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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

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 No.481432[View All]

Continued from >>479880

Updates since the start of the last thread:
The (largely civilian) Palestinian death toll has now passed 34,000. With over 10,000 missing, it's expected that current estimates are lower than the actual death toll.

The US Congress, with Biden's support, passed the final version of a bill to authorize more than $26,000,000,000 in military aid to Israel. It's been pointed out that this is illegal under US law.

Israel initiated its ground assault of Rafah.

Israel attacked the Iranian consulate in Damascus, killing 16, and resulting in a carefully planned Iranian missile retaliation against military targets in Israel.

The International Court of Justice made an interim ruling in South Africa's favor in their case accusing Israel of genocidal acts in Gaza, deeming it plausible. Ireland, Turkey, and Colombia joined Nicaragua in signing on to South Africa's case against Israel.

Yemeni Houthi attacks on shipping, in solidarity with Gaza, have continued, expanding to the Indian ocean.

Demonstrators have continued to blockade and damage arms factories manufacturing weapons for Israel in the UK.

The Center for Constitutional Rights appealed the jurisdictional dismissal of the genocide complicity lawsuit against President Joe Biden; the appellate argument is scheduled for June 10th.

Following repression at Columbia University, protestors around the US have made encampments at colleges, demanding that their universities divest. Many of these demonstrations have been met with brutal police repression, and some have also faced car ramming attacks and assaults by far-right mobs. This has not discouraged students from continuing. Thousands of demonstrators have been arrested. A new wave of similar protests followed globally.

More countries moved to recognize Palestinian statehood. The US vetoed a UNSC resolution for Palestinian membership.

The US abstained from a ceasefire vote at the UNSC, allowing a temporary ceasefire resolution for the month of Ramadan to pass. Israel refused to observe it, and to cover for this, the US erroneously claimed that UN Security Council resolutions are "non-binding," continuing to back Israel anyway.

Starvation deaths have continued to increase in Gaza amid Israel's imposed famine.

Mass graves discovered at Nasser and Al-Shifa hospitals in Gaza.

More countries halted arms sales to Israel.

The US stated that the Biden Pier had been completed.

More demonstrations and crackdowns have occurred around the world, including in Germany, where speakers including Yanis Varoufakis have been banned, and a wave of arrests and seizures for "anti-semitism" have targeted Jewish groups disproportionately.

The US House of Representatives passed a bill to define criticism of Israel as "anti-semitism," which now goes to the senate.

Israeli and US politicians threatened the International Criminal Court over potential accountability.

A lot more has also occurred - it's recommended that you dive into the previous thread if you haven't done so, yet, because it's been an eventful month!
456 posts and 118 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>It's almost certain that Israel is going to go into "full" war with Lebanon.
Well that sucks. Israel is only doing this because of internal politics. Opening up another front to distract from internal problems.

The idf is unable to militarily challenge Hezbollah at this point in time, the Israeli military brass must know this. The US doesn't want them to start shit with Lebanon. Iran doesn't want this either. It ought to be a possibility to bypass the piece obstacles.

It's not like Israel has anything to gain from this, they'll definitely loose territory, they are risking ending up as a failed state.


Israeli attack kills two in southern Syria: Report

The Syrian state media agency SANA has reported that two people have been killed and a soldier injured after Israel launched an “air aggression” targeting sites in Syria’s southern region.

A military source told SANA that Israel launched the attack from the direction of the “occupied Syrian Golan, targeting a number of points in the southern region”.

The source added that its air defences shot some of the missiles down.


Merchant vessel reports being hit near Yemen’s Hodeidah

A merchant ship in the Red Sea has reported being struck by a projectile about 84 nautical miles (155km) from Yemen’s Hodeidah, according to British security firm Ambrey.

The vessel, heading to Saudi Arabia’s port city of Dammam, reported no damage or casualties.

Since November last year, Yemen’s Houthi armed group that controls the capital, Sanaa, and its most populous areas has been launching scores of drone and missile attacks on shipping in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden.

The group says it is acting in support of Palestinians in Gaza.

Israeli army ‘suspends’ soldiers after arrests during antigovernment protests: Report

Israel’s Haaretz newspaper reports that the army has “suspended” four reserve soldiers after their arrests during antigovernment demonstrations in recent months.

One of these soldiers, Alon Gruzov, 35, part of the Nahal Brigade in the north, told the newspaper that he was detained briefly in April for protesting “against the criminal negligence of the abductees” and was surprised on Monday by an order from his company commander to dismiss him and freeze is military service.

Yoni Nussbaum, a lawyer for those reservists, told Haaretz that “the army accepts the police’s request to freeze the reserve service without examination or hearing of the reservists”.

An army spokesperson told the newspaper that “the reservists who were reportedly temporarily detained by the Israeli police have been suspended until the end of the proceedings in their case”.

According to Haaretz, this is the first such army action against the reservists who participated in antigovernment protests.

Palestinians in Lebanon ready to fight if Israel starts war with Hezbollah
Mat Nashed

Palestinians living in Lebanon believe they will be targeted for attack if Israel’s cross-border conflict with Hezbollah develops into a full-blown war.

In the Shatila Palestinian refugee camp in Beirut, many said they were not scared and would fight to support Hezbollah against Israel.

But they also worry for their families and civilians, fearing that Israel would target densely populated residential areas – such as Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon – where tens of thousands of people live packed tightly together.

Rescue missions ‘may stop at any moment’: Gaza’s Civil Defence

The Civil Defence in Gaza has issued a statement, warning that it is running out of fuel and its rescue missions “may stop at any moment”.

It said on its Telegram channel that rescue crews carried out several missions this morning alone, involving recovering bodies and survivors from four homes attacked in Gaza City’s Sabra neighbourhood, as well as two separate houses in the Shujayea area.

“Our crews cannot deal with the huge number of targets while running out of fuel,” its statement said.

“The reality of the health system in the northern Gaza Strip is tragic as the aggression continues.”

Israeli military says warplanes attacked Khan Younis school

The Israeli military has said its fighter jets attacked al-Hasna school in Khan Younis, southern Gaza.

The military did not say if there were casualties but claimed “precise weaponry” was used.

“The school served as the headquarters of the terrorist organization Hamas,” the military wrote in a post on X, without providing any evidence to support its claims.

One Israeli soldier dead following Jenin ambush: Report

An Israeli soldier has died and 17 others have been injured following a blast in the occupied West Bank city of Jenin, our Al Jazeera Arabic colleagues are reporting.

Earlier, we reported that Palestinian fighters had ambushed Israeli forces amid intense clashes in Jenin, leaving some in critical condition.

Israeli forces also arrested three Palestinians and wounded one other after storming the Jenin area with support from bulldozers, drones and Apache attack helicopters.

Israeli soldiers ‘openly brag’, share images of tortured Palestinians: Rights group

Marking the UN’s international day in support of victims of torture, a Palestinian prisoners’ rights group has accused Israeli forces of practising the “harshest forms of torture” on people detained in Gaza and bragging about their abuse.

Addameer, a Ramallah-based prisoners’ rights group, shared a series of posts on social media, which contain video clips from Israeli soldiers “openly sharing their torture of Palestinian detainees on social media to brag about their actions”.

“Due to the lack of accountability for the occupying state’s crimes over the years, soldiers deliberately document their acts of torture against Palestinian detainees and post these videos and photos on their personal social media accounts,” the rights group said.

The group warns that the scenes depicted in the video clips are disturbing.


Israeli protesters block two key intercity routes to demand elections

Israeli demonstrators have blocked the country’s coastal Route 2 linking Tel Aviv to Haifa, chanting “the country is burning”, to demand elections.

Israeli broadcaster Kann said Route 2 was blocked from both directions at the Habonim bridge in the north of the country. Protesters also partially blocked Route 79 westwards in the Lower Galilee, according to the Yedioth Ahronoth media outlet.

Protest organisers were quoted as saying the road closures were “just the beginning”, and promising the government that demonstrations would not stop “until the mandate returns to the people”.

“Enough with the government of destruction, only elections will extinguish the fire,” they said.


Palestinian girl dies of malnutrition: Report

Citing a health official, the Reuters news agency is reporting that the girl died overnight in Gaza’s Kamal Adwan Hospital.

She is among dozens of children to die from starvation or dehydration during the war, including at least four others this week.

‘Preconditions of cholera’: Gaza’s decimated sanitation systems causing illnesses

We’ve been sharing updates from a new AP report detailing how Israel’s destruction of water and sewage infrastructure has affected people in Gaza.

Joanne Perry, a doctor working in southern Gaza with Doctors Without Borders, or MSF, told AP that most patients she sees already have illnesses or infections caused by poor sanitation. Scabies, gastrointestinal illnesses and rashes are common, and Perry fears cholera could be on the horizon.

“The crowded conditions, the lack of water, the heat, the poor sanitation — these are the preconditions of cholera,” Perry told AP.

The World Health Organization (WHO) says 485,000 cases of diarrhoea have been reported since October.

WHO figures also showed an outbreak of Hepatitis A, which is spread through consuming water or food contaminated with faecal matter, had led to 81,700 reported cases of jaundice, as of early June.

Sleepless nights as bugs fill tents where people live surrounded by rubbish, sewage

Palestinians living in camps for displaced people in Gaza have told the AP how they struggle to sleep because their tents are filled with insects.

Abu Shadi Afana, 62, told the AP that small insects stick to his skin when he tries to sleep, and he feels like they are eating his face.

“There is no one to provide us with a tent, food, or drink, and on top of all this, we live in garbage,” he said.

Anwar al-Hurkali, who lives with his family in a tent camp in the central Gazan city of Deir el-Balah, said he can’t sleep for fear of scorpions and rodents. He doesn’t let his children leave their tent, he said, worrying they’ll get sick from pollution and mosquitoes.

Rubbish has been piling up across Gaza after Israel seized control of the territory’s two main landfills, east of the cities of Khan Younis and Gaza City, for the creation of a so-called buffer zone.

Hamas fighters ‘remain cohesive and effective’ in battle for Rafah: Monitors

Israeli forces advanced into new areas of central and southern Gaza on Wednesday, with armoured vehicles geo-located to positions northwest of the Nuseirat refugee camp, and armour also spotted in new areas of central and western Rafah, war monitors report.

In Rafah, Israeli forces continue to encounter “significant resistance” from Palestinian fighters from several armed groups who carried out attacks in different areas of the southern city on Wednesday, including in the Shabour and Tal as-Sultan neighbourhoods, the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) and the Critical Threats Project (CTP) said.

In their latest battlefield report, the two US-based defence think tanks said Hamas video footage of an attack on an Israeli tank using a tunnel and improvised explosive device (IED) demonstrates that the group’s fighters in Rafah “remain cohesive and effective”.

The monitors said their analysis was consistent with a recent Israeli military report that it had “only somewhat degraded” two of the four Hamas battalions engaged in the fight for Rafah.

Four separate Palestinian armed factions also carried out rocket attacks into Israel on Wednesday, according to the report.

Washington investigates the reasons behind the failure of the US humanitarian pier

It took just six weeks for the US-built humanitarian pier on Gaza’s shoreline to begin to fail.

The pier became operational on May 17, but problems arose almost immediately. Eight days later, high waves overwhelmed the pier and it was temporarily closed, only reopening last week.

But even during that short period in which the pier was functioning, only 99 aid shipments successfully entered Gaza through it.

Now, failing to meet even the modest goals outlined at the project’s onset, the pier’s future looks uncertain.

Israel, US ‘very good at theatre’, analyst says of apparent dispute between allies

Analyst Rami Khoury says while there was a “little hiccup” in what he called the massive flow of weapons and money from the US to Israel amid the ongoing war in Gaza, it was not a major issue between the two close allies.

“The US and Israel are very good at theatre, and this is theatre that we’re watching right now,” Khoury, a professor at the American University of Beirut, told Al Jazeera.

“There’s no closer relationship in the last half-century anywhere in the world probably than the US’s support for Israel. It’s domestic theatre,” he said of the apparent dispute between the two allies over the speed of weapons transfers.

Khoury pointed out that back in Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was in “big trouble”, and it played well to be seen to be tough with the US.

“He’s fighting with people in his own party. He’s fighting with his own military leaders. He’s fighting with people all around the world,” Khoury said.

“Netanyahu has almost run out of people that he can have a feud with. But by acting like a tough guy who stands up to the US and gets whatever Israel needs from the US, he strengthens some part of his base in Israel. And he’s going to need that because his coalition is a little bit shaky,” he said.





US advises citizens to avoid travel to Lebanon

The US has issued a travel advisory urging its citizens to stay away from Lebanon, as tensions soar along its border with Israel.

“We remind US citizens to strongly reconsider travel to Lebanon,” said the notice published by the US Embassy in Lebanon.

In particular, US citizens should avoid going to Lebanon’s south, its border with Syria, and refugee settlements, the advisory specified.

The advisory said the Lebanese government could not ensure US citizens’ safety in the event of “sudden outbreaks of violence and armed conflict”.

The advisory comes after Germany and the Netherlands issued similar notices calling on their citizens to leave Lebanon yesterday.

