight here, which is interesting because the English public were polled and they also support a ceasefire and sympathize less with Israel than with Palestine.


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75% of all journalists killed across the world in 2023 were killed in Israeli war on Gaza, says CPJ

A report by the Committee to Protect Journalists said that 78 journalists and media workers were killed in Gaza in the first three months of Israel’s war. The report added that the circumstances leading to the killing of these media professionals were difficult to ascertain due to Israel’s refusal to cooperate

Nearly three fourths of all journalists and media workers killed in 2023 were Palestinians who were killed in the first three months of the Israeli war in Gaza, said the annual report of Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) released on Thursday, February 15.

According to the CPJ, at least 99 journalists and media workers were killed in 2023. This is the highest number of journalists and media persons killed in a year since 2015 and was a 44% increase from last year when the figure was 69.

Among the 78 journalists and media workers killed in the Israeli war on Gaza, 72 were Palestinians, three were Lebanese and two were Israeli journalists.

The report stated that the details of the circumstances leading to the killing of most of the journalists and media workers in Gaza were difficult to obtain due to Israel’s refusal to cooperate. A large number of family members of those journalists and media workers were also killed in the Israeli bombings and ground offensive which made the task of investigating the circumstances of their killing difficult.

A total of more than 28,700 Palestinians have been killed and nearly 69,000 others have been wounded in the Israeli war in Gaza since October 7. Many journalists have lost their entire families in Israeli attacks.

CPJ claimed that at least 78 of the journalists and thirteen media workers were killed on duty in 2023. It also claimed that there were eight more journalists killed last year but the investigation into the circumstances in which they were killed was still not complete.

CPJ claimed that a large number of journalists in Palestine were killed deliberately and it has raised the issue with the Israelis.

Most of the Palestinian journalists killed on duty in Gaza were in full gear and easily identifiable when they were targeted in air strikes or during Israeli ground offensives.

Deliberately targeting and killing journalists on duty is a war crime as per international law. Israel often claims that journalists killed in Gaza were members of “terrorist groups” without providing any evidence.

The numbers are much higher, say other groups

Several more journalists and media workers have been killed in Gaza by Israeli forces since December, including Al-Jazeera journalist Hamza al-Dahdouh who was targeted and killed by a missile attack on the car in which he was traveling with another freelance journalist Mustafa Thuraya.

Hamza was the son of prominent journalist Wael Dahdouh, most of whose family members were killed in Israeli strikes earlier. Wael himself was injured in one of the attacks carried out by the Israelis while on duty.

According to estimates by other organizations, the number of Palestinian journalists killed is higher. The Palestinian Journalists Syndicate (PJS) claimed at least 95 journalists or around 8% of all registered journalists in Palestine have been killed by Israel between October 7 and December 19.

According to Palestinian Authority’s media office, the total number of media workers killed in Palestine since October 7 is 126.

PJS claims that most of the journalists killed in Gaza were deliberately targeted by Israeli forces with the intention of “assassination and murder.” Some of the journalists were also threatened by Israeli forces before they were actually killed for covering the Israeli genocide, PJS alleged.

In addition to killing Palestinian journalists, Israel has also resorted to other means of shutting down the spread of information, including media gags, denial of visas to foreign journalists, and repeated shutdowns of the internet and telecommunication services, sometimes for weeks.

“The war [Israeli war in Gaza] is unprecedented in terms of threats to journalists” Jodie Ginsberg, Chief Executive Officer of the CPJ, told Al-Jazeera.

Israel has a long history of targeting and killing journalists. In 2022, Al-Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh was killed when she was reporting the Israeli military raid on Jenin. CPJ claims there were at least 20 such cases before the current war in Gaza but no one has ever been charged or held responsible for these killings.



Protesters occupy weapons industry lobbying group HQ in Ottawa

The protesters are demanding that CADSI, which is government funded, end its complicity in Israel’s genocide of the Palestinian people

On Tuesday, February 13, a group of activists occupied the Ottawa office of the Canadian Office of Defense and Service Industries (CADSI), a private lobbying group representing over 300 companies in the weapons industry. The demonstrators delivered a letter to CADSI demanding that the group, which receives funds from the Canadian government, end its complicity in Israel’s genocide of the Palestinian people and stop helping sell weapons to Israel. They have also demanded that CANSEC, Canada’s largest arms dealer convention, be shut down. Hundreds rallied outside while protesters occupied the CADSI headquarters.

“The call to dismantle CADSI is a demand for accountability and a reminder that our collective struggle against oppression knows no borders. As labor activists, we reject Canada’s role in facilitating the arms trade fueling the genocide against Gazaouis as our public sector workers are either near or well below the poverty line. The fight to end Canadian complicity is a working class fight,” said Meral Aduli, of Labour for Palestine, a network of Canadian labor activists who stand in solidarity with Palestine.

The companies that CADSI represents include some of the world’s most notorious arms dealers, such as Lockheed Martin, Boeing, and Elbit Systems, the latter being the Israeli military’s primary provider of land-based equipment and drones. According to the organizers of the action, such as the Palestinian Youth Movement, the International League of People’s Struggle, and Labour for Palestine, the CANSEC trade show “is a facilitator and broker of war, conflict, and widespread killings of common people globally.”

“It hosts exhibitions of the world’s leading arms manufacturers and is visited by tens of thousands of attendees, including Canadian MPs, Senators, Ministers as well as dozens of international delegations, and representatives from Zionist settler colonial Israel,” the activists say.

“Our community refuses to remain silent and allow business to continue as usual while our Canadian government and violent war profiteers like CADSI fuel this genocide. We are here to demand an arms embargo on Israel and say NO to CANSEC,” said Sarah Abdul-Karim, a member of the Palestinian Youth Movement.



Even people who just care about Israeli hostages can tell how stupid it is for Bibi to constantly reject peace deals.


Even reading about it on paper, it was still astounding the first time I saw footage of one of the Houthi raids. They could easily kill everyone on these ships with those guns they're carrying, but they don't kill anyone.


>They could easily kill everyone on these ships with those guns they're carrying, but they don't kill anyone.
Why would they or anybody kill a crew driving a freight-ship ? They're clearly civilian non-combatants. I'm sensing declining ethical expectations. Since when do we expect military special forces to mow down civilians for no reason.


>Most of the Palestinian journalists killed on duty in Gaza were in full gear and easily identifiable when they were targeted in air strikes or during Israeli ground offensives.
>Deliberately targeting and killing journalists on duty is a war crime as per international law. Israel often claims that journalists killed in Gaza were members of “terrorist groups” without providing any evidence.
Maybe the definition of "terrorism" should be changed
the act of deliberately targeting and killing journalists
That way they couldn't use it as an excuse for going after journalists


Good analysis from Larry Wilkerson covering a pretty wide range of stuff including Biden and Israel policy and (part of) why Israel policy is so shit and so dangerous.


The International Court of Justice must ensure that Palestinians are saved from Israel.

That was one of the dominant themes as the South African Jews For Free Palestine and Nelson Mandela Foundation had a Shabbat to reaffirm their support for the Palestinians.

This comes as the situation worsens in the strip, especially in Rafah, which is seen as a last refuge for scores of Palestinians.


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Houthis claim missile attack on oil tanker in Red Sea

The attack was on the oil tanker M/T Pollux, which US officials said the previous day had been hit by a missile.

“The naval forces of the Yemeni Armed Forces carried out a targeting operation against a British oil ship [Pollux] in the Red Sea with a large number of appropriate naval missiles,” Houthi military spokesperson Yahya Sarea said in a statement, adding the attacks “were accurate and direct”.

M/T Pollux embarked from Russia’s Black Sea port city of Novorossiysk on January 24 and was due to discharge in Paradip, India, on February 28, according to LSEG data.

The US Central Command (CENTCOM) said anti-ship ballistic missiles were launched from Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen towards the M/T Pollux, which was a Panamanian-flagged, Denmark-owned, Panamanian-registered vessel. There were no reported injuries.

Blinken’s remarks follow America’s new stance on Gaza war

Al Jazeera’s senior political analyst Marwan Bishara says Blinken’s remarks on there being “an extraordinary opportunity” in the coming months for Israel to normalise ties with its Arab neighbours come amid a shift in the US stance.

“America’s position has changed over the past few days and now we’re confronted with a new position that is being spelled out slowly to see how people receive it,” Bishara said.

Washington has dropped the idea that the defeat of Hamas can be an achievable objective and a credible cue for the end of the conflict. Instead, the US is now pursuing “a ceasefire contingent on normalisation and the idea of a Palestinian state”.

A permanent ceasefire will only take place if Arab countries, first and foremost Saudi Arabia, recognise and normalise ties with Israel in return for a pathway towards a Palestinian state, the analyst said.

It is uncertain whether this purported Palestinian state would effectively be sovereign, or be formally independent but have no army, sovereignty or territorial contiguity.

China’s top diplomat: Fighting in Gaza root cause of Red Sea tensions

Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi says “the root cause” of the Red Sea tensions is the ongoing fighting in Gaza.

Speaking at the Munich Security Conference, he reiterated China’s stance, calling for an immediate ceasefire and the opening of channels for humanitarian aid into the besieged coastal enclave.

“We cannot allow this humanitarian disaster to continue,” Wang said. “An international peace conference [must be held] as soon as possible to revive the two-state solution.”

Palestinians have right to establish state with Jerusalem as capital: AU chair

African Union chairperson Azali Assoumani says the Palestinian people have the right to establish their own state with Jerusalem as its capital.

In his remarks at the African Union Summit in Addis Ababa, he demanded an immediate cessation of the Israeli bombings in Gaza.

Assoumani, the Comoros president, had previously criticised Israel’s military campaign, stressing that there will be no peace in this region unless a two-state solution is reached.

Israel carried out covert attacks on Iran pipelines: Report

Israel is behind covert attacks on two major gas pipelines inside Iran this week, a news report says.

The sabotage operation disrupted the accessibility of heating and cooking gas at public facilities across several provinces and affected millions of people, according to the New York Times.

Unnamed Western officials and an Iranian military strategist told the newspaper the pipeline attacks required deep knowledge of Iran’s infrastructure and careful coordination with the two hit in multiple locations at the same time.

“The strikes represent a notable shift in the shadow war that Israel and Iran have been waging by air, land, sea and cyberattacks for years,” the news report said.

Iranian officials referred to the blasts as “sabotage and terrorist attacks,” but stopped short of publicly blaming Israel or any other culprit. There was no immediate comment from Israel.

Palestinians hold a banner saying ‘We are not numbers’ during a demonstration in solidarity with Gaza in the occupied West Bank city of Ramallah on Friday


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London march expected to be among largest since beginning of war in Gaza

Organisers say the demonstration taking place in London is expected to be among the top three in terms of size since the start of the war in Gaza in October.

This could be an indication of the increasing concern about the situation in Gaza, on the cusp of Israel’s intended intensification of military operations in Rafah in the south. YouGov has issued a poll saying that two-thirds of people in the UK now support an immediate ceasefire.

It’s certainly in the tens of thousands at least, as people march in the eastern and southern fringes of Hyde Park. They’re marching down Park Lane and towards the entrance to Kensington High Street. There will be a static protest outside the Israeli Embassy and this is where the main body of the march will arrive.

Police say there are 1,500 officers on the streets of London and that they are keen to ensure that sensitivities are monitored and any hate speech is acted against.

The organisers timed the setting off of this march to ensure that an event at a nearby Jewish synagogue was over. There has been one arrest so far with regard to a placard of a proscribed organisation.


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Two Palestinian children beaten in Israeli settler attack near Hebron

''Palestinian news agency Wafa reports that two children were injured in the village of al-Mufaqara, in Masafer Yatta near the occupied West Bank city of Hebron.

The news agency’s correspondent said that heavily armed settlers attacked farmers and herders there.''

At least 700,000 Israelis live in illegal, fortified, Jewish-only settlements across the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem, the majority of which were built either entirely or partially on private Palestinian land.

Since October 7, attacks by these settlers on Palestinians have increased exponentially in the occupied West Bank.



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Israelis in Tel Aviv protest against Netanyahu

Thousands of people are protesting against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government, calling for elections to be held. In one of the largest protests since the war on Gaza began, demonstrators are blocking the road outside the defence ministry.

Moments ago during a press conference, the Israeli PM said that the “last thing” Israel needs now is elections.




>Thousands of people are protesting against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government, calling for elections to be held.
A glimmer of hope in the heart of darkness.


Ireland and Spain demand EU reviews Israel trade deal over rights obligations

(Feb. 14)

Joint letters from prime ministers implore the bloc to act over ‘deteriorating’ situation in Gaza

The prime ministers of Ireland and Spain have implored EU leaders to take action over the “deteriorating” situation in Gaza, demanding an immediate assessment of whether Israel is complying with human rights obligations that are stipulated in a trade deal with the bloc.

The letter was sent amid mounting international calls for Israel to drop plans for a military assault on the city of Rafah in southern Gaza, where more than 1 million Palestinians from the north and centre of the territory have fled seeking safety. At least 74 Palestinians were this week killed in an Israel rescue mission in the city in which two hostages were freed.

“Given the critical situation in Rafah, Ireland and Spain have just requested the European Commission urgently review whether Israel is complying with its obligations to respect human rights in Gaza,” Pedro Sánchez, the Spanish prime minister, wrote on X.

The joint letter from Sánchez and Leo Varadkar, from Ireland, to the commission president, Ursula von der Leyen, and the EU’s foreign policy chief, Josep Borrell, published on Wednesday, is a highly unusual move, even for the two leaders who have come to be the strongest champions of Palestinian rights in Brussels.

Sources said the letter was designed to prompt Brussels to seek official legal opinion on human rights compliance in the war and add to pressure on Israel over Rafah. “We are deeply concerned at the deteriorating situation in Israel and in Gaza, especially the impact the ongoing conflict is having on innocent Palestinians, especially children and women,” the letter said.

“The expanded Israeli military operation in the Rafah area poses a grave and imminent threat that the international community must urgently confront.”

The three-page letter, which threatens to cause further divisions in the bloc over Israel, has demanded a review of the EU-Israel association agreement that came into force in 2000 and is the main basis for trade ties.

“We ask that the commission undertake an urgent review of whether Israel is complying with its obligations, including under the EU-Israel association agreement, which makes respect for human rights and democratic principles an essential element of the relationship; and if it considers that it is in breach, that it proposes appropriate measures to the council to consider,” the letter said.



it's just zios angry at bibi and wanting to replace him with someone who they believe will conduct the genocide more competently


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At the very least, there's a strong contingent of protesters who've been pissed at Netanyahu for a while for rejecting literally every hostage exchange/peace offer.


(and Biden for arming him, for that matter)


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India trade union to refuse to handle weapons shipments to Israel

The Water Transport Workers Federation of India, which represents 3,500 workers across 11 key Indian ports, says it will refuse to load or unload weapons to Israel.

“[As] port workers, part of labour unions would always stand against the war and killing innocent people like women and children,” the union said in a statement.

“The recent attack of Israel on Gaza plunged thousands of Palestinians into immense suffering and loss. Women and children have been blown to pieces in the war. Parents were unable to recognise their children killed in bombings which were exploding everywhere,” it added.

This is in solidarity with a call by Palestinian trade unions, T Narendra Rao, the federation’s general secretary, told the Wire from Chennai, India.

Israel sends about $7bn in arms to India a year.

In a first, India’s first private drone manufacturing facility has sold more than 20 Hermes 900 medium-altitude, long-endurance unmanned aerial vehicles to Israel, NDTV reported, citing Shephard Media.

Following attacks by Houthis on shipping vessels in the Red Sea, India has been sending other goods to Israel via the Dubai-Saudi land corridor.

Healthcare situation in Gaza is beyond critical: IFRC chief

The healthcare situation in Gaza is beyond critical and the gap between needs and support available is widening, says Jagan Chapagain, the secretary-general and CEO of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.

He also said that due to the situation, many vulnerable people are lacking essential medical services.

“Civilian population in Gaza have suffered enough, and healthcare stands as one of the last remaining beacons of hope,” Chapagain said on X.

He added: “I remind all parties that the right to access healthcare must be upheld even in times of conflict. Once again, I call for safe and unhindered access for humanitarian workers so they can continue their life-saving work.”

127 people killed in last 24 hours, taking toll to 28,985: Gaza ministry

At least 127 have been killed in Israeli strikes across Gaza in the past 24 hours, taking the toll to 28,985 since October 7, according to Gaza’s Ministry of Health.

Armed groups in Iraq dial down US attacks after Iran commander’s visit: Report

A visit by the commander of Iran’s elite Quds Force to Baghdad has led to a pause in attacks on US troops by Iran-aligned groups in Iraq, according to multiple Iranian and Iraqi sources quoted by Reuters.

Esmail Qaani met representatives of several armed groups at Baghdad airport on January 29, less than 48 hours after Washington blamed the groups for the killing of three US soldiers at the Tower 22 outpost in Jordan, the sources told the agency.

Qaani, whose predecessor was killed by a US drone near the same airport four years ago, told the factions that drawing American blood risked a heavy US response, 10 of the sources said.

He said the fighters should lie low to avoid US strikes on their senior commanders, destruction of key infrastructure or even a direct retaliation against Iran, the sources said.

Settlers set vehicles on fire, spray-paint hateful graffiti in West Bank town: Reports

Israeli settlers have set vehicles on fire and damaged properties in an overnight attack on the town of Turmus Aya in the occupied West Bank, the Israeli and Palestinian media reported quoting Palestinian residents.

The report in Israel’s Haaretz newspaper said they spray-painted hateful graffiti on walls in the town located in the northeast of Ramallah – the seat of the Palestinian Authority.

Planned UNSC resolution urges ‘immediate’ truce, release of captives: Report

The UN Security Council resolution sought by Algeria and expected to be voted on soon seeks an “immediate” truce in Gaza, according to diplomatic sources quoted by the AFP news agency.

The latest version of the text, seen by AFP on Saturday, “demands an immediate humanitarian ceasefire that must be respected by all parties”, the agency said.

It also “rejects forced displacement of the Palestinian civilian population”, and it “demands the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages”, AFP reported.

Earlier, US Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield issued a statement responding to reports that Algeria plans to put the resolution to a vote on Tuesday.

“Should it come up for a vote as drafted, it will not be adopted,” Thomas-Greenfield said.

Pro-Palestine supporters unfurl banner at NBA All-Star game

Activists have displayed banners saying “Let Gaza Live” and “Ceasefire Now” at basketball games in the United States, the activist group Jewish Voice for Peace said in a post on social media.

The protest comes as four WNBA and three retired NBA players signed on to a statement called “Athletes for ceasefire”.

Palestine to speak at ICJ hearings on Israeli occupation

Palestine is set to present oral arguments at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on Monday in a case examining the legal implications of Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian territories.

The hearings will begin at 10am in the Hague (09:00 GMT) on Monday.

They are separate from the genocide case that South Africa filed at the World Court against Israel.

Palestine is the first of a record 52 countries and three international organisations scheduled to speak during the hearings, which are expected to run for six days.

ICJ hearings on Israeli occupation of Palestine to begin on Monday

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) will begin public hearings on Israel’s occupation of Palestine on Monday.

The case predates South Africa’s ICJ filing under the genocide convention and requests the court’s opinion on the legal consequences of Israel’s actions in the occupied Palestinian territories more broadly.

The UN General Assembly decided to bring the case before the ICJ back in December 2022, with 87 countries voting in favour, 26 countries voting no and 53 abstaining.

Mexicans rally as support for Palestine grows in Latin America

Demonstrators here in Mexico City are marching along the city’s main thoroughfare calling attention to recent Israeli attacks in Rafah. They are demanding a ceasefire, an end to the Israeli military campaign in Gaza.

This is just one of several events that is taking place in Mexico City this weekend. There are fundraisers, art and food events – all of which are aimed at demonstrating solidarity by Mexican citizens with Palestinians in Gaza.

There’s also been a change in attitudes, not only in Mexico but across Latin America, over the course of the past few months.

In January, Mexico and Brazil joined South Africa in their call for an investigation by the International Court of Justice. Also, Mexico and Chile called for an investigation by the International Criminal Court into alleged crimes.

Funerals held for US soldiers killed in Jordan

Two American soldiers who were killed last month in a drone attack in Jordan have been remembered at funerals in their home state of Georgia.

At a packed 1,200-seat auditorium in Waycross, Georgia, Sergeant Kennedy Sanders, 24, was remembered by fellow soldiers for her courage, loving personality and willingness to volunteer for tasks others did not want to do, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported.

Sergeant Breonna Moffett, 23, was mourned at a Baptist church in Savannah but her family requested that media not attend.

The third solider killed, Staff Sergeant William Jerome Rivers, 46, was buried on Tuesday following a church service in Carrollton.



Israeli forces open fire on Palestinians approaching aid trucks in Gaza City

Footage verified by Al Jazeera shows hundreds of Palestinians in Gaza City rushing towards aid trucks on al-Rasheed Street before fleeing after Israeli forces open fire.

Ramy Abdu, the Head of the Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor, commented on the incident in a post on X saying, “What our team documented on Al-Rasheed Street, west of Gaza City, is terrifying, painful, and brutal”.

“Very small quantities of food arrived today, and it is impossible for them to reach the camps in northern Gaza”, he wrote.

Israeli forces have repeatedly targeted aid seekers in Gaza. Last month, an Israeli attack on people lining up to receive much-needed humanitarian supplies in northern Gaza killed at least 20 people.



<Using aid trucks as fire-trap lure to gun down desperate civilians.
Zionists keep finding new levels of inhumanity.


Good video on the sheer amount of recklessness and "friendly fire" by the IDF on October 7th. Apparently the Israeli gov't also wants to… bury a bunch of burnt cars from that day - and shred them, too. Always a good sign when the gov't who's supposed to investigate wants to literally shred a crime scene instead.


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Up to 250,000 protest in London against Israeli genocide

Up to 250,000 protested in London Saturday as part of a global day of action against Israel’s genocide against Gaza. Protests were held in 145 cities across six continents, with major demonstrations in Istanbul and Madrid. Tens of thousands demonstrated in Glasgow and Dublin.

The London demonstration marched from Marble Arch to close to the Israeli Embassy. Hours before it was to start, the Metropolitan Police warned that 1,500 officers had been mobilised and Public Order Act restrictions would be in place. They didn’t have the power to ban the protest or reroute it, they stressed, but were prepared to use extensive legal powers to clamp down.

In the end they decided against too heavy repression, given the massive number that turned up for the ninth national UK protest against the genocide and the ongoing international opposition of millions to Israel’s mass murder and ethnic cleansing and the inevitable backlash.

The protest was advertised as going to the Embassy but was prevented from getting within 100 metres of it by the Metropolitan Police. This was only the second time since Israel began airstrikes on Gaza in October that a protest directed at the Israeli Embassy was allowed.

To try and taint the march as being threatening to Jews, the police demanded organisers put back the assembly time for an hour, “to accommodate an event at a synagogue along the route.” Protesters marched down Park Lane adjacent to Hyde Park staying close to the perimeter, through Knightsbridge and Kensington Road before ending at the junction with Kensington Court where a stage was set up.

Police made 12 arrests during the day, starting with snatching a protester from the march as the demonstration was forming up to leave Park Lane alleging that she was carrying a banner supportive of a proscribed terrorist organisation. (See X posting below). Two of the arrests were of protesters wearing face masks, which the government intends to criminalise in upcoming legislation—with those on demonstrations who disregard police orders to remove them facing a fine of up to £1,000 and a month in prison. It has been left unclear whether this applies personal protection masks.

Police already have powers to ask individuals to remove face covering at designated protests and made the two arrests before the new laws have been enacted.

Met spotters took photos from the inside of buildings and from roofs in Kensington as demonstrators were listening to the speeches.



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Israeli swimmer Gorbenko booed at world championships as GB’s Colbert wins gold

Israeli swimmer Anastasia Gorbenko was jeered by some of the crowd after finishing second in the women’s 400m medley on the closing day of the World Aquatics Championships in Qatar on Sunday.



I saw Josh Paul's resignation, but I missed this interview I think. Absolutely astounding - I haven't researched his account here, but there are documented accounts of Israel's Palestinian child prisoners (normal thing to have!) being abused in custody. Looking into it a tiny bit, though, it seems like there's more documented evidence of this specific incident Josh Paul cites than there has been of Hamas raping anyone on October 7th, and the Israeli response to the allegations was caught on camera. The boy was detained, and did accuse them, and his accusations are not far off from other things they've been caught and reported doing.



>India trade union to refuse to handle weapons shipments to Israel
unions have been pretty good in that regard


>Good video on the sheer amount of recklessness and "friendly fire" by the IDF on October 7th.
This is more than reckless, it's stupid beyond measure.
If your military can be induced to shoot your own citizens en mass, your enemies are going to push that button.


Tbh it kind of seems like Hamas themselves wanted more living hostages, at least wrt the civilians. It's a very topsy turvy dynamic.


>Hamas wanted living hostages
Sure but if the IDF keeps shooting Israeli citizens like that. It will cause internal political upheaval. That's a way to defeat Israel, which is worth more than hostages for negotiation leverage.


True enough.


More than 29,000 Palestinians killed: Gaza ministry

At least 107 Palestinians have been killed in Israeli strikes across Gaza in the past 24 hours, taking the death toll to 29,092 since October 7, according to Gaza’s Health Ministry.

The ministry on its Telegram channel said a total of 69,028 others have been wounded since Israel launched its devastating campaign in the strip.

The Israeli forces are preventing ambulance and civil defence crews from reaching some of the wounded and people under the rubble, it said, adding that “nine massacres” were committed against families in Gaza in the last 24 hours.

US says Houthi missile strike damaged UK-owned vessel yesterday

The United States Central Command (CENTCOM), which oversees US military activities in the Middle East, has said that a UK-owned vessel was damaged after being struck by an anti-ship ballistic missile fired from Houthi territory in Yemen yesterday.

“Two anti-ship ballistic missiles were launched from Iranian-backed Houthi terrorist-controlled areas of Yemen toward MV Rubymar, a Belize-flagged, UK-owned bulk carrier,” CENTCOM said in a social media post.

“One of the missiles struck the vessel, causing damage. The ship issued a distress call and a coalition warship along with another merchant vessel responded to the call to assist the crew of the MV Rubymar. The crew was transported to a nearby port by the merchant vessel.”

‘Yemen’s position will not change and will not break’: Houthi spokesman

Mohammed Abdulsalam says that the ongoing attacks on Yemen show “the extent of the UK and US’s insistence on protecting Israel and giving it more time for its brutal aggression against the Gaza Strip for the fifth consecutive month”.

“The Americans and the British must realise that Yemen’s position will not change and will not break,” he added in a social media post.

“Rather, Yemen is becoming more steadfast and adhering to its position. It is escalating its operations against Israeli ships or those heading to the ports of occupied Palestine until the aggression stops and the siege on the Gaza Strip is lifted.”

Houthis claim attacks against two US ships

The Yemeni group says it targeted two US ships – Sea Champion and Navis Fortuna – in the Gulf of Aden with “appropriate naval missiles”.

The Houthis said the attacks were in support of Palestinians and in response to the “American-British aggression” against Yemen.

We will bring you more information on this incident as soon as it becomes available.

Lebanon calls on world to condemn Israeli attacks

The Lebanese foreign ministry says countries concerned about stability in the region should denounce the “ongoing and escalating” Israeli aggressions against Lebanon, including today’s raids that targeted an industrial zone near the coastal city of Sidon.

The ministry also urged the international community to “pressure Israel to stop its provocations to expand the circle of the war”.

Ahmad Tibi calls Ben-Gvir ‘pyromaniac’ over proposed Ramadan restrictions

Ahmad Tibi, chairman of the Palestinian-majority Hadash-Ta’al party in Israel, has said that plans by hard-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir to restrict Palestinian access to Al-Aqsa Mosque during the holy month of Ramadan represent the actions of a “pyromaniac”.

“Muslims have free access to the Al-Aqsa Mosque all year round and especially during the holy month of Ramadan. Any other decision is illegitimate by definition,” Tibi said, according to the Times of Israel.

Israeli raids on Lebanon hit civilian factories: Report

While the Israeli military has said it targeted Hezbollah weapons depots in Ghaziyeh near Sidon, Lebanon’s National News Agency reports that the raids hit a tyre factory, a power generator plant and near a tile factory.

Lebanese TV channel Al Jadeed interviewed a man who said he owns the generator factory as a fire raged at the site in the background.

“We make power generators. Our company is called Infinite Power. We’ve been open for a year,” he said. “You can go and see – there is nothing but power generators and offices.”

US backing helps Israel continue with occupation

Al Jazeera Senior Political Editor Marwan Bishara says while the rest of the world is “fed up” with Israel’s actions in the occupied Palestinian territories, US support has allowed Israel to continue to violate international law.

“Without American backing, Israel wouldn’t be ridiculing international law; it wouldn’t be calling the international community a circus,” he said.

“But Israel is able to do all that – to continue to work with impunity – because it is supported by the United States.”

Cruel and systematic violations of Palestinian rights in Israeli prisons: Report

A report by Physicians for Human Rights-Israel (PHRI) reveals that Palestinian prisoners have been beaten, abused, sexually humiliated and medically neglected since October 7.

The findings outline a pattern of daily violence in which Israeli guards indiscriminately assault Palestinians with batons, including incidents of sexually explicit insults and urination on detainees.

The PHRI also stated that Palestinian prisoners were on occasion held in confinement for days or placed in overcrowded cells and deprived of water and electricity for up to 23 hours daily.

The report documented forced disappearances of hundreds of Palestinians from Gaza, including many who were not engaged in combat.

Egypt’s el-Sisi says Houthi attacks have decreased Suez Canal revenues

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi says revenues from the Suez Canal have “decreased by 40 to 50 percent” so far this year, largely due to disruptions resulting from heightened tensions in the Red Sea.

Yemen’s Houthi militia has attacked commercial vessels in the area, in what the group says is an effort to exert pressure to end the war in Gaza. The US and UK have carried out raids on Houthi targets in Yemen in retaliation, further raising concerns from shipping companies.

“See what is happening at our borders … with Gaza. You see the Suez Canal, which used to bring Egypt nearly $10bn per year. [These revenues] have decreased by 40 to 50 percent, and Egypt must continue to pay companies and partners,” el-Sisi said during a conference with oil companies.

Occupation ‘in every aspect of Palestinian daily life’: Jerusalem resident

Palestinian bookshop owner and East Jerusalem resident Ahmad Muna says growing up in the occupied territory has “never been easy”.

“For the last 33 years of my life, I have encountered and experienced living under Israeli occupation pretty much on a daily basis. As a young man, you constantly have to deal with continuous checkpoints – flying [moving] checkpoints in the streets, going from school to work and back, and when you go out to see your friends,” he told Al Jazeera.

“You will constantly see land in your neighbourhood being confiscated by the Israeli state and settlements going up pretty much in every neighbourhood today. … It feels like the occupation is in every aspect of Palestinian daily life.”

Muna said over time, the occupation had only gone from “bad to worse”.

Hamas claims attacks on Israeli forces in Khan Younis

The Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Palestinian group, says its fighters have clashed with an Israeli force west of the city.

The group later said it used anti-personnel shells to fire on a 15-member Israeli unit sheltering in a house. “Our fighters confirmed that they [the Israeli soldiers] fell between dead and injured, and their screams were heard as fire erupted in the area,” the Qassam Brigades said in a statement.

Palestinians pessimistic about ICJ hearing changing reality on the ground

Commenting on the ICJ hearings on Israel’s occupation, analyst Yara Hawari says Palestinians are doubtful of any meaningful change to come.

“It’s a pessimism that’s really rooted in reality. It’s a reality that is seen as very little delivered from the international legal regime,” Hawari, co-director at Al-Shabaka think tank, told Al Jazeera.

“Just over a month ago, the ICJ ruled that there is significant possibility that the Israeli regime was committing genocidal acts in Gaza. However, that genocide still continues,” she added, referring to a separate case launched by South Africa.

However, Hawari said the hearings on the occupation, which will last until February 26, were “not insignificant”.

“It’s certainly setting a precedent. The fact that some 50 states will participate in this case, more than any other case in the court’s history, I think, is certainly significant,” she noted.

UN special rapporteur denounces US actions on Gaza

Francesca Albanese asks how the US government can be taken seriously when it plans to send more weapons to Israel and block the demand for a ceasefire in Gaza in the UN Security Council.

Qatar criticises Netanyahu over pressure on Hamas to release captives

Qatar Foreign Ministry’s spokesman says Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu asking Doha to pressure Hamas to release the captives is “nothing but an attempt to stall and prolong the war” in Gaza.

“The Israeli Prime Minister knows very well that Qatar has been committed from day one to mediation efforts, ending the crisis and freeing the hostages,” spokesman Majed al-Ansari said in a post on X.

“We affirm that Qatar will continue its mediation efforts and will not be deterred by rhetoric and statements that can only be understood in the context of escaping from the Israeli Prime Minister’s personal political challenges.”

‘Gaza events constitute a new history for the world’: Iran army chief

Iran’s chief of general staff says the events in Gaza constitute a new history for the region and the world.

“The fate of this war is quite clear and it is the defeat of the Zionist regime in front of the oppressed people of Gaza,” Mohammad Bagheri said in remarks quoted by the official IRNA news agency.

“The Zionists suffered an irreparable defeat [on October 7], but they want compensation by killing innocent and defenceless people,” he added.


Video: ongoing demonstration in NY, live now


Hearing on Israeli occupation could help peace process under international law

(also features footage of IDF and settlers at the start)


Fuming Israeli Hostages Families Overstep Netanyahu; Plan To Send Own Rep To Cairo For Talks

The families of remaining Israeli hostages held in Gaza are planning to send their own representative to Cairo for negotiations with Hamas. This as they claim that the Benjamin Netanyahu government was not putting the safety of hostages over the war in Gaza. This comes amid massive protests across Israel, demanding Netanyahu's ouster and immediate elections in the country. Watch for more details.


UNRWA head says Israel has yet to provide evidence for allegations against employees

UNRWA chief Philippe Lazzarini has said that the refugee agency is still waiting for Israel to share evidence for its allegations that a dozen UNRWA employees took part in the October 7 attacks on Israel.

Several major donor nations, including the US, froze vital aid to the agency as Gaza reels from a humanitarian catastrophe following the Israeli allegations. UNRWA has said that unless funding is restored, it could be forced to shut down key operations in Gaza and across the region.

“The UN has never, never, ever received any written dossier, despite our repeated call for cooperation from the Israeli authorities,” Lazzarini said in an interview today.

Several news outlets that have seen the Israeli dossier that is the basis of the claims have concluded that it includes no proof for its claims.

War in Gaza is slowly reaching its end as Israel runs out of options: Analyst

Menachem Klein, professor of political science at Israel’s Bar-Ilan University, says, “The war is dying out very slowly and very heavily towards an interim ceasefire that may be expanded, and finish the war all out.”

Speaking from West Jerusalem, Klein says that Israel did not show the US that it has a sound plan to prevent a humanitarian crisis in Rafah if the Israeli military carries out an incursion there.

“It’s hard for the US to convince Israel to step down from the tree that it sits on with absolute war goals that are unachievable and this is the US’s job at the moment,” Klein says.

“If the hostages are back in Israel, then the way to early elections is open. Netanyahu is unwilling to have early elections, It’s against his political and personal agenda and interests.”

Houthis claim attack against US Navy ships

The Yemeni group says it targeted the “enemy” vessels in the Red Sea and Arabian Sea with a “number of drones”.

The Houthis also said they carried out a military operation with drones against “sensitive sites” in the Israeli Red Sea port city of Eilat.

The Yemeni group added that it separately carried out an attack against an Israeli cargo vessel in the Gulf of Aden.

“These operations come in support of the Palestinian people who are enduring aggression and siege, and in response to the American-British aggression against our country,” a Houthi military spokesperson said in a statement.

The Yemeni group appears to be stepping up its attacks in the region despite US-led raids against it in Yemen.

Charity says ‘no respite for children’ after US vetoes ceasefire resolution

The charity Save the Children warns of the price Gaza’s children will pay for the UN Security Council’s most recent failure to adopt a ceasefire resolution due to a US veto.

The group says in a statement that Israel’s war in Gaza has killed at least 12,400 children, making it one of the deadliest military campaigns in modern history in regard to its impact on children.

Save the Children said that at least one million children in Gaza remain at risk from fighting, starvation, disease and the mental distress of the war. A recent UNICEF analysis found that 90 percent of children in Gaza under the age of five are suffering from at least one infectious disease.

“We are appalled to hear of this new low in an already deep pit of failures from the international community. After four months of relentless violence, we are running out of words to describe what children and families in Gaza are going through, as well as the tools to respond in any adequate way,” said the group’s director for the occupied Palestinian territories, Jason Lee.

A move to grant far-right Ben-Gvir power to shut down foreign media: Report

A report from Israeli newspaper Haaretz says that lawmaker Zvika Fogel, a member of the Jewish Power party and chairman of the country’s National Security Committee, has changed the wording of a bill so that the party’s leader, far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, would be given final say over which media outlets would be allowed to operate in the country.

According to Haaretz, a draft law brought up in the Israeli parliament today would see the minister of communications given the power to order the closure of foreign media outlets that “he finds to be harmful to state security”, with the approval of the minister of national security, currently Ben-Gvir.

The power to shut down foreign media outlets is now in the hands of Minister of Defence Yoav Gallant.

Morning hearing session ends at the ICJ

Over in The Hague, this morning’s hearing is over and the court is adjourned.

Oral proceedings continue at the ICJ on the legal consequences of Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories.

It will reconvene this afternoon at 3pm (14:00 GMT) to hear Belize, Bolivia, Brazil and Chile.

The ICJ so far heard the legal arguments presented by South Africa, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, the Netherlands, Bangladesh and Belgium.

Israel ‘apartheid’ against Palestinians worse than in South Africa

"We as South Africans sense, see, hear and feel to our core the inhumane discriminatory policies and practices of the Israeli regime as an even more extreme form of the apartheid that was institutionalised against Black people in my country,” Vusimuzi Madonsela told the ICJ.

“It is clear that Israel’s illegal occupation is also being administered in breach of the crime of apartheid … It is indistinguishable from settler colonialism. Israel’s apartheid must end.”

Gaza Health Ministry says 103 people killed in last 24 hours

At least 103 people have been killed in Israeli attacks across Gaza in the past 24 hours, taking the toll to 29,195 since October 7, according to the Palestinian Health Ministry.



>UNRWA chief Philippe Lazzarini has said that the refugee agency is still waiting for Israel to share evidence for its allegations that a dozen UNRWA employees took part in the October 7 attacks on Israel.
>Several news outlets that have seen the Israeli dossier that is the basis of the claims have concluded that it includes no proof for its claims.
They're interfering with UNRWA operation because they want to starve out the Palestinians. Even if the allegations proved true, that would still be no reason to halt the aid supply mission, because that would still be unrelated.


Report: Houthi missile downs US drone over Yemen

Media outlet Al-Monitor reports, citing a US official, that a surface-to-air missile fired by the Yemeni group took down an MQ-9 Reaper drone near Hodeidah.

Yesterday, the group claimed to have shot down a US drone over Yemen, which it said “was carrying out hostile missions against our country on behalf of the Zionist entity”. US officials said they were investigating after a drone crashed over Yemen.

If confirmed, this will be the second US MQ-9 shot down by the group in recent months. The Pentagon acknowledged in November that an MQ-9 was shot down over the Red Sea.


Yeah, it's fucking ridiculous. 12 (already fired sans evidence) members out of 30,000 having been "alleged" to have done something by a party who have been caught committing war crimes was never a credible reason to remove funding. That and the fact that Trump cut funding to UNRWA simply because Israel wanted it during his first 4 years… it's clear that October 7th is entirely irrelevant except as a pretext to sell the same lie they were already telling.


Cuba: US ‘accomplices’ in devastation of Gaza

Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez has blasted the US for vetoing a UN resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza.

“The US has just vetoed again the UN Security Council resolution that demanded an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and an end to the forced displacement of the Palestinian population,” Bermudez said in a social media post. “They are accomplices of this genocide of Israel against Palestine.”



Another glorious beat down by comrade Finkelstein.


Analysis on the ICJ case about the legality (or illegality) of Israel's occupation of Palestine. Features part of the speech by Palestine's foreign minister.

God, I can't stand the Piers Morgan format. I only got part way through the first post-genocide onset back-and-forth with Bassem Youssef… no matter how much they wreck Piers or whatever idiot 2nd guest he has on, the vicarious pain of watching these guys have to humor these dumbfucks is terrible.


Jesus Christ this man is a piece of shit. Like holy fuck. See this is why I don't watch this stuff. Like, I got a chuckle out of seeing the contempt in Finkelstein's eyes as he watches this idiot just spew lie after lie and insult his family out of nowhere, but lord is this schmooly faggot difficult to endure.


"let me finish my sentence please!"
Piers to Schmooly after himself interrupting Finkelstein like 3 times in a row just to be obtuse.


World slams US ceasefire veto at UN Security Council on Israel’s Gaza war

Russia pledges not to give up as China says US veto gives a green light for Israel’s continued slaughter in Gaza.

The United States has again vetoed a draft UN Security Council (UNSC) resolution on Israel’s war in Gaza, prompting widespread criticism from rivals and allies alike.

The move on Tuesday was the third US veto of a UNSC resolution demanding a ceasefire in Gaza, and came a day after Washington circulated a resolution that would support a temporary ceasefire linked to the release of all Israeli captives from the Palestinian enclave.

The vote in the 15-member council was 13-1, with the United Kingdom abstaining, reflecting the strong support from countries around the globe for ending the devastating conflict that has killed more than 29,000 Palestinians.

Here’s how countries and world leaders responded.


Zhang Jun, China’s envoy to the UN, expressed “strong disappointment and dissatisfaction” with the US, according to the Xinhua news agency.

“The US veto sends a wrong message, pushing the situation in Gaza into a more dangerous one,” said Zhang, adding that objection to a ceasefire in Gaza is “nothing different from giving the green light to the continued slaughter”.

“Only by extinguishing the flames of war in Gaza can the world prevent the fires of hell from engulfing the entire region,” Xinhua quoted him as saying.


Russia’s Ambassador to the UN Vasily Nebenzia said the US veto marked “another black page in the history of the Security Council”.

He accused the US of trying to play for time so that Israel could complete its “inhumane plans” for Gaza, namely to squeeze the Palestinians out of the territory and completely “cleanse” the enclave.

He added that no matter how bitter the “aftertaste” of the vote may be, “we are not in the mood to give up”.


France’s UN envoy Nicolas de Riviere expressed regret that a UNSC ceasefire resolution “could not be adopted, given the disastrous situation” in Gaza.

De Riviere added that France, which voted for the resolution, would continue to work towards all captives being released and for a ceasefire to be “implemented immediately”.


Algeria’s envoy said the UNSC has “failed once again” and warned the move could have profound consequences for the Middle East as a whole.

“Our message to you today is that the international community should respond to the calls for ending the killing of Palestinians by calling for an immediate ceasefire. All those impeding such calls should review their policies and their calculations because wrong decisions today will have a cost on our region and our world tomorrow. And this cost will be violence and instability,” Amar Bendjama said.

“So ask yourselves, examine your conscience. What will your decisions today cause? How will history judge you?”


The Palestinian group said the administration of US President Joe Biden’s decision to block Algeria’s draft resolution benefits the agenda of the Israeli occupation, which aims to “kill and displace” Palestinians.

“President Joe Biden and his administration bear direct responsibility for derailing the resolution for a ceasefire in Gaza,” Hamas said in a statement. “The American position is considered a green light for the occupation to commit more massacres and kill our innocent people through bombing and starvation.”

Palestinian Authority

The office of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said the US veto defied the international community and gave Israel “an additional green light for the Israeli occupation to continue its aggression against the people of Gaza and to launch a bloody assault against Rafah”.

The Palestinian presidency also said that it holds the US administration responsible for “supporting and providing protection” to Israel’s “barbaric attacks” against children, women and the elderly in Gaza.

“This policy makes the United States a partner in the crimes of genocide and ethnic cleansing and the war crimes Israeli forces are committing,” the office said.


Qatar’s UN Ambassador Alya Ahmed Saif Al Thani said she regretted the UNSC’s failure to adopt the Algeria-drafted resolution and pledged to continue facilitating efforts to secure a truce in Gaza.

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Ministry expressed “regret” at the veto and stressed the “need now more than ever to reform the Security Council to carry out its responsibilities in maintaining peace and security with credibility and without double standards”.


Norway’s mission to the UN said it “regrets” that the council was not able to adopt a resolution on an immediate humanitarian ceasefire.

“It is imperative to end the horror in Gaza,” it added.


Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez blasted the US, saying its veto made it complicit in Israel’s crimes against Palestinians.

“The US has just vetoed again the UN Security Council resolution that demanded an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and an end to the forced displacement of the Palestinian population,” Bermudez said in a social media post. “They are accomplices of this genocide of Israel against Palestine.”

Amnesty International

Agnes Callamard, the director of the human rights group, said that Washington had a chance to protect Palestinian civilians but chose “the opposite path” at the UNSC.

“And yet again… when the US could do the right thing: protect Palestinians against serious risks of genocide; respect international law and universality; prevent massive killings and sufferings – it chose the opposite path,” Callamard said.


America pounded in the butt by its own butt.


Live from the ICJ.


>Houthi missile downs US drone over Yemen
Drones are easier to shoot down than jets, but does this prove they are advancing in military tech ? Because US drones didn't used to get shot down afaik.

>Yeah, it's fucking ridiculous. 12 (already fired sans evidence) members out of 30,000 having been "alleged" to have done something by a party who have been caught committing war crimes was never a credible reason to remove funding. That and the fact that Trump cut funding to UNRWA simply because Israel wanted it during his first 4 years… it's clear that October 7th is entirely irrelevant except as a pretext to sell the same lie they were already telling.

Their strategy is barbaric, is there a way to prevent them from seeking to undermine the survival of people ? Is it possible to make institutions that check for survival adverse consequences, and not carry out instructions that could cause this ?


Finkelstein improved his interview style he appeared very composed and clear minded. All the bait and cringe that the other guy threw at him just rolled off him.


I think the Houthis shot one down previously after the US started attacking, too. The Houthis over all… are generally several steps above the sort of stuff I'd expect from that kind of force. Like, they're running an incredibly tight operation which makes great use of what tech they've got.

>Their strategy is barbaric, is there a way to prevent them from seeking to undermine the survival of people ? Is it possible to make institutions that check for survival adverse consequences, and not carry out instructions that could cause this ?

Yeah, maybe. We should consider that. This whole thing clearly needs an overhaul. I think it'll probably always be something folks will have to keep track of… like, the reason it's this bad is absolutely because a lot of us (myself included) have been mostly twiddling our thumbs as things got worse.


Here’s what happened at the UK parliament’s chaotic ceasefire vote

The speaker of the British House of Commons has drawn fury from critics after he broke with precedent to allow the Labour Party to put forward its own measure for a ceasefire* in Gaza over a motion by the Scottish National Party (SNP), which included stronger criticism of Israel.

The tumult reflected the deepening division in British politics over London’s backing of Israel.

The original motion, which was put forward on a designated SNP opposition day, risked a rebellion within Labour against party leader Keir Starmer – a staunch Israel supporter.

But with the help of Commons Speaker Lindsay Hoyle, Starmer – who is widely expected to become the UK’s next prime minister – was able to avoid the dissent from MPs pledging to vote for the SNP measure.

Hoyle allowed Labour to introduce its own amendment to the SNP motion, removing references to Israel’s “collective punishment” of Palestinians, and adding language saying that Israel cannot be expected to end the war “if Hamas continues with violence”.

SNP leaders were furious at the decision, and the party’s MPs along with Conservatives, walked out of the chamber. Eventually, the Labour-amended motion calling for a ceasefire was adopted.

Early in the war, Starmer said that Israel “does have that right” to cut off water and electricity in Gaza, but he added that the country should act within international law.



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Israeli settlers attack occupied West Bank village: Local official

Hafez Saleh, president of the Asira al-Qibliya village council, says dozens of settlers stormed the town near Nablus, attacked a house and threw rocks at its owner, broke the windshield of a vehicle and tried to set another car on fire.

“The attack largely failed today because of the village residents’ alertness and defence of their home and children,” he said.

Saleh added that this is the second settler assault on Asira al-Qibliya in 10 days. Last week, settlers descended on the village, shot two young men, broke the windows of several homes and tried to set a house on fire.

“The village is constantly facing attacks by the settlers and their attempts to attack our homes,” Saleh told Al Jazeera.

Israeli settlers, often protected by Israeli security forces, regularly assault Palestinian communities in the West Bank.

Doctors Without Borders condemns Israeli attack on ‘clearly marked’ shelter

The group Doctors Without Borders (Medecins Sans Frontieres, or MSF) has confirmed an Israeli attack on an MSF shelter in al-Mawasi yesterday that killed two of the group’s staff family members and injured six.

Al Jazeera earlier reported that Israeli forces had attacked the shelter.

