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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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 No.479292[Watch Thread]>>479299>>479316>>479417

Your bravery and sacrifice will never be forgotten. The left needs more men and women with the amount of dedication and courage that Bushnell had.


The problem with suicide is you lose a body that could have killed a capitalist.


Realistically, he achieved much more for the Palestinian cause with his form of protest than by committing adventurist, lone wolf attacks.

You are a fedposter and/or a retard. On top of that, a total armchair critic.


"propaganda of the deed" style adventurism and lone wolf terrorism doesn't achieve any positive results for a revolutionary movement, how is the weather like in langley?


I'm not sure why you projected that intent onto my post, but no, I don't respect lone wolf bullshit in the slightest. As far as I'm concerned Alexander Berkman's stunt collapsing public support for the Homestead Strike should have been the final word in that dumb tactic. No, I mean a body that could have killed a capitalist in a mass movement.

Sorry but suicide belongs in exactly the same category as any other adventurist, lone-wolf attack. It is an extremely idealistic tactic (even more so than harming others on your own) whose success presides entirely on the assumption that ideas are the only thing that matters and your provocative death will plant an unshakable idea in people's minds. But here's the problem: when you're dead you have no control over how your idea is interpreted or manipulated by others. When you're dead you have no ability to refine your arguments, no ability to make new ones, no ability to assist movements with your ability to work. When you're dead, it's all over.


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It's a one and done. This shouldn't be encouraged in your party obviously. I think it's heroic that he did what he did because it was great optics as opposed to terrorism and he had military clout. I think he's achieved the msm coverage he was trying to get and his video is widely propagated by social media to take out the msm bullshit points to those interested enough to find out.


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>>479292 (OP)
>1. douse yourself in gasoline
>2. set yourself on fire
>3. ???
>4. profit



PFLP statement:

Hamas statement:

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

We in the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) express our heartfelt condolences and our full solidarity with the family and friends of the American pilot Aaron Bushnell, whose name has been immortalized as a defender of humanitarian values and the plight of the oppressed Palestinian people who are suffering due to the U.S. administration and its unjust policies, like the American activist Rachel Corrie who was crushed by a zionist bulldozer in 2003 in Rafah, the same city for which Bushnell paid for with his life to pressure his country's government to prevent the criminal zionist army from attacking it and committing massacres and violations in it.

The administration of US President Joe Biden bears full responsibility for the death of the American military pilot Aaron Bushnell due to its policy that supported the Nazi zionist entity in the genocide war against our Palestinian people, as he gave his life in order to highlight the massacres and zionist ethnic cleansing against our people in the Gaza Strip.

The heroic pilot Aaron Bushnell will remain immortal in the memory of our Palestinian people and the free people of the world, and a symbol of the spirit of global humanitarian solidarity with our people and their just cause.

The tragic incident that cost pilot Bushnell his life is an expression of the growing anger among the American people who reject their country's policy that contributes to the killing and genocide of our people, and rejects their government's violation of global humanitarian values, by providing cover to ensure the impunity of the Nazi entity and its leaders from punishment and accountability.

Islamic Resistance Movement - Hamas
Monday: 16 Sha'ban 1445H
Corresponding: 26 February 2024


total-westoid-deathism becomes a more legitimized science by the day. Leftists abroad, from the PFLP to cornel west, promote this theory by praising the self-immolation of this westoid




I see Israel's friends at Google are hard at work making it difficult to find this video uncensored on a basic web search. Yandex on the other hand immediately spits out the desired result.


Can you post it pls?


Is gore allowed on this board?


If on topic and spoilered, yes.


Good article on Common Dreams today illustrating my point:

Had you heard of even a single one of these people other than the Vietnamese monk?

When faced with an overwhelming media propaganda apparatus, the very small propaganda value of suicide has the odds stacked strongly against it. And when you're dead, the only lingering agency you have on the world is in the form of ideas that you no longer have any control over. Better to remain living, in the material world, where the pressure of organizing, numbers, and future physical actions deliver reliable results.


i can't post the video here but if you want to find the uncensored version go to watch peopledie


>>479292 (OP)
Rest in Power comrade Bushnell

>The problem with suicide
As far as I'm concerned the Zionists murdered Aaron Bushnell.


Dear materialists, if ideas are not the drving force of history, then why did this man commited suicide for an idea? Curious.


When you shoot somebody dead, you committed murder using a kinetic weapon.
But it's also possible to use a psychological weapon to murder people by causing fatal damage to their brain.

The psychological blast caused by the genocide against the Palestinians by the Zionists and their enablers, was the murder weapon that murdered Aaron Bushnell.