Israeli army drills simulate combat near Lebanon border

The Israeli military has published videos and photos on its official website, saying it showed its fighters carrying out military exercises simulating combat scenarios in the northern border area with Lebanon.

The drills that took place last week trained the Israeli soldiers for “responding to various threats with the cooperation of the infantry, armor and fire forces”, the army update said.

The troops also practised combat scenarios “in a tangled terrain that simulates combat on a northern route, progress along a mountain route and the use of gradual fire”, the statement added.

Israeli soldiers in Rafah ‘feel like ducks in the shooting range’

Avigdor Lieberman, the head of the ultranationalist Yisrael Beiteinu (Israel is Our Home) party and former Israeli defence minister, has made the comments criticising Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant.

“We are losers and unable to win and Israeli deterrence is zero,” he told Israel’s Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper. “There is a lot of frustration among our soldiers in Rafah, they don’t understand what they want and they feel like ducks in the shooting range.”

“The government is not able to win, neither in the south nor in the north, and Gallant bears responsibility immediately after Netanyahu,” Lieberman added.

Israeli tanks rolling into Shujayea: Report

Israeli tanks are moving into Gaza City’s Shujayea neighbourhood and waging fierce attacks as people flee, according to local residents quoted by Reuters.

The ongoing attacks in Shujayea, which also suffered a wave of overnight bombardment, are making it impossible for rescuers to reach injured people in the area, according to the Palestinian Civil Defense.

“We are being starved in Gaza City, and are being hunted by tanks and planes with no hope that this war is ever ending,” Mohammad Jamal, a 25-year-old resident of Gaza City told Reuters.

Palestinians fleeing Shujayea ‘don’t know where to go’

We can now bring you accounts from Palestinians fleeing Israel’s surprise assault on Gaza City’s Shujayea neighbourhood.

Footage verified by Al Jazeera’s Sanad fact-checking agency shows crowds of people in eastern Gaza, many carrying their belongings in backpacks and carts, walking westwards.

One elderly man said he would head towards al-Shifa Hospital. Many others have no idea where they will go.

“We were suddenly and intensively bombarded by Israel,” said one man fleeing the area on foot. “We came out and we don’t know where to go.”

“Today, we saw shelling … and injured people on the ground,” said a woman, also leaving on foot. “I don’t know where I will go with my family.”

War has ‘no end in sight’

Gershon Baskin, a former Israeli negotiator for captives’ release and Middle East director of the International Communities Organisation, has suggested the UN send international peacekeeping forces into Gaza to “protect the Palestinian people and force the Israelis to withdraw”.

“We need to think out of the box and come up with solutions that will enable this war to end, the Israeli hostages to come home, and a rebuilding process of Gaza to begin,” Baskin told Al Jazeera from Tel Aviv. “It needs to be done collaboratively [with Palestinians], but we need to get this war to end quickly.”

Baskin also called for more international pressure on Israel to open up border crossings and facilitate more aid flow within Gaza, where hundreds of thousands face catastrophic hunger.

“This has to be done and it has to be a result of international pressure because it’s doubtful Israel will do it on its own,” he said.

Baskin is not optimistic about the prospects of Israel and Hamas reaching a ceasefire deal, saying there is an “unreachable gap” between the two sides.

He points out that Hamas is not willing to strike any agreement that does not fully end the war, while Netanyahu is only open to a “partial agreement” that would bring home Israeli captives during a temporary truce.

The Israeli prime minister has not given negotiators the green light to make any concessions beyond this, Baskin said.

This means “we are stuck”, he said.

“The families of the hostages are extremely frustrated and sad. We are nine months into this war now and no end in sight.”



Norway reiterates support for UNRWA

Norway says it strongly opposes the Israeli lawsuit against the UN Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA), saying the accusations coincide with “a politically motivated campaign aimed at weakening the agency.”

“We strongly oppose the attack on UNRWA and their staff, including the Norwegian diplomat who previously served as Deputy Commissioner-General of the agency,” Norwegian Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide said in a statement.

The statement comes after families of Israeli hostages in Gaza filed a lawsuit against UNRWA in a US federal court in New York on Monday.

The families argued that the aid agency helped fund Hamas by paying employees in US dollars.

However, Eide emphasised the country’s support for the aid agency, saying it was established to meet the basic needs of Palestinian refugees until a political solution was found.

“Norway will continue to stand up for UNRWA and support their work,” Eide said, adding, “UNRWA is the backbone of humanitarian efforts in Gaza.”

US lawmaker calls for Gaza pier shutdown

A US Republican lawmaker has written to the Biden administration demanding the closure of the Gaza aid pier, calling the operation ineffective, risky and a waste of money.

“I urge the Administration to immediately cease this failed operation before further catastrophe occurs and consider alternative means of land and air-based humanitarian aid delivery,” House Armed Services Committee Chairman Mike Rogers wrote in a letter seen by Reuters.

First announced by Biden in March, the offshore floating pier was created to respond to the threat of famine in the Gaza Strip.

The Pentagon estimates the first 90 days of operation will cost about $230 million.

However, rough seas have damaged the pier, forcing repairs, and poor weather has limited the number of days the pier has been operational.

“As of June 19, JLOTS (Joint Logistics Over the Shore) had only been operational about 10 days and had only moved 3,415 metric tons onto the beach in Gaza,” Rogers wrote.



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Zionist tanks destroying ambulances with children, proves that zionism causes brain-damage. However it also should prompt re-evaluation of assumptions. Marking ambulances clearly does not protect them. Maybe it is incorrect to not armor-up civilization-services.


‘Genocide denial’: Representative Tlaib blasts Gaza death toll ban

US Representative Rashida Tlaib denounced a move in the House to prevent the State Department from citing the number of dead Palestinians in Israel’s war on Gaza.

“Six children, Mr Speaker, six are killed in Gaza every single hour. But Palestinians are not just numbers. Behind these numbers are real people — mothers, fathers, sons, daughters who have had their lives stolen from them and their families torn apart, and we should not be trying to hide it,” Tlaib said on the floor of the House of Representatives.

“Where is our shared humanity in this chamber? There is so much anti-Palestinian racism in this chamber that my colleagues don’t even want to acknowledge that Palestinians exist at all, not when they’re alive and now not even when they’re dead,” said Tlaib, the first Palestinian-American woman to serve in the US Congress.

“It’s absolutely disgusting. This is genocide denial.”

Qassam Brigades target Israeli tank in Gaza City

We have been reporting for the past couple of hours on the fighting in Gaza City’s Shujayea neighbourhood.

Hamas’s armed wing Qassam Brigades says fighters hit an Israeli Merkava tank in the area with an explosive device. It didn’t elaborate if any casualties were inflicted in the attack.

Ultra-Orthodox protest military draft bill

Ultra-Orthodox protesters blocked the Coca-Cola Junction in Israel to demonstrate against a proposal to draft ultra-Orthodox men into the army.

Demonstrators have refused to join the army and said they would rather die than be recruited.

On Tuesday, Israel’s Supreme Court ruled unanimously the military must begin drafting ultra-Orthodox men for military service.

The ruling seeks to overturn a longstanding practice under which Jewish seminary students are exempt from conscription. The decision threatens to destabilise the government, with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s coalition reliant on religiously conservative parties that oppose the move.


Canada sets out evacuation plans in Lebanon

Canada’s military has drawn up evacuation plans to extract about 20,000 Canadians from Lebanon as tensions intensify and threats of full-scale scale fighting increase.

The Canadian news outlet CBC reported that General Wayne Eyre, the chief of the defence staff, said on Wednesday that the plan relied on Canada’s allies to help facilitate the evacuation.

“We can’t do it alone,” Eyre said. “It will very much be a coalition effort, and we are tightly tied in — very tight — with our allies.”

But despite the plans for a possible evacuation, Eyre acknowledged that he was “very concerned” about the prospect of war between Israel and Hezbollah this summer.

He added that a military team was currently in Lebanon and coordinating with the embassy in Beirut.

On Tuesday, Foreign Affairs Minister Melanie Joly also warned Canadians to leave Lebanon as soon as possible.



>Rumors say that people are measuring radiation levels in Gaza and they have detected slightly elevated levels that correspond to the use of depleted uranium munitions
True, that was actually rumored/reported. Pretty weird how there was NO followup on that right? Also isn't DU a very convenient cover story if nukes actually were used? You can just use a small nuke and then say the residual radiation was DU pollution.

>Your pictures show deep craters with small diameters. From a physics perspective that is caused by a high speed kinetic impact, or by a bomb with a "heavy nose" that digs into the ground before it explodes.

You got video or photo documentation of equivalent sized craters caused by, say, bunker buster JDAMs or a similar conventional bomb the Jews have access to?


>True, that was actually rumored/reported. Pretty weird how there was NO followup on that right? Also isn't DU a very convenient cover story if nukes actually were used? You can just use a small nuke and then say the residual radiation was DU pollution.
Only the most basic photo-chemical detectors (ink that changes color when exposed to ionizing radiation) gives no indication as to the source. Even the cheap commodity kind of electronic detectors will give some indication about the particle type or energy range it detects. That's good enough to distinguish between various radiation sources. If they had set off a nuke in Gaza, even with a very low yield model, there would be considerable fallout in Israel, Egypt and Lebanon. You can't conceal high energy events.
If the reports are true depleted uranium would be the most likely answer.

>You got video or photo documentation of equivalent sized craters caused by, say, bunker buster JDAMs or a similar conventional bomb the Jews have access to?

I don't know the exact models of weapons the IDF has. My knowledge about craters comes from looking at meteor-impacts, you know science/space stuff. However i can tell you this: nukes make hot plasma that deals mostly thermal damage as being so hot that it incinerates everything. The kinetic damage of nukes are a secondary effect from atmospheric interactions, basically it heats up the air so quickly that it causes a huge shock-wave. In the center of a nuclear strike will be a small circle where everything got vaporized, and a large shallow crater from an air-blast. I don't see anything like that in those pictures >>482332


>nukes make hot plasma that deals mostly thermal damage as being so hot that it incinerates everything. The kinetic damage of nukes are a secondary effect from atmospheric interactions, basically it heats up the air so quickly that it causes a huge shock-wave. In the center of a nuclear strike will be a small circle where everything got vaporized, and a large shallow crater from an air-blast. I don't see anything like that in those pictures
that would be an in-air detonation, no? rather than a bunker buster nuke which detonates underground?


>there would be considerable fallout in Israel, Egypt and Lebanon
this is only assuming last gen nuke tech, not next-gen reduced residual radiation nukes


Houthi rebels claim attack on ship off Yemen

Yemen’s Houthi rebels say they targeted a merchant ship in the Red Sea.

Military spokesman Yahya Saree said in a statement that the vessel, Seajoy, was hit with an “uncrewed surface boat and a number of missiles and drones”.

It violated the Houthi “ban” on vessels visiting “the ports of occupied Palestine by the company that owns the ship”, Saree added.

The latest attack, which took place west of the port city of Hodeidah, was carried out using a seaborne improvised explosive device, said United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations. The crew and the vessel are safe and proceeding to the next port of call.

Ambrey, a maritime risk management group, said earlier “a merchant vessel reported having been ‘hit’ by a projectile” as it headed to the Saudi port of Dammam.

The Houthis have targeted dozens of vessels since November in a campaign they say is intended to show solidarity with Palestinians during the Gaza war.

UN Security Council demands Houthis halt attacks on ships

The UN Security Council approved a resolution demanding Yemen’s Houthi rebels halt all attacks on ships and urged the disruption to maritime security in a critical Middle East waterway be urgently addressed.

It was approved by a 12-0 vote with Russia, China and Algeria abstaining.

Speaking on behalf of the United States and Japan, which sponsored the resolution, US Deputy Ambassador Robert Wood said Houthi attacks “threaten international peace and security” and they’re “a global challenge” that “necessitates a global solution”.

“With this resolution, the council once again sends a clear message to the Houthis: Cease these attacks immediately,” he said.

The Yemeni group has been launching attacks on shipping lanes in the region since November in what it says is an effort to support Palestinians and pressure Israel to end its war on Gaza.

Hezbollah claims rocket attack on Israeli army base

Hezbollah says it attacked an Israeli military base in Birya with a barrage of rockets. It is unclear if any casualties or damage were caused.

“The Mujahideen of the Islamic Resistance bombed the main air defence missile base of the Northern Command in the Birya barracks with dozens of Katyusha rockets,” the armed group said on Telegram.

It noted Israeli forces earlier “struck the city of Nabatieh and the town of Sohmor” in Lebanon.

Footage posted on social media also showed the interception of dozens of rockets in Safed and surrounding settlements in northern Israel as air raid sirens sounded.

Qassam Brigades announces operations in Gaza City

Hamas’s armed wing carried out several attacks on the Israeli army across northern Gaza City after it announced a surprise assault, firing artillery and carrying out air raids.

Here are some of the attacks the Qassam Brigades says it conducted:

Hit a group of soldiers with a rocket-propelled grenade (RPG) in the Tal al-Hawa neighbourhood, south of Gaza City.
Targeted an Israeli army command headquarters in the Netzarim axis, south of Gaza City, with a short-range 107 missile.
Struck an Israeli troop carrier with a 105-Yassin RPG in the Shujayea neighbourhood, east of Gaza City.
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ICC allows UK to challenge jurisdiction over alleged Israeli crimes in Gaza

Judges at the International Criminal Court (ICC) ruled the United Kingdom can submit legal arguments to judges mulling the prosecution’s request for arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defence Minister Yoav Gallant.