According to the statement, an Israeli tank fired on a home sheltering 64 MSF employees and family members, killing the wife and daughter-in-law of an MSF worker.

MSF says Israeli forces had been “clearly informed of the precise location of this MSF shelter in al-Mawasi”, and that the building was additionally identified with a large MSF flag.

The group says that bullets were also fired at the “clearly marked” MSF shelter and that nearby shelling prevented an ambulance from reaching the facility to assist the wounded for more than two hours.

“These killings underscore the grim reality that nowhere in Gaza is safe, that promises of safe areas are empty and deconfliction mechanisms unreliable,” said MSF general director Meinie Nicolai. “The amount of force being used in densely populated urban environments is staggering, and targeting a building knowing it is full of humanitarian workers and their families is unconscionable.”

Red Crescent still retrieving corpses from hospital vicinity

The PRCS says its teams retrieved a decomposed body from the vicinity of al-Amal Hospital in Khan Younis.

In pictures it posted on X, the shrouded body of an unknown male can be seen as staff pray before burial as is customary in Muslim tradition.

Israeli attacks kill 12 in Gaza, including journalist: Wafa

At least 12 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli army bombardment of the Nuseirat refugee camp and the Zeitoun neighbourhood of Gaza City, reports Palestinian news agency Wafa, citing medical sources.

In Zeitoun, medical sources told Wafa that journalist Ihab Nasrallah and his wife were killed after being targeted by Israeli forces. Their three children were also badly burned.

Massive uptick in attempts to quell advocacy for Palestine in the US

According to the Center for Constitutional Rights and Palestine Legal, since October 7, attempts to quash advocacy for Palestine in the US have increased, including demands to deploy “terrorism” laws against student activists, “a dangerous attack on constitutionally protected speech and association”.

In a paper written jointly, the legal rights groups reconstruct the history of a joint US-Israeli effort to suppress all forms of Palestinian opposition to Israel’s colonisation of Palestine.

“Attacks on advocacy for Palestine also represent the culmination of a decades-long campaign by Israel-aligned organizations, including the ADL, to expand US antiterrorism law to turn it against advocates for Palestinian liberation,” the groups said, referring to the Anti-Defamation League.

‘We should kill them all’ and other anti-Palestinian remarks by US politicians

Republican Congressman Andy Ogles, who said “we should kill them all” when confronted about the growing casualties amongst Palestinian children, is only the latest US politician to make such comments.

Since the outbreak of the war on October 7, several lawmakers and officials in Washington have used what activists say is dehumanising language against Palestinians and Gaza.

Here are some of their comments:

Senator Lindsey Graham: “We are in a religious war here. I am with Israel. Do whatever the hell you have to do to defend yourselves. Level the place.”
Congressman Max Miller: “They [Palestine] are a territory that’s about to probably get eviscerated and go away here shortly, as we’re going to turn that into a parking lot.”
Congressman Brian Mast: “There are very few innocent Palestinian civilians.”
Presidential candidate Nikki Haley: “Finish them. Finish them.”
Florida state legislator Michelle Salzman when asked how many Palestinians need to be killed: “All of them.”
President Joe Biden: “I have no notion that the Palestinians are telling the truth about how many people are killed. I’m sure innocents have been killed, and it’s the price of waging a war.”

Israeli tourism official says country as isolated as North Korea

In comments to Israeli outlet Maariv, Yossi Fatael, head of the Israeli Incoming Tour Operators Association, says that the sharp decline in tourism to Israel is a victory for Hamas.

Pro-Palestinian groups in Wales call for Israel boycott

Branches of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign in Wales say in a statement: “It is time for people of conscience across the world to act” as Israel carries out the “genocide of the Palestinian people”.

“Throughout Wales, we urge a boycott of Israel, including goods, services, academic, cultural and sporting links; local authorities, universities and other investors to end investments in, and purchases from, any company or body complicit in the oppression of Palestinians; and consumer action against companies participating in Israel’s oppression of Palestinians,” the statement read.

The movement also called on the Greater Gwent Council Pension Fund to divest from companies supplying weapons and military technology to Israel.


Colombia, Bolivia back Brazil’s Lula in row over Gaza war comments

Colombia and Bolivia are backing Brazil as its diplomatic row with Israel escalated after President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva accused Israel of committing genocide in Gaza, comparing its actions with the Holocaust.

Gustavo Petro and Luis Arce, the presidents of Colombia and Bolivia respectively, both expressed “solidarity” with Lula on Tuesday, after he was slammed by Israel for calling its war on Gaza a “genocide” against Palestinians and compared it with Adolf Hitler’s campaign to exterminate the Jewish people during the Holocaust.



Palestinian ambassador to the UK, Dr Husam Zomlot, tells Andrew Marr 'politicians are trying to save themselves rather than saving an entire nation from genocide', as he condemns today's arguments in the House of Commons.

Good analysis from the Palestinian ambassador on Labour's stupid undercutting of the SNP, regional war, and WWIII.


U.S. Ambassador Says Country Is Working on ‘A Final Solution’ After Vetoing Gaza Ceasefire Resolution

U.N. Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield defended the U.S. veto of a ceasefire resolution at the Security Council on Tuesday while pledging to forge “a final solution” to the ongoing conflict between Israel and Gaza. The ambassador was speaking of the need for hard diplomacy to secure the release of the remaining 100 Israeli hostages and deliver humanitarian assistance.



<veto ceasefire resolution
<pledge “a final solution”
fucking Nazi time travelers


Iran says Security Council responsible for Israeli atrocities

In his closing remarks at the ICJ, Iran’s representative Najafi has said that “the inaction or insufficient action of the Security Council” is one of the “main causes of prolonged occupation of the Palestinians”.

“All the atrocities and crimes committed by the Israeli regime in the past almost eight years are a consequence of such inaction,” he said.

Even today, he added, the Security Council is “paralysed due to the stalemate” caused by a “certain permanent member”.

He finished by saying the court was expected to provide its advisory opinion in a manner “that effectively and practically consolidates the rule of law” and brought “hope to Palestinians that justice will ultimately prevail”.

“We should not leave them alone and let them down” he said, when Palestinians need the support and assistance of humanity the most.

“This is a collective legal and moral responsibility, and we must fulfil it responsibly,” he added.


Honestly if current goings on aren't some sort of elaborate reconfiguration of the Business Plot, that might be more surprising than if they are.


Israeli military bulldozer targets Palestinian monument in West Bank

Israeli military forces continue their destruction of Palestinian civilian infrastructure and cultural heritage in the occupied West Bank.

In a video clip verified by Al Jazeera Arabic, an Israeli military bulldozer is captured attempting to demolish a monument to Palestinians who have been killed in the centre of a traffic roundabout in Tammun town, south of Tubas city.

In November, Israeli military bulldozers destroyed a memorial to former Palestinian President Yasser Arafat in Tulkarem in the occupied West Bank.

According to scholars of international law, the deliberate destruction of cultural heritage during a conflict can constitute war crimes.




LIVE: ICJ hears from China, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Japan and Jordan on Israeli occupation of Palestine


>In his closing remarks at the ICJ, Iran’s representative Najafi has said that “the inaction or insufficient action of the Security Council” is one of the “main causes of prolonged occupation of the Palestinians”.
>“All the atrocities and crimes committed by the Israeli regime in the past almost eight years are a consequence of such inaction,” he said.
>Even today, he added, the Security Council is “paralysed due to the stalemate” caused by a “certain permanent member”.
Inaction by international institutions is one possible explanation. The other explanation is a lack of fire-power on the Palestinian side.


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Israeli Nova Partygoer Was Misidentified as Hamas Terrorist on October 7 and Killed by Israeli Forces

Ofek Atun escaped the outdoor Nova rave with his girlfriend. They survived the assault on the bomb shelter in which they took refuge, before fleeing to nearby Kibbutz Alumim. The kibbutz's volunteer security squad mistook them for Hamas terrorists – and opened fire


The US vetoing every possible good option for years has been a problem.


>survive the assault
<get shot by your own security squad

>The US vetoing every possible good option for years has been a problem.
That is true.

However if that isn't being remedied, it might be necessary to seek out alternative means for ensuring the Palestinians get to live normal peaceful lives in their lands, despite the US.


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Houthis say they targeted US destroyer with drones

Yemen’s Houthis have said that they targeted a US destroyer vessel in the Red Sea with a number of drones, along with a missile strike on a British commercial vessel in the Gulf of Aden and Israeli targets near Umm al-Rashrash.

The attacks comes after several weeks of strikes against the Yemen-based group by US and British forces who say that the Houthi’s raids in the Red Sea have disrupted international commerce. The Houthis say that they are exerting pressure for an end to the war in Gaza.

“The Yemeni Armed Forces persist in upholding their religious, moral, and humanitarian duties towards the Palestinian people and in defense of their beloved Yemen in the face of American-British aggression, and their military operations will not stop unless the aggression stops and the siege on the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip is lifted,” the group said in a statement.

Israel’s Gaza campaign ‘war of collective punishment’: MSF director

Speaking before the United Nations Security Council, Chris Lockyear – director of Doctors Without Borders (Medecins Sans Frontieres, or MSF) – has said Israeli forces in the Gaza Strip have systematically destroyed its health system.

“There is no health system to speak of left in Gaza. Israel’s military has dismantled hospital after hospital. What remains is so little in the face of such carnage,” said Lockyear.

He noted that Israeli forces shelled a clearly marked Doctors Without Borders shelter in Gaza just two days earlier, killing two family members of staff who were seeking refuge there.

“This is all too familiar — Israeli forces have attacked our convoys, detained our staff, and bulldozed our vehicles, and hospitals have been bombed and raided,” said Lockyear.

“This situation is the culmination of a war Israel is waging on the entire population of the Gaza Strip — a war of collective punishment,” he added.

Israeli forces re-invade Nasser Hospital: Health Ministry

Four Israeli troop carriers have entered the medical centre, the Gaza ministry said in a brief statement, without providing further details.

Earlier, the Health Ministry said Israeli troops had withdrawn from the hospital but had taken up positions around it, keeping it under siege.

Israeli forces arrest Birzeit University student leaders

Nardeen al-Mimi, spokesperson for the university in the occupied West Bank, tells Al Jazeera that a special undercover unit of the Israeli military, dressed in civilian outfits, “abducted” student council president Saleh Hasan and Omar Zalloum, the secretary of the sports committee.

Al-Mimi said the two were taken into Israeli custody at one of the university’s gates. She added that Hasan is the third student council president to be arrested this term.

“More than 120 Birzeit University students are currently detained in the Israeli occupation’s prisons, half of them after October 7,” al-Mimi said.

Central Gaza Israeli attacks killed 40: Gaza authorities

Gaza’s Government Media Office says the “heinous massacre” committed by Israeli forces in the central part of the territory has also injured more than 100 people, adding the overwhelming majority of casualties are women and children.

UNRWA chief says agency has reached ‘breaking point’

UNRWA chief Philippe Lazzarini has informed the United Nations that the Palestinian refugee agency has reached its “breaking point”. Several key donor countries, including the United States, suspended aid to the agency, following Israeli claims that a small handful of its employees took part in the October 7 attacks.

Israel confirms building road cutting through centre of Gaza

The Israeli military has confirmed reports that it has built a large road cutting through the centre of Gaza, according to the Associated Press.

US Muslim group calls on Biden to end support for ‘genocide’

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has urged the US president to condemn comments by Israeli government minister May Golan who drew outrage earlier this week for saying she is “personally proud of the ruins of Gaza”.

CAIR director Nihad Awad said in a statement, “The Biden administration should condemn the sadistic, bloodthirsty rhetoric of this Israeli official and immediately stop bankrolling and arming the genocide the Israeli government is committing in Gaza.”

Israel to authorise new West Bank settlements

Far-right Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich has announced that the Defence Ministry organ that authorises the construction of illegal Israeli settlements will convene, in order to advance the construction of 3,344 new homes for Israeli settlers, the Times of Israel reports.

The move, according to the newspaper, comes as a response to today’s shooting attack near the Israeli settlement of Maale Adumim that killed at least one person and wounded five.

Israeli public broadcaster Kan reported that Prime Minister Netanyahu met with Defence Minister Gallant earlier today to discuss the move as well.

‘Hell for us’: Why Yemenis fear the US Houthi ‘terrorist’ designation

On January 17, the US gave the Houthis a one-month notice to stop their attacks on shipping lanes in the Red Sea, the Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Aden or face the prospect of being put on the US “terror” list.

The Yemeni group rejected the ultimatum, and on February 16, the US relisted the Houthis as Specially Designated Global Terrorists (SDGT), a designation aimed at disrupting sources of funding.

But it’s not the Houthis who will face the worst of the effects of the designation, said Abdu Yahia, a 37-year-old Yemeni who receives aid from an organisation in Sanaa, Yemen’s capital.

He fears that the Houthis being placed back on the US “terror” list will cut off the flow of humanitarian aid to the country.

Israel must immediately end occupation and offer compensation: Malaysia to ICJ

Dato’ Seri Utama Haji Mohamad bin Haji Hasan, Malaysia’s foreign minister, has told the ICJ that Israel “must withdraw immediately from the Occupied Palestinian Territory [OPT]”.

“Second, Israel must offer assurances and guarantees of non-repetition and third, Israel is under obligation to offer full reparations – annulment or repeal of all offending legislative and regulatory measures it has adopted for the [occupied Palestinian territories],” he said.

Irish solidarity with Palestinians will continue ‘as long as necessary’: Ireland politician

Daithi Doolan, a Sinn Fein legislator in Dublin, asserts that the Republic of Ireland’s enduring support for the Palestinians stems from its shared experience of suffering from “colonisation” and “imperialism” in its own history.

“Our deep solidarity with the Palestinian people will continue long into the future as long as necessary, until there is a united Ireland and a free, united Palestine,” he told Al Jazeera.

“We were proud to stand shoulder to shoulder against apartheid in South Africa. And once again, we are going to stand shoulder to shoulder with the Palestinian people,” he noted, adding that support for Palestinians in Ireland goes back decades.

Moreover, the Irish legislator called on his government to take several actions immediately: a ban on all exports from illegal settlements, joining South Africa in its genocide case against Israel and recognising the state of Palestine.

“I am surprised that they [three steps] haven’t been taken yet by the government. I think they’re not controversial,” Doolan added.

“We are telling them to get in line with the Irish people. They are tone deaf not only to the people in Gaza … but the Irish people, too.”



Alternative means?


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Houthis introduce ‘submarine weapons’ in attacks on vessels

Yemen’s Iran-backed Houthis have introduced “submarine weapons” in their attacks on seagoing vessels, which they say they are carrying out in solidarity with the Palestinians in the Gaza War, according to their leader.

“Operations in the Red and Arabian Seas, Bab al-Mandab Strait, and the Gulf of Aden are continuing, escalating, and effective,” Abdulmalik al-Houthi added in a televised speech.

Houthis ‘ban’ Israeli, US, British ships from Red Sea

Yemen’s Houthis have announced that ships that are wholly or partially owned by Israeli individuals or entities and Israel-flagged vessels are “banned” from the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden and Arabian Sea, the Reuters news agency quoted a statement as saying.

The Houthi’s Humanitarian Operations Coordination Center, an agency controlled by the group, sent a statement to shipping insurers and firms operating in the region.

Ships owned by US or British individuals or entities, or sailing under their flags, are also banned.

The warning comes amid continuing attacks launched in response to Israel’s war on Gaza that have disrupted international trade on the shortest shipping route between Europe and Asia.

‘Why does the victim continue to be portrayed as the killer?’: Kuwait

Kuwait’s Ambassador Ali Ahmad Ebraheem al-Dafiri has asked the ICJ to put an end to decades of injustice and declare the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories illegal.

“Why does the victim continue to be portrayed as the killer?” al-Dafiri said as he opened the afternoon session. “The occupying power has waged an illegitimate war on the Palestinians in Gaza characterised by numerous international law violations.”

The war, he argued, is the result of 57 years of illegal occupation of the Palestinian territories. “And it must stop,” he added.

Calls for resignation of UK parliament speaker grow after Gaza ceasefire debate

The Scottish National Party, the third-largest party in the UK Parliament, officially said it had no longer any confidence in Lindsay Hoyle to carry on in his role as the speaker of the House of Commons, accusing him of partisan politics in favour of Labour during the debate (on the Gaza ceasefire).

Israeli minister announces distribution of more guns to civilians

Earlier, we reported that Israel’s Minister of National Security Itamar Ben-Gvir called to restrict Palestinians’ freedom of movement following a shooting attack on a highway near the Maale Adumim settlement in the occupied West Bank.

He also said more weapons were being distributed to Israelis following the incident.

China counters US point by point at ICJ

China very well listened to what the United States had to say a day earlier, its representative basically countered all the arguments that the US brought forward.

The US said the UN and the ICJ should stay out of a bilateral issue between Israel and Palestine. According to China, it was definitely a matter for the UN to talk about the self-determination of the Palestinian people.

And also the argument the US made, Israel’s right to self-defence and that’s why the occupation has to continue. The Chinese representative said Israel is a foreign nation occupying Palestine, so the right to self-defence lies more with the Palestinians than with the Israelis.

China said it is actually very important to have the advisory opinion coming from the world’s highest court because it will guide any future negotiations.

Israel must be held accountable for ‘war crimes’: Iraq to ICJ

Iraq’s representative has ended his presentation to the ICJ by saying that his country “is deeply concerned about the humanitarian suffering inflicted on the Palestinians throughout the state of Palestine, particularly in the Gaza Strip”.

Al-Barrak highlighted “the barbaric acts” committed by Israel, including “air strikes and rocket attacks targeting civilians”.

“These acts constitute war crimes executed with a criminal intent” and are serious violations of the laws of war, he said, adding that Israel “must be held accountable”.

Hamas says Jerusalem shooting ‘natural response’ to Israeli massacres

Hamas has said the attack on a highway near the Maale Adumim settlement in the occupied West Bank is a “natural response to the [Israeli] occupation’s massacres and crimes in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank”.

Israeli minister says ‘our right to life overrides the Palestinians’ freedom of movement’

Israel’s Minister of National Security Itamar Ben-Gvir has said Palestinians’ freedom of movement should be restricted, following a shooting attack on a highway near the Maale Adumim settlement in the occupied West Bank that we reported on earlier.

“Our right to life overrides the Palestinians’ freedom of movement,” Ben-Gvir said, according to Israeli media reports. “I will fight for barriers around the villages that will limit the freedom of movement of the residents of the Palestinian Authority.”



>Alternative means?
I don't really know what is applicable to the situation of the Palestinians.

But the premise is that there are people in the world that live normal peaceful lives without US approval. The DPRK is an example, there are no bombs falling on Pyongyang, despite the US empire seeking to wreck that country.


Well, I said once that Palestine could have used a nuke in their arsenal. ;P


Protesters march inside Biden’s California hotel, accuse him of genocide

A group of pro-Palestinian demonstrators marched inside President Biden’s California hotel on Thursday, demanding an immediate ceasefire in the besieged Gaza Strip.

“Biden, Biden you can’t hide, we charge you with genocide,” the group, estimated by the White House pool to include up to 30 people, chanted. They also chanted “ceasefire now” as they marched through the upscale Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco.

“How many kids did you kill today?” they asked.

A banner held by some of the protesters as they walked through the Fairmont’s lobby and past its rooms said: “Stop funding genocide: End all US aid to Israel.”

Biden has been seeking to build momentum heading into November’s presidential election but has repeatedly been dogged by pro-Palestine demonstrations that have disrupted his campaign events in an effort to pressure him to support an immediate ceasefire.

The president has so far resisted those calls and on Tuesday vetoed for a third time a UN Security Council resolution calling for one.



>Well, I said once that Palestine could have used a nuke in their arsenal. ;P
Maybe that's taking the analogy with the DPRK too literal, the Palestinians lack the technical and industrial base for that. Also if they were gifted a nuke, there would be attempts to steal it, they'd be shouldered with a very heavy security burden. Maybe there is another way to create sufficient deterrence to remove the falling bombs from their sky.


>Yemen’s Iran-backed Houthis
Damn what a mouthful, we gotta start saying shit like Israel's US-backed Zionists
>have introduced “submarine weapons” in their attacks on seagoing vessels, which they say they are carrying out in solidarity with the Palestinians in the Gaza War, according to their leader.
What are those ?
Have they invented torpedo-drones that are launched from a beach ?


Palestinians don't have the capacity (or resources) to make one, but they could certainly utilize one.
Wrt stealing, they'd also have a huge incentive not to let that happen… more, even, than other nations with nukes.

The best option, from a practical standpoint, is for folks in countries involved in supplying Israel with weapons to stop the supply of weapons and aid to Israel. On all fronts. Everyone in America, for instance, is invited to be pissed that public resources are being spent on genocide, and to do whatever they can to spit in the face of Biden & the war profiteers who steal from us to kill children and put common people at home in danger of blowback.

Al-Jazeera is really generous to western press phrasings.

>What are those ?
>Have they invented torpedo-drones that are launched from a beach ?

I think there was some snippet about the US navy taking out an unmanned submarine or something in the Red Sea earlier, I wish I'd posted it now. I think that is the sort of thing being used, though, yeah, based on my memory of that previous snippet it's some sort of underwater drone. I don't think they invented them, but it's pretty remarkable nevertheless.


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Namibia remembers painful colonial history in ICJ remarks on Israel’s occupation

Namibia’s Justice Minister Yvonne Dausab has taken the floor at the ICJ, demanding the court recognises Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories as illegal.

She made the following points:

.“Namibia considers it a moral duty and a sacred responsibility to appear before this court” and address the question of the “indefensible occupation of Palestine by Israel.”
.The parallels between Palestine and Namibia are “striking and painful”. Instead of exerting their right to govern themselves, “Palestinians and Namibians suffered the loss of human dignity … and the outright theft of their land and natural resources”.
.Namibia still suffers from the effects of a long and unlawful occupation. The ICJ “played a vital role in our liberation struggle”. In its 1971 opinion, the court confirmed the right to self-determination as a “legal imperative”, paving the way to Namibia’s independence in 1990.
.Because of Namibia’s experience with apartheid, “we cannot look the other way in the face of the brutal atrocities committed against the Palestinian people”. We ask the court “not to look away either”, she added.



Day 5 of the hearings at the ICJ on the question of Israel's occupation.
This morning features: Namibia, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Indonesia and Qatar


WATCH: Is the Red Sea becoming fully militarised?

Several major world powers are increasing their military presence in the region amid Houthi attacks and Israel’s war on Gaza.

Houthi fighters in Yemen have been targeting vessels that they say are linked to Israel since the war on Gaza began. They have also recently banned ships from the United States and the United Kingdom from their surrounding waters.

What’s the impact of the region’s growing militarisation? Our panel of experts analyse the issue to help make sense of it all.


Police beatings of pro-Palestinian schoolchildren spark outrage in Italy

ROME, Feb 23 (Reuters) - Footage of police beating pro-Palestinian students drew broad condemnation in Italy on Friday, with the opposition calling for the interior minister to address parliament over the episode.

Student marches were blocked by police in the Tuscan cities of Florence and Pisa, with images of officers vigorously using their truncheons on school-age protesters in Pisa triggering outrage on social media and from politicians.

''The videos showed the students, who appeared to be protesting peacefully, retreating under a hail of blows from law enforcers wearing helmets and full riot gear.
"Is this how you beat your own children," one young woman is heard shouting.''

The Pisa police were not immediately available for comment.



200,000 New Houthi Fighters Ready For Combat; Trouble Mounts For U.S., Israel Amid Red Sea Crisis

The Yemen-based Houthi militia claimed to have recruited and trained more than 200,000 new fighters since the group began attacking commercial ships in the Red Sea in response to Israel's war in Gaza. A Houthi spokesperson told Al Jazeera that "we do not intend to attack any party other than the Zionist, American, and British enemies because they are attacking us, and we do not have any intentions to target any internal party unless it targets us to serve the Zionists."


Not sure if giving the Palestinians a nuke will actually help them, because if they throw one at Israel, they would get caught in the fallout too, so it doesn't generate much credible deterrence.

>The best option, from a practical standpoint, is for folks in countries involved in supplying Israel with weapons to stop the supply of weapons and aid to Israel.

That's true, but when is this going to materialize ?

>it's some sort of underwater drone.

>it's pretty remarkable nevertheless.
maybe the houthis have become a professional military, and we keep being surprise at their level of sophistication because we're still expecting them to be some kind of resistance fighter group.


I imagine the US has been busy plotting some sort of Lusitania or Gulf of Tonkin tier incident to attempt to manufacture international consent for a war on Yemen.


The Zionist lobby trying to use the state to administer corporal punishment to make the children of other people believe in their genocidal ideology. That's a bit much.

When this inevitably backfires on them, there will be surplus enjoyment.


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>Not sure if giving the Palestinians a nuke will actually help them, because if they throw one at Israel, they would get caught in the fallout too, so it doesn't generate much credible deterrence.
I mean, actually nuking anybody is basically suicidal anyway. Israel's philosophy wrt their own nukes hinges a lot on MAD as a concept. The threat would be "come in and steal from us and kill us and you'll die, too."

>That's true, but when is this going to materialize ?

Materialize? It's not a ghost. When do you want it to materialize? How about now!
Work. Talk to everybody you know and everybody you don't know and tell them to call their representatives, senators, etc. This sounds small, but that's because it's step one; you want as many folks as possible to take the minimal amount of action to begin with, because then they can start developing an interest in just what the outcome is and start moving on to bigger steps.

Reach out to everybody, help people who you can, and don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it, and make preparations for things to get much worse.

>maybe the houthis have become a professional military, and we keep being surprise at their level of sophistication because we're still expecting them to be some kind of resistance fighter group.

Well, you know, yes and no imo. Well, yes, and also more like it… the "also" being that a lot of this high tech warfare we're seeing now, from some of these groups, marks the rise of a distinctly advanced sort of resistance warfare where (relatively) cheap drones are able to do damage to conventional militaries with more expensive equipment. The Houthis themselves seem to be incredibly professional, though, yes… especially compared to the IDF.

And the Rubymar may or may not be sinking. I haven't heard the latest on it. Anyway, CENTCOM put out this hilariously ironic statement about it.

For the time being, it's still batshit insane though. You still see politicians in the US (and UK, too!) trying to pull out the scary Muslim bogeyman even as violence (both by police and Zionist fanatics) in recent months in the US has largely been against them.


So the recipe for peace is public pressure to halt the arms supplies and a "insurance nuke" for Palestine. The first thing appears doable, but it'll take time and that means the zionists continue slaughtering innocent people in the thousands. As for the nuke that could only come from a country that hasn't signed a non-proliferation treaty. Is there such a thing ?

>the rise of a distinctly advanced sort of resistance warfare where (relatively) cheap drones are able to do damage to conventional militaries with more expensive equipment.

So far there doesn't seem to be a cost efficient counter to these drones, however this asymmetric advantage probably isn't a permanent condition.

>For the time being, it's still batshit insane though.

It's the people who told us that blowing up hospitals is self defense, because they suspect gremlins in the basement. That should have been the clue that made everybody realize, that they're fucking nuts.


Nothing is ever enough for them. I keep telling you piggas - the thrill of torture must be maximized, not set at some arbitrary good enough level. That's how these people operate, and Israel is doing the thing it always did and that its existence implied. It is a choice, but the alternative is to quit Israel, and that means the Jews have to give back all of this stuff - and that includes the Jews who had nothing to do with Israel. There's no picking and choosing regarding this, even though Israel's existence is bullshit. The fate of Israel will be weaponized to embolden Nazism and anti-Jewish sentiment, and this is something they're conscious of and want to exploit. It's not going to work, and the empire has already looked to a post-Israel future. They're not giving up on torture, of course.

This is going to end by the empire making a deal with the Muslim governments, and that's what the agitation is for on all sides - jockeying for position, and dragging the plebs into this battle with a lot of violence. Above all, for this model to work, nothing new must be possible, until the proper time. Everything here relies on a belief that the Arabs are savages - not even barbarians, but the most abject savages. That is very far from the situation today - there is no longer the presumption of technological inferiority, and that had always been fictitious and premised on a conceit about intelligence, rather than what the empire actually did in its political machinations. When Israel is founded, the remains of a failed feudal empire squabbled until revolutions could happen and modern dictators could rise. After many of those dictators were tossed out or made to play ball as partners of empire, the narrative no longer works. So many "up there" would rather work with Iran and the Muslims than with Israel and the Jewish lobbies. The only thing holding it together is that all interested parties hate those who are cast out and selected to die, wherever they are. Their dream is to make everyone internalize the same aristocratic ethos and make it absolute and inescapable. They sure got it, and they're not going to like the results. But, they will continue to do it all the same. They can't not.


See, this is the colossal failure of ideologues to understand what propaganda is and what these people care about. They don't care about your consent for any war. So far as that mattered, it was only relevant so far as the armed forces did not mutiny, since they inherited a situation where mass armies were the norm. The governments go out of their way to make sure you hate the war but believe it is inevitable, until you "love Big Brother" and embrace the aristocratic war ethos and its purpose - to kill off poor people as quickly as possible. That's what the two great European wars of the 20th century were, bullshit to kill of poor people and advance eugenics. But, if you say that, that's "retarded", because it is the action of those who can't ever win and aren't meant to win, and don't even care about "winning" at this point.


The powers that be have the consent of those they care about - they selected who will live, and it is only those selected to die who will be put in the path of any bullet. It's all a freeroll for those selected to live, and they act accordingly. They don't even bother hiding it - arrogance in your face projects strength, and they revel in it. They gladly throw their own soldiers under the bus and laugh at them being the Israeli Diaper Force.


>Nothing is ever enough for them. I keep telling you
They went full retard, and it blew up in their face, like it always does, it's a giant tragedy. Marx said we were living in pre-history.

>The fate of Israel will be weaponized to embolden Nazism and anti-Jewish sentiment, and this is something they're conscious of and want to exploit.

Yeah there's indeed a real danger. We have to be insistent that there's a difference between Jews and Zionists. I believe that can be done, there is a long history of anti-Zionist Jews.


What they're doing now is what they've been doing "slyly" since the 1970s, when they could get away with it and the neoliberal order was dominated by eugenics in a way the prior liberal regime wasn't. We shouldn't be surprised that hasbara is doing this - they have no other way to "sell" themselves, and they can't win the war they are engaged in on their own.


As long as they get the US to approve sending more bombs and fighting their war for them, it's win-win, because they hate Americans and want to take our shit as soon as possible, as they have been all this time. And that's where anti-Zionist Jews get screwed - and a lot of this is pushed by imperial courtiers who have always sold the idea of backstabbing the Jews and Israel at the opportune time. These people were all over the Christian Zionist movement - they saw it as a tool to realize their own vision, and now we got Project 2025 and their Nazi flags showing.


I know it's kind of silly to talk about "poor Israelis" but they are in a fucked situation if they don't have dual citizenship, and they know it.

They're banking on this turning into a coup of the US in the near future - and Project 2025 would be effectively that, which looks like the direction they want to go. And so, there's going to be a really shitty situation coming up, and it can't be contained to Israel's existence in a model. No one in the region is thinking that this will be a neat little war.


>What they're doing now is what they've been doing "slyly" since the 1970s
Maybe bloodshed accumulates, and after 50 years of mass murdering civilians that changes the political context.


>the Red Sea becoming militarised
It's a trade choke-point, it's easy to avoid that, just build a few rail connections with shipping terminals at each end that run parallel.

BTW not my idea, there have been official studies, and it's viable, but for some reason they never get build. I wonder why.


It is only the mask that is dropping. Up there, "in the know", they've been clamoring for blood, and they talk all the time about overpopulation and how much they hate stupid people taking up their oxygen. If they constantly mention this and don't let you forget this for 50 years, put it in all educational curricula and millions of lives are steadily destroyed for this - and this continued a trend over the preceding 50 years that no one alive then could not have seen - you should take them at their word and stop pretending it totally isn't happening. The only difference now is that where before deniability was a useful tool for herding the hoodwinked, now the eugenic faithful must rally to carry out the Jehad. The more ultraviolent the eugenists, the greater the fear they created, and the more the left is trained to be herded and wimp out as they have since the 1960s. It's amazing how much they conditioned the people to be humiliated and degraded like this. Nothing like it was ever done, and because "nothing new is possible", it was not permitted to say any of what this was without being "retarded" and ipso facto evil and ritually sacrificed. The thrill of torture has been maximized.


Israel is not an exceptional country, despite its efforts to claim an exceptional "right to exist" that no other country dares utter. All they have done is inherent to the fuckery that went on in that region, and they selected the most faithful soldiers and were more committed to eugenics than most. What happens there is not going to stay "over there", and the Zionists will make sure of it, along with their allies who have always wanted to fulfill prophecy and bring the End Times.

I hope to god there is some fight somewhere against these Christian Nazis coming up next year, but I doubt it.


>So the recipe for peace is public pressure to halt the arms supplies and a "insurance nuke" for Palestine. The first thing appears doable, but it'll take time and that means the zionists continue slaughtering innocent people in the thousands. As for the nuke that could only come from a country that hasn't signed a non-proliferation treaty. Is there such a thing ?

The nuke is optional. It would have been a quick fix, but nobody wants to do it.

Halting arms supplies to Israel is a fix for multiple issues. The process, to be most effective, necessitates dismantling the Israel lobby and the MIC. It essentially is a direct path to broad reform, revival of public services, some degree of re-industrialization (in everything except arms), etc. It's mutually beneficial to basically everyone except the folks presently profiting off genocide.

>So far there doesn't seem to be a cost efficient counter to these drones, however this asymmetric advantage probably isn't a permanent condition.

Eh… it could be. At this point, the US military is, from my understanding, tailored specifically to suppress guerilla warfare, and it seems like it's had at least as many failures as successes. I think its most notable defeat of an organization may have been ISIS, but also it basically created ISIS by destroying Iraq, and also ISIS was actually pretty despised even within the region they were trying to control, so pretty much every other military and militia in the region was also fighting ISIS, including Al Qaeda, Al Nusra, and the Taliban.

>It's the people who told us that blowing up hospitals is self defense, because they suspect gremlins in the basement. That should have been the clue that made everybody realize, that they're fucking nuts.

I mean, I think most folks are hip to it now… that whole thing is fucking bizarre, and the moment you get a minute to think about it it's self-evident. If that kind of carpetbombing was even effective against tunnels, the US would have easily won in Vietnam.


You know, Eugene, I usually skim your posts, but since I've started looking at what's going on in Palestine more closely (and the regional conflicts being concocted and the insane media spin going on), I've got a bit more sympathy for your viewpoints. Like, not enough that I fully believe, but god damn!
All the shit I kind of had initially taken at face, but later started viewing as hyperbole, all that stuff people said about Israel - that it was an apartheid state, that it was fascistic in nature, etc. … well, it wasn't hyperbolic at all, it's been true in the most literal sense and I'd just been conditioned to assume it's not as bad as it actually is.

I really think you could be bang-on about the propaganda, too - it's so in-the-weeds that I'd rather not get into it, but the possibility of a mass-media conspiracy to "create" support (or apathy towards) genocide and extreme tyranny seems way less remote now. And, yes, it does seem like there's a (failing) intent to stir up Nazism in the US which falls in line with the Zionists' support for ethno-nationalism in general, and they love scapegoating other Jews for Zionist crimes and endangering the diaspora abroad.

>It is a choice, but the alternative is to quit Israel, and that means the Jews have to give back all of this stuff - and that includes the Jews who had nothing to do with Israel.
What did you mean by this line?

>They're banking on this turning into a coup of the US in the near future - and Project 2025 would be effectively that, which looks like the direction they want to go. And so, there's going to be a really shitty situation coming up, and it can't be contained to Israel's existence in a model. No one in the region is thinking that this will be a neat little war.

This is some on-point analysis, here.


Palestine can have a paper nuke, paper army, or something real, and it wouldn't change one bit their situation. If they had those things, Israel wouldn't exist, and the US would get rid of a troublesome vassal.

Nothing about the US needs "Israel" at this point for a strategic or realist purpose, and never really did. I keep telling you - this story isn't contained in a convenient theater "far, far away", and the people in charge want you to feel the immediacy of what's happening, but don't want you to think rationally as if it could happen to you. That's a very precise needle to thread, but they're going to try it with lots of force and fear, and these stories don't help.

Palestine on its own is fucked - and they've always known that. There is not at this point a defensible "Palestine" - it exists out of territories counquered during the Yom Kippur war. That's what Gaza (former Egypt) and the West Bank (former Syria) are.

Thanks. I keep trucking along, if only because some fool is going to write this down and not give a shit about some ulterior motive regarding manipulation of facts or reality. That said, I would always ask people to think for themselves and use their head, rather than look for gurus.

I don't see the current PR or COVID as the start of American Nazism, nor did it start with Trump or Gamergate stupidity. Aside from Nazi sympathies being in the woodwork since the originals were big, the 1990s were a huge push towards American fascism. When you look back at some of Bill Clinton's slogans and what he did, the fascist parallels are not difficult to see. "Third Way" was signaling to those whose brains were intact that he was a very different kind of Democrat, and that the ordoliberal wonks were done. There was a marked change during the 1970s and then Reagan made the whole country go apeshit, but the pieces began to move during the Clinton presidency, and obviously the end of the Cold War - and this was a planned implosion of the USSR for many years before it happened - set a lot of what happened in motion outside of the US. But, before 1994, Nazis were still politically marginal and despised, despite constant efforts to normalize them. During the 1950s, which were being rebranded as the ideal of American fascism, Nazis were thoroughly despised and anticommunists had to hide their swastika swag. What was done with the anticommunist purges is more than an ideological thing - that's one of the chapters of American history that get revised. There were far more purges going on than the political purge of communists, and there was (is) a conspiracy to reform the US that had basically succeeded. The view of many who were paranoid saw a strange combination of Nazism and Soviet Communism, rather than saying Hitler was the good guy. During this time, Khrushchev was basically submissive to the US, and the people up top in the US were thinking of how to secure this national security state they created, not some ideological crusade where they were on the defensive. What the state is doing during the 1950s is a very active strategy. The elimination of the communists as a political movement was also the elimination of elements who had no buy-in with what was going to be pushed from 1960 onward, and so it went ahead to wipe the board of what communism and socialism represented, alongside a much bigger purge of general undesirables. The communists would then be conflated with the insane, perverts, and everything malevolent, and this would produce a chilling effect on the denuded communist party rump allowed to survive, and set the stage for the evisceration of the left in total during the 1960s and 1970s.

I can't say this is a complete story or account of what happened, but it makes a lot of sense based on the aims of those who held the state after 1947, and explains much of their activity better than the story that they were afraid of le commies. Quite a few at the time, both the aristocracy and the common pleb, wondered what the fuck this screeching about communist spies was. Are they going to go against a state which flexed that they can throw a million undesirables in institutions in a month and dare anyone to stop them? What was done to them could be done to anyone, and that's exactly what happened. After the fact, "out of sight, out of mind".


Well, now's not a great time to send a bunch of construction crews out there.

I remember the first time I went to a house party where most of the folks there were petit borg. The shit that comes out of these people's mouths is just disgusting.

Don't "doubt it," do it. Get fucking ready and get anyone you know ready, too, and then find more folks and get them ready. Whether or not it's likely is irrelevant, it's absolutely necessary.

I don't subscribe to absolutely everything ya say, but in this instance I agree to a lot of it. There clearly seems to be a longstanding agreement between western military-and-business Fascists and Israeli Zionists, benefitting from a "loophole" for Israel's fifth column operations in American politics and industry. Knowing is a responsibility, and it's not an easy one.


<>It is a choice, but the alternative is to quit Israel, and that means the Jews have to give back all of this stuff - and that includes the Jews who had nothing to do with Israel.
>What did you mean by this line?

There's not going to be special exceptions or protections or easily enshrined status, if they entertain ideas that they will be superior intellectually and naturally meritorious. Consider that a lot of non-Israeli Jews are not firebreathing leftists or ideologues and very clearly don't want to live under a renewed Nazism. Interested parties who don't care about the ideology will not forget the business opportunities, not just in Palestine but in the Middle East generally. The failure of Israel, if it happens, will produce a harsh rebuke, and they're not going to be "woke" or enlightened.

Of course, the business interest isn't going to go away - that will be protected even if "Israel" as such no longer existed, and that seems to be what they're angling for. But, it's not possible to keep events in this finely tuned plan to try to score some win. The settlers are going to get fucked and know they will be unrepentant in defeat. They're already preparing for endless revanchism, and are given the promise that if they retreat to the US, they'd treat Americans like the Palestinians and start taking their land, and become shock troops. That's been telegraphed since 2008 at least in so many of their narratives.

Just about everything happening in the US is planning for not just stripping the wealth "from above", but finding some suitable troops to wage a civil war against those selected to die. They only have so many faithful willing to rape and kill infinitely for eugenics.


I would understand the fear of anyone who isn't a fascist in this decade - they see anyone who isn't in that club is at risk, no matter how great they are or what they claim. The only non-fascists who are safe are the people who animate the fascists for their true aims - eugenics above all, the vanguard of the vanguard. Even there, they know they're going to have to continue a partnership with people they intend to stab in the back, and that goes for everyone they use and throw away. That turns on itself if it is not managed carefully.

The way these people are likely planning this, they plan by generation and push history globally in stages, as much as they can. What they can't affect globally, they partition into useful regions to control at the micro level with the aim of integrating operations. They've already made clear their timetable expects to continue this operation until around 2070.


As for "WW3 for real" - that only happens if the people are uncontrollable. Nukes only fly after tacit agreement of the world powers to herd the undesirables into cities, as much as they can, and wage a war against the survivors. The story is that they present nuclear war as a terrible tragedy, defeat the people, and then no one can challenge the group selected to live. They will no longer need to pretend. In practice, once this is done, anyone not in their group has no reason to ever agree to anything ever again. Humanity would fail forever, and the survivors would commit themselves to an interminable war, just as eugenics commits to interminable war. Failed race - and those who plan such a thing want to ensure that they can play the "human race" card, after denuding humanity of anything other than a biopolitical marker. This is what eugenics created.


The hour is much too late. They've been drawing up kill lists since the 1990s openly and proudly, and this has been in the works for reasons beyond ideology or militarism. When the signal is given, my life is over. A few of them bragged they want to jump the gun, and they know what's coming. They've waited for it. None of what happened, none of the society we live in now, would be possible if this weren't held over our head and there weren't a base ready to go. If they fail, they will retreat to an interminable war. That has always been their plan - as long as they never truly lose in the field, they can persist forever. Every story of a ragtag band of rebels, they can do with far greater support and not being poisoned, lied to, and degraded for about 100 years. They already marked down potential trouble sources, some of which have already been liquidated or dealt with. I'm not going to be a great leader and I'd probably be a liability in any resistance. That's not what I am and I'm not going to pretend otherwise. I would give to those who are resisting some sense of what this has been, and that their plans - whatever they might be - aren't going to give them much. But, there aren't any clear political answers or answers through struggle, and if someone is thinking in those terms, my writing won't be of much use to them. I don't write for that. With the time I have left, I have no reason not to say what this was for us. Maybe it will keep people who can't struggle out of the way, or distract the bastards, but I don't have any program of resistance, and I don't even think such a thing is possible. More than that, the "resistance faction" that would exist would probably turn on the useless eaters as planned, and has already telegraphed that. They're only thinking of how they can do it, and if they can keep the old game going a little longer. It's not going to work, and they probably know that. But for our part, there is no compliance. Compliance is not an option and never was. There is only making this as difficult as possible and preparing for whatever afterlife we might hold dear. If nothing else, the way the "revolution" was won will go down as the worst thing this stupid race ever did, and the people will never forgive anyone who aided and abetted it or acted like it wasn't happening this whole time. But, I suppose it won't matter. To go against eugenics will be death, and they believe they can wipe history and restore the cycle as they have before, this time perfected and without the stain of us. They won't succeed in making the world as they dreamed, but they stopped thinking of anything else a long time ago.

I'm not so much worried about Christian Nazis as an singular faction. They are just an interest jumping on board the biggest interest of all, and they're not going to win as they are. Very likely, they're going to tag along with the Trump thing, get what they want, and immediately reconcile with any other faction up there. The rest of the war will be nothing more than going door to door to eliminate undesirables - anyone who isn't selected to live, in one way or another. That's the way we set for ourselves, and really, that's what humans were at heart. If they wanted to be anything else, we would see very different things.


Maybe there is hope for people who avoided the ultimate shames, but the kill list is many millions long - many of them having been "soft killed" by policy since the 1970s. They expect us to die within 5 years, yet we persist. It's funny how they did what Pol Pot did with the class enemies and it's just totally a normal one.

Maybe I'm wrong and there is enough self-interest in people to not go along with something that will certainly rape and enslave the whole world, or the future will be something other than this - but as mentioned, they hold the nukes as the ultimate threat if they don't get their way. Eugenics played for keeps - they had "want it more" as they say in poker.


>Palestine can have a paper nuke, paper army, or something real, and it wouldn't change one bit their situation. If they had those things, Israel wouldn't exist, and the US would get rid of a troublesome vassal.
That would, objectively, change their situation.

>Palestine on its own is fucked - and they've always known that. There is not at this point a defensible "Palestine" - it exists out of territories counquered during the Yom Kippur war. That's what Gaza (former Egypt) and the West Bank (former Syria) are.

Nitpicking, but isn't the West Bank formerly Jordan?
Whether or not Palestine exists by that name, Palestinians would still exist. The question of what Israel and the Palestinian Bantustans become remains relevant, and it's imperative for everybody that the evil is stopped. You might quibble over "stopped," but it's just what I mean; it's imperative that actions are taken to stop it and prevent, as much as possible, its re-emergence. This will require a lot of work done around the world, but particularly in America.

Eisenhower was on-point on this, too, at least. Guy recognized the threat from the MIC right then, and also he was clearly creeped out by the American Zionist Council, as well.

It's evident from looking back that much of the course of American foreign policy had been shaped by the fact that the machine was left running after WWII. It should have been shut down fast by mandate, but it was instead allowed to grow and grow without any real material threat. Socialists unseating it would, in practice, have most likely only been an act of democratic will for reform; none of the Communist states would have been in a realistic position to impose MLism on the US or even the UK by military force, and they were far less adept at economic warfare, too.

Neoliberalism, which sprung up around the last decades of the USSR, has been a long-term project to remove the organs of state from democratic accountability. Despotism and tyranny masquerading as liberalism. Reagan was a turning point (and also set the precedent for appointing senile fools as figureheads), but I see PNAC and Bush, Jr. as being especially worth mentioning as well.

Oh yeah, I agree. Folks realizing they're in a position more like late '30s Germany than they are like the victims of the Nazis is doing a lot to compromise their "smol bean" status. I mean, a lot of them are literally Germans and they're killing actual Semites en masse.

>They're already preparing for endless revanchism, and are given the promise that if they retreat to the US, they'd treat Americans like the Palestinians and start taking their land, and become shock troops. That's been telegraphed since 2008 at least in so many of their narratives.

Yeah, this is something that also pisses me off. Jews could have just immigrated to America and been pretty safe if the British hadn't decided to give Zionists an ethnostate in Palestine. Integrating into Israel, as it is today, enables all the worst tendencies - bringing them over to the United States now would be a risk for the States. They're a bunch of entitled, genocidal psychopaths. Best case scenario, those who recognize the danger and horror and uncleanliness of what's being done can get out before it's too late, but folks in the US will still need to be vigilant about removing Zionist influences from power.

>The hour is much too late.
I don't give a quarter fuck. I've had every pessimistic thought possible, I don't care if we're doomed, I'm here to stop it.


Israel anti-govt protests: Demonstrators call for an early election
Anti-government protesters in Israel have taken to the streets once again demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.


Establishing the machine was the point. Why would they revert to a past form that never really existed and was incapable of surviving in that time? The hope of many involved is that the machine wouldn't be as stupid as it was, wouldn't have gone apeshit, but it wasn't hard to see that this would never go away. No one who mattered had any reason to stop the machine. Those who did were outed, marked down, and denied any place, until they withered away. It was very easy for them to do this - you could not change the institutions from within or make them into something they were not.

I think up until 1970, the people in charge were mostly trying to keep the ship somewhat functional. They started giving up on the country in the 1970s when it turned out their institutions couldn't produce shit, and really gave up on it during the 1990s in a way that is not hard to see. They gave up on the world in the same motions.

As for the socialists - anyone who didn't get what this was got a rude awakening during the 1950s, and again, are you going to go against a government that democides about a million people in the open and dares you to lash out, that monitors your most minute expressions and can create as much paranoia as they like, and that has agents willing to be useful stooges that can be reproduced easily while your principled movement of ideals polices itself before any threat finds conspirators? The idea that you could have a revolution from below in those conditions was laughable - and funny enough, this is what a lot of Marxists and socialists believed pre-1917, and there were doubts about the Bolshevik project. Mostly, the CPSU was trying to reconcile with what they held and what would be necessary moving forward, and that was the bargain that fucked them in the long run. There was never a point where the US faced terminal collapse - hell, they've been running the country into the ground since the 1990s and basically screaming at Americans to give it up, and pure inertia and stubbornness keep some idea of "America" alive. It wasn't mind control that created this. It's that the people know that if the pretenses end, there is no "other system" that will save them, and there never was. The only thing the communists wanted was a subdued America that would stay in its place and not disturb the old world - preferably reducing it a resource extraction site and getting anyone they cared about out of there. They always had nothing but contempt for Americans - they hate Americans more than anything, and so do the rulers of America.

