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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

"The anons of the past have only shitposted on the Internets about the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
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So I thought here and now would be a good time to tell you I'm uploading parts of my book that I have completed. You can find them at:


I have up to chapter 13 written of the third book, and the whole of the second book. Maybe you all can provide feedback (and anyone saying snark will be given the fag tag).

It gets pretty depressing but I saw Chapter 13 as one of the more uplifting, since I basically say the way out… if only humans wanted such a thing. We've always known that, but all of the build-up to that is where we would really have to go. It's a pity humans will never think like that, not now.




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Not your personal blog and not your personal adspace.


You don't need the secure line without any forms the user submits. You know, how the internet would be as a library.


You can get a free tls cert from lets-encrypt.

That (mostly) prevents Man In the Middle attacks that could potentially insert malicious shit into your website while it's being transported over the internet information highway.


That would not be possible for a user.

The site is HTML with no javascript. There's no opening for malicious programming that would sit on the user's computer. There are no forms where a user would submit any information to the website. You'd only need SSL if the user is submitting sensitive information, but there is no opening for that.


Dude, unencrypted packets can be swapped out along the way. A man in the middle attacker could replace the content of your website with anything they like. That includes adding java script.

I will admit that it's not a trivial thing to do an insertion faster than a tcp handshake. But why risk it. Get a free cert, there's 5 min tutorial videos on YT that show you how.


I'm not as stupid as you think I am. If someone is determined, SSL won't save you. There is no such thing as perfect security. I run more risk with SSL because I'm adding another entity looking at my website to sign up for it.

I would suggest a user-end detection for forged data, since the site is all text and downloadables.


Ah my web host has a free service for this anyway.


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Listen Eugene, I can only be bothered to read your book 4 on histmat, ok?

Also, if you're gonna reference Italian elitists, then you MUST reference Michels.


I probably should. Fuck Pareto though - pseudo-economist.


I wouldn't call it a "critique of histmat". I do think Marx's thinking on historical materialism is bowdlerized often to fit the imperial version of materialism. But then, I think Marx's thinking doesn't work for other reasons. I already make a bunch of arguments in the prior books about how "Being" is a bunch of bullshit, which is why my thinking will turn out very different. There is only really "doing", and we refer to acts and events when speaking of reality and especially history. It's only possible to talk about "Being" through metaphors and indirect knowledge. This has its uses to condense a lot of knowledge, but it requires people who know of what is referenced.

The bigger gripe I make is that history proper will never be a "straight line" in that sense, and there are political reasons for that which I refer to during what I wrote so far in the third book.

My approach has been to pick apart these things as if they were engineering problems or things to analyze for writing a worthwhile computer program, under the assumption that human thought and agency don't have any special quality over any other force in the universe. They do however have particular qualities that tell us a lot about what humans are - mainly that humans really are shitty to say the least.


Obviously this take would make me a hard historical materialist - but ideas that are relevant to history are in my view a type of technology, and that is my basis for a lot of how I look at "modes of production" and what economics became. The main technology I look at is the institution itself, rather than industrial machines which are one part technology and one part engineered phenomenon which have a life of their own. A lot of mashed up history arises from granting to industry spiritual qualities it does not possess and forgetting that industrial tools are employed by labor which has nothing to do with institutions at a basic level.


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There is a rather simple solution, people who advocate eugenics and try to infiltrate health care, should be designated the "undesirables" and subjected to what they promote.

Now for the definition side of things, imposed sterilization and forced abortions definitely are hard eugenics, and a firing squat is appropriate. However offering abortion to women who want it is not. It's just a means for exerting self-control over fertility, that is legitimate.

Of course women can be driven to choose abortions not by their own volition but by imposing bad conditions on them like economic precarity or environments that are hostile to child rearing. And that again is a form of indirect eugenics, which also has to be dealt with.


They told you this back in 2008. That was them masking off. "Yes We Can" is saying "yes WE can do what we were clamoring for in the 1990s". A few souls in this country tried to say it, but it was coded as "right wing reactionary talk" thanks to such a stripped down demonic education as we got. Never mind that the most detailed complaints came from liberal types who knew what Obama really was and what the men with him wanted to do.


Also, population control was the entire point of Roe. It was a slavery argument, which is why the 14th amendment comes up. They were always interested in destroying that standard completely, and look at where we are now.


The same argument in Roe would effectively allow unlimited infanticide and killing of legal minors. There is not a single credible argument to say otherwise. Now that it was normalized and institutionally mandated, they didn't need that excuse, and it was always troublesome because it prescribed "unlimited freedom" for the slave power. The slave power needed to be more definite and restrict anyone operating outside of it.

It's all moot because the United States law will no longer exist as anything meaningful. You have the major factions all eager to get rid of it and replace it with some Nazified garbage that will be entirely worse.