Court documents made public showed the United Kingdom, an ICC member state, filed a request with the court earlier this month to provide written observations on whether “the court can exercise jurisdiction over Israeli nationals, in circumstances where Palestine cannot exercise criminal jurisdiction over Israeli nationals [under] the Oslo Accords”.

Granting the UK’s request might delay the judges’ pending decision on arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Gallant over Israel’s war on Gaza, as ICC prosecutor Karim Khan requested in May.

Khan announced that his office had “reasonable grounds” to believe Netanyahu and Gallant bear “criminal responsibility” for “war crimes and crimes against humanity”.

‘Genocide denial’: Representative Tlaib blasts Gaza death toll ban

US Representative Rashida Tlaib denounced a move in the House to prevent the State Department from citing the number of dead Palestinians in Israel’s war on Gaza.

“Six children, Mr Speaker, six are killed in Gaza every single hour. But Palestinians are not just numbers. Behind these numbers are real people — mothers, fathers, sons, daughters who have had their lives stolen from them and their families torn apart, and we should not be trying to hide it,” Tlaib said on the floor of the House of Representatives.

“Where is our shared humanity in this chamber? There is so much anti-Palestinian racism in this chamber that my colleagues don’t even want to acknowledge that Palestinians exist at all, not when they’re alive and now not even when they’re dead,” said Tlaib, the first Palestinian-American woman to serve in the US Congress.

“It’s absolutely disgusting. This is genocide denial.”

WHO demands more evacuations for thousands of Gaza’s wounded

The World Health Organization welcomed news of the evacuation of 21 cancer-stricken children but noted “more than 10,000 patients still require medical care outside the Strip.”

“Of the 13,872 people who have applied for medical evacuation since 7 October, only 35 percent have been evacuated,” Hanan Balkhy, regional director for the Eastern Mediterranean, said in a post on X.

“Medical evacuation corridors must be urgently established for the sustained, organized, safe, and timely passage of critically ill patients from Gaza via all possible routes.”

Israel’s war on Gaza has killed more than 37,700 Palestinians and wounded 86,000 others, the majority have been women and children.

Turkey says Israeli attacks on Gaza threaten ‘regional stability’

The Turkish Ministry of National Defense says anything that can lead to a “larger conflict” must be avoided.

“Our priority is for the massacre in Gaza to end and for lasting peace to be established in the region,” spokesman Zeki Akturk said, referring to “despicable attacks” by Israelis forces “on refugee camps and schools where displaced Palestinians seek refuge”.

“It is concerning that these attacks have threatened regional stability. Every step that could lead to a larger conflict must be avoided,” Akturk added.

‘Elections now’: Demonstrators in Israel demand new vote

Antigovernment protesters gathered in West Jerusalem and converged on Prime Minister Netanyahu’s home, lighting a bonfire on the street outside and calling for his resignation.

“We’ve been abandoned – Elections now!” read one sign that rose above the crowd. Demonstrators yelled through megaphones, waved flags, and banged on snare drums while police officers stood at the barricades.

Such demonstrations have grown more frequent as the war on Gaza rages and fighting with Hezbollah in Lebanon threatens to escalate. But they have not reached the fever pitch of a year ago when Netanyahu’s government tried to overhaul Israel’s justice system.

Many in the crowd, which appeared to number in the thousands, also chanted their support for reaching a deal to free some 120 Israeli captives in Gaza being held by Hamas.

UNICEF says deal agreed with Israel to boost Gaza water supply

The United Nations Children’s Fund says Israel agreed to restore power to a key desalination plant in southern Gaza.

“UNICEF confirms an agreement was reached to re-establish the medium voltage feeder power line for the Southern Gaza Desalination Plant,” said spokesman Jonathan Crickx.

Water has become scarce for the Palestinian territory’s 2.4 million residents since war broke out nearly nine months ago.

More than two-thirds of Gaza’s sanitation and water facilities have been destroyed or damaged and only an intermittent supply of bottled water has been allowed in since Israel imposed a punishing siege on the territory.

The plant in Khan Younis, once resupplied with electricity, should produce enough water to “meet what humanitarian standards define as a minimum intake of 15 litres (four gallons) per day of drinking water per person, for nearly a million displaced people” in southern Gaza, Crickx said.



Incident reported northwest of Yemen’s Hodeidah

The United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO) says a ship’s captain has reported that five missiles have landed close to his vessel in the Red Sea, 150 nautical miles (277km) northwest of Yemen’s port city of Hodeidah.

UKMTO said the ship reported no damage from the incident and was heading northward.

Israel says fighter jets bombed southern Lebanon overnight

Israeli warplanes attacked two locations in southern Lebanon overnight, destroying so-called “military buildings” and “a military structure” in the vicinity of Khiam town and Odaisseh village.

Aerial video footage of the night time attacks showed at least four air strikes on sites that the Israeli military said were linked to Hezbollah.

Israeli forces return to Shujayea area for third time: Monitors

Residents of the Shujayea neighbourhood in Gaza City have described the Israeli ground assault on their area as “a surprise attack”, with soldiers and tanks entering from several directions on Thursday and ordering civilians to evacuate immediately, war monitors report.

The operation is the third by Israeli forces since October to “clear” the neighbourhood of Palestinian fighters, the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) and the Critical Threats Project (CTP) note, as Hamas continues to “exploit” the weakness of Israel’s “raid-based model” of operations in Gaza.

Hamas has preserved its forces and engaged in “reconstitution efforts” despite the raids, the ISW/CTP say in their latest report.

Photos: Pro-Palestine protesters gather in Atlanta for first US presidential debate

Pro-Palestinian protesters rallied on Thursday in Atlanta, Georgia, where the first 2024 presidential debate was being held between Democratic candidate US President Joe Biden and Republican candidate Donald Trump.

Survey captures snapshot of suffering in Gaza: Norwegian refugee agency

In a survey of more than 1,000 Palestinian families displaced from Rafah as Israel launched its ground invasion of the southern Gaza city last month, the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) has found:

83 percent reported having no access to food.
57 percent had no access to clean water.
Almost none had access to a latrine.
52 percent reported having no access to dignified shelter.
Nine people on average were sharing a single temporary shelter.
“Palestinians in Gaza are experiencing famine like conditions,” NRC Secretary-General Jan Egeland said in a post on social media.

Egeland said families are without food, children are wasting away, and people have resorted to preparing meals using “tree leaves or animal fodder”.

“NRC staff in Gaza are seeing the appalling impact of hunger across the besieged and devastated densely populated area,” he said.

US to release part of stalled heavy bomb shipment to Israel: Reports

The Axios news site, citing a US and an Israeli official, reports that the US is preparing to deliver part of a suspended bomb shipment to Israel.

The US is expected to soon release approximately 1,700 500-pound bombs from the shipment that has been suspended since May following worries about harm to Palestinian civilians should the Israeli military use such explosives in its attack on Rafah city, Axios reports.

The consignment will be released when Israel’s operation in Rafah ends in about two weeks, the news site reports.

US and Israeli officials also said that the Biden administration is still reviewing the shipment’s consignment of 1,800 2,000-pound bombs.

The issue of the stalled shipment was discussed this week during a visit to Washington by Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, an unnamed US official told the Reuters news agency.

The solution reached “was to separate the 500-lb bombs from the rest of the shipment, which includes the 2,000-lb bombs that are still on hold”, Axios reports.

Anti-Netanyahu protesters say demonstrations to continue until change of government
Hamdah Salhut
Reporting from Amman, Jordan

Al Jazeera is reporting from outside Israel because it has been banned by the Israeli government

Antigovernment demonstrations continued in West Jerusalem and the city of Caesarea outside of the home of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Protest organisers coined Thursday as a day of strikes and resistance, and they say they are going to continuously protest every single day until there is a change within Israel’s government.

On Thursday morning, demonstrators blocked major roads throughout Israel as they want to see a change within Israel’s government. But that’s not all they are asking for: They also want to see a deal to bring back the remaining Israeli captives.

Protesters say that Netanyahu’s government is neither capable nor interested in accepting a deal that would see the release of the remaining 120 Israeli captives still held in Gaza.

Large demonstrations are also expected across the country on Saturday in places like Tel Aviv, the north, and West Jerusalem.

Protesters say that these types of demonstrations are the only way to up the pressure on Netanyahu and his government.

Israel must give international observers access to ‘the Gaza ghetto’: UN expert

Francesca Albanese, the UN special rapporteur on the human rights situation in the occupied Palestinian territory, said Israel must give international observers access to Gaza to assess the situation in what she called “the Gaza ghetto”.

In a post on social media, Albanese questioned what Israel was so “afraid of” that it has cut the war-torn enclave off from international observers. The International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague has already called on Israel to provide access to Gaza, Albanese said.

“This is what the [ICJ] has requested and should have happened already,” she said.

Several countries have joined South Africa’s case at the ICJ accusing Israeli forces of perpetrating genocide in Gaza.

Israeli court gives gov’t one month to respond to petition demanding a probe: Report

The Israeli High Court of Justice has demanded the government to respond within a month to a petition filed by family members of the captives in Gaza and bereaved families demanding a state commission of inquiry, Israeli daily Haaretz reports.

US military’s Gaza air pier looks set for removal again: Report

The problem-prone $230m aid pier, built off Gaza’s coast by the US military, could be removed as soon as today due to rough sea conditions, The Associated Press news agency (AP) reports.

Two US officials told the AP that the pier will be removed again and Washington is looking at alternative ways to get aid into Gaza.

If the pier is moved later today, it would be the third time weather has disrupted its short-lived operations.

The floating pier was anchored back on Gaza’s shoreline on June 19 after heavy seas and high winds led the military to disconnect it from the beach. In May, similar conditions forced a two-week pause in operations.

The UN and its agencies halted humanitarian aid distribution from the pier pending the release of a security review following claims it may have played a role in a bloody Israeli operation on June 8 to free captives that left hundreds of civilians dead in the Nuseirat refugee camp in central Gaza.

Biden and Trump ‘not fit to represent’ US’s Palestinian and Arab communities: Analyst

Ayah Ziyadeh, director of the American Muslims for Palestine Advocacy group, said Trump’s branding of Joe Biden as being “like a Palestinian” in the debate was a“blatantly racist” slur, and neither presidential candidate appealed to many in the US’s Palestinian and Arab communities.

“Israel’s genocide in Gaza has become a focal point of this election. Not only are Muslim and Arab Americans deciding that they don’t want to commit to Biden or re-elect him because of his continued stance and fuelling of Israel’s genocide in Gaza. But the broader American public has also shifted and it’s become one of the biggest issues that is impacting the coming elections,” Ziyadeh told Al Jazeera.

“Right now, it seems that most of our communities are going after uncommitted or they just don’t want to vote because we are presented with two candidates that are just not fit to represent us, both as Palestinians and also as Americans,” Ziyadeh said.

“One is blatantly racist. Wants to deport all of us. And said that President Biden isn’t, essentially, being genocidal enough and that he should let Israel finish off its war on Gaza. And the current president has been consciously and willingly, politically and financially, backing an evident genocide in Gaza,” she said.

“There is no lesser than two evils here,” she added.

“The card we are being dealt with as voters and as Americans is frankly unfair.”

Israeli forces prevented civil defence from responding to 23 emergency calls

Mohammed al-Moghayyar, director of the civil defence’s supply department in Gaza, says Israeli forces continue to deliberately target their teams across the Strip to prevent them from providing humanitarian assistance.

“We are also denied access to many of the ravaged areas simply for being cordoned by the Israeli tanks as well as opening fire on our teams,” he told Al Jazeera.

Last night, they received 23 emergency calls from the al-Shakoush neighbourhood but could not help anyone as Israeli forces denied them access.

Israeli troops feel ‘entitled’ to abuse Palestinian civilians, says military veterans

Breaking the Silence, an Israeli organisation of military veterans working to raise awareness of Israel’s abuses in the occupied Palestinian territory, said Israeli forces do not need “direct orders” to “dehumanise” Palestinian people.

In a series of posts on social media, the advocacy group said the recent incident where Israeli soldiers tied a wounded, innocent, Palestinian civilian to the bonnet of their military vehicle demonstrated how Israeli troops feel “entitled” to carry out such abuses.

“This entitlement can also be seen in Gaza in countless TikToks posted by soldiers where they are seen looting and defacing property,” the group said.

“The soldiers didn’t need direct orders in order to dehumanize an innocent injured man by tying him to the hood of a vehicle,” they said.

“Decades of corrupting occupation have brought us to the point where incidents like these have become an inevitability in the occupied territories.”

US invites Israeli, Arab foreign ministers to NATO summit: Report

The US has invited foreign ministers from several Arab countries and Israel to the NATO 75th anniversary summit in Washington next month, the Financial Times reports.

Egypt, Jordan, Qatar, Tunisia, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain are among the Arab invitees.