>has been a long-term project to remove the organs of state from democratic accountability

In a legal and institutional sense, there has been no democratic accountability for a very long time, and what existed was only what was allowed in bourgeois society. The real organs of state were secured immediately in 1947 and there was no going back - the interested parties made no secret that they despised the idea of democracy and unworthies having anything ever again. It's been a straight line of eugenics doing its work, conditioning mass behavior as it pleased to bring us to right now.

>I don't care if we're doomed, I'm here to stop it.

So have I been - but I can tell you from wracking my brain since I was very young, there is no way out. There really isn't. You can steal back someting, and you can make of this world what you will, but eugenics won and made that clear. The resolve of people against it really was too feeble, to the point where we couldn't even say what was happening as it happened. If something was going to happen, humans would have to be very different and in sufficient numbers. It's not too late for that to happen, but it would not produce what you think it would. Those who resist this have already looked to a very different vision of why they would do any such struggle, and they do not believe the world will be anything like the past, or that "historical progress" will vindicate anything. Anything that happens would begin from entirely new premises. At most, it would acknowledge history and reassemble what happened, but that won't do any good by itself, and relitigating the past is pointless. That's exactly what they would do to steer resistance to ruin, because they've very effectively herded revolts to their doom many times before and have become very good at it. It is only when there are too many who have no reason whatsoever to even play this game, who have nothing but contempt, that anything happens, and when that happens, the true war begins - with those who make themselves seen marked down and locked out. Resistance against that will not look like anything with a party cell. It is not possible to reproduce the secret society model of imperial politics but in reverse, as if you can do the exact same thing and expect different results. The nature of such an operation is that it will be singular in the world, and if you ain't first, you're last. Someone claimed that space a long, long time ago, and they aren't going to give that up.


For my part, resistance would mean nothing more than being annoying to them and refusing to the bitter end to comply - but compliance was never an option for me, and it has nothing to do with my moral character. I have no reason to ever shut up for the sake of them, so I keep writing, no matter how futile it is. I know some people found use out of my writing, if only as a cope. But, maybe someone will think of something better. I would love to be able to hide out and find some marginal existence in the ruins of America, if such a thing is possible. I doubt it, because if it is possible, it could be shared, and they hate the idea of sharing the wealth in any such way, if only for survival and self-interest of the participants. They successfully poisoned the well on that a while back and found ways to disrupt any decencies in humans when they assemble in groups. Someone might fare better - quite a few people who live here haven't been destroyed by education so thoroughly, and retained independent thought, but they can't do much and any sign of working against it too much gets knocked off before it grows to big, like a cosmic game of whack-a-mole.

But, maybe I'm wrong, and something worthwhile will survive this. It won't "win", but if there's enough people who see the complete insanity of all of this and just stop complying with eugenist madmen, it will frustrate their plans for the next 50 years, and maybe something will come out the other end when the next thing starts.


>In a legal and institutional sense, there has been no democratic accountability for a very long time, and what existed was only what was allowed in bourgeois society. The real organs of state were secured immediately in 1947 and there was no going back

I'm talking particularly about the neoliberal programme of deregulation, privatization, etc.

>So have I been - but I can tell you from wracking my brain since I was very young, there is no way out.

The thing is that's completely and totally irrelevant.

I told you, and I'll repeat: I've had every pessimistic thought. I understand that victory is extraordinarily unlikely, and I do not care in the least. It gives me purpose. I'm not afraid, nor will I ever be afraid again. This is an outlook which can and will be expanded to the many only out of the necessity of doing so.

To fret about odds casually is needless: if failure is inevitable, then the only alternative to failure is failure to even fail. Of course, failure isn't inevitable; it's extremely likely, yes, but we are in no position to call it inevitable. It's misguided to attribute the power of God to men whose machinations thrive only in God's apparent absence… and this will be a hiccup in my form, but I want to clarify that when I say "God" I'm speaking both literally and metaphorically, but not with elevated respect for any particular religion or denomination. The devil (Satan, Iblis, the Demiurge, evil, whathaveyou) has revealed himself, and it's now it is time to counter, and there is no other option but to do so.


Israeli attacks hit eastern Rafah

Our colleagues at Al Jazeera are also reporting Israeli artillery shelling in the areas of Qaizan al-Najjar and Batn al-Sameen, in the southern city of Khan Younis.

International concern has in recent weeks centred on Rafah, amid fears that an Israeli army ground invasion could displace hundreds of thousands of Palestinians across the frontier with Egypt.

Israeli army chief of staff on why fighting continues in already cleared areas of Gaza

Herzi Halevi has addressed Israel’s army, again saying that the goal of the war is the return of Israeli captives held in Gaza.

He also spoke in vague terms about why intense clashes continue in northern and central Gaza, areas that Israel’s military swept through in earlier days of the war during ground operations.

“There are areas we have already been to, and we are returning with better intelligence and making an achievement that is much higher and much deeper, literally, even into the ground, as well in hitting the enemy,” he said in a video address.

“There are places we passed through at a very high rate of combat, and we are returning to places to purify space at a very, very high level. These things bring another level of operatives, another level of commanders, more destruction of infrastructure.”

Gaza City in the north Strip, particularly its Zeitoun neighbourhood, has seen intense fighting this week.

Qassam Brigades hit Israeli tank

Hamas’s armed wing says in a statement that it targeted the Merkava tank with a mortar shell in the Zeitoun neighbourhood of Gaza City.

Fighting in the area has been raging over the past 48 hours, with the Qassam Brigades announcing several attacks against Israeli soldiers and Israel responding with air raids.

ICJ member states should cut ties with Israel: Watchdog

International Court of Justice member states should cut political and military ties with Israel for violating the ruling on the Gaza genocide, the Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor says.

In a statement, the Geneva-based organisation says that over the course of the four weeks since the ICJ decision, it has continued to document Israeli violations during its war on the Gaza Strip, begun October 7.

“From the evidence examined in the period since the court ruling, Euro-Med Monitor demonstrated that the Israeli army is still carrying out genocide against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip,” it says.

“Euro-Med Monitor emphasised that Israel persists in violating international law by targeting Palestinians, primarily in the Gaza Strip, with genocide, grave violations, war crimes, and crimes against humanity.”

Israel hasn’t taken steps to protect civilians: PA

In light of the ICJ ruling and 141 days into a “genocide”, Israel has not taken any steps to secure their basic humanitarian needs either, says the Palestinian Authority’s (PA) foreign ministry.

“This includes security, food, potable water, medicine and electricity,” the ministry said in a statement.

“On the contrary, Israel has been carrying out more massacres, deepening the humanitarian catastrophe and famine, and turning Gaza Strip into a desolate, unliveable area.”

Fighting continues between Hezbollah, Israeli forces

The Lebanese armed group Hezbollah says it has targeted Israeli soldiers with rockets at al-Kubra Hills in southern Lebanon.

The group said it was their fourth such attack of the day.

Meanwhile, the Israeli army says it struck several Hezbollah military compounds in Rab el-Thalathine, Ayta ash-Shab and Blida areas near the border.

Hezbollah and the Israeli army have been exchanging fire along the border area since the war in Gaza began on October 7.

Rafah bombing victims ‘incinerated beyond recognition’

The air raid [carried out] within the past hour took place on a very busy road leading to a market and hit a two-story residential building.

The area shook as if an earthquake hit it, there was complete destruction and fire everywhere. Cars were incinerated and people on the sidewalks were critically injured.

Victims were also pulled from the under the rubble for the building.

Seven people were reported killed, five of whom have been identified. Two of them could not be identified as they were incinerated beyond recognition.

The victims have been taken to Al-Najjar Hospital.

Dead horses, scraps, leaves: Gaza’s hungry get desperate

At the Jabalia refugee camp in northern Gaza, Abu Gibril is so desperate for food to feed his family that he slaughtered two of his horses.

“We had no other choice but to slaughter the horses to feed the children. Hunger is killing us,” the 60-year-old told the AFP news agency .

Food is running out, with aid agencies unable to get into the area because of the bombing and attacks on the few trucks that try to get through. Residents have taken to eating scavenged scraps of rotten corn, animal fodder unfit for human consumption and even leaves to try to stave off the growing hunger pangs.

The WFP said its teams reported “unprecedented levels of desperation” while the UN warned that 2.2 million people were on the brink of famine.

“We the grown-ups can still make it but these children who are four and five years old, what did they do wrong to sleep hungry and wake up hungry?” Gibril said.

‘Bloodthirsty wolves’: Iran’s Khamenei slams Western leaders

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Hosseini Khamenei has denounced the West for turning “a blind eye to the killing of 30,000 innocent people in Gaza”, the local Mehr News Agency reports.

Khamenei blasted the US for “brazenly veto[ing] the [UN] resolution to stop bombing Gaza for the umpteenth time”.

Iran’s supreme leader also condemned the Western leaders for their hypocrisy and double standards, saying that while they smile on the outside, their inner nature is that of “bloodthirsty wolves”.



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Israeli opposition leader condemns police violence against protesters

Israeli opposition leader Yair Lapid has strongly condemned the police for using force against protesters demonstrating against Netanyahu’s government in Tel Aviv.

“The police’s violence tonight toward the protesters, including hostages’ families, is dangerous and anti-democratic,” Lapid, who leads the centrist Yesh Atid party, said in a post on X.

“The right to protest is a fundamental right and it cannot be denied to the demonstrators with batons and water cannons.”

Israeli police said they arrested 21 people following clashes with protesters in Tel Aviv on Saturday night.

Police have dispersed an antigovernment protest in Tel Aviv with horses and water cannons.

UK Conservatives suspend MP who accused London’s mayor of being controlled by Islamists

The UK’s governing Conservative Party has suspended one of its MPs for accusing London Mayor Sadiq Khan of being controlled by Islamists.

The party said that Lee Anderson was suspended after refusing to apologise for remarks he made about Khan, who is Muslim, in an interview with television channel GB News.



Israeli Settlers Attack IDF; Thousands Demand Netanyahu's Ouster

In an unprecedented development, Israeli Jewish settlers attacked their own army - the IDF - in the Occupied West Bank last night, Haaretz reported. The settler attack occurred when the IDF was accompanying Palestinian shepherds who had lost their goats. Separately, thousands across Israel protested against Netanyahu's far-right government and demanded his ouster. This as Israel continues to pound Gaza and killed nearly 100 Palestinians in the besieged territory in latest strikes, according to local health officials.

- This one's odd. Could just be what it says on the cover, but I wonder if it isn't some kind of PR move to make the IDF look less bad by comparison and shift more blame onto the settlers.


ICJ hearing on Israel’s occupation of Palestine

Since Monday, the ICJ has heard the oral arguments of 47 countries on the legal consequences of Israel’s occupation of the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip.

The case was triggered by a request from the UN General Assembly on December 30, 2022, and is separate from an ICJ case brought by South Africa on December 29, 2023, that alleges that Israel is committing the crime of genocide in Gaza.

Saturday and Sunday, there has been a break in the hearings, but the ICJ will conclude the oral arguments on Monday. The court will hear from:

League of Arab States
Organisation of Islamic Cooperation
African Union



>Well, now's not a great time to send a bunch of construction crews out there.
Yes the time to build a railway bypass for a narrow shipping lane, is during peaceful times when it's not being contested.

Technically it's still easier to defend a rail-way construction site than a entire shipping lane with hundreds of ships.

Currently they are blowing loads of money on a big naval deployment in the red sea. Afterwards we'll have nothing to show for it. If we build a rail-bypass that would still be there and transport stuff and people.

Of course they could just stop genociding the Palestinians to meet the demands of the Houthis for halting their attacks on ships. That's the easy, fast and cheap solution.


>This one's odd. Could just be what it says on the cover, but I wonder if it isn't some kind of PR move to make the IDF look less bad by comparison and shift more blame onto the settlers.
Could be PR. However not that long ago there was a big political fight in Israel when Netanyaho and Likud-party tried to arm and militarize militant right-wingers in the westbank. If they actually shot at IDF soldiers, that might be hinting at early signs of a brewing civil war.


Arms exports to Israel must stop immediately: UN experts
23 February 2024

GENEVA (23 February 2024) – Any transfer of weapons or ammunition to Israel that would be used in Gaza is likely to violate international humanitarian law and must cease immediately, UN experts* warned today.

“All States must ‘ensure respect’ for international humanitarian law by parties to an armed conflict, as required by 1949 Geneva Conventions and customary international law,” the experts said. “States must accordingly refrain from transferring any weapon or ammunition – or parts for them – if it is expected, given the facts or past patterns of behaviour, that they would be used to violate international law.”

“Such transfers are prohibited even if the exporting State does not intend the arms to be used in violation of the law – or does not know with certainty that they would be used in such a way – as long as there is a clear risk,” they said.

The experts welcomed the decision of a Dutch appeals court on 12 February 2024 ordering the Netherlands to halt the export of F-35 fighter jet parts to Israel. The court found that there was a “clear risk” that the parts would be used to commit or facilitate serious violations of international humanitarian law, as “there are many indications that Israel has violated the humanitarian law of war in a not insignificant number of cases”.

The Dutch court pointed to the extensive civilian casualties, including thousands of children; the destruction of 60% of civilian homes and extensive damage to hospitals, water and food supplies, schools and religious buildings; widespread severe hunger; and the displacement of 85% of Palestinians in Gaza. It also highlighted evidence of the prolific use of imprecise “dumb bombs”; deliberate, disproportionate and indiscriminate attacks; failures to warn civilians of attacks; and incriminating statements by Israeli commanders and soldiers.

Over 29,313 Palestinians have been killed and 69,333 injured in Gaza since 7 October 2023, the majority being women and children. “Israel has repeatedly failed to comply with international law,” the experts said.

The experts noted that States Parties to the Arms Trade Treaty have additional treaty obligations to deny arms exports if they “know” that the arms “would” be used to commit international crimes; or if there is an “overriding risk” that the arms transferred “could” be used to commit serious violations of international humanitarian law. European Union member states are further bound by EU arms export control law.

“The need for an arms embargo on Israel is heightened by the International Court of Justice’s ruling on 26 January 2024 that there is a plausible risk of genocide in Gaza and the continuing serious harm to civilians since then”, the experts said. The Genocide Convention of 1948 requires States parties to employ all means reasonably available to them to prevent genocide in another state as far as possible. “This necessitates halting arms exports in the present circumstances”, the experts said.

The experts welcomed the suspension of arms transfers to Israel by Belgium, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands and the Japanese company Itochu Corporation. The European Union also recently discouraged arms exports to Israel.

The experts urged other States to immediately halt arms transfers to Israel, including export licenses and military aid. The United States and Germany are by far the largest arms exporters and shipments have increased since 7 October 2023. Other military exporters include France, the United Kingdom, Canada and Australia.

The experts noted that arms transfers to Hamas and other armed groups are also prohibited by international law, given their grave violations of international humanitarian law on 7 October 2023, including hostage-taking and subsequent indiscriminate rocket fire.

The duty to “ensure respect” for humanitarian law applies “in all circumstances”, including when Israel claims it is countering terrorism. Military intelligence must also not be shared where there is a clear risk that it would be used to violate international humanitarian law.

“State officials involved in arms exports may be individually criminally liable for aiding and abetting any war crimes, crimes against humanity or acts of genocide,” the experts said. “All States under the principle of universal jurisdiction, and the International Criminal Court, may be able to investigate and prosecute such crimes.”

The experts stressed that the duty to “ensure respect” additionally requires all States to do everything reasonably in their power to prevent and stop violations of international humanitarian law by Israel, particularly where a State has influence through its political, military, economic or other relations. Measures could include:

- Diplomatic dialogue and protests;

- Technical assistance to promote compliance and accountability;

- Sanctions on trade, finance, travel, technology or cooperation;

- Referral to the Security Council and the General Assembly;

- Proceedings at the International Court of Justice;

- Support for investigations by the International Criminal Court or other international legal mechanisms;

- National criminal investigations using universal jurisdiction and civil suits; and

- Requesting a meeting of the parties to the Geneva Conventions.

Most of these measures are also relevant to fulfilling the duty to prevent genocide.

Arms companies contributing to the production and transfer of arms to Israel and businesses investing in those companies bear their own responsibility to respect human rights, international humanitarian law and international criminal law. “They have not publicly demonstrated the heightened human rights due diligence required of them and accordingly risk complicity in violations”, the experts said.

“International law does not enforce itself,” the experts said. “All States must not be complicit in international crimes through arms transfers. They must do their part to urgently end the unrelenting humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza.”



>Of course they could just stop genociding the Palestinians to meet the demands of the Houthis for halting their attacks on ships. That's the easy, fast and cheap solution.





who would win ?
the Geneva convention
a 100 weapons porkies


Man self-immolates outside Israel embassy: Reports

Police in Washington, DC, have confirmed that a man had set himself on fire outside an embassy, without specifying to whom it belonged.

But hours earlier, local journalists and one advocacy group reported that the incident took place outside the Israeli embassy in an act of protest against the war on Gaza.

“An adult male was transported by DC Fire and EMS to a local hospital where they remain in critical condition,” the police said in a statement.

''We will bring you further updates on this when more information becomes available.'



>What happens there is not going to stay "over there", and the Zionists will make sure of it,
This is one of the worst things about Israel really. Most Israelis belong on trial, with a good chance of the death penalty. But that's not going to happen. The "best case" scenario is that a handful of the Zionazis are punished ala the Nuremberg trials, and then the rest are expelled to go live in Europe and the USA. Realistically, most of them would choose to live in the USA where there is already a sizeable Zionist population.

Speaking as a burger, I dread the possibility (likelihood?) that millions of Zionists will move here from Israel when their occupation collapses. There are too many of them here already. If say 3 or 4 million Israelis moved to the USA they would have a massive influence on politics, censorship, and many other aspects of life here. I suppose that's part of what you mean with the possibility of an outright Zionist coup in the USA.


>So have I been - but I can tell you from wracking my brain since I was very young, there is no way out. There really isn't. You can steal back someting, and you can make of this world what you will, but eugenics won and made that clear. The resolve of people against it really was too feeble etc
Eugene, tbh you easily could be right. However what is the fucking point of anything if this is where we are unavoidably headed? What is the point of railing against the parasitic eugenicist ruling class if they can't be defeated? What is the point of living at all if we can't eventually have communism?

I would much rather believe in the masses and the hope they will eventually hit their breaking point and end all of this filth. I think you are pointlessly blackpilled. If it's really as hopeless as you say, why even write all these rants of yours? You are very likely correct that we are headed into an age of global terror worse than the old G*rman Nazis. But does the resistance of the people of Gaza, and Yemen, and Vietnam, and so on not show that there is a point where the masses no longer submit and go along with the tyranny? Where they recognize simply acquiescing and living under the new system is worse than fighting and dying?


NYT ‘reviewing’ reporter who ‘liked’ anti-Palestinian posts

The New York Times has said it is probing a freelance reporter who “liked” social media posts calling for mass violence against Palestinians.

The issue has sparked controversy since it became known that Israeli freelancer Anat Schwartz, who contributed to the Times’ coverage of Hamas’s October 7 attack, “liked” several pro-Israel posts, including one that called for turning Gaza “into a slaughterhouse”.

Hamas has previously categorically denied some of the alleged atrocities attributed to the group by Schwartz’s reporting.

“We are aware that a freelance journalist in Israel who has worked with The Times has ‘liked’ several social media posts,” New York Times spokesperson Danielle Rhoades Ha said in a statement to the Daily Beast. “Those ‘likes’ are unacceptable violations of our company policy. We are currently reviewing the matter.”

The New York Times has faced allegations of pro-Israel bias from Palestinian rights advocates, especially over the newspaper’s frequent use of passive voice when it comes to Israeli atrocities against Palestinians.


The dumbest possible way to admit that one of your "journalists" has been using your paper to incite genocidal violence.


>Eugene, tbh you easily could be right. However what is the fucking point of anything if this is where we are unavoidably headed? What is the point of railing against the parasitic eugenicist ruling class if they can't be defeated? What is the point of living at all if we can't eventually have communism?

I like my replies to him as answers to this question:


>If say 3 or 4 million Israelis moved to the USA they would have a massive influence on politics, censorship, and many other aspects of life here.

You say this like they don't already.
Tbh if they lived in the US they might have less political influence. The conditions in which they'd move to the US sort would imply that the Israel lobby collapses and politics is reformed to end that kind of lobbying. A lot of people are realizing really fast that tolerating that kind of stuff isn't a viable option.
On top of that, having to interact with that many of them would turn even more Americans off. Having them be a bunch of racist assholes far away where most Americans don't see it benefits the Zionist project a lot. The real risk would be domestic terrorism and instigation, and I think that risk would be extremely high.

On this last note, here's a sample of the kind of stuff they've already done in the US:

As FBI wiretaps listened in, Gurvitz plotted with his mentor Bullock on how to remove Eaton. Bullock naturally suggested bringing Tom Gerard into the conversation, and Gerard—illegally—offered up the confidential DMV records on Eaton, which included his car’s license plate number and his home address.

As the FBI wiretappers continued listening in for clues about the ADL’s arrangement with South African intelligence, Bullock and Gurvitz talked about how Gurvitz’s Wiesenthal Center rival was planning to go undercover and infiltrate a neo-Nazi skinhead group, the White Aryan Resistance. It just so happened that Roy Bullock ran a paid ADL informant inside the White Aryan Resistance, code-named “Scumbag.”

That led to a brilliant idea. They decided to use “Scumbag” to rat Rick Eaton out to the skinheads while they were all on some white-power forest retreat. One thing would lead to another and, before you knew it, “Job vacancy: fact-finder urgently needed at the Simon Wiesenthal Holocaust Center.” If the Wiesenthal researcher somehow slipped away from the skinheads alive, no problem. Thanks to Tom Gerard’s DMV records, the skinheads would know where to find Eaton.

That really was the plan: They would use neo-Nazis to incapacitate (or kill) a rival anti-Nazi researcher and then steal that researcher’s job.

FBI snoops didn’t want a murder on their hands, so they cut their secret investigation into the spy ring short in order to warn Eaton that his life was in danger and that he should call off his plans to go undercover.


And this was back in the '90s… and that's without even getting into the JDL. We'd most likely see an explosion in stupid bullshit violence.


>The dumbest possible way to admit that one of your "journalists" has been using your paper to incite genocidal violence.

<“We are aware that a freelance journalist in the Vorgon empire who has worked with Stratosphere News has ‘liked’ several social media posts,” Stratosphere News spokesperson [unpronounceable Vorgon name] said in a statement to the Shattered Entrails. “Those ‘likes’ are unacceptable violations of our company policy. We are currently reviewing the matter.”

You have to admit we live in a surreal Douglas Adams scifi story.


War tribunals are not about justice or right, but make clear who won and nothing else. You didn't get justice with a handful of Nazis making prepared statements after a fairly light interrogation, about things which were pretty well known by the war's end. It was important to get them on the record, but also to launder the involvement of the WAllies in propping up the Nazis pre-1939, and definitely to not mention the illegal trade during the war that was allowed to go on and would have touched off controversy if the law were enforced.

Also, bingo on figuring out the Zionists' next plan, and why America has a particular role in their view - if they must retreat from Israel, they're going to see the US as a place and make real the "great replacement". This of course has more to do with the sort of person who is a vanguardist, rather than the idea of a "volk" - but they're selling the idea of Nazi volkisch politics even though it's virulently un-American and creepy as fuck.

I'm expecting that something like this will happen, and in any event, Americans will continue to be expropriated. The way the purpose of the war is reframed in propaganda is intended to make it clear to Americans that their time is up - and that's been the drumbeat message since 1980, that was at its peak during the 1990s. "It's over". The thrill of torture must be maximized - that's the only interpretation I have for what happened to the world and to the country then. That's how they acted and what they follow up on to this day, and the Gaza strip is a test case of what they can do to an urban environment and what resistance they expect to meet in there.

Things are going to get much uglier moving forward, especially for the former United States.

I don't see the rulers doing anything they did past 1970 without commitment. Like I say, when they say ad nauseum plans to depopulate the world to 500 million or 1 billion, and preach it like a religion for 50 years, then put into action a plague program designed to kill people openly and glorify it, you should take them at their word and stop pretending it can't possibly be that. But, if that is so, then the institutions are lost - there is no way out through political action or revolution. There is only dire struggle against an implacable enemy that can dig in forever, and the outcome of the world is not difficult to see even in the best case. The best you can do, and this has always been known on some level, is to make of this world what you will, and consider it fallen. It was never "the world" that did any of this though. It's always people who were fallen and failed. The world keeps trucking along, keeps trying to save us from our own stupidity because the world doesn't care about our conceits of order or justice. It just has a mandate to disallow abomination without a necessary reaction and reckoning. That is what philoosphy has exploited.

My issue then is that people are looking for the wrong things when they think of victory against an enemy who made the commitments of depopulation. That's very different imperatives from the imperatives of capital that were envisioned as the enemy of the past - and the capitalists were not a "volk" or unified hive mind, something that would have been understood for revolution to even be conceivable. I just say, if you believe those who commit to absolute injustice can be just, you're wasting your time, and you should know that by now - nor is there a moral example to be made of the enemy. That is their thinking towards the damned of the earth, whose crime is being unsightly and who aren't allowed mere death or removal from public view. That would be too decent. They wanted exposure, just like ancient times - ritual sacrifice is what that meant. They need the death and torture in the open for their vision of the world to be a viable ruling program, to carry out what they want to do to the world. Anything less would be giving up on the mission, giving up on the empire, and they've gone this far in. If you take on board their ethos and their political thought, you're going to return to the same results, and this is something they saw long in advance.

Compliance is not an option. I could off myself as many have, or let death take me and stop giving a shit. But, there is no reconciliation of good ending. I simply refuse to accept their claim to the world to the bitter end, and see no reason to die for the sake of their sentiments. If they're going to make me die, I won't make this easy on them, and apparently what I do annoys them a lot, which makes me happy. If I can make the worst enabling bastards suffer, the people who did it for nothing but a cheap thrill, that is better still. Those motherfuckers are going to get got, and if I see them get got, that's something to live for. Schadenfreude, the Krauts call it. Spite kept me going, but to truly live requires more than spite. Fortunately, I do have more than spite, but I don't consider those things a political matter, and they never should have been political matters in my view. Much of what we do shouldn't be a political matter, and the economic situation would have been resolved if we actually wanted the world to produce something useful and needed rather than this grotesque shit we're told we "ought" to like. I don't see my continued existence creating much more bad than it already has for anyone that I believe deserves good, and truth be told, most of humanity deserves better than this. Even the eugenist believers deserve better than this, but they're not going to know what "better" is at this point and I sure as hell stopped believing I have any mission to save them. That's the world they want to create, after all - to abolish all sentiment, to make everyone as vicious and demonic as them, and oh boy they got it.

Mostly though, I write because I'm tired of seeing so many like me beat themselves up in the way we were conditioned to, and I saw it as necessary to create an account of why it was this way for us. That's what I see my life's work as, so far as my writing is concerned, and that's enough for me to go on even if the writing is suppressed and will only appear for posterity, for people who wouldn't be able to get it absent our context. There will never be another time like ours, never be anything like the world we live in now, and no lazy comparison will be possible to say "nothing ever changes". People never change - humans are too stubborn and the weight of history is too great - but the world changes all the time, and we can do very different things than this which does nothing for most of us.


As for the people of the Muslim world, they are not props fighting my struggle like it's some movie. This is their lives, and why they do as they do is not about some glorious story. Like me, they don't have the option of compliance - they tried that and the Israelis always made it clear they want eugenics and an ethnostate. This is at heart about taking away the Arabs' homes and telling them to eat more and more shit, and those are the people Netanyahu promoted to boost his re-election so he can keep stealing shit.


I also think some people got this idea that Hamas doing ninja ops was about "looking tough" and the same performative politics, and that "terror of the deed" faggotry is what this is for. That's nonsense - and you know there's a line of communication between Hamas and elements in Israeli society, though what "Hamas" is at this point became more than the original faction.

For Hamas this is a very simple calculus - they got word that the Great Satan is going down and is bogged down in multiple theaters, and this would be a good time to strike a blow against an enemy who had been choking them literally since COVID began, that has always made it clear democide and conquest of the region were its goals. The narrative view of history where "nothing ever happens" has to claim that Hamas acted instinctively and reactively, pushed and cajoled into motion as agentur. The reality - and the reality of how agentur are deployed if you think about these things for five minutes - is that Hamas would not act unless they believed their actions were relevant outside of a story, and this meant that Iranian support and aims at the least were a factor. It's also not terribly secret that parts of the US State Department can't fucking stand the Zionists, who tied themselves to the Trump thing and had their in with the Bush regime. You have a few bigger names attached to the American ruling class openly say that Israel is a liability that needs to be contained, and Biden's government has been trying to contain a mess that is really a move against them rather than against the idea of Israel. The need of the narrative is to make everything about essences in "eternal conflict", and this is what Israel needs to promote to drag the US into war with Iran - that's openly stated as the goal of Netanyahu's government, and the US really would like to avoid that. That would make their already crappy situation worse to the benefit of no one. Leave it to the neocons to do everything possible to shit up America so they can, like Bibi, loot their country and run off with our shit.


Trying to find some psychoanalytical justification, as if Hamas is not "allowed" or "supposed" to attack a racial superior in the ideas of the narrative, is part of the op - as if Israel hasn't been attacked before and didn't suffer what was regarded as a defeat against Lebanon a while back.


For the Palestinians, they are not involved in an existential battle against the United States. They are very much involved in one against Israel, and Israel's existence relies on Palestine not being a "thing" at all. There is no alternative there, and all of the narratives have been about muddying the waters regarding basic truths. There is no good reason the US should suicide its existence for the sake of the idea of Israel, if Israel can't fight the most basic internal war and keeps seeking war with everyone else in the region. This is where you start looking at the US's post-2003 actions in the region, their efforts to contain Iran and normalize relations, and so on. The Bush regime assholes do everything possible to make the US worse off because they really are monsters, and their go to is that "everyone must be just like us". But, that's not really the purpose of the country - they're just some crooks who hijacked the country for their purpose, then passed it to other assholes with a similar but distinct program with differing priorities. It's actually surprising how substanceless the neocon/natcon "Christian Nationalist" Nazi assholes are, and how they really shouldn't be allowed to be a vanguard for the shit they're getting away with.


I've heard commentariat here and there saying that Israel is going down with the United States or being realigned, and this is something they must have worked out before the war began.


International Court of Justice cases continue

On January 26, the ICJ gave Israel one month to “submit a report to the Court on all measures taken to give effect” to its order in the genocide case brought by South Africa.

Israel is expected to submit that report today, Monday, February 26.

Meanwhile, it will also be the final day of public hearings in a separate case before the ICJ, on Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian territories.

Five countries are scheduled to speak in the hearings in The Hague today:

The African Union, the League of Arab States and the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation will also present arguments.



>I don't see the rulers doing anything they did past 1970 without commitment. Like I say, when they say ad nauseum plans to depopulate the world to 500 million or 1 billion, and preach it like a religion for 50 years, then put into action a plague program designed to kill people openly and glorify it, you should take them at their word and stop pretending it can't possibly be that.

This has zilch to do with anything I wrote.

I do not care what their plans are. I know they are evil, I know that stopping them is necessary, and, again, I do not give a quarter fuck otherwise.

You're arguing with stuff I haven't written… or thought, or anything! If what you're saying fills you with dread, fine, but it doesn't do the same for me. I genuinely do not care and will not care. This isn't a denial, it's not a rebuke; I accept that your hypothesis is entirely possible, and I am completely undaunted by it.


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Apparently footage exists of this one.

An active-duty airforce guy, they say. He apparently announces that and then says "I will no longer be complicit in genocide" before lighting himself on fire.

Anyone have it? I've just got this still.


Holy fucking shit after he goes down some piece of shit runs over and continually aims a fucking gun at him. One of the people trying to save him yells "I don't need a gun I need fire extinguishers!" and the guy just keeps standing there aiming at him.


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tf is his problem?


Bushnell's LinkedIn account indicates that he has been in the Air Force since 2020, working as a client systems technician in IT management and as a DevOps engineer. He was pursuing a Bachelors of Science in software engineering at Southern New Hampshire University. He was also looking for SkillBridge programs to transfer his skills into the software engineering career field. Bushnell, who was wearing fatigues at the time of the incident, was based in San Antonio, Texas.

Before his planned self-immolation, Bushnell reportedly sent a message to media outlets stating, “Today, I am planning to engage in an extreme act of protest against the genocide of the Palestinian people.” He also reportedly live-streamed the act on Twitch, which has since removed the video for guideline violations.

“I will no longer be complicit in genocide. I’m about to engage in an extreme act of protest,” Bushnell repeated, as he walked toward the embassy. “But compared to what people have been experiencing in Palestine at the hands of their colonizers, it’s not extreme at all. This is what our ruling class has decided will be normal.”

After dousing himself with liquid and reaching for his lighter, unidentified law enforcement or security officers could be heard asking off-screen, “Can I help you?” After setting himself aflame, he repeatedly shouted “Free Palestine.”



Okay, so you're going to act like the plan they have stated ad nauseum is "just a story", "not really happening" despite it happening all around you, and people acting on the belief that this is a thing that we should praise? The number was sufficiently low to give to the believers the signal that a general and wide-ranging purge would happen, rather than a scientific estimate of what they can do during the "Jehad" and then stop after declaring victory forever to memory hole it all. The intent of even stating such a thing and preaching it as often as they do is not lost on anyone. Do you want a resistance where you don't even acknowledge the nature of your enemies? That's what you're asking for. Then you want people to assume risk and act blindly with this poor information. I can't think of any faster way to "out" dissent and encourage it to lash out at phantoms, like an incel would. That's a prototype for what they're doing.

It should fill you with dread. I've lived through the consequences of this program, and I'm not the only one nor the only one who gets it. So many are gone now - sacrificed in the open. I have to live with the guilt of being too weak to stop it and being made into an example to lash out, and that has been among their goals - to see us as living abortions. What they did to me and us who were damned is their vision for the future of America.


The important thing for us is what we're going to do about the dread. If we tell ourselves we can "abolish all sentiment" and act autistic, you're doing their job for them. Galtonism feeds on that amorality and deprivation of soul, meaning, and purpose. Further, it is nothing but words, talk, pablum to project like you're going to do something, but ultimately an image devoid of purpose. It's easy to say you hate eugenics because eugenics is mean, but if you suggest anything real about eugenics, "that's too far" and you are denounced as an "extremist", because the left parties who are not shamed as I have shirked deliberately what was done to us and what would be done to them. It would not have been difficult to acknowledge what eugenics really was, instead of pretending that eugenics was not the central concern as most of us could see in our lives. It's that shirking that turned people against the left parties even faster than their own failure and incompetence - that the left seemed to aid and abet the thing that was killing us out of a belief that they can gain some feudal privilege and play the venality game.


I could say, by now, I've moved past dread, am inured to the ugliness of humanity and see it as normal. I live in a world where maniacs shouting repeated death threats is glorious when it is done for eugenics, and that they can kill me in the open without consequence as they have demonstrated numerous times. I walk around with the knowledge that this will not just happen but be glorified and it is illegal for me to even say what this was, if they have their way. They don't have their way, even now, but they will always insist on making it so and produce their chilling effect, their endless snark and revel in the thrill. Inuring myself to it did not make me tougher. For someone to abide being treated like that is not something a valid man would accept once. You would see shrieks of horror if this happened to people who were once valid, and they should be horrified - I don't demand equal opportunity suffering. I want an end to this nonsense which only served perverts who should not have been allowed to do any of this, which is apparently insane and evil. Why I'm supposed to believe that these maniacs aren't the sickness, and that I'm "making people sick" because they insist on their Satanic religion, I do not know or care, but those are the ethics of eugenics.


Anyway, getting back to Israel, you can see the mentality being tested by hasbara. It's not working as swimmingly as they would like on the PR front, and it's not rallying the faithful the way they hoped - this was the goal, because they lost the people a long time ago and threw them overboard. It's the lack of faith and the inability to bring people to become foot soldiers for anything but eugenics that they can't stand. They have enough faith in eugenics, but they can't do anything but more and more eugenics. That's the curse - eugenics can only scream and sacrifice. It's all they ever knew, and so they can only do things in service to the sacrifice, rather than anything else, and this hampers their ability to do much without paying exorbitant costs to get people to agree to any of it.


They also have a huge problem in that the rank and file and the officers alike fucking hate Israel. The only people who like Israel are neocon cravens and the Zionist scammers who walk in and out like it's a sinecure.


And, there are some of the generals / military guys who have gone on the record with high ranks and respectability saying they are getting sick of Israel's BS. So, if the cause is to support Israel, they see it as a prop for their Rapture production, rather than a belief in anything material or worth fighting for.


I literally never said any of that. If you're just going to argue against a strawman, go to a different thread.

But no. I don't feel dread. I've died many deaths, and suffered endlessly in most of those lives, and I'm not afraid of anything in life or death. Not pain, not shame, not loneliness, not destitution, not death, not thing. And your only weakness which is perceivable to me here, today, is that you persist in wanking all over this thread, and my only weakness is that I have, to now, humored it to a point of slight excess. Or perhaps it's your intent to waste my time, in which case I guess it could be a strength on your part. ;P


Another day another ICJ lineup.

Includes: Turkey, Spain, Zambia, Fiji, Maldives, Arab League, Organisation of Islamic Cooperation


>There are no good American soldie-


>As for the people of the Muslim world, they are not props fighting my struggle like it's some movie. This is their lives, and why they do as they do is not about some glorious story. Like me, they don't have the option of compliance - they tried that and the Israelis always made it clear they want eugenics and an ethnostate
I don't see how I said anything that implies otherwise. I'm just saying I see the whole world being transformed into something resembling Gaza or the West Bank, and people everywhere are going to be forced to make that decision. How can these Malthusian ruling class freaks expect to implement their plans without billions of people fighting back desperately somehow?


PFLP statement
Is anyone able to post the full text from this?


got it:
🔴 Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine:

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine expresses its full solidarity with his family and with all the American sympathizers.

The act of an American soldier sacrificing himself for Palestine is the highest sacrifice and a medal, and a poignant message to the American administration to stop its involvement in the aggression.

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine affirmed that the act of the American soldier Aaron Bushnell from the U.S. Air Force by setting himself on fire in front of the zionist embassy in Washington, D.C., in protest against the war on Gaza, which he called for the "liberation of Palestine," confirms the state of anger among the American people due to the official American involvement in the zionist genocide war being waged on the Gaza Strip. It also indicates that the status of the Palestinian cause, especially in American circles, is becoming more deeply entrenched in the global conscience, and reveals the truth of the zionist entity as a cheap colonial tool in the hands of savage imperialism.

The Front expressed its full solidarity with the soldier's family and all the American sympathizers who took a honorable stance and whose struggle and pressure to stop the genocide on the Strip have not ceased, confirming that the act of an American soldier sacrificing his life to draw the attention of the American people and the world to the plight of the Palestinian people, despite its tragic nature and the great pain it involves, is considered the highest sacrifice and medal, and the most important poignant message directed to the American administration, that it is involved in the war crime in Gaza and that the American people have awakened and are rejecting this American involvement, calling on the American administration to stop this support and bias for the zionist entity.

The Front sent a message to the Arab soldier to take this American soldier who sacrificed his life for a noble cause like the Palestinian cause as an example and role model, and to leave the trenches of waiting, incapacity, and move to the trench of confrontation in support of Palestine and its people who are being slaughtered, besieged, and starved in full view and hearing of the world and just a few kilometers from Arab lands and meters from the borders.

Palestine will be victorious as long as it has deeply engraved itself in the conscience and consciences of the world, and history will record in golden letters the names of all the sympathizers and free people of the world who stood with it and sacrificed their lives for its sake.

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Central Media Department


You're seeing that play out in miniature in Gaza - this is a test case for what they can do in the future, not a special exception to the natural order far away. When an experiment is conducted, the mind of the social engineer sets it apart as special to control for anything that would throw off the findings of experiment. This has been taken to heart in the propaganda and the very way the empire chooses to conduct these operations. When it happens, as it has happened, it is mystified, you are told it is not happening as it happens, and then when it has gone on long enough, it was "always this way" and if you thought it was different, you must be "retarded" or stupid. Not insane or wrong - "retarded". It can't be anything else, or even other forms of stupidity. "Retarded" stands alone, and that's why the verbiage was introduced as the necessary keyword and meaning.

What you also see is that people fight back, and their methods of resistance are studied, dissected, and "corrected" in the next pass - or so the theory goes. They like seeing the lab rats struggle for life, and in their mind they engineer a perpetual no-win scenario. Everything about Israel's activity glorifies the thrill of torture - that is the project they undertook, and it is not a peculiar monopoly of the Jews or a particular exception to a rule that "people are good". It is simply something that could be done, and so it has been done.

For the Muslims, they are not in a no-win scenario, nor would they care about the conceits of those who see the world as a social experiment and a jolly and fun game. They fight, and the IDF doesn't care about expending its soldiers - because making them look good is not the project, nor were they expected to fight for much unless their enemy is induced to not fire back. That's always been the ideal of militaries - that they march in and declare victory before it began, and the rest plays out "by nature". It never works that way, but they can keep bombing and killing until they get enough of what they want.

Everyone involved is aware that this is not a social experiment to be contained, and being good realists, they are informed by machinations further out. But, the ruling ideas - the conditions of Eugenics - would create out of the public a total concentration camp, much like Gaza has been set up for decades. That narrative was seeded and promoted during the 1990s to let people know what happens if the invasion of private life and the march of the institutions were impeded, as the Arabs were doing because they could and the Israelis were not moving history the way the theory told them they would.

In practice, I don't see the plan to enclose the world continuing without interruption - but this is the idea the rulers are committed to and have carried out thus far, and they would not prepare this "Jehad" and its infrastructure unless this was their objective, their great working for the decades to come. They don't have any other idea, and never needed any other idea. The other idea is to piss off to their estates and fuck their slaves, or throw the nukes out of spite. That's no secret and they don't care about anything else. Why would they? Aristocracy has never been called out for what it is for long, and aristocracy could write history to omit some troublesome details like their entire sordid nature and the filth of their race - for aristocracy as a principle is a race unto itself with its own qualities, regardless of national composition or history.


It's like they can tell you their plans - they want you to know and fear their plans so you will be paralyzed, like many conquering armies - and you keep insisting it isn't happening. You've seen the torture porn, dissected its modus operandi, and yet continue just the same. I really don't understand the sick fucks on leftypol who retreat to this. It's porn addiction but worse, and that's saying a lot.


I'll keep trying, asking "why", and I'll continue to be mocked. That's all they ever had - mockery and projections that the truth is "retarded" and that their mockery is the sole purpose of intelligence. Why would they ever be different? The thrill of torture must be maximized, and that is why the mockery happens. That's why they built the laugh box and told you to laugh at the funny man as Bush escalated the torture and Nazified the country and as much of the world as he could.




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Israel defying ICJ ruling to prevent genocide by failing to allow adequate humanitarian aid to reach Gaza

One month after the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ordered “immediate and effective measures” to protect Palestinians in the occupied Gaza Strip from the risk of genocide by ensuring sufficient humanitarian assistance and enabling basic services, Israel has failed to take even the bare minimum steps to comply, Amnesty International said today.

The order to provide aid was one of six provisional measures ordered by the Court on 26 January and Israel was given one month to report back on its compliance with the measures. Over that period Israel has continued to disregard its obligation as the occupying power to ensure the basic needs of Palestinians in Gaza are met.

Israeli authorities have failed to ensure sufficient life-saving goods and services are reaching a population at risk of genocide and on the brink of famine due to Israel’s relentless bombardment and the tightening of its 16-year-long illegal blockade. They have also failed to lift restrictions on the entry of life-saving goods, or open additional aid access points and crossings or put in place an effective system to protect humanitarians from attack.

“Not only has Israel created one of the worst humanitarian crises in the world, but it is also displaying a callous indifference to the fate of Gaza’s population by creating conditions which the ICJ has said places them at imminent risk of genocide. Time and time again, Israel has failed to take the bare minimum steps humanitarians have desperately pleaded for that are clearly within its power to alleviate the suffering of Palestinian civilians in Gaza,” said Heba Morayef, Regional Director for the Middle East and North Africa at Amnesty International.

“As the occupying power, under international law, Israel has a clear obligation to ensure the basic needs of Gaza’s population are met. Israel has not only woefully failed to provide for Gazans’ basic needs, but it has also been blocking and impeding the passage of sufficient aid into the Gaza Strip, in particular to the north which is virtually inaccessible, in a clear show of contempt for the ICJ ruling and in flagrant violation of its obligation to prevent genocide."


Russian, US envoys clash at UN Security Council

US and Russia representatives clashed at the UNSC on Gaza, with Russian envoy Vassily Nebenzia accusing his “Western colleagues” of allowing Israel to use hunger as a weapon of war in Gaza.

Nebenzia said at the UNSC on Tuesday that the US had vetoed several UN attempts at bringing about a ceasefire that would have prevented “mass starvation” in Gaza.

“Washington bears full responsibility for the unprecedented number of civilian victims of this escalation. Their number is now near 30,000. And that is the cost of the American veto in the Security Council on Gaza,” he said.

Arab-American mayor: Thousands said ‘enough’ to Biden’s support for Israel

Abdullah Hammoud, the mayor of Dearborn, a Detroit suburb known as the “Capital of Arab America”, has hailed the significant number of people who voted “uncommitted” in the US presidential primaries in Michigan.

“Today, thousands said, ‘Enough.’ As American citizens and Michigan voters, we have made our voices heard at the ballot box,” Hammoud wrote in a social media post.

North Gaza sees triple the number of attacks on Israeli forces compared with south

Undermining reports by Israel that fighting in Gaza City’s Zaitoun area was small in scale on Tuesday, two war monitors said that Palestinian fighters claimed to have carried out 16 attacks on Israeli forces – including one involving a missile from an F-16 jet fighter that was rigged as an improvised explosive device.

Palestinian fighters in Zaitoun, in Gaza’s north, claimed to have carried out three times more attacks on Tuesday against Israeli forces than their colleagues fighting against Israeli forces in the southern Khan Younis area, the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) and the Critical Threats Project (CTP) said.

The ISW and CTP – both US-based think tanks – also report that Israel’s military is constructing three “forward operating bases” near the location of a road which is being built to divide the northern part of the Gaza Strip from the south.

Citing reports from Israeli journalists embedded with Israel’s military in Gaza, the monitors said the plan is to dissect the Strip with a “well-controlled [Israeli military] highway”.

The road and forward operating bases were said to allow for “at least another year” of Israeli operations in Gaza, the ISW and CTP said in their latest report.

Jordan’s king takes part in air force airdrop over Gaza

King Abdullah II joined crews dropping aid into the devastated Gaza Strip from a Jordanian Air Force plane on Tuesday.

Reuters reported that King Abdullah said humanitarian aid to Gaza must be doubled to prevent a deterioration in a hunger crisis affecting more than two million people in the war-torn territory.


Gaza death toll set to pass 30,000, as Israel prepares assault on Rafah

Netanyahu plans attack on city sheltering 1.5m Palestinians, as talks on ceasefire and hostage release deals continue


Aid groups ‘systemically denied access’ to areas of Gaza, says UN

The UN humanitarian agency, OCHA, says aid organisations “have been unable to reach northern Gaza and increasingly parts of southern Gaza safely”.

It said the organisations had been unable to deliver aid because:

their “aid convoys have come under fire”
they have been “systematically denied access to people in need”
OCHA also raised concerns about the “protection of civilians” amid continued “allegations of shooting by Israeli forces at Palestinians waiting for humanitarian aid in Gaza city”.



Opposing genocide in Gaza, US Air Force soldier live-streams self-immolation in front of Israeli embassy

In a fatal Sunday afternoon protest, livestreamed and conducted in front of the Israeli embassy in Washington D.C., Aaron Bushnell, a 25-year-old active duty Air Force member, declared his opposition to participating in the US-backed Israeli genocide in Gaza. He then proceeded to douse himself in an accelerant and light himself on fire. His last words were “Free Palestine.”

Video of Bushnell’s deadly protest quickly spread on social media. In the just over three-minute video, Bushnell, wearing his combat fatigues, begins by introducing himself and declaring, “I am an active duty member of the United States Air Force, and I will no longer be complicit in genocide.” As he continues to walk in his uniform, he calmly explains, “I am about to engage in an extreme act of protest, but compared to what people have been experiencing in Palestine at the hands of their colonizers, it is not extreme at all. This is what our ruling class has decided will be normal.”