Honestly, I don't take anything Alveda King writes seriously. There's a reason she's the one member of MLK's family who right-wing fanatics like. These people can still be pieces of shit, though, but I don't know if I buy her rationale for why. This argument that, based on something Ruth Bader Ginsburg said at some point, abortion's broad legalization was about eugenics as opposed to being about rape babies and coat-hanger surgeries seems like a stretch.


>The same argument in Roe would effectively allow unlimited infanticide and killing of legal minors. There is not a single credible argument to say otherwise.
A fetus, zygote, or unborn child is physically inside of another person, and typically cannot exist outside of the mother, whereas infants who have already been born are not. The basic contradiction which exists in the case of fetuses - that they are human, but not fully separate beings - does not exist with anyone who has already been born. That seems like a really easy argument unless I'm missing something specific about the terminology in Roe.


I think zygotes are not sentient and there fore shouldnt spared in cases of abortion.

But I take it a step further.

Preventive hysterectomy




This is commonly available knowledge. Emanuel and Holder are proud and open eugenists. Most of the liberals are. Were you not paying attention in the 1990s?

That is not a credible argument unless you assume a lot of biopolitical shibboleths are automatically true, and many assumptions about political subjectivity. It makes eugenics the only possible world-system.

If you regard life as morally valuable at all, then the state not only legalizing infanticide but glorifying it and insisting "infanticide on demand" means exactly that. Anyone who is a minor, anyone who is deemed invalid, may be killed with impunity. Those are the conditions of Eugenics, and the bare minimum they will take with such a claim. It is dishonest to pretend this is not what they have done with it, and sophist's arguments only reduce to dithering and excuses. Once the dithering begins - and the eugenist philosophers admonish everyone that once it begins, eugenist victory is inevitable and a fait accompli - any legal principle suggesting anything can be different is moot. You've already placed the power of life and death in the hands of a monopoly of experts, who are not legally required to abide anything the court rules is "scientific truth". The very nature of expert testimony is that the expert is the expert, not the judge. The judge and court merely judge the facts - and here you are asserting that the experts' judgement is absolute and must override even the judge, who would inveigh on whether this act that he is judging is moral or in line with the society he serves. The expert has no obligation to society at all, and has shown his contempt for society. The judge has to at least appear fair, or the judge has to rule that the eugenic interest has untrammeled authority over private life. This is what has always been at stake - nothing less.

If the court deems fit to place reasonable restrictions on abortion - and that was the standing law, not "abortion on demand" - then you start having this argument "for real". Except, we never did. Eugenics never gives up an inch, and it won victory after victory. There is nothing whatsoever that can appeal its decisions.

The relevant decision for the court is not about whether you can say this killing is okay because biological science says it's kosher and another is not. That falls really on the doctor and the woman aborting the child. The judge's position would be entirely about the interests of the state. He has no authority to dictate private practice or personal life in that way because "the science says the abortion is kosher". The only reason this comes up is because the fetus is "life unworthy of life" or a slave. By what standard is a child free, then? You've already invoked a biopolitical argument for who is free and who is not - and this is the same argument for chattel slavery on a eugenic basis (an argument that was never upheld in the bad old days, which tells you of the eugenic creed's depravity). In the most sweeping declaration, anyone who is not granted specific status of "life worthy of life" may be killed with impunity. That is the standard of legal and political freedom - just as it was for slaves, who weren't free until they were ruled free and the papers of manumission were signed, or emancipation was forced. Also same with prisoners, and anyone who is suspect of invalidity of any sort. There is no barrier that eugenics would have to regard or that the law can erect based on ability or viability. That whole line of argument rested on where life can be said to begin for the state's interest to hold. On one hand, there is a claim that the state's interest starts purely with a biopolitical or natural claim, and on the other, the state's claim over life and death is absolute and PRECEDES conception. They can mandate sterilization against all due process and any decency once known, upheld since 1927 with thunderous applause from the creed.

Since infanticide has been justified on this basis already, I need not "prove" my claim. They kill in the open and dare you to stop them. That's what happens when the state considers this a pretext to govern life at all levels.

My solution is that the only real interest here is the conduct of the doctor and medical profession, and possibly whether the law could punish someone for intentionally killing their own unborn child / killing another's unborn child. The doctors have no sacrosanctity and their work can be policed for the good of society. The bodies of women by tradition and history really can't - there's nothing stopping a woman from killing a child if she really doesn't want to carry it, and no good rationale to say she can't. It is another for the doctor to have a stake in promoting abortion, and another still for the state to declare explicitly that infanticide is not just legal but its policy goal for population control. It is ritual sacrifice just like in Carthage.

I believe any regulation would happen at the level of medical practitioners - that any pushing of abortion or eugenics law would be watched, and those found to advance the eugenic creed would be rooted out. Other than that, the state already allowed self-inflicted infanticide and the sale of aborting drugs, and never had a firm law against abortion in history. It is difficult to enforce except by fear or shame.