The US has also invited foreign ministers from more than 30 countries, including Japan, Australia and South Korea, partly in an effort to head off possible tensions over its invitation to Israel, according to the FT.

Rights groups sue Netherlands again over F-35 parts to Israel

A trio of rights groups has taken the Dutch government back to court, arguing that a ban on supplying F-35 fighter jet parts to Israel is not being respected in practice.

In a landmark verdict in February, an appeals court ordered the Netherlands to stop delivering parts for fighter jets used by Israel in its offensive in the Gaza Strip.

The court said at the time there was a “clear risk” the planes would be involved in breaking international humanitarian law.

But the rights groups are returning to court, saying that the ban has not prevented the parts ending up in Israeli planes.

“Unfortunately, everything indicates that these parts end up in Israel from the Netherlands via other routes,” said Oxfam Novib, one of the groups involved in the case.

The Dutch government “has continued delivering (parts) to other countries, including the United States. And that contravenes the order of the court,” Liesbeth Zegveld, a lawyer representing the rights groups, told the court.

Israel aims to ‘pursue the war of genocide’, says PLO member

A senior Palestinian official rejected plans to legalise outposts in the occupied West Bank, saying it was aimed at pursuing a “war of genocide” against Palestinians.

As we reported earlier, Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich announced the plan and said the government would also take punitive steps against the Palestinian Authority (PA) in response to moves against Israel internationally.

Asked about Smotrich’s statement, Wasel Abu Youssef, a member of the executive committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), said the settlements were “illegal colonies that violate all international resolutions”.

“The decisions by the occupation government aim to pursue the war of genocide against our Palestinian people,” he told Reuters news agency.

Fire erupts in illegal Israeli settlement

A large fire has broken out in the illegal Israeli settlement of Kfar Etzion, south of Bethlehem, in the occupied West Bank.

Helicopters are trying to extinguish the blaze, which Israeli media says has spread to a military base.

No other information was immediately available.



>that would be an in-air detonation, no? rather than a bunker buster nuke which detonates underground?
Underground nuclear detonations create tremors, that can be felt by human senses. One would have to check the tectonic plate configuration and population density, to give a good estimation. My hunch would be tens of millions of people going OH the ground just shook if the Zionist set off a nuke below Gaza. Also every seismograph on earth would register it and pinpoint the epicenter. Everybody would know. I don't think the Zionists are dumb enough to engage in nuclear terrorism.

>this is only assuming last gen nuke tech, not next-gen reduced residual radiation nukes

As far as i know the concept of clean nukes, came from very high yield H-bombs. In relative terms those produced most of the energy-release from fusion and emitted a large share of it in the thermal spectrum, rather than as ionizing radiation. Relative to the amount of destruction potential, there were fewer fission byproducts from the plutonium fission core (needed to set off the fusion reaction). In that sense the Tzarbomba the Soviets tested was considered to be relatively clean. However this was born from a narrow technical perspective seeking to minimize the pollution resulting from nuclear testing. I don't think you can bend this into a general concept of "clean nukes", without sounding like that unhinged part of the arms-industry that wants to meme "usable nukes" into existence.


You guys are confusing two different topics. Depleted uranium is applied to bullets to enhance their armor piecing capability. That's where the radiation is coming from. Nobody is talking about nuclear bombs.


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>the recent incident where Israeli soldiers tied a wounded, innocent, Palestinian civilian to the bonnet of their military vehicle demonstrated how Israeli troops feel “entitled” to carry out such abuses.


>You guys are confusing two different topics.
I'm not confused, i think that if the radiation reports are true, that it most likely means they used depleted Uranium shells.

>Depleted uranium is applied to bullets to enhance their armor piecing capability.

Maybe putting depleted Uranium rods into tank-shells seemed reasonable in the 80s. I don't wish to unfairly judge history. However in the present it's definitely not reasonable. These rods are easily shattered by reactive armor, and considering the hazardous side effects on tank-crews and the creation of persistent pollution that will adversely affect civilian populations many decades after the fighting ended, it's completely fucked up to use this stuff now-a-days. You can get multiples of penetration power from jets of molten metal. Usually these use copper and are powered by a shaped charge, which is also cheaper to make, because it doesn't require the special handling procedures of radioactive materials.
If the Zionists are using DU-munitions, they are definitely doing it to poison Gaza, because DU-munitions are significantly worse against non-armored targets compared to even regular tank shells.

>That's where the radiation is coming from. Nobody is talking about nuclear bombs.

True but i don't want to dunk on the other anon, you can't blame him for thinking nukes considering how excessive the destruction from the bombings on gaza has been. To be fair to all sides i will also acknowledge that there is a small possibility that it's a psy-op to shift the debate away from people talking about the potential use of depleted Uranium munitions in Gaza.


Just wanna point out something that's often missed on the topic of depleted uranium. Uranium is not just radioactive. It's also a toxic heavy metal that harms the human body via its chemical properties.


Spain to join South Africa’s genocide case against Israel

The International Court of Justice says Spain has requested to join the case filed by South Africa at the World Court, which accuses Israel of violating its obligations under the Genocide Convention in its war on the Gaza Strip.

South Africa brought its case against Israel in late December, accusing it of committing genocide against Palestinians in the besieged territory.

Spain announced it was joining the case earlier this month, shortly after Turkey announced it would also join.

Qassam Brigades says fighters engaging in ‘fierce clashes’ with Israeli soldiers

Hamas’s armed wing says its fighters are leading “fierce clashes” with Israeli soldiers “at point blank” in Gaza City’s Shujayea neighbourhood.

The group added in a statement on Telegram that its fighters are “inflicting deaths and injuries” among Israeli forces, without providing more details.

A day earlier, Israeli forces carried out air raids and sent ground vehicles into the ravaged northern Gaza area in what seemed to be a renewed assault.

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Full report: Battles rage in north Gaza as Palestinian fighters ambush Israeli troops

Palestinian fighters engaged Israeli forces in fierce battles in northern Gaza City’s Shujayea neighbourhood a day after tanks and troops rolled in and sent tens of thousands of terrified civilians fleeing.

In a statement on Friday, al-Quds Brigades, the armed wing of Palestinian Islamic Jihad, said it blew up a booby-trapped residential building in Shujayea, killing four Israeli soldiers and wounding five others.

The improvised explosive device used was an undetonated F-16 missile recovered intact after it was fired from an Israeli warplane, it said.

The Qassam Brigades, Hamas’s armed wing, said its fighters also continue to engage in “violent clashes” while “inflicting deaths and injuries” in attacks with anti-tank rockets and small-arms fire.


Yemen’s Houthis say they targeted four vessels in joint operation with Iraqi groups

Yemen’s Houthis have claimed carrying out a joint military operation with an Iranian-backed Iraqi group, known as the Islamic Resistance in Iraq, targeting four vessels in the Red Sea and the Mediterranean.

Houthi military spokesman Yahya Saree said in a televised statement that the group fired drones and missiles at an oil tanker and cargo ships over noncompliance with a ban on entering “ports of occupied Palestine”.

The latest attacks come in response to the “massacres of the Israeli enemy against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip”, he said.


Thousands rally in Morocco and Yemen in solidarity with Gaza

In Morocco, the demonstrations took place in several cities including Fez, Meknes, Tangier, Kenitra, Agadir, Berkane, Oujda, and Jerada.

The protesters called for action to support the Palestinian cause and the delivery of aid, considering the immense suffering and humanitarian crisis in the blockaded enclave.

In Sanaa, the capital of Yemen, crowds gathered and raised banners with messages such as: “There is no dignity for nations without victory for Gaza.”

Similar demonstrations took place in other provinces, including Hodeidah, Hajjah, Saada, Taiz, and Ad Dali.

US confirms aid pier removed from Gaza due to high seas

The Pentagon says a temporary US aid pier has again been removed from the Gaza coast due to high seas and will be towed to an Israeli port.

It is the third time the pier has been detached from the shore because of weather conditions since its initial installation in mid-May, and the effort is also facing difficulties with distribution of assistance once it reaches Gaza.

“Due to high sea states expected this weekend, Central Command has removed the temporary pier from its anchored position in Gaza and will tow it back to Ashdod, Israel,” Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh told journalists, referring to the military command responsible for the Middle East.

She said she does not have a date for the pier’s reinstallation, and that “the commander will continue to assess the sea states over the weekend”.

The pier was first anchored to the Gaza coast in mid-May, but was damaged by bad weather later in the month and had to be removed for repairs.



This. Uranium has a large electron shell. With 92 protons corresponding to their respective electrons, its already falling apart.


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Iranian UN mission warns against war on Lebanon

The Iranian Mission to the United Nations has warned that comprehensive military aggressions against Lebanon will lead to “an obliterating war”.

The mission added that all options remain on the table, including the participation of “resistance fronts” if Israel launches a war on Lebanon.

Belgium, Jordan, EU in new call at UN for protection of Palestinian children

The “Call to Action for Palestinian Children in the West Bank and Gaza” was launched by the Belgian, Jordanian and European Union missions at the United Nations on Friday, and calls on all member states to join the initiative.

The call for action involves five points, Belgium and Jordan’s mission to the UN said in posts on social media:

Calling on all parties to reach an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.
Respect for international human rights and humanitarian law in Gaza and the occupied West Bank.
Ending “grave violations” against Palestinian children, including the release of those held in detention and in captivity – in the West Bank and Gaza.
“Safe and unrestricted humanitarian access” in Gaza and the occupied West Bank.
The sponsors of the call also pledge to support scaled-up UN responses for the needs of Palestinian children in Gaza and the West Bank.

US temporary aid pier ‘just a distraction’

Mansour Shouman says that even after the $230m US temporary aid pier was working, there were only about 29 trucks allowed into the Israeli military-controlled zone, so much of the aid is still on the beach.

“100 percent of the focus should have been on the land borders opening,” he told Al Jazeera, adding that the pier and efforts to airdrop aid were “just a distraction”.

“We need real change, we need an immediate ceasefire, we need permanent opening of the different land borders to the aid, and we need security for the people of Gaza as soon as possible.”

Palestinians in northern Gaza eating extract of leaves

Palestinian activist Mansour Shouman says the situation in Gaza is getting worse.

“In the north there is famine right now. I had a friend text me saying, ‘We are eating the extract of the leaves of the trees just in order to provide us with nutrients,’” Shouman, who was in Gaza until March, told Al Jazeera.

“All they have up north is flour that is coming in through the very little residual aid that has been left off the American pier that is coming through land crossing points in the north.”

Shouman called for the land crossings to open as quickly as possible to allow the thousands of trucks full of aid from people who donated to organisations worldwide to enter.

Poll shows two-thirds of Israelis want Netanyahu to leave politics

A poll conducted by Israel’s Channel 12 shows that about two-thirds of Israelis believe that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu should not seek reelection and leave politics.

Only 27 percent of respondents in the poll wanted him to compete in Israel’s next elections, while 66 percent thought he should step down.

Even among voters for parties in Netanyahu’s right-wing religious bloc, only 53 percent thought he should run again.

Some 85 percent of respondents also wanted a commission of inquiry to be held to investigate the failures surrounding the October 7 infiltration of Israel by Hamas.

Netanyahu is enduring intense criticism from members of Israel’s opposition, far-right members of his own coalition, and the Israeli public over his handling of Israel’s war on Gaza and captive-for-ceasefire negotiations.

Israel’s Ben-Gvir says Canada ‘anti-Semitic’ following sanctions on ‘extremist’ settlers

National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir said Canada’s sanctioning of Israeli settlers and entities amid spiralling violence against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank was a “distinctly anti-Semitic decision”.

The ultra-nationalist Ben-Gvir – known for his Palestinian-hating rhetoric and religious far-right provocation – said in a post on social media that Canada had joined the “ranks of countries that have decided to harass settlers”.

“A sovereign country will not accept dictates from any country,” he added.

Canada’s Foreign Ministry said that it had imposed sanctions on seven settlers and five settler entities in the occupied West Bank.

“We remain deeply concerned by extremist settler violence in the West Bank and condemn such acts, not only for the significant impact they have on Palestinian lives but also for the corrosive impact they have on prospects for lasting peace,” Foreign Minister Melanie Joly said in a statement.

Video said to show Hamas ambushes of Israeli forces in Gaza

Our colleagues at Al Jazeera Arabic have verified and shared a video said to feature a compilation of ambushes by Hamas fighters on Israeli forces in the Gaza Strip.

The video appears to show Hamas fighters using their combat tunnel network in Gaza and preparing large antitank mines and hiding them in locations to ambush Israeli armoured vehicles and ground forces. A burning tank is seen in one clip.

The footage also appears to show the extensive use of video camera surveillance of Israeli forces in Gaza, casualties inflicted on ground troops, as well as Israeli military equipment recovered by Hamas fighters.


Six months after declaring ‘full operational control’, Israel still battling Hamas in northern Gaza
Hamdah Salhut
Reporting from Amman, Jordan

Al Jazeera is reporting from outside Israel because it has been banned by the Israeli government.

The Israeli military still has not confirmed the deaths of four Israeli soldiers and five others who were injured in fighting in the Shujayea neighbourhood of northern Gaza. Reports within Israeli media also indicated that several Israeli helicopters were flying in and out of the area to evacuate those killed and wounded.