Bushnell, with a container of liquid in his left hand, continued to walk for about 30 seconds until he reached the front of the Israeli embassy. After placing his camera down—with it facing towards the front of the embassy—Bushnell walked up to the gate and drenched himself with a liquid, declaring, “Free Palestine!” He then pulled out a lighter and attempted to ignite himself.

Off-camera, a man’s voice is heard asking, “Can I help you, sir?” For approximately 15 seconds, Bushnell was not able to light the accelerant, yet the voice off-camera made no attempt to get the lighter from Bushnell. Once the fire did catch, Bushnell was quickly drenched in flames. As the fire consumed Bushnell, he screamed repeatedly, “Free Palestine!”

As Bushnell was burning, several voices were heard off-camera. One person yelled, “Man on fire!” while another was heard repeatedly yelling, “Get on the ground!” As sirens blared and tires screeched, Bushnell eventually collapsed on the ground. Nearly a minute after ignition, a police officer is observed using a fire extinguisher on Bushnell’s now charred and immobile body.

Despite the fact that Bushnell obviously presented no threat to anyone but himself, an armed agent is observed on the tape pointing a gun at Bushnell as he continued to burn on the ground for the remainder of the video. The police agent (it is unclear as of this writing if he is with the Israeli embassy or the US Secret Service) continued to point his weapon at Bushnell even as one the police officers is heard yelling, “I don’t need guns, I need fire extinguishers.”

In his last social media post, Bushnell wrote, “Many of us like to ask ourselves, ‘What would I do if I was alive during slavery? Or the Jim Crow South? Or apartheid? What would I do if my country was committing genocide?’ The answer is, you’re doing it. Right now.”

On his LinkedIn account, Bushnell listed that he had been full-time with the US Air Force since May 2020, with his last assignment being a “DevOps Engineer” in San Antonio, Texas. Bushnell wrote that he was looking to “transition out of the US Air Force into software engineering.”

In January, the Intercept reported that since November of 2023, the US Air Force had deployed officers specializing in “targeting intelligence” specifically for airstrikes and long-range artillery weapons to Israel. While it is unclear as of this writing if Bushnell received orders to deploy, there is no question that he was deeply troubled by the US military’s role in the ongoing slaughter.

Bushnell was influenced by anarchist politics. On the day of his self-immolation, the young man emailed anarchist publications, such as crimethinc, alerting them that he planned to “engage in an extreme act of protest against the genocide of the Palestinian people.” He provided links to the livestream and recorded footage of the “event” and asked that the “footage is preserved and reported on.”

In a statement issued on Monday, Serve The People Akron, based out of Akron, Ohio, released a statement confirming that Aaron “was a valued member of our organization and the community who immediately jumping to help the unhoused and any project that came up. He was dependable and persistent and the mutual aid work he did in a city that still new to him. We will be forever grateful for the effort he put in to make Akron a better place.”

Several memorials and vigils have already been planned and held in honor of Bushnell. On Monday outside of the Israeli embassy in the same place the young man set himself on fire, dozens of protesters held a memorial service. On a large canvas, attendees wrote phrases in English and Arabic in support of Bushnell. One message read, “Dear Aaron, We are sorry the world has failed you, just like it has failed the people of Gaza. May you rest in peace.”

Despite widespread opposition to the mass murder and starvation of Palestinians, major media outlets, including the New York Times, NPR, Reuters, CNN and Washington Post, did not report on the protest for several hours and when they did, the headlines were deliberately vague in order to mask the political content of Bushnell’s devastating demonstration.

“Airman Dies After Setting Himself On Fire Outside Israeli Embassy in Washington” was the headline in the New York Times. “U.S. airman dies after setting himself on fire outside the Israeli Embassy” read the NPR headline. The Post similarly declared, “Airman dies after setting himself on fire outside Israeli Embassy in D.C.” CNN and Reuters both went with the equally useless, “US airman sets himself on fire outside Israeli embassy in Washington.”

This self-censorship by the capitalist press is of a piece of their conduct since the outset of the US-backed Israeli slaughter in Gaza. Since the first week in October, American press outlets have blasted out Israeli propaganda, while blacking out daily protests against US involvement in the war. At the same time, the Biden administration and the entire US political establishment slanders tens of thousands of students and demonstrators as “antisemitic” for exercising their First Amendment rights to oppose genocide.

Continuing their filthy role, major media outlets that have begun to report on the incident are using the catch-all term of “mental illness” in order to cover up the political content of Bushnell’s extreme protest and portray it as the product of defects in his psyche, not the sickness of American society and the mass revulsion produced by the foreign policy of American imperialism.

But from all accounts, Bushnell was not suffering from any mental illness, and he is not even the first American to self-immolate in response to the ongoing slaughter in Gaza. On December 1, 2023 a woman protester, whom Atlanta police have refused to identify, drenched herself in gasoline and lit herself on fire outside the Israeli consulate in Atlanta, Georgia. The woman was carrying a Palestinian flag at the time.

These extreme protests are a reaction to the barbaric violence that US society inflicts on workers and their families around the world. Decades of endless war have brutalized American society. Attempts by the population to effect change through the ballot box are denied as the big business parties, with the media in tow, do everything in their power to ban socialist and left-wing viewpoints. For decades the two parties have funneled society’s resources away from social programs and into war, including over $1 trillion last year.

Decades of imperialist war in the Middle East, Africa and Asia have led to over 40 million refugees and nearly 10 million deaths. US imperialist violence does not stay outside its borders, no matter how many rolls of concertina wire are deployed along the US-Mexico border. It pervades every aspect of US society, from a soldier suffering from PTSD massacring adults and children at a bowling alley in Maine, to daily police killings that have topped over 1,000 a year in the US for over a decade.

The lives and bodies of workers and young people, whether Palestinian or American, are worth nothing to the ruling class unless they can be turned into soldiers or profit. The bipartisan embrace of genocide in Gaza, which has been supported by the political establishments of the US, Israel and other imperialist countries, is the end of the line for capitalist politics in America.



>One month after the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ordered “immediate and effective measures” to protect Palestinians in the occupied Gaza Strip from the risk of genocide by ensuring sufficient humanitarian assistance and enabling basic services, Israel has failed to take even the bare minimum steps to comply, Amnesty International said today.
I wonder what happens now

>Jordan’s king takes part in air force airdrop over Gaza

>King Abdullah II joined crews dropping aid into the devastated Gaza Strip from a Jordanian Air Force plane on Tuesday.
I didn't know they were airdropping supplies into Gaza, ngl that's based


>Once the fire did catch, Bushnell was quickly drenched in flames. As the fire consumed Bushnell, he screamed repeatedly, “Free Palestine!”
Honestly that's impressive that he was able to do that

>Despite the fact that Bushnell obviously presented no threat to anyone but himself, an armed agent is observed on the tape pointing a gun at Bushnell as he continued to burn on the ground for the remainder of the video. The police agent (it is unclear as of this writing if he is with the Israeli embassy or the US Secret Service) continued to point his weapon at Bushnell even as one the police officers is heard yelling, “I don’t need guns, I need fire extinguishers.”

Maybe he thought the fire would surrender if he pointed a gun at it


>I didn't know they were airdropping supplies into Gaza, ngl that's based
It's a PR stunt by Israel and Jordan. Most of it was deliberately airdropped into the fucking ocean. None was dropped over North Gaza which is in famine.


Gallant throws weight behind drafting ultra-Orthodox for Gaza war

Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant has called on the government to pass a law that would draft ultra-Orthodox Jews, largely exempted from Israel’s mandatory military service, in order to help the war effort in Gaza.

“To attain the goals of the war, to handle the threats from Gaza, from Lebanon, from Judea and Samaria, and to prepare for the emerging threats from the east, we need unity and partnership in decisions about our future,” Gallant said at a press conference.

“We are required to make agreements and decisions, which we haven’t made in 75 years,” he added.

The exemptions for the ultra-Orthodox, who are instead allowed to study in religious institutions, has long been a point of frustration for more secular groups in Israeli society, a schism that has been deepened by the current war.

In response to Gallant’s comments, opposition member Yair Lapid said that his party, Yesh Atid, would put forward an “equal, effective, and fair draft framework” in the Knesset. Ultra-orthodox parties, an important part of Prime Minister Netanyahu’s coalition, are likely to oppose the effort.

“All the Likud needs to do is act like a Zionist party and vote for it,” said Lapid. “We can’t win together if we don’t draft together.”



>I wonder what happens now
It can go a few ways. The lineup of the court has been shifted since the interim ruling, so don't be optimistic.
Either way, the work is ours to enforce this. There are only a few governments in the world which are honest enough to oppose what Israel is doing. That number should grow, but if it doesn't, that's down to us, and if it does, it was still down to common people.

>Honestly that's impressive that he was able to do that
Incredibly, yes. He briefly lapses into pure screaming, but then he pulls himself right back together and shifts the pain into screaming "free Palestine!" again. He's standing up screaming it for the remainder until he falls and dies.

>Maybe he thought the fire would surrender if he pointed a gun at it


> Most of it was deliberately airdropped into the fucking ocean.
I didn't think Israel was taking part in these at all. Norway took part in the last rounds with Jordan (before Abdullah showed up for photos in the latest ones), and Norway seems like one of the very few countries who are taking this seriously.


Houthis deny targeting underwater cables amid marine disaster warning

Houthi leaders have denied they have targeted critical underwater sea telecommunication cables, as Yemen’s UN-recognised government warned of an imminent marine environmental disaster if a cargo ship struck by the rebels last week was not quickly rescued.

The Rubymar, a Belize-flagged but British-owned bulk carrier, has been drifting in the Red Sea after it was struck by two missiles. The ship, which is feared to be in danger of sinking, is leaking an 18-mile oil spill and carrying 41,000 tonnes of volatile fertiliser.

The 22 February attack on the Rubymar inflicted the most significant damage so far on a commercial ship since the Houthis started targeting vessels in November. The Houthis say their attacks on commercial shipping in the Red Sea are in solidarity with the stricken people of Gaza.

It has long been feared that the Houthis might extend their actions by disrupting internet traffic and cutting sea cables.

Sixteen small fibre-optic lines across the bed of the Red Sea carry about 17% of all international data traffic, including trunk lines connecting Europe with India and east Asia.

It was reported on Monday that cables belonging to four big telecom networks – including the Asia-Africa-Europe 1 (AAE-1), TGN Atlantic, Europe India Gateway and the Seacom system – have been damaged in recent months. The cause of the damage has not been identified and natural damage happens relatively regularly.

Israeli media reports attributed the damage to Houthi actions, but Yemen’s Houthi-controlled communications ministry denied involvement.

Seacom has confirmed that its cable between Egypt and Kenya was severed on 24 February and it is investigating. Some of these lines are in relatively shallow water depths of as little as 300ft, where they could be accessible to divers.





Are you even paying attention to what's going on? Even aljazeera admits this happened:


>Are you even paying attention to what's going on?
Yes. Why does it offend you that I asked?
I'm not into this stupid negging bullshit. I've been busier than usual in the past 24 hours.
>Even aljazeera admits this happened:
"Even" - why wouldn't Al Jazeera cover this?
They've generally been the only relatively comprehensive major outlet when it comes to covering this stuff, I'm not surprised that they talk about it. They're not the only one I consult, but what exactly are you trying to imply with that "even"?

According to this article, this was UAE and Jordan. Was Israel directly involved, or strictly involved in the sense that Abdullah is a puppet? Did any of the earlier Norway-and-Jordan aid go into the sea as well? None of these are rhetorical questions, I'm literally just asking.


>Why does it offend you that I asked?
You should be applying more critical thinking and finding better sources of information.

>"Even" - why wouldn't Al Jazeera cover this?

Because Al Jazeera is a Qatari propaganda outlet, they will criticize Israel but whitewash the collaboration of the neighboring Arab states.

>According to this article, this was UAE and Jordan. Was Israel directly involved, or strictly involved in the sense that Abdullah is a puppet?

Yes, this is a stunt that was coordinated between them.

>Did any of the earlier Norway-and-Jordan aid go into the sea as well? None of these are rhetorical questions, I'm literally just asking.

So far, both of the aid airdrops from Jordan needlessly and shamefully landed in the sea.


>You should be applying more critical thinking and finding better sources of information.
Your source is literally one of the sources I use.
>Because Al Jazeera is a Qatari propaganda outlet, they will criticize Israel but whitewash the collaboration of the neighboring Arab states.
That's what I expected before all this, but they've proven themselves very reliable, and were here, too.
Their blindspot (a thing most news outlets have) unironically seems pretty miniscule compared to American news sources and RT, and attempts to dismiss them come across as totally disingenuous at this point. I wouldn't trust them wholesale for news on Qatar specifically, and I take everything from anyone with a grain of salt, but they're generally doing great journalism and anyone who tries to write them off entirely cannot be taken in good faith. And here, they haven't even turned a blind eye to the thing you're talking about, so it makes zero sense for you to rag on them.
>So far, both of the aid airdrops from Jordan needlessly and shamefully landed in the sea.
Link for the Norway one doing the same thing?
And don't bitch at me for asking, I'm not omniscient.


Palestinian Foreign Ministry: Aid-seekers killed ‘in cold blood’

As the death toll from this morning’s attack on Palestinian aid-seekers in Gaza mounts, the Palestinian Foreign Ministry has condemned what it says was a cold-blooded “massacre” of civilians.

At least 70 Palestinians were killed and 250 wounded when Israeli forces fired on people waiting for food trucks near Gaza City.

In a press statement, the ministry said the attack was part of Israel’s ongoing “genocidal war”. It called on the international community to “urgently intervene” to forge a ceasefire as “the only way to protect civilians”.

‘A massacre’: Israeli tanks ran over dead and wounded

Hospitals in northern Gaza are struggling to cope with the massive influx of dead and wounded coming in from the attack on group waiting for food delivery, says our correspondent on the ground in Gaza, Ismail al-Ghoul.

As we reported earlier, at least 70 Palestinians were killed and more than 250 wounded in the Israeli attack this morning, according to the government media office.

“The dead and wounded have been taken to al-Shifa Hospital as well as Kamal Adwan Hospital,” said al-Ghoul.

“Some of the others are being rushed to Al Ahli and the Jordanian hospitals. The numbers will rise. Hospitals are no longer able to accommodate the huge number of patients because they lack fuel, let alone medicine. Hospitals have also run out of blood.”

Palestinians are still trying to recover more bodies of those killed in the attack, but ambulances cannot reach the area because the roads have been “totally destroyed”.

“As the Israeli military opened fire on the aid seekers, Israeli tanks advanced and ran over many of the dead and injured bodies in the south-western parts of Gaza City. It is a massacre, on top of the starvation threatening citizens in Gaza.”

Israeli council to meet for approval of hundreds of new settlements

Israel’s Supreme Planning Council will meet next Wednesday to approve the construction of thousands of housing units in Israeli settlements across the occupied West Bank.

Israel’s Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich announced that about 2,350 housing units will be approved in Ma’ale Adumim, 300 units in Kedar and 694 units in Efrat.

Smotrich earlier said the new settlement plans were a response to what he called a “terrorist” attack last week, when three Palestinians opened fire near a checkpoint between Jerusalem and Ma’ale Adumim, killing one Israeli and wounding several others.

The US has said that new Israeli settlements are illegal, in a reversal of a policy by the administration of former President Trump.

‘Don’t send us aid if it’s going to get us killed’

Palestinians who witnessed a deadly Israeli military attack on a group of people waiting for food aid say it is a “crime” that they are being subjected to violence while simply trying to feed their families.

“We have come here to get our hands on some aid,” one Palestinian man told Quds News Network after the attack on al-Rashid Street, southwest of Gaza City, which killed and wounded dozens of civilians.

“I have been waiting since yesterday. At about 4:30 this morning, trucks started to come through. Once we approached the aid trucks, the Israeli tanks and warplanes started firing at us as if it was a trap,” said the man.

“To the Arab states I say, if you want to have us killed, why are you sending relief aid? If this continues, we do not want any aid delivered at all. Every convoy coming means another massacre.

“Many young men and women were killed and many more injured when they headed to receive the aid. It is common sense, if aid is delivered, a ceasefire must be observed. This is not happening on the ground… this is a crime, it is a sin.”

Syria says it shot down Israeli missile near Damascus

Syria’s defence ministry said Israel carried out strikes late last night near the capital, Damascus.

“The Israeli enemy launched air strikes from the direction of the occupied Syrian Golan, targeting a number of sites in the Damascus countryside,” the ministry said in a statement. “Our air defences responded to the aggression’s missiles and shot down most of them.”

The UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the Israeli strikes killed two Syrian pro-Hezbollah fighters and had hit “sites where Iran-backed groups including Lebanon’s Hezbollah are based”.

German naval frigate almost shot down US drone in Red Sea

A German naval frigate sent to the Red Sea to defend against Houthi attacks almost shot down a US drone earlier this week, German magazine Der Spiegel reports.

The report said the Hessen frigate fired two missiles at a US Reaper reconnaissance drone after efforts to identify it were unsuccessful, but missed due to a “technical defect”.

Germany’s Defence Ministry confirmed on Monday that there was an incident involving the frigate and a drone from a friendly nation, but did not name the country.

“The case was resolved when it turned out that it wasn’t a hostile drone, which only became clear in hindsight,” ministry spokesperson Michael Stempfle said.

The German frigate arrived in the area at the weekend as part of an EU mission to protect the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden from Houthi attacks on vessels in the vital international shipping lane.


German navy repels Houthi attack in Red Sea

A German frigate has repelled an attack by Yemen’s Houthis, the army said on X, as part of an EU mission launched on February 19 to help protect international shipping in the Red Sea.

The “Hesse” navy frigate intercepted a drone on Tuesday evening. “A short time later, a second drone approached (the ship). The crew again initiated defence measures and also successfully engaged the target,” the army said.

“There was no personal injury or damage to property on the frigate,” it added.

The EU’s 27 countries managed to agree upon the Red Sea mission in a matter of weeks as concerns mount that the Houthi attacks could damage their economies and push up inflation.



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Humanitarian airdrops help Israel’s ‘blockade strategy’: Refugees International chief

Jeremy Konyndyk, the president of Refugees International, has said that the amount of aid delivered in airdrops is so “negligible” that it helps “perpetuate the overall blockade strategy”.

“Facilitating airdrops – and driving media coverage around them – gives the public appearance that Israel is cooperating with humanitarian efforts,” said Konyndyk, who is also a former USAID official.

“The fact that they need be considered is a major policy failure,” he said in a post on social media.

The Israeli army has said “160 packages of food and medical equipment were airdropped into southern Gaza” as part of a joint mission with the US, the UAE, Jordan, Egypt and France.

According to UNRWA, the number of aid trucks entering the Gaza Strip has dropped by half in February compared to January.

Canada considers airdropping humanitarian aid into Gaza: Minister

Canada’s International Development Minister Ahmed Hussen has said that the country is exploring options for delivering humanitarian aid, and “airdrops of aid into Gaza, in partnership with like-minded countries like Jordan”, were possible.

Hussen, who visited Egypt and Jordan last week, said that drawn-out Israeli inspections on aid trucks at the border with Rafah mean that nowhere near enough aid is entering Gaza.

Ottawa has provided 100 million Canadian dollars ($74m), including 40 million Canadian dollars ($30m) in January alone, towards aid in Gaza since Israel’s ground invasion began.

“I just came back from the region, and Canadian aid is making a difference,” he told reporters.



Masked men in Gaza enforce prices in street markets

CAIRO, Feb 28 (Reuters) - Armed, masked men in Gaza have started patrols to stop traders profiteering in Rafah, where more than a million displaced Palestinians are taking shelter from Israel's air and ground campaign, a member of the vigilante group said.

Nearly five months into the war, prices have soared in Gaza with all commercial imports cut off when hostilities began on Oct. 7, and only limited quantities of humanitarian aid coming in.

Most of Gaza's 2.3 million people now live in Rafah near the border crossing with Egypt, mostly in tents and other temporary shelters, after fleeing the devastation in other parts of the enclave.

Photographs on social media showed men in ski masks with hoods pulled over their heads standing next to market stalls. In one photograph two of the men held assault rifles. In another photograph, six men brandished sticks.



>Palestinians who witnessed a deadly Israeli military attack on a group of people waiting for food aid say it is a “crime” that they are being subjected to violence while simply trying to feed their families.
>Canada’s International Development Minister Ahmed Hussen has said that the country is exploring options for delivering humanitarian aid, and “airdrops of aid into Gaza, in partnership with like-minded countries like Jordan”, were possible.

Considering that the Israeli are trying to shoot Palestinians that approach aid trucks, humanitarian airdrops are the way to go.


I'm on the fence about aid drops. Konyndyk is totally right; Canada needs to be sanctioning Israel and actively opposing what Israel is doing, because the amount of aid which can be dropped in (without falling into the sea…) is not going to make up for the amount of aid that Israel is blocking or the amount of damage that Israeli attacks are doing.

The aid which is airdropped in, provided it gets to Palestinians, is slightly better than nothing materially, but also much, much, much worse than actually taking action against Israel so that more aid trucks get in. I'm not in a position to say "don't airdrop aid," but just acting like Israel is untouchable is obviously not helpful and will probably result in Israel attacking Palestinians who are trying to gather airdropped aid as well.


Live in NY right now


Israeli protesters hold up bags of flour as they call for an end to the war

The Israeli group Standing Together has shared photos from an anti-war protest in Israel, where some protesters held up bags of flour following an Israeli attack on a Palestinian crowd waiting for desperately needed food assistance in Gaza earlier today, which some have termed the “flour massacre”.

The group says that protesters chanted, “We don’t want any more funerals, the nations want to live!”

“In Gaza today more than a hundred people were killed in line for flour and food. The war and the killing of hungry and innocent people do not bring us security, they only give birth to more pain, more hatred,” the group said in a social media post. “They will only bring more blood, more loss, more despair.”

Israel extends evacuation order for citizens near northern border

Israeli media outlets are reporting that Israel’s cabinet has approved extending the evacuation of northern residents by an additional five months, until July 7.

The evacuation order has been in place for the duration of Israel’s war on Gaza, as Lebanon’s Hezbollah continues to attack Israeli army positions and settlements along the country’s southern border with Israel.

MSF: Israel responsible for ‘extreme deprivation’ leading to shooting

The group Doctors Without Borders, also known as Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF), has said that Israel is “responsible” for the conditions of extreme hunger and deprivation that laid the groundwork for today’s attack on a crowd of Palestinians desperate for food assistance in northern Gaza.

“The situation in Gaza, and particularly in the north, is catastrophic. A few days ago, when we spoke to our staff there, they said they did not have enough food to eat, and that some were resorting to pet food to survive. They also reported the lack of water and its overall poor quality, leading to diseases,” MSF president Isabelle Defourny said in a statement, calling the situation a direct result of a “string of unconscionable decisions taken by Israeli authorities” during the war.

“The north has been largely cut off from assistance for months, leaving people trapped and with no choice but to attempt to survive on minuscule amounts of food, water and medical supplies. Entire neighbourhoods have been bombed and destroyed,” the statement adds.

“We consider Israel responsible for the situation of extreme deprivation and despair which prevails in Gaza, particularly in the north, which led to today’s tragic events.”

More than 30 news outlets sign letter in solidarity with Gaza journalists

The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) has said that more than 30 news outlets have signed an open letter in solidarity with journalists in Gaza.

The group says that of 94 journalists killed since the beginning of the war, 89 have been Palestinians killed by the Israeli military, making it the deadliest conflict for reporters ever recorded by CPJ.

“For nearly five months, journalists and media workers in Gaza – overwhelmingly, the sole source of on-the-ground reporting from within the Palestinian territory – have been working in unprecedented conditions,” the letter reads. “These journalists – on whom the international news media and the international community rely for information about the situation inside Gaza – continue to report despite grave personal risk.”

Colombia suspends Israeli arms purchases following attack on Palestinian crowd

Colombian President Gustavo Petro has said that the world must “block” Netanyahu, after Israeli forces opened fire on a crowd of Palestinians waiting for food assistance in northern Gaza.

“Asking for food, more than 100 Palestinians were killed by Netanyahu. This is called genocide and is reminiscent of the Holocaust, even if the world powers don’t like to recognize it,” Petro, who has been an outspoken critic of Israel’s war in Gaza, said in a social media post.

“The world must block Netanyahu. Colombia suspends all purchases of weapons from Israel.”



>Canada needs to be sanctioning Israel
Will that affect their ability to wage a genocidal war on Gaza ? Given the political commitment of that course of action you might as well send military units into Gaza to protect Palestinians, just by standing next to them. Since IDF can't attack western military forces.

>the amount of aid which can be dropped in (without falling into the sea…) is not going to make up for the amount of aid that Israel is blocking

Wait why would those Air drops be so inaccurate ? The soviets managed to air drop 30+ tonne tanks in the 60s within 150x150m/500x500ft squares. They had para-shoots with little retro thrusters. Something like that could be used to accurately drop large quantities of aid.


Israeli military says ‘administrative detainees’ to be freed to make space for new prisoners

Israel’s military said that due to a “shortage of space in the prisons”, a decision had been reached to release “administrative detainees” early “in order to make room for detainees with a higher threat level”.

In a post on social media, the military did not say how many detainees would be freed. The release applied to those who are due for release “in the coming month”, it said.

Administrative detention allows Israeli forces to arrest Palestinians and put them behind bars – without charge or evidence of wrongdoing – for an initial period of six months. Their detentions can then be repeatedly extended for an indefinite period, again without charge or trial.

The Palestinian Prisoner’s Society reports that more than 6,500 Palestinians have been arrested just since October 7 alone.



>Will that affect their ability to wage a genocidal war on Gaza ?
Yes. More than airdrops will.

>Wait why would those Air drops be so inaccurate ?

Good question. Another anon here says it's on purpose. I'm not sure what proportion of airdrops have fallen into the sea, but it seems odd that any would have fallen into the sea at all.


>The group Doctors Without Borders, also known as Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF), has said that Israel is “responsible” for the conditions of extreme hunger and deprivation that laid the groundwork for today’s attack on a crowd of Palestinians desperate for food assistance in northern Gaza.
The Zionists are like the evil aliens in scifi that target the life support systems.


I don't really understand how the sanctions are supposed to achieve improvements for Palestine. Based on past use of sanctions against other countries, it doesn't appear to induce changes in foreign policy. Maybe it'll work on Israel, but i sure would like to understand why. Unless you can stop the arms-shipments to Israel, it will probably require sending an international peace keeping force to make the Zionists back off.

>Another anon here says it's on purpose. I'm not sure what proportion of airdrops have fallen into the sea, but it seems odd that any would have fallen into the sea at all.

I suppose there might be some reasonable explanations. Inexperienced pilots conducting these maneuvers might need a few runs to get the hang of it. Or perhaps they used sub-optimal equipment.


>Maybe it'll work on Israel, but i sure would like to understand why. Unless you can stop the arms-shipments to Israel, it will probably require sending an international peace keeping force to make the Zionists back off.
I believe (but I may be wrong) that Canada also ships arms to Israel. I'd recommend they cease trade with them and cease giving/selling them arms. Sanctioning will not be, by itself, effective in stopping Israel, but it will be a material economic 'penalty' taking out against Israel by a relatively major western country; it will be an important step, and doing it would encourage other countries to follow suit.

This is not a step which would singlehandedly end the war, but there is no singlehandedly end the war option for Canada; they should do what is in their power to do, and they should do it quickly. Economic penalty would be a correct first step.

>I suppose there might be some reasonable explanations. Inexperienced pilots conducting these maneuvers might need a few runs to get the hang of it. Or perhaps they used sub-optimal equipment.

Whatever reason, it's very stupid.


George Galloway says UK by-election win is ‘for Gaza’

Veteran left-wing British politician George Galloway has won a by-election in England’s northwestern town of Rochdale after running on a pro-Palestine, anti-Israel platform.

“Keir Starmer, this is for Gaza,” Galloway said during his victory speech, referencing the Labour Party leader.

Galloway, who has now been a British MP seven times, won over large sections of Rochdale’s Muslim community by criticising the ruling Conservative Party and Labour for their support for Israel’s war on Gaza.

He beat second-placed David Tully, an independent candidate, by almost 6,000 votes, while former Labour candidate Azhar Ali came fourth after his party withdrew their support for him when he claimed that Israel allowed the October 7 massacres to happen.



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Belgian MP says more needs to be done after international parliamentarians sign Israel arms embargo letter

Simon Moutquin, a member of the Belgian parliament and one of the signatories to the letter, told Al Jazeera that his own country had to act to stop Israel.

“As a signatory country of the Convention Against Genocide, [Belgium has] a legal and moral obligation to act and prevent the risk of genocide, so I think this letter … is a good first step, but we need to go further,” Moutquin said.

Speaking about European divisions on Gaza, Moutquin said that Europe risked its credibility to speak on Russia’s actions in Ukraine if it remained silent on Gaza.

“We need to really speak about international law,” he said. “We are so hypocritical in Europe to speak about international law when we speak about Ukraine and Russia, [but] if we don’t have the same [views] when we speak about the Palestinians, we will not have any credit in the future to speak about [it].”

Report: Biden’s staff taking ‘extraordinary’ steps to avoid pro-Palestinian protesters

The US president’s team is carefully organising his public appearances so as to minimise “disruptions from pro-Palestinian protests”, reports NBC News.

This includes keeping his public events smaller, not disclosing their exact location ahead of time, and staying away from college campuses, the US outlet said, citing a Biden ally and a source “familiar with his planning”.

The measures come after Biden was interrupted more than a dozen times by pro-Palestinian protesters while speaking at a campaign rally in January.

Protesters at the January 23 event shouted phrases such as “ceasefire now”, “let Gaza women live”, and “genocide Joe”.

Gaza hospital director: 80 percent of victims of Gaza City attack at his facility were hit by gunfire

Mohammed Salha, the acting director of al-Awda Hospital in Jabalia, has confirmed that the vast majority of the Gaza City food aid attack victims brought to his health facility showed injuries from gunfire.

Of the 176 wounded who were brought to al-Awda Hospital, 142 had gunshot wounds, while the other 34 showed injuries from a stampede, Salha told the Associated Press.

He said he could not provide information on the cause of death of the victims who were killed because their bodies were transported to other facilities.

Earlier, a UN team who visited al-Shifa Hospital in northern Gaza also confirmed that many victims had been injured by gunfire.

CNN staff criticise network for Gaza coverage in meeting: Report

An all-hands meeting held by the US media network became an opportunity for several staff members, including star presenter Christine Amanpour, to criticise its coverage of Israel’s war on Gaza, with many reflecting external criticism that the network has been biased towards Israel.

A recording obtained by The Intercept revealed Amanpour speaking of her “real distress” with CNN’s editorial process when it comes to coverage of the Israel-Palestine conflict, before she added that the network should have sent more experienced reporters to the region to cover the war.

Other staffers went further in their criticism, with one journalist who worked from Lebanon last year saying that she found CNN “platforming people over and over again, that are either calling for my death, or using very dehumanising language against me … and people that look like me”.

“I want to ask as well, what have you done, and what are you doing to address the hate speech that fills our air and informed our coverage, especially in the first few months of the war,” the journalist added, according to The Intercept.

CNN Editor-in-Chief Mark Thompson defended the network’s coverage in the meeting, saying that he was generally satisfied with it, and adding that it had been difficult to cover the Palestinian side because of a lack of access to Gaza.

More from Biden: US airdrops in Gaza to start in ‘coming days’

Speaking to reporters at the White House, Biden said the US’s humanitarian aid drops into Gaza will begin in the “coming days”.

He also said the US was continuing to work towards a ceasefire that would allow even more aid to flow into the enclave. However, he previously acknowledged that the killing of at least 115 aid-seekers in northern Gaza on Thursday – after Israeli forces opened fire in the area – could complicate these efforts.

The current amount of aid getting into Gaza, Biden said, is not enough to meet people’s needs, and he wants to see “hundreds” more aid trucks get in.

UNRWA: Gaza’s water supply down 93 percent since start of war, one-fourth of wells destroyed

The stark decline in water has pushed many Gaza residents, particularly in the north, to the point of severe dehydration.

In recent days, at least six Palestinian children have died from either dehydration, starvation or poisoning, according to Gaza’s Health Ministry.

UK PM Sunak signals crackdown on pro-Palestinian demonstrations in ‘chilling’ speech

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak says that the UK has seen “a shocking increase in extremist disruption and criminality”, in a speech delivered a week after the country’s parliament descended into chaos during a vote on a ceasefire in Gaza.

Sunak denounced what he perceived security threats against members of parliament, as well as the victory of left-wing George Galloway in a by-election on Thursday.

The Conservative prime minister’s hardline speech conflated elements of the UK’s large pro-Palestinian movement with “extremism”, saying that “Islamist extremists” and the far right were “two sides of the same extremist coin”, before also threatening foreign students with deportation and promising to increase support for a much-criticised anti-extremism programme.

Sunak’s speech has been denounced by left-wing politicians and commentators, with Labour parliamentarian Nadia Whittome calling it a “truly chilling speech”.

“The mask has really dropped,” said Green Member of Parliament Carolina Lucas. “If there were any doubt who the real extremists are, it is [Sunak’s] government – threatening to take visas off protesters and stirring up anti-Muslim hate.”

Israeli MP: Opposition being ‘persecuted’ as Israel teeters on ‘dictatorship’

“We are on the brink of a fascist dictatorship,” said left-wing Israeli legislator Ofer Cassif, who narrowly avoided expulsion from the Knesset for supporting South Africa’s genocide case against Israel.

Speaking to Al Jazeera, Cassif said Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu is using the war in Gaza to “cling to power” while cracking down on any form of dissent.

“It is not only the ongoing massacre and destruction in Gaza that the Israeli government is responsible for, it is also the ethnic cleansing in occupied East Jerusalem and the West Bank,” he said.

“And it is also the political persecution of any opposition voice that is raised within the state of Israel — mainly if it comes from Arab citizens, but not only. All of us — leftists, democratic Jews, and first and foremost Arab citizens — are under an ongoing, violent persecution by the government and its proxies, like the Israeli police.”

Deaths of seven Israeli captives show Israel’s war strategy ‘not working’

The deaths of the captives, whom Hamas says were killed in the Israeli bombardment of Gaza, show that Israel’s government considers them a “secondary priority”, says Omar Ashour, professor of security and military studies at the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies.

Airdrops deliver ‘much lower’ amounts of aid than trucks: WHO

WHO representative Rik Peeperkorn says the UN’s health agency has not been able to send missions to northern Gaza in months due to the situation on the ground.

Peeperkorn, who has just left Gaza, explains to Al Jazeera that while he is not “against” aid airdrops because they can be lifesaving interventions, the amount of supplies they can deliver is “much lower” and they are more expensive.



Israel braces for day of protests

Israel is bracing for a day of protests on Saturday. Here is what is expected.

Tel Aviv: Antigovernment protests will be calling for new elections. Last Saturday, antigovernment protesters clashed with police who deployed water cannon and horses against them and arrested 21 demonstrators.

Tel Aviv: Protesters will gather in “Hostage Square” for the weekly demonstration, calling for the release of Israeli captives currently believed to be held in Gaza.

Mevaseret: A march led by families of the captives is expected to leave Mevaseret for West Jerusalem after setting out from the border community of Kibbutz Re’im on Wednesday.

West Jerusalem: Marchers are expected to hold a rally calling for the release of the captives in Paris Square.

Kafr Kana: A demonstration organised by the Higher Follow-up Committee for Arab Citizens in Israel will be calling for an end to the war.



>I believe (but I may be wrong) that Canada also ships arms to Israel. I'd recommend they cease trade with them and cease giving/selling them arms. Sanctioning will not be, by itself, effective in stopping Israel, but it will be a material economic 'penalty' taking out against Israel by a relatively major western country; it will be an important step, and doing it would encourage other countries to follow suit.
In that case wouldn't it be more effective to direct sanctions against the arms trade ?

Sanctions against entire countries tend to squeeze the poor and disenfranchised sections of society. In Israel's case it's probably not going to penalize the people who make the decision to continue slaughtering Palestinians.


>Veteran left-wing British politician George Galloway has won a by-election in England’s


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On March 2, the world will march to stop Israel’s genocidal assault on Rafah

Israel is threatening to carry out a full-scale invasion of Rafah, a tiny section of Gaza where 1.5 million Palestinians are now packed, on March 10. Ahead of the deadline, a global day of protest is scheduled for March 2.

For the past five months, in every part of the globe, millions of people have participated in protest actions. They have been part of one of the largest social movements in living memory, in support of the Palestinian people and against the US-Israeli genocide in Gaza. Now, Israel is threatening to carry out the worst massacre yet: a full-scale invasion of Rafah starting March 10. In response, this solidarity movement is preparing to mobilize in huge numbers in a global day of action on March 2.

Supporters of the Palestinian cause have long argued that Israel’s occupation of Palestine and its 17-year land, air, and sea blockade of Gaza, have turned the enclave into an open-air prison. Over 2 million Gazans are packed into a tiny area closed off to the outside world. As the Israeli military rampaged through the four other governorates of Gaza, 1.5 million Palestinians were driven into Rafah, making the open-air prison even tinier.

This is an area half the size of San Francisco. It is now twice as densely populated as New York City. There is nowhere to hide and nowhere left to flee as the US-supplied Israeli air force bombards Rafah in preparation for a catastrophic ground offensive. With 70 percent of all residential housing in Gaza destroyed and 576,000 Gazans facing outright famine, Israel’s mandatory evacuation orders are nothing more than an empty gesture. Israeli officials know well that the over one million displaced Gazans are not in a physical condition to flee once again.

For the past five months, Israel has massacred Palestinians with bullets, missiles, and bombs, and now are escalating the use of another weapon: hunger. According to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), the 500,000 Palestinians remaining in northern Gaza now face starvation. The UN agency also reported that there have been no aid deliveries to the north of Gaza since January 23. Along the border between Rafah and Egypt, Israel routinely halts all but a few token aid shipments. Meanwhile, its soldiers have facilitated “protests” by far-right activists against aid delivery along the border, giving the authorities cover to deny entry to trucks carrying vital supplies.

A new study by scholars at Johns Hopkins University and the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine gives us a horrific preview of what the consequences of an invasion of Rafah under these dire circumstances would look like. Researchers found that up to 86,000 Palestinians would die in the onslaught over the course of six months. Many of these would be so-called excess deaths—people dying of starvation, preventable disease, and other causes present only because of the war.

Fearing the unprecedented global outrage that would come with an all-out Rafah invasion, some politicians like EU foreign affairs head Josep Borrell have felt compelled to state their opposition. This is an important crack in the alliance between Western powers and Israel. If Israel instead becomes mainly a liability that damages US standing in the world by virtue of its extreme abuses, then it could be abandoned by its sponsors just like the South African apartheid regime was at the end of the 1980s.

However, the true will of these politicians to protect Palestinians in Rafah should also be questioned. Joe Biden, for example, says that he would only support an invasion if there were “a credible plan” to protect civilians. One must ask how civilian life could ever be protected when bombing an area with 60,000 people per square mile, hundreds of thousands of whom have only the cloth of a tent to shield them. The only way to protect Palestinian civilians would be to demand Israel end its assault on Gaza and cut off military aid. This financial support totals USD 3.8 billion a year from the United States and has only increased during these months of escalated genocide. Instead, Biden and the politicians in Congress are trying to send an additional $14 billion more to Israel. Far from dissuading Israel, the US wants to send money so that Israel can take its war even further.



Freighter Rubymar has sunk in Red Sea: Gov’t

The cargo ship Rubymar, which was abandoned in the southern Red Sea after being targeted by Yemen’s Houthis on February 18, has sunk, a statement by the internationally recognised Yemeni government says.

African Union chief accuses Israel of ‘mass killing of Palestinians’ seeking aid

The African Union chief Moussa Faki Mahamat has accused Israel of “the mass killing of Palestinians” and urged an international probe after Israeli attacks on people seeking food aid in Gaza killed more than 115 and wounded at least 750.

“The Chairperson of the African Union Commission H.E. Moussa Faki Mahamat strongly condemns an attack by Israeli forces, that killed and wounded more than 100 Palestinians seeking life-saving humanitarian aid,” the bloc said in a statement posted on X.

Netanyahu dragging out war for ‘personal reasons’

Palestine’s Foreign Minister Riad Malki, speaking at the Antalya Diplomacy Forum in Turkey, said Israeli PM Netanyahu was “prolonging the war” for his own interests and warned that he would likely order the invasion of Rafah if a ceasefire is not reached, according to Wafa news agency.

“The Israeli occupation aims to strike all aspects of life in the Gaza Strip”, including by starving and thirsting Palestinians in Gaza and “depriving them of their most basic human rights”, Malki said at the forum.



This just reeks of preparing the cattle to get slaughtered. Why do they think a rally in the street is going to save them by being packed together in a war zone?


>The UN agency also reported that there have been no aid deliveries to the north of Gaza since January 23. Along the border between Rafah and Egypt, Israel routinely halts all but a few token aid shipments. Meanwhile, its soldiers have facilitated “protests” by far-right activists against aid delivery along the border, giving the authorities cover to deny entry to trucks carrying vital supplies.
So there is a need for heavily armored transport vehicles with battering ram capabilities.

>60,000 people per square mile

Even if people spread out evenly, that would still only leave, a square with sides measuring 6.5m/21ft, per person.
What is it with fascists and concentrating people ?

>Fearing the unprecedented global outrage that would come with an all-out Rafah invasion, some politicians like EU foreign affairs head Josep Borrell have felt compelled to state their opposition. This is an important crack in the alliance between Western powers and Israel. If Israel instead becomes mainly a liability that damages US standing in the world by virtue of its extreme abuses, then it could be abandoned by its sponsors just like the South African apartheid regime was at the end of the 1980s.

Israel isn't a liability already ?


>This just reeks of preparing the cattle to get slaughtered. Why do they think a rally in the street is going to save them by being packed together in a war zone?
I think that's political, what all those protests do is remove all plausible deniability or any pretense of a democratic mandate.

Anyway what would you suggest ? those tens of millions of protestors arm them selves and march into Gaza to overrun the IDF ?


I find peaceful protest in the middle of a warzone to be extremely counterproductive, unless they're rallying the best possible defense against the invasion.
If Hamas is trying to play optics, that's missing the point. Israel and the US gave up on optics or convincing anyone this is good. They have reveled in evil since 2001, by their own admission (see: Karl Rove). I will never understand why they think performative politics means anything against an enemy that airs torture on global television with a smiling face and democides 10,000 African-Americans in New Orleans and says it's an oopsie.


That said, the Muslims have some backbone left in them, and are smart enough to know how an ummah and resistance works to prevent the obvious herding behaviors. So, not that it's something I have a direct stake in, but I trust they're going to defend themselves as ably as they're going to and have long prepared for the worst.


For the people of the imperial core, peaceful protest is beyond pointless - it's a good way to be tracked by feds because they can do that, and they laugh at anyone who thinks being outed for performative politics is a sign of strength.

If you want to resist this, it is a long and determined slog. Holding the right position on the situation of the empire is important. How you hold a position in a "post-truth" era is very different from the idea that you would petition public opinion through media owned and subverted entirely by oligarchy, playing on their ideological ground and conceding intellectual defeat to the ruling ideas and the impression of strength state institutions present as a fait accompli. When there were protests in the past, they were backed by the network of a nation, of many people who knew each other and formed associations, and there were guns and a propensity for violence against an outnumbered civic gang of the rulers. This strategy was required because the democratic force was de facto illegal - they had no standing whatsoever to "peacefully protest" and their alliances with civil society were always dubious and favored the bourgeois elements, as would be expected. But, the state couldn't do much about angry mobs with pitchforks who knew how this shit worked, and who had in then-recent years won a civil war in Russia and were fighting on fronts around the world, in a world where the concept of mass politics and democracy were admissible and, for the purpose of the revolution, the default. The communist parties had to recruit capable officers from the working class because that was where the talent was, and the liberal settlement was premised on the belief that the working class - the broad masses - were headless chickens, could be herded, had no virtue, and could be cajoled by thought leaders, hence Public Relations as a field. Playing on the terms of liberal PR is a game the liberal establishment always wins for obvious reasons, and it's not because the liberal ideas are natural or eternal, but because the opposition is trained to abandon themselves before resistance begins and willfully concedes the terms of engagement, and the opposition is trained not to hold to something functional that is outside of the liberal elitist vision of institutions. That step was never formulated. The communists understood that the party was at heart a bourgeois organ and concept of politics, but their practical necessities required them to draw from workers to fill the Party's ranks. For there to be a mass uprising, the people never "rebel on their own" with nothing. They rebel because they can and because there is a stake for them, and only then. Performative whining demonstrates to the public the impotence of the people, and that is why this strategy is encouraged. It would seem like something alien to the struggle if it were done in the past, and this is exactly how such herding operations played out in the past - if the herding was not just outright filth like the Fabians promoting eugenism as the only future to a middle class echo chamber.


Reporting back from my local protest. There was a sizeable crowd (~1000 people), well organized and planned, with lots of banners, signs, palestinian scarves, and chants. We marched through a midsize downtown area for four hours, including some areas with very heavy vehicle and pedestrian traffic.


>I find peaceful protest in the middle of a warzone to be extremely counterproductive
if democracy had priority this sentence would be
<I find a warzone in the middle of peaceful protest to be extremely counterproductive

>If Hamas is trying to play optics, that's missing the point. Israel and the US gave up on optics or convincing anyone this is good. They have reveled in evil since 2001

It's ideology to portray this as a conflict between Hamas and Israel. It's the Zionist regime committing a genocide against the Palestinians. Hamas is just a political faction, and we're not going to call Israel a state as long as they try to do ethno-nationalism. Other countries do not get a pass for that either.

>I will never understand why they think performative politics means anything against an enemy that airs torture on global television with a smiling face

Zionist gore-propaganda and atrocity-smugness backfired on them. I have never seen anybody loose a propaganda war so hard via such a monstrous self-portrayal.


Eugene, with all due respect, shut up.

These mass protests are principally about building organization. It is essentially a part in a long game. Personally, I think we need to speed up (and I'm right, they're moving way too fucking slow even if this is all uphill in the US), but the purpose they serve isn't in singlehandedly dismantling the MIC; they're only part of a massive process to do this.

Not sending arms is priority, yes.

Ceasing economic dealings with Israel would also be leverage; or just kicking Israeli diplomats out, there are a few options here.


Senior Houthi official taunts UK leaders on sunk ship, politics

Mohammed Ali al-Houthi, a senior member of the Yemeni group’s political council, was addressing UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak on the UK-owned Rubymar cargo vessel that sunk in the Red Sea earlier today.

“You and your government bear responsibility” and are also “responsible” for genocide in Gaza, he said on X.

Al-Houthi said the group could “salvage” the vessel, which was on the water for days after being hit with Houthi antiship missiles, if Sunak sent “a letter of guarantee, signed by George Galloway, that the relief trucks agreed upon at that time would enter Gaza”.

In a fractious week for UK politics, Galloway won the Rochdale by-election after a campaign centred on supporting Gaza, rattling the Labour Party and starting a war of words among top politicians.

Sadiq Khan, London’s mayor, weighed in on Saturday by criticising Sunak and calling out “a concerted and growing attempt by some to degrade and humiliate minorities for political and electoral gain”.



You really think democracy is a story or a feeling, don't you? That is not how politics in any form works. Violence brings decorum and narratives to a halt in all cases. The democratic society is premised on mass participation, usually in the citizen army that fights those wars. Strangely enough, Israel is reliant on a mass conscript army and relies on that as part of their national story.
In any event, Israel and Gaza are two different "demoses" by Israel's decision and the Palestinian refusal to join with people who stole their land and rule as a mafia. Democracy has no spiritually legitimating power just because people make noise. This is exactly the sort of thinking that I talk about - the sort that intentionally distorts basic political knowledge on purpose.

If you are building organization now, you have failed, and you made the organization nothing more than an ersatz assembly that will be directed by feds all over. If you have to cajole people into joining your fed-dominated side, you really have lost the plot and any connection with the masses. No one is going to give you permission to have a revolution. That's what Trump offered but it only works in one direction, by design.

The popular disgust towards Israel already exists. You don't need to "teach" it. The failure of the protest cage is because the people reject the protest cage, not the idea that this sucks. It's a ridiculously pointless and performative gesture, a way to attempt to create an echo chamber but fail, being little more than a foil for the right to build its state-funded and backed echo chambers with informants supporting the "guerilla army" and a deep bench. Then the left is trained to believe they are retarded children fooled by the simplest tricks. It's ridiculous how easy this is.


Like, if you enjoy failure, go ahead, but you should stop insisting you can feel your way to victory.

Peaceful protest is a pointless exercise and a way to burn energy. Fortunately, disgust towards Israel is palpable in the core countries. I doubt the protest cage has any effect one way or another, except to create another opportunity for ops.


Former US ambassador says airdrops are ‘humiliation’

The former US ambassador to Algeria and Syria wrote in a social media post that – aside from a 1967 Israeli air raid on the USS Liberty, which killed 34 American crew – the US being forced to airdrop aid to Gaza on Saturday were the worst-ever Israeli humiliation of the US.