Ngl this shit was actually incredibly based


I think this solitary act is likely massively hurting morale in the US military. I would expect to see more protest as well as even sabotage or fragging from US soldiers soon, especially if there was official "boots on ground" deployment to any country in the ME region in support of Israel. Actually, Aaron may have very well killed that possibility in its crib.


You are correct about the general direction where this is going. But i doubt it'll be anything as dramatic. They will refuse deployment as unlawful orders and threaten to activate compromised command contingencies, and then the Brass will back off. No military will risk internal division and loss of command hierarchy on behalf of another country. Some generals will retire and that will be it. It'll all get classified, and maybe somebody will write a book about it 30 years from now.

>Aaron may have very well killed that possibility in its crib.

That's probably true.


>Actually, Aaron may have very well killed that possibility in its crib.
i dont think the biden regime would risk it regardless. the zoomers could rise up if US was deployed


I agree. Unlike Iraq a war against Palestine would be extremely unpopular. I can still see deployment against Houthi "terrorists" going under the radar though. I think leftists could be convinced to go to war with Iran, Yemen, or Lebanon for the sake of "counterterrorism"


Very based take. I'm more and more starting to believe, that the materialism/idealism dichotomy is the greatest meme in the history of philosophy. What is the name for this position? Materialists and idealists are both cringe, because they both assume basically the same thing, but from the opposite direction. But actually, the distinction between matter and ideas is wrong, because materialized ideas and idealized matter are one and the same thing.
The first moment when I stopped believing in materialism, was the fact that materialists (and therefore science) can't explain what matter IS! They can't explain this, yet they claim to reject metaphyisics. Science can't explain what matter is. They can't explain what existence is. This is reason enough , to question materialism.


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>But here's the problem: when you're dead you have no control over how your idea is interpreted or manipulated by others. When you're dead you have no ability to refine your arguments, no ability to make new ones, no ability to assist movements with your ability to work. When you're dead, it's all over.
This is the correct take. This story could have easily been buried. It wasn't due to factors I doubt Bushnell accounted for.
I disagree that "lone wolf$ tactics are ineffective. Just look at Epstein's child sex blackmail ring. He had the most powerful booj under his thumb. Most intelligence agencies have these cell type of operations and they are quite effective.


I'm confused, why do you think that >>479318 is not a materialist take ?

Obviously human brains are organs that can be damaged. It appears that to a person with a high level of compassion, being ordered to stand by idle in the face of a genocide, causes a fatal brain wound.

Not all damage that can be inflicted on people has to be mechanical in nature. Why would you seek to exclude neurological trauma from a materialist world view ?

And by the way materialism is the world view you arrive at by letting go of idealist spooks, it's what's left over.


>And by the way materialism is the world view you arrive at by letting go of idealist spooks, it's what's left over.
Nice try, but actually materialists are the ones who are spooked. You can't explain what matter is lmao Matter is your god, it's just an idea.


Lmfao. "nothing is real actually",


If you stop believing in a god it disappears. Matter doesn't disappear, that's how you know.

Scientific knowledge about matter is incomplete, but that doesn't support your position, you can't base an argument on unknowns.


materialism means that, in principle, everything is discoverable. This doesn't mean we know everything.


If I never believed in a God, it has no bearing on what anyone else believed and acted on. Whether matter appeared to me or not has no bearing on its existence - my sense is limited, the world is not.

You see how this game is played by conflating sense-experience and phenomena with "The Science" and claiming a monopoly on it? This is the game bastardized metaphysics plays ad nauseum, and it spreads by "teaching the controversy", to deny anything new. It's insidious, it's Germanic, it's retarded, and I fucking hate dumbasses starting this routine. I tire of these people shitting up basic definitions to relitigate their selfish faggotry.

"Knowability" and "discovery" are different concepts - the world may be knowable, but a thing that our sense experience has no access to without inference. Materialism doesn't require that claim about knowability to say something about the world - what it says at a basic level is an approach to how the world may be viewed for our purposes. Anything making grand claims about what the universe "fundamentally is" trades in ideas about it and has nothing to do with our existence or approach to it.