This comes after the Israeli military released a statement at about 10am local time (07:00 GMT) announcing that they were continuing operations in the Shujayea neighbourhood, both from the sky – from bombs coming down from Israeli planes – and, additionally, Israeli troops on the ground.

The Israeli army maintains that they are not harming civilians, that they have given evacuation orders. But we have seen at least seven Palestinian civilians who were killed in Shujayea on Friday. These are Palestinians who have been displaced time and time again by Israeli forces, and who say they simply have no place left to go.

This is one of the areas in the north that the Israeli army said they had achieved almost full operational control over nearly six months ago.

But we are seeing now, in late June, that the Israeli army is still encountering Hamas fighters on the ground in northern Gaza.

Israel’s Smotrich promises ‘a million’ new settlers under expansion plan

Israel’s far-right Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich says the country’s security cabinet has approved his plan to legalise five controversial Israeli outposts in the occupied West Bank in retaliation for Palestinian diplomatic efforts internationally.

“For every country that unilaterally recognises a Palestinian state, we will establish a settlement,” Smotrich said.



>Uranium is not just radioactive. It's also a toxic heavy metal
double whammy


>The Pentagon says a temporary US aid pier has again been removed from the Gaza coast due to high seas and will be towed to an Israeli port.
That thing has terrible up-time


It's the 8kun of the sea


>Iranian UN mission warns against war on Lebanon
>The Iranian Mission to the United Nations has warned that comprehensive military aggressions against Lebanon will lead to “an obliterating war”.
>The mission added that all options remain on the table, including the participation of “resistance fronts” if Israel launches a war on Lebanon.
I think that this isn't bluster anymore and the Zionists are underestimating how ferocious and un-ending the retaliation is going to be. There has been a qualitative change, and I get the feeling that this will be the war that shatters Israel.

kek, so true


Arab League removes Hezbollah from ‘terrorist group’ list: Report

The Arab League’s assistant secretary-general says the organisation has ceased referring to Hezbollah as a “terrorist organisation,” Anadolu reports.

In a televised statement on the Egyptian Al-Qahera News Channel the day after he concluded a visit to Beirut, Hossam Zaki said, “The member states of the league agreed that the label of Hezbollah as a terrorist organisation should no longer be employed.”

On March 11, 2016, the Arab League classified Hezbollah as a “terrorist organisation,” with reservations from Lebanon and Iraq, and called for it to “cease promoting extremism and sectarianism, refrain from meddling in the internal affairs of countries, and withhold any support for terrorism and terrorists in the region”.

The classification occurred shortly after the Gulf Cooperation Council countries designated the Lebanese Hezbollah as a terrorist organisation on March 2, 2016.

On Friday, the Lebanese daily Al-Akhbar reported that Zaki visited Beirut and held a meeting with Muhammad Raad, the head of the Loyalty to the Resistance bloc affiliated with Hezbollah. This marks the first contact between the Arab League and Hezbollah in more than a decade.

Zaki’s visit and statement coincided with heightened concerns about a potential escalation between Hezbollah and Israel over the war in Gaza.

UN starts to move aid from US-built pier after work on it was suspended

The United Nations says workers have begun moving tonnes of humanitarian aid piled up at a US-built pier off Gaza’s coast and distributing it to warehouses in the besieged territory.

It’s an important step as the United States considers whether to reconnect the pier whose functioning has been challenged by heavy seas. It is not clear when the aid might reach Palestinians in Gaza, where experts have warned of high risk of famine in the Israeli war in Gaza.

Millions of kilograms of aid have piled up. In just the last week, more than 10 million pounds (4.5 million kg) were moved ashore, according to the US military.

A World Food Programme spokesperson, Abeer Etefa, told The Associated Press this is a one-time operation until the beach is cleared of the aid and is being done to avoid spoilage. Further UN operations at the pier depend on security assessments, Etefa added.

If WFP trucks successfully bring the aid to warehouses inside Gaza, that could affect the US military’s decision whether to reinstall the pier, which was removed due to weather Friday. US officials said they were considering not reinstalling the pier because of the possibility that the aid would not be picked up.

National ‘uncommitted’ movement has a message to Biden: Change course on Gaza

The “Uncommitted National Movement”, which has been critical of the US president’s handling of the war in Gaza and has urged voters to cast “uncommitted” ballots in state primaries, has called on Biden to use his leverage to bring about a ceasefire in the besieged coastal enclave.

The coalition, which grew out of a campaign in Michigan’s presidential primary, said in a statement: “If you want us to mobilise the 700,000 Democratic primary voters who cast uncommitted ballots toward your re-election, you must ensure a permanent ceasefire by imposing an arms embargo and not sending another US weapon for Israel’s war and occupation.”

“The battle for the soul of our nation demands Biden to change course – not another bomb.”

Israeli foreign minister issues threat to Iran

Israel Katz has responded to what he said was a threat by Iran to destroy Israel if it attacks Hezbollah in Lebanon.

“My response to Iran is clear: If Hezbollah does not cease its fire and withdraw from southern Lebanon, we will act against it with full force until security is restored and residents can return to their homes,” he said in a post on X.

“A regime that threatens destruction deserves to be destroyed,” Katz added.

Riyadh urges its citizens to refrain from traveling to Lebanon

Saudi Arabia has called on its citizens in Lebanon to leave the country amid rising concerns over an all-out war between Hezbollah and Israel, according to the Saudi state news agency SPA.

The kingdom’s embassy has urged Saudis to leave Lebanon “immediately”, the agency reported.

Several countries, both in the region and Western, in recent days have advised their citizens against travelling to Lebanon.

Antigovernment rallies rock Israel’s capital

Mass demonstrations are taking place in Tel Aviv demanding the resignation of Netanyahu’s government and calling for a captive exchange deal, according to social media footage verified by Al Jazeera’s fact-checking agency Sanad.

Footage on social media showed thousands of Israelis waving Israeli flags as they demonstrated.




More footage of Israeli police beating up a protestor




>Israeli foreign minister issues threat
>“A regime that threatens destruction deserves to be destroyed,”

That guy has to be irony impaired


Turkish workers refuse to refuel Israeli plane during emergency landing

Israel’s national carrier El Al says its Warsaw to Tel Aviv flight was not allowed to refuel at Turkey’s Antalya airport after making an emergency landing.

Workers at the airport refused to refuel flight LY5102 before it could take off for Israel, El Al said in a statement.

Following the incident, the plane took off to Rhodes in Greece, where “it will refuel before taking off to Israel”, the airline said.

Turkish diplomatic sources confirmed the plane was allowed to make an emergency landing for medical reasons.

“Fuel was to be provided to the plane due to humanitarian considerations, but as the relevant procedure was about to be completed, the captain decided to leave of his own accord,” a Turkish diplomatic source said, the AFP news agency reported.

The war on Gaza has severely strained relations between Turkey and Israel, with all direct flights between the two countries cancelled since October 7.

UK agency reports incident off Yemen’s coast

The United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO) says it has received a report of an incident 13 nautical miles (24km) southwest of Yemen’s al-Makha (Mocha).

It did not provide additional details.

Mikati says Lebanon in a state of war, urges Israel to stop attacks

Lebanon’s National News Agency reports that caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati made the call during a visit to a Lebanese army operations centre in the south of the country on Saturday.

“We are always advocates of peace, and our choice is peace and the implementation of Resolution 1701. Israel must stop its repeated attacks on Lebanon, and stop the war in Gaza, and everyone must implement International Resolution No. 2735,” he was quoted as saying.

Resolution 1701 is the UN Security Council order that helped end the 34-day war between Israel and Lebanon in 2006, while Resolution 2735 is the one the council adopted earlier this month, urging Israel and Hamas to implement a three-phase ceasefire deal.

Israeli jets bomb southern Lebanon overnight

The Israeli military says its jets bombed Hezbollah’s operational infrastructure and a military structure in the towns of Taybeh and Rab Thalateen in southern Lebanon.

The attacks took place during the night, it said in a post on X.

India exports rockets, explosives to Israel amid Gaza war, documents reveal
Federica Marsi

On June 6, in the aftermath of Israel’s bombing of a UN shelter at the Nuseirat refugee camp in Gaza, the Quds News Network released a video of the remains of a missile dropped by Israeli warplanes.

Amid the tangled parts, a label clearly read: “Made in India.”

Documents seen by Al Jazeera and company statements suggest weapons parts from India, a country that has long advocated dialogue over military action in resolving conflicts, are quietly making their way to Israel, including during the continuing months-long war in Gaza.

Analysts say a lack of transparency on India’s transfers helps them slip under the radar.

Israeli forces in Gaza City ‘executing’ Palestinians on the spot: Rights group

The Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor says it has received reports that Israeli forces are committing “widespread massacres” in the Shujayea and Jdaida neighbourhoods in Gaza City.

“Our field team is receiving reports of dozens, possibly hundreds, of victims being executed on the spot or having their shelters bombed,” wrote Ramy Abdul, the chairman of the Geneva-based group, in a post on X.

Israel’s plan to tax Jerusalem churches illegal: Palestinian foreign ministry

The Palestinian foreign ministry has issued a statement condemning Israeli authorities’ reported plan to impose taxes on churches in occupied Jerusalem.

“Israel is an occupying power with no sovereignty over Jerusalem,” the ministry said, adding that “Israel’s imposition of these taxes is illegal”.

The plan is part of Israel’s broader “systematic persecution and attacks against Palestinian Christians and clergy”, the ministry added.

The heads of the Catholic, Greek Orthodox and Armenian Orthodox churches said last week the Israeli municipalities of Tel Aviv, Ramla, Nazareth and Jerusalem had either issued warning letters or commenced legal action against churches for alleged tax debts in recent months.

The church leaders wrote to the Israeli prime minister describing the warnings and legal action as a “coordinated attack” and part of an attempt by “Israeli authorities to drive the Christian presence out of the Holy Land”.

Israel extends banking ties with Palestine

Israel’s finance minister renewed a waiver enabling Israeli banks to work with Palestinian banks in the occupied West Bank, reports Reuters, quoting a ministry spokesperson.

The four-month waiver will allow Israeli banks to keep handling transactions in shekels for services and salaries destined for the Palestinian Authority, an arrangement vital to the Palestinian economy.

In 2023, some 53 billion shekels ($14bn) were exchanged at Palestinian banks.

Israel’s Ministry of Finance, led by far-right Bezalel Smotrich, exerts extensive control over Palestine’s economy, even handling the transfer of Palestinian tax revenue. Israel has repeatedly withheld such funds during the Gaza war as a pressure tactic.

Fighting ‘above and below’ ground during Israeli operations

Israel’s army says it’s battling Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad fighters both “above and below ground” in tunnels during the ground assault on northern Gaza City.

The military said troops “eliminated several terrorists, located weapons and conducted targeted raids on booby-trapped combat compounds” over the past 24 hours. The air force “struck dozens” of the sites in the area.

Heavy fighting is also ongoing in southern Gaza.

Thousands of ultra-Orthodox men protest having to serve in Israeli military
Hamdah Salhut
Reporting from Amman, Jordan

Al Jazeera is reporting from Jordan because it has been banned from reporting inside Israel.

The protests we’re looking at today include thousands of ultra-Orthodox men from the Mea She’arim neighbourhood, which is in West Jerusalem. What they’re saying is that they would rather serve time in prison than be conscripted in the Israeli military since that decision by Israel’s High Court last week, which unanimously decided that there would no longer be exemptions for ultra-Orthodox men.

There has been pushback from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government including the ultra-Orthodox parties who are coalition partners. But again, the attorney general’s office had sent a letter … to the country’s finance ministry saying that at least 3,000 Orthodox men needed to be drafted immediately and that they were no longer eligible for any sort of government grants, stipend or funds. So the ultra-Orthodox men say they’re going to continue protesting because they say they will not serve in the military.

This could surely mean the collapse of Netanyahu’s government if ultra-Orthodox men are in fact enlisted into the military and nothing legislation-wise can be done to stop it. It’s something that these parties were threatening for a long time.



Ultra-Orthodox protesters in Israel attack car carrying minister: Report

During protests by thousands of ultra-Orthodox men against their conscription into the military, Israeli Housing Minister Yitzhak Goldknopf’s car was attacked, The Times of Israel reported.

According to some footage of the attack, protesters were seen attacking a car carrying Goldknopf, who heads the ultra-Orthodox United Torah Judaism party, as he drove home in Jerusalem, the outlet said.

According to Hebrew media reports, the demonstrators threw stones at the minister’s car and yelled insults as he passed by.

Five people were arrested during the demonstrations during which protesters also lit fires in the street, the Times of Israel said.



Gaza War Sit Rep Day 263: Is Israel Cracking?


The explanation of Zionist psychology is actually kinda helpful in understanding the irrational shit they're doing.


Iraqi groups claim drone attack on ‘vital target’ in Israeli port city of Eilat

The Islamic Resistance in Iraq has claimed it attacked a vital target in the Israeli city of Eilat on the Red Sea with drones, Al Jazeera Arabic reports.

As we just reported, the US military claimed it shot down three Houthi drones in the Red Sea.

We’ll bring you more details as they become available.