“Forcing [the] USA to do airdrops of aid to Gaza as if [the] USA is no better than Egypt [and] Jordan is Israel’s worst humilitation of [the] USA [I’ve] ever seen,” Ford, who is now a fellow at the Middle East Institute, wrote.

“I should add that [the] USA will do humanitarian aid airdrops to Gazans if the Israeli Air Force graciously agrees not to shoot down the American planes over Gaza,” Ford added.

Hamas claims successful attacks on Israeli tanks, drone

Hamas says it launched multiple successful attacks on Israeli tanks and a drone in the Zeitoun district in central Gaza City, where intense ground fighting continues to rage.

It said Palestinian fighters hit two Merkava tanks with Yassin-105 rocket-propelled grenades and blew up two more tanks using explosives.

The armed group also said it detonated an improvised explosive device as Israeli ground troops entered a building, and managed to take possession of a Skylark drone which was on a reconnaissance mission south of Zeitoun.

Hamas released an almost three-minute video that showed some of the claimed attacks, including the RPG hits on Merkava tanks.

Lebanon’s Hezbollah claims attacks on Israeli sites

The Lebanese group Hezbollah has claimed several attacks on Israeli targets as it continues to engage in cross-border fire.

In a statement, it said it targeted the Al-Raheb military site off Lebanon’s southern town of Aita Al-Shaab.

Earlier, it announced attacks on a gathering of Israeli soldiers in proximity of the Jal al-Alam site, opposite the Lebanese town of Naqoura.

Al Jazeera correspondents also reported that missiles were fired at an Israeli site in the occupied Kfar Shuba hills and at another site in the occupied Shebaa Farms, southern Lebanon.

Hezbollah has confirmed the deaths of seven fighters in the past 24 hours, as the Israeli army continues a campaign of targeted attacks against members of the group.

Death toll from aid-seekers attack rises to 118

The death toll from Thursday’s deadly attack on aid-seekers near Gaza City has risen to 118, the Ministry of Health has said in a statement.

The ministry said two more people had died of their wounds at the al-Shifa medical complex.

The number of victims may still rise as dozens have life-threatening injuries amid a severe lack of medical supplies, the statement said.

It added that 760 people have been injured.

US confirms aid airdrop with Jordan

Here’s the statement from the US Central Command, confirming earlier widespread reports that the US had conducted humanitarian aid airdrops in Gaza:

“U.S. Central Command and the Royal Jordanian Air Force conducted a combined humanitarian assistance airdrop into Gaza on March 2, 2024, between 3:00 and 5:00 p.m. (Gaza time) to provide essential relief to civilians affected by the ongoing conflict.

The combined operation included U.S. Air Force and RJAF C-130 aircraft and respective Army Soldiers specialized in aerial delivery of supplies, built bundles and ensured the safe drop of food aid.

U.S. C-130s dropped over 38,000 meals along the coastline of Gaza allowing for civilian access to the critical aid.

The DoD humanitarian airdrops contributes to ongoing U.S. government efforts to provide life-saving humanitarian assistance to the people in Gaza. We are conducting planning for potential follow-on airborne aid delivery missions.

These airdrops are part of a sustained effort to get more aid into Gaza, including by expanding the flow of aid through land corridors and routes.”

Thousands march in Kafr Kana to denounce Israeli attacks on Palestinians

Thousands are marching in Kafr Kana, an Arab town in northern Israel, to demand an end to Israel’s attacks against Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank.

The demonstration took place after several attempts were thwarted by the Israeli police.

Protesters demanded a ceasefire in Gaza, the halting of plans by the Israeli army to invade the southern city of Rafah and an end to the attacks on Palestinian residents in the West Bank.

Head of Palestinian church committee appeals to global Christians

Ramzi Khoury, the head of the Palestinian Committee for Church Affairs, has issued a plea to international institutions and churches to raise their voices against Israel’s “massacres” in Gaza, Wafa reports.

Khoury said the recent attack on aid-seekers in Gaza was “unprecedented in the history of war crimes” and should compel international institutions to mobilise to push for an “immediate ceasefire”.

The Palestinian territories are home to tens of thousands of Christians, including some 47,000 in the occupied West Bank and 1,000 in Gaza. However, Palestinian Christian leaders have said they are ignored by Western church leaders while Israeli military attacks put them in peril.

In an open letter by Palestinian Christians back in October, they wrote, “We are disturbed by the silence of many church leaders and theologians when it is Palestinian civilians who are killed.”

Eleven killed, 50 injured in Rafah strike on tent: Health Ministry

Eleven people have been killed and at least 50 injured after an Israeli army air attack “targeting displaced persons’ tents” next to the entrance of the Emirati Maternity Hospital in Tal as-Sultan, Rafah City, Gaza’s Ministry of Health said in a statement.

Abdel Fattah Abu Marhi, the head of the paramedic unit at the hospital, was killed. The ministry added that children were among the injured.

Medical Aid for Palestinians criticises US plan to airdrop aid into Gaza

UK-based charity Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP) has criticised a US plan to start airdropping aid into Gaza in the “coming days”.

“Instead of dropping packages from the sky – some of which end up in the sea or outside of Gaza and which the most vulnerable cannot reach in any case – the US, the UK and others should ensure that Israel immediately opens all crossings into Gaza for aid and aid workers to assist those in need,” MAP’s CEO Melanie Ward told Al Jazeera in a statement.

“This includes the Karni [also known as al-Muntar] and Erez [Beit Hanoun] crossings which give direct access to the north of Gaza. Only safe and unfettered access for aid and aid workers, lifting of the siege, and an immediate ceasefire can end starvation in Gaza.”

Palestinian Foreign Ministry blasts US for failing to deliver aid to Gaza

The Palestinian Foreign Ministry says the US is acting as a “weak, marginal state” that is unable to secure aid access to starving Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

In a statement posted on X, the ministry said “the behaviour of the United States does not conform to that of a great state able to pressure Israel into protecting Palestinian citizens and catering to their needs”.

“The ministry sees no excuse for the behaviour of the United States, who is behaving as a marginal, weak state in the face of its ally’s arrogance, tyranny and extremism, especially when it comes to delivering aid to Gaza.”

Hamas: Seven captives killed in Israeli bombing of Gaza

The Qassam Brigades, Hamas’s armed wing, announced that it had confirmed the news after investigations conducted over the past few weeks after it had lost contact with fighters who had been holding the captives.

It was not immediately clear when the seven died. Several captives have been killed as a result of Israeli attacks in Gaza, including three who were shot by Israeli forces.

Israeli forces assault worshippers trying to reach Al-Aqsa: Report

The Palestinian Wafa news agency says Israeli forces have assaulted a young man and woman who were on their way to Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied East Jerusalem after our earlier reports that forces were erecting barricades along paths to the holy site.

Iranian Revolutionary Guard member and two others killed in Syria

A member of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and two other people have been killed in a suspected Israeli strike in Syria, the Iranian state news agency IRNA reports.

IRNA said Reza Zarei, a member of the IRGC, had been “killed at dawn today by the usurping Zionist regime”.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights war monitor corroborated the report. It said there were three explosions that shook the centre of Banias on Syria’s Mediterranean coast during the dawn strike on a villa that sheltered “a group affiliated with Iran”.

The organisation said a building was destroyed, killing the Iranian and two other non-Syrians with him.

While Israel does not usually comment on individual strikes, Israeli attacks on Syria have increased since the October 7 Hamas attacks on southern Israel.

South Africa condemns Israel over deaths of Palestinians awaiting aid

South Africa says the killing of Palestinians awaiting aid in Gaza breached the World Court’s provisional orders in a legal case in which Pretoria has accused Israel of committing genocide in the coastal enclave.

Israeli army needs 7,000 new soldiers, says report

Israeli news outlet YNet is reporting that the army needs to bolster its personnel and requires 7,000 new soldiers, half of which would be transferred to maintain its war efforts in Gaza.

India says it is deeply shocked at civilian deaths in Gaza during aid delivery

India says it is deeply shocked at the loss of lives in northern Gaza on Thursday when at least 112 people were killed while waiting for an aid delivery.

“Such loss of civilian lives and the larger humanitarian situation in Gaza continues to be a cause for extreme concern,” the Ministry of External Affairs said in a statement.

EU Commission to send 50 million euros to UNRWA

The European Commission says it will disburse 50 million euros ($54m) to the UN Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA) next week.

As Israel strikes all around it, fear rises in Lebanon’s Sidon

The streets of Lebanon’s third-largest city recall its storied past. Residents navigate the streets and restaurants decorated with the overlapping architectural trends from the Ottoman, Crusader and Mamluk periods.

Ramadan is approaching in early March but many said it would be hard to celebrate. On top of myriad crises, the town carries an acute awareness that a war is raging just kilometres away.

One local journalist who lives just outside Sidon says she used to head to Tyre, a 40-minute drive south down the coast, for a night out, but now simply stays at home.

Until now, Sidon has not been attacked directly by Israel’s military. But it has been sandwiched by attacks on neighbouring towns in recent weeks that have locals worrying about their security.

Families of captives hold protest at US embassy in Israel

The families of captives held by Hamas in Gaza are protesting outside the US embassy in Tel Aviv, asking for President Biden’s assistance in securing a deal.

The crowd demanded Biden put pressure on the Israeli government to reach an agreement with Hamas that would secure their captives’ release.

The rally was taking place as a group of family members staged the third leg of a four-day march to Jerusalem.



Nukka shut the fuck up.

Literally do not care.

You apply the same stupid defeatism to absolutely everything, and it's not because you're any more enlightened than anyone else, it's likely because you see the same bad odds as everybody else does and you feel that you, personally, have something to lose.


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Airdrops ‘close to the worst way to deliver aid’, says former US disaster relief official

“You only resort to [airdrops] when there is something on the ground blocking you from using better forms of transportation,” Jeremy Konyndyk, the president of Refugees International and a former disaster relief official in the [former US President Barack] Obama and [US President Joe] Biden administrations, told Al Jazeera.

“They’re very expensive, they’re dangerous because there’s a lot that can go wrong when things drop and they deliver a very small volume of aid. Relative to the level of need that exists in Gaza today, this is not enough to make a meaningful dent in the humanitarian crisis.

“You have to ask, why is this necessary? Well, it’s necessary because over the last nearly five months, the Israeli military offensive has made it virtually impossible for normal humanitarian operations to exist in Gaza,” Konyndyk added.

“They could be opening more border crossings – they have refused to do that. Even the two crossings in the south that are open have seen their volumes decline in the last few weeks. And they’ve made it very difficult for humanitarian groups to operate within Gaza – there have been air strikes on humanitarian facilities, there was a naval strike on a UN food convoy heading to the north that was actually [previously] stopped at an Israeli checkpoint at the time.”

“So this resort to air strikes is a reflection of how impossible the Israeli government has made it to conduct normal and frankly more effective humanitarian operations inside Gaza.”



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When America sends pilots to drop aid, it's not sending its best.


Israeli government has no right to exist: Liberman

Israeli opposition MP and Yisrael Beiteinu leader Avigdor Liberman has called for early polls in the country.

“The government has run its course, it’s no longer able to lead nor unite us… it has no right to exist,” he said in an interview with the army radio quoted by the Israeli media.

“I gave the government credit for five months, but after the last ten days, the government has no right to exist and we must have elections,” he added.

In the previous months, Liberman said that the country needed unity at the time of war, taking a stance against early elections.


Joe Biden confuses Gaza with Ukraine in airdrop announcement

President says US will ‘insist’ Israel does more to facilitate help, saying ‘children’s lives are on the line’

Joe Biden twice confused Gaza with Ukraine as he was announcing that the US would provide desperately needed aid to Palestinians.

The US president, 81, confirmed on Friday that humanitarian assistance would be airdropped into Gaza and said the US would “insist” Israel did more to facilitate help for those affected by famine and the effects of war, saying: “Children’s lives are on the line”.

Biden twice mistakenly referred to airdrops to help “Ukraine”, leaving White House officials to clarify he was in fact talking about Gaza.

Biden made the announcement while hosting the Italian prime minister, Giorgia Meloni, in Washington.

He said: “Aid flowing to Gaza is nowhere nearly enough. Innocent lives are on the line and children’s lives are on the line. We won’t stand by until we get more aid in there. We should be getting hundreds of trucks in, not just several.”

Speaking in the White House on Friday, the US president said: “In the coming days, we are going to join with our friends in Jordan and others who are providing airdrops of additional food and supplies in Ukraine [sic].”

Biden said the US would “seek to continue to open up other avenues in Ukraine [sic], including the possibility a marine corridor to deliver large amounts of humanitarian assistance. In addition to expanding deliveries by land, we are going to insist Israel facilitate more trucks and more routes to get more and more people the help they need.”

The United Arab Emirates, Egypt, France, Jordan and the UK have already carried out airdrops.



>You really think democracy is a story or a feeling, don't you?
This is an ideological battle that began with Bush era neocons claiming that they were bombing people for democracy and freedom. It was insane then and it still is now. Therefore the ideological battle is about describing their wars as interference to democracy.

>If you are building organization now, you have failed.

Stop trying to demoralize people who want to organize peace protests. It worked at creating political pressure to end the Vietnam war.


>In any event, Israel and Gaza are two different "demoses"
<implying 2 state solution
Sounds like official doctrine.

History is clearly moving towards a 1-State solution. Because Zionists are physically destroying the state of Palestine and they are politically destroying Israel. Once all the Zionist murder violence has subsided, a new state will be formed that will welcome Jews and Palestinians as equals, they'll become one demos.


Missed this one from 2 months ago. Apparently the sheer amount of bombing caused a normally-underground fungus to spread and infect people above ground, including IDF soldiers in Gaza, one of whom it killed.

… Hamashroom?


Galloway's incredible here.


this is just made up bullshit to cover up deaths from resistance operations. israel is hiding the true number of IOF troops killed by the resistance in Gaza, and then the few deaths they are forced to admit, they will sometimes try to attribute it to friendly fire, disease, bad driving, or in this especially ridiculous case, fungi.


The IDF released a killer-mushroom ?

That's worrying.

PopSci half-knowledge incoming:
A deadly and infectious fungus would probably wipe out humanity at our current technology level. We don't have many anti-fungus medicines (compared to powerful anti-biotic and anti-viral medicines). We mostly rely on human bodies being too warm for most fungi. Vital internal organs, residing deep inside the body where it's nice and warm usually can't get invaded by a fungus. Though you can get stinky feet from a fungus living on your skin because temperature-wise that's low enough.

However People have been digging in the ground for millennia, one would think that if there was a deadly fungus plague lurking in the ground, we'd already found it and gone extinct long ago. Then again IDF bombs aren't exactly like plows or shovels.

Now i'm worried that somebody will attempt to make a bio-weapon out of it, and we'll become mould-people.


>this is just made up bullshit to cover up deaths
i hope that's true, a lurking death-fungus just beneath the surface is worse




Doubt tbh.

Or at least I actually wouldn't be surprised if the 'friendly fire' & explosives mishandling numbers are real. Like that time they said 21 of their guys were taken out by staying too long in a house they'd rigged to explode - how is that less embarrassing than getting killed directly by enemy fighters?


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‘It’s time to destroy Hamas, Kamala’: Israeli minister

Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir has called on to “destroy” Harris hours after she demanded “immediate” ceasefire.

“It’s time to destroy Hamas, Kamala,” Ben-Gvir posted on X on Monday before a meeting between the US vice president and Israeli war cabinet minister Benny Gantz.

Israel has been running a brutal military campaign since October 7, when the Palestinian Hamas group carried out a deadly attack inside Israel. Israel has refused to cease fire saying it wants total defeat of Hamas.

Netanyahu is reportedly annoyed by Gantz’s visit to the US without his approval.

Harris bluntly called out Israel on Sunday for not doing enough to ease a “humanitarian catastrophe” in Gaza.

“People in Gaza are starving. The conditions are inhumane and our common humanity compels us to act,” said Harris who also appeared to refute the Israeli narrative of the “flour massacre”.



>the Israeli narrative of the “flour massacre”.
What's that ?
Did somebody bake bread for hungry Palestinians or something ?


What's what? The narrative or the flour massacre?

The flour massacre was a recent incident in which 118 Palestinians in Gaza were killed by Israeli gunfire while they were getting flour off of a truck.

The Israeli narrative has shifted a couple times - first it was "we didn't do it" and "it was a stampede," then it was "we fired on them (from tanks, drones ,etc.) because they were scawwy," etc.


>The flour massacre was a recent incident in which 118 Palestinians in Gaza were killed by Israeli gunfire while they were getting flour off a truck.
I remember that incident, i didn't know it was called flour massacre. Thanks for clearing that up.

>The Israeli narrative has shifted a couple times - first it was "we didn't do it" and "it was a stampede," then it was "we fired on them (from tanks, drones ,etc.) because they were scawwy," etc.

It looks like they used food as bait to lure hungry civilians into a trap. Pretty heinous stuff.

Lol at the stampede threatening drones and tanks.


Yemen’s Houthis confirm missile strike on ‘Israeli ship’ MSC Sky

Military spokesman for Yemeni Houthis Yahya Saree confirms during his latest televised statement that the group successfully hit the MSC Sky in the Arabian Sea, which he identified as an “Israeli ship”.

Saree said the cargo vessel was targeted with anti-ship missiles and was directly hit, appearing to confirm earlier reports by British maritime observers that an Israeli-affiliated, Liberia-flagged container ship sailing from Singapore to Djibouti was hit.

The military spokesman said this came hours after the Houthis launched ballistic missiles and drones at several US warships in the Red Sea.

“Through these two operations,” Saree said, “the Yemeni Armed Forces confirm their ability to target warships and non-warships simultaneously, and that their operations are escalating and continuing in the Red and Arab Seas, the Gulf of Aden, and Bab al-Mandeb, until the aggression stops and the siege on the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip is lifted.”

Employee of US embassy in Israel dies

US State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller has confirmed media reports of the death of a “direct hire” employee of the embassy but did not offer many details.

“I can confirm the death of a direct hire of the US embassy employee in Jerusalem,” Miller said during a news briefing.

“It’s an incident that is under investigation,” he continued, saying this is a step that is always taken when an employee dies and there is no indication of foul play.

Miller confirmed that the person is an American citizen but would not say what job he or she did for the embassy.

We will bring you more updates on this matter as soon as they become available.

US Muslim groups denounce planned event to sell occupied Palestinian land

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the US’s largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organisation, along with American Muslims for Palestine (AMP), have called for a federal probe into a planned “real estate” event at a synagogue in Teaneck, New Jersey, the US.

The event, reportedly organised by “My Home in Israel Real Estate,” a group based in the occupied West Bank, is set to occur on March 10.

In a statement, CAIR’s Dina Sayedahmed said: “Houses of worship should be sacred spaces, and it is deeply concerning to see anyone use a house of worship to allegedly flout international law by selling off stolen land.”

In a statement, AMP’s Chairperson Wassim Kanaan said the groups are mobilising their communities to protest the planned event.

“We are watching Israel commit genocide in Gaza and pillage Palestinians’ homes in the West Bank and Jerusalem. These are both stark violations of international law,” the statement said.

Opinions of American young adults about Israel plummet: Poll

A new Gallup poll finds Americans’ opinions of Israel have gone down in the past year.

According to the poll, 58 percent of Americans have a positive view of Israel, down from 68 percent last year, “the lowest favorable rating for Israel in over two decades”.

The demographic that has seen the greatest swing on Israel is young adults aged 18 to 34. Their positive opinions dropped from 64 percent to 38 percent in the past year.

The poll also found that positive opinions of the Palestinian Authority (PA) dropped from 26 percent to 18 percent, the lowest since 2015.

Growing isolation of US, Israel at UNGA amid ongoing Gaza war

The United Nations has not been able to act given that so many people, now more than 30,000, have died in Gaza.

The comments from Liechtenstein [at the UN General Assembly or UNGA] meeting on the usage of veto power] were interesting and relevant in that they called on UN resolutions that call on the UN Security Council to act when there is credible evidence and their actions could prevent atrocities.

There is growing isolation of Israel and the United States at the UNGA.

The UNGA long ago called for a humanitarian ceasefire [in Gaza], more than three-quarters of member states [agreed].

That goes far beyond the Arab and Islamic world. A number of countries are expressing their support for such action, and their concern about the disregard for international law.

WHO chief shares ‘grim findings’ after agency visits north Gaza hospitals

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus says on X that the World Health Organization (WHO) has visited al-Awda and Kamal Adwan hospitals in northern Gaza over the weekend.

He said the WHO team found “severe levels of malnutrition, children dying of starvation, serious shortages of fuel, food and medical supplies, hospital buildings destroyed”.

“The situation at Al-Awda Hospital is particularly appalling, as one of the buildings is destroyed,” he said in a post on X.

“Kamal Adwan Hospital is the only paediatrics hospital in the north of Gaza and is overwhelmed with patients. The lack of food resulted in the deaths of 10 children. The lack of electricity poses a serious threat to patient care, especially in critical areas like the intensive care unit and the neonatal unit,” Tedros added.

He said the WHO managed to deliver 9,500 litres (2,509 gallons) of fuel to each hospital and some essential medical supplies.

“We appeal to Israel to ensure humanitarian aid can be delivered safely and regularly. Civilians, especially children, and health staff need scaled-up help immediately. But the key medicine all these patients need is peace. Ceasefire,” Tedros added.

Israel ramps up attacks over past 24 hours

There has been a clear increase in Israeli military attacks in the past 24 hours, particularly in the southern parts of Gaza.

At least 17 Palestinians were killed in the latest Israeli barrage of attacks on the Rafah district, which destroyed two houses.

Meanwhile, we have been hearing more loud explosions in the city of Khan Younis, where the Israeli military is still besieging a residential neighbourhood.

The situation is also very dire and critical in the central areas, specifically at the Nuseirat refugee camp, where an Israeli bombardment has wounded civilians.

Smotrich wants Israel’s war on Gaza to continue throughout Ramadan

Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich says “only more pressure on Hamas during Ramadan will force them to kneel” and release the Israeli captives.

“We must not allow Hamas to choose who is released from among our abductors, and the demand must be the release of all abductees,” he said.

His comments came as Qatari and Egyptian mediators met US and Hamas envoys in Cairo for a second day of talks aimed at a pause in fighting before the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan starts next week. Israel has not sent a delegation so far.

‘Limited war’ at Lebanon-Israel border would not be ‘containable’: US envoy

US special envoy Amos Hochstein says after meeting Lebanese Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri in Beirut that “escalation of violence is in no one’s interest, and there is no such thing as a limited war.”

“A temporary ceasefire is not enough. A limited war is not containable,” he added.

Hochstein is on a one-day visit to Lebanon as part of diplomatic efforts to end exchanges of fire between Hezbollah and Israel that have intensified since Israel began its war on Gaza.

It has marked the worst conflict across Lebanon’s southern border since the 2006 war, raising fears of a bigger confrontation.

Israeli medics refuse to provide care to prisoners from Gaza: Human rights group

Physicians for Human Rights Israel says it has documented instances in which Israeli nurses or imaging technicians have declined to provide care to prisoners from Gaza and had to be replaced.

The group said it documented unethical restraining measures and the limited administration of pain medication to patients from the besieged coastal enclave.

Patients are also dehumanised, the group said. They are not referred to by their names but are assigned a five-digit number while being addressed as “almoni” (anonymous), it said. They also undergo treatment with their arms and legs restrained, blindfolded and with minimal clothing, the group added.

“Many medical personnel in Israel have communicated the position that detained Gazans deserve only minimal care to prevent their death, and some have even advocated for the complete denial of access to medical facilities,” the group said in a statement.



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UK is considering banning democracy

I'm wondering whether this is related to George Galloway getting elected.

Galloway would talk about the genocide in Gaza and all the UK involvement. Hence forth the political strata would no longuer be able to enforce a type of omerta-silence within their ranks, and that means a part of their propaganda strategy will fail. It will become very difficult for them to exclude certain topics from public debate.

I don't know enough about the UK political system, can they actually do that ? Public opinion overwhelmingly opposes the genocide in Gaza, so will political persecution against UK politicians for opposing the genocide get the Nelson Mandela effect ? (Political repression against a person ends up boosting their political capital to stratospheric levels)

Are they going to boost Galloway to UK prime minister ?


>Employee of US embassy in Israel dies
Anybody care to speculate what this was about ?
Is it Zionists killing US diplomacy personnel ?


US Girl Scouts troop told to stop fundraising for Gaza children: Report

Girl Scout leaders in Missouri, the US, threatened legal action against a troop that made bracelets to raise funds for starving children in Gaza, the Associated Press reports.

Girl Scouts of the USA said its eastern Missouri chapter was following fundraising rules but that it was “disappointed and disheartened by the tone” of the communication with the troop in St Louis that was raising funds to alleviate the suffering in Gaza.

“We felt like we were targeted, unfairly belittled and unheard,” Nawal Abuhamdeh, a first-generation Palestinian American and the leader of Troop 149 in St Louis, told the AP.

Abuhamdeh said the bracelet fundraising began because the troop was uncomfortable selling Girl Scout Cookies while people starved in Gaza.

The St Louis troop has since disbanded from the Girl Scouts of the USA.


No idea. Could be.


Wow the Zionists have now began bullying little girls, for having compassion with starving children ?
I'm speechless.

>The St Louis troop has since disbanded from the Girl Scouts of the USA.

What does that mean ?
Is that a little organization disconnecting from a big organization, to continue on their own ?


Australia’s PM referred to ICC over support for Israel

A group of Australian lawyers have accused Prime Minister Anthony Albanese of being an “accessory to genocide in Gaza” and asked the International Criminal Court (ICC) to launch an investigation.

The request, endorsed by some 100 Australian lawyers, outlined five actions for the ICC to consider and investigate.

They include decisions by Albanese and his government to freeze $6m in aid to UNRWA, provide military aid to Israel, deploying Australian troops to the region, and permitting Australians to travel to Israel and join the country’s military offensive in Gaza.


I'm not sure, the way they wrote that sentence it makes it sound like they're splitting off over this, but I don't know.


Houthi minister says ships entering Yemeni waters must obtain permit

Houthi Telecommunications Minister Misfer Al-Numair has said that ships entering Yemeni waters must first obtain a permit from the Houthi-controlled Maritime Affairs Authority, according to the news outlet Al Masirah TV.

“[We] are ready to assist requests for permits and identify ships with the Yemeni Navy, and we confirm this is out of concern for their safety,” the Houthi-run outlet quoted him as saying.

The territorial waters included in the order extend halfway into the 20km (12-mile) wide Bab el-Mandeb Strait at the mouth of the Red Sea, through which some 15 percent of the world’s shipping traffic passes.

The Iran-backed Houthis have been attacking shipping vessels in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden since November in protest of Israel’s war on Gaza.

Gantz meets with senior Biden officials as US possibly looks to future Israeli leadership

Shihab Rattansi

"Benny Gantz is meeting with almost all of the senior leadership in the Biden administration when it comes to what’s going on with the US’s green light for Israel.

So it wasn’t just Kamala Harris, the US vice president, but people who are really making the decisions. So Jake Sullivan, National Security adviser, Brett McGurk, the Middle East coordinator for the National Security Council, and then on Tuesday, Antony Blinken, the secretary of state.

It seems we are meant to be looking at this as some kind of slight to Benjamin Netanyahu. The Biden administration is just saying, simply, that Gantz is an important Israeli politician so it is worthwhile speaking to him.

For all this talk of slights and difference in policy, Gantz is in the Israeli war cabinet. There are only three people in the war cabinet, so he clearly has a huge amount of culpability for the sort of atrocities reported on [in Gaza]. So whether this is a huge gulf between the US and Israel is very debatable.

We are getting the sense that perhaps this is a way to feel [Gantz] out because he is the most likely candidate to replace Netanyahu, were there to be elections in Israel."

Vessel steers away from Yemen after taking damage in attack

The cargo vessel that was reportedly targeted earlier today has extinguished a fire on board and is clear of the area near Yemen, according to UK Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO).

US-led coalition forces had responded after the vessel was attacked some 91 nautical miles (168km) southeast of Yemen’s Aden and the crew are reportedly unharmed.

The Houthis in Yemen said they targeted the MSC Sky in the Arabian Sea and identified it as an “Israeli ship”.

UKMTO had said an explosion had occurred near the vessel and another damaging the vessel, appearing to allude to two Houthi antiship missiles launched at the ship.

UNRWA says Israel authorities tortured detained staff

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) has said that Israeli authorities tortured some of its staff members during detention and interrogation.

“Some of our staff have conveyed to UNRWA teams that they were forced to confessions under torture and ill-treatment” while being asked about the October 7 attack on Israel, the agency said in a statement to AFP.



Houthis target two US warships

Yemen’s Houthis carried out a “qualitative military operation in which they targeted two US warship destroyers in the Red Sea,” the group’s military spokesman Yahya Sarea said in a televised speech on Tuesday.

We will bring you more updates on this attack as information comes in.

Iraqi armed group says carried out drone attack in northern Israel

The Islamic Resistance in Iraq says in a statement that it has targeted a power station at the Haifa Airport using drones.

We will bring you more on this as further updates come in.

Iran minister calls for Israel’s expulsion from UN General Assembly

At a meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, Iran’s Foreign Minister Amir Abdollahian has also called for the need to “prevent [Israel] from joining other international organisations”.

“Severing diplomatic relations with this regime, stopping the export of goods to the occupied territories and completely boycotting Israeli goods can be considered some practical measures to support Palestine,” he said in a post on X.

Network connectivity disrupted in Gaza: Watchdog

NetBlocks says there was a notably “high impact” to connectivity in southern Gaza.

“The incident will be experienced as a near-total telecommunications outage by many residents, after months of overall decline since the start of the war,” it added.

Telecommunications have been partially or totally down in the Gaza Strip several times during the course of Israel’s war on the territory, making life harder for Palestinians enduring bombardment and deprivation to receive potentially life-saving information and contact loved ones outside of the Strip.

Israel denies entry of UK relief items to Gaza: MP

Rosena Allin-Khanm, a Labour member of the UK Parliament, says in a post on X that Israeli authorities have denied entry of a British shipment of water filters and solar lights to Gaza.

In October, the UK had said it had delivered essential supplies, including 76,800 wound care packs, 1,350 water filters and 2,560 solar lights “to address the unfolding humanitarian crisis” in the Gaza Strip.

No plans to send troops to Gaza: US

The United States has no plans to send US troops into Gaza to bolster efforts to distribute aid, Air Force Major General Patrick Ryder, the Pentagon’s chief spokesperson, has said at a press conference.

These remarks appear to play down the idea of a US military-run port or other landing site for maritime aid distribution, even as several US officials said the country was exploring a maritime option for aid distribution today.

“At this time there are no plans to put US forces on the ground in Gaza,” he said.

WFP says latest aid delivery attempt to northern Gaza unsuccessful

The Israeli army has returned a convoy of 14 trucks after the vehicles waited for three hours at a checkpoint in Wadi Gaza, the UN’s World Food Program has said.

The convoy is the first of its kind since deliveries to the northern Gaza Strip were suspended on February 20, the UN agency said.

“Although today’s convoy did not make it to the north to provide food to the people who are starving, WFP continues to explore every possible means to do so,” WFP Deputy Executive Director Carl Skau said.

Israel has been blocking the flow of aid into northern Gaza for most of 2024, and has frequently attacked aid seekers who attempt to receive what little aid does make it to the north of the Strip.

Americans more likely to increase their support if candidate favours ceasefire: Poll

According to a poll by the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding, Muslim Americans are eight times more likely to say a presidential candidate’s support for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza increases (64 percent) their support for the candidate.

Muslim Americans form key constituencies in battleground states such as Michigan, Pennsylvania and Virginia, and this is important to note for the 2024 elections, the research organisation with a focus on American Muslims has found.

No prisoner exchange until after ceasefire: Hamas official

Osama Hamdan, a senior Hamas official, has given a press conference in Beirut.

Here are a few key things he said:

There will be no prisoner exchange until after the ceasefire in the Gaza Strip. If the conditions of resistance are not met, the prisoners issue is not on the table. … It is Israel that is blocking the reaching of a ceasefire agreement in the Gaza Strip.
We call on [United Nations chief Antonio] Guterres to dismiss the UN employee who submitted a false report alleging sexual violence committed by the resistance on October 7.
The US administration does not exert any pressure on the occupation during the negotiation process for a ceasefire in Gaza. It is a political farce for America to support Israel’s quest to stop the fighting for only a few weeks and then resume it.
The airdrop of aid meets only a small amount of the needs of the population. We tell Washington that the most important thing, rather than dropping aid, is to stop the supply of weapons to Israel.
Our Arab and Muslim countries must take serious action to stop the genocide.

US sanctions former Israeli official, his spyware company

The US Department of the Treasury says it has sanctioned two people and five entities associated with the Intellexa Consortium “for their role in developing, operating, and distributing commercial spyware technology used to target Americans, including US government officials, journalists, and policy experts”.

The Treasury identified one of the individuals as Tal Dilian, a retired Israeli military intelligence officer, who founded and co-owns Intellexa, the maker of Predator spyware.

According to Reuters News Agency, Dillian launched the company in Israel but later moved abroad, establishing operations in Cyprus and Greece.

In addition to acting as an individual company, Intellexa owns, invests in and also partners with other spyware firms under a consortium model, according to analysts.

“Once a device is infected by the Predator spyware, the spyware can be leveraged for a variety of information stealing and surveillance capabilities—this includes the unauthorized extraction of data, geolocation tracking, and access to a variety of applications and personal information on the compromised device,” Treasury Department officials said in a statement.

Israeli bombardment killed MSF UK board trustee, organisation says

Doctors Without Borders (MSF) says it believes Reem Abu Lebdeh, an associate trustee of the MSF UK board of directors and former staff member in Gaza, was killed sometime in December 2023.

Jewish-Palestinian group organising Gaza aid convoy to border crossing

“Standing Together” is organising a convoy of cars from Tel Aviv, Yafa and Haifa to Karem Abu Salem (Kerem Shalom) border crossing to bring humanitarian aid to Gaza.

The Jewish-Palestinian social justice group says, “The Israeli government does not allow sufficient basic humanitarian aid to get to the hungry millions in Gaza, and when a little aid does enter, battalions of settlers block it. We are not standing by anymore.”

“This coming Thursday, we are all mobilising to demand an end to starvation in Gaza,” the group says.



>Houthis target two US warships
>Yemen’s Houthis carried out a “qualitative military operation in which they targeted two US warship destroyers in the Red Sea,” the group’s military spokesman Yahya Sarea said in a televised speech on Tuesday.
I gotta admit, i did not expect the Houthis being able to engage the US Navi.

>Network connectivity disrupted in Gaza: Watchdog

>NetBlocks says there was a notably “high impact” to connectivity in southern Gaza.
>“The incident will be experienced as a near-total telecommunications outage by many residents, after months of overall decline since the start of the war,” it added.
>Telecommunications have been partially or totally down in the Gaza Strip several times during the course of Israel’s war on the territory, making life harder for Palestinians enduring bombardment and deprivation to receive potentially life-saving information and contact loved ones outside of the Strip.
Yeah that's an ominous sign, like they might be gearing up for a massive slaughter, and they want no images of that getting out.


To date, the only human casualties of Yemen's entire campaign of attacks on ships were 2 US Navy guys a month or three ago.


Looks like Canada is restoring funding to UNRWA.


BT News interview with Houthi spokesman.


>To date, the only human casualties of Yemen's entire campaign of attacks on ships were 2 US Navy guys a month or three ago.
For the amount of geo-political pressure they have exerted that is a very low death count. They must have skilled tacticians and strategists.


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They're incredibly skilled, yes. See >>478856


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PM says Israel will press ahead with Rafah offensive

Benjamin Netanyahu says IsraeI will ignore international pressure and push on with its planned offensive on Rafah – Gaza’s southernmost town, which is full of displaced people living in crowded and unsanitary conditions.

“There is international pressure and it’s growing, but particularly when the international pressure rises, we must close ranks, we need to stand together against the attempts to stop the war,” the Israeli prime minister said.

The military would operate against Hamas all through the Gaza Strip, he said, “including Rafah, the last Hamas stronghold”.

“Whoever tells us not to act in Rafah is telling us to lose the war and that will not happen.”

The United Nations, humanitarian groups and dozens of countries, including Israel’s allies, have warned Israel against launching an offensive into the crammed city, calling such an attack “absolutely catastrophic” and “unconscionable”.

Netanyahu wants ‘Armageddon’, says former Israeli PM

Ehud Olmert, a former Israeli PM and a fierce critic of Netanyahu, has warned that the current Israeli leader could jeopardise the country’s longstanding peace treaty with Egypt if he expands military operations into Rafah.

Speaking on the Haaretz Podcast, Olmert said Netanyahu and his allies in the war cabinet have no interest in stopping the war and even want to go further by inflaming tensions in the occupied West Bank.

Netanyahu and his cohort want “Armageddon that will make it possible to expel many of the Palestinians in the West Bank”, said Olmert.

Israeli forces ‘likely’ shot machinegun at reporters after shelling them

On October 13, an Israeli tank crew fired shells at a clearly marked group of journalists near the Lebanese border, killing one Reuters reporter and injuring six others, including two Al Jazeera reporters.

An analysis by the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO), commissioned by Reuters, has found that the journalists were also targeted with machineguns, likely fired by the same Israeli forces.

“It is considered a likely scenario that a Merkava tank, after firing two tank rounds, also used its machine gun against the location of the journalists,” TNO’s report said.

“The latter cannot be concluded with certainty as the direction and exact distance of [the machinegun] fire could not be established.”

AFP Global News Director Phil Chetwynd, reacting to the finding, said: “If reports of sustained machine gun fire are confirmed, this would add more weight to the theory this was a targeted and deliberate attack.”



South Africa asks World Court for more measures against Israel

THE HAGUE, March 6 (Reuters) - South Africa has asked the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to order additional emergency measures against Israel, which it says is breaching the measures already in place, the U.N.'s top court said on Wednesday.
In its application South Africa warned that Palestinians in Gaza were facing starvation and asked the court to order that all parties cease hostilities and release all hostages and detainees.
In a statement issued Wednesday the South African presidency warned that the people of Gaza cannot wait.
"The threat of all-out famine has now materialised. The court needs to act now to stop the imminent tragedy by immediately and effectively ensuring that the rights it has found are threatened under the Genocide Convention are protected," it added.
South Africa also asked the court to order that Israel take "immediate and effective measures to enable the provision of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian assistance to address famine and starvation" in Gaza.
It added that the ICJ, also known as the World Court, should take these measures without scheduling a new round of hearings because of the "extreme urgency of the situation".
In January the World Court, as the ICJ is also known, ordered Israel to refrain from any acts that could fall under the Genocide Convention and to ensure its troops commit no genocidal acts against Palestinians, after South Africa accused Israel of state-led genocide in Gaza.



>PM says Israel will press ahead with Rafah offensive
>Benjamin Netanyahu says IsraeI will ignore international pressure and push on with its planned offensive on Rafah – Gaza’s southernmost town, which is full of displaced people living in crowded and unsanitary conditions.
So they intent to go full retard, by bunching people up in one spot before making the really big bloodbath.

>“There is international pressure and it’s growing, but particularly when the international pressure rises, we must close ranks, we need to stand together against the attempts to stop the war,” the Israeli prime minister said.

>The United Nations, humanitarian groups and dozens of countries, including Israel’s allies, have warned Israel against launching an offensive into the crammed city, calling such an attack “absolutely catastrophic” and “unconscionable”.
Most of the world is telling them to stop, maybe they should listen.

If they go through with this and massmurder/eject all the Palestinians in Gaza, it won't stop there. Once they run out of sacrificial Palestinians, they will start turning on each other next, a group in Israeli society will get ostracized and othered until they become the next designated sacrificial group. Countless societies have self destructed this way.


Tbh I wouldn't even be that optimistic. Netanyahu will most likely continue to pursue "greater Israel" further into Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, etc. and continue trying to bait Iran.


>Netanyahu will most likely continue to pursue "greater Israel" further into Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, etc
Are they even militarily capable of that ? Starting a war with every neighboring country is a lot harder than blowing up hospitals and children.
>trying to bait Iran.
That's a gambit for roping the US into a massive middle eastern war. I have doubts the US will play along with that in current conditions.

Although you are correct that Netanyahu will definitely seek to stir more war as a means to postpone the end of his hold on political power.


>Are they even militarily capable of that ?
>Starting a war with every neighboring country is a lot harder than blowing up hospitals and children.
Well, it's that or go to jail, and he's doubled down so hard on "not going to jail" that at this point he would actually stand trial for war crimes if he was arrested. Israel wouldn't try him, but once he was locked up he wouldn't have any control over where he went next.

His ideal here is to have the US rush in and save him… or just rely on ramping up the political capture of "sympathetic states" - Biden is already a Zionist stooge, and Trump could conceivably ensure an even greater (??? !!!) long-term hold by Zionists over the American state by way of Project 2025… if it's possible to outsimp Biden. Tbc this change would probably be less significant in terms of military support (though I don't know) than in terms of willingness to crush any opposition to Zionism/ethnonationalism domestically.

>That's a gambit for roping the US into a massive middle eastern war.

>I have doubts the US will play along with that in current conditions.
The US has been insanely compliant in taking a bunch of damage and doing a bunch of bombings on behalf of Israel against regional folks who are mad about what Israel is doing. America's leaders are fully intent on opening themselves up to commit genocide with their own armies, as well as setting the stage for World War III. They haven't been acting rationally in terms of avoiding that sort of thing, and there's no reason to expect them to start; it's entirely up to us to stop them.
>Although you are correct that Netanyahu will definitely seek to stir more war as a means to postpone the end of his hold on political power.



So far, a shocking 91,288 civilians have been displaced - 37 % of whom are children and 33 % of whom are women - and 42 civilian lives, including 7 children, have been tragically lost. 2 3 50 schools have also already closed, depriving 60,000 children’s access to education in the region. Further, 9 primary healthcare centers have closed due to the security situation. 4 5

The financial impact of the ongoing hostilities on Southern Lebanon has amounted to 1.2 billion USD in direct losses including affected agricultural lands, with an additional 300 million USD in indirect losses, including businesses affected. 6 Independent researchers have also noted that 520 residences have been damaged, while 3,300 others have incurred partial damages.

Worryingly, the unlawful use of white phosphorus munitions is a threat to civilian lives and agricultural lands, particularly in a region heavily reliant on agriculture for livelihood, with 47,000 olive trees and other crops already destroyed. 7 8

These figures are extremely distressing in a country reeling from its worst economic crisis in decades, where the ongoing escalation of violence will continue to have a dramatic impact on civilian populations in the country, many of whom are already dependent on humanitarian assistance for basic needs.



People’s Protection Force patrols Gaza market

Groups of masked and armed men, called the People’s Protection Committee, are patrolling Rafah, on the lookout for black market pricing.




Live now in DC, state of the union protest.



We watching it together. Come on in.


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>These remarks appear to play down the idea of a US military-run port or other landing site for maritime aid distribution, even as several US officials said the country was exploring a maritime option for aid distribution today.

welp, that didn't last.

Biden to announce plan for temporary aid port on Gaza’s coast

President Joe Biden will announce the plan in his State of the Union address, a senior US official told Al Jazeera.

The official said the operation will not require American troops to be on the ground, and that US personnel will remain on ships as they deliver aid, the first shipment of which will come from Cyprus.

The official did not provide details about how the pier would be built, but said that it would take several weeks, and that the US would coordinate with the Israeli army regarding the security situation on Gaza’s coast.


Doctors worry US aid plan will fail to reach Gaza in time

Doctors in Gaza are concerned that the American plan to build a temporary port off Gaza’s coast to step up the delivery of humanitarian aid will be too little, too late.

Saleh Al-Hams, Director of Nursing at Gaza European Hospital, told Al Jazeera that the US plan comes as the war enters its sixth month.

“Where has the American conscience been for 153 days since the beginning of the war, as people in the Gaza Strip are under constant bombardment?”, he said.

The construction of the pier “may take several weeks, meaning that our people will continue to suffer” in the meantime, including the many injured in need of life-saving care. What is “reprehensible”, he said, is that the pier would be only a few kilometres from the Rafah border, where hundreds of trucks are lined up waiting permission to enter.

The focus should rather be on “lifting the siege on the Gaza Strip and opening the crossings to bring in everything the people of Gaza need,” he added.



Israeli generals should face justice at The Hague, not touring US and UK: Marwan Bishara

''Al Jazeera’s Senior Political Analyst Marwan Bishara says any efforts by South Africa or the International Court of Justice to push Israel to take extra measures to protect civilian life in Gaza are unlikely to have any effect and that Israel's weaponization of hunger in Gaza is a deliberate and particularly sadistic war crime and genocidal attempt at killing Palestinians quietly.

“It seems like they can rest assured that the United States will protect them as it has in the past,” he said.

“It’s been five months of more of the same. The Israelis, the Americans tell us, give them assurances that they will allow humanitarian aid that will reduce the casualties among the Palestinians, but they don’t do that. They don’t follow through. If anything, it is turning into an insult to injury.”

“Israel is humiliating its allies. It’s embarrassing its partners in the West, and it continues to carry on with his genocide.”


Things may be heating up in Egypt.


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Five people reported dead by airdropped aid after parachute failure

Al Jazeera’s Hani Mahmoud, reporting from Rafah, says there are reports of at least five people being crushed to death after being hit by aid packages airdropped to Gaza.

The parachute that was used to airdrop the aid did not open, causing the boxes to fall on people who were gathering in large numbers to collect the aid, the correspondent said.

Two people were killed on the spot while three were severely injured and later died at Kamal Adwan Hospital, according to initial reports.

“This is the tragedy people are experiencing in the north of Gaza. Not only are they confronted with the lack of food and medical supplies, but as they wait for packages of food they are either targeted by the Israeli military or killed by a non-functional parachute,” Mahmoud said.



If they aren't militarily capable of attacking all those countries, then Netanyahu intends to sacrifice the IDF soldiers for his sake ? Won't they refuse his marching orders to certain death?

You are correct that the US state is not behaving rationally, otherwise it would have halted arms supplies to Israel for the sake of preserving US diplomatic prestige and global standing. Sending weapons is one thing, but making a big middle eastern ground invasion happen, that's another. Neither the troops nor the population will go along with that. The Iraq/Afghanistan/Syra/… forever-war experience is too fresh, they won't be repeating that until another 20 years have passed.

I suppose you are also correct that the Zionist lobby is likely pushing for political violence against the exercise of democracy and peace.
The thing is that ethno-nationalism is the political form of colonial imperialism, while the US is an empire it is not a colonial empire. Attempting to impose a fundamentally incompatible superstructure will result in extreme political instability and nasty consequences.
You might however be incorrect in your assumption that the right wing faction in US bourgeois politics are in alignment with Zionist goals. Their intentions probably are to use Zionists as a means to expel Jews from the US to Israel. They likely do not intent to back Israel in a big fight because they're gunning for a conflict in Asia.

>America's leaders are fully intent on opening themselves up to commit genocide with their own armies, as well as setting the stage for World War III.

WWIII might already have begun, and we're not recognizing it as such because it's in the early stages. We might have failed to prevent it from starting and now need to change our strategy to seek ways to end it.


>If they aren't militarily capable of attacking all those countries, then Netanyahu intends to sacrifice the IDF soldiers for his sake ?

Netanyahu has a few things at his disposal:
1. A greedy, cowardly US leadership which will, under Biden or Trump, go along with him and probably deploy troops* if Israel's gov't faces a genuine threat as a consequence of its own actions.
2. A greedy, cowardly UK gov't which might be even more likely to deploy troops if the US doesn't feel like doing it that day.
3. Nukes.

It's fair to say that he doesn't give a shit about IDF soldiers, although the Israeli military is also cowardly to a fault. They avoid risks even when those risks would be tactically necessary for achieving (alleged legitimate) goals; losses are minimized because they prefer to bomb and snipe anything that moves, rather than to directly pursue military targets. A larger war with a military with an airforce would wreck them, and yes, that prospect doesn't bother Netanyahu. He wants the US to come in and save him, and if that doesn't work he'll keep this going and keep escalating until it fully destroys Israel, and this will probably mean resorting to the 'Samson Option.'

*outside of special ops, provided there aren't any regular US army guys there already…

>Won't they refuse his marching orders to certain death?

Probably not, but anything's possible.

>You are correct that the US state is not behaving rationally, otherwise it would have halted arms supplies to Israel for the sake of preserving US diplomatic prestige and global standing. Sending weapons is one thing, but making a big middle eastern ground invasion happen, that's another. Neither the troops nor the population will go along with that. The Iraq/Afghanistan/Syra/… forever-war experience is too fresh, they won't be repeating that until another 20 years have passed.

That's what I'd have thought, but I think they're stupid enough to try again "while they still can." They're incredibly disconnected.

>You might however be incorrect in your assumption that the right wing faction in US bourgeois politics are in alignment with Zionist goals. Their intentions probably are to use Zionists as a means to expel Jews from the US to Israel. They likely do not intent to back Israel in a big fight because they're gunning for a conflict in Asia.