Most people don't think aborting their child is no big deal, but many abortions happen. The state looked the other way for nearly all of human history, yet now they insist that a strident imposition of population control under eugenist monopoly - people who glorify ritual sacrifice and the thrill of torture - is a right and the highest freedom. That tells you what they think about society.

For all intents and purposes the Constitution was a dead letter after Buck v. Bell, if it weren't already. That was the point - eugenics was above all law. That is the only way it can be interpreted, and that went further than Dred Scott ever could.


Eugene, is it true you voted Biden?


I fail to see how that is relevant to my writing. I've written elsewhere about what voting is, and people who look for gotchas and soundbites are exactly what I refer to when I speak of incorrigible fags.

Given what the US was, if you're going to go out to vote, the only thing to vote for was to reject Trump faggotry and everything it stood for. I expected Trump would lose and paid little attention to the outcome, but people near me wanted me to so I could sell my vote for cheap. I don't know why anyone insinuates Trump is anything other than a disaster, and anyone who goes out of their way to promote that should just hang themselves and not bother me. It's sad that a single person gave any credence to that, and if they were serious about burning down the world, they wouldn't say "hurr durr I'm so smart" and spend this much effort promoting rank faggotry. Most people who voted Trump vote for any dogshit the Republicans put up, contrary to these retarded narratives, so I don't want to hear this posturing from progressive retards.


I won't be voting this time around, mostly because it's clear to me that the country is lost, and they're going to do whatever they're going to do. It's pretty clear to most people that the Trump faggotry is just that - faggotry - and whatever organic support there was for that has given up. I was happy to see Trumptard tears, sad that anyone actually believed dying for Retard-Man was worth anything.


I'll tell you now though my only motive for voting was a hatred of the Republican Party, rather than anything these assholes promise. If you vote for ideology and bullbaiting, you really are retarded. It's insulting that this hectoring is allowed on a supposedly dissident website, but that's what online "dissidents" are - sniveling fags.


Aside from the futility of the party system in this country, none of these socialist outfits are remotely credible or try to be. There is no base whatsoever for it. I'm not going to throw my vote away to encourage that stupidity. If they're going to run a third party, I'd ask that they be at least as credible as Nader, and that's not asking for much.


tbh I think imageboard users dont really care about actual pokitics beyond a substitue for having a life.
theyre so morally obsessed with cultural norms


I'll be honest, at the time in 2016 I didn't think Trump was going to win, because I was naive - not that I believed this was an actual contest, but I believed that the country was putting up Trump as a trial balloon and would give the Democrats what they needed to move as far right as they cculd and jettison what was left of labor. I didn't think the rulers of this place really were that evil and that degenerate in their thought. I still believed they had some scheme or plan to keep going, but it turns out all they ever needed was faggotry.


Well, I think the reason why Trump won is because he appeals to indignation.
And the Democrats love tussling with him.


Trump won because that was the script, not because "you" chose anything. There's enough insinuation to nudge numbers to whatever they need to be, and they wanted a "close, thrilling race" for this operation.

For all intents and purposes, the Patriot Act put an end to any part of the republic that functioned as you would think a republic would. The only thing that remained was eugenics and the general fear, and that refuses to die.


I don't buy the "Trump is the candidate of the downtrodden" horseshit. A few desperate rubes latched on to any faggotry that was going on and given to them, but most of us were too defeated to expect much. Then you consider that many who vote at all are motivated by hatred of the other assholes, and I don't mean a fickle or performative hatred. There are people who believe that Obama and Biden would be the end of them, and that they'd rather be dead than live under that… except, they're getting that anyway, and Trump didn't give those people a single thing. Their thinking was purely defensive for what little the Republicans might have offered them (because believe it or not, the Republicans aren't 100% starve and austerity when they have to go down to the yokels and do a little pandering, and when you look at the Democrats, they play the same game of placating parts of their base and playing interests in their tent against each other). The political system in the US relies on this poverty pimping where desperate people latch on to the few things that they sense they have some control over. Most of those people were not voting for anything Trump said but against the Democrats and the stated liberal agenda, and had no reason to care about any of the pablum in the discourse. Whatever Trump said was some bullshit that wasn't unfamiliar to them.

After the fact, the narrative of "the useless eaters actually love Trump" was just more child abuse, and affirming a story aristocracy always tells itself. Trump offered not one substantial thing. It was ridiculous how he talked about his plan to destroy Obamacare, because he had none and had no intention of doing any such thing. Why would the Republicans cancel a policy they had a large part in manufacturing, that the entrenched interests like just fine? The entire thing is a gigantic cash grab. They'll never give that up. They only think about how to build new excuses to give less and charge more rent. Any time it would turn to anything substantive delivered in health care, it must be attacked. That was always about maintaining the doctor/eugenics cartel on health care.

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