Three Houthi drones destroyed in Red Sea posed ‘imminent threat’: US military

The US military destroyed three Houthi drones in the Red Sea that “presented an imminent threat” to US forces and merchant ships in the region, US Central Command said in a post on X.

The Iran-backed Houthis have been carrying out attacks on vessels in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden since November in protest of Israel’s war on Gaza. US and UK forces have responded by carrying out air strikes on Houthi targets in Yemen.

What we know about Israel’s ground invasion of Shujayea

Israeli troops descended on Shujayea, in northern Gaza City, with tanks and drones on Thursday. Residents who remained in the neighbourhood told Al Jazeera and the AFP that they felt trapped by the Israeli strikes and intense fighting.

Israeli troops are expecting to remain in Shujayea for weeks, the Jerusalem Post has reported, with the Israeli army seeking to destroy Hamas tunnels it “missed during the first time through”, months after the Israeli army claimed to have “dismantled” Hamas in the north of the Gaza Strip.

Netanyahu also mentioned Shujayea on Sunday, saying that Israeli forces are engaged in a “difficult fight” above and below ground in “Rafah, Shujayea, everywhere in the Gaza Strip”.

According to our colleagues at Al Jazeera Arabic, The Qassam Brigades, Hamas’s armed wing, have said they are waging fierce battles against Israeli soldiers and tanks in Shujayea.

Israel launches attacks on southern Lebanon after 18 Israeli soldiers injured

The Israeli military has launched a series of attacks on villages in southern Lebanon, including Kila and Albiada, Israel’s Army Radio said in a post on X.

The attacks were reportedly aimed at Hezbollah sites, after a drone attack injured 18 Israeli soldiers yesterday, army radio added.

Israeli armoured vehicle drove over bomb in Nur Shams: Army Radio

We reported earlier that the Tulkarem Brigade claimed to have attacked Israeli forces as they besieged the Nur Shams refugee camp, in Tulkarem.

Israeli Army Radio is now reporting that an Israeli armoured vehicle drove over a bomb during the raid, and that more explosives were fired at Israeli soldiers as they exchanged fire with Palestinian fighters.

A video shared by an Israeli Army Radio reporter on X shows a large plume of smoke rising from between buildings in Tulkarem.

The attack comes after the Palestinian Islamic Jihad said one of its fighters was killed in an Israeli air raid that destroyed a building in the Nur Shams camp, injuring five others.



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Revealed: the tech entrepreneur behind a pro-Israel hate network

A prime mover behind the Shirion Collective, a conspiracy-minded, pro-Israel disinformation network seeking to shape public opinion about the Gaza conflict in the US, Australia and the UK, is a tech entrepreneur named Daniel Linden living in Florida who co-wrote a guidebook for OnlyFans users, the Guardian can reveal.

Shirion has harassed pro-Palestinian activists, including many Jews, offered bounties for the identity of pro-Palestinian protesters, spread conspiracy narratives centered on figures like George Soros, and boasted of an AI-surveillance platform but offered few concrete details of how the technology functions.

The Guardian investigation used public records and open source materials to corroborate information originally provided by the White Rose Society, an Australian anti-fascist research collective.

Linden set up Shirion’s crowdfunding efforts, appears to play a central role in operating the network’s social media accounts, and coordinates the group’s efforts on a Telegram channel. Public records and online materials indicate he lives in Gainesville, Florida, but he has also had recent stints in Durango, Colorado, and Medellin, Colombia.

The Guardian emailed Linden at several addresses associated with him and his business ventures, and attempted to contact him via phone, text, a direct message on Reddit and a post tagging an X account associated with one of his ventures seeking comment on this reporting, but received no response.

Heidi Beirich, co-founder and chief strategy officer at the Global Project Against Hate and Extremism, said of Linden’s Shirion campaigning that his apparent “grifting” is common among extremists, “but his ideology seems very confused”.

“Regardless,” she added, “he is spreading hateful messages.”

The revelations shed light on the nature of Shirion, which has been criticized in the US congress and attracted media attention around the world, and its role in pushing back against criticisms of Israel’s conduct in its invasion of Gaza.

read more: https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/jun/29/daniel-linden-shirion-collective-pro-israel-palestine-hate?CMP=share_btn_url

Al-Quds Brigades claim attack on 5 Israeli settlements near Gaza

Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s armed wing, al-Quds Brigades, has claimed an air attack on Israeli settlements near the Gaza Strip, including Kissufim, Third Eye, Nirim, Sufa and Holit.

It did not elaborate on the results of the air raid.

The announcement came after Israeli media reported that about 20 rockets were fired from the south of the besieged Palestinian enclave. The reports said there were no casualties.

The Israeli army said on X that some of the rockets were intercepted. It did not say whether others caused any damage.

“[Israeli] forces are now attacking the sources of the fire with artillery,” the army added.

Qassam Brigades says it killed Israeli troops in rocket attack in Shujayea

The armed group of Hamas says its fighters attacked soldiers holed up inside a house in the neighbourhood in the east of Gaza City.

A statement on Telegram said the building was targeted with a “TBG thermobaric rocket”, killing and wounding the soldiers. Fighters also “managed to snipe” an Israeli soldier inside a separate home in the neighbourhood.

The Israeli military, meanwhile, reported “short-range encounters” with Palestinian fighters in Shujayea, claiming the air force “eliminated dozens of terrorists” and weapons sites in strikes.

Qassam Brigades: Israeli troops killed in booby-trapped house in Rafah

The armed wing of Hamas says fighters lured Israeli troops into an explosives-rigged house used recently as a sniper’s nest in the east of Rafah city.

“Immediately after the soldiers entered the house a bomb was detonated, leaving the force members dead and wounded,” it said on Telegram.

Separately, the armed group said fighters targeted two Merkava-4 tanks with two Shawaz explosive devices in the Shujayea neighbourhood, east of northern Gaza City.

Hezbollah members attacked in southern Lebanon: Israeli army

A statement on X says a warplane carried out an air strike on Hezbollah fighters spotted entering a building in southern Lebanon.

A fighter jet struck the building with a missile in the village of Blida after the operatives from the Lebanese armed group entered. It didn’t say if there were any casualties.

Intense Israeli army raid ongoing in Nur Shams, Tulkarem
Nida Ibrahim
Reporting from Ramallah, occupied West Bank

Residents are telling us even though Israeli forces started to withdraw, their raid continues with troops returning to the main street between the Nur Shams refugee camp and Tulkarem city.

A drone strike targeted a house in Tulkarem, killing a woman in her 40s after she was hit by shrapnel. In addition to that, a 15-year-old boy died after being hit by a live round to the head.

This tells you about the intensity of the incursion happening now.

Israeli forces bomb 2 more towns in southern Lebanon

We earlier reported on Israeli forces attacking the villages of Kfar Kila and al-Bayyaada in southern Lebanon.

The Israeli army said that it also bombed buildings in the towns of Hula and Rab el-Thalathine in southern Lebanon, claiming they belonged to Hezbollah.

37,900 Palestinians killed in Israel’s war on Gaza

Gaza’s Health Ministry says 37,900 Palestinians have been killed and 87,060 wounded since Israel launched its war on the coastal enclave in October.

(anon's note: EuroMed currently estimates deaths to be around 10,000 higher)

‘It’s in the Likud charter’ – Australian PM on ‘from the river to the sea’

Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has told the Australian parliament “it’s just a fact” that the phrase “from the river to the sea” is used by supporters of Israel, as well as supporters of Palestine.

“It’s in the Likud charter,” Albanese said, after some members of Parliament appeared to question his statement it was also used by supporters of a single Israeli state.

Albanese added that he “unequivocally” condemned the use of the phrase “because it speaks about a single state.”

Although Labor’s National Platform (PDF) said it expects recognising Palestine to be an “important priority for the Australian Government”, under Albanese’s leadership his government has said Palestinian statehood should be achieved “as part of a peace process in support of a two-state solution”.

Earlier today Albanese said that Senator Fatima Payman had undermined his party’s position by voting in favour of recognising a Palestinian state.

Israel released al-Shifa Hospital director because prisons are full: Report

The director of al-Shifa Hospital Muhammad Abu Salmiya has been released from prison along with dozens of other Palestinians because the Israeli prisons are full, according to the Israeli Broadcasting Corporation.

Since the beginning of the war, Israeli forces have arrested hundreds of people from the Gaza Strip, while the exact number of detainees in Israeli prisons is not known.

Netanyahu orders inquiry into al-Shifa Hospital chief’s release

The Israeli PM has ordered an immediate inquiry into the release of Palestinian prisoners from Gaza, including the director of al-Shifa Hospital Muhammad Abu Salmiya, according to his office.

The release, which prompted condemnation from various Israeli political figures, came in the wake of discussions conducted by the Supreme Court on a petition submitted against their detention in the Sade Teman camp of the Negev, Netanyahu’s office said.

It was not clear who filed the petition.

The office said, “The identity of the released prisoners is determined independently by security officials based on their professional considerations.”



‘Large number’ of Israeli troops wounded: Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades

The armed wing of Fatah says its fighters confronted Israeli forces in the occupied West Bank’s Nur Shams refugee camp with small arms fire and explosive devices.

“We carried out a number of precise ambushes that directly injured a large number of soldiers and vehicles until they withdrew in defeat,” Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades said in a statement.

Al-Quds Brigades says it bombed army targets in Kerem Shalom

The military wing of Palestinian Islamic Jihad says its fighters carried out the attack on the Amitai military base, in a southern Israel settlement, with 107mm rockets. It gave no further details.

Separately, the armed group said it targeted a Merkava-4 tank with a rocket-propelled grenade and clashed with soldiers in southwestern Rafah city.

Kilometre-long tunnel destroyed in central Gaza: Israel’s army

The tunnel was located and destroyed by soldiers in the so-called Netzarim Axis – the military-built road that dissects northern and southern Gaza and controlled by the army.

A statement on X said the tunnel had branches that were used for the movement of fighters in the area.

The tunnel was blown up by troops of an elite engineering unit, it added.

The army also said troops killed dozens of gunmen and destroyed more than 100 sites used by fighters in the Netzarim Axis in the past two months.

Attempt to smuggle weapons from Jordan foiled: Israeli army

More than 75 handguns and dozens of weapon parts were seized as they were being smuggled from Jordan into the occupied West Bank overnight.

Surveillance cameras spotted three suspects crossing the border, and troops dispatched to the scene located three bags with pistols and weapon parts, according to a military statement on X.

Released doctor’s life in danger after Israeli incitement: Monitor

The Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor expressed fear for the life of Dr Muhammad Abu Salmiya “after a storm of violent reactions in the Israeli government regarding his release”.

The rights group said in a statement that the doctor’s life could be in “serious danger” and warned of “the possibility of re-arresting him or targeting him and killing him directly and deliberately”.

“The release of the director of the medical complex and his colleagues without charges is evidence that the pretexts for storming and destroying the hospital are flimsy arguments,” it said.

“We hold Israel fully responsible for the doctor’s life after launching a wide political and media campaign against him.”

Foreign envoys condemn largest Israeli demolition since October 7

Diplomats based in West Jerusalem and Ramallah condemned Israeli destruction of Palestinian buildings during a visit to Um al-Kheir in Hebron.

Representatives from Belgium, Canada, Denmark, the European Union, Finland, France, Germany, Netherlands, Sweden and the United Kingdom noted in a joint statement that this was the largest demolition operation in the occupied West Bank since October 7.

Diplomats witnessed the aftermath of the Israeli demolition of residential structures, the community centre, and an electricity generator that supplied power to the community.

The delegation called on Israel to respect its obligations under the Fourth Geneva Convention, including the prohibition of forcible transfer and to stop demolitions and confiscation of Palestinian property.

Israeli soldier killed in Rafah as fierce fighting continues

The soldier was killed during combat operations in the city in southern Gaza, the Israeli military says.

He was identified as Sergeant Ori Itzchak Hadad, 21, from Beersheba in southern Israel, the army said on X, adding that nine other soldiers were wounded in an attack.

It happened in a tunnel when an explosive device was detonated.



Lufthansa suspends night flights to and from Lebanon

Germany’s Lufthansa Group halted night flights to and from Beirut until July 31 because of the escalating security situation.

The spokesperson said the change began on June 29 and daytime flights would operate as before.

Swiss International Air Lines, a Lufthansa Group subsidiary, also said it would move its Beirut night flights to the daytime until the end of July “due to the political developments at the border between Lebanon and Israel”.

The exchange of cross-border attacks between Hezbollah fighters and Israeli forces have taken on a sharper edge in recent days with both sides threatening full-scale war.

Rocket barrage in response to ‘crimes of the Zionist enemy’

The Israeli military evacuation order of eastern Khan Younis comes after the armed group Palestinian Islamic Jihad fired a barrage of rockets into Israel.

Fighters launched about 20 rockets towards several Israeli communities near the fence with Gaza in response to “the crimes of the Zionist enemy against our Palestinian people”, it said.

The volley caused no casualties, the Israeli military said. But the attack shows Palestinian fighters still possess rocket capabilities almost nine months into Israel’s invasion.

The evacuation orders suggests Israeli forces will return to the area, which they left several weeks ago.