I think the mistake here is to assume that expelling Jews from the US is in conflict with Zionist goals. Many Zionists at this point are more hostile towards anti-Zionist Jews than they are to pro-Zionist anti-Semites.

Zionists, either way, support them, and put a whole lot of money behind right-wing politics in America. War with Asia would also fit into a broader Fascist project, and Israel has been instrumental in sneaking it in. There is a common urge, here, for 'western powers' to shake off any remnant of the post-WWII order and start doing WWII shit again.

>WWIII might already have begun, and we're not recognizing it as such because it's in the early stages. We might have failed to prevent it from starting and now need to change our strategy to seek ways to end it.

I mean, for me it's the same strategy either way. I agree that we're at the start of it. Ukraine was the prelude, Israel-Palestine-Syria-Lebanon-Iran-Yemen-Iraq is more-or-less the start, and other things (Venezuelan troops building up at the Guyana border, American politicians ramping up Mexican "invasion" rhetoric, huge arms shipments to Taiwan, etc.) are setting things up to escalate in several other theaters. Whether this conception is its own lifeform yet, either way we need to prepare to abort it, and we also need contingency plans.


>Lee Camp is back on Youtube
Hasn't he had his accounts censored on Youtube multiple times now.


Video piece talking about the recent deadly aid drop.

Apparently, yes.


I think Netanyahu can get the US to drop bombs or launch missiles, but he will not get US troops on the ground. I doubt that the UK currently can mobilize it's military, it's been materially depleted from supplying the Ukraine-war. The UK navy had to retreat from the red sea because their ships malfunctioned. Also the current UK Prime minister was not elected (just appointed because the previous prime minister had to step down or something). He will be swept out of office with great ease if he tries entering a an extremely unpopular war.

You however are right to point out that Israel has nukes, but if they try to use those offensively to invade other countries. They make them selves a threat to all the countries in that region, which is picking a fight with half a billion people. Israel would be annihilated worse than Nazi Germany. No western government would find it politically viable to side with them.

>I think they're stupid enough to try

I believe they'll be unable to make the US military machine invade and occupy countries in the middle east. It seems more likely they'll generate a huge political crisis.

>I think the mistake here is to assume that expelling Jews from the US is in conflict with Zionist goals. Many Zionists at this point are more hostile towards anti-Zionist Jews than they are to pro-Zionist anti-Semites.

OK but they would be trying to round up millions of people. The Zionist lobby is very powerful, but that would be enough to get rid of them.

>War with Asia would also fit into a broader Fascist project

China has an industrial base of unimaginable size, if that ever were to be converted to war production, the destruction would be indescribable. Lets not forget they would be able to rally 70-80% of the world to side with them, the fascist project must be about provoking the world to step on them.

>I mean, for me it's the same strategy either way. I agree that we're at the start of it. Ukraine was the prelude, Israel-Palestine-Syria-Lebanon-Iran-Yemen-Iraq is more-or-less the start, and other things (Venezuelan troops building up at the Guyana border, American politicians ramping up Mexican "invasion" rhetoric, huge arms shipments to Taiwan, etc.) are setting things up to escalate in several other theaters. Whether this conception is its own lifeform yet, either way we need to prepare to abort it, and we also need contingency plans.

Maybe this unfurling catastrophe may yet be halted, but how would you get people to realize they're already in WW3. While their shoes are wet it doesn't yet look like a flood.


Iraq has apparently recently resumed attacks on Israeli targets.


There were doing that in the first place? How do they get away with it while the US is still occupying their country?


>There were doing that in the first place?
The Iraqi government officially commanded the US cease it's military operations in Iraq, and the US just ignored them, after that they stopped giving a shit.
>How do they get away with it while the US is still occupying their country?
The US presence in Iraq is not that big anymore, and most US bases are in range of Iranian missile batteries. If they bully the Iraqis to much they might run to the Iranians for help. That would threaten the US's grip on the oil. The oil has a higher priority.


I believe it's technically some, uh, militias who were doing it. I think it's one of those complicated scenarios where the Iraqi gov't is openly in favor of the militia, but also doesn't sign off directly on everything they do. Iirc someone from the Iranian Revolutionary Guard actually came in and told them to cool it down last time.


South Africa Holds A 2nd Dialogue on Israel

Naledi Pandor says early on that when South Africans who have gone to fight for the IDF come back to SA, they'll be arrested.


Another banger from this guy - I missed a lot of this stuff.

There's apparently been a mass exodus of Israeli spokesmen, and also the US apparently recently vetoed a UN resolution to condemn Israel for the flour massacre. Even the UK voted 'yes' on that resolution.


also see vidrel


March 5th:

EU resumes funding to UN refugee agency for the Palestinian population

The European Commission decided last Friday to allocate funding to support the Palestinian population through the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) and other international partners amid growing concerns about the humanitarian situation in Gaza, following the deadly aid convoy incident last week.

The decision follows the Commission decision on 29 January to assess its funding to UNRWA in light of the allegations that implicated UNRWA staff in Hamas’ terrorist attack on Israel on 7 October. In its decision on Friday, the Commission welcomed the investigations launched by the UN. It also reached an agreement with UNRWA about an audit of the agency to be conducted by EU appointed external experts.

The Commission had said that it would review the EU funding to UNRWA in light of the outcome of the investigations but it will not wait for that outcome. Instead, it has decided on what the Commission chief spokesperson described as a complex financial structure for the total funding of €275 million of aid to the Palestinian population in Gaza and across the region in 2024.

The sum of €68 million will be allocated by the Commission’s aid office ECHO through international partners like the Red Cross and the Red Crescent. €82 million of aid will be implemented through UNRWA. Out of this sum, €50 million will be prepaid already this week and the remaining €22 million later depending on the implementation of the agreement with the agency.

Furthermore, the Commission decided to allocate €125 million of humanitarian aid for Palestinians for 2024. UNRWA is not excluded from implementing this funding. The first €16 million of the amount was contracted last Friday.



UNRWA report says Israel coerced some agency employees to falsely admit Hamas links

March 8 (Reuters) - The U.N. agency for Palestinian refugees said some employees released into Gaza from Israeli detention reported having been pressured by Israeli authorities into falsely stating that the agency has Hamas links and that staff took part in the Oct. 7 attacks.

The assertions are contained in a report by the U.N. Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) reviewed by Reuters and dated February 2024 which detailed allegations of mistreatment in Israeli detention made by unidentified Palestinians, including several working for UNRWA.

UNRWA communications director Juliette Touma said the agency planned to hand the information in the 11-page, unpublished report to agencies inside and outside the U.N. specialised in documenting potential human rights abuses.

"When the war comes to an end there needs to be a series of inquiries to look into all violations of human rights," she said.

The document said several UNRWA Palestinian staffers had been detained by the Israeli army, and added that the ill-treatment and abuse they said they had experienced included severe physical beatings, waterboarding, and threats of harm to family members.

"Agency staff members have been subject to threats and coercion by the Israeli authorities while in detention, and pressured to make false statements against the Agency, including that the Agency has affiliations with Hamas and that UNRWA staff members took part in the 7 October 2023 atrocities,” the report says.



huh, that got fixed unusually quick.

They must have realized the allegation were a scheme to starve the Palestinians.


Eh, it took them like a month.

Yes, though, they've realized it was bullshit. Tbh it took them way longer than it should have.


>it took them like a month.
A month to make 50 million in funding happening, idk that seems fast.
>they've realized it was bullshit. Tbh it took them way longer than it should have.
Well to those that have been paying attention to Israels conduct over the years it was obvious that they were trying to starve the Palestinians. But for everybody else i guess there was a learning curve.


>A month to make 50 million in funding happening, idk that seems fast.
I mean, it took them basically no time at all (and no evidence) to stop funding UNRWA before.


Speculation about Biden's proposed port and the road Israel built through Gaza.


Deliberate killing of unarmed civilian: Video of Israeli soldier shooting elderly Palestinian


‘Cannot bear what we’re witnessing’: Major march in London

Tens of thousands of pro-Palestine supporters marched in central London calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

Demonstrators waved Palestinian flags and carried banners reading, “Stop the war on Gaza”, as they marched from Hyde Park Corner to the US Embassy.

Ben Jamal, the director of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, said it was the 10th national march and was “unprecedented” in recent UK political history to see “this many people marching for this length of time”.

Singer Charlotte Church said she joined the protest to “show solidarity with the people of Palestine for all that they are suffering through”.

“We’re all here because we cannot bear what we’re witnessing. We cannot bear to see civilians – children, women – slaughtered. And so we are here because our hearts are so full of love for the Palestinian people,” Church said.




Chief rabbi threatens ultra-Orthodox mass exodus if they are forced into Israeli army

The Sephardi Chief Rabbi of Israel, Yitzhak Yosef, threatened a mass departure of ultra-Orthodox Jews from Israel if the government ended the community’s exemption from mandatory military enlistment.

“If you force them to go to the army, we’ll all move abroad,” Yosef was quoted as saying by Israeli media.

He added that Israeli soldiers “only succeed thanks to those learning Torah”, instead of enlisting in the army.

As Israel’s war on Gaza and its border fighting with Lebanon’s Hezbollah expands, the governing coalition is under pressure to end the exemption enjoyed by the ultra-Orthodox community, prompting a strong backlash from members.

Anti-government demonstrators out on the streets in Tel Aviv

Many anti-government protesters are once more taking to the streets of Tel Aviv in weekly demonstrations calling for the release of captives in Gaza and early elections.

Video online and reports show protesters chanting slogans against the Netanyahu-led government and demanding more be done by authorities on releasing Israelis still held in the besieged enclave.

As with previous gatherings, Israeli police were seen clashing with angry protesters.

Hope for a captive-prisoner exchange agreement with Hamas before Ramadan has died down in recent days.

Egypt’s president: Rebuilding Gaza could cost $90bn

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi said during a speech marking Martyrs’ and Veterans’ Day in Egypt that rebuilding Gaza after the end of the war could cost more than $90bn.

Much of the besieged enclave has been reduced to rubble as a result of five months of non-stop Israeli attacks, and Gaza’s government says 80 percent of homes are now rendered uninhabitable.

Spanish PM says he will push for Palestinian state recognition

Pedro Sanchez announced he will push Congress to recognise a Palestinian state before the end of his mandate in 2027.

“We will do it because of moral conviction, because it’s a just cause, but also because it is the only way that two states – Israel and Palestine – can live together and coexist in peace and security,” Sanchez said.

The Spanish leader is the highest-ranking and most well-known European official to condemn Israel for its attack on Gaza, joined only by politicians in Ireland and Belgium.

In December, Sanchez said given “the footage we are seeing and the growing numbers of children dying, I have serious doubts [Israel] is complying with international humanitarian law”.



>I mean, it took them basically no time at all (and no evidence) to stop funding UNRWA before.
Yeah that wasn't a good look. We don't really know what was going on behind the scenes. My guess would be they got duped by the Israelis. They probably were accused of funding terrorist activities and then pulled the plug in a panic move and it took a while to see through the ruse.

I doubt that it was malice, because they could have dragged this out. Tbh I did not expect them to basically just put UNWRA back and make it resume.


>The Sephardi Chief Rabbi of Israel, Yitzhak Yosef, threatened a mass departure of ultra-Orthodox Jews from Israel if the government ended the community’s exemption from mandatory military enlistment.

I wonder how they managed to get that exemption in the first place, considering how insanely militarized Israel is. I also wonder if there is a pacification strategy in there somewhere, that can be generalized to ramp up the difficulty of waging war.


The rules and more rules, for one. For another, the "little people" were not happy to be ruled by the Zionist elite who were very much into the European and British conceits about who was superior to whom, and the Zionist elite made it clear who stood where in the new country. This setup was intended to motivate the lower classes to become settlers, so they would expropriate Arab land and would be told "this is the only way", while the opulent minority received all of the benefits. Basically, it didn't take long to realize that they were sent to a scam. Many of the people who came to Israel either had nowhere else to go, or believed the propaganda that there was a new opportunity and only learned afterwards that it was a trap. Once they were in, they were reminded that if they quit, they had nothing to go back to, while the elite had dual-citizenship.
For an American comparison - most of the white people who came to the country were indentured servants, and the promise given to them was land once their term of servitude was complete. Sometimes the land was paid out - in this way a peasant population could be raised to actually hold the land, since it was just servants, black slaves, and some merchants who ran the joint.
Now put that model into the hands of what is basically a mafia organization, put it in the 20th century against opponents who already have cities, technologies, and armies, and tell them to do the same thing and make it work - while being propped up with a ridiculously large funding stream from around the world. That's Israel - basically the American colonies but completely evil and given all sorts of goodies from the rest of the world, while the American colonists were basically told "here are some guns, go kill some Indians and don't come running back". It's a very different construct in colonial America because the merchant class didn't have that great an animosity towards their social inferiors, and did not see themselves for the most part as a distinct race or ideology. The Zionist elite saw themselves as the best and the brightest from the outset and ran a far more ruthless operation, waging a war against an enemy that was able to mount full scale wars and were tied into a geopolitical struggle.

Things like this inform a lot of the US-Israel cooperation, how both see the other - they are alike in many ways, but different in some very important details, and rather than acknowledge anything real or mechanical, it's all reduced in bad ideology to "Jews are made of magic and do evil" or "Americans are stupid and evil and will obey our orders" or "Israel did nothing and it was all a dastardly Yankee plot because it's really the Americans who control all evil and we have to destroy the Greatest Satan ever." There are a lot of mashed-up histories which convenient ignore how many European countries were happy to throw the poorer Jews who survive to the new country and tell them to eat shit.
All of this is to say, if you have such a shitty foundation for a country, a lot of people are not going to become conscripts just from that. Then you consider the Jewish religion's attitude towards military service, the state, and whether Israel as-is can even be a legitimate state. That isn't just an ideological or political matter of convenience, but a religious matter. Serving something they consider evil in that way is something Israel can't make them accept. His threat to leave en masse is not an idle threat - they can leave now if they really have to, and as it is, a whole lot of people are getting the fuck out of Dodge.


Key word being "ultra-orthodox" of course, so the religious justifications are brought to the forefront and reinforce themselves, in a way "ultra-orthodox Christians" wouldn't be similarly induced in most cases. I guess you could make a comparison about conscripting the Amish in America which will not sell, but the Amish weren't told to toil at the bottom rung of American society and the Amish usually - with permission - segregated themselves from wider American society because that's what their sect teaches, and the Americans really didn't have an issue with that.


The final part of this is that Israel now is not the Israel that started. They gained many experience levels in the art of evil and poured all of their skill points in the torture wagon since 2000. In the past, going along with Israel was more acceptable for the people, because they believed that there was something to stand for except torture porn and being a haven for pederasts, and those aspects were not as overpowering as they are now. If the situation is unacceptable, a lot more people will turn to an ultra-orthodox religious sect which says "fuck that". There were fewer ultra-orthodox people in the past because the world and their country wasn't so shitty.
Obviously there's other shit going on - intra-Jewish squabbles, the orthodox being perfectly happy to settle land while the others did the fighting - but basically, Israel cranked up the evil meter as high as they could and believed that being this offensive and brazen would scare everyone else in the world into giving in to their demands. Eventually someone tells the dips to shut the fuck up, and this is what is happening presently.


I didn't expect that either either. I think it's mostly been down to pressure - I wouldn't assume a lack of malice on their part, that they were so ready to do this with zero evidence suggests to me that they, at least, had a very willing bias in Israel's favor. They've got malicious motivations, but the degree of their evil just doesn't quite match that of the US.


>I think Netanyahu can get the US to drop bombs or launch missiles, but he will not get US troops on the ground. I doubt that the UK currently can mobilize it's military, it's been materially depleted from supplying the Ukraine-war. The UK navy had to retreat from the red sea because their ships malfunctioned. Also the current UK Prime minister was not elected (just appointed because the previous prime minister had to step down or something). He will be swept out of office with great ease if he tries entering a an extremely unpopular war.

I wouldn't put it past the US to try to enter an incredibly unpopular ground offensive in Gaza at this point. Afaik the airstrikes they've been conducting against Yemen, Iraq, and Syria aren't particularly popular either.

The UK has been trying to remilitarize lately, and although Sunak is unelected and nobody likes him, Starmer is an absolute worm who would probably take on this project if he gets in office. It'll need to be somebody else.

>You however are right to point out that Israel has nukes, but if they try to use those offensively to invade other countries. They make them selves a threat to all the countries in that region, which is picking a fight with half a billion people. Israel would be annihilated worse than Nazi Germany. No western government would find it politically viable to side with them.

Countries in the region already see them as a threat, and I think Netanyahu-and-friends would unironically prefer nuclear annihilation to prison. It's a death cult.

>I believe they'll be unable to make the US military machine invade and occupy countries in the middle east. It seems more likely they'll generate a huge political crisis.

Probably both tbh. Massive invasions, massive political crisis, tyrannical political suppression.

>OK but they would be trying to round up millions of people. The Zionist lobby is very powerful, but that would be enough to get rid of them.

What's going on now is enough to get rid of them.

>China has an industrial base of unimaginable size, if that ever were to be converted to war production, the destruction would be indescribable. Lets not forget they would be able to rally 70-80% of the world to side with them, the fascist project must be about provoking the world to step on them.

It's a death cult.
Yes, this would be a suicidal war, much like Germany's project during WWII.

>Maybe this unfurling catastrophe may yet be halted, but how would you get people to realize they're already in WW3. While their shoes are wet it doesn't yet look like a flood.

Easy. Tell them what's going on. Don't necessarily say "World War III," but let them know what's going on, let them know the implications of such things as EU war with Russia, US war with Iran, US war with China, etc. and how those things would necessarily ignite a third world war. Right now if you aren't paying attention, it isn't necessarily obvious, but by letting folks know what's going on and what the stakes are, you can help them ask themselves those questions. Not everybody will figure it out, but you've got to tell as many as possible.


More blasting protesters with water cannons in "the middle east's only democracy."


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Israeli drone footage documents sniping of a Palestinian boy

Al Jazeera has obtained photos of an Israeli drone that captured the moment soldiers sniped an unarmed Palestinian boy in the northern Gaza Strip.

The incident took place during the forces’ incursion into the vicinity of Al Fakhoura School in Jabalia refugee camp last December.

The images were obtained from the camera of an Israeli drone that was later shot down in northern Gaza.

The Israeli drone photographed the defenceless Palestinian boy covered in his blood after being sniped before taking close-up pictures of him.

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Yemen’s Houthis stage exercises on mock of Israel’s Dimona, US forces

The ground forces of the Houthi army in Yemen have staged military exercises on taking – and then blowing up with remote explosives – a mock of settlements in Israel’s Dimona, near which there is also a nuclear plant.

A video released by Houthi media shows they also exercised an assault on what they said was a representation of a military convoy of the US and UK – who have been bombing governorates across Yemen for weeks to stop Houthi attacks on vessels in the Red Sea.

Houthi soldiers also stomped on a flag of Israel, and a picture of US President Joe Biden could be seen on the ground.


‘A moral stain that will stay with us for generations’: Israeli rights group
Physicians for Human Rights Israel says that the state of near-famine in Gaza is a result of Israel’s policies.

“According to the International Criminal Court, starvation is considered a war crime. Israel must immediately stop all forms of carnage in the Gaza Strip and stop limiting life-saving humanitarian aid. This is a moral stain that will stay with us for generations,” the group says.

In a statement, the Jaffa-based non-profit says that aid airdrops are not sufficient, as Palestinian families resort to animal feed for nourishment or skip meals, leading to acute malnutrition among a large section of the population in the besieged coastal enclave.

The group also refutes Israeli claims that food is entering the Strip in pre-war amounts, “since there is no local production due to the destruction of crops and local bakeries, so the need is much higher”.

Saudi King: Ramadan begins amid ‘brutal crimes’ against people of Gaza

Saudi Arabia’s King Salman bin Abdulaziz al-Saud has called on the international community “to assume its responsibilities” to end the slaughter of Palestinians, and “provide safe humanitarian corridors”.

“It pains us that the month of Ramadan comes this year in light of the attacks our brothers in Palestine are suffering from,” he said in a speech read on his behalf by Saudi Minister of Media Salman al-Dosari to mark the start of the Muslim holy month.

Israeli settlers establish new illegal outpost in occupied West Bank’s Jordan Valley: Report

A group of Israeli settlers has begun setting up an illegal outpost in Ein al-Sakout area in the northern Jordan Valley, northeast of the occupied West Bank.

This is according to Mutaz Bisharat, a settlement affairs official in the Tubas governorate, cited by the Wafa news agency.

Situated along the Jordan River, Ein al-Sakout is a Palestinian village with some of the most fertile agricultural lands in the West Bank, the report said.

Hezbollah claims striking Israeli military close to Aita al-Shaab with missiles

The Lebanese group says on Telegram that it launched Volcano (Burkan) ballistic missiles onto a site close to Aita al-Shaab, known as al-Raheb, and a group of soldiers in its vicinity.

Hezbollah said the hit was in “support of the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and its honourable resistance”.

US charity demands independent probe into staff member’s killing in Gaza

The American Near East Refugee Aid (Anera), a relief group, is calling for an investigation into the death of Mousa Shawwa, who was killed in Gaza by an Israeli air strike.

Shawwa, the group’s logistics coordinator in Gaza, was the fifth American aid worker killed in Gaza.

“We demand an independent investigation into his death, which threatens our team’s ability to function safely and deliver aid to civilians facing starvation,” said Rebecca Abou-Chedid, a board member.

Anera said it had shared coordinates with Israel for staff safety, “but this attack highlights the failure of deconfliction efforts”.

“Shawwa’s death threatens the ability of humanitarian staff to continue operations,” it said.

Video shows drone dropping missiles on Israeli position near Beit Hanoon

In the video footage obtained by Al Jazeera, a drone of the Qassam Brigades has dropped two missiles on the headquarters of the Israeli army command east of Beit Hanoon.

It was not clear whether there were any casualties.

About 75 percent of Jewish Israelis back military operation in overcrowded Rafah: Poll

In a survey by the Israel Democracy Institute, three-quarters of Jewish Israelis support an Israeli attack on Gaza’s southernmost city of Rafah, where more than half of the besieged coastal enclave’s 2.3 million people are sheltering.

More findings:

About half of the Israeli people think that Israel’s standing in the international arena is not good.
About 45 percent of Jewish Israelis believe that imposing restrictions on Palestinian citizens of Israel at Al-Aqsa Mosque compound during Ramadan would increase the likelihood of violence.
On US-Israeli relations, the poll finds about 40 percent say that it is possible to rely on US support “fully or to a large extent”.

Protests under way as Israel’s Herzog visits Amsterdam

Israeli President Herzog is attending the opening of the National Holocaust Museum in Amsterdam amid pro-Palestinian protests demanding an immediate ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas conflict in Gaza.

Protesters were chanting “Never again is now” and “Ceasefire now” at a square close to the museum holding Palestinian flags and signs that said “Jews against genocide” and “The grandchild of a holocaust survivor says: Stop Gaza Holocaust”.

Amnesty International put up detour signs around the museum to direct Herzog to the International Court of Justice in The Hague.

Dutch King Willem-Alexander is set to meet Herzog today.

Palestinians fear Israeli violence in Jerusalem during Ramadan

Palestinians in occupied East Jerusalem are in no mood to celebrate the beginning of Ramadan, the holy Muslim month of fasting.

Many are just praying for a ceasefire in Gaza, where more than 31,000 people have been killed by Israel in retaliation for a deadly attack on Israeli civilians and military outposts by the Qassam Brigades and other Palestinian armed fighters on October 7.

Others fear that Israeli authorities and far-right settlers will attack Palestinians during the holy month as part of a broader campaign of collective punishment, as has happened before.

“I’m really worried about possible provocation,” said Munir Nuseibah, a Palestinian human rights lawyer who lives in East Jerusalem. “We learned from the past that the more there is a police presence and police intervention in East Jerusalem during Ramadan, the more we will see [violent] confrontations.”

Israel to send in 15,000 extra soldiers to occupied West Bank

The Israeli army is deploying 24 battalions, 20 MGB companies and two special units in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem, as well as 5,000 reservists already stationed in the Palestinian territories, according to Israeli Army Radio.

A total of more than 15,000 soldiers will operate in the area, it added.

Israel’s army confirms 3 separate attacks in southern Lebanon

The Israeli military has confirmed that its warplanes targeted what it claimed was “a military structure housing Hezbollah operatives” in the town of Khirbet Selm in southern Lebanon yesterday.

The Lebanese state media reported on Saturday that at least five people were killed in the attack in question and Hezbollah confirmed that three of them were its members.

The Israeli army statement on X also said that its warplanes raided a building in the village of Aita al-Shaab in southern Lebanon on Saturday night. The statement said that the building was “an infrastructure of Hezbollah”.

Separately, jets also bombed an antitank missile launch site in the village of Maroun al-Ras, southern Lebanon, the military said.




Palestinian killed by Israeli soldier identified as elderly deaf man

Footage obtained by Al Jazeera from an Israeli soldier’s bodycam showed other soldiers congratulating him on killing a defenceless Palestinian man in Gaza City on November 6.

“I killed him with four bullets,” the soldier said, adding that the man was hiding next to a bed.

“Excellent,” another soldier replied. “All respect.”

The man was identified as Atta Ibrahim al-Muqaid, a 73-year-old deaf man.

“He was deaf. So is a world that fails to hear the outcry for justice, ceasefire, and an end to Israel’s occupation,” Laith Arafeh, the Palestinian ambassador to Germany, said on X.


Gaza death toll crosses 31,000

At least 31,045 people have been killed in Gaza and 72,654 wounded in Israeli attacks since October 7, Gaza’s Health Ministry says.

About 72 percent of the victims are children and women, the ministry said.

“In the past 24 hours, the Israeli occupation committed eight massacres against families in the Gaza Strip, resulting in 85 martyrs and 130 injuries,” it said in a post on its Telegram page.

The death toll includes the 25 Palestinians who died from malnutrition and dehydration.

Al-Mawasi, a ‘safe zone’, attacked for third time by Israel

Despite the devastation and the desperate humanitarian situation across the Gaza Strip, there seems to be no let-up in the attacks.

Every inch of the Gaza Strip has been targeted in the past 24 hours.

But the worst of what happened is the fact that people in al-Mawasi evacuation zone – where people since the initial weeks of this genocidal war were ordered by the Israeli military to evacuate to – came under heavy bombardment.

We’re looking at at least 16 people, mostly women, children and elderly – who have already suffered from health complications and miserable living conditions – all transferred to Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in Deir el-Balah.

We heard a lot of people expressing their frustration that this is happening in a supposedly safe zone. This shattered any remaining sense of safety and security for an already traumatised population.

It is important to point out that this is probably the third time al-Mawasi zone has come under heavy aerial bombardment

Hundreds of thousands attend pro-Palestine rally in London

The Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) has said some 400,000 people attended their 10th national march for Palestine in central London.

The group also pushed back against the UK government’s counter-extremism commissioner who had said that pro-Palestine rallies turn London into a “no-go zone for Jews” during the weekend.

“13 different Jewish organisations were part of the National March for Palestine in London today, giving the lie to those who claim it is not a safe space,” PSC said in a post on X.

US military sends ship to build ‘temporary pier’ in Gaza

The US Central Command says a US army ship carrying supplies to build a “temporary pier” in Gaza has departed from the United States.

The ship left “less than 36 hours after President Biden announced the US would provide humanitarian assistance to Gaza by sea”.

Sigrid Kaag, the UN senior humanitarian and reconstruction coordinator for Gaza, has said air and sea deliveries will not make up for a shortage of supply routes on land.

Israeli military exercises quick resupply for expanded Lebanon war

The Israeli army has conducted exercises to prepare for resupplying its war efforts in its Northern Command in case of an expanded war with Lebanon’s Hezbollah.

It showed footage of the offloading of crates of equipment, water, fuel and ammunition from a military plane and then loading them onto trucks that would travel to the front lines near Israel’s borders with southern Lebanon.

This comes one day after a meeting of the leaders of the Northern Command, in which plans for maintaining their war effort with Hezbollah were discussed.

The Israeli military said seven similar logistics operations have been completed since the start of the war on the Southern Command that is operating in the Gaza Strip, with approximately 110 tonnes of supplies delivered to forces in the besieged enclave.



>I wouldn't put it past the US to try to enter an incredibly unpopular ground offensive in Gaza at this point.
I don't think the military will go, they're not stupid, Zionism is a sinking ship, nobody's gonna board that.
>The UK has been trying to remilitarize lately
They would have to re-industrialize first, they're out of the game for at least a decade.
>Sunak is unelected and nobody likes him, Starmer is an absolute worm who would probably take on this project if he gets in office. It'll need to be somebody else.
It should be possible to electorally beat Starmer, he's got that weird neo-liberal ghoul energy going.
>Countries in the region already see them as a threat
Yes but not as an existential threat. If Israel throws nukes, that would change.
>I think Netanyahu-and-friends would unironically prefer nuclear annihilation to prison. It's a death cult.
If they desire annihilation for them selves, why do they seek to take so many others with them ?
>Probably both tbh. Massive invasions, massive political crisis, tyrannical political suppression.
It's the imperialist part of capital that is pushing for this. If they go down this road, and destabilize the core of the US empire, it will loose its grip on the world. The imperial bourgoisie will loose political power, and then the political forms revert back to more democratic norms. So that problem will resolve it self. Although the in-between time will be terrible. There probably is a political strategy that could frustrate this "tyrannical phase", its just a matter of finding it.
>Right now if you aren't paying attention, it isn't necessarily obvious, but by letting folks know what's going on
"folks" ?
Anyway. Warning the masses requires over-coming the noise.


Ralph "orange man bad" Nader thinks the Gaza death count is probably 3-6x higher than being reported because the Gaza health ministry has an incentive to undercount.



More on those "friendly fire" deaths.


I'm not sure if I agree with his analysis of the health ministry's bias incentive (I mean, he could be right, but there are also other simultaneous incentives to remain conservative about estimates), and I dislike him saying "only 30,000" just on the basic principle that that's an insanely high number of people already, especially in this span of time, but he's absolutely right that it's higher. It's entirely true that the official numbers don't count people "missing" under rubble, the number is a literal body count, so folks whose bodies are buried under buildings aren't included. I don't know if it's 3-6x higher, but there's no question that it's higher than what the health ministry is reporting.


>I don't think the military will go, they're not stupid, Zionism is a sinking ship, nobody's gonna board that.
US leaders ordering them to do so would create a crisis if so. It's most likely that there would be a split if anyone in the upper ranks had the balls to defy that order. The military, stupid or not, operates under an assumption of loyalty.
>They would have to re-industrialize first, they're out of the game for at least a decade.
I mean, they have an army. The US would probably supply them if they decided to waste it on this dumb bullshit.
>It should be possible to electorally beat Starmer, he's got that weird neo-liberal ghoul energy going.
It is, yes. More importantly, it's necessary; or, beating Starmer (and Sunak with him) is necessary, electorally or not.
>Yes but not as an existential threat. If Israel throws nukes, that would change.
Ehhhh… I mean, the amount of destruction Israel has done to neighboring countries is insanely high, and with the US they've been co-creators of a great deal of destructive regime change over there. Yeah, nuking would escalate it, but they seem about as much of an existential threat even without dropping one of those as I can think of.
>If they desire annihilation for them selves, why do they seek to take so many others with them ?
See: Hitler
>It's the imperialist part of capital that is pushing for this. If they go down this road, and destabilize the core of the US empire, it will loose its grip on the world. The imperial bourgoisie will loose political power, and then the political forms revert back to more democratic norms. So that problem will resolve it self. Although the in-between time will be terrible. There probably is a political strategy that could frustrate this "tyrannical phase", its just a matter of finding it.
No problem solves itself. ;P
The political strategy is 'everything.' First, learn, then raise awareness - devote all the time you can to this second step, and continue to learn as you do it.

Reach out to absolutely everyone, tell them to call their representatives - state & federal if they're in the US. It doesn't matter who they voted for in the last election, give them a chance to do this. This is a simple, easy, basic first step, and if they have difficulty finding who their representatives are, you can probably help them with that.

Everything you can be doing now, you should be doing. Workers should be armed, but pursue every peaceful organizational avenue possible. Raise awareness, reach out to folks, offer help for them if you can, make sure not to spend any money on any kind of dumb bullshit and encourage others to save as well, start taking notes about your city and figure out what roads you would want to take and where you could stay when things go further south. Get folks ready, first by letting them in on how dire the situation is, and then by encouraging them to be ready to not work jobs for a while.
>"folks" ?
>Anyway. Warning the masses requires over-coming the noise.
Ignore the noise, focus on warning the masses.


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Gaza food aid ship stuck at Cyprus with ‘technical difficulties’

Vessel carrying 200 tonnes of provisions to alleviate looming famine now not sailing from Larnaca on Sunday as planned

An aid ship carrying 200 tonnes of food to alleviate looming famine in the Gaza Strip remained docked in Cyprus on Sunday night, despite the push for maritime aid in the face of stalling ceasefire talks and the beginning of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

The Cyprus government spokesperson, Konstantinos Letymbiotis, told the island’s official news agency that the exact timing of the vessel’s departure would not be made public for “security reasons”. It was later reported that due to “technical difficulties”, it might not depart until Monday morning.

World Central Kitchen (WCK), a US-based non -governmental organisation, and the Spanish charity Open Arms, set up to rescue refugees and migrants attempting to cross the Mediterranean, were expecting a first delivery of goods including rice, flour, lentils, beans and canned fish and meat to leave via an Open Arms vessel from Larnaca this weekend and arrive at an undisclosed location in Gaza in two or three days’ time.

But the boat remained moored in Cyprus on Sunday evening. Letymbiotis said the cargo had been inspected by Cypriot officials under a plan approved by Israel.


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UK lawyer to oversee ICC investigation into alleged war crimes in Palestinian territories

Andrew Cayley, previously Britain’s chief military prosecutor, to run operation of the complex case

A senior British lawyer has been appointed to oversee the international criminal court’s investigation into alleged war crimes in the Palestinian territories, the Guardian understands.

Andrew Cayley, a barrister and former military prosecutor, has recently joined the ICC after he was chosen by the court’s chief prosecutor, Karim Khan, to lead the high-profile investigation.

Cayley is expected to take responsibility for the day-to-day running of the complex case and will work on the investigation with an American lawyer, Brenda Hollis. He will report directly to Khan, also a British barrister.

The new appointment comes as Khan has moved to accelerate the ICC’s Palestine investigation, opened in 2021, and provide it with additional resources in the wake of the 7 October Hamas attacks and Israel’s retaliatory war in Gaza.

Khan has put all parties involved in the war “on notice” and indicated that his office is “actively investigating” the current situation in Gaza. He said last month the investigation was “being taken forward as a matter of the utmost urgency”.

Cayley arrives at the ICC as the politically sensitive case poses what sources familiar with the investigation say is viewed as a major test for the prosecutor’s office.

The investigation presents significant legal and operational challenges for Khan. Israel does not accept the ICC’s jurisdiction and its political leaders have been openly hostile towards the judicial body. It is understood Khan has attempted to arrange visits to Gaza but Israel has refused him entry.

A spokesperson for the prosecutor confirmed Cayley had joined the court as a principal trial lawyer overseeing the unit of investigators responsible for the Palestine case.

Cayley is well known in The Hague having worked at the ICC in the 2000s and served as a prosecutor and defence counsel in multiple international criminal tribunals.

The barrister recently stepped down as chief of the inspectorate that oversees the work of England and Wales’ Crown Prosecution Service.

He was previously the UK’s chief military prosecutor. While in this role, Cayley played a key role in a process that resulted in the former ICC prosecutor deciding in 2020 to abandon a long-running investigation into allegations that UK military personnel committed war crimes in Iraq.

Cayley has been open about his support for the UK’s ruling Conservative party. He donated £10,000 to the Tories in 2019 and later insisted his status as a “card-carrying member” of the party had no effect on his independence as a prosecutor.

The ICC prosecutes individuals and is separate to the international court of justice (ICJ), also in The Hague, which is considering cases about Israel’s offensive in Gaza and its occupation of Palestinian lands.

The ICC investigation dates back to 2015 when Khan’s predecessor, Fatou Bensouda, opened a preliminary examination that considered allegations of war crimes by Israel’s armed forces and Palestinian militants in the occupied territories.

Six years later, a panel of ICC judges accepted that the prosecutor had the jurisdiction to pursue a full criminal investigation. Bensouda launched the case shortly before completing her nine-year term in June 2021, when she was replaced by Khan.


West won’t stop Houthi attacks unless it works with Yemeni authorities, say experts

Calls for closer collaboration made after multiple Houthi drone strikes on ships in Red Sea over weekend

Western efforts to stop Houthi attacks on shipping in the Red Sea will fail unless the US and its allies build stronger intelligence and military relations with the UN-recognised government in Yemen, politicians and experts are warning.

Yemen’s ambassador to the UK has warned the Houthis have to be confronted and driven away from Red Sea ports such as Hodeidah. Similar calls were made by members of the Yemeni government coalition when they visited London last month.

At present, American and British diplomats are reluctant to draw the Aden-based government closer into its Red Sea operations, fearing this could reignite a civil war that has been on effective hold since April 2022.

They worry as well that an outline peace plan agreed last October between the Houthis and Saudi Arabia could be cast aside if they start strengthening the UN-recognised government.

But they also acknowledge there is little sign US-UK strikes on Houthi positions along the coastline have had a full deterrent effect, and other options have to be kept on the table.

That assessment was underlined at the weekend when a multiple Houthi drone strike on western ships early on Saturday morning forced US, French, UK and Danish ships to become involved in a complex and largely successful operation to shoot down more than 35 Houthi drones and missiles. Four were aimed at the already stricken bulk carrier True Confidence, which was being escorted by the French frigate Alsace after being hit on Wednesday, killing three sailors. British and Danish ships both shot down drones in their vicinity.

The Italian destroyer Caio Duilio coordinated the four ships working as the EU protection force.

Since 19 October, the Yemeni movement has launched 403 missiles or drones against 61 ships. As many as 15 missiles have struck targets. The three most serious incidents have been the sinking of the Rubymar, the capture of Galaxy Leader and its crew, and the serious damage inflicted on True Confidence.

Maj Gen Aidarous al-Zubaidi, vice-chair of the Aden-based Yemen government executive – the Presidential Leadership Council (PLC) – on Sunday again called for western help in building its naval forces.


src: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/mar/10/gaza-aid-ship-carrying-200-tons-of-food-ready-to-leave-cyprus-say-officials


Casualty estimates seem low, maybe it's double the official numbers, but not triple to sextuple


>US leaders ordering them to do so would create a crisis if so
The Pentagon offers politicians "military options" if they don't offer a ground invasion there won't be one.
>The military, stupid or not, operates under an assumption of loyalty.
Loyalty is not blind obedience, and the "loyalty vector" has bidirectional requirements. If leaders send a military into battles it can't win or like in the Gaza war a political-trap, they might consider that a betrayal by the leadership. The military also demands loyalty in return.
>I mean, they have an army. The US would probably supply them if they decided to waste it on this dumb bullshit.
If the US controls all the military gear, wouldn't the UK become like a foreign legion ?
>It is, yes. More importantly, it's necessary; or, beating Starmer (and Sunak with him) is necessary, electorally or not.
If you are talking about extra electoral political struggle, what do you mean ? Like trying to create dual-power by setting up separate political organizations ?
>the amount of destruction Israel has done to neighboring countries is insanely high, and with the US they've been co-creators of a great deal of destructive regime change over there. Yeah, nuking would escalate it, but they seem about as much of an existential threat even without dropping one of those as I can think of.
Well obviously they're not considering Israel a existential threat at the moment, since they're not actively trying to destroy Israel.


<Western efforts to stop Houthi attacks on shipping in the Red Sea will fail unless the US and its allies build stronger intelligence and military relations with the UN-recognised government in Yeme
But the Houthis govern most of Yemen, at this point. The other government will probably loose even more political legitimacy if they turn it into a geopolitical pawn. They could make the Houthi attacks on shipping stop, if they quit supplying Israel with weapons.


Houthis say struck ‘American ship’ with missiles in Red Sea

The Houthis have said they fired missiles at a US ship called “Pinocchio” in the Red Sea, the Houthi-controlled news agency SABA reports.

“The hit was accurate,” SABA quoted Houthi military spokesman Yahya Saree as saying, without giving more details. The US military is yet to confirm the attack.

The Houthis have said their military operations in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden – where they’ve been attacking vessels in protest of Israel’s war on Gaza since November – will only escalate during Ramadan.



Islamic resistance in Iraq claims drone attack on Ben Gurion Airport

The Islamic Resistance in Iraq, an umbrella group of Iran-backed Shia hardline groups, has claimed a drone attack on Ben Gurion Airport, Israel’s largest, near Tel Aviv.

“The Islamic Resistance in Iraq [on Monday] targeted, by drone, Ben Gurion Airport deep within the usurping entity, stressing that we will continue to destroy enemy strongholds, in completion of the second phase of operations to resist the occupation, and to support our people in Gaza,” the group said in a statement.



>Protesters were chanting “Never again is now” and “Ceasefire now” at a square close to the museum holding Palestinian flags and signs that said “Jews against genocide” and “The grandchild of a holocaust survivor says: Stop Gaza Holocaust”.
This is a good effort.

Why is it so hard to apply the no-genocide patch to civilization ?


There has not been a single period of human history where waves of death and ritual sacrifice were not considered normal and expected. If you really end it, humanity would be horrified. If you do things that make clear in written language that can be publicized just what that was, that alone starts the shouting and denial machine, because it makes clear the enormity of the task of doing "not that", even to the extent that we have managed to make human society livable and capable of anything. Everyone who wanted to work towards that has been systematically suppressed or corralled into something impotent so that the carnage may go on.

That said, I don't see this lasting forever or "winning" what Israel wants out of it. The Zios really, really want to declare their victory now because they know it's all projection to keep up their mafia game.

There's no version of this where the 1990s status quo or anything like it comes back. The Arabs will not stop until the Nakba is avenged, even if those outside of Palestine are curiously half-assed. Ultimately, no one in the world benefits from the existence of "Israel", and so it will go. You can tell the visible disgust within the US towards all of this, and the efforts to push it into yet more intervention by the worst people (see: Trump fags).


Trucks being allowed into Gaza!
… to build the Biden pier…


>There has not been a single period of human history where waves of death and ritual sacrifice were not considered normal and expected.
I guess the people who defined "normal" were a bit fucked up.
>If you really end it, humanity would be horrified.
Maybe some people will be deprived of the enjoyment they derive from all that horror, but what ever.
>Everyone who wanted to work towards that has been systematically suppressed or corralled into something impotent so that the carnage may go on.
That's indeed a problem, that needs a fix
>The Zios really, really want to declare their victory now because they know it's all projection to keep up their mafia game.
At this point their declarations are irrelevant, what matters is whether or not they halt the slaughter
>The Arabs will not stop until the Nakba is avenged
It depends, people generally will choose justice over vengeance, given the opportunity. If Israel stops this shit, begins reforming it self and repairing the damage, the rest of the region will go along with that. Of course if they continue on their present course and attempt to attack the neighboring countries for the "greater Israel" madness, then the rest of the region will probably seek to pound them into submission.


So trucks to build the shipping pier for humanitarian aid can go past the blockade, but the trucks that contain actual humanitarian aid cannot. It almost feels like all the steps that lead up to delivering humanitarian aid are allowed, however the last step of actually delivering the humanitarian aid, that's not allowed.

As for Boeing having that witness killed, that's probably not going to work out for them. They need to attract highly skilled people to design airplanes, which probably will avoid that kind of risk.


>So trucks to build the shipping pier for humanitarian aid can go past the blockade, but the trucks that contain actual humanitarian aid cannot. It almost feels like all the steps that lead up to delivering humanitarian aid are allowed, however the last step of actually delivering the humanitarian aid, that's not allowed.
It's cartoonishly stupid… well, cartoonishly evil.
>As for Boeing having that witness killed, that's probably not going to work out for them. They need to attract highly skilled people to design airplanes, which probably will avoid that kind of risk.
I mean, companies are pulling all kinds of shit. Murder is a hugely serious crime - having difficulty hiring isn't exactly an adequate penalty. They're going hog-wild lately, same as the gov't which represents them, so many of them are clamoring aggressively to crush dissent, crush organization, and cover up the cracks. It's going to get worse from here, and we're going to have to be ready to shift it towards something good and wind the empire down.


>I mean, companies are pulling all kinds of shit. Murder is a hugely serious crime - having difficulty hiring isn't exactly an adequate penalty.
True. The state is dropping the ball if they let porkies get away with murder.
That said Boeing will feel the effects of their mafia reputation.

>They're going hog-wild lately

Once people realize they live in a lawless society, they'll become a lot more ruthless.
Whistleblowers can burn organizations to the ground if they so choose, they don't have to play nice. This guy played nice and they rewarded him with harassment and murder, the next one will not play nice.

>same as the gov't which represents them, so many of them are clamoring aggressively to crush dissent

They're pretty short sighted if they do that. You never really crush dissent, you can just force it underground. Eventually you'll loose power and then people will do to you what you did to them.

>we're going to have to be ready to shift it towards something good and wind the empire down.

Yeah winding the empire down would improve the situation by a lot.




It's not about who "defined" normal - that really is what is normal, by all sense we could independently reconstruct. The "golden ages" of recent times replaced the ritual sacrifice and death from war with planned death, depopulation, humiliations, excessive tortures as "experiments", and psychological warfare on a hitherto unknown scale. The methods change and produce a very different world and attitude towards the sacrifice, but the fundamental causes and motives have not changed at all. That has been a straight line from the first ritual sacrifice, which we have to presume was the birth of humanity as "human". If humanity were about productivity or useful things or moral goodness or even victory for some claim, it would appear very different to us, and the interests of anyone who actually "made" the world possible would tell them that the true objective would be to end the cycle, claim a share of wealth to live off of and a general production plan to meet basic needs, and disallow anything like the modern world or all of the things we have taken for granted. Basically, everything that happened from 1776 on would be seen as an abomination, a great error that can only be changed by allowing something truly novel to exist, since there is nothing to "go back to" or a past model that would solve the problem that created this situation. It was after 1776 that a different world was possible, and every idea since then has solely worked to ensure that nothing truly new is possible - that the inexorable progress of this course we are on will continue, as would be the interest of the powers that matter for this calculation. The people do not matter and never mattered - those are the people being ritually sacrificed and put through this, by design as the basis for all of the labor we are doing. A different world would have seen the moral claims of empire for what they are, then ask why we did any of this or why we always avoid the central question which allowed those claims to labor. They would then find that it is probably a good idea to end humanity as a project because it is completely unworkable, and from there, historical predictions become impossible. One thing that is very likely is that, after all of the lies, all of the betrayals, and after seeing that there is not really anything redeeming any of this, those who survive this would enact a terrible retribution on the human race and the world, and afterwards there would be very little to speak of between us at all. The ruin of the contending classes is the correct outcome.


Whether that is "good" honestly can't be relevant at this point. I doubt that humans will ever know the good in a genuine sense, and have always been eager to cling to a fad - have been since the Biblical account in Genesis. The "fruit of knowledge of good and evil" is a get rich quick scheme, not an event which corrupted once good humans. Humans were always evil, and any reading of Genesis and the further Bible makes clear that this is the claim the religion always made. It was "knowledge of the good" as a Promethean gift that was the start of the "fall" - that is, that something which is clearly evil and malevolent would be sold as "the good", as a product that you could buy into and didn't have to work for, and this would displace the natural goodness that would have existed. Human beings themselves, if their behavior and the behavior of animals is understood and seen for what it is, were always evil and knew they were evil in whatever way this knowledge was possible. Among the core tenets of the Abrahamic religions was that human exploitation was codified and taught as a spiritual principle, and this was not a new thing or perversion, but something that had already long been observed as the status quo. A lot of the religion is telling adherents why it turned out that way.


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More children killed in Gaza than in four years of conflict worldwide

Philippe Lazzarini, the commissioner general of the UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA), has described the number of children killed in Israel’s war on Gaza as “staggering”.

He said the number of children reported killed in just more than four months in Gaza was higher than the number killed in four years of war around the world combined.

Photos: Pro-Palestine protesters demonstrate against Boeing in Seattle

Dozens of activists have rallied outside the Aerospace and Defense Summit in the US city of Seattle in Washington to protest Boeing’s military contracts with Israel.

They carried signs that said, “Boeing arms genocide” and “Boeing sold 1,000 smart bombs to Israel during the genocide”.

According to Bloomberg News, following Hamas’s attacks on October 7, Boeing accelerated the delivery of 1,800 kits that convert unguided bombs into precision munitions as part of a 2021 commercial deal with the Israeli military worth about $735m.

And in December, Amnesty International’s investigation into two Israeli air raids that killed 43 people in Gaza found codes printed on metal fragments recovered from the rubble linking the bombs to Boeing.

US military says Houthis fired missile at USS Laboon

The US military Central Command (CENTCOM) has said that the Houthis have fired a close-range ballistic missile at the USS Laboon in the Red Sea.