I've maintained the truth is always in the world, not in anyone's conceits or self-serving nonsense to form a "perfect system". However you approach it, the world exists. Our existence in it is not relevant to the proceedings, and without making unsupportable assertions, our existence is explicable as something that came out of a pre-existing world and nothing about consciousness had to exist "forever". Why do people continue to insist that they are co-equal with God? That's a very Satanic and retarded view, but it persists doggedly against all evidence. That's where you see that "gods" are obvious stand-ins for the aristocratic idea, rather than imagined nature spirits or egregores or metaphors we might have thought of them as. Anything that would be a "god" in actuality has nothing to do with the entities that are invoked by religion, with the most elaborate gods being very long parables and systems to describe human concepts of spiritual authority and what they have done in society up to now. For the Abrahamic religions, there is a long interplay between "God" and "Satan" to suggest a general theory of spiritual revolution, how this may be affected - that basically, one "Satan" supplants another by such means. This view is not merely a self-serving one because it says something about what humans have been doing all this time and where this leads, because no one presumed automatically that human conceits had any particular goal.


The more this goes on, the more I'm convinced the airman's own volition and understanding of the situation was genuine and this isn't some "op" - hence the spin control.

It's no secret that the people fighting this thing are getting sick of Israel's BS and don't want to be dragged into a general war with Iran, and that such a war isn't in the US' interests. This is symbolic of disgust in the ranks more than some ideology or "mass movement". The people broadly have always found Israel disgusting, and anyone supporting Israel only had selfish motives or thoughtlessly repeated what the news man told them to think because that was drilled into older people. It's the lack of control over the army that the brass need to control, and the longer Israel pushes this war and insists the US is to fight it for them, the more the people running this have to ask why they bother with such a shitty "ally".


The Iraq War was ridiculously unpopular, and I see the progressive revisionist history is trying to insist it was totally popular and Americans Follow Their Leader, that the narrative grift totally works and no one can say no. The usual shit. It's tiresome. I've seen this song and dance for over 25 years now going full blast, and it's the same lines every time. It's all so fucking Germanic.


This "dichotomy" was made up by eugenics to promote it's insane cult. The German idealists showed the way, the eugenists operationalized it and made the most disgusting schooling/brainwashing machine ever in the United States.


Take your meds before you self-immolate.


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Don't forget to take your twelfth booster, vaxxie


>Dies of covid


LMAO, four years and I still haven't caught your imaginary covid virus. Take your thirteenth booster libtard




Tell us more about the moon landing being fake.


Self immolation: Based or cringe? Should everybody do it?


>>479292 (OP)
The left doesn't need spineless cunts like Bushnell; they need warriors


Since when isnself immolation spineless? I suppose you believe posting in obscure imageboards is what real communists do?


Real commies don't waste time turning themselves into crispy human marshmallows just for attention


>No true scotts-man wears kilts!

uygha…People do things for various reasons at various stages of their lives and, if lucky, class awarness. That doesn't make them "not real communists." Learn2logic.


Quit talkin' outta your crusty asshole and do something instead of pulling this homo-ass self-immolation crap. It's utterly pointless.


obviously self-immolation is not a strategy and it should not be promoted.
But Bushnell is still a fallen hero.

The Zionist genocidal actions against the Palestinians clearly aren't just directed at the Palestinians. By their own admission, they want to achieve an effect on bystanders as well. They claim it's a display of self defense. But in reality its more like a display of atrocities that is supposed to terrorize. The genocide in Palestine is the cause of Bushnell's death.


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When the cops enter the scene it becomes surrealist satire. Is America even a real place?


People keep arguing over the relative value or effectiveness of Bushnell's act, but I think that's a waste of time and the real issue is what are we going to do with it?


Your not wrong but to keep it fair, there is a media selection bias for showing the shit that's not normal.

This has got to be bugging the ruling class, they want soldiers that are willing to die for their causes, not the causes of "the other side". So keep the memory alive, perhaps to make them less trigger happy when it comes to new wars.


Again with this self projection about being a lazy online leftist retard.
You really need to take meds and see a psychiatrist.l


>pharma propaganda
>bootlicking cockroach scuttles in the shadows
neoliberal garbage


I'm still not sure if it's been established who that one guy is. People have said he's police, Israeli security, or secret service… I'm not sure. But it's batshit insane seeing him dodge around with Matrix moves pointing his gun at a flaming body on the ground while everyone else tries to put it out.


>it's batshit insane seeing him dodge around with Matrix moves pointing his gun at a flaming body on the ground while everyone else tries to put it out
He's probably operating with the logic of
<put the gun between you and the danger
<Fire is danger
In general this is not a bad logic, but it failed in this episode

>People have said he's police, Israeli security, or secret service… I'm not sure.

That might explain the strange behavior, people wouldn't do this unless they have undergone a lot of very specific firearms training drills. This looks like conditioned reactions. Police, Security and spies are more likely to have undergone conditioning. They do that because subconscious reactions are faster than conscious actions, but the speed excludes the involvement of higher reasoning, so there are trade offs. Apparently one of those trade offs might be embarrassing matrix moves in unusual situations.

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