Israeli army claims more strikes in southern Lebanon

The Israeli army says it struck two buildings where Hezbollah operatives had gathered in southern Lebanon’s Aitaroun and Ayta Ash Shab.

The military did not specify whether there had been any casualties. It claimed striking several Hezbollah facilities today, including in the village of Blida, Kfar Kila and al-Bayyaada in southern Lebanon.

Anti-war protest outside Wimbledon against Barclays

Pro-Palestinian protesters gathered outside Wimbledon with a giant tennis ball and strawberries “tainted with Palestinian blood” to demonstrate against sponsorship of the tennis event by Barclays.

The protest, organised by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, saw about 100 demonstrators stand outside the main entrance to the southwest London tennis club on the first day of the Grand Slam competition.

Protesters set up a giant tennis ball with the words “Barclays sponsors Wimbledon and genocide” written on it, along with plates of strawberries covered in red sauce.

Queuing fans looked on as protesters chanted “stop bombing schools, and stop bombing hospitals”.

Lewis Backon, 28, a spokesman for the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, said Barclays finances companies supplying weapons to Israel in “its genocidal assault on Palestinians in Gaza”.

US lawmaker announces anti-Gaza encampment bill

US Congresswoman Elise Stefanik, believed to be on a shortlist of Donald Trump’s potential choices for vice president, says in a statement that she introduced the “No Tax Dollars for College Encampments Act”, which would tie federal accreditation of US universities to the existence of policies aimed at stopping “encampments, campus building takeovers, and other civil disturbances on campuses”.

Her statement says that this bill follows “anti-Israel encampments rising up on university grounds across the country”, referring to the worldwide spread of campus protests against the war in Gaza and against universities having financial ties to Israel that kicked off this spring.

“This legislation would prevent the disgraceful mob riots we saw overtake campuses across the country including Columbia University and make sure school leaders are enforcing policies against hostile campus takeovers,” Stefanik’s statement quotes her as saying.



>US lawmaker announces anti-Gaza encampment bill

>US Congresswoman Elise Stefanik, believed to be on a shortlist of Donald Trump’s potential choices for vice president, says in a statement that she introduced the “No Tax Dollars for College Encampments Act”, which would tie federal accreditation of US universities to the existence of policies aimed at stopping “encampments, campus building takeovers, and other civil disturbances on campuses”.

>Her statement says that this bill follows “anti-Israel encampments rising up on university grounds across the country”, referring to the worldwide spread of campus protests against the war in Gaza and against universities having financial ties to Israel that kicked off this spring.

>“This legislation would prevent the disgraceful mob riots we saw overtake campuses across the country including Columbia University and make sure school leaders are enforcing policies against hostile campus takeovers,” Stefanik’s statement quotes her as saying.

This will be probably be considered a violation of democratic rights to assembly or perhaps even treason.

The Zionists will attempt to invade Lebanon, Hezbollah will destroy enough air-strips to deny Israel Air-supremacy and IDF ground forces lacking adequate air-support will suffer a devastating defeat. The Zionist regime will unravel and that will interrupt the money-pump of the Zionist lobby. Their smash-mouth politics will cease without the bribes. All those people who were mysteriously unable to notice that this looks like Israel interfering in US domestic politics, will all of a sudden overcome this peculiar awareness impairment.


>All those people who were mysteriously unable to notice that this looks like Israel interfering in US domestic politics, will all of a sudden overcome this peculiar awareness impairment.
Rather optimistic to be honest.


>Rather optimistic to be honest.
Really ?

Zionism holds little ideological appeal anymore.

When you play the member the holocaust card people role their eyes and say, yeah we member, please stop repeating it.
You also have to genocide-splain mass murdering children and blowing up hospitals.
You can't even put somebody on the defensive by falsely accusing them of anti-semitism anymore, the Zionists have abused it so much that's now completely worn out. People just shrug and point out that they have justice on their side when they criticize Israel.

At this point the only people who still like Zionism for ideological reasons are Jew-haters who support Zionism because they think it means they get to deport all the Jews to the middle east, and a few religious nuts who think it's all part of a prophesy.

So if the Zionist regime conks out when the Lebanon-war backfires and the bribe money gets interrupted, political Zionism evaporates.


Houthis claim four attacks on UK, US, Israeli ships

The Yemeni group says it carried out four “military operations” that targeted ships belonging to “the evil trio” of the US, UK and Israel.

The attacks were listed by the Houthis as follows:

The Israeli ship MSC Unific in the Arabian Sea
The US oil ship Delonix in the Red Sea
The UK ship Anvil Point in the Indian Ocean
And the ship Lucky Sailor in the Mediterranean Sea “due to the company that owns it violating the decision to ban entry to the ports of occupied Palestine”.
Attacks from the group have targeted commercial and military ships in the waters surrounding Yemen since the early days of Israel’s war on Gaza, prompting the creation of an international naval coalition aimed at stopping them and many rounds of air strikes on Yemeni territory from the US and UK.

The Houthis say their attacks will stop when Israel ceases its military campaign against Gaza.

Israeli army says soldier killed in occupied West Bank

The army announced in a statement that one of its soldiers was killed during an operation in the Nur Shams refugee camp, near the West Bank city of Tulkarem.

The army identified the dead soldier as a sergeant first class, and said that he was killed after a vehicle drove over an explosive device, which also injured another soldier.

Thousands gather in Tel Aviv for peace conference

Israeli media and social media users are reporting that thousands of Palestinians and Israelis have gathered for the conference, titled “The Time Has Come”.

They are demanding an end to the war, the return of Israeli captives held in the Gaza Strip and a deal to secure future peace between Israel and the Palestinian people.


Israeli settlers pollute stream to deprive Palestinian residents of potable water: NGO

Israeli settlers have dumped waste into the al-Auja spring, north of the Wast Bank city of Jericho, to deprive Palestinians of potable water, the al-Baidar organisation for defending the rights of the Bedouins told the Palestinian news agency Wafa.

Hassan Mlihat, the organisations’ general supervisor, said the surrounding Bedouin communities used to fill their tanks at the stream for personal consumption and to feed their cattle.

He added that the dumping of toxic waste posed a threat to the health of residents in the short and long term, as well as an imminent environmental danger, in violation of international law.



Malaysia PM say country ready to join Indonesia in UN peacekeeping force for Palestine: Report

Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim has conveyed Malaysia’s willingness to cooperate with Indonesia in deploying UN peacekeepers to Palestine, should the UN mandate such an operation, Malaysia’s Bernama national news agency reports.

The topic of Malaysian and Indonesian participation in a UN peacekeeping force for Palestine was a key point of discussion during a telephone call between Anwar and Indonesia’s president-elect and Defence Minister Prabowo Subianto on Monday, Bernama reports.

Anwar also spoke of the potential for the Palestine peacekeeping collaboration “to be extended to the ASEAN region”, the news agency said.

A timeline of Israeli evacuation orders and displacement in Khan Younis

Here’s a look at some of the key moments in Israel’s months-long assault on Khan Younis:

December 5, 2023

Israel expects its “military operation” in Khan Younis to last up to four weeks, a senior Israeli defence official tells US news outlet Axios.

Israeli forces surround Khan Younis, with many of the thousands of Palestinians who are forced to flee the city seeking refuge in neighbouring Rafah.

February 14, 2024

Israel orders the evacuation of Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis while Israeli snipers fire on anyone moving on the grounds of the facility and nearby.

April 8, 2024

Israeli troops withdraw from Khan Younis in preparation for a ground invasion of neighbouring Rafah, with Palestinian residents returning to find the city in ruins.

May 6, 2024

Tent camps for the displaced in Khan Younis swell after Israel orders 1.4 million Palestinians seeking shelter in neighbouring Rafah to evacuate.

June 23, 2024

Israeli tanks approach the al-Mawasi “safe zone” between Rafah and Khan Younis days after an Israeli strike killed 25 people there, forcing thousands more Palestinians to flee to Khan Younis.

July 1, 2024

Israel issues an evacuation order for eastern Khan Younis, telling residents to flee to an unspecified “humanitarian zone”, which appears to not exist in the Gaza Strip as no area is considered safe from attack by the Israeli military.

Israeli settlers attack Palestinian villagers with tear gas, sticks as soldiers look on: Report

Israeli settlers raided the small Palestinian village of Umm Al-Khair in the south of the occupied West Bank on Monday, leaving six people in hospital, while Israeli security forces stood nearby without intervening, the Associated Press (AP) news agency reports.

It was the latest settler attack on the Bedouin village, which has seen two earlier attacks and a major demolition of homes by Israeli authorities in the last week, the AP reports.

Residents of the village said settlers from a nearby outpost – known as Roots Farm – fired tear gas canisters at residents and used sticks to attack a man. The leader of the Israeli outpost, Shimon Atiya, also fired two live rounds of ammunition in the area, residents said.

“There were so many women on the ground, lying on the earth, struggling to breathe,” local rights activist Basel Adra told the AP.

Videos posted to social media by residents showed a group of about 40 Israeli border police and soldiers looking on as settlers attacked the village.

As ambulances tried to evacuate the wounded, Adra said soldiers stopped the vehicles, allowing settlers to peer inside. Soldiers also briefly detained one Palestinian man who was in an ambulance before releasing him the same day.

Last week, Israeli military bulldozers demolished several homes in the village, leaving nearly a quarter of the 200-person village – including 31 children and a prominent Palestinian artist – without a home.

Father of Palestinian girl Hind Rajab also killed in Gaza: Report

The father of six-year-old Palestinian girl Hind Rajab – whose killing in an Israeli tank attack in January garnered global attention – has also been reported killed in Gaza.

US journalist Jeremy Scahill said in a post on X that he had learned of the death from Palestinian journalist and documentary maker Ashraf Mashharawi, who recently spoke with Hind’s mother. Hind’s mother found out her husband had been killed by text message after the family was separated under Israel’s ongoing Gaza siege, Scahill said.

The Israeli tank attack that killed Hind also killed her three cousins, her aunt and uncle. Two Palestinian Red Crescent paramedics sent to rescue Hind were also killed, Scahill said.

Costs of Houthi Red Sea attacks becoming ‘deeply engrained’, says Maersk

The coming months are set to be challenging for businesses and shipping companies due to ongoing Houthi attacks on shipping lanes in the Red Sea, according to Danish shipping company Maersk MAERSKb.CO.

“The longer that this lasts, the more our costs will get deeply ingrained,” Maersk said in a statement, citing comments made by CEO Vincent Clerc. “We don’t know yet exactly how much of these costs we will recover and for how long. The higher rates we are seeing right now are of a temporary nature.”

Maersk and other shipping companies have chosen to divert vessels around southern Africa since December to avoid Houthi attacks in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden, causing significantly longer shipping times and rising costs.

Israel’s far-right officials wants settlement in Gaza, and Lebanon too: Advocacy group

Breaking the Silence, an Israeli organisation of military veterans working to raise awareness of Israel’s abuses in the occupied Palestinian territory, said “victory” in Gaza for Israel’s far-right government involves the expansion of settlement into the war-torn territory.

Posting a series of quotes from Israeli government officials and minister regarding future settlements in Gaza, Breaking the Silence said that “settling in Gaza isn’t enough” for the far-right, “they want Lebanon as well”.

“The Israeli settler movement has always disregarded human rights and lives, especially when it comes to Palestinians,” the advocacy group said.

“Sacrificing lives, even Israeli hostages, has, to them, always been an acceptable price to pay to further their ultimate agenda: More land with less Palestinians,” it added.

Victims of rights violations in Palestine and Israel owed ‘reparation’: HRW

Victims of gross human rights violations in Palestine and Israel have a right to compensation, Human Rights Watch (HRW) has said, as under international law, governments who are guilty of abuses are responsible for “effective remedies”, including paying compensation alongside ensuring truth and justice.

UN rapporteur praises Spain for joining ICJ genocide case against Israel

Francesca Albanese, the UN special rapporteur on the human rights situation in the occupied Palestinian territory, has welcomed Spain’s decision to join South Africa’s case at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) accusing Israel of carrying out genocide in Gaza.

Albanese said she hoped the move by Spain was the beginning of more Western countries “taking similar actions” to “stand on the right side of history”.

“Words of condemnation are meaningless without action. In fact, decades of mere words have allowed Israel to escalate its lawlessness towards the Palestinians into #genocide,” she wrote on social media.

Israeli authorities to investigate protest leader over calls for ‘wiping out’ memory of Netanyahu

Israeli police have said they will investigate comments made by a prominent antigovernment protest leader who said there was a need to “wipe out the memory” of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the Times of Israel reports, citing Hebrew media.

Ami Dror made the comments, which are a play on an ancient Jewish command, several days ago during a protest outside Netanyahu’s residence in the town of Caesarea.

Dror also called Netanyahu “Satan” during the speech.

Right-wing politician Shai Rosengarten is said to have filed a complaint about the comments.

Israel appoints new judge to ICJ who slammed court as ‘intellectually dishonest’

Israel has chosen to appoint a law professor – who has publicly accused the International Court of Justice (ICJ) of bias – as its new appointee, as an ad hoc judge, to the ICJ for South Africa’s genocide case at the UN court.