The missile did not impact the vessel and there were no reported injuries. The US military also destroyed two unmanned aerial systems launched from Yemen.

The Houthis have pledged to escalate their attacks on vessels in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden, carried out in protest of Israel’s war on Gaza, during the month of Ramadan.

Canada commits $1m to support Palestinian victims of sexual violence

Canadian Foreign Minister Melanie Joly has pledged $1m to support investigations into allegations of sexual and gender-based violence against Palestinian women.

“We believe Palestinian women. Allegations on sexual and gender-based violence against them must be investigated and Palestinian women must be supported,” Joly wrote on X.

The move comes two days after Joly said Canada would provide $1m to organisations supporting survivors of sexual violence during Hamas’s attacks on October 7.

Dozens killed, wounded in overnight attacks on Gaza

The Wafa news agency is reporting dozens of casualties after Israeli forces launched attacks across the Gaza Strip.

In central Deir el-Balah, the death toll from an attack on Tuesday evening went up to 10, while in Gaza City, two people were killed and four children wounded in an attack in the Daraj neighbourhood.

Wafa said a “number of people were martyred” in the bombing of a house on Salah al-Din Street, while a third assault on a house on al-Sahaba Street left many wounded and missing.

The agency said there were attacks on southern Khan Younis, too.

Greek military ship shoots at 2 drones in the Red Sea

A Greek military frigate, part of the EU’s naval mission in the Red Sea, has shot at two drones in order to push them back, a Greek defence official has said.

The EU launched its naval mission, dubbed Aspides, in February in response to the growing threat of Houthi attacks on shipping vessels in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden.

The Houthis have said they are carrying out the attacks in response to Israel’s war on Gaza, and have pledged to increase their intensity during Ramadan.

EU foreign policy chief says Israel using starvation as ‘weapon of war’

Josep Borrell, the EU’s foreign policy chief, has said the humanitarian crisis in Gaza is “not a natural disaster” and has accused Israel of using starvation as a “weapon of war”.

“This is a man-made crisis,” Borrell told the UN Security Council on Tuesday. “When we look for alternative ways of providing support by sea or by air, we have to remind that we have to do it because the natural way of providing support to roads is being closed – artificially closed – and starvation is being used as a war arm.”

What’s happening on Israel-Lebanon border?

Exchanges of fire across the Israel-Lebanon border have escalated, with Israeli forces striking deep into Lebanese territory for a second consecutive day as the Hezbollah armed group kept up its rocket launches.

The Lebanese group, early on Tuesday, said it had fired at least 100 Katyusha rockets into northern Israel, targeting Israeli air defence and missile command headquarters at the Kilaa Barracks as well as a missile and artillery base in Yoav.

It said the attacks were in support of the Palestinian people in Gaza and in response to Israeli shelling of the Bekaa Valley region that killed at least one person on Monday night.

Later on Tuesday, the Israeli military said it carried out more attacks on the Bekaa Valley, a Hezbollah stronghold located near Lebanon’s border with Syria. The Israeli military said it “struck two Hezbollah military command centers” in the Baalbek area.

At the time of the attacks, Lebanon’s NNA news agency said at least one person was killed and 10 more wounded in the attacks, while Hezbollah later said two of its members were killed in the attacks.

The violence is the worst since Hezbollah and Israel fought a war in 2006.

The Reuters news agency says Israeli attacks since October have killed more than 200 Hezbollah fighters and some 50 civilians in Lebanon. In Israel, about a dozen soldiers and six civilians have been killed, it said.

US senators urge Biden to condition Israel aid on humanitarian access to Gaza

Eight US senators have sent a letter to President Joe Biden calling on him to offer Israel an ultimatum: Expand aid to Gaza or lose US military assistance.

The letter, released on Tuesday, is the latest effort by US legislators to question Washington’s support for Israel amid its war in Gaza.

The senators – who include Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren – called on Biden to comply with Section 620I of the Foreign Assistance Act, which bars aid to countries that restrict access to humanitarian assistance.

“According to public reporting and your own statements, the Netanyahu government is in violation of this law,” the eight senators said in the letter.

“Given this reality, we urge you to make it clear to the Netanyahu government that failure to immediately and dramatically expand humanitarian access and facilitate safe aid deliveries throughout Gaza will lead to serious consequences, as specified under existing US law.”



George Galloway on Israel's regional "strategy"


>It's not about who "defined" normal - that really is what is normal
I guess we disagree on a philosophical level here. I think "normal" just means "according to norms" that somebody defined. You have to be on pure ideology to think that the norms of this or that faction could ever go beyond what is imposed on people.

For all the horrendous atrocities in human history, there always were lots of people who thought that it was fucked up and abnormal. It's just that their view-point often gets left out of the history books.


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Several reported killed, injured in Israeli strike on UNRWA warehouse

Palestinian journalists have shared footage documenting people bringing in victims of an Israeli bombing in central Rafah to the Kuwaiti Hospital.

The journalists say an UNRWA aid distribution centre was shelled in Rafah City. The footage, which has been verified by Al Jazeera, shows people being evacuated in vehicles bearing the UNRWA logo.



Galloway is correct about the political dimension, but there are economic incentives too. Weapons producers get a lot of profits from supplying bombs to Israel. Unlike politicians, government functionaries and military personnel, they're probably not risking being put on trial for genocide.



So if they can't get western governments to stop funding food aid they're going to bomb the food aid ?


I can't say that i understand religious texts, to me they are labyrinths made out of words. What i do know is that religion doesn't work as advertised. Every single one has the no-murder rule and it's never been obeyed. What i do know is that the attempts at imposing morality usually ends up doing the opposite and morality becomes the justification mechanism for doing lots of horrible shit. That's why the church got separated from the state. Which admittedly is an incomplete process, because there's still people seeking to have that kind of theocratic power while cloaking it as something that does not look like a church. Anyway i don't want to dunk to much on religion, they obviously didn't find the mechanism for blocking genocides. We gotta move on.

As for the story of Prometheus, i don't know how to interpret greek mythology either. But wasn't Prometheus the good guy for empowering people with technology ?

About blocking genocide. What about the courts ? Aside the from bottom up democratic opposition, it appears that the biggest opposition to the genocide in Gaza within the institutions came from judges and lawyers. The Zionists were not able to bend these people, what made them immune ?


Looks like people are getting a little sick of the New York Times' shit. Are we finally seeing an inflection point in the NYT's credibility?


>Are we finally seeing an inflection point in the NYT's credibility?
Yeah they trashed their credibility alright.


They've done this multiple times, yes.


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‘Israel cannot survive if it becomes a pariah’

We reported earlier that US Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said Israel must make “significant course corrections” to achieve lasting peace with the Palestinians.

Here’s more on his address to the Senate, where he said Prime Minister Netanyahu’s government “no longer fits the needs of Israel” after October 7.

“At this critical juncture, I believe a new election is the only way to allow for a healthy and open decision-making process about the future of Israel, at a time when so many Israelis have lost their confidence in the vision and direction of their government,” said Schumer, the highest-ranking Jewish politician in the US.

He added that Netanyahu surrounded himself with far-right ministers and “has been too willing to tolerate the civilian toll in Gaza, which is pushing support for Israel worldwide to historic lows”.

“Israel cannot survive if it becomes a pariah,” Schumer said.

Nine family members killed in attack on Bureij refugee camp

Nine members of the same family have been killed in an attack on the Bureij refugee camp near Deir el-Balah, in the central Gaza Strip.

The area has been under heavy bombardment. Footage shows a residential building partially collapsed as the streets are covered in rubble.

More on attack that killed nine members of same family

The family’s house was reduced to rubble.

The Israeli air strike caused sheer destruction in the entire area with people no longer feeling safe in areas that were initially designated by the Israeli military as safe zones.

Deir el-Balah has been exposed and been subjected to immense bombardment in the past few weeks.

It’s currently very densely populated with evacuees, people who have lost their homes and followed the Israeli military orders to head farther south to seek refuge and move away from the Israeli bombing.

It’s important to mention that in light of the repeated Israeli statements regarding a potential military incursion into Rafah, people here have partially started to flee to the middle areas, specifically to Deir el-Balah.

Israel enforces new entry restrictions to Al-Aqsa Mosque

Israel is imposing new restrictions on the entrance to Al-Aqsa Mosque on the first Friday of Ramadan, including a requirement to obtain a permit and a magnetic card valid for the day.

Israeli police issued a statement saying news circulating about barriers and gates being set up to prevent access to the compound was unfounded and aimed to “inflame the atmosphere”. It said maintenance work was being carried out to replace the security gate.

The Israeli Public Broadcasting Corporation reported that the police would intensify its presence in Jerusalem and its surroundings, deploying 3,000 officers in preparation for the first Ramadan Friday prayers.

Jordan says Israel lacks authority to impose restrictions on Al-Aqsa Mosque

Jordan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates has issued a statement condemning the restrictions on entrance to Al-Aqsa Mosque for Muslims during the holy month of Ramadan, describing it as a “dangerous and unacceptable act”.

Ministry spokesperson Sufian Qudah said it was imperative to ensure unhindered entry to worshipers and said Israel holds no sovereignty over occupied East Jerusalem and lacks the authority to impose restrictions on entry to Al-Aqsa Mosque.

The Jordanian monarchy acquired the custodianship over Christian and Muslim holy sites in Jerusalem in 1924 after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, which had ruled over Palestine for centuries. Amman has repeatedly denounced what it says are violations of rules at the site, Islam’s third holiest.

Pro-Palestine protesters block New York Times distribution centre

Demonstrators disrupted a New York Times distribution centre on Wednesday night to protest against the US news outlet’s coverage of the war on Gaza.

During the protest in New York City, which was organised by the group Writers Against the War on Gaza and others, protesters held signs and unfurled banners that read “Stop the presses, free Palestine” and “Consent for genocide is manufactured here”.

The Times has come under fire recently for its reporting on the war after a leak within the company exposed the level of internal disagreements about the outlet’s coverage of the October 7 Hamas attack.


EU humanitarian chief urges Israel to open land crossings to Gaza

Janez Lenarcic, the EU’s humanitarian aid and crisis management chief, has called on Israel to open additional land crossings, shortly after the bloc’s parliament voted a resolution warning of a “catastrophic” humanitarian situation in Gaza.

“There is a risk of famine,” Lenarcic told reporters. “We already have a very strong and credible indication that there are pockets of famine already in the Gaza Strip.”

The UN estimates more than half a million of Gaza’s 2.3 million people are on the brink of starvation.

“What is needed is very clear: a surge in humanitarian aid into Gaza and its distribution throughout Gaza,” he said. “There is no meaningful substitute for land access … we call on Israel to open additional land crossings.”

Hamas calls on Palestinians to ‘defend’ Al-Aqsa Mosque

Hamas has called on Palestinians to break “the siege” on Al-Aqsa Mosque on the first Friday of Ramadan, amid the Israeli army’s ongoing restrictions on entry to the site during the Muslim holy month.

The group called on Palestinians in occupied Jerusalem, the West Bank and Israel to “participate urgently in defending the Al-Aqsa Mosque against the Zionist aggression that is taking place at this time”.

The Al-Aqsa Mosque compound that sits atop a hill in the Old City is the third holiest site in the world for Muslims. The site is also revered by Jews, who refer to it as the Temple Mount.

EU parliament votes resolution condemning ‘catastrophic’ situation

The European Parliament has voted a resolution denouncing “the catastrophic humanitarian situation in Gaza, including the risk of imminent starvation”, it said in a statement.

The resolution was put to the vote following a debate on Wednesday.

The statement said parliament members would call on Israel to open all crossings to Gaza for humanitarian aid and to urge all parties to immediately cease attacks on civilians seeking aid.

Second ship loaded with aid for Gaza to leave Cyprus

A second ship docked in Cyprus is being loaded with aid for Gaza in preparation for a new mission to deliver humanitarian aid via sea to the besieged Strip, the charity behind the operation told Al Jazeera.

World Central Kitchen (WCK) said in a statement that it was preparing about 300 tonnes of food aid.

“Our pallets should be screened and loaded by the end of the day,” WCK said, adding that it was unable to confirm when the ship would be able to leave Larnaca.

The rescue vessel Open Arms, owned by the charity by the same name, departed for Gaza on Tuesday as a first pilot shipment of humanitarian aid.

Explosion reported near vessel southeast of Aden

A vessel has reported an explosion at a distance from it while sailing some 50 nautical miles (92.6km) southeast of the port of Aden in Yemen, the United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO) organisation said.

The UKMTO said the vessel did not sustain any damage and the crew was reported safe.

“The vessel is proceeding to its next port of call. Authorities are investigating,” UKMTO added.

The Houthi group in Yemen has launched drone and missile attacks on Israel-linked vessels in the Red Sea, Bab al-Mandeb Strait and Gulf of Aden since November in solidarity with the Palestinians over the war in Gaza.

UNRWA spokeswoman says aid operation ongoing at targeted Rafah aid centre

UNRWA spokeswoman Juliette Touma has told Al Jazeera that the Israeli strike that hit a UN aid distribution centre and warehouse in the eastern part of Rafah on Wednesday caused minimal damage to the supplies.

Touma said UNRWA was still distributing aid from the facility after the raid, which killed one of its workers and injured 22 others, and stressed that UN facilities must be protected at all times as mandated by international law.

“Too many times in this war have our facilities and personnel become a target,” the spokeswoman said. At least 165 UNRWA staff have been killed in Gaza since October 7 and more than 150 facilities hit, according to the agency.

Touma said UNRWA shares the coordinates of its facilities and activities every day with all warring parties, including Israel, and that the location of the Rafah warehouse had been included in a list shared a day before it was attacked.



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Netanyahu and Gallant declare Israeli ground invasion of Rafah imminent

“Those who think we are delaying [the invasion of Rafah] will soon see that there is no place we cannot reach,” threatened Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant on a visit to army officers in the occupied Gaza City on Wednesday. “There is no safe space, not here, not outside Gaza, not across the entire Middle East.”

Gallant’s declaration that an invasion of Rafah is imminent confirms Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s bellicose response Sunday, when asked about the refugee city housing over a million Palestinians, “We'll go there. We're not going to leave them. You know, I have a red line. You know what the red line is? That October 7 doesn't happen again. Never happens again…

“We've destroyed three-quarters of Hamas' fighting terrorism battalions. And we're close to finishing the last part in warfare.”

Speaking by video link to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee on Tuesday, Netanyahu reiterated, “We will finish the job in Rafah.”

Making clear that no death toll was too high, he declared, “Israel will win this war no matter what. To win this war, we must destroy the remaining Hamas battalions in Rafah… You cannot say you support Israel's right to exist and to defend itself and then oppose Israel when it exercises that right.”

He told Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte on Wednesday, in the words of the Times of Israel, “An IDF [Israel Defense Forces] operation in Rafah is necessary to achieve Israel’s war aims against Hamas”.

Gallant and Netanyahu’s comments lay bare the reality hidden behind a veil of “cautions” and “warnings” from Israel’s imperialist patrons. United States President Joe Biden told reporters this weekend that Netanyahu “must pay more attention to the innocent lives being lost,” adding “he’s hurting Israel more than helping Israel.” This sparked the customary speculation in the liberal media about “red lines” from Washington. But US support for the Israeli war machine was never in doubt.

National Security advisor Jake Sullivan stated bluntly on Tuesday, “the reports that purport to describe the president’s thinking are uninformed speculation.” Biden’s only professed concern with “smashing into Rafah,” Sullivan continued, is that an entirely fictitious “credible plan to deal with the population there” be drawn up, purely for public consumption.

Reports of Biden’s comments followed days of media speculation about a Ramadan ceasefire, for which the Israeli negotiators did not even bother to visit Cairo for discussions and which Qatari mediators now admit is “not near” an agreement.

On the ground, combat operations killing and maiming scores of Palestinians continued for the third consecutive day of the Islamic festival. Among them was a strike on a United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) food distribution centre in Rafah, killing one staff member and wounding another 22. UNRWA Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini commented, “Today’s attack on one of the very few remaining UNRWA distribution centres in the Gaza Strip comes as food supplies are running out, hunger is widespread and, in some areas, turning into famine.

“Every day, we share the coordinates of all our facilities across the Gaza Strip with parties to the conflict. The Israeli army received the coordinates including of this facility yesterday.”

More than 400 people, many of them children, have now been killed while sheltering in United Nations facilities in Gaza, 157 of which have been hit by Israeli fire. Lazzarini had pointed out earlier in the day that more children were killed in Gaza in the four months to this February (over 12,300) than in all wars around the world combined in the four years 2019-2022.

At least 113 of those children have been killed by Israeli security forces and far-right militias in the occupied West Bank, where Israel is again stepping up its assault on the Palestinians.

Netanyahu has ordered the prisons to prepare for a new influx of detainees, on top of the 9,000 Palestinians already held. Muthafar Thouqan, coordinator of the committee to support Palestinian prisoners, told Al Jazeera that 12 have died in detention since October 7 “due to torture and medical neglect”.

Raids in the last two days, including on the Jenin and Shuafat refugee camps and the town of al-Jib, have added to the toll of over 427 Palestinians killed in the West Bank since October 7, with homes demolished, roads bulldozed, power lines torn down, water pipes burst and hospitals shot at.

The Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs commented, “In 24 hours, the Israeli occupation has killed six Palestinians, including children. These are war crimes and crimes against humanity according to international law.

“The political and military echelon has enabled soldiers and settlers to shoot at Palestinian citizens who do not endanger them in any way. It is obvious that this escalation is proof that the governing coalition is adding fuel to the fire to expand the cycle of violence.”

The murdered child, 12-year-old Rami Hamdan al-Halhouli, was shot in the chest by a police officer. The security forces claimed he had launched fireworks directly at them, but footage shows them being fired into the air. The officer has been questioned by the Department of Internal Police Investigations, prompting fascist Minister of National Security Itamar Ben-Gvir to declare his solidarity with the murderer: “This is exactly how you should act against terrorists—with determination and precision.”

Israeli military activity is also being escalated against Lebanon, where two people were killed and 12 wounded in strikes deep into the country’s territory on Wednesday. Fighter jets also launched missiles against Nabi Shayth and Saraain, 100 kilometres north of the Israel-Lebanon border on Monday, destroying a three-storey building, killing one person and wounding eight others.

Lebanon’s Foreign Ministry has announced its intention to file a complaint with the United Nations Security Council, denouncing increasingly violent attacks on targets within residential areas and warning, “What is particularly concerning is that this escalation is occurring in areas far from the southern Lebanese borders, indicating Israel’s desire to escalate the conflict and drag the entire region into a war.”

Over 220 Hezbollah fighters and nearly 40 civilians have been killed in Lebanon since the latest fighting began.

As for cynical posturing by the imperialist powers over the provision of humanitarian aid, the World Food Programme announced that its delivery of food to Gaza City this Tuesday was the “first successful convoy to the north since 20 February,” and provided enough for just 25,000 people. “With people in northern Gaza on the brink of famine, we need deliveries every day,” the organisation commented.

Twenty-five aid groups and human rights organisations, including Oxfam and Doctors Without Borders, have criticised the much-fêted air and maritime aid routes as a façade: “States cannot hide behind airdrops and efforts to open a maritime corridor to create the illusion that they are doing enough to support the needs in Gaza. Their primary responsibility is to prevent atrocity crimes from unfolding and apply effective political pressure to end the relentless bombardment and the restrictions which prevent the safe delivery of humanitarian aid.”

Gazans, they continue, “have the right to more than meagre charity dropped from the sky.” One airdrop caused the deaths of five people and injured 10 others last week. “Families are starving and do not have the time for offshore and ashore infrastructure to be constructed: saving their lives requires immediately allowing the humanitarian trucks full of food and medicine whose entry in Gaza is currently being withheld.”

The European Union’s foreign affairs chief Josep Borrell has acknowledged, “Starvation is being used as a war arm.” He explained, “When we look for alternative ways of providing support, by sea or by air, we have to remind that we have to do it because the natural way of providing support through roads is being closed, artificially closed.”



Oh, yeah, folks are absolutely sick of it, yes.

>That said Boeing will feel the effects of their mafia reputation.
By way of work against them, yes.
Though, before that we're stuck with more of this:
(happened a day after the assassination, kind of funny)

>They're pretty short sighted if they do that. You never really crush dissent, you can just force it underground. Eventually you'll loose power and then people will do to you what you did to them.

Eh, they do it for a reason.
It works… to an extent. So folks can't just hope for the cycle to run its course and end, it's imperative that it be aborted.

>Yeah winding the empire down would improve the situation by a lot.



My belief, and I'm probably at odds with Eugene on this one, is that the spiritual "truth" of religion is essentially alien to the literal text. Judaism and early Christianity are a series of fables meant to meditate on the nature of life and death, as well as possessing a number of fables related to specific cultural practices. In Biblical times, it was generally read as metaphor, and the story of Jesus is also essentially that. Even when its leaders still largely took it as metaphor, organized religion was always turned into a racket, and Jesus specifically was infuriated by that, but now it is also very common to read all this stuff as being totally literal, which renders much of the most substantial philosophical parts of it essentially devoid of meaning.


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Satellite imagery shows pier construction on Gaza coast

Images taken by the space technology firm Maxar show the beginnings of the construction of what looks to be a jetty off the coast of the Gaza Strip.

These photos were taken on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Maxar said, and show the progression of the construction out into the water.

Last week during his annual State of the Union address to the US Congress, Biden announced that the US would set up a temporary pier off Gaza to deliver humanitarian supplies to the besieged enclave as Palestinians begin to starve during Israel’s blockade of the strip.

Four days ago, the US said a ship equipped to construct the pier had departed the US.


The "Biden pier" being made, solely for optics to avoid actually pressuring Israel to stop blocking aid.


Reports: Canada pauses nonlethal military shipments to Israel

Since January, Canada has paused the transfer of nonlethal military hardware to Israel, the Toronto Star and Reuters report, citing unnamed Canadian officials.

“Since Jan. 8, applications for permits to allow Canadian companies to ship tens of millions of dollars worth of non-lethal goods and technology, such as night vision goggles, have been temporarily put on hold because of the difficulty in establishing whether the material could be used in human rights violations, say senior government officials,” the report from the Toronto Star reads.

The government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has long said that it does not transfer full weapons systems to Israel, an assertion reiterated to Al Jazeera in an email last month.

“The permits which have been granted since October 7, 2023, are for the export of non-lethal equipment,” Global Affairs Canada wrote.

But advocates whom Al Jazeera spoke to said a lack of information obscures the real arms trade between Israel and Canada. While full weapons systems might not be transferred, they said, the vast majority of Canada’s military exports to Israel come in the form of parts and components, which include, among other things, bombs and other ordinance.



>The "Biden pier" being made, solely for optics to avoid actually pressuring Israel to stop blocking aid.
Yes, that is true, the most straight forward solution would be to arm-twist an opening for the aid-trucks, but then again why not just twist a little more and make them ceasefire altogether.
Admittedly building a technological solution to bypass "unpleasant people", is still a kind of "FUCK YOU". At least if this thing delivers.


Whether or not it's a "fuck you," it still isn't the most practical or effective way to deal with this. It also puts a bunch of American troops there.


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Houthis threaten to expand attacks on ships to new waters

The leader of Yemen’s Houthis said in a televised speech that the group’s operations targeting vessels will prevent Israel-linked ships from even passing through the Indian Ocean towards the Cape of Good Hope.

About 34 Houthi members have been killed since the armed group began to attack shipping lanes in solidarity with the Palestinians in the Gaza war, the Houthis’ leader, Abdul Malik al-Houthi, added.

Israel again shoots aid seekers in Gaza City, killing at least 5

Al Jazeera Arabic’s Anas al-Sharif, our correspondent in north Gaza, is reporting an attack by Israeli forces on Palestinians seeking aid at the Kuwait Roundabout in Gaza City.

He says the shooting caused at least five deaths and dozens of injuries.

The Kuwait Roundabout has been the site of numerous attacks on starving Palestinians as they await the distribution of essential humanitarian assistance.

We will bring you updates on this attack as soon as we get more information.

Israeli army names soldier killed in stabbing attack

Earlier, we reported on a stabbing attack at the Beit Kama junction in southern Israel that left one person in critical condition and the attacker “neutralised”, according to Israeli police and the Israeli ambulance service.

The Israeli army has announced on its website that one of its soldiers, a 51-year-old “foreman in the technology and maintenance department”, was killed in the attack.

US, UK conduct raids in Yemen: Report

The Houthi-affiliated TV channel Al-Masirah says US and UK forces have carried out three raids on the Ras Issa area in al-Salif district of Hodeidah province.

We will bring you more on this as updates come in.



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‘Who are you negotiating with if Hamas has been defeated?’

The leader of Hezbollah says Israel has already lost the war on Gaza, even if it launches a ground invasion of Rafah with the stated aim to “destroy” Hamas.

“Even if you go to Rafah, you have lost the war. Despite all the massacres, Gaza’s people will not surrender to you. The people of Gaza are still embracing the resistance,” Hassan Nasrallah said in a speech.

“Who are you negotiating with if Hamas has been defeated?” Lebanese media quoted him as saying.

“All Palestinian factions are unanimous in stopping the aggression, contrary to what is being reported that Hamas is obstructing the negotiations.”

Israeli MPs approve revised wartime budget

Israel’s parliament has adopted a revised budget for 2024 allowing for more spending to finance the war against Hamas, now in its sixth month.

The new budget passed by a vote of 62 lawmakers to 55.

It modifies the budget passed in May 2023, increasing the spending limit by 70.4 billion shekels ($19.4bn), or more than 14 percent, according to a statement from Israel’s legislature, the Knesset.

Of that amount, 55 billion shekels ($15.1bn) could be allocated to the military and 15.5 billion ($4.1bn) could go “to finance civilian needs”, the statement said.


Italy arms exports to Israel continued despite block, minister says

ROME, March 14 (Reuters) - Italy has continued to export arms to Israel, the Italian defence minister said on Thursday, despite assurances last year that the government was blocking such sales following Israel's invasion of the Gaza Strip.

However, Guido Crosetto told parliament that only previously signed orders were being honoured after checks had been made to ensure the weaponry would not be used against Gaza civilians.

Under Italian law, arms exports are banned to countries that are waging war and those deemed to be violating international human rights.

Crosetto announced last year following the explosion of violence in Gaza that the Italian authority which oversees the sale of military goods, known as Uama, had blocked authorisation of the transfer of arms to Israel.

However, picking apart data from statistics agency ISTAT, independent media outlet Altreconomia this week reported that Italy had exported 2.1 million euros ($2.30 million) in arms and munitions to Israel in the last three months of 2023.

In December alone, Italy exported 1.3 million euros worth of arms, three times the level of the same month in 2022.

Crosetto told parliament these were outstanding contracts. "Uama checked them on a case-by-case basis and they did not concern materials that could be used against civilians in Gaza," he said.

Francesco Vignarca, head of a national pacifist network for disarmament, said there was little clarity surrounding arms sales and criticised recent moves to reform the export law.

"With the (proposed) changes, decisions (on exports) will be more political and transparency will be reduced," he said, adding that all outstanding arms contracts to Israel needed to be suspended.

Italy's conservative government offered immediate support to Israel in the wake of the surprise Hamas attack on Oct. 7, but has since criticised the Israeli invasion of Gaza, saying far too many civilians were dying and urging an immediate ceasefire.

($1 = 0.9142 euros)



This is still essential viewing if you guys haven't seen it yet.


>it still isn't the most practical or effective way to deal with this.
The problem here is that something like this needs to be worked out, tested and optimized beforehand. However if you do that, and you have a technical solution ready to go if and when the need arises, it can be incredibly effective and fast.

There used to be medium sized military hovercraft that could carry between 3000 to 5000 tonnes and make beach-landings pretty much everywhere. If you got one of those and have it go back and forth to a large nearby cargo-ship, you can deliver massive quantities of aid within days.

Most Hovercrafts got mothballed a few decades ago, but it should be possible to work out something equally effective. It's just that we didn't prepare.

And politically speaking there are advantages in just sidelining genocidal Zionists and rendering them impotent to use starvation as a weapon. Neutralizing weaponized starvation, could mean that it won't be tried again.


>Under Italian law, arms exports are banned to countries that are waging war and those deemed to be violating international human rights.
Israel has been condemned for violating human rights for decades, why did they ever export arms in the first place.


Why would we prepare for a country we give billions of dollars to every year to launch a genocidal siege against its bantustan?

>And politically speaking there are advantages in just sidelining genocidal Zionists and rendering them impotent to use starvation as a weapon. Neutralizing weaponized starvation, could mean that it won't be tried again.

Sending aid by ship is unlikely to neutralize genocidal starvation. It will also take multiple weeks to build the pier, during which time more people will die of hunger. Aid groups have said it's too time-consuming and also inadequate, and there are multiple roads into Gaza, and Israel is blocking aid from going in at every one of them, but it let the trucks carrying the stuff to build this pier through.

Israel is also apparently handling aid checking at Cyprus, so they could easily just stall aid checks there once this is constructed. This also won't stop Israel from shooting people who go to collect aid, something they are already doing regularly, and it's entirely possible that US personnel are hit by Israel, too… it's happened before:

What's more, the US continues to supply Israel with weapons. If your city was under brutal siege and the top-arms-supplier and backer of the country performing the siege started using its military to do construction on your coast, what would you think was going on?
Even if Hamas is too smart to fire on them, there are about two months of construction to go. In a war where the US is the biggest backer of your greatest enemy, US construction in your territory would look like a further act of war. The risk of an "incident" is absurdly high, whether by "friendly fire" from Israel or by panicked Palestinians.

I mean, this is a lot more clear-cut. Israel has been actively, continuously, and very visibly committing the greatest war crimes known to man, now, for about 5 months, to the point where nobody has any sort of refuge of deniability. Like, there's never been a point in history until this year where Israel was taken to the highest court on Earth for genocide and the judges said "yeah, probably, stop doing all these things that violate the genocide convention." This has been a clear escalation, and people aren't turning a blind eye to it anymore; instead of asking why they'd bother, now (those lamers! Don't they know I knew Israel was violating human rights before it was cool!), ask why they aren't going further and push them.


WATCH: How does US intelligence disagree with Israel on Gaza?

In its annual report, the US intelligence community says Hamas cannot be destroyed.

The group’s elimination is a core aim of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s merciless onslaught in Gaza.

So why is the US continuing to arm Israel to fight a war it doesn’t believe can be won?


>Israel again shoots aid seekers in Gaza City, killing at least 5

Update on this:
20 dead bodies from Israeli attack on Kuwait Roundabout at al-Shifa Hospital: Ministry

The Gaza Ministry of Health has provided another update on Israel’s shooting of aid seekers in Gaza City.

It said 20 dead Palestinians and 155 injuries have reached al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City.

“The wounded lie on the floor in al-Shifa Medical Complex,” the ministry said in a statement, adding that medical teams are unable to deal with the volume and nature of the injuries due to weakened medical capabilities.

We will continue to update you on this attack as we receive more information.



>Why would we prepare for
>a genocidal siege
Well apparently we live in a world where genocidal sieges still happen. It's very annoying but unless you have an effective means of frustrating this, preparation to ameliorate the damage is the only option we have.

I understand that the point of building this pier is to stall and prolong the Zionist mass murder rampage. However you have to realize that we won an ideological battle here, they have to pretend that they want to help. If you invent a technological solution that can establish an adhoc supply line very quickly, political pressure will compel them to use it. If you can make it have lots of through-put and very cost efficient, it will get copied by many others and that will change the material conditions. Genocidal sieges will become less practicle as a result. I know that this is not the direct path of just using the roads to send supplies. But you have to understand the political dynamics, people only block roads if that gives them power. If you have a means to bypass their road blocks, they won't get power, and then they'll leave the roads alone.

The US military has a significant number of cost efficient cargo helicopters, specifically designed for supply drops in the field. Those can be remote controlled or onboard piloted, 50 of those could probably create an air bridge and relay the supplies of the trucks stuck behind Zionist blockades. They could delicately place large crates full of aid near the refugee camps without risking crushing people like with air-drops from planes. The pattern of IDF soldiers using aid trucks as bait for ambushing aid-seekers, could also be avoided because helis are too fast for ground troops to get into position.

There are 2 struggles in the supply situation. The first one is to get aid to the starving Palestinians, the second one is to render the Zionists incapable of using starvation as a weapon.

I understand that the overarching goal is to block the US and other countries from sending weapons to the Zionists. But that's a different type of struggle. I guess people need to set up protests in front of the weapons producers and supply-depots or something.


>Well apparently we live in a world where genocidal sieges still happen. It's very annoying but unless you have an effective means of frustrating this, preparation to ameliorate the damage is the only option we have.
I mean, we could have just not armed/funded Israel. There were a lot of red flags up-to now which were actively downplayed by the powers-that-be. Political elites not only would have access to much of this information, they have a responsibility not to ignore or downplay it.

The thing is, they weren't going to make a decision here which would get in the way of Israel's capacity to do this, because Israel was paying them great deals of money, and they were also, many of them, making a great deal of money from the American arms industry, too. If they weren't going to see the horrible things Israel was already doing, and the horrible things Netanyahu-and-friends were saying, and pull out support for Zionism, then they certainly weren't going to prepare for Zionists to do this. The entire support model was built of denialism, and that's why they've taken so long to even pretend to give a shit about this.

>I understand that the point of building this pier is to stall and prolong the Zionist mass murder rampage. However you have to realize that we won an ideological battle here, they have to pretend that they want to help. If you invent a technological solution that can establish an adhoc supply line very quickly, political pressure will compel them to use it. If you can make it have lots of through-put and very cost efficient, it will get copied by many others and that will change the material conditions. Genocidal sieges will become less practicle as a result. I know that this is not the direct path of just using the roads to send supplies. But you have to understand the political dynamics, people only block roads if that gives them power. If you have a means to bypass their road blocks, they won't get power, and then they'll leave the roads alone.

This is nice, but just nice. I don't believe there is presently a technological solution to this issue, and I don't think that there will be for some years. There is the practical matter of the people who are dying now, and that isn't something which can wait for a workaround. That's, like, an actual place full of actual people, it can'[t ethically be treated like an experiment.

>The US military has a significant number of cost efficient cargo helicopters, specifically designed for supply drops in the field. Those can be remote controlled or onboard piloted, 50 of those could probably create an air bridge and relay the supplies of the trucks stuck behind Zionist blockades. They could delicately place large crates full of aid near the refugee camps without risking crushing people like with air-drops from planes. The pattern of IDF soldiers using aid trucks as bait for ambushing aid-seekers, could also be avoided because helis are too fast for ground troops to get into position.

Interesting. They do also fire on aid seekers with drones and (iirc) helicopters, though.

>There are 2 struggles in the supply situation. The first one is to get aid to the starving Palestinians, the second one is to render the Zionists incapable of using starvation as a weapon.

Why not solve them both with one fell swoop by not supplying the Zionists with any more weapons? It wouldn't take any less long than building the pier would.

>I understand that the overarching goal is to block the US and other countries from sending weapons to the Zionists. But that's a different type of struggle. I guess people need to set up protests in front of the weapons producers and supply-depots or something.

They're doing it. Tbh I feel like they ought to be expanding what they do in that field by now - protesting in front of weapons suppliers should have started months-ago, assuming that the protests I'm seeing now are new. There should be far more done about these deadly shipments; I only recall one group of protesters blocking them at a US port months ago, and I'd hope for more of that.

I contest that it's a different type of struggle, though - the US hasn't used any real leverage against Israel. They should be withdrawing any kind of support they can - first weapons, but then other stuff. They could sever diplomatic ties, stop trade with Israel, etc. They could even bomb an airforce base like they did when Assad was accused of committing considerably fewer war crimes, though that wouldn't be ideal!

Rather than cutting off any of its aid to Israel if Israel continues to do what it has been doing, the US has volunteered to spend billions more to clean up Israel's mess for it, which is probably not the best path for anyone. The US really has no excuse not to cut off aid, continuing to arm Israel is probably illegal.


>It wouldn't take any less long than building the pier would.
Ups, meant it would take any more long.


Funny Cornish man has very interesting information about the True Confidence ship which the Houthis attacked.


You are assuming that the hand that sends the bombs to Israel is the same hand that tries to send the delayed food aid to the Palestinians. Are you sure that's actually the case ? If there was an efficient way to bypass the Zionist blockade and deliver the food aid, it might just be used.
You are correct that building a efficient technological solution to get around people blocking food transports likely needs time, but the current crisis isn't going to be the only rodeo. The Zionists may try this again. Others may try to emulate them, there's people taking notes, every fucked up strategy the Zionists get away with, may get copied. While i agree that we need a right-now solution, don't try to halt these types of efforts. That stuff likely will be useful in the future.
>They do also fire on aid seekers with drones and (iirc) helicopters, though.
Oh, i didn't know, well that's fucked up. So what strategy works against that ?
>Why not solve them both with one fell swoop by not supplying the Zionists with any more weapons? It wouldn't take any less long than building the pier would.
They don't need the supply of heavy weapons to keep up the blockade, they walled off Gaza and there's only a few entry points. Besides i don't think this is that type of choice where you got the option between building a pier or ending the weapon supplies.
>They're doing it. Tbh I feel like they ought to be expanding what they do in that field by now - protesting in front of weapons suppliers should have started months-ago.
It took a while for people to figure that out.
>the US hasn't used any real leverage against Israel. They should be withdrawing any kind of support they can - first weapons, but then other stuff. They could sever diplomatic ties,
I think this will happen in time, Zionist support in the US political machine is proportional to age, they completely lost younger people. They are now trying to reshape the media landscape to make it relay more Zionist propaganda to the youth. But it's too late, sooo many people got politicized over this, they'll never accept pro-zionist media ever again. Pro Zionist talking points will be how people spot shills.
>stop trade with Israel
I doubt that'll do much, this kind of stuff doesn't personally affect the decision makers, and these people do not care otherwise.
>They could even bomb an airforce base
This doesn't sound rational. Don't just bomb some airforce base unless you have a concrete military reason for it. If the US tried to punish the Zionists by striking one of their facilities, they would likely try to attribute it on Iran and use it for escalation.


>You are assuming that the hand that sends the bombs to Israel is the same hand that tries to send the delayed food aid to the Palestinians.

All due respect, did you read this sentence before posting it?

>If there was an efficient way to bypass the Zionist blockade and deliver the food aid, it might just be used.

1. Tell them if they block more food aid, arm more settler militias, do more genocide, you'll cut off weapons shipments
2. Cut off weapons shipments
3. They have fewer weapons to do those things with, and are facing an actual penalty from their closest ally for doing the things they've been doing.
4. Continue to cut off any benefits and relations with them if they persist.

That's it. The US has applied literally no pressure on them to stop; even past administrations have threatened actual penalties for their brutality, this one doesn't do that. The US needs to actually stop giving them free shit if it expects any of its "concerns" to be taken seriously at all.

>but the current crisis isn't going to be the only rodeo. The Zionists may try this again.

They could finish it off this time if we don't get off our asses and stop them. There is no long-game based around the possibility that they might do it "again," they are trying to destroy Palestine entirely now, and if they are not stopped then they will succeed. This isn't sports betting here, Zionism is coming to be seen more-and-more for what it is by the people of the world, and that is an intolerable ethno-Fascist ideology. Netanyahu is on a suicide mission and if we put off dealing with this then he is going to take us with him.

>Others may try to emulate them, there's people taking notes, every fucked up strategy the Zionists get away with, may get copied.

This is really understating it.
This has been allowed to happen deliberately. It's not that folks are taking notes ready to "copy" it, it's that genocidal Fascist ideology has been successfully laundered into mainstream western politics on behalf of the MIC by way of organizations like AIPAC. They've been setting this shit up way longer than you might think.

>While i agree that we need a right-now solution, don't try to halt these types of efforts. That stuff likely will be useful in the future.

Or it could literally just be a US military base. Or it could connect to that road Israel is building and be used to transport natural gas into Israel from the Gaza Marine.

The US has time and time again proven itself to be deeply untrustworthy when it comes to the intentions behind projects like this. On top of that, it's a way more expensive, way less efficient way to do this than just telling Israel "no letting aid through = no support," and we're the ones paying for it. They wouldn't halt it if I jumped in the way and yelled "stop!" and that's a problem! It's extremely suspicious to me, what they're doing, and I'm not the only one who thinks it smells fishy.

>Oh, i didn't know, well that's fucked up. So what strategy works against that ?

Stop giving them bullets is a start! No bullets, no missiles, no helicopters, no parts…

>They don't need the supply of heavy weapons to keep up the blockade, they walled off Gaza and there's only a few entry points. Besides i don't think this is that type of choice where you got the option between building a pier or ending the weapon supplies.

I mean, the weapons help.
They can't blow up aid trucks without missiles to do it with.

Also, it's just leverage. They want weapons, we have weapons, we say "keep doing what you're doing and we won't give you any weapons" and that creates pressure to do things differently. The US is, as far as I know, Israel's single biggest supplier. And if that doesn't work, then we keep going and keep not giving them other stuff. For example, the US has consistently been vetoing resolutions critical of Israel at the UN - we could stop doing that if we were serious about pressuring Israel to behave like human beings, but we haven't stopped.

And even if this process doesn't stop it immediately, it makes it harder for Israel to carry on doing this shit. Like, they've dropped something like 45,000-65,000 bombs on Gaza since October 7, and I think those were mostly made in the USA.

>I think this will happen in time, Zionist support in the US political machine is proportional to age, they completely lost younger people. They are now trying to reshape the media landscape to make it relay more Zionist propaganda to the youth. But it's too late, sooo many people got politicized over this, they'll never accept pro-zionist media ever again. Pro Zionist talking points will be how people spot shills.

The thing is, the political machine for the time being is still totally Zionist captured. This is why this whole situation is an immediate threat to folks in the USA. The cops are trained by the IDF, AIPAC has bought the entire GOP and the vast majority of the DNC (and a great deal of members of both parties are also war profiteers and co-conspirators), and these interests are essentially steering our state rightwards and buying our elections. They fully intend on cracking down on dissent by any means necessary.

>I doubt that'll do much, this kind of stuff doesn't personally affect the decision makers, and these people do not care otherwise.

I mean, it will send a message. Stopping trade stops trade. We did it with Nazi Germany.

>This doesn't sound rational. Don't just bomb some airforce base unless you have a concrete military reason for it.

I mean, I agree, but I'm just saying they did it with Assad, and Assad was doing way less bad stuff. Military intervention is also legally justified when it comes to stopping a genocide, so it's not like we'd have no excuse, and it might actually finally manage to scare Israeli leadership a bit if they thought they'd have to fight the US.

>If the US tried to punish the Zionists by striking one of their facilities, they would likely try to attribute it on Iran and use it for escalation.

This hypothesis is not very good.
No, they wouldn't blame it on Iran. FFS ordinary Israelis may be bigoted, but they aren't that stupid, the Israeli government wouldn't be able to claim that a US 'warning' attack which the US took credit for was somehow Iran's fault, plenty of Israelis can read English. They'd know who did it and why. Whether or not it would be effective might not be certain, but they'd at least know the US did it.


Gaza War Sit Rep Day 161: A Pier

Good recap and analysis on Yemen's Houthis, Rafah, the Biden pier and the logistical limitations of the current setup, Israeli prisoner exchange policy (and a recent announcement by Israel, apparently without clear evidence, that one hostage from NY had died), etc.


Yes Cornish man seems based


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There should be no shamrock for 'Genocide Joe' over his stance on Israel

Paul Murphy
The People Before Profit TD says it is unforgivable that Irish leaders are not taking a harder stand on Gaza while in the US this week.

TAOISEACH LEO VARADKAR, on his annual trip to Washington DC for the St Patrick’s Day celebration, said that he felt that US President Joe Biden’s heart was in the right place on Gaza. This is a man who has cut funding to Palestinian refugees through UNRWA while continuing to be the biggest financier of the Israeli war machine.

Every night on the evening news people across the world are being presented with images of unparalleled suffering and brutality being inflicted on the Palestinian people.

Images tell a tale of shocking destruction and unimaginable conditions. Stories told of death, disease, starvation and famine are the everyday reality for the people of Gaza since Israel’s unprecedented assault on the people of this narrow stretch of land.

The sustained and unrelenting bombardment of Gaza by Israel has driven over one million people south, to Rafah. Humanitarian groups are deeply concerned that a ground offensive in the densely crowded region will be catastrophic.

US support

The US is by far the biggest supporter of military funding to Israel. Since the foundation of the State of Israel, the US has contributed $130 billion dollars in military aid. On top of the annual $4 billion in military funding, the US is giving an extra $14.5 billion this year to support the genocidal assault on Gaza.

Joe Biden has recently said rhetorically that he would consider an invasion of Rafah by Israel to be a “red line”. However, the President has refused to cut off military aid to Israel. The Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu knows this and says that he intends to press ahead with a ground invasion of Rafah.

What can be done about this situation where the largest superpower in the world is sending military aid to a regime that is committing war crimes on the people of Palestine and is unwilling to prevent atrocities from occurring?

What can Ireland do?

The Irish government will argue that it is more effective to go to Washington DC and make the diplomatic case to Joe Biden to stop military aid to Israel. But we can already see that Varadkar and others will give a very soft message. When Varadkar spoke to the political and economic elite of Washington DC at the Ireland Funds dinner, he spoke only of a duty “to bring peace and justice to the Holy Land.” Shamefully, Sinn Féin’s Michelle O’Neill was even weaker, just encouraging “a constructive, critical partnership in terms of what is happening in the Middle East.”

All Irish acts due to play at the SXSW festival in Texas pulled out in protest at the sponsorship of the event by the US Army. Shamefully, Minister Catherine Martin broke the boycott, participating in a panel at the event.

The Irish government and other Irish politicians should follow the lead of those artists, take a principled stand and boycott the St Patrick’s Day festivities. This would send a message across America and the world that Ireland stands with the people of Palestine. It would heap the pressure on Joe Biden amongst the people of the US but crucially Irish Americans which Joe Biden needs in the upcoming Presidential Elections.

If we said today that the world should place economic sanctions and place a diplomatic boycott on apartheid South Africa, nobody would bat an eyelid. People would consider it the right thing to do to put pressure on a state that imposes a racist apartheid system on its population. Amnesty International, B’Tselem and other NGOs have reported that “Israel’s regime of apartheid and occupation is inextricably bound up in human rights violations”.

Indeed, in the case of Apartheid South Africa, in November 1962 the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution calling on all of its members to end economic and military relations with South Africa over its racist and apartheid policies.

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Related Reads

Varadkar denies softening language on Gaza during US trip, says tailoring message for audience needed

Varadkar and O'Neill gently raise Gaza message to muted applause from Washington power brokers

Biden's heart is 'in the right place' in relation to Gaza conflict, Varadkar says
The hypocrisy of the so-called international community is on show in its double standards on Ukraine and Palestine. Economic and diplomatic sanctions have been imposed on Russia. Ursula von der Leyen and Micheál Martin described Russia’s invasion as a genocide.

Yet Israel’s genocidal assault on Palestine is either met with words of criticism, but no action, like from the Irish government, or with overt support and funding from the US and the EU. Why does the international community stand by or cheer while more than 30,000 Palestinians are massacred? Why do world leaders only offer mild mannered calls for Israel to be held to account for imposing a system of apartheid? Why are illegal settlers consistently breaching international law and further encroaching on to Palestinian land in the West Bank? And why is it okay for the US to funnel astronomical amounts of money into propping up the Israeli war machine and its economy which is built on oppression?

The difference of course is the position and interests of US imperialism. While the US administration opposes Russia as a potential rival, it supports Israel. This is why St. Patrick’s Day is so important.

No bowl of shamrock for Mr President

The case for a ceasefire, an arms embargo, and economic and political sanctions on the State of Israel has never been more urgent. Israel is imposing untold suffering, murder and starvation on the Palestinian people.

The Irish government and the Taoiseach as the leader of a country that has felt the sharp edge of colonial oppression should be taking the lead on the international stage. For the people of Palestine who have experienced so much oppression since the foundation of the State of Israel and who are currently facing genocide and a ground invasion of Rafah it would be stomach churning to see Leo Varadkar celebrating St Patrick’s Day with the leader of the state who are sanctioning this violence.

The same goes for Sinn Féin leaders who should not be meeting US leaders for St. Patrick’s Day while they fund genocide. There must be no bowl of shamrock for Genocide Joe.

Paul Murphy TD is a People Before Profit TD for Dublin South West. He was imprisoned by the Israelis after being captured on a flotilla to Gaza in 2011 while he was an MEP.



>… What?
I think states are not monolithic, the many different institutions can and do act independently from one another to a great extend. So I'm not convinced that all the actions of western governments with regards to the Genocide in the Gaza war are orchestrated. I think it's entirely possible that some institutions are genuinely trying to help Palestinians with aid while others are trying destroy them with weapons.

I agree with you that the Zionist collaborators have to be compelled to halt the weapons shipments. But you make it sound like we should be doing that instead of trying to figure out ways to punch holes into the Zionist starvation curtain to make the aid-supply lines flow. Why not do both ?