Ron Shapira, who is the rector of the Peres Academic Center in Israel’s Rehovot city and a law lecturer at Bar-Ilan University and Tel Aviv University, said in January that the ICJ court “falsely poses as neutral”.

“The consensus in Israel is that this entity embodies and takes to the extreme all the flaws of legal discourse in existence: intellectual dishonesty, manipulative use of ambiguous definitions, overly cumbersome tools for fact-checking and lie-debunking, and concealment of ulterior motives of the judges themselves via wording that falsely poses as neutral,” he wrote.

Shapira is set to replace Aharon Barak, a more experienced former Israeli chief justice who stepped down as a member of the UN court’s 15-judge panel last month, citing “personal family reasons”.

Families of October 7 attack victims file lawsuit in US against Iran, Syria, North Korea: Report

Relatives of victims of the Hamas attack on southern Israel on October 7 have filed a case in a US court against Iran, Syria and North Korea, claiming their support for the Palestinian armed group facilitated the attack that harmed their loved ones.

Hours after ordering European Hospital evacuation, Israeli army claims it didn’t

The Israeli army has shared a post on X giving further details of an evacuation order for the east of Khan Younis city issued by the military’s Arabic language spokesperson 13 hours earlier.

In the new post, the Israeli army claims the evacuation order does not apply to the European Hospital in Khan Younis.

However, the Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) reported more than seven hours ago that patients were being transferred to nearby hospitals from the European Hospital after Israel ordered the evacuation of the east of the city, in what many sees as preparation for a ground assault on the area.

Jeremy Hickey, an anaesthesiologist with Fajr Scientific who was working at the European Hospital, told Al Jazeera that staff were notified the hospital needed to evacuate.

Videos verified by Al Jazeera’s fact-checking unit Sanad showed entire departments in the hospital were being emptied, including areas housing patients and tents for the displaced.

Israel’s military has attacked and destroyed hospitals across Gaza amid its months of bombardment of the Palestinian territory.



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Al-Quds Brigades says it attacked Israeli forces in Gaza

The armed wing of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad group has said on Telegram that its fighters struck Israeli soldiers and vehicles with a barrage of mortar shells in the Shujayea neighbourhood in the east of Gaza City.

In a separate statement, the group said it attacked the Israeli “command and control headquarters” in the Abu Oreiban area in the so-called Netzarim Corridor with heavy-calibre mortar shells.

The corridor, named after the Netzarim Jewish settlement in Gaza that was dismantled in 2005, was built by the Israeli army to separate northern Gaza from its southern part earlier in the war.

Al-Quds Brigades says it killed Israeli troops in Shujayea

The armed wing of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad group says its fighters targeted Israeli troops holed up inside a building in the neighbourhood in the east of Gaza City.

A statement on Telegram said a TBG (thermobaric) rocket was used in the attack, killing and wounding soldiers. There was no immediate comment by the Israeli army.

Israel has been carrying out a large operation in Shujayea with fierce clashes reported.

Qassam Brigades claims it killed Israeli troops in Shujayea

The armed wing of Hamas says its fighters have clashed with Israeli forces in the Shujayea neighbourhood in the east of Gaza City.

A statement on Telegram claimed that a number of Israeli troops were killed and wounded in the clashes.

The group also said it targeted two Israeli Merkava 4 tanks with al-Yassin 105 rockets in Rafah city before an evacuation helicopter landed in the area.

There was no immediate comment by the Israeli military.

Iran ‘not interested’ in regional war, US must restrain Israel: Khamenei’s aide

Kamal Kharrazi, an adviser to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has told the Financial Times newspaper that Iran will support the Lebanese Hezbollah movement with “all means” if Israel launches an all-out offensive against the group.

But Kharrazi added that his country was “not interested” in a regional war and urged the US to put pressure on Israel to prevent further escalation.

“There would be a chance of expansion of the war to the whole region, in which all countries including Iran would become engaged,” he told the newspaper. “In that situation, we would have no choice, but to support Hezbollah by all means.”

Hezbollah and Israel have traded almost daily cross-border attacks since the latter started its offensive on Gaza.

Civilian killed in Israeli strike on south Lebanon: Officials, state media

An Israeli strike in southern Lebanon has killed at least one civilian, according to Lebanese officials and state media.

“The strike that targeted Bustan killed a civilian,” Lebanon’s state-run National News Agency said after earlier reporting Israeli warplanes had struck the village.

Bustan Mayor Adnan Ahmed told AFP the strike killed Muhieddin Abu Dallah, a farmer in his 50s, and damaged his house and farm machinery.

In a post on X, Agriculture Minister Abbas Al Hajj Hassan described Abu Dallah as “a Lebanese farmer who resisted the occupation by remaining steadfast on his land and sacrificed his life”.

Rockets launched towards Israel’s Kiryat Shmona

More developments from northern Israel, where Israeli Army Radio has reported that about 15 rockets were fired at Kiryat Shmona and its surroundings. Some of the rockets were intercepted, the report said.

Kiryat Shmona lies just across the border from Lebanon, and has been repeatedly attacked by Hezbollah rocket fire. We earlier reported that Hezbollah had claimed an attack on Israeli army barracks in Kiryat Shmona.

Hezbollah says it strikes Israeli army site

The Lebanese group says on Telegram that it has “achieved a direct hit” on a location it called the ‘Jal al-Allam’ military site on the Israeli-Lebanese border, striking it with mortar shells. It also said it has struck the Kiryat Shmona barracks.

Israel and Hezbollah have exchanged near-daily fire since Israel launched its war on Gaza in the wake of the deadly Hamas attacks in southern Israel on October 7.

US official who quit over Gaza warns against Israel-Hezbollah war: Report

Harrison Mann, a former US military intelligence commander who left the army over the US support for Israel, has said that a war between Lebanon’s Hezbollah and Israel would be a disaster.

Israeli army ‘determined’ to continue Gaza war, dismisses NYT report

The Israeli forces say in a statement on X that they “will continue to fight Hamas everywhere in the Gaza Strip” and prepare for a war with Lebanon’s Hezbollah armed group in the north.

The army said the Gaza war would continue until all Israeli captives are free, and the residents of northern and southern Israel can return safely to their homes.

The announcement comes hours after a New York Times report, quoting security sources, claimed the army leadership wants a Gaza truce even if it keeps the Palestinian group in power for the time being.

The report also said senior military officers believe that a ceasefire is the “swiftest way” to free the remaining Israeli captives in Gaza.

“At least some tanks in Gaza are not loaded with the full capacity of the shells that they usually carry, as the military tries to conserve its stocks in case a bigger war with Hezbollah does break out, according to two officers,” the report said, with sources adding the army needs to restock ahead of a potential war with Hezbollah in Lebanon.



>Kamal Kharrazi, an adviser to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has told the Financial Times newspaper that Iran will support the Lebanese Hezbollah movement with “all means” if Israel launches an all-out offensive against the group.
>But Kharrazi added that his country was “not interested” in a regional war and urged the US to put pressure on Israel to prevent further escalation.
>“There would be a chance of expansion of the war to the whole region, in which all countries including Iran would become engaged,” he told the newspaper. “In that situation, we would have no choice, but to support Hezbollah by all means.”
It might go further, the Russians might end up installing nuclear missiles in Iran because the Zionist threaten nuclear escalation.

From a rational perspective the US should take Zionstan on a shorter leach, but all those MIC profits…


>Thousands gather in Tel Aviv for peace conference
>Israeli media and social media users are reporting that thousands of Palestinians and Israelis have gathered for the conference, titled “The Time Has Come”.
>They are demanding an end to the war, the return of Israeli captives held in the Gaza Strip and a deal to secure future peace between Israel and the Palestinian people.

Do these people have a chance at gaining enough political influence to steer the situation towards peace before the escalation spiral with Lebanon reaches a crescendo ?


US official resigns, says Biden administration funding and enabling ‘Israel’s genocide of Palestinians’

Maryam Hassanein, a former Special Assistant at the US Department of Interior, said in her resignation statement that she could not continue to work for an administration that ignores its staff on the issue.

“After months of Israel’s brutal violence, including the murders of over 37,000 Palestinians and the intentional starvation of millions of Palestinians, the only way I know how to make my voice heard and meaningfully represent my community is to leave,” Hassanein, who identifies herself as a Muslim American, said.

“Arab and Muslim communities in the US have watched in horror as the Israeli military has struck mosques, churches, hospitals, playgrounds, and schools, destroying entire cities in Gaza while killing thousands of people in Gaza of all religions and ethnicities with US-supplied munitions,” Hassanein added. “Instead of using US leverage to stop the killing, President Biden has continued funding this violence, while fueling hate crimes against Palestinian Americans by repeating anti-Arab tropes and outright lies.”

Yemen’s Houthis claim attack on Israeli target in Haifa

The Yemeni rebel group, which controls much of northern and western Yemen, says a missile attack had been conducted in cooperation with the Islamic Resistance in Iraq.

The target wasn’t specified although a Houthi spokesperson said the attack on a “vital target” in Haifa was successful.

The Houthis have announced a number of joint operations targeting Israel with the Iraqi group in recent weeks.

US says it does not want Hamas in Gaza after conflict ends

State Department spokesperson Vedant Patel says the US does not want to see Hamas being the “governing authority” in Gaza.

“We have been pretty clear also that we do not want to see Hamas in charge of Gaza any more,” Patel said, speaking to reporters.

This is something that US Secretary of State Antony Blinken “laid out last fall when talking about certain principles that the United States views as nonstarters when we’re talking about the day after this conflict ends”, Patel said.

More on Erdogan’s comments

We have a full quote now from the Turkish president’s comments on Israel earlier.

“No state in our region, including Turkey, can feel safe as long as Israeli aggression under Netanyahu’s administration is not stopped,” Erdogan said after a cabinet meeting today in Ankara.

He went on to comment on Turkey’s foreign policy, saying, “We will not hesitate to meet with whoever is necessary.”

WHO official says current aid efforts ‘insufficient and unsustainable’

Hanan Balkhy, the World Health Organisation’s (WHO’s) regional director for the eastern Mediterranean, has raised an alarm about the lack of aid entering the Gaza Strip, saying the operating environment for aid groups is becoming “increasingly volatile”.

“The safety and security of our teams, and the dignity and rights of Gazans must be restored and protected at all costs,” Balkhy said in a social media post.

In a separate post, Balkhy said current efforts are “insufficient and unsustainable”.

Gaza pier remains in Ashdod port, Pentagon says

The Pentagon says a US-built pier installed to transfer aid to Gaza has not been reanchored yet.

Meta oversight board says company to lift ban on use of the word ‘shaheed’

The oversight board of Meta, the social media giant which owns Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp, says that the use of the word “shaheed” – “martyr” in Arabic – should be allowed in “all instances unless content otherwise violates our policies or is shared with one or more of three signals of violence”.

“Meta announced it will implement our key recommendations, effectively ending the blanket ban on use of ‘shaheed’ to refer to designated dangerous organisations and individuals. This policy change aims for a more nuanced moderation of the term,” the board said in a statement.

The move comes after Meta agreed to lift a ban on the use of the term, and after rights groups accused the company of systematically censoring pro-Palestine voices, particularly during Israel’s continuing assault on Gaza.

It also comes after an independent probe launched by the group in 2021 found the company’s content moderation policies “appear to have had an adverse human rights impact on the rights of Palestinian users”, and were adversely affecting “the ability of Palestinians to share information and insights about their experiences as they occurred”.



Thrown out of Biden's rally in Raleigh for wearing a 'Jews Say Ceasefire Now' shirt, Roger Ehrlich, son of a holocaust survivor and member of Veterans For Peace.
No disruption or yelling, simply an idea on a shirt that challenges the genocidal monsters at the podium.


🔻Brave heroes of the Palestinian defense forces' Qassam Brigades run up to a tank of the Western-backed genocidal Zionist enemy and plant explosives directly on it, destroying it. While depraved cowardly Zionists starve & slaughter babies, Palestinian warriors fight like lions🦁


Israeli prosecutor seeking criminal investigation of Ben-Gvir: report

Israel’s State Prosecutor Amit Aisman is reportedly seeking to open a criminal investigation into National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir over his alleged incitement of violence against Palestinians in Gaza, the Times of Israel is reporting.

The investigation is reportedly in part to show the International Court of Justice (ICJ) that Israeli courts are taking action over alleged crimes, since the world court is required to step in only where national justice systems have not.

As National Security Minister, Ben-Gvir has overseen a deterioration of conditions for thousands of Palestinians held in Israeli prisons, with widespread allegations of torture and degrading treatment, and a complete ban on outside visits, including from family and the International Committee of Red Cross.

Before becoming one of the most powerful people in Benjamin Netanyahu’s government, Ben-Gvir had already been convicted of multiple charges by Israeli courts, including: incitement to racism, supporting a “terror” organisation – the Kach group, possessing a “terror” organisation’s propaganda material and destroying property.


Between this and the ICC accepting the hearing of a UK legal challenge as to whether it has jurisdiction over cases involving a actions of a non-member state (weird that nobody questioned its jurisdiction wrt Russia!), what are the bets that the ICC actually manages to go through with the warrants?

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