I think you are dead wrong about the Zionist intentions. In the hypothetical event where they manage to complete the Palestinian genocide by murder and forced relocation. They are not going to stop, they will find new victims and continue. They will try to fence off a new group of people and subject them to the same conditions. There is a need to create the material conditions where this scheme fails to work at all.

>genocidal Fascist ideology has been successfully laundered into mainstream western politics on behalf of the MIC by way of organizations like AIPAC. They've been setting this shit up way longer than you might think.

You are correct about this, but they are on a declining trend-line. Their main source of strength comes from imperialism, which is a shrinking force in the world. As they loose the ability to prey on the periphery they will try to prey on the core. In the past they managed to remove them selves from democratic influence because they funded them selves by imperial super-profits. But when they try to shift their funding source back to the population in the core they will become subject to democratic influence again. Their attempts at maintaining power will manifest as fascistic attacks on democracy.

>I mean, I agree, but I'm just saying they did it with Assad,

I don't really understand why you see a parallel between Syria and Israel, or Assad and Netanyahu.
>Military intervention is also legally justified when it comes to stopping a genocide, so it's not like we'd have no excuse, and it might actually finally manage to scare Israeli leadership a bit if they thought they'd have to fight the US.
I think the US should just tell the Zionists they will not defend Israel against Iran, Lebanon, Yemen, etc, nor shield them from international political fallout. There is enough local power in the region to police Israel. I don't think it's wise to tie the protection of Palestinians to US military intervention.

>The thing is, the political machine for the time being is still totally Zionist captured. This is why this whole situation is an immediate threat

Yes the influence of the Zionist lobby represents a threat to democracy, but they are burning a lot of political capital to do this, if people keep pushing against them they will run out eventually. It's not in the interest of the US or any of the other western powers to have their global diplomatic standing damaged over satisfying the blood-lust of these goons.
>The cops are trained by the IDF
In the US there are a lot of unjustly imprisoned people in the private prison complex that could be deputized to help remedy a rogue police problem.
>They fully intend on cracking down on dissent by any means necessary.
Zionism is on the way out, if they destabilize the US political system with political violence as their last act, they will regret it.
>I mean, it will send a message. Stopping trade stops trade. We did it with Nazi Germany.
I don't see the point of fucking with trade, you can't punish countries or governments because they just view you as an aggressor and try to retaliate. Besides Nazi Germany was pummeled in to submission by artillery barrages and carpet bombing, not trade shenanigans.

>Military intervention is also legally justified when it comes to stopping a genocide, so it's not like we'd have no excuse.

I really have a hard time understanding what you want to get out of this. If you want to demoralize the Zionists find a way to set up a massive military field hospice in Gaza and begin rendering medical aid. If you nurse a bunch of sick and injured Palestinians back to health, that will annoy them to no end.

If you really have to missile strike something, try making a bunch of holes into the barriers that isolate Gaza. Specifically in places where the holes can be used to transport aid.


Israel’s Limits On Aid For Gaza Make U.S. Military Support Illegal, Activists Argue
Over two dozen humanitarian and human rights groups made the argument in a message exclusively obtained by HuffPost and sent to President Joe Biden, after a similar message from eight senators.
March 12

Joe Biden is committing “an apparent violation of U.S. law” by continuing to send military assistance to Israel while the nation blocks American aid for Gaza, 25 prominent humanitarian and human rights organizations argued in a Tuesday letter to the U.S. president.

In the letter, shared exclusively with HuffPost, the groups cited Biden’s decisions in recent days to airdrop aid into Gaza and launch a complex plan to build a floating pier to provide food to people there, some of whom have begun dying of malnutrition and dehydration, as an acknowledgment that Israel is impeding the delivery of crucial U.S. supplies.

“Both efforts are the latest implicit recognition of Israel’s severe restrictions on humanitarian access amid extraordinary human suffering,” reads the message, which was delivered to the U.S. National Security Council. “Your administration has now publicly recognized what humanitarian organizations have reported for months: that the government of Israel is obstructing the delivery of humanitarian aid to starving Palestinians.”

The letter came after eight senators also sent Biden a missive saying Netanyahu is breaching laws governing U.S. military aid.

At question is Section 620I of the Foreign Assistance Act, which says that presidents cannot provide military aid to foreign countries if they know those nations are barring the delivery of U.S. humanitarian relief. In the letter, the groups argued that Biden is violating the law by refusing to end “unconditional arms transfers” and other support for Israel’s ongoing deadly offensive in Gaza, which has so far killed more than 30,000 Palestinians, per local authorities.

The Tuesday statement represents a striking accusation from well-respected groups, ranging from rights watchdogs like Amnesty International and the Center for Civilians in Conflict, or CIVIC, to major aid bodies such as Oxfam America, the Norwegian Refugee Council and Refugees International. It will likely intensify conversations about the aid statute among key policymakers — as well as frustration among critics of Biden’s Gaza policy.

Sens. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) and Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Rep. Jim McGovern (D-Mass.) have recently urged Biden to invoke the law to force Israel to change its aid approach for fear of losing irreplaceable U.S. military backing.

“About three weeks ago, I asked senior State Department officials to tell me why this law …has not been applied,” Van Hollen said on the Senate floor on Feb. 12. “I haven’t gotten an answer.”

In February, Sanders and 17 Democratic senators supported legislation from Van Hollen that cited Section 620I and would have required Biden to secure assurances from partner countries, like Israel, that they will fully cooperate with U.S. attempts to distribute aid globally. The Biden administration drew on Van Hollen’s bill to roll out a new policy governing arms transfers to nations including Israel. But analysts say it will do little to help Gaza today and could be an “empty promise” in the long run.

Well-known former Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) last week told The Independent that he believes current U.S. aid for Israel is violating a different law he championed barring assistance for military units committing major human rights abuses.

The prospect of applying Section 620I during international conflicts has previously arisen twice — but it has never been fully implemented.

Congress passed the law in the 1990s, when Turkey was restricting humanitarian assistance to Armenia as it feuded with Azerbaijan, a Turkish ally. Legislators pushed for Section 620I to be applied to Turkey — a member of NATO, which works closely with the U.S. military — and then-President Bill Clinton’s administration acknowledged that the statute was relevant, but issued a waiver to maintain military aid despite Turkish aid interference, as Brian Finucane, a former State Department lawyer, noted on X.

And in 2017, under scrutiny from Sen. Todd Young (R-Ind.), then-State Department legal adviser nominee Jennifer Newstead said that the law could apply to Saudi Arabia, which was receiving U.S. military assistance as it waged war in Yemen and limited how much aid entered that country. Newstead ultimately served as State’s top lawyer from January 2018 to April 2019.

But Finucane added in a later post that the Biden administration may be loath to even acknowledge a violation while the International Court of Justice is still weighing a case on whether Israel is committing genocide in Gaza; the U.S. could end up strengthening a suit that might implicate U.S. officials who are enabling the campaign. HuffPost has previously revealed that several U.S. government agencies are tracking whether Israel’s Gaza policy involves violations of international and U.S. law.

Regardless of the Biden administration’s willingness to acknowledge the law, clearly worsening conditions in the Palestinian enclave mean it cannot be ignored for good, activists and analysts argue.

“Restrictions are not isolated instances but the policy of the government of Israel,” the Tuesday letter tells Biden, citing repeated statements by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, as well as Israel’s denials of humanitarian requests and attacks on civilians seeking aid.

“During your own State of the Union address, you implicitly acknowledged that Israel was using humanitarian aid as a bargaining chip,” the message continues. “We demand that you urgently comply with U.S. law, end U.S. support for catastrophic human suffering in Gaza, and use your leverage to protect civilians and ensure the impartial provision of humanitarian assistance.”

The Biden administration has said that Israeli ministers in Netanyahu’s government are deliberately preventing aid from getting to Gaza.

Asked by reporters on March 6 if that assessment meant the U.S. believes Section 620I should be triggered, State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller said, “That’s not something that I’ve spent a lot of time looking at, but we are always engaged with Israel, as we are with all countries, about their need to fulfill all U.S. statutory requirements, and we have not made an assessment that Israel is in breach of any such statutory requirements at this time.”

Oxfam and Human Rights Watch have said that Israel is deliberately starving civilians as part of its military strategy in what would represent a war crime. Annie Shiel, the U.S. advocacy director at CIVIC and an organizer of the Tuesday letter, told HuffPost that Biden’s current approach of unconditional support for the Israeli strategy and “insufficient” U.S. aid amounts to “a green light for more devastation.”

U.S. supplies for the Iron Dome system are not transferred under the law that contains Section 620I and covers most American military exports, so Biden would not risk that shield if he were to enforce the statute over Israel’s handling of humanitarian aid, according to John Ramming Chappell, an advocacy and legal fellow at CIVIC.

“The Biden administration has always been bound to comply with Section 620I — but since it has not done so to date, congressional pressure is also vital to press President Biden to immediately obey the law and ensure lifesaving aid reaches civilians living on the brink of famine,” Chappell told HuffPost.

Since Israel launched its U.S.-backed incursion following an Oct. 7 attack led by the Gaza-based Palestinian faction Hamas that killed around 1,200 people in Israel, its tactics have spurred worldwide horror. Israeli restrictions on aid — affecting both the northern section of the region, which Israel has controlled for months, and the southern town of Rafah, which it plans to capture next and where more than 1 million displaced Palestinians are sheltering — have led to mass starvation and public health crises.

U.S.-backed Israeli attacks have also killed multiple aid workers. On March 8, an Israeli airstrike killed Mousa Shawwa, an employee of the humanitarian group Anera, which signed on to the Tuesday letter to Biden.

The situation has sparked immense alarm and outrage among professional humanitarian groups, many of whom blasted Biden’s recent new proposals for Gaza.

“Oxfam does not support U.S. airdrops to Gaza, which would mostly serve to relieve the guilty consciences of senior U.S. officials,” Scott Paul of Oxfam America recently wrote on X.



In this case Biden is overseeing both the arms shipments and the convoluted aid schemes. Using denial of weapons shipments as pressure would be solve both problems, and he should have tried that before anything else; it would have been far more effective and less costly.

>I agree with you that the Zionist collaborators have to be compelled to halt the weapons shipments. But you make it sound like we should be doing that instead of trying to figure out ways to punch holes into the Zionist starvation curtain to make the aid-supply lines flow. Why not do both ?

Well, airdrops and pier-building cost incredibly large amounts of money, cost time, endanger the people assigned to work on them, and are less effective than just pressuring Israel to let trucks in by road and stop shooting at them would be. The thing is, Biden chose to do these and not apply pressure or halt arms-sales, and the president has the power to unilaterally stop arms exports and military support afaik. He instead takes the less effective, more expensive, generally worse routes without even trying the more effective one… and succeeding with the more effective one would mean not having to resort to any of these other schemes.

>I think you are dead wrong about the Zionist intentions. In the hypothetical event where they manage to complete the Palestinian genocide by murder and forced relocation. They are not going to stop, they will find new victims and continue. They will try to fence off a new group of people and subject them to the same conditions. There is a need to create the material conditions where this scheme fails to work at all.

I mean I agree with you that Netanyahu intends to keep going, but I disagree with your, uh… "conclusions" here. First off, if we're planning to let Israel exterminate the Palestinians, then we've already fucking lost. You need to be working on stopping what's going on right now, not hoping that you'll get a second chance some time in a future which is not assured. That means no arms for Israel, that's step one. Planning to only clean up their messes later is not in any way viable, it's ceding the entire region to them, and if they succeed the first time then why would they let you stop them the next time they do it?

Secondly, I just don't trust any of this. Not only do I not trust Biden's stated intentions with the pier, I also don't trust your guesstimations of possible good reasons for it based on hypothetical futures. To me it seems like ass-covering at best and a scheme to get a greater foothold in the region… at somewhat worse.

>You are correct about this, but they are on a declining trend-line. Their main source of strength comes from imperialism, which is a shrinking force in the world. As they loose the ability to prey on the periphery they will try to prey on the core. In the past they managed to remove them selves from democratic influence because they funded them selves by imperial super-profits. But when they try to shift their funding source back to the population in the core they will become subject to democratic influence again. Their attempts at maintaining power will manifest as fascistic attacks on democracy.

Well, this all sounds fair, but I do take issue with, you know, how third-person-y it sounds. Maybe that's silly… but my position is that none of this is assured. We cannot rest on an assumption that the good will triumph, it takes a great deal of work for that to actually occur, and it's work which we'll have to actually do.

>I don't really understand why you see a parallel between Syria and Israel, or Assad and Netanyahu.

I mean, I explicitly told you what the parallel was. The US used accusations of chemical weapons usage, by Assad, to bomb a Syrian base. Israel has been committing various war crimes, including using white phosphorous. If it was a valid pretext to bomb a Syrian airbase, it would be a valid pretext to bomb an Israeli one. That's the parallel.

>I think the US should just tell the Zionists they will not defend Israel against Iran, Lebanon, Yemen, etc, nor shield them from international political fallout. There is enough local power in the region to police Israel. I don't think it's wise to tie the protection of Palestinians to US military intervention.

I didn't say it was wise, but the US still looks hypocritical for not considering it. Also, again, it would be legally justifiable whether it's wise or not. The fact that the US not only refrains from any, even slight, intervention against the genocide and continues to defend Israel at the UN and send Israel weapons and bomb Yemen (and Syria, and Iraq) on Israel's behalf… points to a country which is not only shirking its legal opportunities to intervene, but actively placing itself in a position opposed to international laws against genocide. Yemen is among the only countries who appear to be following the law to the letter, and the US is bombing them for it.

>Yes the influence of the Zionist lobby represents a threat to democracy, but they are burning a lot of political capital to do this, if people keep pushing against them they will run out eventually. It's not in the interest of the US or any of the other western powers to have their global diplomatic standing damaged over satisfying the blood-lust of these goons.

The US isn't going to be retaining its power after this. Best case scenario we re-industrialize and embrace a Nordic model, but that's gonna be hard work, too!

>In the US there are a lot of unjustly imprisoned people in the private prison complex that could be deputized to help remedy a rogue police problem.

This is an interesting take.

>Zionism is on the way out, if they destabilize the US political system with political violence as their last act, they will regret it.

I mean, yeah, they will eventually regret it.

>I don't see the point of fucking with trade, you can't punish countries or governments because they just view you as an aggressor and try to retaliate. Besides Nazi Germany was pummeled in to submission by artillery barrages and carpet bombing, not trade shenanigans.

Ok, well, it should still be on the table. That's the thing, they should be looking at, and pursuing, the options they've got - if trade isn't effective, that doesn't mean they can't consider it, because it's still a potential tool.

>I really have a hard time understanding what you want to get out of this. If you want to demoralize the Zionists find a way to set up a massive military field hospice in Gaza and begin rendering medical aid. If you nurse a bunch of sick and injured Palestinians back to health, that will annoy them to no end.

I'm just saying, it would be legal. In fact, not intervening is arguably less legal for a (current) world power like the US than intervening would be. I'm not endorsing intervention, just pointing out that the US is obliged to stop genocide and it's actively avoiding doing anything to stop supporting genocide instead.

And, again, I think that applying pressure to Israel directly is a better use of finite time and resources than trying to keep cleaning up after them. We shouldn't be focusing on annoying them at all, let alone spending millions-to-billions of dollars to do so.

>If you really have to missile strike something, try making a bunch of holes into the barriers that isolate Gaza. Specifically in places where the holes can be used to transport aid.

Yes, actually! This also would be reasonable!
We could literally bomb the walls down.


An actually good The Hill segment from a few days ago covering the recent TikTok ban insanity. Includes the extremely funny quote ""October 7th really opened people's eyes to what's happening on tiktok"


Houthis, Hamas discuss ‘expanding confrontations’ with Israel in event of Rafah invasion

We reported earlier that senior figures from Hamas and Yemen’s Houthi rebels held a rare meeting to discuss coordinating their actions against Israel, according to unnamed sources cited by the AFP news agency.

The agency has now reported that the discussions revolved around the possibility of “expanding confrontations and encircling” Israel.

A Palestinian source requesting anonymity said those present discussed the “complementary role of Ansar Allah [the Houthis] alongside Palestinian factions, especially in the event of an Israeli offensive on Rafah”.

Houthi attacks on Red Sea ships since the start of the war have disrupted global trade in solidarity with the Palestinians.

The Houthis, Hamas and the Islamic Jihad group are all part of the Iran-backed “axis of resistance” hostile to Israel and the United States that also includes Lebanon’s Hezbollah and armed groups in Iraq.

Egypt demands Israel to remove restrictions on entry of aid into Gaza through land ports

Ahmed Abu Zeid, the spokesperson of the Egyptian foreign ministry, has said in a statement on Facebook that his country “appreciates and welcomes every effort aimed at alleviating the humanitarian suffering of the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip”.

He thanked “all international and regional parties that contributed to facilitate the arrival of such aid across the maritime corridor”.

Abu Zeid added that “Egypt continues to make all efforts to strengthen the delivery of urgent aid to the sector through the Rafah Crossing and through the air descent.”

He said Egypt is demanding “Israel to remove barriers and restrictions on the entry of aid through land ports, and calling on it to operate the rest of the crossings to bring in more aid to avoid the worsening of the humanitarian situation in Gaza”.

PNC calls on Palestinian factions to take unified stance after dispute over PM appointment appointment

Rawhi Fattouh, the president of the Palestinian National Council (PNC), has criticised the divisions among Palestinian factions about the appointment of Mohammed Mustafa as prime minister.

The representative of the PNC, the highest authority in the PLO considered to be the parliament of all Palestinians, said no one had the right to challenge or object to the president’s constitutional and legal powers.

The decision by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Thursday to appoint Mustafa to form a new government met criticism by Hamas. In response, Fatah accused Hamas of “having caused the return of the Israeli occupation of Gaza” by “undertaking the October 7 adventure”.

Fattouh called on Palestinian factions to take a unified national stance to avoid “exacerbating the catastrophe lived by our people, especially in the Gaza Strip”, the Wafa news agency reported, and move away from “divisions that only serve the Israeli occupation”.

Israel shoots suspected gunman dead after Hebron attack

A gunman, who allegedly opened fire on an illegal Israeli settlement in Hebron in the occupied West Bank, has been shot dead by Israeli soldiers, according to the Israeli military.

No Israelis were injured and no damage was caused from the attack, the Israeli military statement said.

Hebron, the largest city in the West Bank, has a military-protected Israeli settlement of about 700 people. It has been a longstanding flashpoint of tension in the Israel-Palestine conflict.

Hezbollah claims hitting Israel’s Ramim barracks with Burkan missiles

Lebanon’s Hezbollah armed group has said it carried out an attack on the Ramim barracks of the Israeli military near the Lebanon-Israel border with two Burkan missiles.

The incident took place at 1:04pm local time (11:04 GMT), its statement on Telegram said.

It did not say whether there were any casualties.

Israeli military brigade claims killing 250 Palestinian fighters in two weeks

The Israeli military says one of its main infantry brigades – the Nahal Brigade – has killed 250 Palestinian fighters in central Gaza over the past two weeks.

This includes those killed from air strikes, tank fire, and close-quarters combat, according to an Israeli military statement.

Over the same period, Israeli attacks continued to kill dozens of civilians in Gaza each day, including many women and children, according to the enclave’s Health Ministry.

Since the war broke out in Gaza on October 7, a total of 31,553 people have been killed in the enclave, representing about one of every 73 residents there.

Terrifying strikes hit overcrowded Nuseirat camp

Tareq Abu Azzoum

The latest Israeli attacks have focused on the Nuseirat camp in the central part of Gaza.

At least 36 people were killed overnight in one strike alone and many of the victims were women and children.

Attacks on the Nuseirat camp have renewed this morning, killing at least seven people.

They are taking place in a small space that is densely populated, and Israel does not take any precautions to protect civilians, so this is absolutely terrifying.

Gaza death toll rises to 31,553: Ministry

The number of people killed in Israeli attacks on Gaza since the start of the war has risen to 31,553, the Health Ministry in Gaza says.

An additional 73,546 have been wounded, according to a statement by the ministry on X.

In the past 24 hours, 63 people have been killed and 112 wounded, it added.


VIDEO: Electronic Intifada: Why does Israel endorse the Gaza port?


The Irony in all of this, is the very same national security censorship cudgel will end up getting used to kill off the pro-Zionist media. Because that's the political lesson they are now teaching all those young people. It'll be easy to make an argument that Zionism is an adversarial national security dingdong, to use the technical term.

I'm still hoping that people wake up to the need of censorship resistant media technology and legal frameworks, and choose that instead of retaliatory censorship.


Holy shit


>In this case Biden is overseeing both the arms shipments and the convoluted aid schemes.
On further investigation it seems that the pier building might be part of a scheme to circumvent UNWRA. So yeah.
>Well, airdrops and pier-building cost incredibly large amounts of money, cost time, endanger the people assigned to work on them, and are less effective than just pressuring Israel to let trucks in by road and stop shooting at them would be.
You think this is a political problem, and Israel should be compelled to stop using it's ability to starve the Palestinians. And at present you might be correct about this. However i think that Israel having the power to starve the Palestinians is a problem all by it self, even if they can be compelled to not use it.
If we can find a technical solution to negate this medieval siege strategy, starvation as a means of power will disappear. The inability to wield starvation as a weapon has to be considered the default state of normalcy we want. A technological workaround against weaponized starvation, will be better and more enduring than perpetually bullying horrible people like the Zionists to behave like civilized people.

As for the technical part, there are a lot more avenues that haven't been tried yet. Maybe it's possible to get china to donate 5000 little cargo drones that can lift about a pound, that should enable dropping 1 aid package per person every 2 days for 2 million people. Lets say you need 5000k calories for 2 days worth of rations, that's doable within a pound. You would also need at least 10000 volunteers to remote controle the drones in 2 shifts. Plus about 100 people doing technical support.

>if we let Israel exterminate the Palestinians, then we've already fucking lost.

If we consider our selves on the side of trying to improve conditions for the thriving human life, we're clearly not succeeding. However the Zionists murdering the Palestinians isn't a "victory condition" for them, the Nazis didn't win by holocausting the Jews either. The Struggle against Zionism would just intensify.
>no arms for Israel
I agree with that
>Planning to only clean up their messes later is not in any way viable
You don't understand the point isn't to clean up after them. The point is to create a world with material conditions where atrocities like this are infeasible.
>it's ceding the entire region to them, and if they succeed the first time then why would they let you stop them the next time they do it?
You speak as though the Zionists were winning. You don't win wars by slaughtering civilians. The Palestinian resistance fighters are not being defeated by this. By any measure the Zionists are destroying the viability of Israel as a state, they'll become a rogue state, that will disintegrate after a short while.
>I'm just saying, it would be legal. In fact, not intervening is arguably less legal for a (current) world power like the US than intervening would be. I'm not endorsing intervention, just pointing out that the US is obliged to stop genocide and it's actively avoiding doing anything to stop supporting genocide instead.
I'm confused, the US just has to stop sending them weapons, that's enough to make this stop.
>I think that applying pressure to Israel directly is a better use of finite time and resources than trying to keep cleaning up after them. We shouldn't be focusing on annoying them at all, let alone spending millions-to-billions of dollars to do so.
The Zionist destroyed the hospitals in Gaza, therefore it would be a good idea to set up a military field hospital to ameliorate the lack of medical facilities.


>Yemen’s Houthi rebels held a rare meeting to discuss coordinating their actions against
<an outpost of the galactic empire in the Israel star system.
<Where Darth Netanyahu is slaughtering the indigenous inhabitants of planet Palestine
>The Houthis, Hamas and the Islamic Jihad group are all part of the Iran-backed “axis of resistance”
Why do they write these articles like a star wars prologue?


Chile has uninvited Israeli weapons producers from a large globally important tech convention, because of Gaza. That will likely cut into their arms sales profits.

Are measures like this effective ?


What were they trying to achieve by sending the helicopter gunship ?
Those are meant to destroy things like tank columns. Not sort out hostage situations.


It just evokes the comparison tbh. Star Wars being based on WWII and Vietnam also helps.


On that note, the weirdest Star Wars parallel is imo the one with the dogshit writing in the last art of the sequel trilogy. "Somehow, Darth Sidius came back" really doesn't seem like such a dumb twist when you realize that Israel is blatantly Fascist and has just been hanging around with US support for decades. "What the fuck, the emperor is back and he's building… another death star?!!!11" is about the same level of creative laziness as has been employed by actual life.

>Are measures like this effective ?
Literally anything you can do to impact:
1. Israel's arms sector
2. Israel's arms supply/imports
is effective, and more people should do it. If your government isn't doing that, then organize and take it up yourself.

Good question!
Probably this:


Honestly shocked that there's a Wikipedia article on this. Wikipedia is an absolute cesspit of lies and propaganda on any other contemporary geopolitics subject.


Dimitri Lescaris - Yemen's Red Sea attacks sink Israel's Red Sea port


Wiki really isn't that bad imo. Like, it's not perfect by any means at all, it has tons of flaws, and obviously there are intelligence agencies, Hasbarists, etc. constantly actively fucking with it, but loads of info gets through. Should be better, could be way, way worse.


How does this twerp get keeping invited to serious academic debates? I'm totally baffled by it. The breadth of his debating skills seems to be talking fast and trying to make his opponents angry (Norm admittedly took the bait here). Should we blame Professor Richard Wolff for giving him that economics lesson one time, and thus lending him some legitimacy on politics? I just don't get it. He's not even good at video games.


Tbh I'm not convinced that Norm calling these guys morons is even a liability at this point, he keeps getting paired with idiots who are so blatantly so far out of their depth, and yet insist on pretending like they aren't. Destiny is literally just some chronic masturbator who does this to get off.


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Entire Gaza population now 100 percent severely food insecure

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken highlighted Gaza’s deteriorating food situation where hundreds of thousands of people face famine.

“According to the most respected measure of these things, 100 percent of the population in Gaza is at severe levels of acute food insecurity. That’s the first time an entire population has been so classified,” said Blinken during an official visit to the Philippines.

“We also see, according to the United Nations, 100 percent the totality of the population is in need of humanitarian assistance. Compare that to Sudan; about 80 percent of the population there is in need of humanitarian assistance; Afghanistan, about 70 percent.”

Humanity needs to ‘look at ourselves in horror and dismay’

South Africa accused Israel of setting a precedent for some world leaders to defy the top UN court as she again alleged a campaign of “mass starvation” in Gaza.

Foreign Minister Naledi Pandor said Israel defied a January ruling by the International Court of Justice to prevent “acts of genocide” during its bloody war.

“The provisional measures have been entirely ignored by Israel,” Pandor said at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Washington, DC.

“We’re seeing mass starvation now and famine before our very eyes. I think we, as humanity, need to look at ourselves in horror and dismay and to be really worried that we have set an example.”

Israel’s actions may mean other nations will believe “there’s licence – I can do what I want and I will not be stopped.”

At least 23 dead in Israeli attack on Gaza aid committee

Al Jazeera’s correspondent and local Palestinian sources say that at least 23 people were killed in the Israeli army’s attack on the Kuwaiti roundabout in the south of Gaza City.

The attack was directed at a tribal committee coordinating the distribution of aid in Gaza City, and our correspondent says they were at a location belonging to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), deemed “safe” from attack.

New video challenges Israeli explanation for killing Gaza journalists

An investigation by The Washington Post is raising “critical questions” about Israeli justification for the killing of two journalists in Gaza in January.

Hamza Dahdouh, the eldest son of Al Jazeera’s Gaza bureau chief Wael Dahdouh, was killed in an Israeli missile attack in Khan Younis, along with another journalist Mustafa Thuraya and their driver. Two others were seriously wounded.

In a statement following the attack, the Israeli army said a military aircraft “identified and struck a terrorist who operated an aircraft that posed a threat to [Israeli] troops”. It added, “We are aware of the reports that during the strike, two other suspects who were in the same vehicle as the terrorist were also hit.”

According to The Post, the journalists were operating a consumer model drone to capture footage of a building hit during Israeli bombardment. The video from Thuraya’s drone, obtained by The Post, showed no “Israeli soldiers, aircraft, or other military equipment” were visible.

The newspaper also interviewed witnesses and colleagues of the reporters, who provided detailed accounts.

“The Post found no indications that either man was operating as anything other than a journalist that day. Both passed through Israeli checkpoints on their way to the south early in the war. Dahdouh had recently been approved to leave Gaza, a rare privilege unlikely to have been granted to a known militant,” it said.

Despite global claims, US says Israel not using starvation as a weapon of war

US Department of State spokesman Vedant Patel has told reporters that the US has “not yet seen conclusive evidence indicating that Israel is using starvation as a weapon in the Gaza war”.

These comments come as top officials of the EU, UN and major NGOs worldwide have accused Israel of weaponising hunger in its war on Gaza.

Yesterday, EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said that the widespread starvation in the Gaza Strip is “unacceptable”.

Starvation is being used as “a weapon of war”, said Borrell.

Also, in a new report, UK charity Oxfam said Israel’s policies of obstructing aid are creating the “perfect storm for humanitarian collapse”, and earlier today a spokesman for the UN’s human rights office said that these policies may amount to a war crime.

Still, the State Department’s Vedant said that the US is “concerned” about a UN-backed report, which found that famine is imminent in Gaza.

Top Trump adviser: ‘Gaza’s waterfront property could be very valuable’

Video has emerged of Jared Kushner, former US President Donald Trump’s son-in-law who served as one of the chief Middle East dealmakers during Trump’s tenure in the White House, giving his vision for the future of post-war Gaza during an interview at Harvard University.

“Gaza’s waterfront property could be very valuable … if people would focus on building up livelihoods,” Kushner told Harvard Professor Tarek Masoud on March 8.

Kushner also said that it’s a shame that “all the money” in the territory went towards building tunnel networks and arms instead of education and “innovation”.

He suggested that, were he in charge, he would move civilians in Gaza to somewhere in the Negev desert while Gaza is “cleaned up.”

“I do think right now opening up the Negev, creating a secure area there, moving the civilians out, and then going in and finishing the job would be the right move,” he said.

When asked if this is something that’s being discussed by decision-makers in Israel and the US, Kushner did not elaborate.

“I’m sitting in Miami Beach right now,” Kushner said. “And I’m looking at the situation and I’m thinking: What would I do if I was there?”

Should Donald Trump be re-elected to the US presidency this November, Kushner could again feature prominently in his administration. His comments give a window into what Trump’s policy on Palestine could be during his second term.

‘Unimpeded’ access of food, medical supplies needed for Gaza: World Bank

The bank has called for “urgent action” to deal with the hunger crisis in Gaza.

“We join the international community in calling for immediate, free, and unimpeded access of medical supplies, food and life-essential services through all available means at speed and scale to the people of Gaza,” it said in a statement.

Israel says ‘dozens’ killed at Gaza’s al-Shifa Hospital

The Israeli army has alleged that it also apprehended some 300 people during its operations at the largest hospital in the coastal enclave.

“The forces apprehended dozens of prominent Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists at the Shifa Hospital, involved in directing terrorist activities in Judea and Samaria, and operatives in the Rocket Unit of Islamic Jihad,” it said in a post on X.

The Israeli army on Monday launched a new attack on al-Shifa, raiding and opening fire on the facility where thousands are taking shelter.

Hezbollah attacks Israeli positions near Lebanese border

The Lebanese armed group says it struck Israeli positions at Baranit site in southern Lebanon.

Fighters also targeted Israeli soldiers and a military logistical vehicle on al-Tayhat Hill by a guided missile, which the group said led to an unknown number of casualties.

Moreover, the group said it hit Israeli soldiers at the al-Malikiyah site in southern Lebanon with missiles.

Exchanges of fire between Israeli forces and Hezbollah have largely remained confined to border regions, but several Israeli bombings on Lebanese territory have hit areas further north in recent weeks, raising fears of a full-blown conflict.

Israel’s Lieberman calls for war on Lebanon

Opposition lawmaker Avigdor Lieberman has called on Prime Minister Netanyahu’s war cabinet to take the war to Lebanon, as Hezbollah and Israel trade fire across the border.

“After 165 days it is clear to everyone that the Israeli government has given up the north,” Lieberman said in a post on X.

Israel and Lebanon-based Hezbollah began trading fire at the beginning of the war on Gaza. Some 80,000 residents have been displaced from northern Israel due to incoming rockets.

“I call on the war cabinet, the chief of staff and the general of the northern command to come to their senses and transfer the war to the enemy’s territory,” Netanyahu’s former defence minister added.

‘Time has long passed’: US must end arms sales to Israel, HRW and Oxfam say

The US should immediately suspend arms transfers to Israel, Oxfam and Human Rights Watch (HRW) say, citing evidence that Israel is violating international law.

“There are good reasons why US law prohibits arms support for governments that block life-saving aid or violate international law with US weapons,” Sarah Yager, HRW’s Washington director, said in a statement. “Given ongoing hostilities in Gaza, the Israeli government’s assurances to the Biden administration that it is meeting US legal requirements are not credible.”

The organisations submitted a report to the US government listing a wide range of Israeli violations of international law, including indiscriminate or disproportionate attacks on or near hospitals and systematic blocking of humanitarian assistance, despite Israeli assurances to the contrary.

“The time has long passed for the Biden administration to end lethal arms sales to Israel, and we call on them to do so now and work to end the death and suffering in Gaza,” Scott Paul, associate director for peace and security at Oxfam America, said in a statement.

Israeli aggression against civilians as means of pressure won’t work: Hamas official

Izzat al-Rishq, a member of Hamas’s political bureau, has said that the Israeli attack on al-Shifa Hospital and its surroundings is “evidence of the state of confusion that [Israeli PM Benjamin] Netanyahu and his army are living in”.

He added that “the victory that Netanyahu imagines is a mirage and a distant dream thanks to the steadfastness of our people and our valiant resistance”.

Al-Rishq also said Israel’s attempt to use the escalation of “barbaric aggression” against civilians as a means of pressure to achieve its goals would not work.

Houthis say fired missiles at US tanker in Red Sea, southern Israel

Yemen’s Houthi rebels have launched naval missiles at a US tanker — the Mado — in the Red Sea, according to spokesperson Yahya Sarea.

He also said the group fired winged missiles at Israel’s coastal region of Eliat, which borders the Red Sea,

There were no immediate reports of casualties.

The Houthis have pledged to continue attacks on Israeli, US, or British-linked warships in the Red Sea as long as Israel continues its war on Gaza.

Last week, senior Houthi and Hamas leaders held a rare meeting to discuss ways to coordinate their “resistance” during the war, according to reports.

‘Israel has launched Rafah invasion quietly to avoid international reactions’

The Palestinian Foreign Ministry said Israel began its aggression on Rafah without announcing the move to avoid international reactions.

In a statement, the ministry condemned the escalating bombardment and systematic destruction carried out by the Israeli forces in Rafah, saying that by carrying out these attacks, Israel is purposely ignoring international warnings about the danger of invading the city.

The population of Rafah has swelled to about 1.5 million, which includes hundreds of thousands of displaced people from the centre and northern areas of the Gaza Strip.

Gaza death toll climbs

At least 31,819 people have been killed and 73,934 wounded by Israeli attacks in Gaza since October 7, according to the latest figures shared by the Health Ministry.

The statement added that 93 people were killed and 142 wounded in the past 24 hours.

The West is giving Israel weapons while discussing delivering aid to Gaza

Simon Speakman Cordall

As lawmakers across much of the West debate the extent to which Israel may be hampering the passage of life-saving aid into Gaza, the weapons exports that underpin much of Israel’s war on the besieged enclave continue to flow.

Since the war began, the volume of weapons entering Israel has increased as huge volumes of ordinance are used to flatten areas of Gaza as well as kill, maim and displace its civilian population.

“On the one hand, we have this dire humanitarian need, on the other hand, we have this continual supply of weapons to the country Israel, [which is] creating that need,” Akshaya Kumar, director of crisis advocacy at Human Rights Watch (HRW), said.

While “Western states have recently been going to great lengths to have Israel recognise its role in creating the suffering we’re seeing in Gaza”, she said, “we’re not seeing any corresponding reduction in the flow of weapons from states such as the US, Germany and beyond”.

How the uncommitted vote against Biden’s Gaza policy is going ‘national’

Joseph Stepansky
Reporting from Washington, DC

[/i]The organisers of Listen to Michigan – an effort to protest against Joe Biden’s policy towards Israel’s war in Gaza – have a message for the United States president: The conflict is not a “niche” issue for only some segments of the political left.

Listen to Michigan emerged earlier this year as a grassroots movement focused on the state’s primary. It called on voters to cast “uncommitted votes” instead of backing Biden’s re-election effort, in an attempt to signal displeasure over the president’s stance on the war.

But that movement has kicked off a domino effect in other key states, with similar “protest votes” emerging. On Monday, Listen to Michigan unveiled plans to take its campaign to the national stage.

Al Jazeera journalist describes ordeal in Israeli custody

Ismail al-Ghoul, an Al Jazeera Arabic correspondent who was held for 12 hours at Gaza’s al-Shifa Hospital, says Israeli forces rounded up Palestinian journalists at the facility and made them kneel on the ground for hours, while naked and blindfolded.

“The occupation forces handcuffed and blindfolded us for about 12 hours from the early morning to the afternoon, until the arrival of Israeli military intelligence units,” he said.

“They interrogated the journalists that work at this location. We were left in the room we were kept in, where we stayed for several hours, in cold conditions, naked and blindfolded.”

Al-Ghoul said that he has heard that some of his colleagues have been released but he does not have enough information on their whereabouts to confirm any details.

Israel has issued 100,000 new gun licences since October 7

Israel’s far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir has announced approving 100,000 new gun licences since Hamas’s attacks on October 7.

“This week, we reached a milestone at the National Security Ministry: The 100,000th citizen received their firearms license,” Ben-Gvir said at the Israeli parliament, according to The Times of Israel. He made the announcement standing in front of a poster with an image of a handgun and the slogan “100K Israelis armed”.

“In fact, out of 299,354 applications submitted since the war… more than 100,000 citizens have already been approved to arm themselves, because weapons save lives,” he was quoted as saying.

Former Israeli PM hails Chuck Schumer’s call for new elections

Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has labelled US Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer a “great friend of Israel” for calling for an election to be held to replace Netanyahu, The Times of Israel reported.

Olmert, a vocal Netanyahu critic, sent a letter to Schumer praising him for the “courage that you have showed in saying [what] so many of us Jews across the world and traditional supporters of Israel feel today”.

He added that the “prime minister of Israel is not worthy of the responsibilities bestowed upon him”.

Schumer, the US’s highest-ranking Jewish politician, said last week that Israel must make “significant course corrections” to achieve lasting peace, adding that “so many Israelis have lost their confidence” in Netanyahu’s government.

US ‘complicit in starvation of Palestinians’, says UN expert

Michael Fakhri, the UN special rapporteur for the right to food, has urged the United States to do more to end the ongoing hunger and starvation crisis in Gaza.

“If the US was very serious about preventing famine, it would pressure Israel for a ceasefire. It would no longer supply weapons and financial support to Israel,” he told Al Jazeera.

“The United States is complicit in this starvation of the Palestinian people in Gaza.”

Fakhri said US airdrops and plans to build a temporary pier on the coast of Gaza were largely a political move.

“It might alleviate hunger for a small number of people and for a very short amount of time but in the grand scheme of things, these are political performances done for political purposes,” he added.



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UNRWA chief says visit to Gaza rejected by Israeli authorities

Philippe Lazzarini, the head of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), says Israeli authorities have denied him entry into Gaza.

“UNRWA has by far the largest presence among all humanitarian organisations in Gaza. My visit today was supposed to coordinate & improve the humanitarian response,” Lazzarini wrote on X, noting that the Israeli authorities’ move happened on the day that new data on famine in Gaza were released.

“This man-made starvation under our watch is a stain on our collective humanity. Too much time was wasted, all land crossings must open now. Famine can be averted with political will.”

Knesset member: Marwan Barghouti’s life in danger in Israeli prison

Palestinian-Israeli politician and Israeli parliament member Ahmad Tibi says the life of prominent Palestinian prisoner Marwan Barghouti is in danger inside the country’s prison system.

He told a press briefing that Barghouti has been beaten at least twice this month in solitary confinement, once on March 6 and again on March 12. He also said several Palestinian prisoners have died behind bars recently, with families and judges saying their bodies bore marks of torture.

“If Marwan Barghouti and all the prisoners are harmed, the responsibility will be on the Israeli government,” Tibi said.

“The responsibility will be on the Israeli government and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The prison manager is also responsible for everything that happens to him, as is [Israeli Prison Service] Shabak.”



>Humanity needs to ‘look at ourselves in horror and dismay’
>“We’re seeing mass starvation now and famine before our very eyes. I think we, as humanity, need to look at ourselves in horror and dismay and to be really worried that we have set an example.”
>Israel’s actions may mean other nations will believe “there’s licence – I can do what I want and I will not be stopped.”
This might be unfortunately true.

That said the Zionist conducted genocide is also destroying Israel as a state, and the viability of pro-Zionist politics in the west.


>‘Israel has launched Rafah invasion quietly to avoid international reactions’
>The Palestinian Foreign Ministry said Israel began its aggression on Rafah without announcing the move to avoid international reactions.
Yeah that probably won't work.


This Lee Camp episode shows Israelis pouring concrete into a well… in the West Bank!

Also, at around 41 minutes, he cites Electronic Intifada (citing the Jerusalem Post) that Netanyahu had actually come up with the Biden pier in October, before the pressure over the man-made famine.


Novara -
Irish PM/Taoiseach Leo Varadkar suddenly resigns - why?

Canada halts arms transfers to Israel.

Netanyahu suggests in the Knesset that the Biden pier can be used to remove Gazans.

Jared Kushner, currently drooling over Gaza real estate, was a family friend of Netanyahu in the 1990s.

Trade unionists in Scotland and England blockade major UK arms factories.

Skip to 23:46 for a hilarious sequence of Yosse Landau (of ZAKA) being asked if he has a photo of a crime scene which he claims occurred on Oct. 7 (but which doesn't match any of the known victims from that day), claiming he does have a photo, offering to show the photo to journalists (as long as they don't show it on camera), and then none of the photos he has actually match his description of the scene.


Why Are Israeli Troops Training in Britain? Mark Curtis Investigates

Six Israeli troops are in Britain, with several attending UK military courses, Declassified has found, but secrecy surrounds what they are doing here. With tens of thousands of Palestinians dead, Matt Curtis investigates whether these training exercises have deepened Britain's complicity in the slaughter.


Pro-Israel online influencing operation has been targeting UNRWA: Report

A new report says a network of fake accounts across multiple platforms has been promoting Israeli attacks on the United Nations agency.

Washington, DC – An online influencing operation using fake social media accounts has targeted the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), according to the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, which cited a new report from a disinformation watchdog.

Fake Reporter, an Israeli group that studies online disinformation, found that the accounts echoed Israeli government accusations about links between the UN agency and Hamas, spreading them in comments on social media websites.

As described by Haaretz, the report — released in Hebrew — says the influencing campaign relied on a network of hundreds of social media accounts, as well as three newly created “news websites”, to promote pro-Israel narratives.

But in recent weeks, the influence campaign has focused its efforts on UNRWA, an agency that supports Palestinian refugees.

The report showed that the fake accounts have been replying to posts from United States legislators and Western media outlets with screenshots of a Wall Street Journal story claiming connections between the UN agency and Hamas.

“The people targeted the most with such comments by the campaign’s avatars were American politicians, specifically the social media accounts of Democratic lawmakers, and accounts considered pro-Israel,” the Haaretz article reads.

“An analysis of the campaign’s content over the span of the war reveals that UNRWA has been the single most popular topic.”

That Wall Street Journal report on UNRWA, which relied entirely on uncorroborated Israeli accusations, was co-authored by a former Israeli soldier.

Marc Owen Jones, an expert in online influence campaigns and an associate professor of Middle East studies at Hamad bin Khalifa University in Qatar, had also noted the same network of fake accounts last month.

“Discovered hundreds of sock puppets promoting Israeli propaganda on X, Threads, FB & Insta. It also includes ‘fake’ websites,” Jones wrote in a series of social media posts on February 2.

“Recently, it has been spreading anti-UNRWA #disinformation, & trying to undermine solidarity between Palestinians & Black people.”

The fake accounts, which Jones described as a “massive cross platform pro-Israel deception operation”, come at a time when Israel is aggressively pushing to end the mandate of UNRWA.

How so?


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UK workers blockade factories accused of sending arms to Israel

Trade unionists in the UK are blockading weapons factories accused of alleged arms sales to Israel amid the devastating Gaza war.

Hundreds of trade unionists and workers have shut down arms factories in England and Scotland accused of supplying the Israeli military with essential components or weapons.

The action's stated aim is to disrupt the flow of arms to Israel as it prepares for a ground invasion of Rafah and to urge the UK government to support an immediate and permanent ceasefire, the workers' groups said.

It follows the Canadian government's announcement on Tuesday that it will halt future arms sales to Israel, having already reduced its weapons shipments to Israel to non-lethal equipment, such as radios, following the 7 October Hamas attacks.

Israel's war on Gaza has killed around 32,000 Palestinians, the vast majority women and children, while a blockade has led to deaths by starvation.

Workers, including teachers and artists who are members of trade unions, are shutting down GE Aviation Systems in Cheltenham and Leonardo UK in Edinburgh – factories that produce components for F-35 fighter jets, the world's most advanced fighter jet.

A Leonardo spokesperson told The New Arab: "This morning a group of protestors assembled outside the Edinburgh site. The safety and wellbeing of our employees, contractors, and neighbours is our first priority. Police were in attendance. Leonardo UK complies fully with all the UK Government's export control protocols, the legal obligations and the processes in place to operate those protocols."

When asked whether the company provides components for the F-35 used by the Israeli air force, Leonardo UK told The New Arab they supply "F35 components to our customer in the United States".

GE Aviation did not respond to a request for comment by The New Arab by the time of publication.

"Israel is on the brink of invading the very area they told the people of Gaza it was safe for them to flee to. Such atrocities could not take place without the political and military support of governments like Britain," says Zad, a housing support worker and union member taking part in the blockade in Cheltenham.

"We're demanding our government follows in Canada's footsteps by immediately halting arms supplies to Israel before it launches this offensive in Rafah using British-made bombs," Zad added, highlighting that the workers are taking action themselves to stop the flow of arms to Israel before an assault on Rafah.

The Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT) found that 15 percent of the components of every F-35 that Israel uses in its war on Gaza is made by firms within the British arms industry, which is estimated to have brought in at least £336 million since 2016.

Cam, a resident taking part in the Edinburgh blockade, said: "We can't allow arms being used to massacre Palestinians to be supplied in our name and funded by our taxes, and as local residents we don't want murder being manufactured on our doorstep. It makes us feel complicit."

"We don't blame the workers at these sites. We blame the bosses who decide to sell these components to Israel so they can be used in an ongoing genocide."

These blockades are part of plans for a month of disruptive direct action, answering a call by Palestinian unionists for workers worldwide to help stop their governments' complicity in war crimes being committed by Israel.

Campaigners in the UK have called on the government to end its complicity in the war on Gaza.

London is considering restricting some arms exports to Israel, believing Israel could breach international humanitarian law if it were to launch a ground invasion of Rafah, where hundreds of thousands of Palestinians have sought refuge.

The campaigners note the criteria is the same obligation as that of the Netherlands, where a Dutch court in February ordered a halt to parts for F-35 fighter jets Israel is using in Gaza.

The UK government's arms export criteria include halting exports where there is a "clear risk" that such weapons might be used to violate international humanitarian law.



>Israelis pouring concrete into a well… in the West Bank!
I mean they're just going to dig another well. And when the cement is dried it can be chiseled into bricks for building material. But the level of mental derangement necessary for attacking life-support systems. Wow.

>Netanyahu suggests in the Knesset that the Biden pier can be used to remove Gazans.
So Genocide Ben wants it to be a deportation-pier.


>influencing operation has been targeting UNRWA
The Zionist propaganda narrative pushers stand out like a sore thumb, the dumb fucks are so incredibly pushy, aggressive and downright grating, that they generate anti-zionism as a core value in people they touch.

I think the article somewhat misses the core of the problem. The problem isn't that they can create sock puppet accounts on social media to spread bullshit, the problem is that they're a military using information war-fare tactics against civilian populations. This is a problem in the military hierarchy failing their responsibility.

>How so?

People will realize what's going on anyway, and the Zionist silence will be understood as malicious intent.


>So Genocide Ben wants it to be a deportation-pier.
Sounds like it, yeah.
>The Zionist propaganda narrative pushers stand out like a sore thumb, the dumb fucks are so incredibly pushy, aggressive and downright grating, that they generate anti-zionism as a core value in people they touch.
Hasbarists are remarkably similar to Swarmfront.
>I think the article somewhat misses the core of the problem. The problem isn't that they can create sock puppet accounts on social media to spread bullshit, the problem is that they're a military using information war-fare tactics against civilian populations. This is a problem in the military hierarchy failing their responsibility.
This is true. The fact that they have such a huge dedicated propaganda wing is an obvious problem, and it's a fact which their quislings in the west deliberately ignore.

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